Do NOT Download Minecraft off the DARK WEB... (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

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today we're gonna do a bit of a strange video because I actually got something very strange in my Instagram DMS at Duncan's TV by the way make sure you follow somebody send me a link to some kind of deep web site I mean I had to install a weird browser VPN whatever all that stuff is just to get on it this is it it just has entered the Red Room I think I should not enter but um my views have been pretty bad so I'm willing to risk my life for that extra view before I actually do this though guys make sure you leave a like on this video right now we're gonna go for five thousand likes and make sure you subscribe and Tauro post implications so you don't miss any other videos I was never on Instagram at tocker's TV entered the Red Room I wonder what this is gonna be guys enter oh it's just what are you struggling to scrape by yes $50,000 all you have to do is play our game um okay yeah I'll do that it's a game about placing blacks and going on adventures it's set and infinitely generated the worlds of wide open terrain icy mountains swampy swampy Bay use vast pastures and much more filled with secrets wonders and Beryl why does this sentence kind of sound sarcastic purchase the game oh I got pay money it's like the lottery I can win $50,000 but I gotta pay to play for a click purchase the game I got a very important inquiry for you guys can you leave like right now cuz I saw like little Jake up in the back there he didn't press like when I said it last time so I'm gonna wait for you guys I mean 5,000 likes guys it's not too much to ask for right purchase the game I'd better not be expensive Oh what kind of what I need to do this okay I'll just use my my minecraft username I'm guessing this is gonna be my username in the game or something like that BTC address Bitcoin address pick up location wait like a physical pickup wait I was expecting them to like give me a download link is this like a physical pic application I'm gonna a pick a location where I walk best everyday like to school and stuff um but not too close to home so I can check everyday if there's anything weird right guys I filled it in do I get something now your purchase will be delivered at your assigned pickup location shortly shortly could be a week it could be a month what it could be right now what do you are you talking about luckily it's a location I walk past almost every day so I can check I made it very specific so they're supposed to like hide package or whatever it's gonna be I guess I'll see you guys when it arrives so until then well-well-well guys you can consider me very surprised I just came back from doing groceries I walked past a point my pickup location that I set up a couple of days ago and look what was there it was sitting there I'm lucky it wasn't raining because this would have been broken and I would have lost all my money except they didn't take any of my bitcoins I haven't paid anything so I'm thinking now that they only need my Bitcoin address in case I win and they'll the bus at 50 grand mean that's a good deal I'm sure nothing shady about it okay let's just put this in and see what we find what should I put this in my PC why not okay there's a folder here called game I guess we're just gonna check it out I can already see there's some kind of it's minecraft installer wait what that's not minecraft it's literally it's literally minecraft did I just get scammed did I get bamboozled I'm not gonna install Minecraft again I already have minecraft oh there's a text file here as well with some weird goats I think I got bamboozled guys oh my god what if this is a virus what if I just put a virus on my PC oh well don't think that this could be a minecraft seed do you it would make sense right you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna go onto minecraft see what happens okay I'm gonna create a new world I'm gonna call this Deep Web i guess survival but I'm gonna give it a seed I'm gonna allow cheats just in case I hope that doesn't ruin my chances it didn't say anything about not using cheats so uh I think I'm probably safe right okay create a new world this is kinda exciting I've never done a video like this before it's the way that they're giving me a seed you expect like maybe a world like a world file or at least an actual game I mean it's this kind of piracy they gave me minecraft I didn't use the pirated copy though oh look I'm so using my Jeff Decatur skin from where actual traitor okay this looks like a regular Mike nothing out of the ordinary one thing that's on an ordinary auto jumps in abled with a freak place without a jump really why is this on by default this is a really Appleseed though there's nothing added ordinary it he's not not yet so just gonna play on this world like it's a regular Minecraft world a regular survival world so we're gonna need to collect wood and all that stuff you know what I'm gonna do this time I'm gonna get enough wood for crafting table and then I'm gonna make an X right away so I can chop wood faster I don't know why I have not been doing that like my whole life but that's probably because I'm kind of stupid sure you guys knew that already what the Freak and this is the spawn point now this is epic look this kind of looks like an animal don't it this is crazy okay guys guys y'all know it the steel right you see you saw the seed go play on the seat as well and let me know in the comments section of my other videos or on Instagram what kind of weird stuff you find okay okay I'm getting distracted this is a really awesome seed once again we're gonna make an axe real quick now we're gonna continue chopping wood you know what's up there we go speaking of cool seeds if you guys thought any other cool seats please I've known the comment section is well cause I'm kind of curious look there's a tree I'm just fanboying over the seat I know I know let's keep it up let's keep it up it doesn't feel like it wouldn't act that much faster than just chopping wood with my hands to be honest look at this beautiful water as well dang me but there's sea monster this is amazing now the question is where will I be making my base I could make it I could make it here and then I can probably mine down here let's make a big exit because I already see cool and I could use some no not an axe a pickaxe go get that coal down here I guess it's just a regular survival series now we're gonna see what kind of words that we find if we find any weird stuff we're just gonna go over here to this mountain cuz I'm curious to see what we'll find over here I'm not seeing anything weird yet but maybe I'm just not looking I mean I am looking but not looking close enough I'm gonna get this go later maybe we should head down right cuz we've been on this mountain we haven't gone down yet Oh y'all see that I'm sure y'all see that right in the water once again guys check the seat out yourself but I see something in the water I don't have a boat but I'm going to just swim there real quick just to confirm if I'm seeing this correctly cuz that to me looks like yes you guessed it a little cross where is it oh that but not be a sea monster on this seed look it's an actual cross I haven't seen one of these in like weeks or months okay so we got our first interesting thing cross could be a coincidence of course what the Frick look at the lava okay but we have to remember this place you can stay near it I mean obviously our base is gonna meet in this mountain so we're not never gonna be too far there's lava over here guys I kinda see this and how do I get the 50 grand that's what I wondering right now I mean they said just play a game so if I quit now I win is that it okay wait up guys I just spotted something that's kind of interesting look in the wall of this mountain there's another cross but it's kind of like a reverse crowds because the blocks are gone there's a grass in the ocean there's a zombie that doesn't matter but do these grasses have something to do with each other and once again they could be just randomly generated if you see a cross in Minecraft it doesn't mean that there's something up with your world some kind of wondering what's happening and there's like lava here so maybe like it gave somewhere I can check out oh wait there's a game right here what's up wait I'm gonna kill this zambra Hey Oh Steph actually killed it nice oh wait there's a cave right here but it's flooded I'm not sure if it matters I don't have two torches wait wait wait wait wait wait thanks I got it there's the torch there so somebody's been here there's a sign a red join wait wait wait wait oh my god stop with the water it's not funny join play that red room that XYZ Joe is this this is a server address are they asking me to join a server now I don't know if I should join a server I mean they could like probably trace me and stuff if I join a server because they'll be able to see my IP and stuff so I'm not sure if I should do that you know what though I'm gonna save the IP anyways we'll just play that rec room that X Y Z so add server it's called the Red Room what does that even mean what what kind of significance is that have Red Room it was called play dot Red Room dot X Y Z done can't resolve hostname it doesn't even work it doesn't okay I can't even join it I have to figure it out or maybe you guys have some ideas as to what I can do please let me know down below in the comment section I guess I'm gonna end this video here but I'm sure this is just to start with this crazy whatever it is this dark web adventure you might remember a while ago I found a copy of Minecraft on the dark web at the end of the video I pretty much found a server IP for some kind of Red Room server but it was offline but today for the first time since that video it actually came online as you can see right here oh don't tell me oh no it's working Red Room a minecraft server it has one slot the icon is just a red black I'm just gonna go in there probably a bad idea but hey who cares before I do that don't make sure give a like we're gonna go for five times like some more market videos subscribe there are post notifications and check out the brand new merch on dark Murtaugh CEO should I do this no but I see you guys thinking Oh dark just do it we don't care about your safety we just want a cool video I got you boys don't even trip about it red room if there's any dark web hackers on this server they probably have my IP by now so they could show up at my door at any moment now this looks like go wreck I don't see anything either ordinary a lot of pigs wait it's nighttime so this server didn't just open it's already nighttime ok sheep a house house latest nah wait wait wait guys guys I have to check something here this actually looks awfully familiar very ok wait there's no way okay you guys have no idea what's happening right now I know this house because I built this together with vintage this is from one of our survival worlds where we didn't record on we played on here for fun but that's a while ago I don't think I even have this world on my computer anymore so how the Frick did it end up on this server that's kind of cheap you're scaring me that's kind of weird wait I gotta make sure maybe just a similar seed in house no look we even have the chests dark and vintage we play it on here we're planning or maybe a recording a survival series on here but we ended up not doing it because we had a lot of other series there's no stuff though this place was filled with stuff it's not vintage pranking me as it can't be can be vintage way too cheap you would not have to pay for a server to be hosted not starting to rain as well that's crazy I'm gonna see if there's anything else out of the ordinary here open door got the darks right here though I'm pretty sure we made these dykes between ever ended up making boats so these boats are made by someone else so what I'm guessing and we didn't really explore much we pretty much stayed on this island a weird okay I don't know if you guys realize how kind of freaked out I am once again this was a world meet and vintage played and we did not put it on the server if you guys are old school minecraft plays you know all the stuff would connect to one and all that stuff local area that's how we played it so we never put this map on the server but yet here it is on the dark room server so how did that happen sheep do you have any idea how that happened I'm gonna give you a name your name is Harold this is Harold the Sheep well what's that Harold you want everybody to leave a like right now or else I'll eat you how did you know guys you heard Harold leave a like or else he's gonna end up in my tummy mmm still a regular survival world I do have to collect resources it's not a dark horse banker video if I don't collect at least one stack of wood right guys it's also not a dark corners video unless I ask you guys to follow me on instagram at dark earnest TV yeah I wonder how long it's been nighttime because I kind of miss the Sun it's kind of we're starting a Minecraft world and it starts at nighttime because you want to see the Sun first like something isn't right here all right we got some wood what was that here's some footsteps that better have been me dark web hacker stay out of my way I'm serious or else ha I'll unplug my internet better watch it that's real tread all right that's enough wood got chests but I didn't see our crafting tables in the base so that's missing as well Harold Harold stay there so I do have to make one guys my inventory is not working I'm pressing the button for my inventory it's not working okay something fishy is going on here I can press tab I'm the only one on the server well I can't be the only one on the server because it only has one slot I just filled it what the Frick can I do anything else I'm not I'm not an adventure mode because I can run around I can destroy stuff we wait even an invention what you can use your inventory so what okay that's weird wait I can use the chests how am I supposed to craft anything I can't craft anything okay that's too it I guess um I'm not supposed to craft anything on the server maybe I'm just supposed to explore maybe that's what the boats are for maybe I'm gonna go to the other side see if anything out of the ordinary can be spotted over there right guys mm still nighttime this is an awfully long night don't you guys think I just keep going Wow it's literally nothing I'm really proud of that house me a vintage build though I can understand why these dark web hackers copied it because it's beautiful especially the roof I made the roof I'm just saying I'm just I'm taking full credit for that oh oh y'all see that that is a redstone torch let me check that out it's a restaurant tunnel holy moly guacamole this better not be vintage we put this here can't be vintage would never true me right guys okay but it's just a tunnel there's nothing else here that's weird oh it's finally daytime still raining but leave the Sun ass up I mean that's a good thing oh I see a lonely red torch over there redstone torch the jaw did you lose someone cuz I think I'm wait this one this is creepy look at this this redstone torch is floating in the sky and the black behind it is really dark to confess zoom in it's literally darkness anyways guys I think y'all lost a little brother he's all the way over there what looks like a small island where's my boat I'm gonna get him for y'all don't even work don't even trip a piloted I'm a good guy like that don't worry I got y'all mmm so there's some lonely redstone torch over here wait a second is this across does this look like a cross to you guys let me know in the comment section down below cuz I think it actually might be okay so there's one torch over here why is it over here it's like x marks the spot should I just start digging oh I'm a dick no yeah dig down here that's where the wait now am I gonna dig down with all this water oh no this is a problem how am I gonna wait no I'm an idiot wait if I dig down from over here I can get down there no water right wait ah no that's to no dark you're an idiot I know odda you did it again okay I have to keep digging down see here's the problem I can't get a precast or anything because I can't make a crafting table so I can't craft any tools so I only have my hands and I just fell down and there's a door here where does this door lead oh my god there's a freaking iron door here I can't make a button guys crafting doesn't work what's behind this place you'll see this some kind of a black one of the new blacks decoration relax guys there's something behind you look just even obsidian destroyed us all way too long hmm wait if I just I can destroy the black under the door right and then the door gets destroyed right right that's how it works okay guys I'm so smart these dummy this works in a word what's in here - red black some kind should I should I go in here guys there could be anything maybe the hackers are in here I don't have any tools I don't have anything to defend myself with so I'm not gonna go in there just yet guys I'm gonna ask you right now let me know down below in the comment section how the Frick am I gonna deal with not having any tools is there a way to fix this and should I go in here if I should go into this room please leave a like right now and I'm doing the comment section why why do you want me to go in here honestly there's no reason to there's probably a bunch of hackers with my IP right now on their way to kidnap me all because I want to make a video for you guys so thanks a lot now I'm just kidding but thrilled oh let me know down below in the comment section why I should go in here because honestly I can't think of a reason I'm actually gonna black oh my I'm stuck I'm stuck guys I'm stuck oh boy you guys talk in for a pretty crazy video we're back again on the dark web server and minecraft but something strange is going on when I joined the server today I saw that max place lot got increased to do it used to be one before so apparently someone else can join the server now while I'm on it by the way if you have no idea what I'm talking about then you definitely have not seen the previous video you should probably check it out down below in the description I'm gonna leave it right there I found a dark web server I joined it and for some reason one of my very old survival worlds was on the server no idea how anyone managed to get that off my PC but whatever I'm not gonna ask any questions once again welcome everyone to dark corners I'm your host dark and if you don't see more Minecraft videos like this make sure you leave a like subscribe and turn on post notifications while you're at it why not follow me on instagram at dark corners TV in the previous video we actually found a very strange grass in the ocean I'm sure you guys want me to go there no actually I I'm getting way too ahead of myself guys we found something else we actually found a redstone tunnel right here y'all see this and when I found this restaurant tunnel I looked out of it and that's how I found the crust in the ocean you can't actually see it right now cuz I'm guessing my draw distance is being a bit iffy but it's there as you can see I dug down on it no I'm not digging straight down in Minecraft I mean I like danger how am I gonna get down here safely I didn't think this through maybe I can just use this thing oh by the way I have a hair burn skin because I chilled Freyr a while back y'all think I can jump down safely Nick okay so that was like an iron door here that I destroyed even though I had a redstone torch which apparently I could have used to open the door I didn't know that because once again I'm a total noob and I asked you guys if I should destroy these blocks and see what's behind here and well you guys said yes break it down dark could kill you but we don't care that's not literally what you guys said obviously but you know I'm just filling in the blanks here it's getting dark though I'm not sure if I should do this right now actually oh we're gonna destroy this and see what's Oh y'all see this set up some kind of red some kind of red room there's someone here guys should I okay I'm freaked out okay no no no no I've never been here what the Frick this I'm gonna have some server guys someone else on the server what what the Frick someone else is on the server and they know that I saw them Oh y'all saw what he looked like he had like a freaking red mask on has he been there property ever since the Mex slaps on the server got increased to do right oh my how did I get I'm lost I'm not working we're a civilization I can't remember how I got here is just my house Oh guys I'm in so much trouble this they definitely saw me I should not have stayed there and looked at him I should have just gotten away right away are they chasing me they're not chasing me what you guys think that was please let me know down below in the comment section cuz whoever that was looked hella creepy I'm freaking out right now do you guys think they know where my house is could it be in a dark web admin does he have admin powers can he teleport I don't know all I know is I want to go to sleep wait can I even go to sleep does he have to go to sleep oh no so does that mean he's not another player I'm so confused this makes no sense aren't all players supposed to go to sleep I didn't see a bed in that red room over there so I doubt he went to sleep should I go back there yes I'm gonna go back there we shall see that did I see something oh my I saw something moving guys right next to the pigs I hope you can see it in the video i 100% saw something moving right there I should not investigate I've seen enough horror movies oh yeah I'm not investigating I'm just getting food you know I'm just I'm just hunting food that's all right guys hashtag hunting food haha show your support down below ok there's nothing here who's that who's that who's that what was that woo I don't know creepers could climb trees haha right guys ok I'm gonna go back to the Red Room that's what we're calling calling it from now on a door just opened if a door opens and nobody's nearby to hear it did it really open cuz I didn't hear anything there's nobody even on this server guys let me see oh dang I flooded this place my bad oh my boat scared me getting jump scared by my own ship in Minecraft at 3m in case you're wondering yes it's actually not 3m right now it's 4 a.m. I have surpassed myself I'm gonna investigate not at the guy whoever was here is gone it's a red room with redstone what and it's covered by obsidian what is that whoa whoa no no stop guys mic game just crashed should I even go back on the server now cuz obviously whoever's on the server doesn't want me there okay calm down I'll go back on don't even worry okay guys here you can see the Red Room you can see there's one player on it has to be player whoever's doing this can't respawn spawn right next oh that's the sign that I haven't seen before leave who's been grieving my base I'm gonna just destroy this son I'm not gonna leave what was he gonna do kidnap me you should never have joined this server I'm just gonna ignore this it's too late I've already joined the server so I was gonna keep playing on here if he's so creepy or so cool why does he show himself is he that scared of me communicating to me with signs like he's too scared to face me face to face in game I mean if it's an actual dark web hacker why doesn't she just visit me at home I mean speak of the devil there he is y'all see this [Music] see he's running away see he's more scared of me then I'm scared of a matter of fact I'm not scared of him at all what's he gonna do it's just another player it's not hair print or it goes to whatever it's literally another player that got admin powers on this little cute server there's probably a free server on some free minecraft hosting website he's trying to creep me out oh I'm just gonna keep playing on the server if he wants me gone he'll just have to ban me so let's ban dark corners I lost my stuff in the explosion you gotta be kidding me do I at least have some resources I think I do stop actually putting down more signs no I'm not stopping first thing I'm gonna make is a sword just in case the guy tries to act tough and just [Music] okay that's that actually scared me I'm not gonna lie that actually got me really good this dude knows how to do his jump scares but he's still like creeping me out himself what kind of cartoon is this the same Tom and Jerry buddy it's Minecraft - stop stop messing around rez is dude I'm actually gonna attack and if I if I see him I'm not gonna look at him I'm just gonna go straight at him - yeah here there he is huh what how did he disappear that quickly there's no way he did that with commands he had like less than a millisecond to react how the Frick that he disappeared okay maybe I'm a little creeped out tiny bit you know let's let's make this a fun video if you're still watching this video go down below in the comment section a post hashtag darknet get it cuz dark corners dark net dark web get it post it down below in the comment section and just so I know if you guys are actually watching the whole video maybe he has cheats me because I don't know anything about cheats and Micra so maybe whoever's trolling me has some crazy cheese and make him go invisible by just pressing a button it's actually getting dark I think I'm gonna go to bed anybody wants to stalk me feel free to watch me sleep I actually have no issues with that at all I mean I don't even have a sword it's not like I'm gonna jump out of bed and attack you or anything let's go to bed actually wait oh whoa whoa whoa busted you got busted buddy I actually busted him I just wanted to make a stove so I could cook the meat that oh I don't have meat I forgot I lost in the explosion okay whatever I'm just gonna go to bed what is he oh oh are you kidding me okay hello hello I'm talking to you hello what wait wait wait wait guys that's my real name how does he know my real name how the Frick does he know who I am that's guys if he had said hello dark I would not be creeped out at all cuz my nametag is dark corners but how does he know my this is my real name this is the name I was given at Birth allegedly what okay okay that that's actually creepy like no this might be the creepiest thing this guy's some kind of stalker does he actually know me or did he just pull some trick to get my name off my minecraft account or something I don't know guys please let me know down below in the comment section if I should be worried right now should I even keep playing on the server please let me know down below ah nice noise just creepy much okay I'm out here I'm out here guys please just let me know down below any kind of section what the Frick I should do okay I'm gonna stay away from the server for a little while until things start to cool down because I'm actually creeped out welcome back everyone to a brand new minecraft video I'm your host dark welcome to dark corners today we're back on the dark web server a lot of you guys in the previous video told me I should not join the server again but this time I'm not alone I'm not the only person who's gonna get kidnapped by some dark web hackers I actually invited vintage to this server but he doesn't know that it's a dark web server yet so I'm gonna tell him that in a bit if you wanna see more market videos like this make sure you leave a like right now let's start to hit 5,000 likes subscribe turn on post notifications and while you're at it don't forget to follow me on instagram at Dark Horse TV now let's get right into the video go casa es su casa it kind of looks like our old survival world like why what is this what's this okay listen listen I know I told you this is my server but I kind of lied about it because I knew otherwise you wouldn't join continue you know how I told you I was I was checking out the dark web and stuff I kinda bought minecraft of the dark web and I kind of found an IP of a dark web minecraft server and this is the server this is a dark web minecraft server bro check out my last three videos I'm not kidding I found this IP on the dark web sure why why don't you believe me your real name is here how how would they know your real name well that's the thing someone's been playing on the server in my previous video someone else was on here and I have no idea who it was they didn't have a name tag but for some reason they knew my real name okay is this the only thing because that's weak evidence is that no you want to find the first thing I found something really strange grab a boat the first thing I found this right my craft right dark web surfer come on follow me oh please dude stop it this is the first thing I found look right over there where oh yeah listen look this redstone tunnel yeah but I didn't know come on it's like it's not that come on prayer is probably trolley you know I'm no freer has no idea about this server I black freighter on everywhere follow me this week look as I found that tunnel I went this way and actually found a cross in the water across yes dude check out my videos I'm serious I'm not I'm not breaking I I did have time so what's in the cross I see obsidian already there's like a Red Room somebody blew it up the guy who was stalking me in a previous video he blew it up a red checking out yeah oh what my real name why is my real name here I this wasn't here before how would they know that I'm playing with you right now is there anyone on the server no there's not there's no one in tab it's just us I don't know dude I let's get out of here let's go yo do you believe me now now you prepared this do you know I'm serious you bro you know how lazy I am that's a pretty strong argument actually this is actually pretty freaky I almost never say my real name like in my zip is it maybe somewhere on your Instagram something because my name is Amaya I don't think I don't think so it's not some people think they might have gotten like my social media and that's how they knew my real name oh shoot it's night time already Oh guys please let me know in the comment section below how the hell did they get my real name it's impossible you know what's even weirder you said this is our old survival world right so how the frig did they get that we never get it online it's completely like private so how would they know oh my god what was hell whoa what is that it's a bet and fill me I'm bleeding bleeding yeah I see where did that come from what's that little thing I'm still bleeding yeah I'm still bleeding but why are you running at the Endemol stop stop just go inside let's go side yeah let's go did you see anyone like yes they were like really weird they were wearing all black but they're like a red mask like a Devils mask and they didn't speak but they did put that well they it was one person he put down this sign these signs oh my god there were a couple more science that I destroyed where he said that I should leave the server and that I should never have joined it but and you bring me over yeah and now they don't my real name don't let bugs bite you if I die let us be in my sleep sure you have any clues what happened the last time well everything I told you I don't know clues was just a guy stalking me well where did the guy go did he run did he go in any particular direction where'd he go well he was around the base so somewhere around here ugh oh watch out oh we gotta clap this dude we gotta clap oooh oh this is frickin skeleton I got you I got you I just leave he's done it oh sure there's a cave here maybe he went in there you want to check it out are you sure you wanna check it out just a little bit okay okay well there's a room might as well get some or she know we're still playing Minecraft exactly exactly maybe we'll find some diamonds huh maybe oh it's even deeper here it's a ravine dude I found the Ravine suck I don't know why there's so many ravines of Minecraft nowadays I really don't like him why they're not rare enough if they were rare it would be cooler but you find him like in every world right guys do you agree with me why are we getting distracted dark oh okay this little backup there's killer hackers stalking us knowing my real name though your real name you know maybe we should go on the actual dark web and investigate on there maybe we'll learn some new stuff if we should do that make sure you leave a like if we hit 20,000 likes we will go on the actual dark web and try to find real-life hackers 20,000 yeah yeah it's dangerous bro I want 20 20,000 likes to risk my life and while you're down there make sure you type dark net hashtag dark net any comments section so we know you're still watching the video right now this seems to be a good vantage point you know is there anything we can see okay so we got the crowds over there we got a restaurant tunnel over there we got the guy who was stalking you what what is that what are you looking at what it's a pile of bones it's a pile of bones what I have is this seen that before I have guys please comment down below have you ever seen what happened I destroyed it it's a pile of Bones has anyone ever seen is a microphone of bones it's just like a skeleton who died maybe it's a new update you think yeah there's the closest there's a trapdoor here and open tracer an open show ah and I see like what what was that what was that I see light coming ceiling light and more more bones go check it out vintage go in there are you sure yeah god I don't want to turn around I don't want it to run I don't turn around you tell me what you want what's that what happened oh my god whoa it's a prison oh and there's something at the end there there's something weird there there's a lot of boats what there's another red room what were these people oh my god this is unspeakable nah that's that's beautiful no wait is it this is that video so creepy what what is it anything like this dude there's a freaking red room in the back there in this light coming from it oh my god the last red room had my name so what's this gonna be uh you want to go in there maybe maybe my face will be at the end guys we need some flour leave it like right now if you want us to go in there oh we got at least five likes that's enough power you're gonna dare to go in there you who would dare to go in there like comment down below would you just go in there blindly or you know just though we have to oh can we ask them something yo and speak about beautiful.i what's going on why who trapped you can we even get him out there I don't think we should get him out guys comment down below who should we save what if you had to choose between one of the three who should we shave shave shave shave I'm not shaving nobody crazy okay who should we save I'm voting for Peter Pike out of most sub so we should probably save him yeah yeah yes the most fun contest even the most iconic I'm yeah Memphis Steve yeah Steve let's save Steve guys let's know down below who you think we should save a right vintage look there's four you want livery here so it could be a trip it really could be dark I'm a big big brainer I'm gonna bring the brake lever with us but then we can't open it that's the problem Oh oh my god we we people when my previous video they roasted me because apparently I did something stupid wait the sword no it does not work yes it does it works okay you have the lever right bring another bring another torch with you just case I don't have the lever okay yes I do have the lever you have the lever okay uh let me just okay okay you got food yeah I got food let me just let me just he'll fill before we go in take your sword out Vantage guys comment down below what would be at the end of the dollar what do you think what are your thoughts already do you think back wait before we go what do you think what do you think III think I see a chest a chest yeah okay that's not scary at all Anna what what dude that's me that oh my god that's you that's you whoa what is possible that's your skin and that's my skin without the mask look nice is it dark these are corpses it's not just skins oh my god that is you and that is me what the hell is going on and there's a news there this is a torture chamber okay they must be playing tricks on us or something what the Frick is going on here it's another red room how many of these rooms are there the other Red Room didn't have anything like this but I did see a guy in there a guy but there we haven't seen anyone this video maybe we have maybe they were like in the background stalker don't creep me out like that no way do you guys see anyone in the video if you did please let's not oh my gosh Clark won a bet they're gonna come with oh my god there was someone right there how did you see him there's the chest you want to check out the chest there could be something creepy in there well what's the what if it's a trap chest now you want to try it whoa whoa no it's just it's just bet no goes oh yeah but the last bet that came to us freakin attacked you made you bleed oh yeah that's true I've never seen that happen before how the hell did a chest explode into bats I know okay guys uh you didn't see us here we're out of here dude let's get the hell out of here before somebody sees us yeah see all that just pretend like I find this place unfortunately unspeakable Beauty point that dantdm can't make videos anymore so subscribe to us hello I save them it will save them if we hit 15,000 likes exactly 50,000 live so we'll get them out of their immediate let's go back to the base let's just pretend like we were in there hopefully none of the dark web hack your sauce because I think this is a secret it's right under our base by the way oh yeah oh wait yeah oh my god no I'm sorry but you know if I die you got to die you know we're in this together now I'm gonna sleep next to you there's a sign behind you some Oh body's been here keep your face down some I shouldn't have done that we've been up for like four minutes out of how have you done this so fast you must be watching every single move from where look around you how could they have seen us so we just jump in y'all think that's worse what do you even think this could be guys I'm jumping in oh my god vintage welcome welcome welcome ever well did she said I'm gonna go first with the intro I was gonna go from welcome everyone to a brand new video I'm your host dark we're playing minecraft again on the dark web server haha beat you okay with what now uh while we're on that dark web okay no you can do it I don't know what else to say the last episode something absolutely crazy happened apparently there is a dark web dungeon like whatever the hell it is under our base we found a dungeon under our base where PewDiePie unspeakable gaming who else dantdm had rushing leaves and a surge of Steve don't forget as us they're being captured they're being I don't know it's not sure we have to show let's go show him guys I'm all we're walking down there guys make sure you get a nice blanket something to drink cool snack cuz it's gonna get really spooky in this video and hey if you like spooky videos make sure you leave a like right now especially if you want us to continue playing on this dangerous server subscribe turn or post notifications and don't forget follow us both on Instagram everything should be down below in the description hola darc in the comments it says something about some creepy guys standing on top of dead 3 on the right you see that one oh yeah I saw those comments yeah they said there there were people standing there but there's no one there so I don't know what they were talking about in my silent yeah exactly but there's no one there oh no I don't see anything so is our boat you want to go over there check it out you sure I guess come on before the people who are new to this video I didn't see the last one you should because otherwise she'll probably be missing some details people in our comments told us there were like some creepy guys standing on this island but I okay get your source ready vintage ok 3 he's behind this tree there's no one here and also next to the redstone tunnel but there's no one there to on top of the tree maybe the people in the comments are trolling us guys are joining us oh no no I'm gonna go on our road going on a trip and my favorite wooden ship thanks alright guys cue the spooky music I kind of needed some food so we went back but now we got some food let's eat till we're fully that's giggity dude let go let's get a boy This Is It this is the dungeon my god yes it is yeah you go first no you go first okay just check if there's anything on the ground there just I wanna make sure I don't land on anything good please check me sir look I'm gonna check I just gotta go in so you can't push me bye dude we got sneak around gotta sneak around why we know there's other people on the server these dark web hackers they could be hidden anywhere they might even be listening to us right now you know how these hackers work check around the corner there's no one there okay there's still a creepy statue we have no idea what it is it's made of stone or something oh okay yeah it does we asked in the previous video who we're gonna say first obviously we're gonna save everyone but everybody in the comment said we have to save Beauty by first since he just had 100 million subscribers and this is no way to celebrate so we need to get him out how we're gonna do this just break open and run let's go goodbye God beauty pie is a roommate now where's he gonna where is he gonna stay oh no you ran away come on market in come back oh my god beaut scat in maybe can't go to earth okay okay okay let's go why couldn't he go to those beautiful maybe maybe haha he's gonna say maybe got traumatized okay um you can sleep on your bed okay sure why is he looking at the wall doc I know maybe he got scared well is he maybe looking away from something something's scaring him is he no maybe at the front door you see anything no it wasn't worse is maybe he got used to being in a cell so much that all this open space is kind of creeping him out anyways PewDiePie don't worry we're gonna get your friends as well we're gonna all have a cozy nice youtubers mansion on a dark web server but with stalkers all around the place that are somewhere in the background probably we haven't seen them at all people comment again blah blah so who's next who's next um I vote Steve you wanna get Steve yeah well I mean he's pretty iconic yes let's go for Steve never we'll get the rest obviously reapply see you right here don't get yourself in trouble don't eat any more you already fat enough you can't even fit through a door okay let's go okay and we'll find mercy I know you're fine all right they got married right yeah peuta pies gotta watch this video and he's gonna thank us for thanking hit no not thanking him congratulating I'm gonna thank him for marrying mercy I was waiting for that we have a problem though what there's a sign behind you some Oh body's been here keep your face down some I shouldn't have done that dark oh my god doctor God take @t even got Steve they got Steve where's art this looks different weird to torture people with that was here yeah everything is gone and there's a oh my god dude that is the oh my god do not jump in there holy crap oh my what the hell you don't think know what was that what was that dude you don't think they put the other prisoners in this hole do you know they can't the cat said somebody's been here after us and they know we took beautify I do we've been up for like four minutes out have you done this so fast he must be watching every single move from where look around you how could they have seen us what if one of the statue has eyes I mean that's like iconic because it's like covering its eyes no look can we oh dude I'm sorry I'll just leave it there dark there God what do we do I want to take this to our base what what are you if they want this back they have to give us back all the other prisoners or something like that good are you are you crazy what do you mean they're way stronger than us no you don't know that if they were so strong how come we're still alive huh uh that's the point of torturing they're making us scared it's men torture now do not do not true them I think my tiny IQ brain is smart enough to outsmart mark all these dark web nerds dark leave the statue do not throw it and do not don't hmm guys what do you think we should do honestly I want to take revenge on these stupid hackers I'm gonna I'm gonna take something from them because they took something that I love Steve Steve so let's no doubt how many comments section what we can do because we really have no freaking clue so we just jump in y'all think that's worse what do you even think this could be guys let's know down below you know let's let's go back to Pete my make sure he's safe right Oh what if he is God he's a load and are based on dude you're right it's gonna take me this sort they've got the sword and I'm still I'm still in the sign I'm stealing the side I'm stealing everything that's here boys mine oh good bones oops let's go dark vintage let's go up imagine if we no please please please Philip I he has to be the SBA yes to be there they can't work that quick right okay okay okay you still here you see you okay bro Proficy their professed I'm gonna put this right you're going I'm gonna put this right here what what statue it's in your hand no it wants to be it's a your it's in your hands for me what what you put it down what zone I put it on and it disappeared from my inventory what kind of statue is this I don't know okay we're gonna come up here alright but what does this serve as like a like a warning warning something I hope Oh oh my god this thing's scared what is this - zombie horse what the hell is he doing here oh I see why is she trying to get into our house how he's trying to kill me blows horn I'm so sad I I have an idea what what if he like wish really bad you know just just just what if we hope really hard and they'll be down again Steve he'll be down in his little cage and we'll be able to save him what a stupid idea I got a better one what did we get ten thousand likes right now we're gonna wait for everybody to leave a like and if we hit 10,000 likes and everybody will be back in their cell we can save him if we don't hit 10,000 then I wanna oh my god haha and laugh if it was my garden flip you dark flip you what's the point of this I'm jumping in yes like don't guys please comment down below what because the spirits me please comment down below where could the other guys be we're cuttin speakable dantdm and Steve's B if you have any idea know let us know in the comment section down below and what the hell is this hole should we jump in yes or no that is throwing down a kind of section below if you're still watching comment hash tag dark net and a know like a subscribe hit those cash bail and then bye bye bye i SIA you you
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 1,837,120
Rating: 4.8870506 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft deep web, minecraft dark web, dark web, scary minecraft, minecraft hacker, minecraft dark web hacker, cursed minecraft, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft herobrine, deep web, minecraft at 3 am, 3 am, do not play on this minecraft seed, do not play minecraft at 3 am, finding herobrine in minecraft, minecraft horror movie, i joined a dark web minecraft server, full documentary, minecraft 2019, minecraft scary video, minecraft 1.15, minecraft horror
Id: 7KJv-rOR5p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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