Pawn shops, what's the dumbest thing someone tried to pawn? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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pawnshop workers every debt what is the dumbest thing a customer has brought in thinking they were gonna strike his rich one time this guy brought in a chair he said Lincoln satin I called my Lincoln chair guy and he said it was fake worked at a traditional game store had plenty of sketchy white trash people coming in with their kids old Yug oh and magic cards thinking they're extremely valuable usually it was just a mismatched starter set from the early 2000s or the like I'm not sure what started the idea that old trading cards were going to be ridiculously valuable but no I won't give you meth money for your Dark Magician the level of disappointment and often times outright anger on their part was difficult to deal with I began just telling trashy looking people who weren't store regulars that we didn't purchase cards did once have a guy bringing a collection that had an alley looking black lentes gave him a good deal for it there was a buy and sell by my house that will give you $5.00 for any game and sell every game for 10 I used to go in and check prices on all games and if I would make more than ten from gamma stop I would buy the game go to the mess top and sell it and then buy all the crappy games game messed up had there were less than $5 and take it back to the buy and sell to make more money I was a heroin addict at the time so that was my job when I wasn't working at the restaurant edit my and working had a guide try get $100 for two wheat pennies and two buffalo nickels four-legged about five years ago I had a guy call the store and ask if we took gps's I told him we did and he asked the address to the store I told him then he asked me how to get there a kid from my school had a letter signed by Abraham Lincoln he brought it to show-and-tell one day and we were all super impressed in grade 12 he stole it from his dad and went to pawn it he bragged about how he was going to be rich it turns out his grandfather forged a letter and gave it to his dad as a gift a thief stole our heavy-duty snow blower out of the garage in early July during a heatwave and took it to a local pawn shop hoping to fetch a big price for it after the police called to say they had located it the pawn shop owner said the guy just couldn't understand why there wouldn't be a hot market for an expensive snowblower year-round comic book shop employee every single seller has a totally mint collection and a first appearance of Superman or Batman there have been literally hundreds of Batman Superman number 1s printed over the years every time they reboot a series it starts that issue number one the people who were polite about it I didn't mind the people who thought we were trying to rip them off and that their books were priceless just did my head in not a pawn shop but game start dude rolled in with hundreds of bootleg games and a bunch of modded consoles he couldn't fathom why I wouldn't take them a good friend of mine owns a pawn shop in Florida he once bought a collectible book of state quarters for less than face value of the coins the customer wasn't bright enough to pop the quarters out of the book can spend them my buddy's ability to keep a straight face in those situations and make the customer feel like he's getting a deal provides me endless entertainment my dad had some drugged up women come in and try to pawn her crack I took an old $10 bill into a dealer to see how much it was worth don't recall the year but it was old guy says $10 showed me what a bill would have to be like spent 30 minutes in his store with him looking at old rare money edit changed the rare I'm a pawnbroker somebody brought in their dead grandmother's gold tooth plucked from her ashes with the tooth still in it we told her that the tooth had to be separated from the gold for us to weigh it they desecrated their loved ones remains for less than $2 not a pawn shop worker but this is still kind of a cool story or at least I think either way both the shop owner and I were happy with the events that went down I used to frequent yard sales buy vintage items and then take them to the antique shop and make a little money on the side one day I found this little glass figurine at a yard sale for $25 when I flipped the item over and saw a red Occupied Japan logo I got extremely excited and bought it on the spot I took it over the shop and sold it for $45 the shop owner wouldn't go any higher but hey I made 44 dollars and 75 cents of a quick purchase so I wasn't too worried the figure was actually worth about 125 dollars by the way I made money and that figure is still sitting in his shop for sale at 125 dollars a guy literally brought in an RPG he was doing yard work for this old lady whose husband had passed she gave it to him for doing some yard work not realizing it was live and active the guy was career military and after the bomb squad came and disabled it they went to her house and found a trove of similarly very illegal military-grade weapons I don't work in a pawn shop that I bought my first guitar in won the big defense contractor in my town late of over 10,000 people overnight and the contagion spread I was looking for my first guitar and I'm cheap after checking the music stores I hit up the pawn shops near work while I'm looking this clean-cut guy in his early 30s comes in trying to pawn his guitar hard case and effects since the shop had a bunch they offered him crap evidently and he left he was almost crying saying he got laid off and had to pay some bills I followed him out and asked him what he wanted for it he said $100 and I took it I also gave him my phone number and said he could buy it back when he got back on his feet he never heard from him I'm looking at it now and played for months I hope everything worked out for him I may be late to this but I worked at a pawn shop for about six years I once had a customer walk ups of the counter and slide a gold coin to me and say I think this is gold man this particular customer wreaked of bile and looked like he was high on everything possible I looked at the coin and slid it back to him and replied I think it's a chuck-e-cheese token I can tell by the mouse on it he just said oh and walked away that was when I noticed he had at his pants to the point it was almost sold away down his pant leg a friends uncle allowed us to shadow him for a day at his pawn shop a guy walked in with a metal lockbox and said he had something worth billions he opened the lockbox and there were wood chips in it and the smell of spray paint he claimed they were leftovers of the cross Jesus was crucified on he is descended from an ancient and noble line of knights who took Hills to protect the cross he wanted $2,000 for the lockbox and wood chips I worked in a jewelry store during the peak of the everybody buys gold and diamonds phase a group of kids comes in with a ring they found in the parking lot it's an obvious Caesar which I tell the ringleader hell as soon as he hands it to me one of the others demands a touch annoyed how do you know in one of those excellent to rare moments of perfect reaction I asked why do you bring it to me because you're a jeweler Oh had a guy try selling me a gun before I could even know him out of their shop is an NJ we do not buy guns he began to point the gun around with people all over the store pulling the trigger that guy that guy was a special kind of guy fortunately the gun wasn't loaded but still as a worker in the ghetto I get grilles and gold teeth almost daily straight from the mouth and them they get mad when I can't accept it and throw a fit every employee wears panic buttons to call the cops immediately if something happens as well my mom owned the pawn shop in town and she was a huge new kids in the block fan unfortunately it may decimated our business and she couldn't afford to see their reunion concert but her best friend from grade school Kurt she came in the next morning wielding what she claimed was a condom full of Joey McIntyre's come you could be the mom of a new kid she wanted $1,000 for the stuff that my mom told her friend to stick it up her vajayjay Babbage's aka domestic worker in the early 2000s this was a case of the company being dumb gheh messed up either owned required funcoland and a couple other game store brands at the time Babbage's being among them we had a local guy that would drive about an hour each way and buy out every single copy of certain there's games and then bring them to our store he would do the same in Reverse as well the company would then dutifully redistribute the games to equalize inventory between the stores all told he made close to $50 K before they figured it out and disallowed transactions of 10 games or more in one visit last I heard this same guy was churning em s manufactured spending on gift cards credit cards et Cie to the tune of $60 70 K a dude knows how to hustle I mean pretty much anything people came in all the time thinking they could sell or pawn something for almost as much as they bought it new our policy was generally to buy for 25% of the new price and only higher if it was an interesting or high-value item I always hated jewelry because you just knew the person was going to get pissed at your lowball offer I paid 10 K for this at the dealers and here's the receipt and insurance certificate unfortunately we go by the weight of the gold which has a fluctuating market price and the size and quality of the diamond going by our rates I can't offer more than $200 and I can't blame them for feeling insulted it sucks because while some people porn stuff to feed their drug habit which sucks for them too ya know many of them do it because their power is going to be shut off or they can't afford food for their kids or their husbands medical bills are slowly creeping up and hell I haven't worn this ring for years who cares if my grandmother gave it to me it's gotta be worth thousands all the hundred other reasons poverty ducking blows but you have to sit there and be stubborn because your core to and you're ducking it face possible deduct anything overpaid from your check pawnshops give you cool stories but it crushes your soul I don't work at the pawn shop but my friend does people bring him damn it all the time to get a few dollars for dope it starts from a candies box stolen from a shop next to the pawn shop two plungers rubber ducks electronics real and fake jewelry they thought was real and ending on cars I just have to say I've only tried to sell something to a pawn shop once some kind of CB radio set up and related components and they offered me $20 when I told them that wasn't enough they laughed at me and said I wouldn't get a better offer anywhere else I ended up selling it on Craigslist for $300 I worked in a pawn shop for around 7 years or so we had people trying to pawn fake jewelry all the time the best part was when they didn't know it was fake so many women left yelling about that cheap son of a rich I can't even remember half the stupid it we turned away there was one thing that we didn't turn away and we should have though and I love this story one of the other employees took and what he described as a 24k gold baby bracelet it was a [ __ ] ring a golden [ __ ] ring this employee was a bit of a know-it-all and he liked to rub other people's mistakes in their faces he eventually went on to become manager and then district manager and you can bet your ass I made sure that every employee under him knew about the baby bracelets he never lived that down not a pawn shop worker but I was in one with a friend of mine when a man who looked to have enjoyed more than just a few crack rocks in his day came in site art with a sink a sink that he apparently just ripped out of a hotel or kitchen of an abandoned house or something and I do mean ripped out no idea what he thought he would get for it but the guy behind the counter told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to leave and take his sink with him it was goddamn hula Edit it was pretty Hillier you just had to be there porn shops are not like that TV show people don't bring in valuable antiques to be appraised I would guess the most likely answer for real porn shops his wedding rings that end up being fake one time this guy brought in a giant petrified turd and thought it was a meetin or I literally just had a lady walk out on me angry that I couldn't offer any money on her small wooden spice rack it even had half empty spices still on it a few months ago an old man came in with a trash bag full of used bongs complete with weed and dripping with bong water said he's selling all his son's stuff he was such a sweet old dude I felt bad and told him to break it all up in the dumpster outside and not ride around with it I get a ton of old coins that people bring in thinking they're worth a bunch of money and I usually have even older stuff and my change drawer that I can show them most people laugh about it also I have seen quite a few gently used dildos in my time as well I'm sure this will stay buried but we combat a lot of people coming in with stupidly high asking prices by keeping an equivalent item in stock at a reasonable price for example the 1780 Austria silver Thaler has Maria Theresa for regional guess for a lot of money but almost all of them are reproductions the original dies were never destroyed and were used to make the reproductions therefore they look exactly like the originals one day we had a father-and-son comment super excited they finally hit the lotto they showed me their Austria fella I offered them a little bit shy of the silver content which was 20 dollars at the time and the father got super pissed he claimed we were trying to rip him off that's understandable I thought because it was almost identical to the expensive version so I tried to explain to him that there's hundreds of thousands of reproductions he still didn't get it his son did so now his son and I tried to get him to come around and he wouldn't that's when I went to the back room pulled out a bucket with about 15 of the same type of failure that he brought in and told him if he thought they were worth thousands of dollars I'd sell mine to him for $22 e he never flinched and said I'm not here to buy B's I'm here to sell mine at that point I just said we aren't buying those things anymore have a nice day I went to college in a farm town in northern Colorado I had a red leather jacket that I bought in high school that I wanted to sell in one of the pawn shops out there I never wore it and would rather have cash than the jacket I didn't want money for drugs just money because I was a broke college student they refused to buy it because it was red and that color was somehow gang-related I had no idea that farm town had any gang problems but whatever worked at a comic-book and memorabilia store and people have really messed up notions of value just because it is old doesn't mean it is valuable just because it is rare doesn't mean there is a market for it the worst was when people would come in with things that were signed with no authentication and demand outrageous prices some old lady and her obviously Tweaker granddaughter brought in a comic they claimed was signed by Stan Lee and wanted $1,000 for it we laughed them out of the shop also a picture of you with William Shatner that he signed has no value to anyone but you a penny that was dated 2009 I'm not a pawn shop owner but when I was 10 or 11 I caught a black widow spider and excitedly brought it to the pawn shop in town inside a mountain Dew bottle ready to claim my bounty they weren't interested PET SHOP wouldn't take it either I made a cardboard sign and stood on the side of the road but I never found a buyer [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, funny, r/
Id: prKTOl1aRwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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