What's The Worst Adult Temper Tantrum You've Seen?

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what is the worst a dull temper tantrum you have seen worked at a Wendy's for a few years during college the meltdown of legend was when a little league mom came in with the whole team of kids and ordered food for all of em and some of the parents she then began to grow increasingly frustrated visibly upset at the amount of time it took to prepare such a large volume of food if she begins to pointedly ask why her food was taking so long over and over each time her voice getting a little higher after a few minutes she starts saying this is simply unacceptable and asking for her fun despite the fact that she can see the poor sandwich maker is standing right next to me working frantically to put all her cheeseburgers together I say okay let me just get the manager she then starts screeching she wants their refund now and throws her carry a tray of Frosty's onto the floor gets down on her hands and knees and I crap you not proceeds to start grinding the spilled frosty into the carpet with her bare hands all the while shrieking as if her child had been run over in the drive-thru I met a girl online and we talked for a while eventually I paid for her to visit me from LA she was okay at first but started complaining about the stupidest stuff like that I have a cat which she already knew but the next day she freaks out over Red Robin and made us leave by then I had enough but was biding my time eventually the time comes for her to go home and I give her a ride to the airport while we are walking in she gets mad about something and I can't even remember what it was here is where it gets good she literally lays on the ground and starts screaming and flailing like a child woman is 31 years old I just dropped her luggage and walked back to my car and drove off fun PostScript she missed her flight and called me trying to get me to come stay with her at the hotel euhh No working at Burger King a lady came through drive-thru just as we opened at 6:00 demanded a McGriddle and drove up before we could tell her she's at the wrong place she screamed at us where is it where's my McGriddle wouldn't leave the drive-thru until we gave her a McGriddle yes she was drunk yes the police came I was working at a small convenience store I usually work as a cashier and another person works in the back of the store at the deli well this guy comes in and wants a breakfast sandwich from the deli and my coworker tells him it'll be about 10 minutes because she has to make it he starts to get really mad that he has to wait I guess he thought they were pre-made or something anyway he waits while she makes his sandwich and comes up to pay and I ring up his sandwich the price is three dollars and 99 cents and it's written on the sandwich but it has a tax for prepared food so it's actually a little over $4 he starts yelling at me about how I had the price wrong and he's in a hurry when I explained we have tax for sandwiches he gets paid grabs the sandwich and flings it right at my head and runs out of the store so he pretty much wasted 15 minutes and I got a free breakfast sandwich for lunch I was walking home one night and in the parking lot adjacent to my building there was a guy late 20s maybe early 30s sitting on the pavement waving his arms around and yelling he was surrounded by four police officers who were trying to get him to calm down as I walked by I heard him yell just wait till my dad gets here he's bigger than all you buttholes I think my dad's gonna fight you loses all power somewhere in the teens and less one your dad is a professional sports fighter - you're talking about a legal fight Stan comes into office and notices bill has muddy boots propped up on Stan's desk Stan goes red in the face leaps onto bills desk and proceeds to do what I can only describe as a Riverdance how do you like mud on your desk stand screams I about crapped myself laughing this is probably the only one that is semi justifiable I worked at our records way back when a nicely dressed middle-aged woman came up to the register to ask about a CD that was supposed to come in it was some obscure classical album obscure enough that she couldn't tell me the album title the composer the band nothing our computers had to have at least one of those pieces of information to lock up if it was in stock and where it would be located or even if it was in stock at another one of our stores apparently she'd gotten a stock transfer from another location but couldn't remember which one the way transfers works if another store in the region had it it would show up as being in stock there once they pulled it the receiving department would scan it prep a shipping slip and it would show as in stock at our location once our receiving department had received and scanned it and then they'd call the customer to say was in anyway when she couldn't give me any info I needed to try to look it up she started full-on screaming at me for not helping her I did the super polite I'm so sorry I can't help you while smiling as sincerely as possible retail spiel and as it does it just enraged her the more polite I was the worse she got I explained that I couldn't look up this CD for her without any info but that I'd be more than happy to help her if she could remember the title composer or artist then she started stomping her feet while yelling at me finally a bewildered customer came up to be wrung out in lady stomped stormed off into the classical room I called back to another employee that was in charge of our classical section and asked him if he'd mind helping her if she hadn't been such an entitled butthole I could have called the other store to check the status of any stock transfers coming to our store surprisingly she came back to the register to apologize to me after cooling off in the classical room but since she was playing nice I went ahead and called the only other location in our state and found out that it was enroute and told her we'd call her as soon as it came in it was fascinating watching her cycle through civilized screaming and stomping apologetic and then grateful I like to think I used to do my part in training customers for the future generations of retail workers I watched a guy in Walmart flip his crap at like 10:00 p.m. because some sections at the store were blocked off to be waxed overnight he had his entire family which included four young kids and was freaking out at the self-checkout lady over the section being blocks and asking why they didn't do it later in the night even as she explained that it's a long process that takes literally all night I watched my boss lose his frickin mind when another employee wore a collared shirt with his most hated rival football team I saw a full-grown adult pitch a fit about the increased price of milk they went and grabbed the receipt of their last week groceries the difference was three cents they proceeded to go through every derogatory word to describe the poor alley worker stomps their feet after ten minutes of this the managers finally arrived to only have it repeated for another 10 minutes management caved and awarded the individual the price of milk for a week ago all of this was over 3 cents I almost had to call to bear cops at work because a 50 year old man followed a 19 year old girl into the store and tagged to fight her because she was driving slower than he would have liked in the parking lot my ex-girlfriend was terrified of being alone not like crippling sadness from not having a soul mate literally being in a house or apt when no one else's home one Christmas I went home to visit my family and she went to visit her in a different town something went wrong and she got in a fight with her sister so she left and went back to our apartment I still had about a week left off my trip home to see my family she called me and said she expected me home that day because she couldn't be at our apartment alone I told her I took time off work and came home to see my family because I rarely get to do so she started screaming at the top of her lungs that I needed to get home ASAP because she was terrified I hung up because I practically went deaf and one hear from her screaming so she called my dad and screamed at him that she was going to kill herself if I didn't go back because she couldn't be alone absolutely ruined my Christmas with my family I ended up going back later that day and lost a lot of respect for myself she is an X so that earns you your respect back I work in a fairly popular bakery every Wednesday we have a crazy sale meaning one of our more popular items will be on a very nice sale this Wednesday happened to be cookers we were selling them for 75 cents and as you can imagine they sold very fast our Baker's prepare for this usually having five extra trays of cookies to sell one of our most popular cookies sold out but we couldn't make more because we ran out of supplies for that kind most people were very understanding and just picked another cookie n to the crazy lady she saw that slot for cookies was empty so she asked if we had any more I kindly said that no we were out but if a Baker's just went off to get the supplies to make them they should be ready within the hour she went insane she started screaming about how she needed them because she wanted to impress her friends I suppose she was telling them say made them or something I don't know she actually grabbed the cookie display and tiptoed over ruining our stock for the afternoon she stomped on em all saying how if she couldn't get her cookies no one good she is now banned from the store and we keep the cookies behind the counter where only we can reach them what a horrible woman if I can't have them no one can is like cartoon crazy evil villian thinking I worked part time for a marketing company promoting food brands many years ago I made some simple dishes and served them in the store from a food cart this family rushes in with five plus kids and blunders the samples after stuffing stems elf the parents asked if it was pork meat in the food all meat dishes being pork I said yes they threw a huge tantrum since they were not allowed to eat pork you would think that would come up beforehand typically people who don't eat particular foods primarily religious belief or medical reasons put more thoughts into what they are eating before having a problem of course then there are people who want to blame everything on everyone else in grade 8 the foods cooking teacher lost her crap in because my group's kitchen couldn't find the right sized mixing bowl she went through our entire kitchen frantically opening every single drawer as though a large mixing bowl would be hiding with the cutlery she screamed at us for losing this precious mixing bowl as though we stole her wedding ring and flushed it down the toilet the rest of the class stopped making cookies to watch this short fat French Canadian woman doing her impression of an angry tornado while shouting in friendly SH just as she was about to burst into tears a kitchen group across the class found the mixing bowl turns out someone accidentally placed it in the wrong kitchen a week later she shouted at us for an entire class because she found a gray hair in another class's brownies it was pretty obvious it was her hair I had a teacher that taught French who acted like this finally got fired after hitting an autistic kid who was causing a fuss I saw a grown woman yelling at her 14 15 year-old son because she told him he could get anything off of the menu and he happened to pick one of the more expensive meals and I heard her go I can't believe this you kids think I'm made of money you kids are going to kill me my chest hurts just arguing about this he responded by saying something like well then you shouldn't Doug you next time just say sorry and you can't afford it and she blew up even more she blew up more because she knew her kid was right I told your lady that I couldn't return her 45 pound bag of dog food that was probably 75% gone she started screaming that the customer is always right and continued to scream it until we had to ask her to leave I wish people understood what this same means it means that companies that don't cater to the customer will lose business and this will be reflected in the profits it doesn't mean that you can walk into a place of business and make any ridiculous demand you want a woman lost her mind at the movie theater concession stand because they only sold coca-cola beverages but I only drink Pepsi I can't believe you don't have Pepsi what kind of business is this and this went on for several minutes then she demanded to to the manager and insisted that she be refunded her ticket price because she never would have bought IIT if she'd known they didn't have Pepsi the manager refused to give her a refund of course she ends up in the same theater as me and my friends and she winds to her friend the entire time up to the movie start then you know the bit they play before the previews where they promote the concessions lol a giant coke bottle goes up on the screen and she must have felt personally taunted because she yells F a CK coke someone walked out of the theater and returned with an usher and the manager and she was escorted out with a friend scurrying behind them and she had to have been in her 50s completely bath sh t crazy ha ha ha as soon as you mentioned the preview ad I lost it they make the coca-cola ads so intensely dramatic at the theater that I can only imagine the blinding rage it brought upon this woman I used to work for a coffee shop that was always busy I mean like there was the constant line out the door I had a man completely skipped the line of about 10-12 people waiting grab a juice out of our fridge and come up to me single-handedly ringing everyone through he cut off the next person and put the drink down and started pulling money out of his wallet and I told him I wouldn't drink him through without standing in line first there's a queue use it he went from a general butt hole smug expression to enraged red-faced screaming at me telling me that he was just buying a freaking juice not a coffee to stop being such a frickin stupid bee and just wring him through the rated me for being a barista even though if I wasn't there he wouldn't be getting any service and if I was even remotely smart I wouldn't be working here so to just do my job like a good girl and ring him through and then threw money at me I didn't even remotely change my expression the whole time his bills all fell on the floor in front of him I pushed his juicer side and then motioned to the next person in line to order he got so angry that he looked like a dumb butt in front of so many people and didn't affect me he grabbed a one-pound bag of coffee beans off of our counter and threw it across the store grabbed his bills off the floor and walked away telling me that he would never come back our business would fail yup at my workplace we had to call the police because two women got into a fistfight in an elevator it had apparently started because woman a was talking on the phone and woman beaded and like that very much so naturally woman B decided the correct course of action was to start punching and hair-pulling there was quite a bit of blood when they were finally pulled apart what made it sadder was that woman they had her daughter with her poor little girl was inconsolable and crying her eyes out she was so scared so for some reason people tried to Zone in on the races of these two women all I'm going to say is the races in the roles they played in the situation are not what you all are assuming I should also specify that I'm not entirely certain the call was still taking place of the elevator that's just where the altercation took place but if it did I work in a small building with only three floors as long as you aren't in the basement and have a decent cell phone provider service isn't too bad as you tend to be in and out pretty quickly the worst was definitely from a man when I worked for an auto parts store the parts often have lifetime warranties and all we needed was some info and we could replace it up to the day you junked the car or died whichever came first I asked the gentleman for some info phone number and name and he refused I explained that without it I couldn't give him his lifetime warranty and he lost his crap I mean he turned this violet color vein pulsing in his fat phorid yelling and screaming at me I can't even remember what he was saying because I just stared incredulously at him as he ranted and raved like a madman threatening me thrusting his grubby finger in my face I seriously thought he was going to reach over the counter and try to kill me because he sure looked like he was going to my manager came running up and tried to intervene and he just kept on spewing his angry rant and everyone else in the entire store had fallen silent my manager kept saying sir if you keep this up I'm gonna have to ask you to leave but the customer wasn't listening and screamed over him eventually after at least five minutes of this insanity the other customers revolted against him one man a mechanic was irregular eventually stepped right up to the guy and said I'm a mechanic and you're wasting my time because this young lady asked you for information to get out of the store you are costing Emmy money by standing here get the Frick out the angry customer yelled back at him saying he'd beat the crap out of him and they could take it outside etc another customer shouted at the aggressor telling the guide to get out multiple times until the man finally threw his items to the floor and left as he was walking out I began ringing out the mechanic who had yelled at him and asked if he had a rewards card to which he replied yes and I will give you my phone number as loud as he possibly could TL DR got yelled at and threatened by a craphead lovely mechanics came to my rescue I worked at an arcade and a family came in being extremely rude talking about how crappy our prizes were and how expensive they are it's an arcade it's not going to be the highest of quality the mother came up and told me to give her the big bear on the wall I told her I couldn't she doesn't have enough tickets she started yelling at me saying why the Frick not it's obviously been up there for years just freaking give it to me even told me she was planning on calling my manager since I wouldn't give her the bear I said that's fine and gave her the number she stormed out and I went into the back room and just started flipping her off I hate customer service at O'Hare boarding my flight a lady handed her ticket to the gate agent and was informed that she was at the wrong gate as this flight was going to DFW when she was going to LAX now a sane person would assume that the person who works for the airline and just let 50 people on the plane with boarding passes that say they are going to DFW would know where this plane is going but this cunning traveler wasn't having it they told me the flight to LAX was at this gate you're lying to me and then the gate agent offered to look up what gate her flight was at but she just snapped back and asked the gate agent are you sure about five times each one louder and angrier than the one before then asked the people right behind her in line including me are you sure this is not a flight to LA and then she stormed off presumably to find what gate her flight was actually on and run in that direction but that's what the same person would do so who knows I got a call very early one morning asking if the seven o'clock flight was going out I said I was sorry but they hadn't reached the airport the guy insisted he'd called the airport and kept repeating the question I finally said yes the flight was leaving then I went back to bed some people are just so strange one I mostly saw the aftermath of but I heard a lot of banging and yelling as I and several co-workers at a small company rushed to the front office to see what was going on it turned out two women had gotten into a full throwing stuff at each other fight including their chairs all because one had started a diet and the other had a candy jar on her desk the other one I saw when I was a kid and it was a full bout of budget insane after a girl softball tournament one of the parents had a freak out while first and second-place teams were lined up and receiving their trophies my sister was on one of the teams she ranted screamed yelled at the umpires accused them of fixing the game through equipment around threw dirt stopped just short of his salt and the umpires and coaches mainly let her aunt even when she was screaming in their faces a daughter was standing there holding her second place trophy in tears finally this woman yelled at her daughter to come on they were leaving the daughter clearly wanted to stay with the lady kept screaming so the daughter stepped away from the team and walked toward her the woman tore the trophy away from her daughter's hands and threw it on the ground the two of them heading off into the parking lot I felt horrible for the girl and it was one of the first times I realized a lot of adults suck my friends husband let the air out of my tire because he was mad I was at their house didn't really think that one through that's probably the best Instant Karma here this is the only time I've had to walk away from a customer in order to keep my calm and not get fired I work out a certain videogame retailer and I had a lady try to trade in a ps3 that had pieces chipped off a large crack in the case smelled like a cat had used it as a litter box and had both thump sticks on the controller chewed through to the little plastic nubs well when I told her I had to put to refer fee on the system since I couldn't sell it as is she flipped out on me cursing up a storm and calling me a thief for 20 minutes before the manager had to get involved I even tried to reason with her through asking if she would be happy if I had sold her that particular system and she screamed at me that no she wouldn't but that isn't a problem and that she is going to get the full value out of her system it was so bad her own daughter came up to me afterwards and apologized for how her mother acted oh and the lady got her way eventually by having the manager discounts a ps4 she was purchasing by the amount of the fee just wanted to spread a bit more light the manager didn't intervene earlier because he was on break and he is a fantastic manager it was one of those situations where the customer would have escalated to the district manager and then would have got in her way anyway so the manager went ahead and put a discount on the transaction he did however get back at her by throwing a few things in that she didn't really need including a few things she absolutely couldn't return and got nearly a 1,000 dollar sale out of her which still boggles my mind that she spent that much and was P about losing $30.00 man I knew the manager would cave as soon as I read this I used to work in a video rental store and we rented out systems with a security deposit guy brings back a Wii and four controllers completely trashed and when I tell him he won't get his deposit back he goes opposite to my manager then refunded the deposit after like two minutes of explanation facepalm if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 21,420
Rating: 4.8941398 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, adult temper tantrum, adult tantrum, temper tantrum, worst temper tantrum
Id: GcerabuJFw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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