When A Man Loves You | Cuffing Season | (Part 9 ) | Jerry Flowers

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okay you've been waiting i'm ready let's go come on in the room everybody on this beautiful thursday nights and i pray that you guys are prepared i pray that like one lady said she just gonna come bald because i'm always coming for her scalp just i hope you guys are ready for tonight because we're gonna have a conversation that i think is gonna be great it's gonna be profound it's necessary i pray and ask god to give me oil for this particular message so i need y'all to come in the room take your screenshot tag us let a friend know we are now live send the link share drop a comment let us know if this is your first time if this is your nighttime a part of this cuffing season series and it has been blessing me so my prayer is that it has also been blessing you so as usual i feel as though i'm a man on a mission i have a lot to share with you a little time to do it so let's get to work our foundational scripture is going to live in genesis chapter 29 genesis chapter 29 just a few verses uh genesis 29 verse 32 it says leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son she named him reuben for she said it is because the lord has seen my misery surely my husband will love me now she conceived again and when she gave birth to a son she said because the lord heard that i am not loved he gave me this one too so she named him simeon again she conceived and when she gave birth to a son she said now at last my husband will become attached to me this woman has given everything she have to try to get a husband's attention he'll become attached to me because i have borne him three sons so he was named levi so she conceived again and when she gave birth to a son she said this time i will praise the lord so she named him judah then she stopped having a verse of emphasis and the particular text in our foundational narrative that is going to serve us for the time that we have together on tonight is the halfway mark of verse 32. it is because the lord has seen my misery surely my husband will now love me father we thank you for this moment in time we thank you for allowing us to have the access to feast and dissect your word oh god we're praying that you flood the atmosphere it doesn't matter if we're watching on an ipad an iphone an android a tablet listening on the car to the podcast we are praying oh god that you flood the atmosphere and perform surgery like only you can and as my typical request oh god use me to be your pa system your oracle your spokesman the soundtrack of heaven all the study means nothing if you are magnified and if you aren't glorified in jesus name and as usual everybody who agrees with that prayer would you drop in the room amen a man it is because the lord has seen my misery surely my husband will love me now ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters i just would like to share to you share with you my heart i would like to share with you what has been palpitating on my heart for the last few years and i believe it's god inspired i believe it's god inspired and if i just be open and honest and we just get straight to work i want to speak around this thought from this subject for the time that we have together on tonight when a man loves you when a man loves you now if i be honest while i was studying and gathering sermon content i was like god why are we going this direction there are a lot of different avenues and directions that we can go why are we going and why are you inspiring me in the direction of when a man loves you because i believe a lot of people you have joined me on tonight you're excited you got your notepad you got your tablet you got your bible you got your pen you got your checklist and you ready you like yeah see that's what i'm talking about that never was love uh-huh that part right there oh did y'all hear what he just said that part it was that part for me and sometimes you tag people by listen i wish my ex-husband could hear this i wish my sister could hear this i wish my brother could hear this and then i get dms all the time like jerry where were you where were you in 2015 because if i had this intelligence if i had this information and this intel if i had this knowledge i would not be in recovery season after recovery season we low-key have beef i love kehav beef with you jerry because i need to know where were you back in 2018 while i needed this information if i had this knowledge six months ago if i had this information five months ago some of us if i just had this five minutes ago and i understand for some of us that may be your outlook but if i could change your perspective for a moment if i could change and challenge your perspective for a moment a knowledge deficiency is not always the blame for pain a knowledge deficiency is not always the blame for pain because sometimes we're asking god to heal us but we don't want to let go of what's making us sick all right okay y'all been waiting all week for this and i've been waiting for you we're asking god to heal us but we don't want to let go of what's making us sick truly we are tired of our hearts catching a cold we are tired and exhausted of being infected with emotional influenza but we won't end and break up with the thing that keeps us getting infected i feel like y'all just got real quiet we're not letting go of the thing that keeps on getting us infected what if it's that music that you have on your playlist what if it's that 90s r b your favorite song that's infecting you with lust what if you looking back and monitoring a place that god brought you out of and you're looking at an x down his timeline or down her timeline what if looking back over and over is infecting you with insecurity maybe that's the infection what if you're looking at how they're doing it and then look at how you do it and then looking at where they're living and then looking at where you're living maybe that's infecting you with comparison maybe our atmosphere is affecting us maybe our atmosphere is infecting us maybe that association is infecting us and when we allow our feelings to be our driver and not our passenger it will cause us to confuse what's good to us with what's good for us did y'all hear what i just said anytime you allow your feelings to be your driver instead of a passenger it will cause you to confuse what's good to you with what's good for you and i'm just trying to convince somebody watching this message on the night you don't even recognize that ending was god helping you invest in your soul care that breakup was an investment in your soul care them rejecting you was an investment in your soul care them cutting you off could have been an investment in your soul care i need everybody watching this message on the night to forgive yourself for all the times that you left you behind to chase their approval let's go ahead and encourage everybody can i get everybody to put this in the room in all caps i will no longer lose me while helping them find themselves yeah one more time if you have to make it personal make it personal i will no longer lose jerry while helping them find themselves i would no longer lose me i will no longer lose me i will no longer lose me why god why are we going the direction of when a man loves you and y'all god answered my request he answered me because a lot of us i want us to understand this conversation that we're having on tonight is deeper than romance it's deeper than relational advice and it's deeper than just marital wisdom because truthfully marriage is not even permanent i feel like that just hit somebody in the throat and it got your attention marriage is not even prayer and not even permanent and is there anybody watching this message you've allowed yourself to entertain a state of depression because you're so caught up of what you want to have that is really temporary but when marriage is not even permanent i'm gonna give you a bible i'm gonna show you this in a text just in case like okay i never heard that before break that down matthew 22 matthew 22 verse 24 it says teacher they said moses told us that if a man dies without having children his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for him now there were seven brothers among us the first one married and died and since he had no children he left his wife to his brother the same thing happened to the second and the third brother right down to the seventh finally the woman died now then at the resurrection whose wife will she be of the seventh since all of them were married to her look at jesus response jesus replied you are an error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of god jesus was cold can y'all imagine somebody talking to you like that you'll get offended this that jesus we don't talk about jesus says you are an error because you don't know the scriptures or the power of god at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage they will be like the angels in heaven marriage is not even permanent this conversation when a man loves you is deeper than romance it is so much deeper than relational advice the conversation that we're having on tonight the holy spirit revealed to me it is about a kingdom agenda that i'm looking to release in the earth because in the spiritual realm the man is the leader the man is the authority agent the man is the covering the man is the head the man is the gatekeeper the man is the protector of the family therefore we cannot effectively change the world without first having changed men did y'all hear what i just said in the spiritual realm the man is the leader he's the head he's the covering he's the protector of the family so therefore we can't effectively change the world if we don't have changed men and this is something god dealt with me rather intentionally about back in 2015 when i'm saying god use me i want to change the world for your glory god use me i want to be your billboard i want to change the world for you god send me i go send me i go send me i go let me go let me go y'all know none about that i used to ask god i wanted you i want to be used for your glory help me change the world and god had to check me he said jerry you cannot change the world until i have first changed you and if there any sisters watching this message never desire for your last name to change more than you want god to change him because if you rather your last name the change versus god changing him he'll change your last name but for the rest of your marriage you'll be praying for god to change him i need changed men i need changed men in the earth this is a kingdom agenda because if we can get the head to have a collision course with the love of jesus if we can get the covering to love jesus oh if we can get the gatekeeper to love jesus if we can get the protector of the home to love jesus and then he can begin to love his wife like christ loved the church and lead his family into that love him loving like jesus will help the world experience the love of jesus did y'all hear what i just said this is a kingdom agenda because a man will always treat you out of what he loves a man will always treat you out of what he loves so if he loves money and he loves possessions he's going to treat you like a possession if if he loves sex he's gonna treat you like a sex object this is so good y'all if he loves nothing he's gonna treat you like nothing oh but if a man ever has his heart captured by the gospel if a man ever has his life changed by the power of the cross if a man ever experiences the love of jesus and then he begins to lead his family into the love of jesus and that household can lead a community to experience the love of jesus and we can have churches that preach on the love of jesus then we can have a nation that experiences the love of jesus and then we have the world experience the love of jesus but it starts with the man i have to have a man who knows how to love me i have to have a man who follows me because if he loves me and he follows me he can lead people into my love it's a kingdom agenda y'all not just relational advice but something has happened something something has happened to our men something has happened to our men and it started in childhood when we were told to shut up stop crying i know you're not crying over that that's just a scratch girls cry over that don't trip over her bro there are more fish in the sea i know you're not crying i know you're not acting like a punk i know you're not acting like a something happened to our men it's when we were childs we were robbed and we were taught how to not express and it's dangerous when a husband doesn't know how to express it's dangerous when a son doesn't know how to express it's dangerous when an uncle when a grandfather when a brother does not know how to express because in the kingdom realm we have been wired to express the heart of god we have been wired to model the love of god because men we are identity givers y'all need to see this you have to see this again genesis chapter 2 verse 19 out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to adam to see what he would call them and whatever adam called each living creature that was its name what is adam doing right here adam is handing out identity what do men do we hand out identity what do fathers do we hand out identity and like i stated before if we are the ones that hand out identity could you imagine how detrimental it is for the family infrastructure when the identity giver is an identity crisis or what's worse when the identity giver is not even there and when the identity giver is an identity crisis or if the identity giver is not even there it automatically by default positions the family to engage in identity theft this is why our daughters and our son feel so valued by putting all these names on us all these jersey names on us this is why he feels cool to have those jordans on his feet to have those yeezys on his feet this is why she feels significant to have that louis vuitton to have that coach back all these names that we're putting on us and i want you to recognize there's a name above every name that has chosen you and if we don't have men who are handing out that identity we'll have culture handed out for us this is so good what if we had men who it didn't compare and contrast with the way i love is that how jesus would love i'm not always gonna just think i'm right when i feel an emotion the way i love is this how jesus would love for the next few minutes y'all are invited with me to get on your king behavior can i get everybody to drop in the room kingdom vibes only kingdom vibes only let's get on our king behavior what if we were to actually look at how we love and then look how jesus loves as a man how do i still love when i've been hurt how do i still love when i've been hurt because historical trauma can give us a high tolerance for pain and we have to become people that stop measuring our strength by how much we could take we have to become people that stop measuring our strength by how much we could take as a man how do i love when i've been hurt let's look how the king would handle it in luke chapter 23 verse 33 it says and when they had come to the place called calvary there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right hand on the right hand and one on the left hand then jesus said father forgive them for they know not what they do for they do not know what they do so as a man how do i love when somebody hurt me i forgive them i forgive them now get this forgiveness does not always mean re-entry that part though forgiveness does not always mean re-entry this is why i get the joseph test when joseph brothers came back he didn't just allow them automatically come back in his life he first tested them before i introduce you to this new me i have to see are you the same person that threw me in the pit are you the same person that took my robe are you the same person that sold me into slavery because just because time has changed doesn't mean you have forgiveness does not always mean reentry but like i stated week after week forgiveness frees the prisoner and once you forgive you'll discover that the prisoner was you all bitterness does is contaminate the container all bitterness does is contaminate the container and i want us to be people who recognize i will not allow pen i will not allow pain to own the pen of my story i need to say that again i will not allow pain to own the pin of my story because it is not my author can i get somebody to put this in the room payne will not have the final say it will not have the final say from that divorce it will not have the final say in my singleness it will not have the final say in my marriage it will not have the final say in my children it will not have the final say on my job pain will not have the final say because i will not allow pain to own the pen of my story how do you love when you've been hurt you love like the king with love let's go let's keep going how do i love when i'm being falsely accused as a man how do i love when i'm falsely accused because sometimes their opinion of me can cause me to dilute my authenticity when i care more about what they say about me it can cause for me to dilute my authenticity and what if i told you what if i told you that all perfectionism is is the fear of criticism playing dress up this is so good y'all what if i told you that perfectionism is the fear of criticism playing dress up you still care what they think you still care what they think how do i love as a man women y'all listening to this too how do i love after i've been falsely accused let's see how the king will handle it matthew chapter 26 verse 59 it says now the chief priest the elders and the counsel sought false testimony against jesus to put him to death but found none even though many witnesses many false witnesses came forward they found none but at last two false witnesses came forward and said this fellow said i am able to destroy the temple of god and to build it in three days and the high priest arose and said to him do you answer nothing what is it these men testify against you look at this y'all but jesus kept silent and the high priest answered and said to him i put you under oath by the living god tell us if you are the christ the son of god jesus said to him it is as you say nevertheless i say to you hereafter you will see the son of man seated at the right hand of the power and coming on the clouds of heaven i want you to notice this i want you to notice this when they were talking all that noise what did jesus do he said nothing because you have to learn to not respond to what you're not i don't have to respond to what i'm not the only time jesus said something is when he was able to identify who he was but you can't if you can't identify who you are you'll constantly keep on responding to what you're not this is why you keep clapping back in the comments section this is why you keep clapping back to emails and this is why you keep clapping back on the phone because maybe i fully haven't grasped the understanding of who i am because when you know who you are you don't have to respond to what you're not if you come to my house you open the door and say hey brittany my dog won't even look at you but if you say judah then he'll look at you how is it a soulless beast a soulless beast have enough sense to recognize i don't respond to what i'm not but we are the apex of god carriers of the kingdom of heaven and we keep clapping back to stuff that we're not how would the king handle it he wouldn't even respond to it i don't address shade thrown from i don't address shade thrown from a tree with no fruit i wouldn't even respond to it and like i said in the try me series it is not your responsibility to recreate the version of yourselves that they have of you in their head that is your responsibility the version of me that you have in your head that's your problem the version that they have of you and their head is your is their problem you will get exhausted constantly trying to recreate people in the comments section constantly trying to recreate yourself to people in the comment section and what people say about you just get this reality and get this understanding i don't have to explain myself to you what did jesus do he remained silent how does a king love when he's been falsely accused he doesn't even acknowledge it he doesn't even acknowledge it i'ma keep going how do you love when you know somebody's dirt oh yeah how do you love when you know somebody's flaw and you know their weakness do you use their flaw as ammunition and you're like i wish they would say something because i got dates times screenshots i got screenshots and everything i got so much tea i wish you would try it how do you love when you know somebody's flaw let's see how the king will handle it john chapter 8 verse 3 it says then the scribes and the pharisees brought to him a woman caught in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they said to him teacher this woman was caught in the very act she was caught in adultery in the very act now moses and the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what do you say this they said testing him that they might have something of which to accuse him but jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with this finger as though look at this y'all he did not hear so when they continued asking him he raised himself up and said to them he who is without sin among you let him throw a stone at her first so so how do you how do you love when you know somebody's weakness here's a little slogan that jerry made that i want you to live by don't throw a stone that will be thrown at you if you're behind the scenes everybody knew don't throw a stone that would be thrown at you if you're behind the scenes everybody knew don't throw a stone that would be thrown at you if you're behind the scenes everybody knew in biblical terms extend grace extend grace and pray for them see this this type of conversation there's a desperate need for learning in the area of what we call a man and what we call love and how we have got in this dangerous place is due to what i like to call our first teachers who got to you first your first teacher of sex your first teacher of pain your first teacher of what you do when you're upset your first teacher and a lot of us we're struggling because we have to try to unlearn the first lessons that we were taught now the biblical example the kingdom agenda was for parents to teach you first parents train your children up in the way that they should go training the hebrew means to drag it's like drag your children in the way that they should go and when they're old they will not depart from it but unfortunately a lot of us the first teachers of trauma was our parents gosh the first teacher to molestation was your step daddy and so now here we are grown and adults trying to unlearn things and maybe this is the issue we've been taught wrong but are you willing to relearn and be taught the right way because your first teacher matters please listen there is this mystery in victory there's a mystery and victory and i have discovered the secret to spiritual success is not just tied to discipline obedience and consistency it's also tied to our ability to our ability to discern who not to listen to did y'all hear that yeah yeah your your secret to spiritual success is not just discipline obedience and consistency it's your ability to discern who not to listen to and i can't speak for anybody else but myself but is there anybody who's arrived to this place i have to have quality in my corner i have to have quality in my corner i don't want to lease my ear to somebody who sends me in recovery season after recovery season i want to have some anointed friends is there anybody else in the room like that i want to have anointed friends not just friends that knew me since high school that's cool to have friends that i've known for a long time but i want to have anointed friends you know why because the bible says the anointing breaks yokes i want to have relationships that when i hang with you stuff breaks i want to have a relationship and i want to have brothers that they help break my ego and they help break my pride help me not be so concerned about feeding my evil my ego but let me feed my spirit i need people in my life who break something because powerless preaching powerless pulpits creates powerless pews and the caliber of a man is directly connected to the quality of his counsel i'm preaching y'all i'm preaching and a lot of us don't even recognize you are a byproduct of the level of teaching you sit under who is in my ear matters and so i recognize in society today in society today i believe we have three types of men we have the self-made man the culture made man and the kingdom made man are y'all ready for this are y'all ready for this i'm gonna keep going even if y'all weren't the self-made man this is the type of man he's a loner most likely an introvert very secretive the way he loves you is based on the love that he taught himself he loves you based on what he taught himself as love but the problem with that is when a man teaches a man how to love that could become problematic and an issue because you can't love a woman the way you love a man and when he doesn't understand this he's real rough with you he's real stern to you he's real direct to you very sarcastic to you because he's treating you like a man but he hasn't been taught tenderness and gentleness this type of brother he don't believe in no type of therapy he's not trying to do no type of counseling he can never see himself you know why because he taught himself the worst type of combination is when somebody's ignorant and arrogant when you're ignorant you think you know everything when you're arrogant can't nobody tell you anything the worst combination with this type of man is i never seek out therapy and i never seek out counsel because i'm self-counseled and please hear me on the night if you allow your mind to counsel you if you allow your emotions to counsel you if you allow your thought patterns to counsel you pain is imminent and so the woman with this type of brother she will always fall short because he's loving you like he will love a man self-made man then we have the culture made man this is the type of man who loves you based on how culture has shaped him so he loves you based on how 90s r b told him to love you he loves you based on how he sees other people and culture love their wife he loves you by his favorite tv shows and here's the thing y'all i'm like have we forgot that movies and television is for entertainment not instruction we don't get education from you guys this is entertainment i was counseling a couple one time years ago and this wife was all mad she was like yeah i was watching this with him and i was like why you can't be like that why you can't be like that and i had to say ma'am he's not even like that that's an actor that's an actor you're saying i want a man like this i want a man to treat me like that he's not even like that that's an actor and if you want him to love you like an actor don't get upset when the love is fake all right y'all not ready for this y'all not ready for this now listen here's the thing when culture addresses you this is the difficulty of difficulty when you allow culture to address you when you allow culture to dress you every time you step in the mirror you're already out of code because culture keeps changing and so you have to hurry up and go try on another outfit and then when you look in the mirror to see how you look it's already changed again and so is training you and discipling you how to be an inconsistent man because the trends keep changing i believe that their sisters watching this message that you would say one of the most irritating things a man can be is inconsistent if you're gonna be a fool be consistent if you're gonna be sorry be consistent so by default when we let culture dress us it disciples us to be inconsistent because culture has been my rabbi so good y'all then we have the kingdom made man i'ma breeze through these kind of quickly because i want to get to our main points the kingdom made man this is the man who understands that love is sacrifice this is the man who understands that his assignment is to cover you that this this is the man who understands provision okay and not just providing you with food and shelter and clothes that's like cultural men cultural men do that when you're a kingdom man i'm trying to give you so much provisions that it leads an inheritance for my children's children that's kingdom maybe you have been shooting the bar too low girl i'm coming home i'm providing you food look at this place listen bro kingdom is i'm leaving an inheritance for my children's children you thinking about the mortgage but the kingdom man is thinking about his great grandson he's thinking about his great granddaughter that's kingdom the the kingdom man is jesus dependent that means god if you don't move i'm not moving if this isn't your will i'm not doing it if i don't have clarity on this i'm not doing i am dependent on jesus and this is so good the last one we're going to touch on this as we end this the kingdom man heals it is my job it is my job for you to forget that your heart was ever broken and i want to love you that you could forget that your heart was ever broken and love you like you never have been loved before i wash blemishes i wash wounds leah was in this place where she was like maybe if i give jacob this son he'll love me look at the text look at our text verse 32 she named him reuben for she said it is because the lord has seen my misery surely my husband will love me now she conceived again and when she born a son she said because the lord heard that i am not loved i want you to notice this y'all this woman is having sex with this man and she knows this man doesn't love her listen a man can give you his time he can give you his body he can give you his thoughts he could even come over and spend the night with you and you still not have his heart i'm trying to help somebody on the night you think because he talks to you and he sends you a good morning text he loves you i'm looking right here in this text that this man is married to her having sex with her and she's giving him son after son and she knows he still doesn't love me listen ladies sex won't keep him if there's any advice i can give you the bait that you use is probably gonna have to be the bait that you continue to use to keep him and that may not even keep him take that right there if you use sex to draw him that's probably the only thing that's gonna cause him to stay around but that may not even cause him to stay around i need character look at this look 34 again she conceived and when she gave birth to a son she said now at last my husband will become attached to me because i have borne him three sons so he was named levi she conceived again and when she gave birth to a son this time look at this something changed this time i'ma give praise to the lord judah means praise i think something happened to leah when she was like you know what i'm trying to get him to be attached to me i'm trying to get him to love me i'm trying to get him to notice me but maybe i'm putting too much pressure on you that's not even for you that's for god so now i'm gonna focus on the lord and i'm gonna give god praise because he's been good he's been faithful he's been loyal he has been integral i'ma give god praise and i don't need to produce for you anymore because i recognize producing for you is not gonna fix it trying to make you happy that's not gonna fix it trying to give you what you want that's not gonna fix it i recognize the greatest place i could ever be is understanding the love of god for me and then she stopped producing listen y'all listen this is so good this is so good never view yourself as an option always view yourself as a privilege never view yourself as an option always view yourself as a privilege one of the ways that you can know when a man loves you is not by him giving you his body not by him giving you his time his conversation one of the ways let me give you a whole lot more but one of the ways you could tell when a man loves you is when he gives you his vulnerable self what scares him what he feels he can't do the boy-like tendencies that he never got rid of and he's ashamed that they're still there now watch it because there's some men who would use the victim card the victim card is not the same thing as vulnerability sometimes they act as though a victim so they can get in between your legs i'm not talking about that type of man i'm talking about a type man who doesn't want to share this with you now listen all my sisters watching this if a brother ever tells you his fears if your husband ever tells you his fears his inadequacies the time when his uncle molested him when he was three or four years old what scares him and you mock him you make fun of him you call him out of his name you say that you're a punk you're a coward it is like a vault has just shut in that man's heart and it's going to take jesus and grace to unvolt it because a man many times we don't want to release that part of ourselves and one of the ways a man loves you and one of the ways that you can know when he loves you is when he shows you his flawed self so good y'all number one how do you know when a man loves you he challenges you i'm not gonna be up here lying to you he's gonna make you kiki in his face he gonna make you feel all good that whole warm and bubbly feeling there too many people trying to be politically politically correct i'm trying to be biblically correct iron sharpens iron one of the ways that you can know when a man loves you is when he sharpens you he challenges you to pray more he challenges you to forgive he challenges you to serve it's going to be an evolutionary process for the process that you're already in somebody say he challenges me number two the way to know a man loves you he expands you expands your dream expands your vision some of us are thinking too low you have to keep saying well at least he come home will at least he call me well at least but at least well at least if you have to say at least you're settling because this means you're looking for the least the the kingdom man expands you he stretches you when jesus was on the cross and he was stretched he was showing you this is what purpose looks like it stretches you when you run into a king he's going to stretch you number three so good the way a man loves he helps detox and i'm talking about a kingdom man i'm not talking about a fool a kingdom man the one of the ways you know he loves you is he helps you detox there are certain types of brothers they help you entertain the pollution of egypt they give you the meals of egypt but a kingdom man he helps you rid yourself for that so you'll pop off about something not necessarily him but to somebody else he said girl you know you were wrong you know you were wrong yeah but i ain't like i understand that but you can't be going off on people like that and listen if you don't love the principles of god but you could call jesus your homeboy but you don't like his teaching a kingdom man is going to get on your nerves he's going to get on your nerves there's so many ladies i want a kingdom man but when he tries to help you be kingdom doesn't get on your nerves he helps detox you it's almost like his love will put you in a dressing room i'm not saying he's perfect but he does love a perfect god but the kingdom man is gonna love you in such a way where you're gonna be in this dressing room and he's just gonna keep on taking off the layers of egypt keep off taking keep on taking the layers off of what happened in childhood he's not perfect but he's following a perfect god he's going to help detox you number four he could lead you can i get somebody put he can lead there's a problem if he can only lead you to a king-sized bed but he can't lead you to the king of kings he can lead you it's problematic when a man is just a follower because we have been wired to lead i'm not a woman y'all i say god i'm not y'all y'all are blessed but i thank god i'm not but if i was a woman and i saw a man i would ask myself this question can he lead me that's just the first part then second question would be where he lead me and where forget how he makes you laugh forget how he's so cool he's so goofy he just keep me forget all that can he lead me and where can i trust this individual to lead me into places that i could not get into myself because his leadership similar to like what we said on on sunday his leadership is like an usher you know what usher does it leads you to a seat his love and his leadership is going to lead you to a seat that you couldn't sit in without his leadership number five he sacrifices for you love can be defined as sacrifice no greater love than this then he who lays down his life for a friend he's going to constantly lay down his life so that you can live he sacrifices for you you could tell if somebody loves you but how willing they are to be inconvenienced for your benefit he sacrifices for you number six he covers you security is so big for my sisters security is so good and so big but here's the thing just because you can provide security in one area doesn't mean you can provide security in every area a lot of brothers think we're good because she feels secure physically she know you're gonna fight somebody run up they're gonna catch these hands but i need you to secure me emotionally i just firmly believe a woman should be able to tell her husband a wife should be able to tell her husband more things than she would tell her girlfriends i feel like i lost the whole comment section just got quiet you should be able to talk to him more now brothers we have to be in a place where she can talk to us because when a woman is in a marriage and she cannot talk to you this means she's emotionally homeless and the enemy is going to try to provide some type of house for her to try to find her emotions to live in he covers you and lastly he compliments you this lady asked the questions he said you know i just want to know how do i know if something is sent by god or sent by the devil and i said well with the devil it's kind of easy if this relationship kills steals or destroys if it's killing your peace destroying your sleep and destroying your outlook of marriage it's probably from the devil probably from the devil but when god sends something it's going to compliment not complete please notice the verbiage is intentional he's not going to complete only jesus does that it's going to complement a work that you're already engaged in and maybe if we had more biblical accuracy and more scriptures and more sermons that informed us how men should love it's not about relational advice it's about a kingdom agenda if the head the leader the covering the protector could love like jesus he can lead a family into the love of jesus which can lead a community into the love of jesus which can lead a nation into the love of jesus which ultimately can lead the world experiencing the love of jesus so god we pray right now help us to unlearn help us to unlearn what we've been attracted to help us to unlearn the things that we've like help us to unlearn what we thought a man was a male is a state of birth a man is a matter of choice help us make the choice to lay things down help us make the choice to identify how would the king love in this situation how would the king respond in this situation so that i could live and i could be a man who stays on my kingdom vibes and god strengthen our sisters to be attracted to kingdom vibes and god also raise up more kingdom men we know that in heaven there's no shortage but god we need more kingdom ambassadors kingdom warriors to step up and hold the blood-stained banner of jesus so that the world could see this is what manhood looks like because real men love jesus that's in your precious name we pray in jesus name amen you
Views: 197,629
Rating: 4.9498129 out of 5
Keywords: redefinedtv, redefined tv, Jerry Flowers, pastor Jerry Flowers, pastor flowers, when a man loves you, cuffing season sermon, jerry and tanisha flowers, Dharius daniels, Michael todd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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