People Share Best "YOU UNDERESTIMATE MY POWER" Moments That Actually Worked (r/AskReddit)

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hey read it what is the best instance of someone under estimating you there was a great internship posted on my law school job board I applied did all the right steps etc didn't even get an interview six months later a similar offer is posted I apply again this time someone from my school's career office calls and says we can't send someone with your credentials to that prestigious employer because this is a really important relationship for the school apply on my own get interview get position school finds out I got internship wants to set up meeting to make sure expectations are set correctly politely tell them to pounce and now have full-time job with company playing Trivial Pursuit at Christmas with my ex-girlfriends family most of them and their partners are teachers with a couple of college professors thrown in they looked down on me as I work in a manual labor job i won then drank all the bailiffs I'd been working as a data entry clerk at night in a medical practice the business manager found out that I knew bookkeeping she assigned me to balance the checkbooks none had been balanced since she first started there I thought the doctors were fools but I balanced them and gave them back to her then she threatened to fire me if I have mentioned to anyone how long the books had not been balanced wrong go I was a temp and at the best of times I didn't care if I left a job or not I spent the rest of my shift typing up a complete report on everything that I knew was wrong in the practice from handling patients appointments to posting payments I think it was over five pages and I made copies of my report and drop them in the doctor's mailboxes at the hospitals that they covered that way she would not know that I had stuck a knife in her I offered the doctors three options I disappear and they forget the whole thing I hire them a business manager on Commission and leave or I took over and would straighten the place out and when it ran right I would leave I'd given them my name and number then I went home and started sorting what stayed and what went with me I didn't even bother to call in the next shift or the one after that then I got a call from the head of the practice asking for a meeting I met with all five to seven doctors I offered to stick around until they could hire a real business manager the next day I was the manager and she was unemployed no one threatens me I hated the job but I did it just out of sheer spite I was at a conference when I was about 24 to 25 as I was waiting near the front of the room I was approached by a guy I had never met who said something like son let me give you some free advice you want to be successful in this industry pay attention to the next presenter I was the next presenter edit there is a classy / thoughtful way to do this and a douchey / condescending way to do it I promise this guy was not trying to be helpful he was trying to be an awesome industry insider who could talk down to other people I was considered the dumb one out of my group of friends at school I'm the only one who obtained the college education moved away from our hometown got a decent job and it and get anyone pregnant go me my dad used to tell me all the time not to bother with higher learning because I would just waste my money by failing everything graduated with honors dad still tells everyone how much of a loser I am though go get a job earning more money than him be shorter buy him a fancy watch with your yearly salary engraved on it with a note apologizing that you are such a loser I was at a new high school my english teacher gave the class a take-home PSAT for practice I handed it in and got a 1450 out of 1600 she accused me of cheating and the lying eventually we left it at well let's see how he does on the real test 1510 out of 1600 highest in the school duct that still feels good 25 years later I am blonde with blue eyes six feet tall and live in the u.s. I speak fluent Japanese and work in the automotive industry it is strategic to send me to meetings with Japanese executives and at some point during the meeting I invariably begin speaking Japanese immediately everyone loses their [ __ ] the company might add works at does a lot of dealings with Japanese manufacturers for parts whenever they do they often request to work with my dad over anyone else in the company the higher-ups don't understand it but they've pretty much appointed him their go-to guy for Japanese contracts the reason according to my dad almost everyone above him are wealthy bigwigs from Rochester New York they speak loudly interrupt each other constantly and are used to getting what they want whenever they are dealing with the Japanese then they treat them like they're idiots because they can't keep up usually because they speak little English or are working through an interpreter my dad meanwhile was raised in the south is good at listening and used to work with both the Japanese and the Scandinavians at his last job so he treats the Japanese with the utmost respect including showing proper deference to people with high rank in their company than his and understands that a language barrier is hardly any sign of lack of intelligence he says he can just see it in the eyes of the Japanese businessmen he works with when listens as they try to explain something for the first time nuts and replies to them with name Sam like they are thinking oh god finally someone we can deal with I got engaged at 17 married three weeks after I turned 18 the entire family went apeshit my father told me I'd be living in a [ __ ] never leave my little hometown never make anything of myself never go to college my grandmother poked my now husband in the chest and told us to our faces that our marriage wouldn't last six months I did go to college got an associate degree got out of that hometown bought a house got a bachelor's degree while working full time sold that house built a bigger house and we've been happily married for 13 years now longer than my parents marriage lasted and every single time we celebrate another anniversary it is the greatest duck you to my entire family inside my head never tell a girl they can't do something this always makes me smile when I was in high school just about to graduate we all had to go see the careers advisor at school for a little backstory it's important to know that I am physically disabled but not mentally impaired in any way anyway when I went to see her she told me that perhaps I shouldn't aim for University as it was going to be a challenge with my educational deficits I asked her what she meant and she said well your disability of course I very politely explained that my disability has no impact on mental cognition at all and she said I don't think you're right I think you need to consider the fact you'll never work all ever normal life these days I'm at university studying to be a social worker yes I know it's not something incredibly academic but I made it to university duck that ignorant career advisor oMG there was a kid at my high school in a wheelchair who was nonverbal so I would always baby-talk him not in a bishi way but I'd say how's Jordan today with an upswing in my voice on the Jordan part anyway he ended up getting one of those Stephen Hawking communicator things and proceeded to blow us out of the water with all of his adult thoughts and astute observations made me feel like an idiot when I realized how many times I treated him like he was mentally [ __ ] just because he didn't speak this woman asked me if I was strong enough to put some box on the shelf so I picked her up so she could put the damn box up there herself fixed a pluralization my girlfriend's dad was helping me tune up my truck he's a real domineering type of guy and likes to be bossy so I was just letting him educate me on vehicle maintenance towards the end I was sitting in the truck while he plugged the wires back up he wanted me to turn it over nothing he tried again and I turned the key nothing at this point I hopped out and without a word plugged the words correctly into the cab and started my truck no problem to this day I am the only one he doesn't try to educate and boss around TLE our Google is a great friend in high school I hated gym I almost failed and didn't graduate because of it I was a dancer a serious ballet student I was in the studio five days a week and worked out at home four days per week in my junior year 1989 I had to take the stupid Presidential Fitness exam fine I did the stupid thing the PE teacher said if I could at least not come in last she would pass me I wasn't a great runner I knew that however I came in above almost every single student in my class for leg presses aerobic tests sit-ups and overall fitness two guys beat me and I was the top female the coach insisted I cheated I had to do the test over the very next day after school it was just us I beat all my own scores out of sheer age when it was over I tried to again explain that just because I saw no merit in dodgeball didn't mean I wasn't fit I could do [ __ ] with body all those jocks couldn't dream of I still hold the record for most sit-ups in a minute and leg presses for women duck sharks I've had an ex girlfriend teacher employer and parent tell me my musical career would go nowhere and that heavy metal is stupid this year I got signed to nuclear blast one of the most reputable metal labels in the world and I played Wacken open air the biggest heavy metal festival in the world they are still working their shitty 9 to 5 while ITER the world doing what I love I did a stay one night at a college thing and we started playing guitar hero where everyone was strangers the self-diagnosed GH obsessed guy in the college failed a song and passed the guitar to me the quiet girl during the intro he said sorry it's still on expert then I proceeded to kill it hey they said it was because I was Asian I tend to agree I am currently looking for jobs in the craft beer industry in Bay Area people in the industry never treat me seriously as I am a 5 feet 6 beardless ation that only needs to shave once every two weeks according to them only hip guys with long beard and tattoos can be beer experts and I obviously look like a 18 year old high schooler that has absolutely no beer knowledge at all I've read most of the brewing science textbooks heck I even bought college microbiology and chemistry textbooks to read on my spare time to educate myself past tasting and other qualification exams and doing an internship in a brewery to get experiences just to let the white folks know that hey Henry spam right here really knows his stuff maybe next time when you hire a sail rep consider the beardless ation henry spam some background first I worked at my family's restaurant and to avoid special treatment I would go buy a different last name so nobody would know that I'm the owner's son so fast-forward about a year and we hire a guy named who I'll call Colin because that's his name Colin was a major douchebag who would try to unload his responsibilities on me and one day I just tell him that I'm not doing his job so what does he do he puts me into a sleeper halt and only lets go a second before the lights go out as soon as he let go I told him I was the owner's son and that he shouldn't bother coming in to work tomorrow he came to work the next day and we locked him out he was fired I'm pretty laid back we're business casual clothes to work that is nice dresses flat shoes but no suits perhaps heels now and then I introduced myself to a new employee in a department that works right next to mine I realize his attitude is a bit condescending as we talk a bit and as I start to walk away he asks are you one of the work-study students I smiled and realized he thought I was a stew worker and that explained his attitude I just laughed and said no I'm dr. damsel but it's great that you think I look young enough to be an undergrad I am 65 female and read it under estimates me all the time apparently if you are my agent female you only play games like candy crush never Skyrim or Diablo or civilization or portal etc also I must not know anything about computers or technology people are shocked and I suspect a little suspicious when I address those topics I hope I've changed one or two minds about the possibility that older people are not all the same just as young people aren't all the same my girlfriend used to call her uncle or other relatives to hang up lamps and do have the related stuff like drilling holes etcetera in our place she did so because she thought I had no idea how to do that one day I told her now I have to do all that I should have kept it safe and secret I've always carried a few extra pounds and I took a lot of [ __ ] from people in particular in baseball what people don't know is that I'm actually quite talented and faster than most people half my size one time some kid from the other team told me fat kids couldn't play baseball before the game and I proceeded to hit three triples and an inside-the-park home run that game I actually would back up when a chubby kid was at the plate usually they are the power hitters at the beginning of my senior year my guidance counselor told that there was no way I would graduate wouldn't go to college and would never make much of myself I should just drop out and try for a job and a GED I graduated on time have a college degree and now I work at the White House suck it thanks Obama on holiday in Croatia a drunk local accused me of staring at his girlfriend which I totally was and thought he'd be a tough guy he threw a punch I blocked it and hit him in the side of the head and he went all wobbly and fell into a hedge within 15 seconds I'd run off and disappeared into a crowd I'm pretty skinny but I was studying Krav Maga at the time and the whole thing happened before I really registered what was going on I ran off because Croatia seems the sort of place where the police are going to trust the drunk local / the sober tourists I hope the guy was ok people have been under estimating me all my life my parents were both in the beauty business I worked with them helping them to run the largest beauty school in Oklahoma for 19 years since I was a man in the beauty business everybody thought I was gay I was a Marine from 1966 to 1972 this was when the Vietnam War was going full blast the war was very unpopular since I was a Marine everybody thought I was a soulless baby killer I was a professional musician for many years of course everybody knows musicians are a bunch of drunks and dope addicts in truth I am not gay I am NOT a drunk or a dope addict and I have never killed babies or innocent civilians the point is that nobody knows enough about you to make judgments about you except yourself all your life people are going to assume they know enough about you to make judgments they are wrong however that won't stop them from doing it
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 650,598
Rating: 4.9342403 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: sl0NxCbSb84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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