When Did Someone Challenge You At Something You Were An Expert At? (r/AskReddit)

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when did someone challenge you add something you were an expert at the property management company for my homeowners association insisted that i had received emails that i never received so i asked them to prove that i had received them they said they are sure i received them i'm a software engineer and at the time i had just finished an enterprise email delivery system like an in-house constant contact i knew the rules of the can spam act by heart i knew exactly how their system worked so this real bee of a property manager said i know how email works you wouldn't understand i mentally did the arrogant knuckle crack and started to explain very methodically how email delivery works and how they'd track various actions i spent about five minutes detailing my credentials and why i was absolutely certain they had never sent me the emails they alleged i received when i was finished the whole board just agreed to waive the fines i work for a company that notifies customers of deadlines by email we get customers who claim they never receive the email so the deadline should not apply to them when a customer opens one of our emails we know exactly when unless they have disabled automatic loading of images in their client so i can tell them you opened the 30 day warning email on the 8th of may at 7 14 pm you opened the 7 day warning email on the 29th of may and again on the 4th of june but you did not click the link until the 24th of september after you opened the seven day warning then the original 30-day warning three minutes after that and then you clicked the link and received the notification it was past the deadline they never respond after being caught in the lie kinda the reverse for me i'm a physical education teacher and i had a student that took a pretty bad tumble in class hit her head on the wall pretty clear concussion symptoms so we get her stable call my dad to come get her dad shows up i start going through the concussion symptoms and treatments with him letting him know that a doctor's visit is probably in order blah blah blah i keep going on and on about concussions he just politely nods and thanks me he takes daughter and leaves and i see my principal standing behind me and he can barely contain his laughter turns out dad is an emergency room doctor and he just sat there while his daughter's gym teacher gave him medical advice think about it like this if you had been saying the wrong things about it he would have corrected you and pointed out that he was a doctor instead he let you go through everything listening carefully to ensure your advice was sound and correct when everything checked out he left proud in the fact that he now knows 100 that the gym teacher is looking out for his kids safety and well-being short and long-term weird to call his kids short and long-term people pick the strangest names thanks you made me laugh dart i would have been tempted to send him a email asking him how your medical lecture was in terms of accuracy and delivery this is a cool and funny little story it makes me smile because the guy could have been ignorant or thrown out his credentials with a bragging demeanor like a lot of people do but instead he kindly let you speak and then went on his way with his child he was probably feeling all good about how much the gym teacher knew and was taking good care of his students i'm a hospice rn but i've worked four years in a number of different nursing fields if someone took the time to explain medical stuff to me and was clearly passionate and correct in their teaching i would gladly sit there and pretend to be a layman that sorts of stuff makes me happy can't really explain why when we were having a couple drinks on friday after work i was challenged to a shooting by a colleague little did he know i've been shooting air rifles competitively ever since i was 13 not to say i am the greatest but i've made it to the national finals for my country multiple times and came third and sixth i have all the special clothes and gear and such you need to make it to such a level the next day saturday we showed up to the range i always shoot at it's not a day i usually train so not many people recognize me i beat his air left right and center that day out of 600 points he scored about 200-250 if i remember correctly i got about 580 which was about average of what i used to shoot he had to buy me a fancy bottle of whiskey and now we shoot every two or three weeks together fun times i'm sorry if it's hard to follow english is my second language not me but my friend used to ride a unicycle as a kid he worked construction and they were working at a house that had an old unicycle the other workers tried riding it and immediately fell off my friend walked over to it and inspected the unicycle like it was the first time he ever saw one and said it didn't look that difficult they all laughed at him and he said he thought he could ride it eventually one of them bet him 100 he couldn't ride it he jumped on it and immediately rode down the street unicycle hustler by no means an expert i'd probably rate in the 1500s but i've played chess since i was a small child and was the best player in the middle school chess club the guy who owned the pool hole me and my juvenile delinquent friends hung out in was talking about how dumb kids are these days and said he bet nobody in my group of hoodlums could play chess i beat him soundly then again in the rematch haha one time i played my brother-in-law's friend who was a cocky member of some chess club i started with a super aggressive opening my brothers and i randomly read a lot of chess books growing up and he had no idea what to do i completely destroyed him medieval fair 2002 carney running the fencing game picks me out of the crowd for being tall and challenges meter free bout against the master not a lot of people fence so his gambit probably worked most of the time but when he handed me that saber i handed him his a when you are pretty good at something moderately obscure these are the kinds of things you daydream happen to you you sir have lived the dream when you're pretty good at something you get to tell people about it when you're great at something they'll tell you anna akani cried foiled again redditors make good fences they know how to repost did he kill your father my father trying to explain to me how computers and the internet work after he's called me over to figure out why his computer and internet aren't working i've been a nighty pro for around 12 stroke 13 years my parents and some friends still do this to me every single time went to a couple's night once and the guy had wall-to-wall movies and framed posters in his basement super into it mentioned i used to be a movie nerd but not so much anymore he challenged us to a movie trivia board game kiner in a condescending way and i tried to politely decline but my gf insisted we play they went first missed the question then we ran the table never heard from them again a similar thing happened with harry potter trivia recently my wife and i had just finished reading the entire series so when they missed their first question we proceeded to run the board eventually we missed one on purpose because we felt bad i'm an academy award-winning sound mixer and almost everyone on film sets think they know my job better than me well i am sure they have very nice and expensive stereo systems at home and listen to music all the time thus they are experts but seriously just me dabbling a little bit into figuring out how to properly stage a room for home theater is absurdly complex i can't imagine the complexity of what you are doing it happens a lot lately i'm a microbiologist so the number of people who have suddenly taken an interest in the subject in order to be confidently wrong about it is pretty upsetting did you know that covered is caused by five gram towers my mother is a [ __ ] she asked me what i thought about five grams a significant portion of my degree deals with radio frequencies and waves we had a serious sit down about radiation waves and their sources she did not like the fact that she herself emits radiation at a higher frequency than 5 grams she also did not like it when i told her her facebook friends conspiracy posts were not a reliable source of information i'm going for a phd in genetics not exactly an expert at microbiology but i have a strong background and the amount of times a day i mentally faster matt people's ignorance is staggering my favorites are the anti-mask crowd did you know that masks simultaneously block oxygen and let in viruses also if you wear a mask for any prolonged period of time it will cause brain damage it would be almost funny if i weren't high risk my stepmom told me that if people wear masks for a hundred years we would develop gills and mole faces because evolution this witch didn't even believe in evolution last year i have perfect pitch it's not a thing i can turn off notes simply are a pitch clear as day much like how red is clearly distinct from green in a whole music class in junior high teacher explains that mozart had perfect pitch and walks over to the piano plays a note and says and just by hearing it he'd be able to tell you what now that was now can any of you do that at the time i honestly had no idea this was rare ray's hand teacher with a smug look points and me and his gob smacked when i answer correctly with note and octave figures it's pure luck so does it again and asks me to face the other way i answer correctly again tries it with chords sequences and two hands worth of notes still right every time ends with me playing back a short sequence after listening to it blind that day i learned that perfect pitch is actually kind of rare a beginning writer asked some advice about a basic drafting method so i offered my point of view some tough guy decided to burden and say that what i said was proof i'm not a real writer and it was obvious i would never be published at that time the second or third book in my trilogy was about to be released i asked the guy not to tell my editor that i wasn't a real writer if i may what trilogy the time shift trilogy their cfe mysteries while i was in high school i was the reigning city fencing champion in both the youth and adult tournaments my high school decided to do a school-wide fencing unit for fizz ed and the coach they brought in to teach all of the students was my actual coach during my classes my coach naturally brought me up to help demonstrate the various moves but for some reason one of my classmates didn't understand that i wasn't chosen at random he started talking [ __ ] about how i looked like i didn't know what i was doing and how he could probably kick my a in a duel now he actually was pretty good for a guy who'd never fenced before and at the first opportunity to actually have a bout he decided to have a go at me i picked him apart and did not give up a single touch and use the opportunity to practice my parry and reposts i admit i took a bit of sadistic pleasure in thoroughly beating him afterwards my coach made a point of congratulating the other guy for doing so well against the city champ which changed his attitude considerably you should fence with the other fencing guy on this post if i had a nickel for every comment about fencing i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice when it keeps his head there can be only one my father-in-law challenged me about the capabilities of dvd specifically he claimed that you could only have widescreen video not four three on a dvd disc at the time i was employed as a dvd author i offered the very first commercially available feature on scenerist i am literally acknowledged in the first edition of dvd demystified as an expert i had already by that time personally authored literally hundreds of dvds with four three video he knew all of the above at the time yet still insisted i was wrong as a massive fan of film and physical media from laserdisc to dvd onto blu-ray and now 4k uhd this one really made me chuckle had hd dvd also forgot to add that for most of 2020 so far i am an infectious disease expert phd from a microbiology and immunology program and suddenly all my former high school classmates think they know more than me they watch the news and learn a new vocabulary and they bestow themselves a doctorate had a chuckle and bestow themselves a doctorate i might start using that i have been wrapping my family's christmas present since a very young age it's the perfect activity to focus microplaned perfectionism with my overall anxiety riddled self to create a beautiful masterpiece that would make anyone think twice about discovering the mysteries beneath the colorful paper and bows i have just always loved to do it and my mom was more than happy to not spend hours wrapping presents flash forward to the company christmas party in my late 20s we are split in two teams to compete for random prizes i am up for the next game i had no idea what i would be doing i see a big cardboard box a necktie wrapping paper scissors tape and a bow i know what's about to go down and i am here for it it's a blind present rapping challenge my competitors start talking about how they can wrap presents fast and i sit there silently staring down that cardboard box knowing fully that the crowd is in for a show blindfolds neckties go on we have a partner that isn't blindfolded that is supposed to give verbal directions just before the timer starts i lean over to my partner and say quietly are you ready for this and she just say what bam timer starts partner tries to give directions at first and quickly realizes i'm way ahead of her before anyone else can even get their paper cut i've got my box wrapped taped and bowed i even folded the ends in fancy to have the triangles meet and that my friends is how i earned the most satisfying 10 starbucks gift card of my life and earned the title of rap master rap god was taken my roommate who took a psych 101 class at a prestigious university told me a masters level therapist that the movie split with james mcavoy was an accurate depiction of multi-personality disorder i took psych 101 so i'm pretty much an expert there i'm no expert but people never assume i can play pool i grew up with my parents going to the pub so as an early teen would play a lot of pool and got pretty good there's been a number of occasions where i've got us a round of drinks or stuck into some knob who's hogging the table uncle phil jeffrey break out lucille someone once tried to insist that our state didn't sell alcohol on sundays i've spent over a decade working in restaurants and i'm also an alcoholic which she knew about but still insisted on arguing with me about it my old roommate once told my uncle all about wine she didn't know that he teaches classes about wine he was a real good sport about it one time i was buying a bottle of wine at grocery outlet and the cashier was like that's a really good wine i don't know a lot about wine and i had just picked it out because it was red and cost three dollars so i was like oh yeah great i'm checking out the label to see what this good wine is and he's like yeah i just had one of those green bottle wines last week it was fantastic and then i realized that he thought wines were classified by what color of glass the bottle was made from i used to play fighting games competitively all over the world never made one of the top slots but i could usually hold my own one of my best game was super street fighter 2 went to bar by work one day and they just so happened to have enz2 i order a drink pick random characters and just def around for a bit some guy comes in and immediately starts bragging to his date that he's the best sf2 player ever i asked him to play some games against me and offered to buy him a drink if he could be two out of three 12 games later i am completed hammered and he finally gives up and leaves still don't remember getting home that night the most incredible part here is that some guy thought he should brag to his date about being good at street fighter i wonder did he get to pound anything that night i suspect not not an expert or even certified but there's a specific kind of cargo parachute called a small air drop training bundle i can pack these correctly and buy the book in less than 15 minutes i was challenged by someone who had five years experience on me to see who could pack the most in an hour i had six while he was trying to argue with the quality control guy who has been packing parachutes for 20 years over how correct he did step 3 i had a good day beating the guy who just so happened to be the worst rigger in the world as a paratrooper formerly in the 82nd airborne division and air force trained load master of the us army i thank you for your commitment to your craft i'm live today because people like you make it easy to survive the drop from a high-performance aircraft while in flight i wouldn't say i'm an expert at push-ups but i've worked in the fitness industry for 20 years and work out myself fairly regularly doing 20 push-ups isn't anything to me i was at a party that was attended primarily by what i would call hipsters a guy who had been drinking a fair amount challenged me to 20 push-ups as fast as possible for 20 dollars i won and got 20 then another said he would do the same bet if we went right away i guess thinking i was kinda tired i beat him and got another twenty dollars a few minutes later another guy did the same bet it was an easy sixty dollars i love push-ups you can do them almost anywhere you happen to be you can even do them during sex i'm going to date myself here but i was an undergrad when the video game halo was released i never really played video games but at the time i had a boyfriend i am a girl who was really into it we played a lot even went to some college-based tournament games and did well fast forward some years later and my husband and i are at a house party someone turns on this box and was looking for a fourth for halo my husband volunteers me the guys were visibly not thrilled but played along i wiped the floor with them eventually they decided to team up three against me still destroyed them the whole party ended up crowding around us to watch it was a great night oh yes i get to share this story me and my buddies in seventh eighth grade loved golden eye we had sleepovers where we spent every waking second from 5 p.m until 9 00 am the next day playing no sleep at all we were convinced we were the best but had no real proof because we were only playing against people in our school big fish small pong type scenario fast forward about six or seven years my college holds a golden eye tournament haven't played it in years obviously well there was a giant problem my friends and i always played with inverted pitch on the issue was that golden eye in multiplayer doesn't let you select different control styles for different players everyone has to play with the same control scheme so i was stuck with my controls being upside down i still won the tournament i got absolutely rocked in the mario kart tourney but i had my golden eye badge color it sounds weird but in a time the color of something comes up and someone tries to correct me i've been a commercial printing press operator for 20 years i can spot very subtle differences in colors that most people can't i have a co-worker who one time looked at an internal web app we were building and he said the header isn't centered he was right it was off by like 2px even after he told me and told me the direction it wasn't centered i couldn't see it this same guy can do the same thing with color i really enjoy working with him although it can be frustrating at times when i can't see what he sees this is a superpower i can only name like six colors off the top of my head lol i'm a climatologist not quite this bit i tried to learn piano years ago i bought a keyboard and learned the first movement of moonlight sonata but it was literally all i could play i had just started a new job as a chef in a fancy hotel had been there maybe a month and was at the christmas party i sat at a piano and the head chef pointed me out laughing and said look at spliff lizard you can't play the piano i thought i'll just act confident and play the only thing i can so was like yeah i can i've played four years and he said oh really play moonlight sonata then couldn't have gone better he was gobsmacked and i never told anyone there that i was actually crap at piano except that one song lol lemsie krul the arcade video game a guy tried to hit on me at a house party by challenging me to a game but he knew he had made a mistake when i said sure i haven't played in a while it was my boyfriend's house and his game we still had fun playing though solving a rubik's cube my friend bet me 10 bucks he could solve the cube faster than me he solved it in one minute me 30 seconds this happens to me alet i had the unique situation of working in manufacturing in china for seven years i moved back three years ago and constantly have people explain to me why manufacturing could easily come back to the states i emphatically told them they are effing high [Music] you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 297,669
Rating: 4.9650493 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Id: 68nsP__RUQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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