What's The Worst Thing A Family Member Has Done To You? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most criminal thing a family member has done to you NSW when I was nine years old my mother sent me on an airplane alone to live with my father on a wretched Island in South America I contracted a skin infection that spread everywhere below my waist called impetigo my father wanted to get back at my mother for leaving him so he told me it was mosquito bites and not to worry when the infection had progressed and completely covered my legs with sores I was unable to walk to the clinic I was forced to suffer immobilized wild lines of ants ate scabs from my legs for a little over a month a homeless man was snooping near the house and criticized my father and had the church send a nun to bring me to the clinic where they said it was the worst common infection they had seen and was easily treated with antibiotics the worst part of the story is that my father's cousin was a doctor who lived ten minutes away in the village which I found out years later from my mother who had taken me to his cousin when I was a baby for the exact same malady oh dang I'm glad that homeless man was snooping on my seventh birthday my biological mother sold my clothes and birthday presents while I was at school for drugs and them disappeared for a couple days that wasn't exactly the happiest birthday I ever had my mother threw away college acceptance letters and football recruitment letters because she wanted me to stay home and go to a local community college my brother gave my name and address and social to Police Officers twice when he got pulled over with no license of his own he was in his late 30s as was I he did not tell me he did this and I did not know about it until I got the letter from the registry saying that my license was going to be suspended for non-payment of fines and then my insurance rate went up getting rid of my good driver discount for six years the second time he didn't get away with it but just knowing he did it the second time after his swearing up and down that he'd never do it again speech really frickin sucked they requested in p.m. how he got caught the second time he was up in NH visiting a friend who is actually a childhood friend of mine as well he gets popped and he tries to pull the same thing again with the officer the officer asked where he was staying and then proceeded to call friend do you have a mr. ah nobody staying with you friend a number we have a je n'aime OD staying with us I don't know how the rest of the evening went for him after that how I found out about the second time I was talking to the friend mentioned above and I mentioned him getting pulled over the first time and my friend starts talking how yeah that was close I wouldn't let that happen to you but Mia no no I got the ticket and what do you mean you wouldn't let it happen friend oh crap you mean he did this before and got away with it yeah great he is such a self-centered butthole I'll post a couple more if people want to hear about this train wreck yeah I have a friend whose dad is pretty bad with money so he started putting some utilities in his son's name and Social and he's got flicked up credit now my mom sat there and watched as my stepdad bent my finger back so far that it broke context we need some probably not sending me to counselling after seeing my father murder my mother with a shotgun and then there was the whole spending the life insurance on frivolous crap like my cousin's pilot's licence so I don't really like people now oh man tons ruining my credit by signing up for every credit offer that came in the mail then not paying introducing me to people as the banned [ __ ] beating me with her fists throwing shoes and frying pans at me watching her stepdaughters open two thousand dollars worth of Christmas gifts apiece when she used to lie to charities and get free gifts from me and my siblings she had with the husband she divorced then there was the time I broke my ankle on both sides was sent home by an idiot a doctor wait four days for surgery and realizing in a sweaty panic that my brother had stolen some of my pain medication he was on the interstate going back home with my mom and when I called her about it she defended him freaked those narcissistic addicts my girlfriend cheated on me with my father he knew we were in a relationship she left me for him they are now married man that really sucks man I hope you got over her if it were me I would always remind my dad that I used to freak his wife in high school I got really sick out of nowhere in seven weeks I lost over 30 pounds and went from being super active swimming 6-7 miles running 30 minutes wait 60 minutes per day to watching my body wither away I simply stopped eating and developed a complete aversion to food not even the smell of my favorite food would make me salivate I go to a gastroenterologist I had diarrhea abdominal pain and sporadic bleeding and get a myriad of tests done over the next three months nothing comes back conclusive and eventually my parents told me to suck it up I'm not the type of person who really seeks support but up until that point it was nice knowing I had it my brother would flat-out call me a liar saying I was faking it and they stopped defending me I am the type of person who hates pity he relishes in it finally after seven stroke eight months through process of elimination and trying meds I am put off steroids within a week I am eating gaining weight gaining energy and getting back to my life at that point my parents and brother believed me but the damage was done TLDR Crohn's can be a beater d'arnot's told me I had a college fund that they'd remove money from every time I got grounded by the time I was a junior in high school around when I had to start applying for colleges my imaginary college fund was conveniently empty in 2010 I came home and found my 19 year old first cousin and closest family member dead in my bedroom he had hanged himself the day after calling his mother to confide in her that he was feeling suicidal nobody else knew his mother never notified her sister my mother or myself - the situation we were living with strike one strike two my mother's sister then called me on the one-year anniversary of her son's death and asked what she had ever done to me wondering why I had not called her first thing to console her mind you I was curled up in the fetal position clutching the last pair of shoes my cousin ever wore because that's all I had left of him but she then went on to say that his love and friendship were born not his life with her and ever he was to me was because she made him that way and shared him with me then she said if only I had returned the love she taught him to give me he might still be here all and later found out that she now tells people her son killed himself because he was living in a hostile environment and his cousin me shunned him because he was black and I apparently hated him for it his father was black our family is white I understand grief I understand morning and I understand guilt I do not understand why someone would say that and then and then go to face your own family like that as far as I am concerned my mother is now an only child in the two children that are left are orphans that sometimes visit my Grammie while I am visiting not me my cousin my uncle shot his dogs one by one after he stepped in some dog [ __ ] my cousin was 12 another time my uncle was playing with my cousin's gerbil and it bit him dead gerbil I feel that it's important to point out that my cousin is adult now sane and totally not a serial killer my uncle used to beat him degrade him cuss at him and cuss at me too when I was visiting I never told my dad one time when I was 14 he grabbed me roughly ripping my shirt then popped me across the face he was trying to make a point no bueno I went into a feral combat mode kicked him in the notes punched him so hard I broke a finger kicked him some more and ran away I was sure I was going to be grounded forever but the whole story came out in two my parents were furious with my uncle Frick that guy TL DR my mum told me she thought I needed to stay away from the neighborhood kids after she caught me looking at very adult prom insinuating that I was capable of being a diddler my mom went through a phase when I was in Middle High School where she suddenly decided it was imperative that we attend church every Sunday and be a model Christian family that wasn't bad I actually really liked the people I met a church I made some awesome friends the bad part was the mentality it put her in when I was 13 she caught me looking at Internet pee and masturbating the fallout was massive the next three months she treated me like a depraved pervert who needed to be closely reined in at least once a week I would hear this condescending suspicious voice calling up the stairs asking me what I was doing my dad didn't give much of a crap but my mother was on a tirade about the whole affair she delighted in telling my relatives about it too every chance she got she absolutely relished in dragging my butt through the mud for it for as long as she could the peaceful resistance I helped my sister babysit these two little kids that live at the end of the street all the time about six months after the pee incident my sister moved out for college the parents of the kids told me that they would like for me to continue babysitting in my sister's absence I mentioned the offer to my parents while we were in the car one day my dad shrugged and said it was fine my mom took a long awkward pause and then told me that she thought I needed to get control of my physical urges before I put myself in that situation apparently it's a very fine line between watching a video of two adults making love and abusing the kids down the street my mom thought that the Bible justified her allowing my father to abuse me for the 16 years of my life that they were married she thought that because the Bible said a wife is to honor her husband that it meant she wasn't allowed to interfere with any discipline my father had for me or my older brother never once stepped in and stopped him even the time he had me against the wall by my throat all the time he beat my brother because he stopped my dad from hitting me in the head with the metal end off a lead rope she just stood watching with a blank face while my dad beat me over the head with the lead rope and then beat my brother for interfering in my discipline the worst part was that when she would discipline us it was never physical because she felt bad hitting us she told me that in her eyes physical discipline wouldn't get her anywhere with regards to us respecting her yet because God said she had to honor her husband my dad was justified in physically abusing me for 16 years and my brother for 17 he was my stepdad but he married my mother when I was 2 so I mostly knew him as my only father he physically abused me then violated me filmed it all and put it on the internet years later I'm apparently one of the most prolific child P actresses I still have to deal with the fact that perverts everywhere jack off to videos and pictures of me I finally have a good boyfriend and I never ever want him to know oh boy here it goes when I was about 20 my cousin Julie announced that she would be getting married my mom came to me and Tiffany explained that Julie wanted me to wear our recently deceased grandmother's wedding dress a pink tea-length dress so that it would be like a part of my grandmother was at the ceremony it had to be me because my grandmother was very slim and I was the smallest person in our family I agreed I tried on the dress and it was too tight way too tight my mother told me to stop myself and don't put a single thing in that mouth I did i starved myself stupid for three months I was sickly pale had dropped about 20 pounds from my already slender frame and had constant headaches but the dress fit my mother kept telling me how great I looked we flew to the wedding my family lives across the country everyone was shocked at my appearance but said nothing the day of the wedding came and I appeared in my grandmother's wedding dress I thought people were acting strangely towards me but I didn't think too much of it I found out later that Julie had not asked for me to wear the dress she knew nothing about it my mother had been telling people that I was on drugs not true to get attention and sympathy she convinced me to drop weight and show up to Julie's wedding in my dead grandmother's wedding dress to show everyone how drugged out and unstable I had become in order to get more attention and sympathy TL DR I lost 20 pounds in two months and showed up to my cousin's wedding in our dead grandmother's wedding dress because my mother is a liar and a sociopath my mother's boyfriend and his brother wrapped me up in a blanket and then took turns kicking me and dropping me onto the floor while laughing my mother was across the room watching and doing nothing I think I was four maybe five my dad violated me for about a decade to - 13 my mom knew about it but she didn't tell anyone because she didn't want to lose the money from child support my father is a monster he is a sadist and a freak I was tortured as a child abuse doesn't begin to cover it good days I just got punched a bloody nose or swollen welts bad days he'd hit me with a large cutting board turned sideways I had a lot of bad explanations and broken bones as a kid to this day I dream about murdering him setting things right I remember coming home and having a bottle broken over my head and him wiping the blood into my eyes and pressing in with his thumbs I'd get woken up at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning by having ice water thrown on me from a pitcher then screamed at for being such a worthless freak but he stole all the money I ever made because I didn't deserve it he bashed my head into the wall once so many times had caved in and all I could hear were wet sloppy slapping sounds I'm mostly deaf and my left ear now the worst is when I came back from a week from my grandparents it was my 14th birthday he spoke so softly my Gus was in knots I had no idea what was coming he choked me out I came to tied up two concrete blocks in the corner he grabbed my brother and beat him just as bad as he'd ever beat me he made sure I watched I had to see him smile as I screamed for his mercy it seemed to stretch on forever at the hospital my brother was told he was hit by a car he had gotten a concussion and didn't remember a thing my father told me that if I ever said anything he'd do the same to my mom I never did the day after I silently grabbed a large knife from the cutting block in the kitchen as he read a magazine at the kitchen table I crept behind him and put it to his throat a few sweet fleeting moments crept by as I felt him freeze I had him dead to rights to this day I don't know why I didn't draw the blade I had every reason I almost died that day he was as a CEO at San Quentin and no one questioned why he didn't have a scratch on him and I was left in the condition was but just saying self-defense is all it took I was arrested after my release from the hospital and wound up in a juvenile detention center I was released after 18 months the judge took pity on me I'll never know why one of the worst parts of this is even though he doesn't have any friends you would never suspect him for what he is if you met him casually in public I wish this story had a happy ending but it actually led to an equally dark period of my life for which I will always be paying you don't get dragged through heck and come out smelling fresh on the other side there's obviously more to tell but this is already really long and my hands are kinda shaking just writing this I'm freaked up man I mean honestly nothing I could say could make any of that pain go away but I do wish I could give you a hug I'm not crazy my mother is she started the last of very many yelling matches with angry and confused 13-year old me sending my little sister three years younger to our neighbor's house to call the LAPD my mother had thrown our phone against the wall moments before after mom fibbed about me being physically abusive I was unjustly handcuffed stuffed into the back of a cop car processed put into an emergency mental ward overnight attempting to sleep with only a translucent curtain separating me from all the real crazies howling for hours and then placed into a mental ward at a hospital in freaking Compton I stayed there for three months because I didn't want to go into foster care I already have a family it took time to place me into a group home in Los Angeles the ultimate goal of this home was to reunite family my mother quit coming to our meetings after a week she came on what was supposed to be a meeting with my clinician and me didn't say anything to anyone dropping my carelessly packed belongings at the gate abandonment issues remain a struggle in my adult life TL DR my crazy yet convincing mother lie to the police in order to get rid of me giving me away to the state of California at age 13 my brother is five years older than I am but he's always the one doing stupid crap we lived in a five-story house and he would hold our dog over the balcony threatening to drop it it pained me so much every time he did that because I love my dog so much and seeing his squirmin hang on for dear life is just heart-wrenching he kept on doing that for the pleasure of seeing my dog and my reactions freakin sadist I was going to try to pick the worst of the many times my father laid into me but as I thought about it I realized the most cruel was that he took away my ability to trust anyone ever when you can't trust the one man who's supposed to protect you from the bad things in the world when you are instead terrified to be in the same house for 13 years the ability to trust people cannot be recovered you have been visited by the motor cyclist monkey comment monkey cycling so you never arrive late to somewhere thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 25,410
Rating: 4.8969698 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit cruel, reddit family, reddit family drama, reddit family stories
Id: 5MFnEzPCmUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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