Psychological Life Hacks That Will Change Your Social Life Forever (r/AskReddit)

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what are some psychological life hacks you can do to give you an advantage in situations I learned this one here a few years ago for anyone in customer service all works for many different situations but CS is a big one put a mirror behind you at the counter this way angry customers who approach you will have to see themselves in the mirror behind you and the chances of them behaving irrationally lowers significantly no one wants to see themselves act like a dog head if you're in a group meeting and you suspect that someone in there might come after you about something sit right next to them they were hoping that the group would provide some sort of hair defense but if you right next to them it can't be anything other than personal this tends to make them back off or at least substantially temper what they say source had a job with a huge target painted on my back for years if you ask someone a question and they only partially answer just wait if you stay silent and keep eye contact they will usually continue talking my boss does this making excuses for being late was brutal me I'm sorry I'm late car trouble silence and terrible traffic silence I overslept silence I'll work late tonight boss I own you if you learn to make your statements and confidently stand behind the silence after them you'll make the interrogator the one who is on his heels if you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people they will react the same to you it doesn't always happen the first time but it will definitely happen next time chew gum when you're approaching a situation that would make you nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping I can't remember where I heard it but apparently if we are eating something our brains trip and it reasons I would not be eating if I were in danger so I'm not in danger has helped calm me a few times I used to debate with a sandwich in high school well not with an actual sandwich I'd bring it for eating damn it sandwich you're wrong pay attention to people's feet if you approach two people in the middle of a conversation and they only turn their torsos and not their feet they don't want you to join in the conversation similarly if you are in a conversation with a co-worker who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turn towards you but their feet are facing in another direction they want the conversation to end you should check out Carol Kinsey goemon's research on these types of things in the workplace foot-in-the-door phenomenon people are more likely to agree to do a task for you if you ask them to do something simpler first gradual commitment is a crazy thing I've seen it happen and there is nothing you can do I think it's the other way around you ask them to do an unreasonable task and they'll say no so then you ask for what you want it a much more reasonable task and they are more likely to agree that way hey babe will you prepare me some filet mignon over rice pilaf and some caviar no how about a sandwich the physical effects of stress increased breathing rate heart rate etc there are identically the physical effects of courage so when you're feeling stress from any situation immediately reframe it your body is getting ready to do courage it's not feeling stress a great example of cognitive reframing researchers found that you do better when you appraise a stressful situation as a challenge not a threat in sales though I guess it could be applied in other ways once you make the sales pitch don't say anything else my boss at an old job was training me and just giving me pointers I was working a tidge and trying to sell memberships he told me that once I got all the small talk out of the way and presented the prices that the first person to talk will lose it didn't seem like a big deal but it actually worked often there were long periods of awkward silence as the person tried to come up with some excuse but usually they bought it was quite impressive actually for interviews I recommend altering your psychological state beforehand tell yourself I've known these people all my life we're old friends catching up I can't wait to see them visualize the experience shaking hands making eye contact having conversation what things can you not to wait to tell them hold an open pose stand with your legs apart hands on your hips and shoulders back while doing this and smile this may sound cliche but you are in charge of your own psychological state and the power of suggestion is strong for interviews I recommend altering your psychological state beforehand right Oh pop some acid before my next interview got it so have you had any prior experience in this field we're in the field almost did that once one summer I picked up a job as a delivery driver at a pizza joint cause my friend worked there well the day that I turned in my application that friend and I bought some taps from the manager who regularly sold all the employees weed the next day about 30 minutes after we ate them the manager calls asking if I can come in for an interview I freaked out and made an excuse for why I couldn't commit forgetting that she was the one that sold the acid tests she made fun of me for it the next day that job was chiller stock when a group of people laugh people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group we'd want to know who wants to burn who look at who they look at when everyone laughs if someone else knew this trick and looked at you to see who you were looking at and vice versa you would both think you liked each other well if that happens those two should just get it on might as well they already looked at each other no going back at that point when you first meet people try to notice they're right color while also smiling at them it might be because you look for a second daughter longer but all I can tell you is that people really respond to it every one of these that's pretty good I keep imagining a socially awkward reddit user just completely ducking it up while what are you doing just staring at your eyes they are blue full satra bution of arousal when you take somebody out on a first date take them somewhere exciting that will get their heart beating for example rollercoaster or horror film this gets their adrenaline up it makes them think they enjoy spending time with you rather than the activity you are in control of your emotions and thoughts try replacing some immediate responses tell yourself you'll happy about something or you're excited eventually your brain will end up believing it that's the same for being down and that's why you should never try to diagnose yourself saying you're depressed or have social anxiety would end up with you being more anxious and more depressed you won't notice it at first but over a few months it will have a pretty noticeable effect on your personality I remember the last time this thread showed up someone posted that if you ask someone to do you a small favor cognitive dissonance will make them believe that because they did that favor they therefore must like you after all why would they help someone they disliked I don't have a source unfortunately but I believe the original comment did if anyone can find the previous thread the best one I ever heard was apparently if you have a warm hand when you shake somebody's hand you immediately become a more desirable person to get along with lessen warm your hand in your pants before shaking hands with someone when I worked in retail I had a tendency to get real Curt with rude customers when I realized I was just taking the bait I decided to be super nice even when they would get openly hostile some of them would get even crazier and they looked like tools after a person breaks up with someone they are at their most vulnerable state for manipulation because of the flood of emotions this could be used for the good or evil purposes when my buddy broke up with his manipulative girlfriend I made sure he had a good day but I should have manipulated him maybe you manipulated him into thinking you're a great no I was genuine back then but nowadays I don't trust him hence my comment stand up straight no slouching hands out of pockets and head held up high it's not just a cliche you literally feel better and people around you feel more confident in you not always a must but try to dress well for important occasions including interviews if you look good you feel good and if you feel good you'll be good in a negotiation setting always start by anchoring meaning start on a more radical extreme end of what you expect to get that way you and the other side can work to that result rather than you locking yourself out of it avoid saying I think and I believe unless absolutely necessary these are phrases that do not evoke confidence and will literally do you no good when playing a game of cards with casual players mutter to yourself the exact opposite of what you want to happen so if you want your opponent to fold then mutter please don't fold please don't fold an overwhelming amount of times the opponent will fall for the bait when feeling anxious clean up your house / apartment you will feel happier and more accomplished than before from an academic standpoint this is mostly just armchair psychology but from a real-world standpoint these have all worked very well in my personal and professional lives promise yourself you'll never talk [ __ ] about other people even when the people around you are talking [ __ ] even when you agree with the [ __ ] they're saying you don't have to make a big deal of it just don't partake in it once people get the idea you're not into saying mean [ __ ] about other people behind their backs the amount of [ __ ] they talk around you will decrease it isn't fun to talk [ __ ] unless everybody's talking [ __ ] your decision to stop talking [ __ ] in their eventual reaction to you not reciprocating the [ __ ] talking will positively affect both of you as well as your relationship I don't know for me since I made this change in how I interact with people the amount and quality of my friendships has grown people will trust you more if they haven't listened to you gossip about other people you will be seen as more and more positive person than other friends who do talk [ __ ] the gap gossiping used to fill will be replaced with way more interesting and/or intimate conversation - I don't know just stop talking [ __ ] and be kind refer to people you've just met by their name people loving being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away say your friend introduced you to Peter after five minutes he decides to leave don't just say bye but instead say bye Peter when you were studying / learning something new teach a friend how / about it let them ask questions if you are able to teach something well you understand it make it a practice to get rid of filler words and phrases such as like you know etc instead use short pauses to gather your thoughts before speaking though avoid shatner style pauses using filler words keys whoever you're talking to that you are thinking about what you are saying leaving them out makes these thinking spots less noticeable since you aren't essentially announcing to the world that you are thinking and makes you seem more sure of yourself late to the party but if you are playing beer pong and your opponent is playing like he sold his soul to the devil all you have to do is ask what he is doing with his opposites throwing hand damn bro you're playing hella good what are you doing with your left hand when you shoot this will make him conscious of his left hand and he will start messing up almost every time drink well my friends if you're into psychological hacks then you must read get anyone to do anything also on iTunes audiobooks it's a fascinating easy-to-understand book written by a psychologist the hacks are divided up into chapters how to catch someone out on a lie for example brilliant technique I gave this to an old manager I used to work with he was having problems with a board member that hated him and wouldn't agree with any of his suggestions regardless of how good they after applying techniques in the book that all changed I also used it to get a date with a woman who I considered way out of my league it worked I'm ashamed to say so he is getting us to buy the book that's some second-level psychological manipulation edit I meant it is deeper than the usual manipulation you experience through people also I probably should have written next instead of second but English is my second language [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 764,959
Rating: 4.9557214 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, askreddit mind tricks, askreddit life hacks, askreddit psychology tips
Id: nja7z7cyAW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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