Who Seemed Crazy Until They Were Right All Along? (r/AskReddit)

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who was crazy until they were right all along ludwig boltzmann his equations and formulas explained the physical properties of matter but as it went against the then accepted laws of physics he was ridiculed and ignored for years while fighting for atom theory to be accepted he took his own life just three years before ernest rutherford discovered the nucleus of an atom proving boltzmann's theory if experiments didn't show that they work the derivations in stat mech would seem like utter bullsh at the graduate level it was less intuitive to me than quantum i can really see why it was hard to accept and possibly drove its creators mad ludwig boltzmann who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics died in 1906 by his own hand paul lehrenfest carrying on the work died similarly in 1933. now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics david l goodstein states of mata hemingway before he took his life he became extremely paranoid the fbi was following him his wife and people around him just thought he was mentally ill and grew deeply concerned hemingway went as far as getting electro therapy at a psychiatric hospital to try and help with the perceived delusions turns out the fbi had been following and bugging him for years according to declassified files in comparison there was a sea fair writer philip k dick who was convinced the fbi was monitoring him so he kept sending demand letters that they release his file his daughter was interviewed years after he passed extras on scanner darkly dvdike i heard you've actually seen your father's fbi file and it is quite large yes it's rather large but the only thing in there are copies of his demand letters you telling me i can just send spam to the fbi and they will keep it fetch me the dick file yeah i remember reading about the fbi bugging him he had a tough life he was in two plane crashes that left him in a lot of pain and he also injured in a fire and a car crash on top of that he had a problem with excessive iron in his body stolen from wikipedia hemingway's behavior during his final years had been similar to that of his father before he killed himself his father may have had hereditary hemochromatosis whereby the excessive accumulation of iron in tissues culminates in mental and physical deterioration medical records made available in 1991 confirmed that hemingway had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis in early 1961. his sister ursula and his brother lester also killed themselves other theories have risen to explain hemingway's decline in mental health including that multiple concussions during his life may have caused him to develop chronic traumatic encephalopathy cte leading to his eventual suicide harry markopoulos spent 10 years trying to convince everyone investors journalists regulatory agencies etc that bernie madoff was a fraud based on forensic accounting madoff was one of the most respected names on wall street and despite the overwhelming evidence no one was willing to entertain the thought he might be running a ponzi scheme harry's book no one would listen is a pretty great account of financial detective work and just the abject frustration of being absolutely certain you're right but no one believes you in the days of landlines my phone was tapped i could hear a strange hollow sound and i knew someone was listening i had had a bad accident and was home for almost a year and involved in a lawsuit i told my attorney about it he told me the insurance company wouldn't bother i mentioned it to my roommate she told me i was crazy i began to notice a van parked on my street it was there for several days i thought i was under surveillance my attorney and my roommate said i was crazy a person came to my door asking questions about the neighborhood they claimed to be from a real estate company they didn't go to other houses i thought i was being watched my attorney and my roommate said i was crazy several weeks later my roommate's boyfriend was arrested for stealing physical and intellectual property from ibm it was the beginning of the tech era and he stole millions in hardware and software and ideas we were being watched to see if we were involved the phone was tapped we were under surveillance we were taped i wasn't crazy after all quite creepy but a relief that you were correct i don't mean to make light of your experience but i can't help but imagine the people surveilling your house listening to you tell people they were listening to you i hope they weren't dicks about it in 1912 the meteorologist alfred wedgener described what he called continental drift an idea that culminated 50 years later in the modern theory of plate tectonics 40 where jenner expanded his theory in his 1915 book the origin of continent and oceans 41 starting from the idea also expressed by his forerunners that the present continents once formed a single landmass later called panji wedjinna suggested that these separated and drifted apart likening them to icebergs of low-density granite floating on a sea of denser basalt 42 supporting evidence for the idea came from the dovetailing outlines of south america's east coast and africa's west coast and from the matching of the rock formations along these edges confirmation of their previous contiguous nature also came from the fossil plants glossopteris and gangomopteris the thoraxid or mammal-like reptile lustrosaurus all widely distributed over south america africa antarctica india and australia the evidence for such a nurse while joining of these continents was patented to field geologists working in the southern hemisphere the south african alex dutoir put together a mass of such information in his 1937 publication our wandering continents and went further than wedjoner in recognizing the strong links between the gondwana fragments wagoner's work was initially not widely accepted in part due to lack of detailed evidence the earth might have a solid crust and mantle and a liquid core but there seemed to be no way that portions of the crust could move around distinguished scientists such as harold jeffries and charles scudget were outspoken critics of continental drift that dude who suggested that it might be a good idea to wash your hands before performing surgery a gentleman never washes his hands we here at harvard wash our hands after we pee well sir we are gl don't pee on our hands semelwee supposedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues he died 14 days later after being beaten by the guards from a gangrenous wound on his right hand which might have been caused by the beating semelwees's practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death when louis pasteur confirmed the germ theory yes no one beats him he literally went crazy ripped dr ignace emelise the rates of postpartum women dying of childbed fever sepsis dropped dramatically when dr semelwys introduced his radical idea still met a lot of resistance the dingo ate my baby lady got made fun of constantly most notably in seinfeld and i believe went to jail because nobody believed her turns out a dingo ate her baby she is still made fun of this one was beyond f ed up your child is taken from you and killed by wild animals then you're jailed for murdering your own child and ridiculed the world over for your lame story as to what actually happened then yeah being right the whole time not even being right telling the truth the whole time god bad poor woman i can't even fathom what she must have gone through losing her child and then being punished and ridiculed for it and then being paid off as though it was all fine now absolutely horrible for a very long time the medical community thought that stomach ulcers were caused by stress a doctor in australia called barry marshall claimed they were wrong in that they were caused by an excess of certain bacteria and the cure was simple antibiotics the medical community ridiculed him and nearly ended his career he eventually decided the only way to prove he was right was to infect himself develop the ulcers and cure himself in curing himself he was proved right and won the nobel prize for his efforts and now stomach ulcers are very easily treatable they previously affected 1 in 10 people what's sad about these stories is that somebody coming up with a theory like that seems to be exactly the sort of thing which should excite medical professionals as it not only challenges their views but also proposes a more effective solution it's easy for me to be wise in hindsight but it isn't as if he was advising people to rub a rabbit's ears and the good vibes would make the ulcers go away courtney love was warning everyone about harvey weinstein back in the mid 90s but everyone just wrote her off if you're a woman in this industry and weinstein invites you to one of his parties don't go if courtney love of all people tells you not to go to a party you should really not go to that party i fully believe that most of the rumors and bad press about courtney love come from hollywood attempting to silence her don't get me wrong i don't think she's a saint but she's been very vocal on social media about her experiences over the last few years and i always wonder if we would have known about the hollywood abuse sooner if she had been given a platform earlier the fan that predicted the shows how i met your mother message and was shamed only to be completely right in the end jay harlan brett he was a geologist that in the 1920s came up with a theory about why the dry falls and surrounding scab lands of eastern washington state were so sharp and abrupt instead of smooth as should be with a general understanding of erosion especially since the falls have no real river to speak of to create erosion his theory was that a giant flood created by an even more massive lake ripped through the region millions of years ago reshaping the landscape in a matter of days he was laughed at and discredited in the geology community for almost 50 years until someone discovered evidence in the 1950s of an ancient and massive lake that started just north of montana that stretched all the way to southern utah the lake was believed to have been created by glacial dams ice walls during the last ice age it would fill up over thousands of years and then hit a point where a glacial dam broke and the lake water would fire out the break like a water cannon drain the lake and reshape an entire region over several days of the water flowed toward the ocean this happened several times since the flood that carved the dry falls likely started from the lake missoula area in modern-day montana it was named the the great missoula flood bretz was given an award in 1979 for his contribution to geology when he was 96 years old he joked all my enemies are dead so i have no one to gloat over when the civil war broke out everyone on both sides thought it would be a quick victory however sherman kept saying it would be a bloodbath that would drag on four years his superiors decided he was insane and sent him out west to fight indians native americans just to get rid of him after it all came true and they needed some better generals they said maybe we should bring back that sherman guy martha mitchell she was the wife of nixon's a.g john mitchell she was outspoken in the extreme and was one of the first to talk openly about what really happened re war teargate since she was also known to love her martinez she was widely written off as a drunk crazy woman behind the scenes a white house doctor began heavily sedating her and her husband locked her away from the press no one believed her until nixon resigned and the story came out to this day most people only remember her as that loudmouth martha mitchell the radium girls when radium had just come to the us and was being marketed on dials for war and watches girls use their lips to fix the paint brushes to make their numbers and dials perfect eventually they started suffering horrible painful experiences due to the radium these girls fought for years to figure out a what was wrong with them b who was responsible and see how they were going to pay their bills support their families it's a horrible injustice these girls needed support and validation that they weren't crazy that it was radium and it took far too long and too many deaths for it to happen when i was in boy scout camp we had this counselor named don he was kind of odd he knew everything about trees and only really talked about trees we had just gotten back from a hike that don was on with us and we were just sitting around talking and he suddenly goes you know they're gonna let girls into boy scouts soon we were all like yeah okay don but sure enough less than three years later they did it that's good i was expecting dom to be a pedophile michael bury the first guy to predict the 2008 housing market crash he was a hedge fund manager for scion capital at the time and basically bet his entire fund's liquidity all the money the fund had that there would be a crash no one believed him except a few other people who also bet against the market several of his clients sued him for tying their money up in what they considered to be a foolish bet all to have him be right in the end he made his fun something like 1.3 billion dollars and the value increased about 489 percent the movie the big short is about him and the few other people who were wise enough to bet against the market at the time i've watched the movie like five times in order to try to understand exactly what happened but still don't fully get it i recommend it to anyone who's interested fun fact michael bury was also ahead of the curve in the recent game stop surge i think he had something like 1.2 million shares of gamestop months before the price shot up might need to fact check myself after watching the big short i looked up how it all worked what happened explaining it in the simplest terms in the simplest way trying not to screw up some of the details this is how it worked when you are given a loan that loan is sold over over again within the market the loan is graded based on the likelihood of you fully paying the loan higher graded loans are worth more the lowest graded are almost and sellable or were until they started putting then into larger package deals that included some extra higher graded loans that were not sold yet this created a demand the market was flooded with the lowest grade of loan at the fear of losing business low grade loans started being given higher grades and these shtai loans now being presented as higher valued staff started being cycled through the market until they made it into the highest grading tier this is what michael bury figured out he checked loan by loan seeing house the market actually was bet against it the ex-husband of my ex-girlfriend turns out he wasn't the crazy one after all he kept trying to tell me and if i would have listened from the beginning i could have saved four years of my life i'm so sorry man there are always two sides of every story and unfortunately sometimes we meet the lies first good riddance and i hope the new space in your life is filled by someone much more deserving of your love and affection sometimes we meet the lies first i don't know if you are quoting anyone but i am stealing that very well written line courtney love and her quip about weinstein me about my now descent cousin he kept stealing things from me which my family felt was no big deal but it escalated it went from stealing candy to my things to cash and after that i asked them how much longer they would support him and call me selfish for not sharing the line was finally crossed when he stole our grandmother's credit cards and her car she finally wrote him off this was after he had stolen all of her jewelry including the last present anniversary ring my grandfather was ever to give her oh but he tried to say that our family kicked him out because he's gay no none of us cared about that it was because he's a thief his friends have bailed him out of jail and then dropped him when he steals from them but he claims the world is just unfair to him now he tells his pity story and milks that my family disowned me because i'm gay to everyone he begs from i learned this when he tried to do it to one of my friends sinead o'connor younger editors might not know who she is but she was a singer-songwriter from ireland who was a staple in the alternative music scene during the late 80s and early to mid 90s who had some crossover hits anyway at the height of her popularity she was the musical guest on saturday night live after canceling an earlier scheduled spot in protest against the guest host which was some dumbest stand-up comic from the 80s called and drew dice clay as scott thompson described him it's as if someone took your grandmother the one who can't speak english and taught her to swear phonetically gave her a special on hbo and made her a star during her performance she sang in a cappella version of bob marley's war changing the lyrics to make it about child sexual abuse instead of racism at the end of the performance she shouted something like fight the real enemy and ripped up a picture of the pope in the following weeks people lost their [ __ ] on the next episode of saturday night live they had at least three sketches that tore her apart a few years later the catholic sex abuse scandal broke internationally i think at the time she was protesting the magdalene laundress and she was 100 right and everyone knew it i remember this happening though i was pretty young my father didn't like her music much but he was like good for her if those people he had no love for organized religions nor child abuse tbh everyone owes her an apology she was basically blacklisted by hollywood after this and no one has reached out to her since that one journalist gary webb that uncovered the truth that the cia aided and abetted nicaraguan contra rebels in funneling coke into inner city communities corey feldman dude went on national tv to tell everyone that there was a network of sexual abusers in hollywood and that he himself had been abused and people laughed at him and shunned him and then it came out that pretty much everything he was saying was true the doctor who found covered in china and was silenced and died in prison from covered sinead o'connor people got big mad about her ripping up that picture of the pope but she was right my wife who never liked my mom's husband he apparently made a pass at her before we were married and i just wrote it off as bob being bob because it was honestly semi-innocent and at the time he and my mom wear newlyweds but over the years we started finding out he was hitting my mother he fondled my sister he was constantly cheating on my mom he got caught trying to take an upskirt picture of my friend's underage sister and he punched my mom and the head outside in the ice causing her to hit her head on the pavement fracturing her skull and causing an almost fatal brain here martige she needed to brain surgeries and now deals with balance issues and almost complete loss of taste and smell and hearing in one ear he has never faced any consequences for anything because four reasons i can't quite understand local law enforcement in their podunk town takes his side every time she calls the cops on him one time they even took her to jail because his drunkard fell in the walk-in pantry while they were having an argument and he called the cops and said she beat him up he's literally twice her size edit some questions i've had to answer a few times he has moved out and they are getting a divorce i haven't kicked his a because i live one thousand miles away i don't know where he lives and i am the sole breadwinner for my wife and two daughters if i go to jail they become homeless my mom doesn't want him in jail yet because he pays the bills and if he stops working she loses her much needed health insurance and her home the divorce trial is just around the corner and my sister and my friend's sister have agreed to testify against him so we're gonna see how that goes my dad he was a uk policeman in the 80s and 90s he would rant for hours about asian pedophile gangs and it's all being covered up because nobody wants to deal with it and i mostly assumed he was just being racist in the 2012 presidential debates between mitt romney and barack obama both were asked what the greatest foreign threats to america were mitt romney said russia and became the bird of jokes on both sides of the aisle for it didn't he know the cold war was over anyway there's plenty about the guy i don't like but i think about that answer a surprising amount as politics unfurls now i almost feel like i'd have to apologize if i ever met him for how stupid i and everyone else found that at the time [Music] so [Music] you
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Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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