"I'll never live in a HOA again" stories r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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current and former residents of an hour what's your i'll never live in in hurricane story i'm being charged 400 because of a violation for a bush overhanging my walkway i don't have a walkway or a bush the picture isn't even my house they won't back down take a picture of your house and tell them that you fixed the problem by removing the offending bush in the walkway and all the landscaping is done and fresh grass is growing already i got a whole violation for my neighbors vines growing into my yard we got a letter because one saturday my mom had a wheelbarrow full of mulch on the driveway while she was planting flowers we also got the police called the weekend we moved in because there were too many cars in front of the house mostly because we were still unloading the moving truck my old house is backyard boarded the whole community our house was built 30 years before the community was built so we weren't part of it we used to get notices about violations and fines if we didn't correct them never did correct them they finally sent legal papers to repossess our house went to court with a tax map that showed our property not part of the whole community judge dismissed their suit against us and found them guilty of harassment we didn't get awarded much but i made sure to break every rule of theirs i could until we moved my daughter was a lifeguard at the pool in our community and they weren't allowed to give out certain equipment it was for swimming lessons one day the horror president asks for equipment and my daughter says no as she was instructed the whole president actually says do you know who i am then he proceeded to call her boss when i was a kid my parents had a house in a nice cul-de-sac but it was a working-class neighborhood the transmission in my truck took a doodoo so i replaced it in our driveway a few days later we got a letter citing a clause stating all improvements done on property must be done by a licensed contractor it was a far reach but they stood by it as there was nothing in the cc and ours against working on personal vehicles my dad made me pay him back for the fine but for a while afterwards i'd go put some oil or coolant under the whole president's cars and hope he wasting money chasing a non-existent problem ho i lost paperwork for change of ownership when we bought our house they sent us letters saying there would be a lien placed on our home if we didn't pay the overdue amounts plus over 200 of late fees i had to call them three times to even get someone on the phone who knew how to help me then i contacted escrow who said they had already not only sent all the paperwork but turns out we had already paid the fees called horror again and they were insistent that we hadn't paid or sent over paperwork called escrow again and requested they contact the whole themselves to sort this out and hola still insisted we owed a late fee started losing my tea until escrow said they would pay the late fee a month later we got a letter in the mail saying we were being fined for leaving our trash bins out longer than necessary [ __ ] our no huge issues just up to the minute griping about every little thing we were in the middle of moving in and got an instagram about some boxes on the side of the house waiting to go out with recycle got another one about our lawn right after it was scalped and winter grass planted they apparently didn't approve of nature's time frame on growing grass moved back to the old neighborhood noho and city code takes care of ninety percent of the bs weeds general eyesores nuisances etc close bracket no horror ever again i have no plans of putting a weight bench in my front yard but damn it i want the option i was just learning to drive and parked my car too far away from the curb parents and neighbors didn't get along so neighbors measured the distance from the wheels to the curb and parents got fined now i'll live in the country with pretty much no rules we have goats and emus in our front yard we had a cookie cutter house built one of the color palettes we could choose from included an accent color for the door shutters that was a dark purple the hubs and i are a little kooky so we selected it at our final walkthrough our door and shutters are brown i tell the general that it's wrong and show him my contract we were the only homeowners in the subdivision that selected that color so the whole decided to not offer it anymore we said fine that puts you in breach of contract and we want to be released a few phone calls later my door and shutters are purple and i'm happy we purchased the house at least once a year we got a nasty letter from the [ __ ] about our unapproved door color every time i sent them a copy of my contract and their bylaws stating that the colors from the builder are allowed not my problem you guys discontinued it after i picked it i was putting on new siding very obviously too had ladders up and everything but there was just plywood up one morning on part of my house facing the street i got a knock on the door at 7 00 30 am a code enforcement officer in uniform looking vaguely like a cop was visibly upset and acting like i'd taken a dump on the front sidewalk or something told me if i didn't have the siding up by the end of the day i'd start getting fined every day my grandparents lived in an old folks community with a zealous hoar my grandmother had to go to the hospital cause of her many health problems my grandfather would go with her this happened once when i was visiting there was a knock on the door at about 10 a.m two elderly women with clipboards immediately jump into a speech about how the trash cans hadn't been brought in i explained the situation one of them said she was in the hospital the previous week but still managed to bring in her trash can and handed me what looked like a ticket for 50 [ __ ] that [ __ ] this didn't happen to me but several years ago a co-worker told me about how she and her husband put in a small and ground pool in their backyard they got all of the required permits and everything and nobody said boo during the weeks of construction after the pool was installed and they were getting ready to open it the whole sent them a letter informing them that it was in violation of the whole rules and it had to be removed i guess their community had a public pool at the clubhouse or something coma they ended up going to court and spending thousands of dollars to fight it in the end they agreed to erect a high privacy fence around it so that it wouldn't be visible how ridiculous i love reading contracts and agreements so when a friend of mine told me about his horror troubles and not letting him keep his boat behind his house i jumped on the opportunity after reading sourcing and finding a few rulings i learned that they have very little power to enforce what they can't see from the road which affects property value he took my documentation to the [ __ ] and requested that they remove his fines they refuse saying the agreement says nag nag nag and after a few months he finally paid a real estate lawyer two thousand dollars to go talk circles around the [ __ ] and they finally backed down removed his fines and allowed him to keep his boat then out of pure spite and with my design we built a 40 feet tall temporary structure conforming to both the horror agreement and building code to fly a flag on a further 25 feet pole we took it down and put it back up every three months for a year you could see it from almost anywhere in the neighborhood it was a real triumph and i t was hideous the most shocking part of this is that the couple ultimately escaped the whole actions just because he was in the armed forces otherwise the whoa was legally in the right to foreclose on the house for a dereliction of just eight hundred dollars and selling a three hundred dollar zero zero zero for only three dollars two hundred is just okay who writes such laws for hours when my folks moved into their home they noticed a couple of dead trees and had someone take them down the tree guy suggested they take down two more leaning trees that were likely to fall down if they got hit with high winds my dad scheduled the second round of trees to come down a couple weeks later in the interim the whole contacted my parents and said that they had unapproved work done by removing the dead trees and that they would have to get horror approval to remove anymore my dad had the tree guy send over a report about the dangerous trees to the hoha the [ __ ] refused to allow my parents to take the trees down my dad canceled the appointment with the tree guy fast forward three weeks and a hurricane blows through which isn't unexpected since this is florida in september like the tree guy predicted both leaning trees came down and completely destroyed the neighbor's roof the neighbor was pretty cool about it but his insurance tried to get my parents to pay for it claiming they knew the trees were dangerous and didn't have them removed my parents sent along the rejection letter from the [ __ ] and told the insurance company to have a chat with them instead i'm not sure what happened beyond that but i know my parents didn't have to pay there were 366 units spread out on over 200 plus acres of land one of the residents got fined one dollar 250 for putting outdoor christmas lights on two trees in front of their unit outdoor decorations being prohibited beyond residents front door entryway oh i lost my quarterly check sent a notice that i didn't pay an october quarter showed them the receipt from when i dropped it off then started naming each quarter before until i didn't have receipt proof they received it and then it was that is the one you didn't pay tried to charge an extra five dollars for something sold the house and moved far away they never cashed it i learned to do a better job of balancing my checkbook after that i had it marked in the checkbook and in my records but when i went back through bank statements it had never turned up had that check cancelled after that [Music] they wanted me to switch the color of the light bulbs i used outside now i don't need someone who is that picky to have any power over my property at that point it's no better than renting edit they were the wrong hue of white my former condo however threatened to take me to court over the color of a light bulb inside my condo they said i'd altered the exterior appearance of the building since it could be seen through the window i'm the treasurer of our hour we pay 250 dollars a year to cover road maintenance we make sure that is all we worry about we get cairns at meetings all the time complaining we politely tell them we maintain the road and that is it we have 18 laid-back neighbors and 2-3 cairns we rented a condo from the people who owned it and it was associated with ahoha we like to grow things but there was no balcony so we just had two large pots one on either side of our door we gotta notice one day that we had to get rid of our only plants because they didn't fit the aesthetic of the building or something basically they were too ugly they also didn't have a room to discuss whatever it is they discuss at meetings so they would do it in the gym for some reason they'd move all of the equipment to the side and set up their tables and chairs and then never moved anything back one time i accidentally barged in on them in my workout gear and i actually had the nerve to ask them if there was a boardroom i could work out in i said it on my way out so i don't know what their response was but yeah we didn't renew our lease there i bought a house in a development that had died my house was built in the 70s but a new developer came in and as houses started being built everywhere they enacted the whole clause and populated it with rich retired folks that just make up f king rules wrote a rule that you had to put up a fence around your backyard so i did they didn't like my friend so they changed the specifications for the fence i got irritated and had a friend give me a dead fear or hog to hang on a post in my front yard the dogs in the hood love me it didn't solve anything but since i had a dog door i would sometimes wake up with 15 dogs around my bed who came in during a storm i was the crazy redneck but the dogs love me and i like them more than humans i once worked with a guy that would brag about driving around his neighborhood looking for horror violations and reporting them he really seemed to get off on ratting others out for the most minor of infractions of course this is the same guy who after his wife was laid off lent her money with interest for her car payment what a prick my wife's aunt and uncle live in a whole neighborhood their current problem is that the ground is higher than their first level and its slop towards a group of condos every time is rain's bad their condos flood they don't have basements hora won't do anything and it seems a few of their residents are lawyering up this has happened since they put in a storm drain and for some reason it backs up into their common area which is behind the group of condos hire a civil engineer specializing in hydrology flood control is complicated and it's not always obvious what the causes my dad was a hydrologist his job was split evenly between designing the systems that prevent this kind of thing before any construction is done and acting as an expert witness in court to apportion the blame when the aforementioned job was done poorly or not at all put three kids though college explaining water flows downhill to people that was one of his favorite dad jokes my horror president walks around the neighborhood every day and takes pictures of any violations he finds there is a management company that does monthly checks for violations but that's not enough for this old bored retired man about a month after having a baby i got a knock on the door from the horror president which i answer in my post-surgical breastfeeding outfit because a palm frond hadn't been trimmed after being down for three days then i got a written notice the next day then i got another notice two days later the whole maintains the roads and there's a 15 mile per hour speed limit people drive pretty slow these idiots put in three speed bumps on a 200 foot stretch of road i've never seen anyone glass through and i regularly go on walks they also put up a security camera raising our monthly dues because one neighbor left their garage door open all day and someone took a few things we clearly live in a dangerous area full of criminals ass i can't sell yet but when i do never living in a [ __ ] again this sort of fits i lived with my wife in officer housing on a military installation of course we had to follow certain rules so everything looked shipshape that wasn't hard to do what did get under my skin was the colonel driving around taking notes and then having her rundlings issue tickets to residents for minor infractions the one that sticks in my mind was the suckers as they were called i had never heard the term before although i kept my grass mode per regulation the little maple tree seeds would sprout up overnight and be an inch taller than the grass i got a ticket for suckers in my lawn even though the grass was freshly mowed okay sure i'll just mow the lawn every goddamn day sheesh i never lived under an hour but that experience was enough for me to realize hawas weren't my thing [Music] i've never lived in one but i remember a story where a guy wanted to build something like an eight-foot privacy fence the whole said the fence couldn't be higher than five feet the wording only said fence so he built a five-foot concrete partition and stuck a five-foot fence on top of it forcing older and or somewhat handicapped dog owners to produce a doctor's note stating they are unable to use the stairs because of a rule of no dogs in the condos elevator not because of potentially vicious dogs in an elevator cab it was because they felt that people's dogs were leaving a mess and they weren't cleaning it up which i never experienced the dogs by that rationale could still leave a mess not cleaned up in a stairwell or hall i sent the board an x-ray of my knee with screws in it to avoid a 500 fine that got hit down with the threat of an ada lawsuit now anyone can use it i live in florida and have the pleasure of living in a whole neighborhood while not being a part of the whole apparently there are a total of three houses in my neighborhood not part of the hoha and i was fortunate enough to have bought one of them ever previous owner refused to sign into the hoha and i have continued this tradition best part is getting all sorts of fines letters and people knocking on my door informing me of stupid trivial violation i just get to laugh at them while i explain i'm not a member of their stupid little club and therefore not beholden to its rules at one point they had my truck towed out of my driveway because of the hoers no truck policy i simply called the cops and reported it stolen it was found at a local impound lot and returned to me free of charge the whole ended up having to pay for the tow impound fees and tried on several occasions to pass those on to me through fines finally had a lawyer write up a cease and desist letter telling them to leave me alone or i'll press charges for the theft of my truck and harassment that was six months ago and i think they finally figured out they have no authority to tell me squat because i haven't heard from them since my husband and i have a home with an hour our most recent letter was a picture of our trash can out on the street basically telling us that we put our trash out early for pick up the photo was taken on friday at 3 p.m and trash pickup was on saturday at 6 00 am so they sent us a letter that is isn't acceptable also one of the lights on our garage had gone out and we received a letter with a picture about that as well that we had to fix it immediately or be fined we're also not allowed to park on the street without a pass from the whoa hung in the car we didn't know this and we're moving in at the time we parked one car in the driveway and one on the street grabbed some boxes went inside with them and by the time we came about out there was a huge neon sticker on the window telling us the rules and that we were vetoed that sticker was a btch to remove and we were literally parked there for maybe 10 minutes at that point so annoying i got a letter saying i needed to clean my roof mildew built up on it it's florida it happens it was bad and i was about to pay a company to do it anyways but i got the letter first went ahead and paid two hundred and fifty dollars for a company to clean it and got a two year warranty then of course i drive around and notice ninety 90 of the homes in my community needed their roof cleaned most are worse than mine was waited two months to see if they were going to take care of it nothing happened had a neighborhood kid fly his drone up and take pictures of all the roofs proceeded to email the company the pics and asked why me only haven't gotten a response yet can't wait to move out of here never lived in one but worked in plenty as a landscaper they suck one account who is responsible for getting landscapers for the front yards the backyards are the responsibility of a homeowner owner is a lady in her 70s and hired us to cut her backyard due to complaints from the horror president first time i show up i use a small push mower and as i leave i am met by the president who just happens to be her neighbor he's complaining the small push mower left wheel marks leading to her backyard on her property which he is claiming is his property every time i went there after he would be waiting for me to be done to complain about something and the only reason i was there in the first place was because his nosias was upset his 70 year old neighbor couldn't mow her backyard once a week herself hoes are a hyper local form of government and suck even more than a regular government i was house shopping i walked into a house and there was a pile of human fesses in the middle of the floor i was stunned the realtor was let me call the [ __ ] about this not the homeowner not the listing agent but the hoha the whole had seized a person houses over a fee and forcibly were selling it i wish i could have made that pile a little larger my co-worker just bought a whole house and immediately got two finds for a tree hanging further and a brick missing from her fence that the prior owner refused to repair literally seven days after signing the paperwork the whole i was a part of wasn't super honorous but it was a relatively new subdivision and the rules were written by the developer including the one where to change remove any rule the vote had to be unanimous and every member of the hawa approximately 100 had to vote kind of a dck move parting shot on the developers part if you ask me we got an okay to have potted plants i'm a college student and so i can't afford fancy acid actual pots like my neighbors i used home depot buckets for my bigger plants tomato and peppers and got a violation for having out construction supplies with four foot plants growing out of them and a prior okay they would not budge on it amd we eventually just spray painted them black but after doing that i was nervous to eat anything from the plants because some paint got on them so i never got to enjoy the fruits of my labor open bracket had a member of the board drive up and yell at me while i was moving in because a moving van was in the street parked it in the driveway but it stuck out into the street about two feet woke up the next morning and there was a warning posted on the moving van for sticking out into the street welcome to the neighborhood ended up living next door to the biggest [ __ ] in the neighborhood too these were zero lot line properties and he put an above ground pool in the side yard between our two houses there's supposed to be three feet space along the side of the house for access but his pool went from his wall to my wall so you couldn't even walk between the properties then every time they went swimming the pool walls would flex and bang my house i wrote multiple letters to the whole but they didn't do anything moved out shortly after the pool incident i'll never live in another hour my family was fine for putting up a fence when we put a 12 inch tall wire border around our flower bed my friend was fined in a different hour because her garage that was painted by the same company at the same time and with the same paint was a different color than her house it wasn't the horror president delivered the violation notice to her on the day of her husband's funeral yes he knew that she 46 year old had just lost her 48 year old husband four days before i rent in a community that is a mix of renters and homeowners the rental company has been trying to get approval to fix my deck for over three years now i can't wash my car in my driveway but i also can't have a dirty car the leasing consultant when explaining the her rules for the renters literally said that renters can't do anything homeowners can do lastly the whole are randomly enforce outdated rules and regulations that can't be legally enforced anymore the rental company lawyer really comes through during those times we gotta notice that our mailbox post wasn't white enough meanwhile a house down the street had a tarp on the roof covering a large hole the entire time we lived there five y and their deck literally was in shambles and not safe to walk on and the weeds in their yard were easily mid-thigh-high it pissed me off because we'd go on vacation and come home to a letter about an unkempt yard my mom used to live in a whole neighborhood and the habits she picked up are f king annoying me she would keep overflowing trash inside the house unless it was the night before pick up and then freak out when i take the trash out on a not a loud day me asking my neighbors for help is her going why would you do that now they're all up in our business double quote i live in ahoha we are outside of city limits so the hua takes care of the roads snow blowing our two parks and our water treatment so can't complain there and our herds are cheap they also try to keep up with making sure no one keeps junky cars on blocks in the driveways and that lawns are maintained so that's all good but there are some nitpicky things two sheds must be the same color as your house and many of us would love to raise chickens one stroke two acre lots and they are not allowed we've tried to get that changed but so far nope lived in a house where many people owned dogs i went and got one myself we had a large shared backyard no fence so i'd put him on a long leash for him to go enjoy it i could sit out with him or easily watch through the window my dad had a spat with the neighbors so they decided to complain that they didn't feel comfortable using the yard with the dog there for one he's the sweetest boy in the world loves everyone secondly they've never used the yard before anyways they put a tiny little finch around their pad anyway i guess despite everyone else doing it it is against the rules to have a dog on a long leash so i had to take him out with a hand leash so i'd walk him right over in front of their pad and just stare as he did his business they stopped coming outside because they were very cowardly when it came to any confrontation we also complained that their dogs were off leash and scaring people since their fenced-in pad was deemed shared space they to stop letting their bucky rats out omg so many things these are modern day fiefdoms that have no use in decent society for the connivance of having an admin hire undocumented people to clean the pool and cut the lawn i traded hundreds of dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign per month and the final say in things like what flowers could be in the yard what windows could be installed who i could sell my condo to etc oh and if there is a nightmare neighbor partying all night and leaving beer cans and cigarette butts on your deck and threatening you that's your problem to work out with them and feel free to call the police when your safety is in danger never again our neighbor was flooding our backyard and the whole property from her drain by overwatering the whole sent us an extremely rude and unprofessional note telling us we can't drain our pool onto their property we don't have a pool we replied to their letter with fode a couple weeks later i got out of the shower to see the whole president and his wife with a ladder propped against our shared fence peering into our backyard to look at how not a pool i walked out buck naked and asked if i could help him with something he died a few years later thankfully comma and his wife who isn't even officially on the whole board just a busy body recently stopped by our garage to ask if we were watering and damaging their fence she tried to introduce herself and i simply said we've met before while looking her straight in the eyes when my neighbor spray painted all over my yard cleaned his car mats in my yard stole a sign from my yard taught their dog to pee in front of my front door and when confronted they said they didn't realize it was bad to those things the hoer thought i was the one being unreasonable this was all the same neighbor edit we have video proof of everything i got a violation for a fence not built to regulations the city had taken my land and four beautiful old trees for road widening i didn't even own the land anymore and the state had built the fence without consulting me it took six months and a letter from the state to clear it up once had a nosy employee take a picture of the outside of my bathroom window because i had a toilet paper roll up in the window and then sent me the picture in an email telling me i had to take my toilet paper down i remember an xgf mom lived in ahora they bothered us bc we set up a ping pong table in the garage the mom was a semi-pro olympic level ping-pong player decades ago saying the garage was only for cars and that if we had an issue we should go through all this crazy bureaucratic crap that rivals the most ridiculous red tape required to dispose of radioactive waste it was wild that moment i decided yay no if you're gonna charge so much for our f king house and not let us use it i get it you want your neighbors to keep yards clean and what not but jesus christ a foldable ping pong table used 2-3 times per month just seemed excessive i was doing some work in the yard and had a 5-gallon home depot bucket on my driveway after about an hour i took the bucket back in the garage and went inside a week later my hoer sent me a three-page letter with a picture of said bucket on my driveway saying it detracted from the value of my neighbor's homes it was on my driveway for an hour while i was working can't make this up folks as a kid me and my parents lived in a whole neighborhood and had a lovely big backyard at the base of a big mountain it had a creek right behind it that ran past multiple houses next to us so something important is how my mom has always wanted chickens a neighbor two houses from us had chickens geese and a turtle she decided she should get some and my mum sent a request to the hour apparently we were out of range of the chicken allowance area because of how close to the mountains we were cougars came near us often they said that they didn't want any attacks you think a cougar will see the house with the chickens and go wow some delicious food hoopsie it's in the whole chicken okay zone looks like i can't eat them while living with my mother and siblings in nevada a huge storm hit the area and did a ton of damage during the night we heard something close to the sound of a garage door slamming down or a huge crack of lightning the following morning we get up to let the dog out to find that the huge tree in the raised portion of the backyard had uprooted and fallen it took out our fence along the sidewalk a small place in the yard the back porch and nearly wrecked the farmer's right side of the house itself we had a leaky ceiling over there for a while kamahoa told us we needed to get the tree out away in the damage fixed immediately due to it being an eyesore like we weren't trying already i get along with my whole well basically whenever they started tea with me i was like okay guys this is war i'm going to fck up the whole community and then do enough things to shake them up a little and then they'd cut out their [ __ ] and so would i because whatever line they are crossing it is no longer worth it by the end of it we had a very good understanding and got along well they didn't mess with me and i didn't mess with them paid my fees on time and so on there wasn't even really tension people were pretty relaxed and nice the boundaries were established and respected but yay at least for me the old israel strategy of i'll do 10 times the damage of whatever you do to me worked really well well of course there are stories that make you laugh and cry i trimmed some trees on a monday morning went in for lunch moved the cuttings round to back driveway to be picked up next morning yes you guessed it got a letter from home management company for rubbish on front lawn anyway got the last laugh got enough votes at annual meeting to fire them now president and myself run it board supervisors i lived in a hoar with my parents for seven years down in northern texas we had a small tornado come through our backyard one night while i was at work and it knocked down both the fence diving the front yard from the backyard as well as the fence between us and our neighbors behind us the horror agreement included coverage for natural disasters yet when my parents and our neighbors went to the whole to get the fences fixed the whole kept denying them three months later in the threat of a lawsuit for breach of contract and they finally fixed the fence i will never live in an hour because it's too much hassle i don't want to have a bunch of entitled people tell me what my house can look like or find me for not cutting my grass to a specific measurement or what not lived in a condo for four years sold and bought a house this past july first year we lived there hoa finders for having no lid on the trash cans i went outside took a picture of my trash cans with the lids on and sent it to the hoa and they said sorry our mistake a couple months later same thing then a few months later we got fined when our trash barrels blew away after they were emptied the wind took them and i brought them in the garage when i got home from work they sent a fine to everyone in the complex so we all appealed they then find me again when a neighbor put out a cardboard box that blew onto our driveway i refused to pay that fine and they sent it to collections last one was after we moved i got a letter from the whole delivered to my new home stating that the new owners didn't pay the august hour and i was responsible what in salt lake city we got fined every winter for having our christmas lights up past the 14th of january anyone who lives in ice and snow knows you can't actually remove the lights from your roof because you will slip and die and or the light sea iced into the gutters we were really tight on cash a few years ago and had to literally cut through the ice and cables around the whole house so we wouldn't get fined ruining all the lights [ __ ] ours most of the time they are just [ __ ] guy girl nb lol in power suits we just moved into a brand new house in a newly developed neighborhood ho was established after our house and fence were built hoa sent us a letter saying our offense violated the regulations that were set after its construction and had to be removed one note from our lawyer threatening to sue and they backed off real quick guess who is now the vice president of the [ __ ] and has the power to keep the [ __ ] from being jackasses yep emmy my parents looked into buying a place in an area with ahoha it was summertime so he had his restored international scout 2 traveler out it was absolutely mint during the showing he was told that his vehicle was too old and he couldn't keep it there they didn't even finish the showing i'm lucky my horror isn't nitpicky like some of the stuff i've read here one of my neighbors works construction started replacing his siding and didn't have time to get the job done for months two small kids and another on the way instead of finding him the whole persuaded him to bring a small envelope to home to help re-mulch the playground everybody won our hour charges pretty high fees per month but all of the trees in our shared spaces are dead from not being watered and there are weeds in those areas taller than a fence supposedly our biggest cost every year is landscaping and watering the home management company is a joke we were renting a town home when the community went 0 rentals that caused so many renters to get kicked out and about 15 of the homes in the neighborhood went up for sale as soon they were out prices plummeted as everyone who had been renting for years undercut everyone else to sell quickly as they couldn't afford both mortgages anymore meanwhile we had to come up with new rental money within two months we ended up renting renting a room with friends and moving back in with our parents respectively for six months so we could save up properly and got the place we're in now we are looking at buying a home now and the number one stipulation was no horror anyone living in arizona and getting her violations just know that they are not collectible in court you do not have to pay them and they cannot take you home or put a line on it due to violations source i worked in the industry for years as an executive not my [ __ ] but i know someone who was told to pull up freshly planted flowers because they weren't an approved type of flower i almost got taken to hawa court because i refused to take down a small political yard sign not me but i had a boss of mine that lived in a whole neighborhood they had a community playground for the kids that needed to be mowed they spent three months trying to find the proper person to mow the yard and finally my boss went and mowed it with his personal lawnmower the following week he got a citation from them saying that he was not an authorized landscaper and not allowed to mow and we'd eat the playground the funniest thing about it is his wife was part of the whoa i bought a fixer-upper that has been abandoned very run down and not liveable so we started on the inside to get in quickly while staying with my parents received a letter a week after closing finding us for the paint chipping on the outside they gave us seven days to fix it even though it has been abandoned for years it was a great welcome to the neighborhood we had to delay everything to paint the outside of a house while leaving the piss stained carpets in priorities during the lockdown they came around and find anyone who had sidewalk shark drawn in front of their house man the petty energy of them there might be hopscotch boards shaped like a giant dck and balls chalked outside one of their houses the following morning if it were me what is wrong with us that we have so many of these power tripping wannabe totalitarians among us get a letter prune your tree i tell the landscapers prune the tree get a let you didn't prune enough prune more i tell landscapers you didn't prune enough prune more get a let you prune too much tree doesn't fit standards anymore replace with same size tree double quote i research and same size tree cost 700 plus planting plus removal of old tree tell her aboard get fk i'm not going to kill a perfectly good tree get letter we gonna find you and learn your house or something paid a guide to dig up my tree then rotate it 90 degrees and replant it get letter thank you for replacing tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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Id: uEO5PxVrQfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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