What's The Smallest Amount Of Power You've Seen Go To Someones Head? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the smallest amount of power you've seen go to someone's head many years ago I worked for a large tire store my manager told me I was moving too slow and ordered me to go run laps around the store I openly laughed at him and said not a chance he threw a fit I got his boss involved I did not run laps but I did get a written apology public school bus driver for a poor farming area middle school-aged we weren't allowed to talk even at a murmur turn our heads we don't do homework the ride was an hour each way any infractions he would pull over and scream at us and usually give any kids involved and whoever was next to them in multiple day bus ban rural poor area far from the school manned the lot kids just couldn't go to school those days now bus was always late because he pulled over 4-5 times a day he would make personal stops to his home cause Frick you that's why 20 years later and still a hard contender for biggest loser I've ever met I worked at Blockbuster one of the employees Melanie got a keyholder promotion over me we didn't really like each other but it wasn't a blood feud one day the manager calls me to southern for someone who called out sick it's my off day I'm a college and don't have my uniform I told the manager this and she says I need a body here to work the register come and make it just get here ASAP I show up in normal clothes and I've been working with another keyholder for about six hours Melanie comes in to rent something because it's a day off and flips the freak out she goes back to the office and proceeds to write me up for failing to comply to dress code and so on but she then proceeds to try and make me sign a clean and they're all while off the clock she is still hourly she does this for the next two hours until the store closes no dice I tell her to get freaked manager comes in the next morning to a crapstorm Melanie gets written up for working off the clock tells her I acted on a direct order from her and she needs to get off her freaking high horse first night I made one of our bar backs into a bartender he started bossing around other bar backs not like asking for help but like yelling orders at em dude really show his colors he didn't last amazing he woke treat them that way considering he had literally just been one of them full right so I was a PA production assistant the Lewis of the low on a film set for a Kelsey Grammer submarine comedy called down periscope one guy was given the meaningless title of key PA and decided he was going to help wrangle background extras for this big exterior shot were working on now everyone including the extras knew that the camera was probably framed in a medium clothes soup on the principal actors who were doing a scene way III down at the end of a dock nonetheless key PA guy took it upon himself to start blocking out whole entire scenes of these background extras I'm talking crowds of people you guys over there your families of the sailors who haven't seen your husbands in six months and you run from the bus to the fence but you guys are cadets who get in the way and you guys are arguing about which car has the right-of-way then all you kids start clapping because you see a big dog he pulling his owner so fast he trips over the leash like second-unit on a Michael frickin Bay movie he had these people doing his made-up little scene over and over and over he'd yell at them tell them they did it wrong and reset them back to one to start over madness I walked by the guy and notice this was going on and said you know the camera is pointed the other direction right he just laughed and said I know software developer here we had a guy appointed as the change manager in charge of enforcing controls and coding standards he was not a programmer he would regularly reject changes because he didn't like how variables were named like he would want cussed count renamed to CST mr CNT what an nsv CNT when I played halo 2 I joined the fairly large clan that had some pretty cool people in it we did a lot together and every once in a while they would elect a new foreign moderator officer to run the ranks one day they elect this kid who sounded like he was 11 to be new officer he seemed pretty down-to-earth but the very next day he gets home from school and starts kicking every single person from the clan who just even slightly brushed him the wrong way it was so bad that the leader who was on vacation in Hawaii had to log on a library computer in order to strip all powers from this kid the kids reasoning was that he didn't get picked for a baseball game at school and was angry the rest of the day the kids reasoning was that he didn't get picked for a baseball game at school and was angry the rest of the day that's probably why they don't pick him anyone holding a megaphone the ability to make your voice louder around a crowd off people gives people a 10x ego boost DB's equal power kind of a common thing among a lot of people in arguments the hsiao-tieh one gets hurt years ago while working at a pizza place our manager had to leave on a family emergency and left a girl in charge until one of the other shift runners could get there and he lived about 45 minutes away in that 45 minutes this girl who was left in charge actually called one of her friends and hired her saying she was the manager now wrote me up for putting too much cheese on a pizza and actually told one of the drivers he was fired because she didn't like his attitude when the shift runner got there to take over this girl also told him not to worry about it and she had things under control end-result her friend was not hired my write-up for using too much cheese was torn up the fire driver who never left the parking lot kept his job and she quit a few days later because we were unprofessional and the manager played favorites I lived in a village for a few months and one of the richer farmers wives got the job of running the community center that she put out a big placard with a picture of herself entitled herself CEO as well as on business cards started wearing business suits and banning people she didn't like the look of the building was the size of a small apartment and hosted an athenian bible club for senior citizens I live in a small town I can see this happening used to work with a group of other interns in an office for some reason I still don't understand they decided to promote one of us over the others their job was basically just to schedule who was doing what and when that's it only took two weeks before we found out she was keeping detailed notes on all of our mistakes and taking them to upper management they promptly told her to calm the Frick down and decided to do away with position she made a lot of enemies that day she had ambitions of working at the company and was trying to make us all look bad I think that one may have backfired on her honestly that's good upper management my sixth grade self got chosen for the prestigious role of classroom clipboard holder as soon as I was chosen I go to the front of the room with the teacher pen and clipboard ready to mark down whoever speaks with my eyes gazing left to right search him for a chatterbox I hear the smallest noise come from Emily in the back I think flick Emily and announced to the class that's one and write her name down even though the poor girl probably just had a cough as soon as this happens mr. Weiss takes the clipboard away and tells me to be quiet my power was gone I was quiet for the rest of the class we had one especially loud class in middle school that a teacher never seemed to be able to quiet down she was out for a few days in the sub just walleston and said her you guys have a problem with being far too loud em I'll tell you right now you're gonna keep your frickin mouth shut a girl I worked with was promoted to assistant manager at Little Caesars because she was the only one there that was 18 she went from an okay worker to not doing anything and making my time there a living heck I eventually quit and was asked to come back after she was fired five years later I got the random Facebook message from her apologizing for being such an butthole during that time fair play to her for apologizing I once worked part-time doing inventory we would go to stores like the Bay Whole Foods and literally count everything on the shelves with her fancy dancy machine this one man was given leadership of the home section now he wasn't actually given any management power made the same amount as everyone else all that just literally he was told okay you and these people are going to the home section divvy it up however he went full power trip mode micromanaging how I counted towels patrolling the aisles watching us all yelling unnecessarily from that day on he was known as King tart guy mal JROTC program thought since he had a higher rank than everyone else he was essentially a hardened combat veteran yelled at people for talking in class looking at their phones stupid crap like that lost his position and got suspended because he threw his ex girlfriend into a wall at max speed this girl was special education had some kind of disorder with her legs so she couldn't walk without a walker everyone even the teachers hated him after that I used to work front desk at a salon there was a slightly more experienced position directly above mine basically the only difference being that they could count the drawer and knew how to get into the safe she once banned me from taking my purse with me to the bathroom with no reason backing it when in reality I did that because I'm not a super huge fan of leaving my person attended and Yano tampons well now I am a stylist there and she kisses my butt as a part of her job the girl who does payroll also tracks vacation days the company I worked for was small and family-owned they really didn't care how many days you took off as long as your stuff got done or you could work extra hours take stuff home no big it's the dang Spanish Inquisition with this girl though we even created a system of letting each other know as lower people anyway when we'd be off using just colors and markings on the calendar because if it was written anywhere she'd find it and be a psycho about tracking it she even took two hours of my vacation time because I left early to go to the airport I was salaried yet somehow she went to Mexico for ten days and never used any vacation time when my brother was in grade 2 he went around the playground during recess on the first day and found a kid and asked him hey kid what grade are you in he said grade 1 my brother replied ha I'm in grade 2 and ran off my math teacher was escorted out of the building shortly after he told my entire AP Calculus class he dated a past student and if Sarah an attractive genera would keep denying him he will drop all our grades an entire letter grade I have no idea what he was thinking no one but Sarah knew what he was talking about my middle school basketball coach dude worked at a Jiffy Lube during the day but at 3 p.m. he transformed into freakin bobby knight and profanely gifted us with all his basketball knowledge promotion and the military you get to see who people really are which makes me realize my buddy who says if I have to pull rank I've lost the argument is that much more respectable my five year old won the kindergarten Olympics he was a complete Ashe at for about a week there's a few easy ways to humble a five-year-old this is so stupid and it still pisses me off to this day so my company ran a contest where the winner got $100 I won no strings attached use the $100 bucks to get whatever you want the thing I wanted most was new office supplies a new pair of scissors a new tape dispenser stuff like that I made a list of items and approached my coworker you see she was in charge of our company POS and if I went through her I could get $120 bucks worth of office supplies for $100 a $100 even down to the penny including shipping no I don't like the colors she said simply I thought she was joking her office supplies were covered in minion stickers I think we can comfortably rule out he setec appeal as a reasonable denial also it's not her money it's not for her desk the rules of the contest said I could buy anything even alcohol or a Visa gift card there were no stipulations as to what color stapler I was allowed to get I assumed she told a joke and it just fell flat week goes by I asked her what the status of my order was number I'm not going to run that through I think it's tacky and I think it's stupid that you won dot I bet if I ordered freaking minion crap she would have approved it in a heartbeat wish I could have a nice revenge story but I just ended up using my money for groceries instead should have mailed her $100 of glitter sealed in a duct taped box I was real young and got a job detailing cars at a Chevy dealership the only other dude was like 29 and was telling me very proudly however qualified he was for the job we did which was washing cleaning the cars and putting them back on the lot I guess when he was told about being overqualified for that work he didn't pick up on how sarcastic they were I was an admin on a custom bf3 server once best hour of my life the upperclassmen at my university would Proctor exams the freshmen would take I wasn't there for this but my friend tells the story of how he and Louie were the two proctors while the professor was in his office down the hall apparently in an effort to prevent cheating Louie brought a clipboard and noted when and where each student went to the bathroom where meaning that he would for students to use different bathrooms the justification being that I suppose they could leave secret notes or something so once the bathrooms on the first second and eighth floors each had one person go there he made a kid use a bathroom in the building next to us kid complains to the other Proctor who grabs the professor who kicks Louis from the job probably to my own head when I was about 8 years old I was asked by my teacher because I was being well-behaved I assumed to stand by the whiteboard whilst she was talking about something and write the names of people who were talking acting out on the board I went mad with power and wrote people's names down who just looked at me funny I used to worked with this lady who didn't actually get a promotion she was just put in second in charge if the team leader was out she made sure that everyone knew that she was in charge she handing out assignments left and right the only reason she was second in charge was to make the team leader look good people who get involved with the howa I used to work in escrow and there was one [ __ ] that had six different paints colors that were approved that was it one guy painted every wall of his house a different color of the six approved colors and told them to Frick off that is the level of petty I aspire to be I used to hang around on a forum for erotica writers and my god you'd think the mods were minor deities the way they acted it was a constant bashing of newbies for daring to ask questions and being super condescending to anyone who wasn't in their little clique one of the girls actually managed to get a publishing deal a small imprint bit still it's a big freaking deal when you're a writer and the mod banned her for some trumped-up reason which everyone knew was basically horrific jealousy newsflash buddy we are all self-publishing stories about dongs let's try and keep some perspective eight I don't hang out in writers forums anymore substitute rate leader in rift an MMORPG like World of Warcraft a normal raid leader was going to be gone for one week and appoints our tank to let the 20 of us through a dungeon we had beating men at times before we start out by wiping twice due to a new player younger girl handling the pot our leader normally date no big deal normal learning curve right the tank I'll call him Napoleon jr. decides the best course of action is to use every four-letter word he knows and braids her in voice chat humiliating her in front of the whole raid she gets emotional and he just ramps it up higher pole raid starts telling him to knock it off and he starts kicking people from the raid after about 10-15 minutes of this most of the rest of the raid team starts dropping out of the group and begins reforming without him at this point he goes absolutely ballistic screaming so loud and furiously that I can't help but think he was Butler or something we fill his spot with a friend of a guilt plan and Napoleon stays in voice-chat cursing us and trying to interfere with our raid we didn't have mod rights to kick him his last words before we switched voice chat servers was I'm f king in charge this week someone leading a group of volunteers try to yell at people as if they were property B I don't have to be here I chose to help you peace out and go Frick yourself in elementary school I was on the Safety Patrol which basically meant that I still have a busy intersection alongside an adult crossing guard and when he went into the street to stop traffic I would let the little kids know it was safe to cross I also told other kids not to run etc well one day a girl a grade below me walked up the hill from the elementary school to the intersection instead of taking the stairs so I grabbed her by the arm and marched her back to the stairs and told her she had to take the stairs proto-fascist right here I got in trouble for it I once let a kid hole distribute pushpins to my other students to pin up their posters I had to step in a break up a fight because she refuses to let one girl have red pins because she didn't deserve them being the one with the TV remote control I have the power now there is this lady at the post office who insists I show multiple forms of it and looks at me like Lana criminal every time I try to mail something as if the first thing I'd do with a stolen credit card is try to mail a six dollar package my GF works at a Canada Post retail outlet and is always getting grief from customers about its stuff except it's legally required and if they don't dot the i's and cross the t's they can get into serious legal trouble for things like money laundering and funding terrorists and the like girl I was waitressing with justice too was going to be a manger but it wasn't a manager yet she flipped out because I had a contraction and sat down a minute screened in front of patrons that she was my supervisor she was better than me and if I didn't like it I could freaking leave I clocked out and quit on the spot today at the gas station I was looking at the minis behind the counter trying to decide what I wanted the lady at the counter said she needed my it I told her I wasn't ready yet she said she needed mired in her hands before she could tell me prices of anything I said I never asked the price I'm just looking I can look without handing you my it she said she needs my it for me to look at the bottles of alcohol behind the counter her life must be great I set it on the counter so she could look at it and she took my ID and put it behind the counter at that point I told her to give it back now and I left freaking weird the captain aka coach's kid on my fourth grade hockey team ran into him in high school and we were trying to figure out where we knew each other from I eventually said oh you were on my hockey team in fourth grade his response years later your hockey team wow that's funny it was my hockey team the person who's about to choose someone and duck-duck-goose everyone in that spot knows that the person he's about to tap is panicking and everyone in that spot rebels in that power back in school when the teacher would line us up and stand in the back of the line the kid at the front was Atty about being line leader in my use of time there were two ranks 44 Cena Haman and sergeant I was a senior Amin and a guy came into my crew spouting orders at my team I walked aside with him out here shot off my guys and asked him not to interfere with my work crew he held up his sleeve and pointed to the star on his stripes I made staff sgt before him and he was always scared to death I was going to pay him back Frick you Gary had a dude in tech school tell some chick listen here a man basic while pointing at his mosquito wings childish you have been visited by the safety dog ow subscribe and you will be safe from all danger for the next 24 hours if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 107,435
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit biggest ego, biggest ego, inflated ego, reddit ego, big egos, big ego
Id: PbUE55S_oR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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