When A Man Loves Jesus | World Changer | (Part 3) | Jerry Flowers

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yes come on in the room come on in the room what is up my beautiful family thank you so much for joining me on tonight and listen i've been waiting for you and you and you since thursday night this word on tonight god i'm being obedient it is not the direction that i thought we would go for part three of this world changer series but i firmly believe it is going to bless your life so come on in the room everybody take your screenshot tag us thank you for all the small groups all of your love all your subscriptions and putting everybody on about this particular series i believe it is a game changer series so i have a lot to share with you and not a lot of time to do it um i want to get straight to work but i want to remind you this message on tonight is going to greatly complement this book this book entitled where are the men last time i talked about this book we sold out within a week or two and so now we have a fresh stock of books that just came in so where are the men this is a particular book that was published and authored by my mother and it is absolutely phenomenal i mean one of the top questions that i always get is where these men at where they at though where they at where they got a minute where the kings and i believe this book can give you some answers so go to redefinetv.net products and you'll be able to get this book before they run out so john chapter 21 the gospel of john john chapter 21 we're going to launch our reading at verse 15 it says so when they had eaten breakfast jesus said to simon peter simon son of jonah do you love me more than these he said to him yes lord you know that i love you he said to him feed my lambs he said to him again a second time simon son of jonah do you love me he said to him yes lord you you know that i love you it's probably getting awkward now he said to him tend my sheep he said to him again a third time simon son of jonah do you love me peter was grieved because he said to him the third time do you love me now you might be confused about this particular passage of scripture if you don't know the backdrop of this just a few days ago jesus was with all of his disciples and he was articulating to them that tonight all of y'all are gonna go ghosts on me all of y'all gonna leave me nobody's gonna be around and everybody starts looking at each other like no that ain't me no he tripping i mean he know how to give a word i mean he is the word in flesh he'd be prophesying but i'm not about to do that and peter just stepped up and said lord listen i need you to understand this i'm gonna go to the grave for you i die for you i'd love to have somebody tell you something in the moment and then they get real and it's like where do you at jesus is like um peter before the rooster crows three times on the night you're gonna deny me and peter's like never that's never gonna happen i'm about this life i'm a real one it's never gonna happen so fast forward there in the garden of gethsemane and this mob comes with the chief priests and the sadducees and judas comes up and he kisses jesus on the cheek which is a sign that this is the one that y'all are looking for which is a whole word i could do a whole message about be careful with who's kissing on you because sometimes the kiss is not a kiss of endearment it's a kiss of betrayal we'll revisit that later in 2021 and so then after that jesus looks at judas and he's like you betraying the son of man with a kiss this has to happen so that the scriptures will be fulfilled they take jesus arrest jesus they're beating jesus spitting on jesus and peter's walking behind he's watching all of this and he's probably like man they beating the brakes off jesus and somebody walks up and they say yo you you were with him no i i don't know this i don't know this man i don't i don't know him and he's looking and he's seeing them just beat jesus up and spit at jesus blindfolded him punching him saying tell us prophesy who hit you laughing and mocking and peter's probably starting to get nervous and then one person looks at him says you you are with him i i thought i saw you a four in the temple aren't you with disciples and not i've never seen this dude before i know who y'all talking about so now we're starting to get real i believe peter now starts to get starts to begin to calculate okay they gonna treat everybody who claims to be with him like that and this one girl rolls up on on peter as he's warming himself by the fire and says you are you are one of them hey y'all he is one of them cause his accent gives it away and so now peter has to let them know i'm not a disciples like man i don't believe know what y'all talking about i believe i'm told y'all know him why y'all keep bleeping with me i don't bleep but bleep but know him so we believe stop bleeping with me i told y'all i don't know him well keep bleeping with me then the bible says the rooster crows three times and the eyes of peter meets the eyes of jesus in that moment could y'all just imagine he's cussing people out i don't know him i don't know what y'all bleep and talking about and jesus looks directly at peter and the rooster crows and the gravity of that moment hits them peter before the rooster crows three times you're gonna deny me he feels ashamed he runs off jesus gets crucified he dies and three days later he gets up with all power in his hand now y'all noticing all these threes you're gonna deny me three times there were three people on calvary's heel and jesus was in the grave for three days and then he asked peters three times do you love me i believe sometimes god is like i'm not just gonna do it one time i'm not just gonna do a double i'm gonna give you triple confirmation so that you know you're still my son i'm gonna give you triple confirmation that i still want you i'm gonna give you triple confirmation that you still have the oil on your life i understand that things have happened but i still want you i still value you i still need you for a purpose i still have an assignment on your life and so now i believe in this moment when jesus is asking simon peter do you love me he's probably don't say i'ma deny you again i yes whatever you say lord you know all things you know you know that i love you just like you knew last time that i was going to deny you just don't tell me i'ma do it again i got to make the bible come alive verse 17 he said to him the third time simon son of jonah do you love me peter was grieved because he said to him the third time do you love me and he said to him lord you know all things you know that i love you jesus said to him feed my sheep most assuredly i say to you when you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished but when you are old you will stretch out your hand and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish this he spoke signifying by what death he would glorify god and when he had spoken this he said to him follow me church family the question the tone the theme of this particular conversation and this biblical narrative that i would like to bring your attention and your awareness to for tonight's preaching presentation is this question that jesus asked simon peter redundantly it's this question that he delivered to simon peter three times emphasis on simon and peter because simon was his birth name peter was his rebirth name listen i don't want you to breeze past this if you have not discovered this yet i want you to know that there lives a simon and a peter on the inside of you yes ma'am as beautiful as you are there is a simon and there is a peter that lives on the inside of you my dude as fly as you are there is a simon and there is a peter that lives on the inside of you me myself i'm right here with you preaching high pitched there is a simon and there's a peter that lives on the inside of me simon that's your comfortable self but peter that's your world change yourself yeah yeah simon that's your petty self but but peter that's your powerful self simon that's your i'll cuss a heifer clean out self but peter is i have learned self-control and i don't have to return energy at the same level that you came at me on you have just percy learned self-control some things are returned to cinder you have negative energy that's your issue return to cinder you upset return to sender you don't like them that doesn't mean i have to stop liking them return to sender that's your issue that's your issue your simon nature oh that's your ratchet self but your peter nature that's your righteous self not because of your own works because your life is hid in christ and christ is righteous so when god sees you he doesn't see your mistakes he doesn't see your failures he doesn't see you all he sees is his son all he sees is his son simon is the now level you and peter is the next level you and i wonder is there anybody watching this message on tonight that you've discovered that they're two yous who live inside of you they're two yous that live inside of you we can call it flesh and spirit we can call it simon and peter we can call it israel we can call it jacob there are two u's on the inside of you and therefore there's this war that you and i have been drafted in you didn't sign up for it but there's this war that you and i will always engage in until we are in the grave or until jesus takes us out of this earth and that is the war of constantly crucifying my simon so that i could daily surrender my peter the war is real of me constantly crucifying my simon so that i could daily surrender my peter now understanding this information changes everything because when you understand that there's a simon and there's a peter on the inside of you i now can make choices that are conducive to my peter versus choices that strengthen my simon so good y'all so i need to have friends who strengthen my peter not friends who agitate and rattle my simon i need to attend a church that doesn't strengthen my simon no but it activates my peter i need to be in atmospheres that are conducive to my peter self versus atmospheres that are rattling my simon self listen it was a few winters ago here in houston texas right now is cold it might even snow tonight i'm hoping it does we don't get that often here in the city of houston but a few winters ago it was like cold cold we live in a tropical climate anything below 50 degrees is considered close to houstonians but this particular winter this particular night it dropped below 20. it was like 17 or 18 degrees this particular night and i left a bottle of water in my car and i came to my car the next morning to head up to the office to come up to the church and i noticed that the water in that bottle started turning ice i didn't change the bottle i didn't take the capsule off i didn't do nothing to the water it's just that what it's just that what was on the inside had to change due to the atmosphere and i want to have a church and i want to have a ministry where i'm not really tripping about your bottle i'm not really tripping about your capsule but if you keep coming here you can't help but change on the inside if you keep watching you can't help but change on the inside if you keep on vengeance sermons if you keep on staying in god's face if you keep on praying if you keep on reading if you keep on fasting if you keep on serving it's not necessarily that your bottle has changed is that the atmosphere has changed and it is changing what's on the inside of you and it's the same thing with you killing your simon i can't be in atmospheres that change the state of my peter and cause me to transition to simon this is so good y'all simon peter son of jonah do you love me love i was about to start singing a word that comes and goes back to the message love love is paramount for the christian listen y'all it is the litmus test it is the id it is the identification card it is a social security number that proves if you are truly an organic follower of jesus love by this all men will know that you're my disciples by the way you preach nah by the way you sing negative by the way you post negative by the way you shared this world changer series negative men will know that you're mine by the way you love one another love for the christian is our foundation love and repentance that is our foundation and really you could tell if somebody truly loves you by how willing they are to be inconvenienced for your benefit oh i feel like they hit somebody in the chest yeah yeah you you can tell how much somebody really loves you but how willing they are to be inconvenienced for your benefit here's a question that's going to come from your throat how willing are you to be inconvenienced so that god may get the glory in and through you he says listen if you love me i need you to feed my sheep tend my sheep die which gives me glory and follow my person and my principles you need five love languages jesus just needs four you need five love languages i just need four i need you to feed my sheep i need you to tend my sheep i need you to die to yourself which gives me glory and i need you to follow my principles and my person so a lot of us who are claiming to love jesus we have to ask ourselves this question do i feed his sheep do i tend his sheep do i doubt in myself so that he may be glorified and do i follow the principles of jesus because a lot of us are cool with the person of jesus oh but we got issues with the principles of jesus do you love me in this message on tonight church family i believe is all about the kingdom agenda in prayer i felt god was leading me tonight for part three of this world changer series let's speak around this thought from this subject just for a few moments when a man loves jesus a man loves jesus just imagine how we could change our world if we have men who have fallen in love with jesus so god we pray right now in this moment would you flood this atmosphere would you would you anoint my lips so that i could be your oracle the pa system the soundtrack of heaven all of the study means absolutely nothing if i'm seen and you're not so i pray god that you make me invisible so that she could be seen as visible in jesus precious name we pray and everybody who agrees that prayer would you drop in the room amen a man simon do you love me yes lord you know i love you feed my sheep tend my lambs die for me that gives me glory and follow my principles ladies and gentlemen tonight i would like to redeem to the best of my capability the kingdom agenda i feel as though that is my assignment to redeem in the earth the kingdom agenda just because it's not preached about and just because it's not a normal message and just because it's not father's day just because it's not june or father's day father's day does not mean we cannot talk about a huge issue in the body a huge issue in the earth and that is men who have not fallen in love with jesus maybe what i'm trying to articulate to you is true change could happen when we have more men who are like peter and less men who are like simon when a man loves jesus and you know how i do this confession time you don't have the right to remain silent everybody get your trigger fingers ready i need you to put this in the room in all caps can i get everybody to put this in the room and all caps god recalibrate my soul so that i may carry out the kingdom agenda say that one more time listen i'm just a man who believes that there is life and death is in the power of your tongue so your mouth is either a delivery unit or it is a grim reaper but i believe we gonna give birth to something god recalibrate my soul so that i may carry out the kingdom agenda the kingdom agenda i want to be an individual who starts to live life the king's way the kingdom agenda and the reason i feel as though we have to start this conversation talking about men is because it is impossible for you to love jesus but then treat people like trash where they do that though you can speak in tongues but you can't use that same tongue to speak to your brother to speak to your sister y'all it's gonna get hot in here tonight i should have told y'all to get ready i'm just convinced you can't do it my assignment is to redeem the kingdom agenda i know it's not normal i know the question is where are the men at where they at though please tell me i need to know where they at though i'm trying to tell you and i'm trying to discuss it because this is a true issue in the earth i'm just fully convinced that true kingdom mean true kingdom men are joy contributors not trauma deliverers oh my goodness y'all getting hot too i'm getting hot true kingdom men are joy contributors not trauma deliverers now listen listen listen i need us to fully understand this i need us to fully understand this it is not always our job to point out other people's problem you have to first start engaging in the problems that god has called you to fix on your life before you start pointing out all the problems on everybody else i think that we have to get to the place and we have to get to the understanding that just because a man claims to be kingdom does not mean he is first of all kingdom men practice zipper control oops we know how to control our flesh i feel like it's getting real y'all i feel like it's getting real this is why i'm preaching this i'm not trying to grow my platform i'm not trying to make me look good i'm trying to talk to a deficit that is residing in the earth we need men who love jesus so much so to where i'm giving off joy notice i did not say happiness because joy is a state but happiness is an invitation joy is a state but happiness is an invitation because it really doesn't matter how awesome a man is it really doesn't matter how dope a man is or how much he loves jesus if there is a particular person if there's a particular woman that you do not have joy in your soul if you don't know how to find the joy what does that mean sometimes you're faced with situations where it is a tough situation it is a difficult season but you have to learn how to find the joy find something to be grateful for father god i thank you that i have food in the refrigerator i know i'm faster than god but i thank you if i wanted to i could go downstairs and eat it somebody couldn't do that for that i say thank you god i thank you for my health and my strength that i'm still sane in the membrane what happened to me a few years ago should have made me lose my mind but i still woke up in my right mind for that i give you praise god i thank you for my children i thank you that they are children who are saved there are people who love and follow you i thank you that you saved me i thank you that you delivered me i'm thankful that you called me i'm thankful that you chose me i'm thankful that you saw me as worth dying for find the joy can i get somebody put in the room find the joy find the joy because sometimes if she has a deficit in this area it's not due to your treatment it's due to her own contamination something within her is or has been polluted i had to give that disclaimer because parts of this message my lady's gonna be like preach boy then the other part's gonna be like i don't like him and then they're gonna be parts of this message where my brother's like i feel you and the other part is this message i'm like that was tough there jay this is going to come for both genders because we are redeeming the kingdom agenda and there's one thing i've learned from just counseling people from pastoring and i really learned this from from my mother if you really want to know if a man is real if you really want to know if what he presents is his true self not always but one of the ways one of the ways that you really could tell if what he is preaching he's practicing is by looking at the countenance of his wife oh it's about to get hot y'all it's about to get hot have y'all ever seen a preacher and i mean he's preaching the pain off the walls i mean he's preaching he's he's sweating like i'm doing right now he's shouting but when you look at first lady she's zoned out oh it's about to get real she looks like she's zoned out hallelujahs are present a man's a present priest pastor is present but she looks totally absent and i know somebody may be watching this message like that's not fair she could just have gas that's that's not fair she could have had a hard night it's difficult you know you don't know she could be sore from her zumba class and i'll give that to you but every sunday though every wednesday every thursday for the last two or three years or have you noticed there has been a shift in her joy meter ever since he arrived but he keeps acting like everything is cool why y'all looking at me like that i'm talking about this being real how do how does this type of thing happen i'm not saying that it always happens but i am saying ever since you arrived why is it her joy has a downward decline and you call yourself a kingdom man a kingdom man it's impossible for me to love jesus and then pete treat people like trash and i understand we all have our rough spots and we all have our difficult seasons all i'm attempting to articulate to you is it should not be a constant withering under his husbandhood it should not be a constant withering other his under his leadership but he presents to the world everything is okay yeah it's getting real y'all listen why does this happen this is the kingdom agenda it is because women are wired to help and men have been wired to lead the kingdom agenda i know it's not popular but we don't follow culture we follow kingdom you have been wired to be a helper he has been wired to be a leader my sisters we just have to make sure that we have the discernment enough and what is discernment discernment is the ability to see beyond presentation discernment is when you have a prayer life and you're asking god over a particular opportunity or an offer and god helps you perform a spiritual mri on a thing god give me discernment to see beyond presentation i have to have discernment so that i don't take every broken man who takes interest in me as a rescue mission them them not being ready is not your responsibility to fix and we have to be so whole and know who we are in christ and know our value to such a degree that we can let things go when god informs you this is not sent from me the reason it's hard for us to let things go is because when you open yourself up to a man he doesn't just penetrate your body but he also penetrates your spirit he didn't just penetrate your body but he penetrated your mind this is why you can't get him out your head because you keep letting him in your bed oh see now on the lady side i told you becoming it is the kingdom agenda i'm trying to redeem for us to understand sometimes i didn't know and we have to get to a place where we forgive ourselves for all the times i left me behind to chase them who is that for forgive yourself for all the times you left you behind to chase them and if there's one thing jerry has learned it is i have learned sometimes i'm chasing people who don't want to be caught chasing people don't want to be caught women were wired to help men were wired to lead and for my brothers we have to understand nobody wants to follow a man who's not going anywhere where you going bro what's your plan what's your vision what has god birth you in the earth to do nobody wants to follow a man who's not going anywhere so if i'm going to be a leader i have to be led myself the king has to lead me so that i as a king could lead my family into the kingdom agenda and y'all hear what i just said the king is leading this king so i can lead my queen and my offspring into the kingdom agenda one more time the king is leading the king so i can lead my queen and offspring into the kingdom agenda i'm a king it's just jesus is the king of kings and i have to follow him nobody wants to follow a man who is not going anywhere why is it every time somebody challenges you and asks you a question you just i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know what's your vision where are you going and the second thing we have to understand is you can never lead a woman who views your interest in her as an escape from loneliness because once you escape her from loneliness i'm done that's all i wanted i'm no longer single i didn't care about purposefulness i cared about sex and selfies it's more about me posting on the gram oh it's getting real it's more about me posting on the gram it's more about me looking happy than me being in purpose so if you select one who just wants to be redeemed from loneliness it's gonna be hard to lead a woman like that because i didn't sign up to be a wife i signed up to post oh this is so good y'all you are wired to be a helper he is wired to be a leader and i'm not a woman but if i was i would ask myself this question would i be cool with that be in my head say la right there let it just sink in it's not about how he makes you laugh he's so stupid and you keep keeping his face it's not about that it's not about his body and how swole he is bank account it's not about that it's it's can this be my spiritual covering can this man pray for me can i catch him in the middle of the night watching over my children and praying over my family he don't have to be jesus jr but he does have to know jesus at least i need him to at least know the king because if he loves jesus then at least he'll know how to love me i understand it'll take time to learn personality traits and take time to learn our chemistry but if i have the foundation that you love jesus i know you cannot love him and then treat me like trash i i just want to know do you do you do you love him i'm not a woman but if i was i would ask myself the question could i view that being my authority could i view that as being an individual who has the final say could i well it's getting real let me give you a bible y'all can see this i feel like it's getting hot all right ephesians chapter 5 verse 23 it says for the husband is the head of the wife as christ is the head of the church his body of which he is the savior i have to say this your boyfriend is not your head i don't care if y'all living together and i don't care if y'all paying bills he is not your head headship is for covenant only yes it is for covenant only you can act like you married but in the spirit realm i'm trying to redeem the kingdom agenda it is for him to first know me and then since he first knows me he follows me so that when he is introduced to you and you follow him you are going to follow in line with the kingdom agenda because i have his heart i have his mind i have his desires that is the kingdom agenda i know it's not normal and i know that's not the way of culture viewing things but we were not called to be cultural we were called to be biblical jesus kept on saying the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven is light it was the constant theme throughout his ministry it is because he was trying to get us to live a life of kingdom citizenship i don't adopt cultural trends in this world i am an alien i am a sojourner i am a pilgrim i'm just passing through i don't adopt the cultural trends i live kingdom i live kingdom so yo your boyfriend your fiancee that y'all been engaged for four years oops that that's that's that's not your head that's not your head headship that's daddy and all the children this is my highest authority when you get married this is why at weddings they say who gives this woman over to this man and the father will stand up and say i do that is the transferring of authority i no longer have headship over her she was under me once again this is the kingdom agenda i know it's not normal but i'm trying to teach you bible i it has transformed transferred from him over to him and so now he is the authority if you have a problem with that just don't get married that's fine just just just don't get married or don't select someone who's not loving jesus already and doesn't have jesus as his head already you ain't got nothing to worry about it both of your head is jesus it's only scary when it's only scary women wanted kingdom blessings by living cultural ways that's when it becomes scary when i want broadway blessings while shacking with narrow way patterns that's when it gets scary it gets scary when i want lukewarm christianity i want some of this and i want some of that i want some of this and i want some of that that's when it gets scary but god's original desire for the home women you are the life givers men you are the seed planters we plant she blooms y'all hear me we plant she blooms he waters she glows now the problem becomes if you claim to be watering but she's withering all right here it is here it is if you claim to be watering but your ministry is withering your business is withering your home is withering why are you questioning the condition of the flower we need to question the condition of the water could it be the way you talk otherwise you don't talk could it could it be how you do things are the things you don't do don't always blame the don't always blame the flower that's what adam did it's this woman you gave me what about your role as a leader i understand headship simply means i'm first in all things i'm modeling first what it looks like to live a surrendered life i'm first in discipline i'm first in integrity i'm first in an honesty see i'm trying to guess understand this the original intent for god discipleship was supposed to start in the home y'all know that it was it was that son supposed to see his daddy loving his mama it's supposed to start in the home it's it's the daughter seeing her mother being loved on by her daddy that's the kingdom agenda i understand that we didn't all do it right the goal should be for us to get back to the kingdom agenda matter of fact maybe that's the question you should ask yourself when you're about to make a decision does this get me closer to the original kingdom agenda the decision dating him doing this does this get me closer to the kingdom agenda she was supposed to see how respectful daddy was with his wife he was supposed to see his daddy doing dishes he's not just sitting down eating but he's washing dishes too it's not old school oh y'all look at me like that he's supposed to see that men serve too he's supposed to see daddy sweeping and daddy mopping so when he grows up it's not it's not abnormal for him to serve maybe it's so abnormal for men because when daddy's not there we have no image to abstract from we have no discipleship and a lot of times mother's doing the best she can but she's tired because she's trying to do everything she can to her own strength and there's some things that he's missing but the original intent from god was for it to be mommy and daddy and this is how discipleship first starts i'm gonna give you bible y'all need some more bible i'm gonna give you a bible all right let's check this out um in genesis chapter 2 verse 24 it says therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh therefore biblical manhood is i cannot stay in daddy's wallet and steal a mama's breast what my mama said my mama mama that's not biblical manhood leave that cleave to the wife we too become one flesh ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 it says and you fathers do not provoke your children to wrath but bring them up oh in the training and admonishing of the lord it starts at home it starts at home i i want us i want us to get this i believe men are video and women are audio see because a lot of us know that men are visual creatures right but there's a part of this that you probably haven't considered it's not just how we see but it's also how we're seen okay we're visual creatures and this is how men can be great fakers because we are visual creatures so i know how to present to you a visual that's not real we are masters of visualization somebody please stop looking at me like that have you ever met one that presented a visual but then when you met that person that they're not the person that they presented themselves to be this visual is false it is false sir it's because we are visual creatures oh this is so good but i feel it's so tough at the same time now this is why it's so beautiful if we could do things the king's way because if video can connect with audio we have a beautiful picture in the earth now i know some ladies watch this like listen j i was following you but i'm visual too i'm visual too i hear you i'm visual too but it's it's a lot of times about audio her being heard him listening to what she has to say her side mattering her having a voice her also engaging in the conversation is audio it's audio i want you to see this right now you don't even see me but you hear me you hear what i'm saying you hear the word you hear the message this is how a lot of ladies are your audio now nothing's wrong with your wi-fi you don't have to close this out you're not about to see you're now about to see me but you're not about to hear anything back together if video and audio can get together now we have a masterful image in the earth but sometimes the reason is so difficult for us to work together as brother and sister or husband as wife it's because you're only operating in video and you're not considering that you need audio or you're only operating in audio but you're not considering that you need video but when we come together that's how we create a picture i can't tell you how many disagreements my wife and i got in in our marriage because i'm video and i'm not considering that she's audio i learned real quick like year two of marriage she doesn't want you to talk bro she wants you to listen that's it don't interject your thought she just wants you to listen she's going to talk for a minute all right so you got to be patient you know patience is this patience is the ability to survive not yet we have yet got to the main reason of this conversation but we're going to get there yet we're going to get there i learned quickly a lot of times she's just venting and so what i would do is i was i would cause problems by trying to fix the problem i would cause problems by immediately trying to fix the problem not recognizing right now i just need to go off i need to just vent i'm audio trying to help us y'all i'm trying to help us this this is a way that when we come together we could impact the world the kingdom agenda listen the enemy doesn't care if you have a life he doesn't he just doesn't want you to have that life hell is not nervous if you have a life that's cool it only gets nervous if you have that life we're no threat to the enemy if we have a life we only become a threat when we have that life and what is that life is life the king's way kingdom life world change of life kingdom life is when you're walking around in your right mind and you know who you are and whose you are that's kingdom kingdom life is when you understand that heaven follows me but hell fights me that's kingdom life kingdom life is when you understand yea even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil why because my god is with me that's kingdom life kingdom life is when you understand that i could i could trade on serpents and scorpions and over all the works of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm me it doesn't mean that weapons won't form it just means that they won't prosper that's when you understand that your kingdom kingdom life is when you're fasting and you're praying and through your prayer and your fasting you're unlocking doors that the enemy thought he had bolted that's that's that's kingdom life when you live a kingdom life it would have the devil have a zoom call with all his demons okay listen how did they get over that depression i'm confused how are they still worshiping in the global pandemic i'm confused how are they still staying in the membrane and they've been furloughed i'm confused how do they still have joy and they were betrayed i'm confused how did they miss that landmine of doubt i'm confused how did they miss that pitfall of that distraction i'm confused how are they still giving me praise giving god praise in the midst of all of this because your praise and your worship confuses the enemy praises thanking god for what he has done what he is going to do and what he is currently doing worship is thanking god for who he is do i have anybody in the room that knows how to still thank god and worship him and praise him in the midst of a global pandemic this is not going to mute my thankfulness look at this i want to give you bible i want to give you a bible judges chapter 20 verse 18 look the israelites went up to bethel and inquired of god they said who of us is to go up to fight against the benjamites the lord replied judah shall go first somebody got it somebody else missed it okay before we fight this is who we gonna fight who should go up first judah should go up first what is judah praise what if i told you praise doesn't just happen at the finish line it happens before you even get started i don't have to know the answer i don't have to know the outcome but i'm going to worship god right now because of who he is what he's doing what he has done and what he is going to do and i think we need to pause for the cost pull over put a quarter in the meter and give god a virtual praise break because i'm not gonna praise him at the finish line i can thank him before i even run the race this is so good y'all this is the original kingdom agenda god made adam first he put adam in the garden first he gave adam identity first he gave adam a job first legal one he presented himself to adam first before a woman ever came on the scene god and adam had time with one another so i'm already in love with my maker before anything else enters my life this is why it's so important that you go off the garden not just the visual the garden is symbolic of his relationship with the lord and if you don't pay attention to his garden you'll be deceived and tricked by his visual presentation because we are visual creatures when a man loves jesus he has time with him in the garden so he can get to know him unmold gardens give room for snakes and this is how we keep getting bit by stuff is because i just went off the visual but i didn't look at the garden first and so i believe there's some type of men seven types of men that the enemy tries to cause us to become so that we can never operate in this kingdom agenda we have the running man the hard man the angry man the hurt man the parasitic man the mothered man and the blind man this is so powerful y'all seven types of men that i believe the enemy tries to cause us to be so that we could never operate in manifesting this kingdom agenda in the earth a running man a hard man an angry man a hurt man a parasitic man a mothered man and a blind man i'm going through these fast because i'm almost out of time a running man this is the man who always runs from his responsibilities constantly runs from this brother will get you so irritated because he's very inconsistent he runs this brother constantly goes ghost sometimes they don't go ghost because of something that you have done they go ghost because the real them is about to make their debut you're so real that it's about to expose that i'm fake and since i'm running for me the only problem is i can never outrun me i see who i'm running from is about to catch up so i go ghost i know that you're the collateral damage of that warfare but it's really not about you i'm running for myself the hard man this is the man remember i told you we're visual creatures so we could be going through something and it really hurts us and we're acting like we're hard but we're really dealing with pain because we think masculinity equates hardness so this man is not tender this is crazy god said adam dress and keep the garden tend the garden tend my sheep if he doesn't tend the sheep and tend the garden what makes you think he's gonna be tender to you hard man the angry man and the hurt man are almost interchangeable the angry man is the man that something hurts and he doesn't know how to handle it he doesn't know how to handle it so it comes off in the form of anger it's not always that he has anger issues there's some hurt on the inside of him this this turmoil this typhoon of emotion is on the inside of him and he wants to be healed from it but he doesn't know how to yet and so not every person he encounters he's also going to hurt by the fault because he's hurting himself and he's angry over the fact that he's hurting the parasitic man this is the man who lives off of you he gets life off of you which bleeds into the mother man the mothered man is a son that was mother to death so he's not looking for wife he's looking for mama these type of men look to move in with you they look for you to cook for them they look for you to have sex with them they look for you to do everything for them they're not trying to lead you they're looking for you to mother them this is what i believe the enemy tries to do with men so that we can never be the kingdom men and lastly the blind man we can't see ourself so it's got god god has called us to be image bearers right so all of us all of us right now i'm sweating y'all have me just up here looking sweating like this i'm sweating hard the image bearer this is the image that god has given us i want you to reflect me in the world okay so what happens is there are a lot of times there are a lot of times when we deal with pain i was raped as a child my daddy left i had pain i have sibling rivalry i have this issue i have that issue i got all this stuff on my heart i have all this pain in my life i have all of this stuff that really damaged me all of this stuff that really hurt me but i'm trying to be strong like a man i'm trying to be honest like a man because men don't cry right that's what culture teaches men have to be strong and so i have all of this stuff that is blocking the true image of who i am and instead of us dealing with it we hide it instead of us dealing with it we hide it so we go on dates with people we have somebody who's in our life we're talking to them we're building with them you seem cool everything is great but i'm not really showing you what i'm really dealing with i'm not really showing you my real issue now look look since i'm dealing with this by default i'm going to mark you up you're going to deal with my pain because i'm going through pain you're going to deal with my abuse because i feel abused in my heart i don't mean to but i haven't dealt with my real self with my real self and this goes on from relationship to relationship from job to job from career to career but what if i told you how healing starts is when god gets us to a place what if you date yourself and you see all the things in yourself that are broken you see all the areas in yourself that need help that need wholeness and healing and what most of us try to do is we try to erase it on our own we try to fix it on our own but that's not the method that god wants that's not the kingdom agenda all of this dirt all this pain all of the sin all of this brokenness this image that you see when you look in the mirror this is why you don't like what you see jesus is like i die for you so stop trying to clean this up imma blood cover this imma blood cover this imma cover all of your sin imma cover all of your pain imma curl all of your transgressions everything that you ashamed of the stuff that you don't want to talk about the stuff that you don't want to think about i'ma cover all that i died for it i hung on the cross for it i gave my life for it i'm gonna cover all of this stuff up and what if i told you the reason that jerry's preaching is not so that you can see me the image that i'm bearing is not so that you can see my image is so that you can see my notoriety or so that my platform can grow what if the kingdom agenda is yes i recognize that i'm flawed and i can't change it and i can't fix it on my own so if i love jesus and i give my life to jesus he causes me to be blood covered so now i could be a billboard to the world you can't see me all you see is the blood you can't see all of my stains all you see is the blood you can't see my brokenness all you see is what jesus has done for me so now everybody who encounters me it's not just reflecting me it's reflecting what jesus has done in me what jesus has done for me and what jesus is continuing to do in my life and if we had men that surrendered our brokenness that surrendered our flaws and stopped seeing you in the mirror but you see the blood of jesus who covered everything you see the blood of jesus who shed his life for all of that i'm not asking for you to be perfect i have four love languages feed my sheep tend my sheep die to yourself i follow my principles so that in your life you could be a billboard when a man loves jesus point number one he's humble malachi chapter 6 verse 8 says he has shown you o man what is good and what does the lord require of you but to justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your god kingdom men are humble number two when men love jesus we're lovers and washers ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 husbands love your wives just as christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy cleansing her by washing with the water through the word i can't wash her with water if i haven't been washed in the water i have to be able to wash and i have to be able to love this is what happens when a man loves jesus men that love jesus were providers providers and protectors and lastly were servers what if i told you this is the ultimate goal for the kingdom man to get us to love jesus so much well you can't see me but you see what jesus did in me and so now i could hold up the blood stain banner of jesus and the world could see his image versus my broken image so father god we pray would you bring your men back to a place of falling in love with you because the first step in really really causing this kingdom agenda to change in the earth is by having men in the earth who love you who live surrendered life to you and we bind the enemy for his tactics and his schemes to try to interrupt this agenda the cause for more kings to rise up so that we may exalt you and uphold the blood-stained banner of jesus where i'm not displaying my image but i'm displaying the image of what jesus did for me in jesus name we pray amen
Views: 29,472
Rating: 4.9696312 out of 5
Keywords: redefinedtv, redefined tv, when a man loves Jesus, kingdom men, pastor jerry, pastor Jerry Flowers, pastor flowers, world changer, Tanisha and Jerry Flowers
Id: H_F6NypLj6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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