When did you watch someone's sanity slowly deteriorate? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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when did you watch someone sanity slowly deteriorate my sister passed away earlier this year and she was sick for a long time during the last few months you could tell that it was becoming harder for her to think and respond paradoxically it actually made her a lot nicer to me we had never had a great relationship and i always believed she hated me but during those last few months she said very few unkind things to me it was hard to know that the only time we ever really got along was right before she passed away [ __ ] hell this was painful i've got two younger brothers and i feel like the mentally ill drug-fueled older brother who's not good enough to be the older brother cause i'm too unstable though thankfully the drugs have been quit i'm not back mentally i'm so so sorry you had to go through that if i could i'd give you a hug i'm crying and i wanna hug the pain out of you coma my younger brother died from a drug overdose last month he used for the first time in march in seven short months i watched my best friend become someone i didn't recognize someone i couldn't even hold a conversation with anymore it wasn't a slow deterioration it was a meteoric descent into a drug-fueled madness he lied about anything and everything even things that made zero sense to lie about used nicknames from our childhood that we hadn't used in years would forget what we were talking about mid-conversation it was like he was replaced with a near identical but slightly off version of my brother it was and still is heartbreaking i mourn him but at the end i didn't know him anymore i was addicted to fentanyl for a while it makes you insane and throws you into a decent so bad that you can't control yourself it'll never touch the stuff again it's a short lasting and addictive evil drug sorry for your loss r.i.p to your brother watched my grandfather slowly sink into alzheimer's by the end he didn't know my name or his own he was sad and angry and confused i watched every week as he forgot a little more got a little more belligerent a little more lost until one day i walked in and he started screaming that someone was there to rob him it was the saddest f king thing i've ever seen i have such vivid memories of watching him and my uncles have such animated debates about politics and movies and sports they used to play risk until the sun came up listening to sinatra he would sit and explain every single play in a baseball game to me as a kid he was sharp as fck and the saddest and hardest part was watching the struggle on his face to remember the frustration he felt like he was letting us down i miss him a lot my grandad was tied down to a hospital bed the last time i saw him he was so scared and confused and all i could do was tell him that i'd love him forever my heart will be forever broken for seeing him like that he was a brilliant kind and dignified man nobody deserves a fate like that one of the saddest moments in my life was not visiting my grandfather in the hospital but overhearing my grandmother tell my mom later that he said some stranger came to see him and he was terrified of them but was able to keep them talking before they went away i was concerned because i had visited that day before it dawned on me that he was terrified of me i was living elsewhere at the time but i heard about what happened to my friend he was fairly normal a little exceptional actually as he was being scouted to get sponsored for skateboarding something he was very good at he started acting really weird though things like opening his door just a bit when people came over and laughing at them throwing chairs and such a round when at people's houses lying about things that were really obvious reading loudly from the bible while wearing almost nothing outside in the middle of winter turns out he was schizophrenic last time i saw him was after i moved back and was living in a bad neighborhood he was homeless as was his dad who was with him he didn't even recognize me just acted really scared that i was trying to talk to him no one has seen or heard from him since then i'm the last person to have seen him that was 10 years ago i volunteered weekly with a mobile soup kitchen for about five years it's unbelievable how many people end up in a horrible way because they can't afford medicine medical treatment one of our regulars was homeless due to the fact that he couldn't afford his medicine i'm assuming for schizophrenia or some similar condition without them he simply couldn't function normally enough to hold down a job the guy was brilliant he spoke 3-4 languages and would talk to you about physics or philosophy when he was having a good day the story has a happy ending a local shelter helped him afford his meds and set him up with an apartment we keep up with each other over facebook he's doing well now i was in high school and my best friend went from a normal guy who we would smoke weed occasionally listen to music and have fun it went to this obsession with a girl that clearly has no interest in him he would literally stalk her try to win her over at the same time he wasn't keeping up with hygiene and went from a decent student to a poor performer one day he mentioned that he wanted to commit suicide so i told my parents everything that was going on his parents were extremely well-educated but weren't doing anything about his behaviors my parents talked to his and they took it serious after hearing about the thoughts of suicide he was diagnosed with schizophrenia nearly 40 years later he still doesn't look the same really sad situation i still miss him my mom started going to online blogs and web radio shows about ghosts aliens conspiracies and took it all at face value i saw my normal mom turn into a complete gullible ignoramus in a matter of months nobody could talk to her without her bringing up fema death camps potential economic collapse aliens antivax or obama signing more executive orders than any president in history her friends thought she might have a brain tumor she didn't she did have cancer she was hiding ignoring that ended up killing her bc she thought cancer wasn't real this is what happens to lonely people that are looking for a connection they'll believe anything just to feel that they are a part of something it was very sad that she was so unbearable the last couple years of her life my ex best friend over the course of this past year has gone from a normal well-adjusted woman who held down a full-time job and a very nice apartment still constantly being online and talking about how humans are just slaves to an alien race that lives on mars and how reality doesn't exist and if she died none of it would matter because reality doesn't exist i don't talk to her anymore because if i said anything in opposition she would lose a sht on me very different from the kind compassionate woman i was best friends with for four years i miss her every day disclaimer i know she's doing well she has a great familial support system and other friends that agree with her beliefs i just couldn't be one of them anymore i had a friend we'll call him dan in undergrad who underwent a similar change freshman year dan was a super friendly funny guy and we had a friend group we'd hang out in but every once in a while he'd have this look in his eyes and he'd let out some rage just out of nowhere it gradually became more and more frequent and started coming along with paranoia until the group couldn't maintain our friendships with dan one night as guys we were all hanging out and had gone to sleep when we woke up to dan blowing up our phones and screaming about how he can hear us talking shti about him through the walls even though we were nowhere near where he lived we all got a few more crazy calls from him until he went silent it was not really all that slow but i watched my mother slip from genius level intelligence into a drooling brained shell within six months when she died from cjd it was the worst thing i have ever seen and i have seen the terrors and atrocities of war my father passed away from cjd as well i was a teenager watching someone who raised you deteriorate like that is devastating i clicked on this post and began going through the comments almost hoping i would see one about cjd as you know all too well it is extremely rare i have only met one person in real life who had heard of it usa as well i would never wish that upon anyone i don't typically comment but i want you to know you aren't the only one that thought comforts me a bit at least hope you are doing well it's hard when the person you are watching deteriorate is yourself source i was diagnosed with psychotic depression and severe anxiety with panic attacks and ocd tendencies two years ago edit wow this really exploded more than i thought it would reading all the responses really helped me feel less alone in the world i'll reply with more info about my experience when i get off work probably selfish or self-centered but my own i was a guy with lots of friends a good social life lucky and somewhat successful in many areas now i don't really know who i am why i feel like i feel and my past memories feel like a movie as if they had happened to somebody else somebody that isn't me i definitely relate to what you said especially about the past almost feeling like a movie it's like you can't even believe you had it together at one point sucks when multiple things fall apart but that's life wishing you the best and hoping our past movies transition into documentaries of getting it together again when my stepmom left my dad he spiraled way too deep into an opioid addiction he would just lay down on the couch all strung out long story short cps was called multiple times and after severe emotional abuse from him and manipulating and lying from his side of the family young me was tricked into going back and i keep beating myself up over it edit thanks for the award kind stranger edit three wow thanks for another award kind stranger several times throughout the course of this year i lead a team of 15 or so and while we're all grateful to have work at different points in the year i've seen pretty acute signs of burnout and deteriorating mental health in at least half of them it's been a learning experience for me figuring out how to build mental health first aid into my management style but i'm crazy proud of them all and we juggle the work around when needed to support each other while still hitting deliverables i am however ready for this pandemic to be f king over edit holy moly i went for a walk with my soul and this blew up thanks for the gold and all the amazing comments first gold and not sure what to do with it but very stoked three my mom gradually slipped into dementia oh she knw who i was till she passed away she was convinced it was 1964. instead of 2007 she would ask me if i had seen certain people she said their names and where they lived she remembered vivid and 100 correct details of 1964. i always agreed and never questioned her about how she reconciled the fact that i was 10 back then and 53 in 2007. i love her and miss her every day mine included we were an advanced training for the army getting four hours of sleep a night non-consecutive hrs as the week progressed we went from highly complex plans for missions to quite literally not being able to do basic math our base would start getting attacked right when we were about to lay down for an hour and everyone would just start laughing like the joker it was laughter but the insanity behind it was clear i have never known the extreme effects of sleep deprivation until that week of field training a week of your mind just failing great training though one stroke 10 wouldn't recommend edit to those wondering i was in special operations but a specific sub-job that was pretty interesting wasn't as badass as navy seals or ranger but we trained with some of them and at the same locations they trained bonus points you train at those cool guy places and there are real toilets and showers if you're part of the service you know that never happens and i mean never i watched my dad slip into severe dementia to eventually a stupid coma in late stage parkinson's he would think he was on an airplane suddenly in panic talk to me as if i was his sister he hasn't seen in decades but as if we still were growing up together eventually just getting lost to the disease as an aside his struggle and care by his visiting nurses inspired me to go back to school change careers and become a nurse i was good friends with someone in high school he was really my only good friend mostly i was a shy kid that got bullied but he was one of the few who would stick up for me we did everything together and when we went to college we were roommates i even got him a job where i was working at one point a few years out of college and we were roommates again for a while one night he met his future wife and within months he had moved in with her eventually she got pregnant they got married and he moved away over the next couple decades he slowly morphed into this hardcore christian right wing coryn avarice is a myth nobody can make me wear a mask donald trump is jesus reborn kind of guy dude is just batshit crazy now a friend's grandmother started filling her bedroom with statues it started with the infant of prague in the virgin mary then street francis of assisi then dozens more several of them life-size her room got to the point where there wasn't one spot that wasn't taken up with statues except for her bed and a narrow walkway to the bathroom how slowly because it's mine i moved to germany two years ago had real trouble with the language making friends and basically finding anything to do socially then i got furloughed where i was still getting paid but only sixty percent of my former salary this allowed for groceries and rent but not much else also couldn't travel because pandemic six plus months of being paid to live and that's it which in turn means i gained 50 pounds finally got a job in the us started a month ago but it's in a new area in a part of the country i've never been it's better because i don't have to worry about language and so far i like the job but it's still a pandemic very hard to meet people and to top it off i'm not sure i haven't been changed because of it i feel like i'm more irritable less open and find it harder to open up and i was already an introvert before this so i'm not sure if this is a slide or if it's just the next part of my life my ex-husband during our 10-year marriage i watched his alcoholism go from mild to the extreme i tried to help him joined al annan encouraged him to try a had a co-worker who was a member come and talk to him he was paranoid about a.a told me how they kept records no it's anonymous he wasn't buying it well i took my kids and got out it was not an environment to raise kids in they could see their dad he just had to be sober during the visit well life went on we got divorced the kids grew up they saw their dad off and on i left it most between them as long as he was sober my oldest son came home with a wife and three years old son wanted to see his dad they were staying with me so i took them over to his apartment my ex-husband came out and wanted to know where i'd been that he had needed me he had no idea who was in the car with me because our son was only eight years old i was dumbfounded i called his sister she told me he had dementia brought on by severe alcoholism and that they were trying to find him a placement good friend had lots of laughs in our twenties she didn't have the best taste in men or people she dated had been religious gone away from it and then started attending the singles bible study they seemed cool and very open to everyone i watched her get sucked into a cult by millimeters we all her friends tried to intervene and talk to her slowly she alienated us all until one day she posted a picture of her protesting outside of a planned parenthood we tried a few more interventions but still nothing she's an anti-vaxxer with four under five now living outside the state she tried to reach out when her grandma was dying near me to see each other i didn't have the heart to that night she posted in social media she missed a chance to turn someone to righteousness that day and had had her bible ready to pound at that person pretty sure it was me my own i've become increasingly paranoid of my co-workers they can be dicks but not always i've shut people out as a defense mechanism but they see it as cold shoulder isolationism i've tried reading more and more books but certain topics about the books make me sound crazy astrology especially all in all i feel like a man-child waiting for someone to come along and clean up my messes and set me up on the path i'm supposed to go on the truth is no one's coming and my tantrums are just making my mental health worse holy sh t so many of you deserve a warm hug and a 10 hour waffle house rant therapy session i love all of you who are sharing your stories and pray things get better for you close bracket i knew a girl in college who was one of the unfortunate ones who developed full-blown schizophrenia after she started smoking weed we would mostly just chat online but that became untenable because she would type so fast and even when it was halfway sensical there just wasn't enough time to respond i eventually had to block her because it was just me observing an insane monologue i checked on her years later and found several mug shots from her hometown with weird charges and she looked totally different it was a sad decline when my cousin's best friend ryan got hit by a car he suffered severe brain damage and after that was diagnosed with schizophrenia he went from being a varsity football player with a full ride college scholarship to being homeless addicted to meth refusing his psych meds in and out of jail and a frequent flyer at the local hospital psych ward it was really sad to see he was a really smart guy with a promising future and now his family has no idea if he's alive or not my grandma before passing away she got two strokes in the hospital it affects her brain and her eyes she also has a metastasized breast cancer she always complain about everything and slowly she forgot names and their voices my cousin that visits her told me that when my grandma was once dreaming she shouted my name telling me to cook rice mum also said that my grandma always tells her to buy her four seasons juice and a strawberry ice cream on her last moments she didn't want to eat and the doctors want to put tube in her she was crying and screaming that she didn't want to mom wakes me up in the morning telling me that the doctors are reviving my grandma she died before mom and her siblings came my grandma hides the breast cancer for years i always visited her but the hospital suddenly banned underage from visiting i think what happens to her is that she thinking being child again all sweet stuff telling stories and always asking about everything i miss her my mom passed away from cancer a couple of months before her passing she had dementia she was still in her 50s at that time she kept forgetting simple things and hallucinated for example she was hospitalized but she kept on calling our dogs which was of course at home to come to her it's a very very sad moment because i couldn't talk to my mom anymore as she became this other person it was the worst time of my life knowing she was still alive but she didn't remember anything i hate to be that person but i have witnessed many people's sanity deteriorate in the last four years in america people on both sides of the orange fence same people denying facts insane people pushing out right lies as facts anxiety skyrocketing depression weighing down heavier than before the list goes on this year alone has f kedalat of people up mentally my partner i spent years and years getting her to see a doctor and when she finally did she was diagnosed with a condition she took the medication and the severe mood swing stopped the argument stopped the feeling of me walking on eggshells stopped three weeks ago she took herself off them and it started all over again my grandmother began to mentally deteriorate many years ago when i was young and didn't understand what was happening she would stand up and move to the corner of the room and stare at the walls when i asked my mom what was happening she told me to not to worry and act normally took me a few years to process that and other quirks she developed before passing away it was a harsh lesson in the realities of life i guess i've been having what i think are panic anxiety attacks nearly every day for the past week every day is a mental struggle just to get to the end and to form some kind of positive thoughts instead of only hearing negative things and seeing negatives everywhere i have two small children that need me and a girlfriend that i have been putting through hell and i think i may have an undiagnosed mental illness i'm going to a psychiatrist as soon as possible because i'm at the end of my rope i don't know if anyone is even going to see this i'm terrified i watched a guy in my fraternity who was also my neighbor in the dorm i was at slowly develop and succumb to schizophrenia it was honestly terrifying he went from being a somewhat normal guide to being up for days because he was paranoid b was being watched and randomly driving the five-hour trip back to his family's house and back because b thought he couldn't be served wild while in his car this led to him getting multiple felony speeding tickets he dropped out of school the next year and would randomly show up to brothers houses or apartments and ask to stay there one day he showed up to our frat house and someone was like oh my god he has a gun i was carrying because i have ccw and went in there and talked to him for a bit i got the gun from him and it was just a pellet gun my grandma i was in my early twenties when she fell and cracked her pelvis at my aunt's place i made the four-hour trip to see her and asked my aunt just how much medication they had her on turns out they diagnosed alzheimer's after tests she knew me that weekend i stayed as long as they'd let me and she talked my ear off i saw her about two months later she thought i was my aunt same build and hair color then said i just missed my dad and called me by another aunt's name and the lady that had come with me by her real name but asked when she and dad were getting married that lady was dad's first girlfriend years before my mum 22 years prior to that day as i left a couple of hours later she called me my mum's name i never saw her again 28 years ago last august thank you for letting me get this out my brother died pretty young of brain cancer he was way into board games so one of the ways i and others spent more time with him was a weekly board game the last one we played was pandemic legacy i could pretty clearly track how he was doing by his contributions to the game when we started the board game tradition he was very sharp and contributed a lot in what would end up being the last couple sessions he would just sit there and laugh when everyone else did one week we had an opportunity to win the game but the dice rolled the wrong way and we lost the session still we figured we'd finish it up the next week the following two weeks his wife called off the board game sessions she wanted to keep me away because i would have recognized that he was dying and that would have interfered with her stopping his medications and praying him back to good health anyway he died on the day of the second miss board game session and we never finished the game my father-in-law on facebook one time like a year ago i saw someone with a piro bumper sticker still that is absolutely gonna be my father-in-law with trump 2020. he posted a map the other day that showed geographically where the candidates votes came from and was like but the blue guy won comma and i had to explain that yes that's how dense our population is in those areas from the years 2007 to 2009 i watched john and kate plus eight that show was a rf king masterpiece into the insight of reality tv the american marriage race relations and the spectacle of stardom i watched this couple slowly fall apart and lose their sanity it was beautiful we watched my dad go from being a fiscal republican socially libertarian pro gays trans recreational drug use etc comma to a far-alt-right nationalist trump supporter who ironically has celtic crosses double lighting bolt pins and a few antiquisy stuff he most recently went on a rant about invading mexico's border to show american superiority my dad has dementia watching him slowly mentally deteriorate is terrifying he can't tell the difference between the people in tv and people in reality seems to keep thinking that the people in tv are there with him and that strangers are in his house easily gets irritated because i suppose he thinks everyone is thinking that he's stupid or crazy often times make up stories that he thinks is real but in reality it's not and that we are lying to him when we tell tell him we didn't do x or y the list goes on and on and it's sad to see someone slowly lose touch with reality it's like watching a grown adult who has fallen back to a cognitive level of a four-year-old it's difficult takes a lot of patience and acceptance that he can no longer do basic cognitive thinking knowing that this illness will eventually lead him to a path that he can no longer function as human being unable to self feed bathe and eventually put into some sort of machine just to live as horrifying sad so take care of your loved ones and spend as much time as you can with them watched a kid at work start to wig out more and more one day he snapped and ended up getting sent to a rehab apparently as he described after getting hired back he took somewhere around 40 tabs of acid that week and on his ride to rehab he saw the cars on the road in front of him running off into the ditch he was a lunatic toward the end before he lost it completely i tried to talk to him not thinking it was drug related i mean i knew he smoked but a lot of people do i'm not against acid as i think sikes are great tools but the abuse was prevalent mine literally right now pandemic started with me going batshit i don't have a great relationship with my parents and not making money was going to make it really difficult to move out and get to somewhere better then the love of my life broke up with me over text then periods of weeks without anyone even chatting with me and it's worse but i'd rather not relive all that trn i saw a close family friend suffer from liver cancer we went to visit him and he was screaming about how he didn't know who we were and to get away from him he was so scared other than that i kind of used to have out of body experience experiences and watched myself slowly go insane from schizophrenia when my mom had cancer that metastasized into her brain she was mostly with it till the end but would have hallucinations or say things that didn't make sense once she talked about blue typewriters all over the floor and i needed to be careful not to step on one when i replayed the few months after my breakup in my head i realized what to fall from grace i'd had thank fck for dutch healthcare and how seriously they take mental health watched my mother slowly succumbed to untreated mental illness she refused to get help for she had a lot of other health issues including chronic pain but there was no excuse for what she did one night when i was nine she had a complete meltdown and spent the entire evening beating me and my sibling and making her say we hated her and it got pretty bad for a few years at that point mum right this moment she has ms and i have become her primary carer since my dad died about five months ago i think she also has some dementia tea is f head up she is just not all there anymore she just exists misses my dad more than anything i am quite surprised she is still here and has not died of a broken heart yet think i am gonna go and have a little cry now was in solitary confinement guy two cells down stopped taking his meds was a totally normal guy on his medication maybe just a bit shy started with him screaming randomly then started throwing his possessions out under the door there was a three or four inch gap under the door to alleviate claustrophobia then when he ran out of things he started throwing shitty and [ __ ] then he started smearing sht and cm on the walls and his body and you could smell it all day and when you would come out for ricky would yell at you to talk to him if you did he would talk about random gibberish like sentences that didn't even make functional sense it was f king insane they eventually shipped him to a different custody prison with better mental health services i did 186 days in the hole and was fine honestly it was a bit refreshing after being in gen pop surrounded by noise and people for 14 months it got old after a few months but i withstood it pretty well but if you're already mentally ill it will snap you you need to have a very strong mind to withstand it and if you don't you will crack [Music] my ex-fiance she always struggled with mental health issues but we were getting to a point where she felt she needed a change on medication for her own reasons the medication they gave to her didn't agree with her at all during this her grandmother passed away and it was basically a catalyst for what became a disaster for our relationship she went into an incredibly deep depression had to be hospitalized ran away at another point she ended the engagement outside of a psych ward i miss her immensely my nephew schizophrenia manifesting itself from his late teens to his late twenties in what is no coincidence as his grip on reality slipped he fell into the orbit of alex jones now he's on a limited disability income and most of his money goes to buying bone broth survival food buckets and other tea that the charlatan hawks i can only hope that my nephew gets back on his meds and that alex jones has a stroke or aneurysm last year my daughter she had just started university and her anxiety exploded she was always on the verge of tears at times she was manic she talked about suicide being the only way to stop feeling bad there were a few months that were absolutely terrifying we got her a therapist and got her on an effective medication and she has stabilized but there were some rough times nathan thompson a famous flat earther his mental decline has been pretty exhaustively covered by some of the more popular flat earth debunkers channels a few months ago he filmed himself harassing people including children on a playground during school and trying to pass out pamphlets to them and other pedestrians his latest debacle with him bragging about acquiring a handgun illegally from the person he is crashing with he is essentially homeless and threatening someone with it because they debunked his flat earth nonsense my father-in-law has been on a steady decline fed by right-wing talking points and conspiracy theories fed to him by fox news now own his local paper and his buddies he couldn't handle the reality around him only what fed into the narrative enemies were everywhere immigrants liberals homosexuals non-isely jews etc earlier this year he got covered and was on a ventilator since then he spaces out mid-conversation and floats back to his angry rants can't read the paper because he can't follow a long sentence gets nothing done during his day asking a straightforward question results in a long ramble barely related to what you asked about where are the scissors is impossible for him to answer just spends his time watching conservative cable news when my mom and dad got divorced one day he was just like i can't do it anymore and said he was gonna divorce her i've never seen someone spiral down so fast and ferociously it was terrifying and surreal my mother my best friend the person who knew me best that woman was and still is gone she was obsessed with the fact he left her couldn't figure out why he never gave her a reason just said i can't and left her to wonder bailed her out of jail twice she'll never be the same currently happening right now my grandfather suffered a massive stroke in around may or june this year he's 93 the 5th of december he used to mow his lawn and let me ride on the lawnmower machine he used he also used to tell the corneas jokes at dinner he still tries to now but he forgets a lot i remember in august also he pointed to the bird feeder and said you heat less fire see that squirrel i looked over and didn't see a squirrel he was adamant that there was a stupid squirrel there and when i went to the bird feeder to prove there was no squirrel he looked so frustrated and sad he just kinda shuffled inside it's such a stupid memory but it really hit me that he's going downhill fast best friend i served alongside in the army watch him melt when we both got discharged due to injuries was with him every day and realized he was bruised cut or scratched in a different place being a disabled vet he was put on a watch and care program turns out the anti-psych meds and painkillers were being sold by his carer to junkies and he had resorted to hitting himself with blunt objects to numb the pain he was in all ended when he set himself on fire in his living room can remember sitting curbside wailing like a kid watching the flames engulf his home stopped therapy at the beginning of the year but still have ptsd attacks frequently like a lot of other people commented it was watching my grandma and alzheimer's at first we had her live with us for a few weeks but it got to be too much for my mom she couldn't emotionally or mentally handle watching her mom slip further and further away one night i remember coming down the stairs and seeing my grandma peeing into the trash can and all over the floor i cleaned up what i could and then woke up my parents that was when my mom almost had her breakdown and we started looking at facilities the next day alzheimer's is a horrible disease and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy or their family over the past few years i have watched schizophrenia take over my ex-wife what i originally thought was just being messy and socially distant was in reality her slipping into depression and isolation she was a fun bubbly loving person dot now she thinks she is being gang-stalked and that there are saboteurs in her life messing things up she thinks food we order from a restaurant has been poisoned and thinks her family has tried to steal our son away from her i've been on the phone with the sheriff's department psychological emergency response team and county mental health to see if there is a way she can talk down to a professional to show her she has a problem but it is abs are [ __ ] loudly useless dart i now understand what despair is i watched my grandmother go from a very smart both book smart and street smart person to a ranking old lady who believed everything the yellow press presented her with think equivalent of own print and on tv she didn't have any diagnosed mental issues just wasn't able to leave the house due to agent health-related issues and slowly stopped believing people who still actively participated in life having conversations with her got frustrating pretty quickly but we still loved her very much my mum she died from cancer a few years ago but towards the end she was on so many painkillers she couldn't hold a conversation she would fall asleep mid-sentence and nobody really knew what to say to her i was the only one who made the effort to chat to her but it just got so confusing towards the end i'm so glad i did chat to her because i feel like i really helped her in her last days god i miss her my mother lost her battle to breast cancer about two years ago her last month she could hardly hold a conversation she barely knew my sisters and i the absolute most painful thing i've ever been through one month she was her normal self and the next she had a brain tumor that took away everything that made her herself my close friend josh had been diagnosed with crohn's disease and became completely agoraphobic fear of leaving his house i tried so desperately to hang with him and coax him out but he grew mad from the lack of human contact despite my attempts he became extremely addicted to nitrous oxide and totally lost who he was as a person very sad i do in home dementia alzheimer's care when i start with a client usually i'm only helping with tasks like cooking and grocery shopping but within a matter of months they deteriorate to a point where they can't even remember who they are and are trapped in vague memories of past events that they relive over and over and over again they hallucinate their vision becomes whittled down to a tunnel and all short-term memory is gone and eventually the long-term memory fades as well i can't think of anything worse my father died of dementia about seven years ago the hardest part was how his personality completely disappeared and he was replaced by this blank pod person type character who was technically my father but represented nothing about my father that i recognized or related to it's pretty freaky i imagine it's what it would feel like to try and clone someone you loved my mom had adrenal cancer and at one point she spoke gibberish repeating phrases something about a specific number i forget and she got violent with the nurses she was the nicest person i'd ever known when she was healthy the looks she gave me were demented like she didn't know i was her son i wish she would just die at the time because that wasn't the real her it turned out that one of the side effects of her cancer was low potassium levels which apparently makes people crazy after she ate some bananas and supplements she basically stopped being bananas she was around a few more months after that i at least got some more quality time with her before she died like cutting down a christmas tree my dad had prostate cancer then on christmas he started telling my mother that she didn't cook the food he liked but actually he had just had it an hour ago my uncle noticed his eyes were a little yellowish turns out he had a liver metastasis that took his whole liver and he started becoming more and more incoherent and confused losing his movements until he was just making a few noises and hallucinating he died a few days later on the 1st of february 2020 of acute hepatic encephalopathy and both liver and kidney failure he was 64 years old cancer sucks [Music] my grandfather died of alzheimer's last june i slowly watched him get worse and worse and just fade away after my grandmother passed from a sudden stroke it got to the point that he would remember me and then ask me who my younger brother was he would ask me all the time when mom was coming back my grandmother as time came around i went to the marine corps as i was following in his and my dad's footsteps i'd come home for the holidays and just see how much worse it had gotten each time i came home until last june i get a call from my dad saying that he was in hospice and i took emergency leave to go home and see him he passed away that week alzheimer's is f king terrible i watched grandpa who was my best friend as a kid who rode a bike up until he was 75. in a span of five years not even remember my name i watched my wife and best friend of over 25 years slowing drink away one of the most caring hard-working compassionate and intelligent people i've ever met in my life her disease ruined our marriage damaged my health trashed family bonds and decimated friendships that went back to grade school i witnessed fundamental changes in her personality from a smart witty fun-loving woman into a bitter angry deceiving self-centered unrecognizable addict that would do anything for her next fix it started small partying hard then hiding bottles and escalated to full on all day drinking lot of too stable well-paying jobs a dui and several hospital stays in the end she was determined stubborn and entirely unapologetic admitting only that she did it entirely to herself [Music] i lost my mom when i was 12 due to breast cancer she had already beated once but sadly couldn't the second time around she was never the same after the second time and near the end she had a hard time thinking and remembering things it was really hard to see my mom barely recognize me and barely be able to speak my uncle passed away from a throat ulcer i just watched him get skinnier and weaker at some point he couldn't move or talk he just sat there with tears in his eyes with no words he wasn't even 50 yet my beat friend's wife developed schizophrenia seemingly out of nowhere at age 34. it started with her thinking all of her co-workers were plotting to get her fired and evolved to her seeing people in bushes and thinking her husband was trying to kidnap her she eventually got help and seemed to be recovering but one morning she bought a gun and killed herself apparently they will still let you buy a gun same day if you had checked yourself in for mental health i see it every time i look in the mirror i just look more and more tired and my hygiene is suffering i've been struggling with autism and borderline personality disorder for half my life and i don't recognize myself anymore my ex-girlfriend years before we were together she had a good job good friends totally seemed to have it together well she got diagnosed with bipolar disorder that i suspect was undiagnosed borderline i loved her a lot for 10 years but we were only together two years by that time she'd become abusive would fight with me or others for no good reason no friends left couldn't get a job went from a sweet and ambitious woman to someone incredibly callous self-centered and with no desire to improve her situation eventually i ran away cause if i would have broken up with her face-to-face she would have killed me my dad died from wilson's disease a genetic disorder that basically means his body couldn't properly dispose of copper it builds up in the liver eyes and brain because he had started drinking again a lot of his strange behavior changes were mistakenly attributed to alcohol he was actually losing his mind due to copper buildup he used to be the handyman zord worked on classic cars with his free time as he declined he became strangely domestic weirdly nicer and more conversational he told me a lot of personal things that he never did before it was the same kind of chattiness that you see in the mildly inebriated he would also lay down in weird places and take random naps like literally just deciding to nap on the carpet unfortunately he went into a coma before we got a diagnosis that he was dying from a genetic disorder he never got a chance to know what was killing him [Music] my grandfather brilliant scientist all his life a wonderful man to whom i owe much of my interest in science art and history parkinson slowly deteriorated him and he went from talking to us about all kinds of historical events and his years doing research to being barely able to hold a conversation anymore he lost control of his body and his mind we basically lost him before he died i wish i'd had more time with him [Music] i am currently watching this as we speak myself either has undiagnosed mental disorder or she's just a [ __ ] either way i have watched her slide slowly downhill for seven years until last year last year her bf dumped her and we have watched her go straight over the edge it has been a wild and exhausting ride i had a friend who was very sweet she checked in on me often even commissioned some artwork from me but she started to fade she talked about friends trying to kill me and her while they were astral projecting saying a celt was going to kill her if she left her home it got more and more cryptic as time went on i asked my boyfriend at the time to check on her because he was his friend's girlfriend but they didn't care she messaged me about a week into her delusions saying she will miss me but can't talk to me anymore as it puts her and i in danger last i heard she got on a train and i haven't seen her since i wish desperately there was some way i could see if she was okay but i have no idea where she even is nor do i know any of her family this is late and will be buried but my mom this year due to covet she's an rn on a covered floor she's totally changed this year all the classic depression things crying all of the time not able to get out of bed totally became a hermit thankfully she's on anti-anxiety medication now and she's doing a lot better but she still hasn't taken her trash out in the months i'm trying to get over there to take care of it she's just been too tired for me to come by comma she is also experiencing ptsd from watching people die and being wholly unprepared for everything her hospital has treated her and her co-workers like garbage and she's completely disillusioned with her job and why she's there the way the u.s mishandled this pandemic has given millions of healthcare workers ptsd anxiety and depression it's f king disgusting [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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Id: qncvUozuU7Q
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Length: 50min 58sec (3058 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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