Experts Share the Worst Thing Someone Has Tried to Correct Them about (r/Askreddit Stories)

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what's the worst thing someone tried to correct you about something you specialized that I studied history at uni and worked for a while as a tour guide in Prague Czech Republic I had a customer once on a walking tour of the city go really snarky with me because I called the river running through the city the Vltava he declared to the whole tour that that wasn't its name I asked him if he heard it referred to as the Moldau as that was the German name for the river during the Habsburg era when German was the official language bill he said no and was i stupid the river was called the danube i pointed out to him that the danube doesn't run through prague and asked if maybe he was thinking of Brno no he had definitely read in a guidebook that it was the Danube and why the heck was he paying money for this tarifa guide didn't even know what the river was called at which point another tourists in the group showed him her guidebook where it clearly said vltava then another show lemon map and another showed him another guidebook and so on until the whole group had basically showed him what at was he was being he didn't apologize of course but at least he shut up for the rest of the tour I'm not really specialised that are ready to tried correcting me about the geography of my country Norway claiming that it was very much flat like all the other Nordic countries and he refused to believe me when I told him that it's the opposite and it's filled with mountains I'm majoring in archeology I had a guy start talking to me about dinosaurs I correct him and say it's a fairly common misconception good pulley ontology and archeology are two different fields and I'm studying humans not dinosaurs he doubles down and insists I need to know about dinosaurs because what do you do if you're digging up ruins and find a dinosaur fossil call a paleontology he smartly tells me I'll be useless in the field if I don't know about dinosaurs and I better start registering for paleontology courses and leaves I still don't know about dinosaurs I had to leave the welding subreddit for this reason I'm a welder on nuclear submarines with over 14 different x-ray welding qualifications at this company alone I would constantly get into arguments with people who are new and have no real-world experience with welding the amount of wrong information being thrown out left and right over there is insane there are plenty of very knowledgeable folks there but they are overshadowed by the ignorant there are plenty of very knowledgeable folks there but they are overshadowed by the ignorant aliens describing earth to mother aliens you wouldn't believe the number of times people tried to tell me that people only become diabetic if they too much sugar and insist they are right I'm a type 1 diabetic diagnosed at 14 months was i drinking soda from my bottles and using rim pops as pacifiers then my art teacher in school took the yellow paint from me and drew a massive Sun in the corner of my picture I was 5 and I was already freaking brilliant at drawing the sun's the cow so Canadian lawyer here I used to do primarily firearms law I taught a course in firearms law at University I've been consulted on it by lawyers I've had judges teller the lawyers to phone me with firearms law questions I had a law student telling me that I was oh so wrong about firearms law on a particular topic eventually they went and cited a particular case which I politely advise them they were wrong about they keep going on talking about how just because I am a lawyer and they're a student doesn't mean they're wrong meanwhile I'm just holding my tongue eventually someone else chimed in to be like euhh don't you know who that is and the case you cited was a case he personally argued and won on satisfying AF if a heaven exists I think I just want to have it be a never-ending series of these moments where I'm the expert not me but yesterday I was at a physics lecture given by Donna Strickland who won the Nobel Prize in Physics last year for her work in lasers during the questions afterward some kid either undergrad young grad I didn't know him was all I have a comment more than a question and proceeded to explain some laser technique to her and that she should use it a response was a yes we are well familiar with X in my lab and use it I was just kind of amazed at the moxie a kid who tried to tell a Nobel laureate how to do her research in a room packed with hundreds of people there's one in every field I've know a few ancillary candidates in my field just starting out working with kids with autism who think they have it all figured out because they're a psych major and took child development classes I'm a climber people tell me to wear gloves all the time there is a form of climbing where gloves would be somewhat acceptable although even then a bit questionable but in free climbing bouldering you cannot wear gloves because your fingers actually allow you to grip on to smaller pieces of rock I totally get you got asked that question too a few times and then offered the people to join me and wear gloves one person joined me once and tried it seriously with those thin woolen gloves and she realized she had been wrong she is now my reference person if someone asks a question again I'm a food scientist so this happens basically all the goddamn time one person insisting that MSG gives her terrible migraines she was eating pizza at that exact time someone insisting that you should drink apple cider vinegar to alkalize your body to prevent diseases I point out that's an acid he insists it's not apple cider vinegar another person telling me how a Gabey nectar is soo much healthier and how I should replace all the sugar I eat with it I tell her it's just a fructose glucose mix and you might as well use corn syrup she got really mad like irrationally mad there is so much misinformation about food that this is basically constant for me asked to do the rear brakes on a classic vase / I think it may have been a 200 rabbi not sure it was decades ago so the owner and his pal turn up with the scooter i loosen off and remove the rear rim and tire loosen the hub nut and go to put the rear rim and tire back on oh hey wait a minute mate what the f are you doing I'm getting the hub off not like that you're not so I tell them I'm going for a cuppa and a smoke and I'll be back when they've removed the hub for hours for bloody hours they were at it hub wouldn't budge not one millimeter were getting bored I go back to them the rim and tire on screw in and tighten two wheel bolts and using a mallet hit three times in one point then three times 180 degrees opposite rinsing repeat three or four times Harrell rim tire hub assembly lifts off I charged them one stroke to add a labor for a thirty minute job a guy that considered himself to be a music man tried to correct me when I mentioned Beethoven's Ninth Symphony ode to joy' he insisted that Jay s bark composed it when in facts buck never composed any symphonies not to mention that ode to Joy's one of Beethoven's most famous pieces I'm a Hawley mechanic and I swear most Harley riders have to pretend they know everything about their bike I don't even argue with them anymore I just tell him what's up and if they wanted to bait about it I say okay and walk away law I know a guy who built his Hawley entirely or almost entirely from spare parts his party trick is to ask other enthusiasts what year model it is the correct answer is all of them a new house gets built next door to mine and shortly after the owners moving they knock on my door to complain that my house is built too high my explained that my house was is built on flat ground in their builder has built their house lower and undercut my fence the guy proceeds to give a long-winded spiel about how earthworks are done and my house is too high and I have to fix it I then explained that I do earthworks for a living have done the earthworks for 300 plus houses in my suburb alone and around 1200 in the local area I named his builder site supervisor engineer the exact floor levels in the street and the law that says that he has to pay to fix my fence he still hasn't paid and legal procedures are beginning soon I'm a professional pastry cook the GM at my new job tried to rity CH me how to crack eggs that flying is a dangerous mode of travel i MATC a plane crashes news a car crashes business as usual I didn't specialize on it but when I work to the deli in my local grocery store I had a guy come in asking for some sliced ham I asked him if he wanted black forest ham honey baked or mesquite ham he looked at me and said it's not mesquite its mystique I pointed at the sign and label on the actual Effingham that said mesquite ham but he still corrected me I gave up and gave him his dang mystique ham this was a good 15 years ago and I'm still mad about it my hometown is mesquite that cracks me up I'm gonna start calling it mystique my wife has a friend who studied zoology who once told me that cows can't run or jump I grew up with them I more than once had to run after or away from them after they had jumped a fence cows are freaking fast when they want to be our neighbors had a cow who learned how to kneel down and crawl across cattle guards she roamed the area for years couldn't be contained how to spell my own name which I am sure I know how to spell after all these years I have a friend who likes to tell people my middle name is Nebraska it's not my middle name is braska but I've had to argue with several people that yes I know what Mark told you and yes I know that you've never heard that name before but it's my goddamn name and I know what it is I'm an identical twin and a big biology nerd I had someone insists that fraternal twins are paternal twins and explain why she'll have some b/c they've leapfrog through her husband's family aaww that's rough don't know how her husband's genes will get her to produce two eggs though I was reading a fertility book the other day and I never realized but identical twins isn't associated with family history genetics final nurse and I particularly like it when people try to inform me about medications but I usually take paracetamol every hour and that's why you're here with liver problems I had a woman once tell me that I didn't know anything about cancer or cancer treatment and that she only needed essential oils and greens to cure her color excel cancer I literally am the cancer pharmacist and she came to this for treatment someone in my school USA tried to correct my Spanish I'm Puerto Rican a Spanish speaking colony of the US and then I started talking full Spanish and he walked away I remember a Spanish teacher from Colombia trying to correct my Spanish and when I insisted that this is how we speak in Porto Rico she countered that she's got a pret o Rican friend who doesn't speak like I do at all whilst until she met my mother that she finally shut the Frick up we never heard of dialects before I guess I got shut down by this actually I was arguing with my cousin while we were in an old hydraulic elevator I said the hydraulic elevators are slow crap and have far more failures than cable elevators the guy standing across from us laughs shakes his head and says he's an elevator repairman and that's not true at all shamed elevator knowledge very up and down that moment when after 20 minutes of arguing about something the person giggles it to prove you're wrong will that look on their face the shame when they see you were right all along priceless I'm guilty of this last year but the guy said Earth has different gravity in some parts it was so absurd that I argued I was wrong he is a pastry chef and not a physicist but still my height I'm 6 feet 10 guy comes up and says he's 6 feet 10 so I must be like 7 feet nah man you're 6 feet 6 maximum and then we went back and forth about that for a bit also had the other side of that coin where someone will ask how tall I am and I'll reply 6 minutes and 10 seconds and they just straight up won't believe me and will tell me I'm lying like what why what would I possibly stand to benefit I'm a knife maker a friend tried to tell me that the curve on the cart an ax was for gin no it's made by the forensic artists in the quench and then tried to tell me that tempering a knife meant hardening it I see that you actually studied the blade people without their it constantly try and quote various laws about being able to order alcohol when out with parents I work in a pub which is part of it chain we're regularly tested for challenge 21 no I'm not handing you a pint when you can't prove you're old enough and wouldn't be willing to pay the 1000 pound fine I'd receive oh boy where do I begin I'm a professional music producer I've been for years my productions get great reviews from people and are often singled out by music magazines and other industry professionals people who know what they're doing are nothing but nice and supportive but I get crap from salty bedroom guitarists all the freaking time seems like every time I produce a young band there's this one guy there who thinks he knows it all because he watched a YouTube video the base knob on the amp should be set at ten because five years ago I heard that two Monty sets his base knob at ten there should be no effects or editing on the vocals because Black Sabbath in the 70s didn't have vocal effects double-tracking guitars what the Frick Nirvana had one guitar player and they were the biggest band on the planet we're recording only one take , Black Sabbath in the 70s didn't have vocal effects yet but they did have Ozzy Frankie Osbourne and you ain't him I work in lightning protection here in the States I did the estimating in the designs for the largest company in the southeast have for going on seven years certified through our industry's certification company the amount of engineers and architects that love to argue with me about the code is astounding I live that code being my estimate and design systems my main job is to know that code the worst was the Army Corps of Engineers we had a project that their designer design that was in the bid package drawings pretty standard pick out the materials requested and ignore the incorrect design that is how we bid it won it and designed it this would have provided them with a fully certified system in our business a UL master label certification is as close to a requirement for every job as anything can be two weeks after we submit our design comes back with a revised resubmit stamp and a very snarky demand from the core that we change our design to the one provided in the bid package I went back and forth on email and calls with the engineers trying to explain to them that their system would not work was potentially a dangerous hazard and ultimately could not be certified or warranty that came back basically with we don't care what you say we no better do it so I did designed exactly like they had and put a disclaimer on the drawing saying there would be issues and we were not responsible a few months go by it's installed and ready for certification they call the inspector out and he fails it without even getting on the roof the Army is Pia and tried to come back at us I politely forward the countless email chains to the officer in charge now they scramble to get it up to code as a consequence it resulted in us issuing a change order to bring it up to code that was around 75% of the original cost of the project god damn it wasted tax dollars vast impurity I see it so much as a government contractor you've been visited by the big dump go big satisfying coops will come your way but only if you comment push hard dog oh I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I post new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 996,354
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, askreddit stories, r/, r\, top posts, stories, funny, reddit funny, people of reddit, sub, best of reddit, reddit stories 2019, reddit cringe, comedy, brainy memes, brainydude, comment awards, dankify, just, meme awards, experts, experts reveal, r/iamverysmart, iamverysmart, fail, awkward moments, experts react, professionals, experts share, professionals share, know it all, i am very smart, subreddit, memes, fails
Id: mT9MI6aMN1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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