D&D Players, What's the Most Creative Way you've seen a Cantrip used? #3

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I had a spell sword use ray of frost to make ice hand holds for the whole party to scale a 100 ft cliff. Lowered the DC enough for everyone to make it down and back up without much difficulty. Later on he also used it to freeze up the gears on an automated medieval torture rack that was about to rip an npc's limbs off.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hypnoticbeatle ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I use presdidigitation as a method to light the candles which i use as my method to light homemade grenades. They are jars with gunpowder, alchemist fire / oil, caltrops and sealed with a wax candle facing into it so when i cast on it to light the candle it makes the gunpowder explode and the oil catch fire and send the shards of jar and caltrops becoming projectile weapons. I love them. OH btw I'm a Barbarian 3 Bard 1 multi class.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mostmoistAardvark ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey everybody brian von viet here back at it again with another set of dnd stories today we've got another doozy what's the most creative way you've seen a can trip used part three i once used with dm permission once i explained what i wanted to achieve find familiar to inspect a rustling in the bushes while covering a night watch i had my owl stealth and observed two changelings who were following us i then cast them atturgy while speaking through my familiar convinced the changelings that the presence was the almighty the lorax and that he is always watching them i followed them with my familiar to learn where they were heading and find their hideout from then on my owl is now called the lorax i used mending to start a small side business when we were in town i would mainly repair people's possessions like kids broken toys and ripped work clothes my favorite thing was to put on magic shows where i would do things like accidentally chop off my finger fake hand and blood would come out but then just mend it back most creative was when i wanted a lock on a door or chest to be super secure and break the locking mechanism making it locked but inoperable break the key in half and hide them separately knock won't open the lock due to it being broke and the key is hard to find it would also come in handy when my party found old slash damaged gear i had a home brew weapon that is a giant one-handed sword so it required a large amount of strength to wield but and had the same damage as a two-handed sword but my dm added a little secret into the weapon the weapon turns cantrips into spells like burning hands turned it into a small fireball but used the same damage just turned into ranged when light is cast the sword becomes a beacon that has a dome of 30 feet chilling touch consumes the weapon in a thick ice so yeah i thought it was awesome game apparently started with a then there were none theme my character liam was a barbarian rogue with a backstory of being basically a freedom fighter gang member whose gang was slaughtered by another gang who had the guard on the payroll forcing him to flee while near death game takes place a few years where he is invited to a party to honor the good he had done in his previous life leading his old gang who protected the people others are to be honored as well for achievements when we arrive the host cannot join us due to illness and liam having high charisma convinces the reluctant butler to bring him to the host who he insists on thanking for his hospitality in person everyone then has dinner and the elven thief dies from cyanide poisoning in his drink insight shows the butler had no clue liam then seduces a present female an attractive npc guest who apparently uses sleeping pills to rest when they wake up she's dead suspicious liam takes the pills and has the butler bring in a few chickens who he shoves a pill down the throat of each the pills are not the sleeping pills they're poison i ask what they look like circle-shaped white pills how many it was a new model of 150 okay she took one and i used four on the chicken so 145. as everyone is doing their thing liam sneaks up to the host's room and easily picks the lock the bedridden guy too ill to leave his room is not there liam looks around and finds a pitcher of water and a bottle of heart meds how many pills are in the bottle dm rolled a d20 and said 17. what do they look like um circle-shaped white pills liam dumps the bottle out the window and drops 17 of the sleeping pills then crushes and dissolves three more in the water putting everything back in place diem had me roll a wisdom check to recall how it was placed thank you my lovely dice and your nat 20. liam places everything back and leaves re-unlocking the room as if he were never there liam is a chaotic neutral who since the elf has suspected the old man and does not feel bad about this someone else died from an axe then everyone starts suspecting each other big bad evil guy dies in his bed after taking his meds then chugging water when he started gagging then liam and the paladin walk out and join forces with a detective type rogue later on we ended up looking for a mermaid long story short total live-action little mermaid rip-off paladin and rogue want to buy tickets but liam convinces to just follow my lead when i made liam i rolled three 17s and being human made those 18. dex con charisma rogue expertise in intimidation and deception hunted the foreman joined the circus rogue spied as laborer paladin helped with the monsters and beasts liam had high performance and started as a performer but then took over as the animal keeper after getting the npc fired became besties with the bbeg and his second in command lunches and nightcaps daily dm forgot that liam had the sleeping pill bottle of poison with still 125 poison pills in it successfully slipped it in the big bad evil guys drink during a one-on-one meeting to discuss business we found the amulet binding the mermaid convinced the second in command that it was a heart attack and that displacer beast was ill and needed to be removed then i'd kill it in the woods then made off into the night with the lawful neutral second in command made to run a proper circus could have finished the quest in a couple weeks in game time but i might have dragged it out to a nearly a few months cause i might have wanted to keep that displacer beast i had been taming the whole time dm was annoyed at me for dismantling her bbeg fight and for a scene where the mermaid may have been acting like a brat and liam took her out of the water leaving her defenseless as he carried her over his shoulder spanking her every time she said something bratty until she swore to listen to him recently our group found its way into a sewer beneath the kingdom and after dispatching a bunch of zombies i felt that the large room we were walking into felt a little too big also only half the party had dark vision so i wanted to help them out i cast light on a piece of rubble and chucked it into the room illuminating the group of skeletons that were waiting in ambush not the first time the dm cursed my name i may have to start watching for falling rocks play a character that has a passive detect magic skill as well as a feat that lets her make a melee attack as a bonus action as long as my action is a can trip so when i was battling a sorcerer who decided to turn invisible i was able to sense which direction the sorcerer was send my mage hand in that direction until it made contact and follow up with a melee attack without disadvantage by stabbing through the hand we were being chased by a horde of zombies we were overwhelmed the only option was to run at some point in chase i remember the artificer had an alchemist jug and had made mayo with it earlier i knew that mayo was as flammable as gasoline so he threw the mayo and the wizard fire bolted it creating a wall of flames halting the zombies the party was outnumbered three to one by soldiers in a tight corridor they were wounded but still standing and almost everyone was out of spells and attacks but we had two things left can trips and a decanter of endless water using the decanter of endless water we made a literal pool for these knights in their metal armor to stand in and then i cast shocking grasp on the floor the resulting electrical burst fried everyone standing in the water dropping seven of them in one flash of lightning at the risk of blowing my own horn we had to get the macguffin necklace from a noble with the only chance being during a party where it was to be revealed as a part of a set used press the digitation to create a crude copy of the macguffin and another of the items they would disappear quickly and trigger the pressure trap a la indiana jones so he had to act quickly first rogue swapped for the macguffin and walks away handing the mcguffin off to the cleric then the fighter knocks over the pedestal revealing the crude copy rogue bumps into the chamberlain and uses sleight of hand to cause the other crude copy to drop from the chamberlain making it look like he was going to swap out that one as well since the noble is lower rank than the chamberlain he quietly pretends nothing happened while the chamberlain is trying to get a legitimate investigation started so he can prove he is innocent and everyone else is trying to start an on pro forma investigation with the idea of proving he is innocent as a foregone conclusion thwarting his attempts at a legitimate investigation we all walk out so the party was camping in a desert while traveling and they were taking turns going on watch when it came time for the cleric he fell asleep which was bad timing because a small group of knolls were about to find them he was woken up passive perception of 19 to the sound of the knolls about to capture the party so of course the cleric cast thamaturgy first thing he did was cause the campfire to dim then he caused it to flicker then to change to a purple color by this point the knolls were starting to get a bit freaked out but he didn't stop he proceeded to undim the light and instead cause harmless tremors freaking them out even more before they started hearing ominous whispers coming from around the camp they all drew their weapons ready to fight whatever was there so of course he cast it one final time this time to make the ominous whispers right behind the knoll in the back they screamed waking the rest of the party and decided to run and live to fight another day tldr the cleric used thamaturgy to scare knolls into running away clever my group got caught in a patch of super poisonous mushrooms that released deadly spores on contact my circle of spores druid collected one in a bag and used druid craft to keep it alive until i couldn't be poisoned once i reached that level i would open the bag during combat and use druidcraft to make the spores grow into mushrooms on me dm ruled they would act as the original hazard since the original had been designed to encourage us to avoid touching them if i got hit with melee the mushrooms would release their spores and do 4d6 plus 4 poison damage to the creature on a con fail half on success i was immune due to a circle of spores fire would kill the mushrooms and a strong wind would blow the spores away and they could also damage allies until i got a staff of the woodlands and awakened my pouch mushroom and convinced it to only hurt those who hurt me i rolled so well they also agreed to not only retaliate but also protect me ten temporary hit points in exchange for me keeping it alive and allowing it to seat itself with spores all over our travels so through some clever plays i created a sort of mushroom version of an armor of agathis but it was a canned trip because it was all done through druidcraft because any enemy that melee attacked me would get shredded by poison damage and i could just use druidcraft to reclaim 10 hp at each turn it was broken and was making combat boring for me so me and the dm agreed to just change it into an item i convinced the mushroom to just grow on my cloak and we homebrewed the cloak of spores or a cloak of the mushroom lord as my group called it it had three charges of retaliation spore attacks four d6 that would reset on and short rest and gave me plus two to my ac hey everyone brian here checking in after the vid if you like today's stories then please leave a like subscribe and if you haven't ring the bell to get notified whenever we post a new video if you'd like to submit a story then head on over to r mr ripper and if you ever want to find a group to play any ttrpg with be sure to check out our group finder on discord links are in the description below using a help action you can head on over to me brian von va on youtube twitter tick tock and instagram where i post videos on voice acting stream games stream a little bit of memes too and voice your d d characters with that said we always try to end on a positive and today i wanted to remind all of you guys and girls out there that none of you are burdens to anyone your friends and family they stand by you in times of turmoil because they care about you and love you i know it's hard not to hide any pain that you're holding in but those who care about you want to know how you're doing so talk to them and never feel like you just make everybody around you sour you're important to those who love you and even to this narrator here remember that all the love be safe and we will see you next time you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 51,580
Rating: 4.9320955 out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, BBEG, dnd encounters, askreddit, r/askreddit, tabletop games, tabletop simulator d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd campaigns, dungeon master screen, tabletop rpg games, reddit tales, dungeons and dragons how to play, family friendly gaming, ask reddit videos, reddit funny videos 2020, homebrew, reddit funny compilation, dnd 5e character creation, dm tips dnd 5e
Id: m6EAdtfyA1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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