What's HAUNTING this Minecraft Server? Lets find out... (Scary Minecraft Video)

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as we can see a shrine however he says okay that's concerning what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host stark and today I have a new minecraft mystery for you as some of you might already know there's an official dark corner server and it has been online since somewhere around December the staff has been doing a great job running it so far but recently I got a very concerning message on Twitter from one of the developers players and staff have been reporting strange occurrences on the server these range from regular herobrine sightings to all kinds of other things but lately new reports have started to come in about things we've never heard about before things like trees that have their logs disappear players that get levitation for five seconds seemingly at random and there's been these strange signs that seem to pop up and random places every now and then after hearing these reports I decided to join the server myself and investigate it what you are about to see is a recording for my investigation after the staff contacted me alright so we are in game now I'm going to be joining my server the IP for the server will be in the description if any of you guys want to join and play play with some of the other players or with me wanna whenever I'm online anyway so the majority of these reports have been on survival let's go ahead and go there we actually have a player there we have something strange in his base regarding all this strange stuff his name's etq i should be right next to his base by the way fun fact guys the seed use on the server is the exact same seed that I use in my single-player heroine world so there's actually been some Harry Brent sightings on the server and apparently if you make a heroine shrine on the server strange stuff happens I've had reports of people losing the gold in the shrine and seeing it getting replaced with a sand and if you've watched my streams you've even seen thunder strike on the shrines anyways let's not keep etq waiting too long show me what you found this is what the etq found it's a sign it says none four times with brackets so etq did not put this down himself I've already asked him that he does not know who put it down even though he's a moderator he's the head mod of the server and we actually have a command for moderators so now with this command I can actually see who put down blocks so for example if I put this sign down I write down dark and I enabled this I can now see that I'm the person I I faced grass I removed the grass and then I placed a sign I can see all of that but here's the strange thing with this sign it says there's no block that I found for this location so the server doesn't even know who put this sign down which is really strange at least in my opinion oh it's kind of a mystery the moderators don't know who it is the administrators is the the developers they don't know what the cause for this is neither do i we're gonna investigate it a little bit let me take this down before our advanced briefing is it okay if I around the case etq always asked to permission guys all right sure so he says sure let's close this behind us at a pretty cool thing going here there we go so we are in the cave now and it's really quiet down here this is the base above here somewhere is where the sign was placed you gotta try everything who knows maybe etq built this cave or you mind into this cave and somehow release some kind of curse maybe dug into an old ancient grave the perks of being a server owner you get to do this you can fly around you can also do this with a rank by the way you can get a rank on the website wink wink links should also be in the description let's see where this leads us looks like any regular cave to me don't see anything out of the ordinary it is not yet or at least nothing I've noticed [Music] it looks like this is where et Q built a little tunnel [Music] [Music] I'm going to turn around very slowly you're sued viewers at home and feel my paranoia but you never know maybe there'll be a screamer right around the corner oh boy Ceylan staff manager let me zoom in on the chat turns out there is an on sign in my cottage they didn't expect that no one is allowed to build there okay so tally star also found a sign but they didn't find it in their base they found it in a random place let's teleport over there this is what Alice stars found and once again if I check who put this down no data found same goes for there for the obsidian so someone put this obsidian down but I have no clue who it was when did you first find this structure today see how long this has been going on and when did when did you find the signs etq let's see 1 egq fondest so we have a so we can have a little idea of how long this has been going on a few months ago [Music] crazy so this has been going on for a couple of months at least so one one and a half month it's crazy an ET Cuse base is about 10,000 blocks away from here it's not even close so let's see and really noticed anything else trains uh what about you tell estar okay me and Kristin saw some weird science a long time ago again can you remember what the signs were about and another fun fact by the way guys so the the moderators actually have a plugin if someone puts down a sign they can see what they put on the sign so if anyone put some swear words or whatever on the sign the moderators know so don't do that but if someone puts down a sign that says none four times they should also see it but no one has a clue who's been doing this who or what has been causing this all right so here's alien one of the developers so if anyone knows what's causing this it should be him or one of the other developers but once again guys we have no clue disable this okay so sailin has some kind of secret shrine place here that's sneaky okay so we can see a shrine however he says okay that's concerning you only found this today [Music] no one can build here wait okay so you're the only one who can build here on this place [Music] okay so Zaillian is the only person coming you can place science or any other blocks here but he's not the person who put this down just to be sure no block data so something is going on let's act sailing I haven't been down here for ages just found it again tonight okay so you have no clue how long this sign has been here when was the last time he visited his shrine he so likes aliens asked if he he doesn't know how long this has been here he's also inspected it with the command and it has no blocked data we're gonna ask him one the last time was if he if he remembers the last time he was at this shrine I know the players love a good mystery in this mystery I'm not sure what to think guys I've never seen anything like this before so Zaillian says he has been here about two weeks ago so he built this about two weeks ago and that's also around the same time when he was last here so this in the previous two weeks someone or something put down this sign with nun on it oh dude you guys are seeing this right what is up everyone welcome to dark corners my name is dark and in this video we will continue our investigation into none a strange entity found on my official server if you haven't seen the previous video I highly recommend you do that first you can find it in the description and also the IP for my server can be found there so what you will be seeing in this video is a replay of one of my live streams in which something terrifying occurred while I was playing on my server enjoy there we go I believe we're life right now so if you guys saw my last Minecraft video you guys know what this livestream will be about I've gotten some weird weird sightings I guess you could call them on the server if you want to know more just check the previous video it will have all the information so what we're gonna be doing in this livestream is we're gonna do some more exploration and if you guys want you can also join the server IP is in the description we're gonna go straight into survival very fitting it's nighttime right now so I've run in the server shout out to you guys hope you're having fun so I don't think anything strange happens near the spawn I think it usually happens near the less crowded places where maybe one person made a base stuff like that like in real life houses that are haunted are usually away from the downtown area of the city that kind of stuff am i right I'm just gonna go one way until we stop seeing all these structures because that would probably mean that it's a bit less crowded more chance for creepy stuff to happen this is kind of surprising this isn't that far from the spawn but I don't think anyone built nobody has built anything here oh there we go an abandoned structure looks like someone decided to stop working on it the treehouse interesting signs down here looks like someone is using science to speak full cave hope I'm allowed to go in here hope I'm not trespassing right now I'm not gonna open the chests the want to invade anyone's privacy at least not more than I already have interesting a random cave [Music] how many people are on right now a bunch I'm not gonna count that okay don't go into other people's house what are you you don't respect people's privacy I'm really not sure where I should be going I think this is way too abandoned I think we might just set up our own base somewhere and do some experiments how about that guys let's see let's see near the water Thunder we hear we hear the Thunder but we don't see any rain I'm guessing the rain is coming think we're gonna build our base right here while not our base we're gonna build our laboratory here so might as well use ayran think Ireland fits a laboratory more than stone we have a shrine here that we didn't experiment on I'm guess I'm gonna build like a Charlie Charlie thing and a sign that says none and see what happens you just got attacked hmm interesting right next to the hybrid shrine [Music] [Music] there we go I'm sure someone will finish the roof for me when these people have their own home I wonder this actually looks not bad I'll be honest I'm kind of proud of myself making like three squares attach to each other I've got a donation for Raj you could see you again man dark I love your vids and love your works that you are doing thank you thank you very much for donating and I'm really glad you like my content I'm glad you're still here shoutout to you man and also thank you to all the other regulars that are joining stream again I see you guys I see you guys I see all the same people that always comment on my videos that always tweet at me that are always in the chat I notice that stuff thank you all very much you just kinda crap let's see this was supposed to be the Bloody Mary place we got the cauldron which is good is this place big enough though we need a door at this site it is gonna be complicated especially with this amount of people you know what we've got a laboratory set up now I got it set up as my spawn what we're gonna do now we're gonna explore the server a little bit let's see etq cow [Music] let's ask him oh he's here already let's see if I remember correctly it was somewhere it's still here this place looks a bit better than last time even got a chicken up here anyway so this is the non sign and here's the way down definitely less crowded here I think more people would fit here than in my laboratory and this looks a bit mined out okay let's get a sword in case you know what when I talk like this you know stuff just got real you never know what's around this corner Oh oh this is the tunnel guys look how long this tunnel is you won't believe me I actually have to fly to get through this I'm not kidding watch this we're still going dude this would be perfect place for oh my god every time I'm not gonna say J wait what the hell was that guy saw that smoke you guys saw it too right there was some smoke right in front of me what was it those redstone and emit smoke like that wait wait let's let's get some torches pretty sure I saw some smoke particles [Music] [Music] oh dude you guys are seeing this right previously on dark corners we're gonna go straight into survival anyway so this is the non sign and here's the way down definitely less crowded here every time I'm on Vince Aging wait what the hell was that you guys saw that smoke that's all - right there was some smoke right in front of me [Music] this wasn't here last time guys I'm 100% sure when I recorded the video I went through this place I didn't go up here we're gonna hide here for a little bit see if we find anything strange thank you very much dear mr. gamer for the donation we're just gonna we're just gonna stay here for a while right [Applause] think we lost it just in case but I'm not gonna use a torch so I'm sorry if you guys can see this wait let's listen and this should be safe now or do that wasn't me I want [Music] so for the people that are just joining the stream it seems like something is chasing me down here not sure what it is it sees some smoke in the tunnel going down when I went down the tunnel you guys hear that I'm gonna try to get out of here slowly guys you have to remember I'm like the server owner I have like the highest admin privileges on the server if someone was trolling me pranking me I'd know I'm Frank Abel let's close this off just for good measure see what did we even end up I think this is a good time for a quick break let's hide in this village hope the villages will protect me meantime I'm gonna get something to drink that was a long chase what are the chances of this happening okay I'm gonna I'm gonna hide here guys I'm gonna be back in less than two minutes I'm just gonna get some water for my bottle so see you all in about two minutes don't go anywhere there we go right so we can take this off screen now started to rain actually stay keeps getting creepier wait what sir or glass the darkness wait wait wait wait you guys are uh these were broken when I entered right you guys sure it wasn't the villager wait give me one second I'm gonna I can rewind the stream let me check let me check real quick guys I'm watching the stream right now I'm gonna check just in case okay I believe you guys I believe you guys wasn't him I'm getting yeah getting kind of freaked out here yes normally the entire server would be stalking me right now I'm actually starting to miss it where is everyone all right let's go let's go yolks on you it's actually not a cave but we're gonna make a game out of it let's see that was just me I heard right my mind playing tricks on me mama gets me every time no [ __ ] salsa gonna listen closely I'm I'm in sneak mode right now and something just fell down in my house downstairs wait give me one second guys something literally just fell down some stairs let me check [Music] our load is what I come back here luckily I'm in creative mode so as far as I know I can't actually die yes I hope I can't you guys hear that kinda sounded like something flying past me what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and I have another video for you guys on my server check the description for the IP we got another creepy thing that one of my staff members found his name is night core beats let's head over to him he's waiting for us there is night core beats so he found something strange in this area let's ask him a night core so what did you find already night time on a server so this is the perfect time to record a creepy video shout out to everyone who's on the server right now by the way and to all the people that join every day ok so as I was looking for a new home I found some strange crosses it's right here and I've got some crosses let's bust us the kind we keep finding in our worlds to think that might even be one over there right thanks to this ravine okay so he found some strange crosses and they go 1,500 flax farm that's how far they reach that's pretty crazy dude there's something mr. v Nover queso he's found loads of ravines this is only one I'm guessing oh and he says the strangest one so far is this one let's follow him see where he's gonna take us right straight ravine what's so strange about it multiple redstone torches have appeared and disappeared in this ravine just jump straight down so yeah this isn't the first time I hear about redstone torches appearing on the server a lot of different players claim stuff like herobrine no torches all that stuff but I actually haven't seen huh interesting let me ask you guys might have known I'm going to check the date back the average if you've ever seen one of the old videos on my server we have a command called see oh I and with this I can see if someone blazes a block so if I place a block here I do see your eye I can now see ours the person who put this down no date no black data okay so even the server doesn't know oh oh of course if you won't attack me almost looks like the creeper is protecting this torch but it's probably just a coincidence the smart torch is down here interesting all right I think I know enough all right nightcore thank you there are seven ravines in one seven ravines no wonder it looks so big at this this is so according to night code this isn't a single ravine it's seven ravines let's check it out it's a bunch of separating passageways and it's been explored before you can see all these torches so I'm guessing someone has been here might have been nightcore alright I know enough I'll investigate thank you to light for all right so let's check it out I'm going to start from the top okay so we also mentions that the entrances are in two blocks big so it's like someone made a tunnel let's just start over here let's jump straight down so now I'm going to do first is I'm just gonna follow these torches seems like whoever explored this stopped exploring right here even another torch right here it's floating in the air wait a minute that even possible don't think torches are supposed to be able to float like that are they it has interesting so that's a floating redstone torch here another redstone torch another one okay I'm guessing this is one of the tunnels that nightcore mentioned before I started digging that way I wanna investigate the other side let's see if there's anything else interesting over here it was kind of weird so whoever was exploring escaped they put down torches until they got here and for some reason they decided not to go further which if this was me my curiosity would have peaked or maybe they they ran out of torches went back to their base and just forgot about this all possible right so I'm guessing this part of the ravine ends here looks like that's a wall between this ravine and the other one they still all connected this has back to redstone torches that should check that out I don't know we're done here we're gonna explore the rest of the ravines all right so let's start digging also one thing I noticed all the restaurant torches are off get a torch which is actually really weird how is that even possible so we have floating torches that are also not on now they are I've never seen that before that's really it's strange there might be an explanation might be a buggy glitch or whatever but it's really weird make sure we do use torches that's really creepy just a torch floating in the air gotta watch out here luckily I'm in creative mode so as far as I know I can't actually die yes I hope I can't you guys hear that kinda sounded like something flying past me not sure if you guys can hear it in the in the video what my game is loud enough actually really I'm gonna go this way because that's where the sound came from it's pretty weird this is actually need anywhere it's kind of making me paranoid maybe it's another player maybe this okay okay know what that's actually possible maybe it was just another player who happened to I don't know fly pass me on the ground within a light run I'm getting out of here I'm gonna check out the rest of ravine pass this redstone torch okay so let's see we're gonna find anymore we will find another trail like this one maybe I suppose pass this redstone torch [Music] okay so let's see we're gonna find anymore we will find another trail like this one do are we gonna get out of here I'm guessing this way or we can follow these torches again it is wait a minute even a redstone torch up here you guys seen this this one right here above the rest you dig here just in case there's something hidden Oh so here that's what I meant how are there floating redstone torches if they get broken when you break the block that they are attached to how does that work look if I break this the torch falls down so how how did this happen what I'm wondering [Music] hopefully we'll find out at some point okay here's the rest of the ravines [Music] about exploring one of these gates I'm gonna pick one let's go right there probably connected anyways see told you all right so this is a very big ravine look at all these caves look how easy it is to get lost here lucky for the players whoever whoever explored is lucky for them we have slash home slash spawn to teleport otherwise it would be really hard to get out of here without dying if you get lost let's try to keep track of where we've been we've been over there I'm going this way gotta two little windows here and the redstone torch coincidence let's find out it's got a restaurant torture than any else is there is this another pet maybe this is the one that nightcore showed us I believe it's not one down here this could be another pet way let's follow the regular torches to where this leads hope I'm not gonna go in a circle another one this one is lit up though this one is lit up we're in a mineshaft now there's a bunch of other redstone torches maybe I suppose okay I was gonna say maybe we're supposed to follow the the torture that are lit up I'm guessing we went the right way anyways we're supposed to go down here that's supposed to be a dungeon right that's that's a dungeon this mossy cobblestone there's a bunch of chests okay wait we're we're gonna get back here at some point but I want to check out the rest of the pathways over wait wait wait before we do that let's check just in case do I have COI enabled I do no block data no black data so the server doesn't know who put this down that's creepy okay we're gonna go back to the other torches we're gonna check out where daily maybe we'll find another cross maybe something worse or maybe that's treasure at the end of this rainbow hmm it's just normal what kind of ground is this soul sand soul sand what's that I've actually never seen head before with a new update or should I be worried right now let me know in the comment section so much and I'm not completely sure what soul sand is right so I'm really curious I want to know what happened in this mine shaft so someone's been here you guys can see the torches someone's explored this before I'm guessing they had the same idea as mine following the torches redstone torches it is more over here one here at the dead end it might be wrong but are you guys noticing this that's a redstone torch over here so he didn't put a regular torch there for some reason maybe he didn't notice it nevermind whoever whoever explored this didn't put the torch with every redstone torch another whoa this is crazy another floating one right here tell me in the comment section people I don't think that's supposed to be possible so how are these redstone torches floating like that me I mean I'm a pretty big noob in Minecraft maybe that's just something I don't know okay not a lit up one starting to get darker here no torches so I'm guessing that means right okay so this has all been explored before there's no torches here though so I'm guessing this is uncharted territory okay nobody's been here yet except whoever put this down see there's more torches down here that's where I'm going can be a dead end I thought that if we don't find anything at the end of these restaurant torches just means I'm a bad investigator and I missed something because there has to be a reason for these to be here right what do you guys think let me know in the comment section below who knows maybe you're gonna be right maybe you're gonna help me in the next episode it actually looks like this is a dead end which is a bit surprising we must have missed something maybe a clue or something maybe maybe we followed the wrong redstone trail let's check out the other ones this actually leads back up we spend an entire in-game night and these ravines and all we found is the redstone torches but it does look like you've run out of them fly up see if we see any that we missed I think we haven't seen this one yet hmm some more Oh what does that happen interesting minecraft works in mysterious ways this for me it does he's a dad restaurateur didn't actually lead anywhere maybe we missed some guys you know the IP of the server it's in the description under the video you can join if you have a regular minecraft PC version so if you want to join you can join and maybe if you're brave enough you can ask our friend nightcore for the location of these ravines or maybe we'll even make a teleport to it so anyone can join tell me what you guys find in here cuz I'm by myself here I only have two eyes but all you people if you all work together and investigate maybe you'll find something I missed so yeah if you decide to do that let me know in the comment section below let me know if you found something let me know what you found tweet me pictures on Twitter at dark corners YT and before I end this video quick shout out to all the players on the server right here and all the people that aren't online right now but do play on it and all the people who want to play on it all the people watching this video right now thank you all so much for watching my videos for all support 160 K sub scribers I still can't believe it thank you all so much dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 876,837
Rating: 4.9057899 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft haunted server, haunted minecraft server, haunted minecraft, minecraft server, scary minecraft server, do not play minecraft at 3 am, dark corners, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft challenge, herobrine in minecraft, minecraft at 3 am, scary videos, scary videos that make you jump and scream, minecraft scary video, minecraft haunted seed, minecraft haunted, minecraft charlie charlie, 3 am minecraft, finding herobrine in minecraft
Id: xXQ2WCkC62E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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