What's Your Coolest Discovery While Metal Detecting? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who metal detects what has been your coolest discovery a few years ago a guy on reddit asked reddit if anyone had a metal detector he could borrow to find his wife's lost wedding ring I lived local to him at the time and had one I never really used I offered help showed up at the dudes house and we ended up finding the ring in about 10 minutes that was the first and last time I ever used that metal detector you Joe lithium if you're still out there I hope you're doing well and your wife hasn't lost her ring again still around still owe you one brother my wedding ring one in the garden under some tomato starts to in the garden mixed in with carrot seeds three in my friend's backyard near the hammock i drunkenly fell off off four in a massive leaf pile six foot tall by easily twelve foot in diameter at another friend's house I need to get this thing resized I need to get this thing resized that's a good idea if the metal detector was pocket-sized you could keep it with you and find your ring just as soon as you lose it this happened to my best friend she lost her ring the day after she was proposed to at the beach in Los Angeles she was crying and asked the lifeguard tower if there was anything they could do they gave her a number to this metal detector guy named Harry they said he was the best in town and not to call anyone else so they give him a ring and he's there 20 minutes later with his metal detector old tan dude with long beach hair took him five minutes to find the ring she offered to give him $200 cash he said no thank you their happiness was enough for him they gave him a ring to get a ring poetic the year was 1996 I was 22 and just bought my first metal detector I was at my girlfriend's house and asked her mom if I could use it in the backyard she says sure and then starts telling me about a precious ring her oldest daughter had lost in the backyard in 1979 it was a family heirloom and was missed very greatly she pulls out home movies that were made the day it was lost it was at a family reunion well I saw in the movie where the girl was mostly hanging out I walked outside turned on my detector and found the ring that had been lost for 17 years in about two minutes talk about brownie points I bought my son a kid's size one for his sixth birthday I'm the one that uses it though I feel pretty ridiculous walking around with it but I just can't help myself my family can be little turds when I get it out and constantly throw coins in the sand when detecting on a beach just to see me get excited it's kinda scary how many rusty nails and razor blades I find on beaches I've found a few rings but pretty sure they're just costume jewelry lots of coins too but mostly rusty nails so many rusty nails for me it's bottle caps I hate bottle caps my father-in-law's gold wedding ring that he had lost almost fifteen years before I had detected the crap out of the area that he told he had lost it in found literally dozens and dozens of pieces of junk over hours and hours of detecting and digging digging in clay sometimes dig in deep every hit I get I pull something out so my machine is working despite me being a rank newb in the end I don't find it so of course I get the disappointed look and comments about my machine not working very well with the obvious implication in the air that I failed now I'm kind of peed on myself and frustrated already so yeah I feel like crap about it a year or two go by and I decide to detect the garden area to kill some time and dong around with my detector on a nice full day the garden area is well over 200 feet away from the spot he had pointed to initially their acreage is just under 8 acres so I wasn't really looking for the ring but you never know eh so instead of doing a grid like you would when you seriously want to cover every inch of ground because the garden is about 200 feet by about 50 feet and I was just messing around I just let my intuition led me in a meandering route I find a couple of pieces of junk and then I pull a gold looking ring out of the ground this is about ten minutes into detecting I call my wife over and ask her if it's her dad's ring frankly it looked thinner and smaller than I expected she calls her mom over and her mom almost starts crying they call him over and he almost starts crying that day I was the hero very cool for me anyways that's how you get addicted to metal detecting that practically upgrades you from son-in-law to son my dog once ate one of my mother sapphire earrings my dad went out with the dog every morning and used my metal detector to find it that is way more brilliant than digging through every single poop made my keys which was the whole reason for buying the detector mfw buying a metal detector is actually cheaper than getting a replacement key fob for my car when we were in high school my buddy and I were metal detecting around his dad's yard founded the otter a small fallout shelter that the original owners of the house had built out of paranoia but still stocked with several weeks worth of canned food tools medical supplies and a radio a pre-revolutionary war graveyard in my back yard in Connecticut got a metal detector to locate nails in some two hundred and fifty year old chestnut flooring I was refinishing in an old colonial I bought took my five-year-old son out to the backyard to play with it found out I had six people buried in the back corner of my yard lead-lined wooden caskets show up really well state came in made all kinds of nasty noises about things and then just sort of disappeared turned out there were the original settlers in my town and no one knew what to do about the graves so we all just pretended like they were there I found a cannonball fragment from the war on 1812 on a Lake Erie Beach the remains of my neighbor's dad's pocket watch dropped in the yard 50 years ago beyond repair certainly but recognizable and somewhat satisfying to my neighbor I hope but mostly I find old farmyard rubbish because of where we live but I'm happy to get that out of the ground too old leaf springs and axles and axe head a jalopy type hood sometimes the hit coincides with the old midden pile where you'll find bottles and crockery and China as well found in 1915 baba quarter at the in-laws - my friend Dean found a bicycle buried under the sand at a beach an entire bicycle it needed cleaning and a new tire along with a new Jane but after that it was as good as new I like to think some but old friends dug a hole and buried it tide came in and out and made the dig site impossible to identify and despite their efforts they never found exactly where it was buried not sure if this is the kind of answer you're looking for but I work as an MRI tech aide and I run a handheld metal detector over patients before I bring them into the scanner room for those who may not know MRI scanners have an extremely strong magnetic field it's so strong that bringing something into the scanner room which isn't MRI safe like a metal chair Gunny or oxygen tank would literally make that object go flying through the air and into the scanner it's very dangerous and we constantly have to check that people aren't bringing anything inside the scanner room with them that isn't MRI safe anyways we had a young kid come in who was about nine years old for a brain scan I'm getting him ready for his MRI in talking with him trying to keep him calm kids his age sometimes freak out when they see the scanner I asked him if he has anything in his pockets and he says he doesn't takes out some change in the pen I then run a metal detector over his pockets to reaffirm that they're empty and the metal detectors whizzes and beats in one of his cargo pockets he looks at me with a wide eyes stare as if he is about to be in trouble I asked him what's in there and he starts tearing up and looks over at his mom I'm confused and also glanced at his mom as she stares back at myself and her son with the same look of confusion his mom sternly asks her son what's in your pocket the poor kid is standing there crying with his arms and legs spread as if I'm about to search him before handcuffing him and holding him off to kiddie jail he replies to his mom I'm sorry it's not mine I put my hand in his pocket and proceeded to pull out a 5-inch spring-loaded knife and a lighter the kid's mom loses it and starts lecturing him in a pretty loud and powerful manner apparently this kid had been hanging around with some bad kids in the neighborhood and his mom instantly knew that the knife and lighter came from one of those boys II shouldn't have been running around with she told him to stop crying and to get you but inside that scanner right now we ended up proceeding with his MRI and we're kinda laughing about it with his mom while he was inside the scanner poor little guy still had tears running down his face when we finished about 30 minutes later long he was a good kid you could tell he really was upset that he made his mom angry sister is a bio made insist that just walking past the MRI room tugs at her hair clip the most interesting thing I've found while using a metal detector on a beach was a steel horse show it made me feel lucky my parents acreage was on land that used to contain stables in the 1900s horseshoes horseshoes everywhere the neat thing is the stables were for draught horses so they were huge horseshoes my grandparents moved to Maine almost 25 years ago from Kansas City mo where my grandfather was a policeman with KCPD they metal detect on the beaches near their house in Maine almost every week and four years ago they found buried in the sand a ring it was a police department ring from my grandfather's division it was engraved with the officers last name and belonged to one of his friends from the force a man he hadn't spoken to in 20 years my grandmother had his wife's phone number so they called to tell them they'd found his ring it turned out their family had gone on vacation in Georgia almost 15 years before five years after my grandparents moved to Maine and he had lost the ring while at the beach and it turned up on a beach in Maine close to the one person in the whole state who knew him they've also found other rings including a few high school class rings they've returned to their owners but all of those came from Maine or its neighboring states a set of World War one medals the ones that were given out after the war belonging to her Lt Rupert Frampton can't find anything about him on the googles I keep them in the box with the two sets I have from my great-grandfather and step great-grandfather my husband metal detects I've gone along occasionally as well because who doesn't like a good treasure hunt best thing that he's found there's a taxi drivers pinned from New York City with the drivers name number and such on it from the 1920s or 1930s it's nothing of real value but is in surprisingly good condition for being in dirt for as long as it was my best metal detector story comes from my deployment to Iraq we had a lot of metal detectors with us to find buried weapons caches and such but the Iraqi soldiers that we worked with weren't quite clear on how they worked every time we found something in a field it was some sort of unexploded ordnance so the Iraqis thought that they were bomb detectors and not metal detectors we were doing a foot patrol with the Iraqi army through a small village they were looking for illegal weapons and such the soldiers were manning the metal detectors and every time one beep they all yelled bomb bomb except they were waving the detectors over cars metal cars they thought there were explosives in the cars found a full six-pack of beer in a guy's pockets I was working security at a country music festival they gave us handheld ones to check suspicious lumps a litter are over there everyone knows it's liquor in a plastic flask or bottle if you want to go a smuggling I know a man who grew up in Normandy in France right after World War two as you can imagine there were a lot of unexploded bombs left also one day he was around 8 years old he and some friends go metal detecting and found one they took it home and played a bit with it as you can imagine ba oom he still has pieces of this bomb in his chest nowadays and I think there was some lost fingers - don't play with bombs kids and fireworks - they are still to this day scouring the beach for ordnance and other artifacts from World War two it's incredible at the beach my brother and I found a monogrammed sterling sliver money clip stuffed with twenty dollars and five dollars 100s fortunately it was buried in the sand far enough away from the ocean that the paper bills were still intact we looked around but the area where we discovered it was deserted this comment makes me want to stop doing all activities besides beach combing not just because of the monetary value of what you found I've found a full money clip too but it was in a parking lot and not underground but the adventure the joy of the find wishing I went metal detecting with my dad on an isolated island he used to play on as a kid fifty years ago we found a hatch it had about eighteen inches down that he lost his kid building a fort maybe not the coolest find for anyone else but it was awesome to see my elderly father instantly transported to his childhood I found a class ring with year and initials this was before internet so I went to the local high school and looked got the old yearbook three names matched the initials look them up in the phone book for the owner and was able to return it seven years after she lost it I found something that's made a dudes day unlike most of you my metal detector is used to check you into the emergency room one time this fellow kept making the detector go off near his abdomen I wasn't satisfied so I used our handheld metal detector wand turns out his pocket knife had fallen into a hole in his pocket into the inside of his jacket he thanked me and explained his grandfather had given him the knife when he was a boy and he was coming to see his grandpa Pierre or he was secretly trying to stab his grandfather and he foiled his plot my husband had to rent a metal detector when he lost his wedding band in the backyard he was chopping stacking logs and took off his gloves for something and it must have been flung out during that a good news is that he found it almost right away in a pile of leaves I rented a metal detector for a very similar situation I didn't find my ring with the metal detector but when I went to put my gloves on a day later I found the ring inside my dad rented a metal detector lost his wedding ring doing yard work he went over everything and finally moved to the compost pile in the back around that time I got home from school or something and I see him with this weird contraption I asked him what he was doing and he said he lost his wedding ring and was trying to find it at that point I see something shiny and asked is that it it was anyway I got to play with the metal detector the rest of the afternoon and found two really old rusty Matchbox cars and an old butch visor can I still have the cars I once found a stash of quarters hidden in a small wooded area as a kid with my buddies it was about $20 worth we took them and bought pizza and two liters at the Domino's on the corner my girlfriend and I found her ring once on a children's playground area it turned out to just be sterling silver so nothing expensive never did find the owner but I like to think some kid got dumped and threw their ring away I found a girls class ring one time while scuba diving at a local lake ended up taking it back to the school and they located the girl who had lost it so I thought that was pretty cool turns out it was karma because not long after I lost my wedding ring in the ocean someone found it and returned it to me in less than a month coolest thing I found was a silver button weighing 2.1 gram from 17 80s or so the history behind it is amazing but let me tell you something my dad metal detects too and because of school work I couldn't go with him for the day the sucker find a golden coin who was otherwise unknown it is a coin so rare that it's strange coin is from around 1560 if you know touch history know that the 80 year war against the Spanish the coin was taxed whether some kind of staple this staple was also never used before he sold it and got enough money to pay for my tuition it's a lovely hobby but don't expect to be as lucky as him it takes time to plan an information countless times we look at things like strange this Hill seems out of place and then we spend the next three days searching it the rng gods were on his side that day my uncle is a notorious idiot we had the cabin bio stream and he decided to buy a metal detector and see if he could find some gold he picks up some rocks and scans over them the detector goes off and he gets super excited he does the same with multiple rocks and now has a pile assuming the rocks must have deposits he'd been at at or an hour or two before he realized that he was holding the rocks with his left hand and scanning with his right he was detecting the gold wedding band on his finger sounds like a parable in the making my wife would most definitely say her wedding ring while we were dating metal detecting was our hobby that we did together long story short I made a heart-shaped plug cut out piece of grass and put her in it then I made her come dig it up she loved it and we've been happily married for two years now smooth I'm a land surveyor we use a metal detector to find metal pins sent as property corners and nails we bury in the ground as control Travis points to occupy with a total station GPS unit or what have you the detector we use only responds to myrin but we still find some cool stuff sometimes I have found animal traps knives a couple of axe heads old refuse pits from long gone home sites that led to some nice antique glass etc but my favorite find so far was a four pound meat cleaver buried right in the middle of a local town at the corner of some guys backyard that's probably a murder weapon you've been spotted by the dojo of studying like this video for good grades for the next two years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, metal detecting, reddit on tap, metal detecting reddit, metal detector
Id: 890lQjCVCAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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