I'm Calling You Out | World Changer | (Part 2) | Jerry Flowers

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family yes like for real though on this particular message i need you to tag somebody on tonight because we have a word i went downstairs and i saw i told miss flowers i said this one this is one god is dealing with me and i firmly believe it's gonna help the body so i just thank you guys for all of your support all of your love all of your emails letters and comments about we see you on youversion bible i want to thank you virgin so much we're still on there um if you want to check out in the discovery area i was allowed to talk about john chapter 15 verse 5 and so i'm thankful for that opportunity and also we're in this world changer series so we got apparel coming on sunday you'll be able to get like this type of hoodie it's going to be nice world change apparel world changer mask and i'm just grateful and i want you guys also to be aware right after this message um i'm going to articulate to you the instructions and the things that we're doing for our corporate fast that starts tomorrow january the 8th we're doing a 21 day daniel fass if you've never fasted before we'll have information um just so that you can be healthy this is not something that we're doing to lose weight we're doing this as really just starting off our year god you have this year this is not my year this is your year and i want to be able to turn down the volume of my flesh and i'm giving god my yes because like i stated on sunday god can do more with your uncertain yes than you can with your confident hustle so i hope you guys are ready um this may be a unfamiliar passage of scripture depending on your christian journey um go ahead and tag us take a screenshot let us know where you are in the world but this particular passage of scripture may be a little different for you but i believe it's going to serve us well first samuel chapter three first samuel chapter three verse three it begins by saying the lamp of god had not yet gone out and samuel was lying down in the house of the lord where the ark of god was then the lord called samuel samuel answered here i am and he ran to eli and said here i am you you called me but eli said i did not call go back and lie down so he went and laid down again the lord called samuel and samuel got up and went to eli and said here i am you you called me right my son now i don't know if y'all have children but when you have children and they start to wake you up two three four times you start to get a little irritated so i can just imagine eli was like my son i didn't call you i did not call go back and lie down now samuel did not yet know the lord the word of the lord had not yet been revealed to him please don't forget that that's important a third time the lord called samuel samuel got up and went to eli i believe he's probably a little nervous i said here here i am you you called me then eli realized that the lord was calling the boy so eli told samuel go and lie down and if he calls you say speak lord for your servant is listening so samuel went and lied down in his place the lord came and stood there calling as at the other times samuel samuel then samuel said speak for your servant is listening a clause of concern and a verse of importance and this particular part of our biblical narrative and our foundational text that i believe is going to greatly serve us for the time that we have together for part two of this world changes series lives and is chilling in verse 10 where the text tells us the lord came and stood there calling as at the other times samuel and samuel said speak your servant is listening the quintessential question the question on the floor that i have for you on tonight as we begin the cruise line as we begin the sermonic journey of this message on tonight is who do you have in your life who can identify that the lord is calling you what eli do you have in your life to let you know that god is calling you and this is the call of a world changer you have been summoned but the question is will you answer father we give you all the glory we give you all the honor all the admiration belongs to you you're such an awesome god a miraculous god a wonderful god and we pray that in this moment we can learn more of who you are as my typical request oh god anoint me to be your oracle your your sound system the pa system of heaven it is so in jesus name we pray and everybody who agrees with their prayer would you drop in the room amen a man and the lord came and stood there calling as at other times samuel samuel i don't know what your name is but i'm personalizing this jerry jerry ashley ashley will stephen michael the lord is calling and i want to take on the nature of eli just for a few moments and try to convince you when god calls you to respond by saying lord i'm here to serve for part two of this world changer series i would like to speak around this thought from this subject for a few moments i'm calling you out i'm calling you out have you ever been called out i am calling you out and as normal and as my typical methodology every time you get together i believe death of life is in the power of the tongue and i don't know if you speak over yourself so i'm going to make sure that when you're with me that you're speaking over yourself can i get everybody to drop this in the room in all caps all caps god teach me your voice and train my spirit so that i can carry out my calling one more time i feel like somebody feels that god teach me your voice and train my spirit so that i can carry out my calling my calling in high school there were a plethora of extracurricular activities that you could engage in i went to westfield high school i loved basketball but i didn't make the basketball team football was all right but i just really wasn't cool with getting cracked the way some of those linebackers were hitting people i'm talking about freshman year i was like 5-4 and chubby and they had people who were seniors like six seven 280 pounds i just not cool with you running at me full speed so i i didn't really do the football route but there was one thing in high school that jerry loved i loved stepping i love the step team don't judge me but i did it was just something about me being with all of my brothers we're sweaty we're locked up we're breathing hard and our step captain will hollow let's get it and we would just go i loved it at homecoming we'd all get together everybody around us hyping us up and then we would just all start dancing together just strolling ah i loved it y'all i loved it i still got it y'all see me moving i still got it there was something i just loved stepping and it was just my passion all throughout my high school career i loved being on a step team we won like state championships beating every school throughout every uh every school throughout the city of houston we were dope westfield high school dukes that's what we were called and um so there was this this party and if you're a pastor's son you have learned you cannot go to your parents and say hey there's a party this friday night can i go so since i was a pastor's son i learned how to articulate this verbiage i said mom dad uh my friends we're having a fellowship we're having a fellowship where we could gather and just discuss um our high school experience because we're about to graduate high school in a week so could i go to this fellowship now i'm thinking like i'm who's who of american high school students i'm on the national honor society i'm graduating a week out my parents go let me go and they did but they gave me this condition they said you have to be home at 11 o'clock i really didn't understand that because i'm 18. you know i'm making good grades next week i graduate from high school and in two months and two months i'm going to be on campus so technically wherever i want to go when i want to go you can't stop me because you're not gonna be there this is what i was thinking but i just decided you know i'll go ahead and go to the party so i go to the party nine o'clock it's boring ten o'clock it's like hey hey 10 15. hey hey 10 30. hey hey 10 40. hey like everybody just hype just like watch everybody get so turned up the closer it gets to 11 o'clock so by 10 50 my friend comes up and he says hey we're about to go up i'm about to stroll we're about to step i didn't really want to dance with girls there were some dudes that wanted to do that all jerry wanted to do is be with my brothers and stroll and show off as smooth that's all i wanted to do and so then they're like hey we're about to step it's about 10 55. technically i need to go home can i get somebody put in the room you need to go i need to go home but i'm who's who of american high school students i'm on the national honor society i'm 18 and i'm graduating from high school next week so i decided don't judge me y'all i'm gonna stay and i'm gonna turn up so i start dancing with the step team and we're strolling and we're having fun all throughout the aisle and everything and then like at 10 59 i'm talking about my father must have had the phone in his hand you know how like just a few days ago everybody was like 10 9 8 and as soon as the clock hit midnight everybody shouted i promised my dad was like this 10 9 8 and as soon as it hit 11 my phone was ringing on the dot i'm sitting there with everybody not here but don't judge me y'all i decided to ignore it i'm not going to answer i can't say hey you know i'm having a good time you know let me stay i don't want to deal with that i just don't want to deal with getting corrected in front of all my friends right now i don't want to deal with that so i just i don't answer so 1101 1102 1103. i mean just keeps calling me keeps calling he don't know where i'm at because i had those type of parents out pull up i don't know if y'all have parents like that but i have parents they'll pull up on your body but they don't know where i'm at and um i'm trying to continue to enjoy but just just nonstop just keep going so my my brothers are like hey you look like you're not enjoying yourself and i'm like man my dad's calling me man and i wonder who's watching this message there's a vibration going off in your soul wherever you are your daddy's calling you i tried to keep on enjoying the party but i really couldn't because daddy was calling me you're trying to enjoy doing what you want to do but you really can't because daddy's calling you you're trying to do your own thing but you really can't because daddy's calling you you're trying to carry out your own desires but you really can't because daddy's calling you and just like me at this fellowship i really couldn't enjoy myself because daddy was calling me over and over and over there's somebody watching this message on tonight that you don't even really enjoy having sex with them anymore you don't you don't even really enjoy having sex with him or sex with her because something on the inside of you is you have this vibration going off in your soul and you probably discovered now that your body is a temple if you don't know you're going to understand and be introduced that the reason you couldn't enjoy it is because god is calling you your body is a temple not a doorknob where everybody gets a turn lord have mercy your body is a temple not a doorknob and you just arrive to this place in your purity i rather shift and make the adjustment so i have to deal with your absence rather than accommodate your presence and deal with your demons because listen yes it's cold outside depending on where you are in the world where we're at right now it's cold it's cold outside but it is better for me to sleep in a cold bed than for me to be warmed by a real devil it is better for me to exercise purity my body is a temple and it wasn't made for multiple sex partners it wasn't made for fornication it wasn't made for sexual immorality it wasn't made to get faded and get wasted it wasn't made it for me to sip on some gin and juice but it was made to carry the kingdom of heaven it was made to house the holy ghost it was made to be god's transportational system throughout the earth and what you're feeling on the night that conviction that keeps hitting your soul that's not indigestion that conviction that you're feeling that has you obnoxious i'm trying to be be like eli let you know listen that's that's god he's calling you daddy's calling it's the call of a world changer you've been summoned but will you answer the call somebody else you you can't even enjoy binge watching a series on netflix anymore there was a time you could watch series at the series but now you just can't enjoy a benjen series on netflix or hulu or youtube and it's not because they stopped having good series like they have some fire tv series and some fire television shows it's not that they're not producing good things i'm preaching so hard y'all because i'm trying to activate something in your soul it's because you know it and i know it god is saying how much more time will you waste get up get up how much more time like what else causes for you to get up and get out of the bed besides your job your children or your bladder what else causes for you to get up this is god said hey there there's a mission field that you need to plow there's a work that you have to do there's a people that you have to reach there's a daughter that you have to raise there's a son that you have to raise there's a need in the earth no more spending hours on netflix and hulu and watching other people's story on instagram and youtube i'm not saying that you can't enjoy it for a while but this is consuming your life face time is better than screen time spending time in his face is better than spending time on facebook and any social media outlet and god is saying listen the reason is bothering you and you're like man what am i doing with my life because a lot of us are mislabeling an unanswered call as boredom that's what it is there's a unanswered call this is why you're so bored this is why this is not doing it for you anymore it's because god is calling you out this this is not insomnia this is an invitation to get up and pray to get up and work on that book to get up and work on your gift this is god calling you daddy's calling you he's calling you out it is the call of a world changer you've been summoned but the question is will you answer this is so good y'all will you answer there's somebody else watching this message on the night the we just not doing it for you anymore is it the beer the alcohol the cheap sex it's it's not doing it for you anymore that that purposeless relationship that you selected out of loneliness versus purposefulness god why is this message hidden like this it's just not it's just not doing it for you anymore it's not doing it for you anymore who am i talking to is there anybody watching this message where you have arrived to this place i will no longer water things that don't want to grow up who is that for somebody feel that that's you drop in the room that's me i will no longer water things that don't want to grow up that there has to be more than this i'm tired of my marriage being on life support i'm tired of my marriage being on life support i'm just fully convinced my spouse and my marriage is supposed to be my safe house not my psychiatric ward i'm talking y'all it it's supposed to be more than this and then a lot of times due to our pride and due to us continuing to keep a record of wrongs y'all don't want to talk to me we're not seeing our spouse through the eyes that god sees them or sees her and so now you want your marriage improve you want it to get better you think that's just your thoughts no that is a divine thought placed in your mind that god has placed in your soul because god is calling you out daddy's calling it's the call of a world changer you've been summoned but the question is will you answer you're starting to get tired of watching that pornography huh you're tired of you're starting to get repulsed with it but for some strange reason you keep going back to it you keep going back to it you know why because pornography is that cruel master pornography is that cruel slave owner that whips us into bondage but for some strange reason we enjoy the beatings and you're starting to get to a place where you're tired of it handling you and you want to handle it because you know the bible says who the son has set free is free indeed and even if you don't know that yet there's something in you that says i should not be bound by this this should not make me late this should not keep me up all hours of the night i said i was going to bed at midnight but due to what i'm watching i'm tired day after day after day and there's something there's this there's this vibration in your soul that keeps going off because you feel the need to change what that is that's not indigestion that's not gas that's god that's the holy spirit calling just like he called with samuel that's god calling you and i'm trying to be like an eli to get you to understand god is calling you daddy's calling it's the call of a world changer you've been summoned but the question is will you answer i believe god is calling his sons and his daughters of zion to arise arise from your low living arise from depression arise from average arise from mundane arise from typical i did not cosmically create you to be born to go to school to get a job retire and die that is culture's view that is not the kingdom agenda the kingdom agenda is for you to aspire to inspire and rewire before you expire preach holy spirit did y'all hear what i just said now please don't misconstrue what i'm saying i'm not saying don't get an education because i do believe we should get educated if you have a gift master it stop settle with being good good is the enemy of great whatever you're trying to do be excellent because one thing jerry's passionate about is excellence separates whatever god called you to do master it to the best of your capability not so that you could boast in it but so that you can give god glory for it culture's view you're born you go to school you get a job you retire and you die that's not the kingdom agenda the kingdom agenda is for you to aspire to inspire and rewire before you expire that is purpose that is purpose and that is the kingdom agenda i'm feeling this y'all listen listen purpose on your life is when god looked in the earth he saw your family he saw your ethnicity he saw your ancestors he saw your bloodline he saw what school you would go to he saw what city you were being what state you were being what country you would be in and then he saw your sphere of influence and then he oh notice the problem and so then what he did is he put a problem-solving anointing inside your belly he put a problem-solving anointing in your womb and somewhere somehow your mama met your daddy and you got in the earth and you're in that exact atmosphere that has some type of influence that you can impact and there's a problem because purpose fixes problems purpose fixes problems purpose fixes problems purpose fixes problems why you keep on having this over and over why you keep being repetitious with this statement it's because i want you to get the kingdom agenda purpose fixes problems so could one of the reasons be why our world has so many problems is because there's so many people who aren't living there's so many people who are living in purpose and on purpose because purpose fixes problems if i'm not living in purpose there are more problems and could the problem be that there's so many of us who are living in purpose or on purpose guys i want you to get this this is the kingdom agenda i'm trying to break it down to you if i can get you to recognize that you've been called and i can get for you to fix a problem and then i can get for you to fix a problem and then i can get for you to fix the problem and you to fix a problem in you to fix a problem now i'm gonna start fixing problems in my home which is gonna cause me to fix problems in the community because you're fixing problems you're fixing problems and you fix some problems and you fix some problems and so now we're all fixing problems in our world and it's going to change our world that is how we get the series world changer but it starts with you stop looking at all of your problems but you start trying to identify the problem that irritates you the most because usually the very thing that irritates you the most is the area you're supposed to impact god saw that there was a problem there was going to be a problem in the sphere of your influence i'm going to put a problem-solving anointing on the inside of you and i'm going to put you in that environment and i'm going to call you so that you could understand you have been called you have a world changing anointing and there's a problem that you're supposed to fix this is not something just for me everybody watching this message and everybody under the sound of my voice god has cosmically created for you to fix a problem for darkness we have light to remove that problem for a sight problem we have glasses for traffic problems we have traffic lights for your life there's a problem that you have to fix which is why you have to stop running from them which which is why you have to stop running from them because sometimes you run into them because you're supposed to fix them this is so good y'all this is how you become a world changer i'm trying to fix the problem that i have been given the oil to fix i'm not trying to fix every problem i'm just trying to fix the problem that god saw would be a problem in the area i would be so i can fix that problem and if i just worry about fixing the problem that i'm anointed to fix and if you just worry about fixing the problem that you're anointed to fix we're all going to end up fixing our world it's the call of a world changer can i get somebody to drop this in the room i'm a world changer i'm a world changer in all caps i'm a world changer i'm a world changer and just like samuel samuel didn't know the lord's voice yet he didn't know the lord's voice yet but he had an eli to be able to identify this this is not just a coincidence yeah them leaving like that probably was a blessing them breaking up with you girl probably was god removing something for your life because you prayed god if this isn't your will please remove it and it got removed and now you're balling and crying you need somebody an eli in your life to let you know girl that's god bro this is god this conviction that you feel this is god because he's trying to get you to understand that you've been called you've you've been called and i think one of the most dangerous things for the church and in christianity that this pandemic has greatly exposed is we have a lot of proclaimed men and women of god who don't know god they don't know god so they can't teach you how to grow in god nor can they teach you how to grow to a level where you know god's voice because god in their bible does not mean god in their life listen hashtag proverbs 31 and her bio doesn't mean she's a proverbs 31 woman kingdom man and his bio does not mean that he's a kingdom man in real life that sounds good but do you produce the fruit and i think maybe that's the issue with the body we don't have enough voices who are able to tell us that god is speaking we don't have enough streams we don't have enough churches we don't have enough communities that teach us when god is calling you answers so that you could serve the call god is calling you you're watching this on the night yes he's calling you and sometimes you already know what it is because it's been bothering you for so long god's calling i'm just firmly convinced that my generation generations before me and after me we have to have a collision course encounter with the power of the cross listen y'all this is not old school this is biblical when a man or a woman actually understands what jesus did by being bloody and mutilated hanging on calvary's heel love sustaining his heart love causing his heart to palpitate because he's thinking about you and he's thinking about me because god the father jesus the son and the holy spirit did not want a sin-stricken people to walk this earth to be in the world and never experience the most powerful most holistic most wonderful relationship through all eternity and that is not to know god as creator to create it but to know him as abba to know him as daddy to know him as father that's what jesus did the cross changes everything the cross changes everything this is not old school this is biblical this is the gospel listen the cross does not give a minor shift or two in regards to your moral or your ethical values but the cross radically disrupts the very center and citadel of your life from self to christ and if the cross has not done that what makes you think you're a christian what makes you think that you're a christian you can be in church your whole life but the only way the fruits that jesus is calling you it's when the cross has radically disrupted the very center and citadel of your life i can't sin the same once a man meets jesus you can never sin the same again you can never sin the same again stuff just bothers you stuff starts to make you feel nauseous this is because you've been called it is the call of a world changer you've been summoned but the question is will you answer will you answer god is calling for his people to pray god is calling for his people to repent god is calling for his people to come back and seek his face because the true christian life please hear me the true christian life is the interrupted life did y'all hear what i just said that the true christian life is a life that has experienced heavenly interference i'm gonna give you a bible let me give you bible you know i love to give you bible right look at this matthew chapter nine verse nine as jesus passed on from there he saw a man called matthew sitting at the table sitting at the tax booth and he said to him follow me and he rose up and followed him did y'all please notice this jesus never went up to matthew said hey what you got going on today ar are you doing somebody's refund check today are you doing somebody's taxes today what you got going on after lunch what's your schedule next week jesus just walked up saw him sitting down and said follow me interrupted it didn't matter what matthew had planned matthew could have planned to go fishing after this matthew could have planned to do something on his own he's trying to trying to chill but it did not matter because one of the methodologies of jesus is he interrupts your life let me give you more bible mark matthew chapter 8 verse 21 another one of the disciples said to him lord let me first go and bury my father and jesus said to him follow me and lead the dead to bury their own dead jesus that's kind of insensitive that that's kind of rude let the dead bury the dead he's just saying he wants to follow you just let let me go deal with my father and if you study this theologians have studied and said you know in those days sometimes after there was a funeral they would also bury the bones after this was a jewish practice so the funeral wasn't just one day and that was it other theologians said his father wasn't even dead yet jesus is like listen all that stuff don't matter to me whatever your reason is whatever's behind this whatever your theological debate is that's up to you all i know is everything else is on hold when i call you everything else is pushed on the back burner when i call you it doesn't matter if i'm calling you out of your family it doesn't matter if i'm calling you out of a career it doesn't matter if i'm calling you out of a relationship when god calls you i'm gonna be like eli when he calls you say speak your servants listening i'm gonna give you more bible john chapter 1 verse 43 the next day jesus decided to go to galilee he found philip and said to him follow me now philip was from bethsaida the city of andrew and peter philip found nathanael and said to him we have found him of whom moses and the law and all the prophets wrote jesus of nazareth the son of joseph nathaniel said to him can any good come out of nazareth philip said to him come see ah this is so good i can unpack so much in this but i don't have time to i can really unpack and bother the part that he said what good thing comes from nazareth you got to understand jesus came from the hood nazareth was this small filth-ridden town on the south side why would such a big god come from a small place i don't have time to bother that and then i could bother the fact that this is why it's good to have called out friends because called out friends constantly call you out since phillip was called out okay somebody interrupted me and then now i'm gonna tell you come meet the person that interrupted my life and i think we have to have an appreciation for people who god has called out because they're going to constantly call you out hey bro the way you just talked to your wife that that was kind of that was kind of uh disrespectful i need people who've been called out because when they've been called out they're most likely gonna call me out but if you don't value being called out when you're called out it's gonna feel like an attack versus god calling you out to another level of maturity i need to hang around with called out people because called out people will keep on calling me out is that too much calling too much out the the third thing i see in this is so powerful when he's like man can anything good come from nazareth philip's like phil is like uh come see that's the type of testimony and miracle i want you to have and i want to have what happened to your marriage come see let me show you how did you get over that depression come see let me show you i want to have a church where people like man you have to hear this word what church you go to come see man i was bound until i went here where did you go come see god give me a come see testimony come see can anything good come out of nazareth this is why we have to understand we have to get this y'all listen if we're truly going to be christ followers you're saying i am surrendering my life to constantly be interrupted same thing happened to me the only reason you watching this is because god interrupted my life he interrupted my life when i'm walking him on campus on my campus um on texas southern university in college and i was just feeling this this gnawing in my soul i thought i was saved because my parents were saved a lot of pastor's children do that i recognize as i got a little older you can't get fooled watching somebody else eat that's a whole word a whole one and so i i thought i was saying because i knew so much bible if we have bible drills i'm winning i've been in every vacation bible school can quote all the books in the bible could tell you the minor prophets the major prophets i know all of this stuff how to exegete hermeneutics i know all of this stuff and i felt because i knew a lot like if we had memory verse drills in children's church or in young adult church i would pick a book like nahum everybody else gonna pick john 3 16 or psalms 23. i'm gonna pick nahum you don't even know where that's at without looking at table of contents that's how i used to think i'mma memorize something like obadiah books that people forget about because i felt like i knew so much bible and since i knew so much i thought that god and i were close i thought that we were cool because i knew a lot of him but one day when i was coming back from the club a week out from being online about to pledge a fraternity this this vibrating tension in my soul started i i really couldn't articulate what it was but it was just something that was just bothering me it's that same feeling you feel you probably felt it before it's it it happens after you cuss somebody out this gnawing in your soul that that knowing in your soul that that you feel when you got that text message come over or maybe it hits you after the act is done and you're sitting on the edge of the bed or you're walking to your car this this this tension in your soul i'm talking about listening to a message and it's so convicting your ears are getting hot y'all ever been so convicted that you like hear your pulse you feel it and it's just this tension in your soul this this vibration in your soul and i remember at the club feeling this this discomfort right here right here i was feeling it right here i think in that moment god was just telling me this is not who you are this is this is not who you are torrance i want you to zoom in on my face i want y'all to see this and i want y'all to get this somebody watching this message on tonight that's the same thing god is telling you i'm looking square in your eye this is not who you are you're trying to enjoy it you're trying to dismiss all of the tension and you're trying to dismiss all the discomfort that you feel in your heart and i'm trying to get you to understand this is not who you are once you meet jesus you can never sin the same again i'm trying to be like eli in this particular section because eli wasn't the best priest i'm gonna touch on that in a minute in this particular section i'm trying to get you to understand that god is calling you and he did not create you to be born to have a job retire and die but this kingdom agenda that you feel in your heart right now is because god is calling you higher and he wants to take you deeper i know i'm talking to somebody i feel it i was interrupted in that moment god was saying jerry you're a world changer whoever's watching this you're a world changer you're a world changer there's a world you have to change how many more sermons will you listen to until you put this in application how long will you allow your bible to be a dust collector and the only time you open it is on thursday and on sunday when i say turn your bible to such and such how long will you let your business plan be a dust collector god is calling you to another level of maturity samuel is this young dude his mother hannah could not conceive she couldn't conceive and people were making fun of her because she couldn't conceive and her husband was like listen is not my love for you greater than ten sons he really said that like you need to go read first samuel chapter one i'm like that was pretty that was a good bar bro but she still went ran out crying he was like it's not my love for you better than 10 sons she couldn't have a son she goes in the temple and she's crying she's crying out to god i want a son god could you give me a son and then she's praying kind of under her breath eli walks in he sees it he thinks she's drunk he's like uh have you uh don't you think it's time for you to stop drinking she's like no i'm not drinking i'm not drinking i'm not drinking i'm i'm just i'm just asking god i have this petition on my heart i'm just crying out to him and eli says okay go ahead and may the lord grant your request she goes she eats something that night her and her husband make love the bible says all of this i'm telling you covenant sex hits different i have a whole series coming on that in the summer time we're going to deal with that love sex and singleness and marriage we're going to touch all of that just covenant sex it's different anyway she gets pregnant from that experience she gets pregnant and she has a son and she names him samuel and she's like listen god since you answered my prayer i'ma give him back to you so she goes to uh to eli and says listen i have vowed to give samuel back to the lord you can see this first samuel chapter 1 verse 27 it says i prayed for this child and the lord has granted me what i have asked of him so now i give him to the lord for his whole life he will be given over to the lord and he worshipped the lord there so samuel is in the temple his mentee is eli all right now this is the part that kind of tripped me up samuel is doing all this stuff in the temple for the lord he's even ministering to the lord look at this first samuel chapter 3 verse 1 the boy samuel ministered before the lord under eli in those days the word of the lord was rare there were not many visions so samuel's ministering he's he's in the temple but then verse 7 says now samuel did not yet know the lord that kind of struck me in my study time i know he's a boy but i wonder how many people are in the temple ministering serving ushering ushers streamers streaming doing all this type of stuff for the lord but don't know the lord i wonder how many people been in church their whole life but never heard a word from god for themselves for themselves like you don't really know god for your own personal self because god had to have an encounter with samuel and eli had to inform him that this is god calling you this is the process of the call i want to end with this i want you all guys to get this this is the process of the call we have interruption introduction interruption introduction instruction construction and production this is so powerful y'all please i want you guys to get this this is the process of the call god is trying to get us to a place where number one i have to i have to interrupt your life so so you have you have your own life you have your your book the book of your life this is your story this is your story have a pen here somewhere there it is this is your story and you're just living out your story you're just doing your thing you're not worried about anybody else something happens in your life it happens to everybody once in a lifetime god interrupts your story he interrupts it you thought that relationship was going gonna work i interrupt that you thought that was your career i interrupt that all right well i'm gonna turn on to the other page because i have plans to to move over here and do this up god's gonna interrupt that you're called for me i was in school to be a pre i was a pre-med major i was going to be a pediatrician god's like no you're a world changer you're going to be a pastor [Laughter] in a relationship before i met tanisha thought i was going to marry her nope y'all going to break up you're going to meet tanisha and you and her gonna start something called redefine tv and y'all can go around the world and serve and inspire generation to live for me there are things that you thought you were gonna do but god has a way of just interrupting your story all right i got all these plans i'm gonna do this nope that's that's your plan my plans he interrupts now once god interrupts your story then he introduces himself he introduces himself i am that i am i am what you've been looking for and you don't even know it i i am the hunger in your soul that you want to be fed by you don't even know that i'm the bread of heaven i'm gonna be the one that satisfies your soul i'm gonna be the one that quenches your thirst i'm gonna be the one that gives you purpose i'm gonna be the one that gives you understanding i'm gonna be the one that gives you clarity i'm gonna be the one that stays closer than a brother i'm gonna be the one i have to introduce myself as your god so we have interruption and then god gives us if we have interruption and then god has an introduction he introduces himself to you for some people watching week after week this is what god is doing he's introducing himself to you and this is why i believe the church needs to be more gracious especially the new converts all they had was an interruption they haven't got to instruction yet all they had was interruption now god has to have an introduction this is so powerful y'all all right now now after you have the interruption and you have the introduction god starts to give you instruction okay so you watch sermons like this you have a whole lot of notes that you're taking okay i need to start fasting i need to start praying oh that was that was really good what what jay just said sometimes i have to make decisions that hurt my heart but heal my soul okay he is the i am that i am you can't compartmentalize who he is to and is he just is monday he may be i am your healer tuesday he may be i am your waymaker so now i have instruction i have instruction because i'm beginning to learn about who god is and week after week you're getting edified with the word of god because god interrupted your life he introduced himself to you now i got to give you instructions see listen you got to understand this this is why god many times drops next level in front of you not for the purpose of you getting jealous but for you to take notes i never knew why god was allowing me to go to this church and that church and preach to this church and that church i didn't know god was giving me instruction god was educating me i don't know why god had me be a student pastor for nine years until i understood that oh you know teenagers not gonna say hey man teenagers not gonna say nothing was dope so i need you to be very creative i need you to think of illustrations i need you to think of examples so that you can get them to get it i need you to reduce the gospel down to a lowest common denominator so that they could understand it because that's just training ground because in a few years i'm gonna put you in a position where you have to talk to a generation who does not know god and you have to be able to break it down give illustrations where they could understand who god is where they could take something that may seem complex and break it down and it makes sense instruction now after you have instruction now you got construction now this the construction part is when all the stuff that your mama taught you baby girl that was wrong uh oh let's let's go ahead and cross out all your your mistakes that's gonna be blood covered all your mistakes gonna be blood cover god don't even see that all your mistakes have been hung up okay uh you have a mindset that uh when you get married you hide a little money on the side just in case he act up that that's your that's your mama's bondage that's not kingdom everything is oneness and so now god is constructing you so that he can produce you and now you have something that you can publish to the world i have a message y'all i have a come see but until you first like we said last week number one recognize who not to listen to and who told you that and then part two of this i have to understand that god is calling me out i can't be an effective world changer without that god interrupts your life he introduces himself he gives you instruction and then we go through construction so that we could be his production so god would you help us to be able to hear your voice would you be help would you help us to be able to respond when you call us some of us don't know your voice yet all it is is tension in our soul that maybe i shouldn't go there maybe i shouldn't do that maybe i should do this maybe i should give that and our prayer god is that you strengthen us and also position people in our life that could speak into our life to help us to identify you've been called and it is the call of a world changer because we've been summoned give us the strength the faith and obedience to answer in jesus name we pray amen
Views: 24,670
Rating: 4.9662557 out of 5
Keywords: redefinedtv, pastor Jerry Flowers, Jerry Flowers, tannish flowers, world changer, Pastor Flowers, I'm calling you out
Id: 9TlgexHl9dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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