I'm Hiding You On Purpose | Kingdom Vibes Only | (Part 7) | Jerry Flowers

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yes yes yes and one more time yes what is up my beautiful church family all over the world thank you so much for joining me on tonight for sunday night service and listen i believe i have a word for your life i believe tonight's message i want to preach to somebody who feels as though nothing is working i would like to preach to somebody who feels like your ministry won't take off your business won't take off your marriage won't take off your marriage is not recovering you desire to be married but god you must have ran out of candidates like i said on thursday do you have another shipment coming can i have a tracking number are these all the men you have are these all the women you have do you have something in the back i want to encourage somebody who feels like god is hiding you yeah like god is hiding you and i just feel as though the holy spirit i usually tell you all this later and i'm gonna tell you it again once we get into the message but i want to come out and just go ahead and tell you the title now the title of tonight's message is i'm hiding you on purpose oh what do you do when god is hiding you and he's doing it on purpose this is gonna be good y'all this is gonna be good i need you to go ahead and tag somebody at this friend at that friend and while you're doing it can you just greet somebody just at hey what's up bro at you know melvin i see you at brittany i see you welcome to church at somebody because i believe that tonight's message is possibly going to change somebody's life not going to be before you long i want to get to work i also want to thank everybody everybody who has been just so generous with your seeds you guys have been making a massive difference especially for everybody who has been affected by hurricane ida in louisiana and then tomorrow night is our singles night turn up it is about to be amazing and i'm thankful so thankful for what god is doing in your life and what he's going to continue to do in your life and my life so i want to get to work now usually i have one or two scriptures that serve us as our foundational texts but on tonight i have six i have six i need you guys to see this and i pray it frees somebody we're gonna go to the gospel the gospel of matthew chapter 13. the gospel of matthew 13. our first verse in our foundational text is verse 19. verse 19 this is jesus speaking it says when anyone hears the words of the kingdom and does not understand it then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart this is he who receives this is he who received seed by the wayside now let's go down to verse 24. verse 24 says another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field certain translations say buried or hid now let's look at verse 31 it says another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field once again we're seeing this burying or this hiding of a seed depending on what translation that you're reading now verse 33 again another parable he spoke to them the kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened let's keep on going verse 44 it says again the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field and our last foundational text verse 45 again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who when he had found one pearl of great price went and sold all that he had and bought it ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters and everybody who has joined me on tonight from this sermonic content from this sermonic content that we have abstracted from jesus's sermon notes just by looking at his sermon notes there are two things that we could take away and we can walk away with for sure two things that we see out of all six of these foundational texts the number one thing is we could see that jesus had a zeal and mountainous passion for the kingdom it is obvious he just kept on it was it is his most used sermon content the kingdom of heaven is light the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven is like this is why i'm doing this kingdom vibes only series i'm like how do we have so many churches so many small groups and bible studies that aren't discussing the values the ethics and the principles and the keys of the kingdom when when we look at this text it is impossible it is impossible for us to have a bible study it is impossible for you to have a crystal centric study session of jesus life it's impossible for you to look through all of the gospels matthew mark luke and john and not see that jesus ministry was set to the temperature of deliverance love and kingdom it's impossible y'all just read it with me it's impossible for you to look and study jesus life and not see that the temperature of his ministry was set to deliverance love and the kingdom deliverance love and the kingdom first deliverance because you have not been cosmically created by god to live bound you have not been cosmically created by god to be bound to be depressed to be stressed to be oppressed but every impure spirit has got to go every unclean spirit has got to go every spirit of leviathan has got to go every legion spirit in your bloodline has got to go the hand of sickness on your life has got to go leprosy on your life in certain areas has got to go you being blind that has got to go all throughout jesus life he's operating with this deliverance so much so to where he met a man who has been paralyzed for 38 years and he said listen bro pick up your mat and walk pick up your mat and walk and i don't know if y'all like me but i'd have been like listen uh i've been paralyzed for 38 years jerry's not even 38 years old i still got some time to go before i'm 38 years old i'm not even 38 years old but that's a long time to be paralyzed and if jesus would have told me we see it crystal clear in the text in john chapter 5 verse 8 he says hey pick up your mat and walk i would had a problem with that because uh let's modernize this my map would have been a trigger the map would have been a trigger for me it would have reminded me of everything i have gone through it would have reminded me of all the times i've been here all the time i allowed the seas of the past and i'm in the same place i don't want to pick up my map i don't want to pick up my mat why would jesus tell this man to pick up his mat and walk and i believe the holy spirit revealed to me and gave me this revelation god likes to flex his glory like this i want to make sure that the thing that used to carry you you are now carrying it i feel this y'all i'm excited the thing that used to carry you i want you now to carry it because i know how to transition your trauma to your triumph what you went through all your trauma i know how to heal you to such a degree that you begin to write about it and it could be a new york bestseller i know how to transition your trauma to triumph i know how to heal you so much so to all that trauma you've gone through you will be healed and you'll begin to tell people about it in video form tell people about it in video form what you went through and and how god did a miraculous work in your life and how god healed you and how you got restored and the scriptures that helped you get through and and the confessions that helped you heal and you'll post it on youtube and it'll go viral it will go viral and millions of people will hear it i know how to use your mess and turn it into a message i'm not afraid of your mess because i'm the messiah and now you are touching people all over the world because i transition your trauma into triumph and oh by the way that will open up the door for bookings and oh by the way that will open up the door for tours and oh by the way that will open up the door for deliverance in somebody else's life and on top of that that was monetized on youtube and facebook so now social media is paying you because of what you went through i know how to transition your trauma in to triumph that's that's that's the first reason why i believe jesus told him to pick up his man and walk the second reason i believe jesus told him to pick up his mat and walk is so that you will always remain humble when you see somebody else on a mat yeah there it is there it is you'll never look down on anybody else who's still laying on the mat of drunkenness you'll never look down on anybody else who is laying on the mat of sexual immorality why because if you look down on your right you could see that there's a mat that you used to be on yourself this is so good y'all jesus is obvious it is crystal clear that the temperature of jesus ministry was set to deliverance love and the kingdom but if you look at our six foundational texts i had to show you six y'all there's six foundational texts that shows us something about god that i think we often overlook or sometimes forget and that is god likes hiding stuff i'm giving you a bible god likes hiding stuff look at what he says the kingdom of heaven is like a good seed that is buried in a field god likes hiding stuff especially things of value the kingdom of heaven this is jesus the kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of meal god likes hiding stuff especially things of value the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field are y'all catching this the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field god likes to hide things especially things of value and if this be the case why are you so confused that god is hiding you preach holy spirit break this down where somebody can get it why are you so confused that god is hiding you when we just read six scriptures where jesus is comparing the kingdom to something that has been hidden and when you find this hidden thing you sell everything you have for that thing that you found if god likes hiding stuff he hides things of value why are you so confused that god is hiding you think about just just in nature how god made stuff gold is hidden in a gold mine crystals are hidden underneath the soil and dirt pearls are hidden under the waters under a shell from an oyster everything that has value god has a methodology of hiding it this this is interwoven all throughout the fabric of scripture god hides his servants god hides his servants see we think many times that god hides us to limit us i'm trying to get us to see that god hides us to preserve us we think nothing happening in my life no opportunity no endorsement no open door no exposure no platform no spouse no candidate we think it means god is limiting i'm trying to get you to see that god preserves this way it's a kingdom methodology all all throughout the fabric of scripture we see this god had joseph hidden in prison he was on reserve for a time of when his gift and assignment was needed for when the conditions would be ripe and his heart was right god hides things he values david was hidden in a pasture he was reserved everybody knew king saul but god had somebody on reserved in the pasture god had him on reserve for a time of when his gift and his assignment would be needed it was a time for conditions to be ripe and his heart to be right god has a pattern of hiding things that he values even with elijah the exact words god told elijah was go to cherith and hide yourself i have a pattern of keeping things on reserved for a time of when your gift and your assignment is needed when conditions are ripe and your heart is right god has a system of hiding things that are valuable we see it with moses god had moses hidden in the desert dealing with him because i'm gonna need you to go and be a deliverer for my people i have moses on reserve for a time of when his gift and his assignment would be needed when conditions were ripe and his heart was right god has a way of hiding of covering things he values even the new testament we see this with paul after paul's conversion he is hidden for three years getting trained and getting discipled god had him on reserve god had him on reserve for a time when his gift and his assignment would be needed when conditions were ripe and his heart was ripe see sometimes we have to understand this and i think about my own life i think about when my wife and i began to do episodes we get messages all the time man if i would have heard this 20 years ago if i would have heard this 30 years ago i'm like okay i was i was still a baby back in i was i was like i was young and i think like okay see i don't even think conditions were ripe back in like 1999 or 2000 people still like thugs girls will still i need a soldier yeah i need me i need me a hot boy what you need girl i need a hot boy like that was popular back then a hot boy that was popular back then a hot boy you know therapy and getting counseling that wasn't as common as it is now god had me in the incubator of his sovereign timing and god had tanisha in the incubator of his sovereign timing because there's going to be a time when your generation no longer wants hot boys your generation no longer wants hot girls your generation wants somebody with integrity i want to know is he respectable is she respectable back then it was i want somebody unpredictable now i don't want unpredictable i want predicted but will he come home can i predict that he will come home will he not hit me upside my head can i predict that can i predict that she gonna respect me i want somebody who's predictable because that shows consistency back then that possibly wasn't valued oh but the conditions now are ripe for healing the conditions now are right for people to get therapy the conditions now are right for people to get therapy the conditions now are ripe for people to want to do things god's way i don't want to go through what my mama went through i don't want to go through what auntie went through i don't want to go through what my cousin went through so now i value content that teaches me how to do things the king's way we were on reserve for a time when our gift and our assignment would be needed when conditions are ripe and our hearts are right god has a system of covering and hiding things that he values i feel this all in my spirit y'all god is trying to speak to somebody and he's saying listen i hide you i hide you for the purpose of oil revelation training and timing can i get somebody put that in the room god trains me for the purpose of oil revelation timing and training listen david got anointed oil was poured on his head while he was hidden in the pasture so he has he has a palace anointing but pasture placement he had a revelation of his oil before anybody knew his name before there was ever a goliath for him to fight he got oil poured on him in the pasture listen listen this is important i'm just echoing what i said on thursday knowing your oil is a gift to your future self does this make sense knowing your oil is a gift to your future self why because i'm more discerning when i know my oil when i know i have oil for the palace i won't date pasture i won't date pastor why because i'm not staying here when i have a revelation of my oil i don't feel rejected because somebody in the pasture doesn't accept me their lack of revelation of my oil is not a receipt of my value did y'all hear what i just said their lack of revelation of my oil is not the receipt to my value it is not my fault that you can't discern that i'm not staying here it is not my fault that you can't discern that i have oil for the palace i'm not staying here knowing your oil is a gift to your future self your discernment issues are not my identity issue because i have a revelation of my oil i have a revelation of my oil and there will always be a time in your life there will always be a time in your life when your oil doesn't match your placement what you're anointed for does not match where you currently are it doesn't your oil doesn't match the place you are and you have to get this because if you don't understand that this is one of the methodologies of the kingdom you'll start being negligent and despise your slingshot i don't know what your slingshot is but for david god was training him in the pasture see this is a season where you train this is not where you're gonna be attained i'm not gonna keep you here forever for david it was literally his slingshot for you it could be your voice for you it could be your podcast for you it could be your penmanship whatever it is when you don't understand that this is the methodology of the kingdom that god hides you because you're valuable and i have to get you to get a revelation of your oil you will start to be negligent with your slingshot i'm training you david i'm training you the bear that's just practice for goliath i need you to train i'm training you david the lion that's just practice for saul i'm training you this is the season where you perfect your gift don't just be good be excellent don't just be good be excellent because excellence separates i'm preaching to somebody y'all don't just be good at what god gave you be excellent with it have an excellent spirit this is why i have always been so passionate about the quality of our cameras and the quality of lighting and the quality of audio in the season where nobody knew me when i'm going on facebook live and nobody comes in nobody nobody comes in i'm being faithful with building and constructing and trying to sharpen my craft what cameras will look best what mic would be best what lighting is best because i want to be excellent with what god gave me i'm training you i'm training you i'm not punishing you i'm training you i'm not punishing you somebody put that in the room i'm training you i'm not punishing you i'm training you i'm not punishing you and when you don't understand that this is the methodology of the king when you don't understand it you'll be fighting so hard to be seen business cards and flyers and this ad and that and you're pushing you're pushing you're pushing and you're pushing and you're pushing you're pushing you're fighting so hard to be seen that you're blindfolded to the reality that god is training you for your scene did y'all catch that you're fighting so hard to be seen but god is training you for your scene i don't want you corrupted by what they're doing on that scene i have a scene designed and dedicated just for you and i'm trying to build a new character right now i want you to be integral right now i want you to have discipline right now because who you are behind closed doors that's who you really are i want to train you in the dark places i want to mold you in the secret places the only person who knows is me and you i want to deal with your jacob i'm going to deal with you now i'm training you when you don't understand that this is the method of the king it will create space for us to entertain the voice of satan god is hiding you on purpose for your purpose when you don't understand that the king likes hiding things it gives space to the voice of satan it gives space to the voice of discouragement and you probably just breezed past a foundational text at verse 19 but verse 19 corroborates my claim in our foundational text look at it once again it says whenever anyone hears the words of the kingdom and does not understand it then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart when you don't understand that god is hiding you on purpose for your purpose it creates space for the wicked one to come and try to snatch what god has placed in your heart and my prayer my prayer on tonight after hearing this word is may we be people where the enemy cannot snatch the peace of god from my heart because we haven't understood that this is the methodology of the king when god hides something when god values something he hides it father in the name of jesus would you allow us to understand that you keeping us preserved you keeping us reserved you covering us is not because you are trying to punish us or you are limiting us but it is because you're trying to teach us you're trying to train us you yourself told us the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in the field meaning this is not something we stumble over it's gonna take intentionality to seek your face it's gonna take intentionality to have a devotion life help us to be intentional with embracing the season where you have us hidden in jesus name we pray and everybody who agrees with that prayer would you put in the room a man a man for part 7 of this kingdom vibes only series i want to speak a few more moments from this thought from this subject i'm hiding you on purpose i'm hiding you on purpose confession time you know how i do let's speak the word of ourselves can i get everybody to put this in the room in all caps tonight you are interacting with me put this in the room in all caps thank you lord for covering me hiding me and shielding me i must be that special one more time thank you lord for covering me hiding me and shielding me i must be that special i must be that special when anyone hears the words of the kingdom and they don't understand it then the wicked one comes and snatches it away from their heart i want us to understand and i want us to get this on tonight that whatever god values he hides this is not because you're being attained this is because you're being trained see i think one of the downfalls of social media social media can be an awesome tool but but i think one of the downfalls of social media is that we constantly get exposed to everybody's presented world like emphasis on presented because most people don't post their failures like they don't post who they really are they post who they want you to think they are cropped edited filtered version of which what we think of what they want you to think their world is like i think one of the downfalls of social media is that we constantly are exposed to everybody's presented world like when i was in middle school this just shows you how fast our world is changing how fast technology is evolving when i was in middle school when we came back from christmas break i would have to ask my friend what did you do for christmas you would have to tell me now i could just go on instagram and see you went skiing your whole family was in new york y'all had a beautiful wooden cabin in utah y'all weren't ice fishing all i have to do is go on youtube you recorded everything every meal you ate every christmas cookie every snow cone every snowman like every single thing you did you posted you you posted it so i didn't have to ask i'd like teach us how how teachers would give us assignments write down what you did for christmas break you don't have to do that no more i could just go and i could look at your ig i could just look go look at your facebook and i'm fully aware of everything you did but back when i was in like 8th grade the only way i would know what you did is you would have to tell me or show me your photo album you have to tell me or show me your photo album now there is an overwhelming exposure to everybody's perceived world an overwhelming exposure to everybody's perceived world so much so to where if i don't have mental discipline or mental fortitude and if i don't hear messages like this due to me seeing everybody's perceived world i will start to think that god forgot about me i was starting to think that god forgot about me and everybody's life is doing so much better than mine and i tried to get us to understand this before it's not that everybody is doing better than you sometimes is there a better editor than you i know how to crop out things i know how to add filters to make my life appear to be at a place it's not this is why i always tell people especially couples don't ever say you want a marriage like so and so you don't know what's behind that curtain people have perfected the game of selfies they have perfected presentation but really be dealing with devils you don't know what's behind that curtain and so due to us being exposed to everybody's world and there's so much information at the fingertip of a scroll it will be hard for us to value what god is doing in the season of our night because everybody we follow appears to be in the season of daylight did you hear me it would be hard because i'm surrounded by everybody's perceived world it will be hard for me to appreciate and value what god is doing in the season of my night because everybody i follow appears to be in the season of daylight see like in the generation we live in now we have all types of cameras this is like one of my favorite it's a it's a nikon camera and so i don't know if they had this back when i was in middle school they could have but i don't know but but now they have cameras where you could zoom in and you could take pictures like like you could take all types of pictures and the thing is after you take the picture you can see it but i can see right here whatever image i want to see i can see it right here if i'm on a video camera i can see whatever image i want to see right here right here i can see the image but um when uh i was in school the cameras that were popular were these type of cameras y'all remember these polaroids these type of cameras now these are a little different because unlike the dslr mirrorless camera where i could take a picture and i could instantly see what it looks like this camera when i take a picture i'm gonna have to wait a while i'ma have to wait a while to see what it looks like i can't post this right now because it's still becoming i can't share this right now because it's still becoming it's not like the dslr where it's instant but it's more polaroid i gotta wait on it you gotta wait on it's not that it's gonna happen but i'm frustrated because of the technology of instant has caused for me to despise the polaroid process did you hear me the technology of instant has caused for me to despise the polaroid process what do you do when what god is doing is not available for people to see what do you do when god is working on you in the dark and so many of us have forgotten just because technology has advanced does not mean the way that god develops us has changed this is so powerful y'all i still have a process to where i have to work on you while it's becoming and i know you live in a society where everything is whatever you want you can get it instant whatever you desire you can get it instant you can see it but there's a process that i have for all my children to go through and for the point of the sermon we gonna call it the polaroid process where you can't see clearly what i'm doing but you know it's working see some of us used to do this i don't know if y'all used to do this i don't even know if this works but we used to fan it we would try to fan it before it could hurry up and we could see the image and i think this is what god is trying to do with this word on the night i'm trying to fan the flame on the inside of your soul to let you know whatever is valuable to me i hate it i work best in the dark let me give you a bible look genesis chapter 32 verse 22 a familiar passage of scripture it says that night jacob emphasis on night that night jacob got up and took his two wives and his two female servants and his 11 sons and crossed the forward of jabock after he had sent them across the stream he sent over all his possessions so jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him till daybreak when the man saw that he could not overpower him he touched the socket of jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man then the man said let me go for this daybreak but jacob replied i will not let you go unless you bless me isn't that a weird transition you went from wrestling to holden okay then the man asked him what is your name jacob he answered then the man said your name will no longer be jacob but israel because you have struggled with god and with humans and have overcome this this from a theological perspective is a theophany or a christophany it is when we see the lord in scripture this is this is jacob wrestling with the lord he's wrestling with the lord in a dark place he's struggling with the lord in a dark place hold on a second i think we need to pause and have a virtual praise break because is there anybody thankful that god doesn't deal with your jacob at noon but he deals with it at night when nobody knows what you're dealing with when nobody knows what you're struggling with what nobody knows what you're battling with i'm dealing with all of that in the dark what warfares are you having in the dark but you're screaming and discontent because you want the daylight when god is like but you're still jacob we all have a jacob and an on the inside of us jerry included there is a jacob and there is a israel on the inside of me and there is a jacob and there is a israel on the inside of you your jacob is your current self your israel is your next level self and i want to deal with you in the dark it's not a closed door it's a dressing room there's some stuff i'm trying to work through right here because when they see you they will judge you by your jacob issue so i'm trying to deal with you in the dark jacob when you're hitting everything else is sent away your possessions his wives his children i'm dealing with you in a hidden place in a hidden place and i'm like how how does he go from wrestling to holding you gotta look at the text you gotta look at the text the text says when daybreak let me go for it is daybreak daybreak is when the sun starts to rise i believe jacob was wrestling he was wrestling with this man and then this man touched his hip because when god truly touches you you can never walk the same when god touches you you can never truly walk the same he's wrestling with him and then as the light begins to shine on him he recognizes he's wrestling with god here's a word for somebody the blessing comes when you stop wrestling but start holding look how he shifts he shifts from wrestling with the man to holding on to the man but then he says i won't let you go until you bless me and he doesn't bless them he asks them what's your name what's your name what's your issue what's your struggle because jacob means deceiver what's your name what are we trying to work on in the dark when you acknowledge your struggle then i could bless you to be israel when god has us in these hidden seasons these seasons of obscurity i believe there are four types of people that we could be we could be a perfectionist extra strategist demonologist or an evangelist your perfectionist are people where that training season feels like punishment that the training season feels like punishment because perfectionists are blindfolded to progression they're so caught up on what they don't have that they can't even see what no longer has them perfectionist perfectionist and then i think we have our exit strategist these are people you just trying to get out if i start praying i'm gonna get out if i start fasting i'm gonna get out if i start bingeing this kingdom vibes only serious i'ma get out if i start listening to this podcast i'm gonna get out if i start waking up every morning at six am i'm gonna get up you're trying so hard to get out that you don't even recognize god is trying to get your jacob out exit and it's strategist uncomfortable season but one thing jerry has learned you have to learn how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable it's better to stand in the discomfort of evolution than the graveyard of familiarity the exit strategist and then we have the demonologist this is the person where everything's the devil nobody saw my video it's the devil my mic started making noises while we're live it's the devil the video start buffering it's the devil this sermon start freezing it's the devil everything is the devil the demonologists the people who end up on blaming the devil for a process god is behind demonologist the evangelist is the one who recognizes this is a season to help me grow and i want to tell other people that god likes hiding things whatever is valuable god hides i'm hiding you on purpose for your purpose few points and i'm done so why does god hide us number one he wants to give us a trained ear he wants to give us a trained ear john chapter 10 verse 27 jesus says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me i'm trying to train your ear or an ethologist these are people who study birds have recognized that songbirds can learn their song in the shell it's just they're hearing their parents sing they're hearing things around them and due to what they hear is causing for them to want to break out when you hear a word like this it could cause for you to break out of the shell of discouragement break out of the shell of disbelief break out of the shell of it's not going to happen because now you understand that it's not god punishing me is god training me because the kingdom methodology is to hide whatever is valuable and when you find that thing that is valuable you'll sell everything you have for the kingdom a trained ear number two god has us in the season of being hidden for trained trust trained trust exodus chapter 16 verse 4 then the lord said to moses behold i will reign bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day that i may test them whether they will walk in my law or not you were so used to pharaoh feeding you i'm gonna rain down manna i'm gonna rain down bread of heaven to teach them to trust me if i supply it for you today i'm gonna supply for you tomorrow you were used with you were used to pharaoh giving you bread i want you to become used to yahweh give me bread so don't get more than enough just get enough for today so i could train you to trust me that if i provide it for you today i'm also going to provide for you tomorrow number three the hidden season is so that we could have a trained house that's what i've been talking about the last two thursdays god has a plan for the home matthew chapter 7 verse 24 it says therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his look y'all house on the rock the rain came down the streams rose and the wind blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock jesus is not saying you won't go through he's not saying you won't get hit he's not even saying you won't get tested he's saying but as long as your foundation is on me and i have trained you to be built on the rock then no matter what hits you you won't collapse trained house the next reason why god hides us to give you trained feet proverbs 4 chapter 26 give careful thought to the path of your feet and be steadfast in all your ways do not turn to your right or to your left keep your foot from evil listen for god to direct our path we must have surrendered feet trained feet and last reason why god hides us he's trying to train your appetite trying to train your appetite matthew chapter 6 verse 16 from the message bible it says when you practice some appetite denying discipline to better concentrate on god don't make a production out of it it might turn you into a small time celebrity but it won't make you a saint if you go into training inwardly act normal outwardly shampoo and comb your hair brush your teeth wash your face god does not require attention getting devices he won't overlook what you are doing he will reward you well i wanted to come on just for a few moments to encourage somebody that the methodology of the king is when it's valuable to hide it because if we don't understand this when we don't know the words of the kingdom and don't understand it the wicked one will come and snatch that word from my heart and i want you to understand that god is hiding you on purpose for your purpose god thank you so much for this moment thank you for this word i pray that you bring a calmness and a stillness to somebody's heart right now who has been pushing and grinding because they're fighting so hard to be seen and not recognizing that you're training them for their scene we love you so much god thank you for everything that you're doing in our life in jesus name amen
Views: 2,514
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RedefinedTV, redefined tv, pastor jerry, pastor Jerry Flowers, Jerry Flowers, I'm hiding you on purpose, kingdomvibes, kingdomvibesonly, jerry and Tanisha Flowers, pastor flowers
Id: MqrzMDlOLeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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