What's Their Secret Nickname? (Match Game)

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (text bangs) (wheel clicks) - Welcome to "Good Mythical More." Let's learn about some Mythical crew members, nicknames that were given to them. Can we match them up? Do we know the people that work with us, and for us, and while us? - But first, let's donate $1,000 to The Climate Reality Project to aid in their mission to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society. Please join us in giving at climaterealityproject.org/donate. - Thank you for being your Mythical best. /donate, didn't mean to cut you off there. - /donate, /donate. - That shirt you have on is like a washrag. - Terrycloth. - Can I touch it? - Yeah, it's my new thing. Don't touch my nipple. - I was touching the shirt. - You gave me a titty twister right off the bat. - Don't say the T word. - I think that's okay. - I don't know, by show of hands, who approved? - Everyone's looking at me. - By show of titties, who approve? (people laugh) - Now, that's not okay. Yeah, yeah, touch the sleeve. - Terrycloth, huh? - Don't stretch it now. Don't stretch it. Eh. - It's like you're wearing the McDonald's logo, I don't know, especially with this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a navy one, too. - There's a button here that's begging to be buttoned. - No, no, no, no, no. I'm 43, man. - [Kearney] One crew member said you look like a gym teacher today. - Yes, ooh. - Kearney, you're going in an out, but you were in it enough for me to hear that Rhett looks like a gym teacher. - I've always wanted to be a gym teacher. You've seen Coach Elsey's shorts? - Was it one of these crew members that said that? Because, let's do a little mic check, and see if everybody's here. Give us your best alternative hello. Emily? - [Emily] What's up? (people laugh) - Put you on the spot. Greg. - [Emily] I went blank, I'm sorry. - What's up, girl? Greg. - [Greg] Ay. - [Rhett and Link] Ay. - Jenna. - [Jenna] Hey, y'all. - Oh, yeah. - Okay. Stevie. - [Stevie] Howdy. - Ah. - Howdy, okay. Michaela. - [Michaela] Hell-air. - Ah, it's close to hello, but a little bit different. Okay. - Hell-air? - [Michaela] Hell-air. - Hell-air. - Hell-air. - Do you actually do that with people, or is that an invention for us? - [Michaela] Sometimes, I do it with people. - Oh, okay. Well, just do it with us now. - [Michaela] Okay. - That's our thing. (people laugh) - Okay, first nickname. Again, this is, someone calls them this, whether it be- - I'm pretty jealous, but you earned it. - I was about to say- - You were right. You know what, you were right about all your guesses. - All five. - Hey, don't... Let me say it. - I gotta do my... Listen, I'm thinking about getting a dart board. - Either I'm gonna praise you, or you're gonna praise yourself. - If I got a dart board and put it up in my garage. - Make a choice. - Would you be offended? I'm not gonna do that. - Yeah. - The only time I throw darts is in this game. I'm not, no practice, not gonna do it, but I feel like. - What? - This is a punishment to me, definitely, because I don't like being wrapped tightly. I didn't even like being in the womb. - [Link] Really? - I wanted out the whole time I was in there. - This is nice, man. Which arm do you wanna use? Put it up, put your arm up. Swaddling you like a baby. Okay. Okay, you can put your arm down now. (Rhett groans) See? It's kind of. - At least I got the terrycloth shirt here. - That's good. Now, you don't look like a gym teacher, you look like a toga party attendee. - You swaddled me to the chair. (people laugh) Did you know you were doing that? - Not really, yeah. - Not in real life. (Rhett laughs) - All right, let's see the first one. - Pooh as in Pooh Bear. - Pooh. - Pooh. - So, does anybody's name have Pooh in it? Nope, nope, so. - Pooh, Pooh. Is this somebody who did a poo-poo at some point? - Pooh. I don't know, I'm feeling this is Emily. I don't know, I think Emily could be a Pooh to someone who loves her. - And is that something that, in, like, the south they call you, Pooh, Pooh Bear? I don't know about that. - My mom, like, pookie, and then, when you get older, you shorten it to poo. Let's just leave it here for now, you know? Come back to it. - Okay, Frosted Flake, or Frosty for short. Now, if you just wanna go with logic here, this would be either someone who's had frosted tips, or someone who has blonde hair. - Or someone who just is not reliable. - Oh, 'cause flake? Do you think Stevie's got somebody that calls her Frosted Flake? - Frosted Flake is weird. That's a mouthful for a nickname. - Is this natural in Greg's hair, or does he have frosted tips? Does Greg do highlights? - Yeah, he bleached his hair, and then he got a haircut. - I mean, you think somebody started calling him Frosted Flake recently? - Yeah, this is a new, fresh nickname for you, Greg. Greg, how many times have you bleached your hair? - [Greg] Oh, gosh, I've lost count. - You maintain it. - [Greg] Very poorly. - Okay. - You let it happen, and then you let it un-happen, and then you make it happen again. - [Greg] Yeah, it's getting harder now because I don't trust myself to do it, but, yeah. - Hm, okay, well, it works for you. - [Greg] And I have had that happen. - Foo Foo Punky Brewster. - Mm, Foo Foo Punky Brewster. You know, Punky Brewster's coming back. I was shocked to know that Punky Brewster- - [Stevie] Oh, she's back. - Has been rebooted, but it's still the same Punky Brewster. - [Stevie] It sounds like you're doing the promo spot. - Soleil Moon Frye. - [Stevie] So go to mythical.com. - She's got her show again. It's the same show, but now, she's older. - It's the shame show, but different. Jenna looks the most like Punky Brewster. - Yeah, let's go with Jenna. - Rabbit. - Rabbit. - That feels like Emily, 'cause that feels like something that they'd say in Tennessee. - Mm, I don't know. - Is she from Tennessee? - Well, Jenna's from Tennessee. - Maybe if you're fast. If you're fast as a baby, you'd be called Rabbit. - Emily, are you from Tennessee, or? - [Emily] I was born in Arkansas, but raised in Nashville, Tennessee, yes. - Okay, okay. Rabbit's pretty Arkansas. Rabbit, Rabbit, come here, Rabbit. She's so quick, she's so fast. She's running everywhere so fast. - I don't know, who's fast? - And none of y'all have kids. - Michaela, are you fast? I'm looking at your shoes. - [Michaela] Mostly, for the most part, I'm fast, I think. - See, we have the luxury of Michaela just being here, so we can see... What's that thing you do where you, like, you just, fast feet? - Do you do some fast feet? - I don't think you can make somebody do fast feet. - Right now? - That's cheating. - Like, you know what I'm talking about? - This feels like cheating, but I am gonna watch. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Michaela] Just run in place? - She's doing kind of a slow fast foot. - [Michaela] Kinda? I don't know. - Yeah, okay, okay, all right. And you're from Chicago, right? - [Michaela] I am from Chicago, yes. - Rabbit, Chicago. - She could be Rabbit. - I don't think so. I just don't think they're doing that in Chicago. I think they're doing this with either Jenna or Emily. - It could be Stevie. - Stevie's not a rabbit. Anything about Stevie make you think of a rabbit? - I think that her dad called her Rabbit. I actually think that she's told me that. - Well, her dad is.. He's- - Stevie, did you have rabbits as a kid? - [Stevie] Uh, no. - Okay, you either did or you didn't. - Do you respond- - [Stevie] No, I was thinking about, I think my sister's best friend had rabbits that I, for a moment, might have just been around a lot. - Hm, that doesn't help us, does it? - So, proximity to a friend's rabbits does not make Rabbit her nickname. - We can switch these. I know you don't like that answer. - Baby Hair Clip. - What? - BHC, Baby Hair Clip. - Baby Hair Clip. - So, who had hair clips as a baby? - I wanna hear this story, so let's get these things out there in the open. - I would think that would be, you know, not generalizing, but generalizing, one of the women, unless Greg had a hair clip as a baby. I mean, it could happen. - Mm, I feel like Rabbit is Michaela. - Okay. - I don't know why, because those fast feet weren't that fast, but. - You know that Stevie's not Baby Hair Clip. - Mm-mm, so then, that means- - You probably put a hair clip on Stevie, and it, like, bounces off. - I don't know. Stevie, I don't know what he means by that. You could wear a hair clip as a child. Baby Hair Clip. - She didn't laugh at it, which means it might be true. - Foo Foo Punky Brewster. - Because it was very funny, and she laughs when something's funny. - You wanna give this to Michaela then? She's a wild card, all right. - I would give Baby Hair Clip to Michaela, I would give Rabbit to Emily, and I would give Pooh to Stevie. I mean, I could be very wrong. - Yeah, I think you're wrong, man. I think you're wrong. - Okay, well, then, don't switch that one, and keep them the other way. - Yeah, she had a friend who had a freakin' rabbit. - Okay. - Before we reveal these, we wanna give a shout out to the Mythical Kitcheneers. Go over to the Mythical Kitchen channel. They got a Myth Munchers series that they're doing over there, tips and tricks for the home chef on how to make the perfect fried chicken, perfect burger, perfect pizza, you name it. They also made these fantastic, how do you say it, Chase? - [Chase] Birria? - Birria soup dumplings. - Birria. - Inspired by juicy tacos, mm. Mythical Kitchen channel, check it out. - Okay, Emily, are we right? Pooh. - [Emily] No, you are not. Should I tell you what it was? - Yeah. - It is Frosted Flake or Frosty. - Aw. - Frosted Flake? Dang, we are- - [Emily] You were right, Link. This is from my boss from my very first job in an estate jewelry store. I'm still good friends with her. But I was, like, 15 working there, and I did struggle to remember tasks, and stay on task. Mostly, the tasks were finding her lighter or her American Spirits. (Rhett laughs) I could never find them, or her ash tray, which was usually in a cup that she also drank out of. One time, she drank out of it, pissed her pants. That's another story. - Oh, so she's Pooh. - Quite a character. - [Emily] Yeah. - Did it hurt your feelings, or was it like, that was just how she was? - That's just how she was. I think that she bought me a pillow that said, "She's a Frosted Flake" embroidered on it. I still have it. - Oh, you kept it? Well, that says a lot. - [Emily] Yeah. (Emily laughs) I'm still friends with her, I thought it was funny. I mean, I was 15. What 15-year-old is good at any job? - Right, exactly. - Well, have I hurt your feelings, as a boss? - [Emily] No. - Okay, good. Because, you know, over my life, I've had a lot of people come up to me and say, I just wanna let you know that you hurt my feelings when blah, blah, blah. I've hurt a lot of people's feelings. - Yeah. - And it makes me feel horrible after the fact. - But that's why I don't have feelings anymore. (Rhett laughs) (Emily laughs) - Wow, that's something to think about. Mission accomplished. - Do you think that we should keep this right here? - Yeah, let's Pooh Greg. Greg, you're Pooh, right? - [Greg] Yeah, I'm Pooh. - Yeah. - Well, own it, man. Why are you Pooh? - [Greg] I truly didn't really know the story, so I had to ask, my friend Julie gave it to me, like, seven years ago. She just thought I had Pooh vibes. - Oh, seven years ago. - Pooh vibes. Use Julie's voice. How does she call you Pooh? - [Greg] It's usually, like, a very affectionate thing. She's usually like, aw, Pooh. Like, when I do something really cute, you know? - Oh, you do a lot of cute things. - She thinks you're cute. - No, but it had nothing do, you didn't poo-poo yourself? (people laugh) - [Greg] Not that I can remember. - When was the last time you did poo-poo yourself? Have you poo-poo'd yourself as an adult? I have, I did it on the way, speaking of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, on the way to Dollywood. - Who are you looking at? - You. - Oh, really? I was looking at you over there, trying to figure out who you were looking at, the pole and camera. Jenna, we're saying that you are Foo Foo Punky Brewster. - [Jenna] That is incorrect. (Link sucks air) - Okay, well, you don't have to be that harsh about it. - You're Rabbit, aren't you? You're Rabbit, aren't you? - [Jenna] I am Rabbit, yes. - Yeah. - Aw. - You didn't think she was- - I said it was either her or Emily, but I didn't know which. It was a southern thing. - These are up in the... Who calls you Rabbit? - [Jenna] It's funny, 'cause my dad called me Rabbit, and he is not from the south. He's from the northeast. - Yeah, but you were from the south. - No, it was just... (Jenna laughs) Why did he call you Rabbit? Is there a rationale? - Yeah, 'cause I was really fast, and he'd yell it at all of my, like, sporting event games, but even then, like, I'd be out in center field, and he has such a loud, loud speaking voice that he'd just be talking normally, and I could hear him. Oh, yeah, that's my little rabbit out there in center, and I'm like, Dad, ugh. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] That's the coolest nickname. - [Rhett and Link] Rabbit. - [Stevie] Like, that's such a cool nickname. (Jenna laughs) - Get here, Rabbit. - [Jenna] I think it confused people for a while when, what, "8 Mile" came out. (Jenna laughs) - Oh. - [Jenna] 'Cause didn't Eminem have Rabbit as a nickname at one point? - Yeah, that's right. - I was like, no, this is not the same, this is not the same. - Little different. - My wife, Christy, her dad called her Scooter her whole life, Scooter, Scooter. - Yeah, that's a good one. - Scooter. I don't know why. Maybe she scooted as a little baby. - Christy, no, she likes scooters. - Never seen her on a scooter, never once seen her on a scooter. - Well, I have. Sometimes, I come over, and I bring my scooter, and we just scoot around the cul-de-sac. - I'm not responding to this. How many nicknames have you had? Stilt, who called you Stilt? - I think Will called me that. Will Thomas called me Stilt in high school. - What other nickname? Link Sausage, I was called that by my soccer coach when I was very young. - Turtle Meat, you know, that one. - [Stevie] Is that how you're leaving those cards? - Stevie, I don't think you're Foo Foo Punky Brewster. I don't know what to make of Baby Hair Clip. I just really wanna know. We'll leave them the same. Foo Foo Punky Brewster, is that you, Stevie? - [Stevie] No. - You're Baby Hair Clip. - I knew it. - [Stevie] Yep. - When you didn't laugh when I said it. - [Stevie] Yep, you were right. - It was true. - All right, let's save that story. Michaela, we'll come back to you, Stevie, 'cause I wanna hear that story, but Michaela, not to keep you waiting, apparently, you are Foo Foo Punky Brewster. - [Michaela] I am, that is correct. - How did this happen? - [Michaela] So, I have a few people that call me that. My mom, my dad, and my nana. - You're not even old enough to have experienced the show. - [Michaela] I'm not, actually. - Have you ever seen a rerun of it? - [Michaela] I've seen a rerun or two, but I don't really... Well, Punky Brewster comes from the character Punky Brewster. Apparently, I have, like, similar personality traits to her. - Okay. - Do they say Foo Foo Punky Brewster the whole time, all the words? - What is Foo Foo? - [Michaela] So, my mom tells this story of, my mom used to do, like, a million photo shoots of me a year at, like, Sears. Like, I have a lot of pictures. And so, when she put jewelry on me, I used to, like, do, like, this weird modely thing, so Foo Foo is like bougie. - Very foo foo. - [Michaela] Very foo foo. - Foo Foo Punky Brewster. - But then, your sensibilities were Punky Brewster. Like, your fashion sensibilities were like Punky Brewster, or your mannerisms? - [Michaela] My mannerisms. - Okay, 'cause she had a lot of, she was a funky fashion sense kinda chick. - Yeah, yeah. I guess, in the Sears pictures, yeah, I was kinda fashionable. - Okay, Foo Foo Punky Brewster. - [Michaela] Yeah. - Bougie Punky Brewster. - I like it, I like it. - All right. Baby Hair Clip. Stevie, make sense of this. - [Stevie] Yeah, so, in high school, one summer, I was a nanny for a three-year-old little girl, and she, one of the things that she did was, she had this, like, little pack of, like, tiny hair clips that were shiny, and sparkly, and glittery, and she would play with them as if they were things to play with and not put in your hair, and she would, like, give them voices, so she'd be like, oh, baby hair clip, blah, blah, blah. (Rhett laughs) And I told my mom that that had happened, and how cute it was, and my mom just started calling me Baby Hair Clip, and then she started shortening it to BHC, and I was like, I don't know why... Like, it took me a minute to figure out what BHC was, 'cause I was like, I don't understand what she's saying, but I don't wanna ask her, 'cause that seems like I should know if she's saying it, and then, yeah, so, Baby Hair Clip, BHC. - Maybe she means BLT. - You had to put it together on your own. That's weird. - Does she still call you that? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Really? - [Stevie] Yeah. It's not like, every time I answer the phone, that's the name, but yeah, she'll slip it in there. - That's nice. - Okay, BHC. Can we call you that, or is that just for- - [Stevie] Yeah, no, no, it's, yeah. (upbeat electronic music) - Oh, okay. New nickname for Stevie. - Baby Hair Clip in the house. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie. - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Jenna] A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hot dog is a sandwich. (Josh laughs) (Nicole laughs) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 394,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: owXv5OfEpTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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