What's Going On with "Dad"?

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[Music] all right something's wrong what the hell is going on where am I hello oh [ __ ] okay right back to script so if you've been following the weirder side of the Internet's in the last few months then you've likely seen this guy at some point or another he's just your typical average dad [Laughter] [Music] ah that feels a week and ready for work okay now let's see I've got my briefcase computer calculator pen paper coffee cup and eternal dedication to the corporation now I just need a kiss on the cheek from my loving wife to send me on my way Cheryl Cheryl where could she be huh dad's always the first to leave how will dad make it through the day without love from Wayne okay calm down let's think for a second that'll just wait but dad can't wait you'll be late for a job what is going on here how does dad know if wife loves him without the keys you you you you [Music] except he isn't your typical average dad and in actuality he's far from it dad is a YouTube channel that's dead set on a mission to become the best youtuber in the universe's on his channel we can see a plethora of videos that showcase his life through a sitcom styled set the thing is while this all might seem ordinary at first I just want to go forth and tell you that absolutely nothing is as it seems now I've covered quite a bit of completely creepy or disturbing web series on this channel and I just wanted to let you know that dad isn't that what the channel lacks in terms of direct in-your-face horror though is made up considerably with substantial mystery something is wrong in Dad's life and his problems are beginning to plant into the real world you might have noticed earlier that dad was speaking telepathically you might have also noticed that a speech was incredibly rudimentary why is this so and who even is this guy [Music] all right so we're going to do some world building here before we dive into the dad channel the dad character is a rendition of a man by the name of Nathan Barnett largely known for his various roles in television online shows and his self-titled YouTube channel Barnett is to this day extremely active in the YouTube atmosphere the strange thing is that Nathan is well aware of this dad character and constantly tries to get the word out about how it absolutely is not him music dance videos that I've made myself anything I like and have been a part of in the music world their dance world I will be playing so come and please dance with me on March 9th in LA it's going to be unbelievable really I think it will be the greatest dance tonight I've ever been to so hopefully it'll be your greatest dance night you've ever been to tickets will be in the description ok so now I got talked about this thing Tremec this as quick as possible I don't really even know how to start saying it because it's so insane I had to send an email out to like every industry person that I've ever worked with it like TV networks commercial people like everyone because someone is impersonating me I did this character called dad this is the contract that's the short version of this story I did this character last year called dad it was just a bunch of random videos of like a dad dancing I haven't done in a long time someone took my face and CJD me or face replicated me or something and they're making entire videos now with my face on this person and I could look at the body and the body's not me so they're having someone like stand in it's like funny I guess at first it was like okay this is kind of neat but now it's like it's insane and it's like they need to stop because now it's like defamation my lawyer said or it's like misrepresentation because I don't know if they're gonna do what they're gonna make so I need to like my lawyer told me I need to address this publicly and say anything that comes out from me will be on my nathan barnett channel on youtube so if these two channels are separate entities then how do they cross a few videos before this one on Barnett's channel there's one titled ignore this video in it we can see Nathan himself talking to the camera and explaining that he's quitting YouTube oddly in the middle of this video his conversation seems to veer off course until we hear it slight buzzing when he snaps back to script fortunately I'm going to just kind of end my youtube and wrap it up YouTube wants it I have to say goodbye thank you everyone who has watched thank you everyone who supported me and donated thank you for everything thank you for watching I need to just call it quits my channel as is at an all-time low the views and subscriptions are drastically going down if I had also at the end after he walks away we can see our dad character quickly approach the window to peer in over the next couple of videos we'd see more crossovers with him however the most prominent one lies within this video with the blank title in it we can see Nathan hiding from dad he's given the off Mendel my yearly bed near my fear the weird audio that we hear in this video is actually a conversation that reads as such Oh No huh hey coming they relieved him don't let them find me please so something is undoubtedly going on Nathan claims that his likeness is being used against his will on this dead Channel and concurrently dad seems to be infiltrating Nathan's channel making his presence known to various comments and his insertion into the end of Nathan's videos before we continue I want to make a quick note that this series travels fast and dad is everywhere Twitter Instagram YouTube Bandcamp he's everywhere and constantly him and the other characters that will soon come to meet will be dropping hints and clues across this various social media for ease of clarity we're going to press through the dad channel via this playlist here called dad's life as it's the only verified and canon way to get a grasp on the dad story everything else including the music videos live streams and discord chats are all extras that we'll use to supplement our theories as we progress with that being said it's time to dive into the belly of the beast to find the answer to the question what's going on with dad you [Music] you you all right so that video that we saw at the beginning was actually the first in the dad series you might recall that dad speaks only telepathically and uses incredibly Elementary speech it's almost as if he's a five-year-old in a dad's body at the beginning there we noticed that dad was sort of activated so to speak by this mysterious orb it seemed a glow red when it woke dad up and then vanished into thin air so who controls this is it his wife a character we haven't met yet now real quick I want to let you know that this channel has a lot of videos and so we're not constantly watching and talking and watching and talking and watching and talking for the first seven videos I'm going to show you three to four at a time before you recap together with that in mind the next three videos that we're going to look at are titled daddy's home dad's dinner and dad's family picking up after his long day of work without a kiss from wife let's take a look at what his family's actually like oh boy what a day dad sure is tired dad will feel good once he gets a nice kiss on the cheek from his beautiful wife I think boss really liked my presentation maybe I'll be promoted to executive worker then when dad has enough saved he can quit and become number one youtuber dad is already growing one thing is for sure I'm an executive dad for my loving family family dad's home [Music] um that doesn't sound like my family that sounds like silence wife daughter where'd you take go where's dad's family [Music] all right family will be home any minute and we'll all sit down for dinner dad sure is hungry I wonder where family is dinner tastes so much better when I'm surrounded by the one they love maybe they went out to the restaurant but why would they go without me this family not love dad does anyone love dead family [Music] mah daughter where have you been hi dad we went out to the restaurant because we thought you were working late tonight I didn't work late I worked Frank Euler what did you guys have to eat we had dinner and dessert I had vegetables and fruit mom had sandwich and toffee what did you have dad I had can of food I tasted horrible eating it alone that's nice honey I'm tired now good night mom and dad I'm going to go read in bed don't stay up late dad but what about our nightly family chat I wanted to tell you guys about true values great deals you after a long grueling day off at work dad returns home to an empty house and begins pondering about his future with wife who we learned his name Cheryl in debt is home we get our first in series hints at what dad's tried to accomplish getting promoted to executive worker so we can quit and become number one youtuber immediately we'll notice that this has a direct parallel to the channels tagline the best youtuber in the universe is one thing that I wanted to point out really quickly is this moment right here notice anything weird about that thumbs up is this some sort of sign that he's trying to relay to us is he in trouble let's set that in the back of our minds will reference back to it when we theorize later on anyway unfortunately for Dad his family is gone and this causes him to stress out about their absence in the next one dad's dinner we can see him sitting at a table questioning everything he thought he knew about his family defeated dad Ponder's if they or anyone for that matter actually loves him soon after we can hear door open up with nobody there before this strange red orb pops back in opening the can and preparing the food for dad to very reluctantly eats picking up where that left off and dad's family we finally come face-to-face with this elusive wife and daughter it turns out that they were at restaurant this entire time we also come to learn that dad mom and daughter have been interesting dynamic mom almost seems like she lacks total empathy for her beloved husband and daughter just acts oblivious to everything I had can of food I tasted horrible eating it alone that's nice honey now you would think that mom would at least say sorry no when Dad claims that he merely had a can of food instead of those delectable meals that mom and daughter had all she retorts with is an apathetic I'm gonna go read the bedroom it's just what poor dad is stuck at home and that's your response I'm hey V jumping the gun here but it almost seems like she's stuck with dad and really doesn't want to be but is she let's see if we can find out in the next three uploads titled dad is the best youtuber family phone calls and nice acts [Music] thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand [Music] so many bills - feels bad family has been acting strange maybe he's just some dad's head maybe dad has just jumping to conclusions hey daughter who are you talking to Griffin is Griffin your boyfriend dad what did I say hi Sarah who are you talking to you me Diane I'm talking to Diane hi Diane I thought Diana and Abner were on vacation dad is on a mission and dad is the best youtuber we can see our main character into the frame with a sledgehammer presumably bought at the true value hardware store that he mentioned earlier at dinner what follows here is a beautiful metaphor as dad smashes a felix the cat figurine that's sitting on a pie being a subtle reference to PewDiePie this is dad's message to the world that he's dead set on becoming number one youtuber jumping ahead and family phone calls even dad is noticing that family is suddenly beginning to act strange this couple with the stress of accumulating bills has put doubt into a pretty crappy mood when daughter finally walks in dad shrugs off his preconceptions and eagerly inquires on who she's talking to after retorting with a simple Griffin dad then asked the boyfriend question and she runs off embarrassed when Mommy ventually walks in while also on the phone dad proceeds to ask her who she's talking to but something about this exchange just doesn't seem right obviously trying to come up with a lie on the spots mom claims that she's talking to Diane before hastily running off clearly dad's beginning to catch on that mom is up to something but once in the next episode nice axe we're introduced to an unnamed character that walks in chops a piece of wood and walks off but this beautiful mom was talking to all right side gnome so now that we've established a baseline for who dad is what he's like and who his family is from here on out we're going to press through the rest of the series in a more traditional analytical style video by video so on the upload that follows titled kiss not much happens besides dad reminiscing about when he first met Cheryl probably the most significant part of this one falls in the dialogue about their age dad claims that it seems like they've been together for five eons like it's no big deal implying that the family is or where dad perceives to be very very old at the end here we can see dad moping off sets before a shadow of a woman pops up giving dad a kiss the next upload titled mom vacuums is extremely significant and we'll see why later mom is seen in the opening shots vacuuming the floors before she stumbles upon a magazine a dead magazine to be exact after opening it she becomes absolutely enraged at what's in it resuming her cleaning intensely before dropping the vacuum cleaner entirely strangely this doesn't stop her and she continues with the motion almost in a robotic fashion up next his family dinner here dad can be seen with the family eating dinner at the table but as you might expect mom is not amused hey mom and dad can Griffin come over daughter you know the rule you're not allowed to have boys over until you reaches yes Griffin can come over thanks mom Cheryl I think we should talk about this first I think we should talk about this [Music] clearly whatever was I was in that magazine was extremely inappropriate poor dad though almost seems like he was framed completely off-guard why would dad look at this kind of stuff is this even dad's magazine also we could get another mention of this Griffin guy where is he let's move on [Music] dad I need to talk I'm shutting down the server what why you know why dad's been bad what upon my uploads how I become the number one youtuber what about my special upload Johnny Smith it's not up to me you can upload again when you reach 5,000 subscribers well maybe you should have thought of that before top oh look at that it's already all so and dad is offline it looks like mom is really beginning to run with her blackmail sentiments with dad she claims that she's shutting down the server but what server is that exactly the strange part about this is that she claims that it's not up to her and that dad can only upload again once he has 5,000 subscribers why would she hold him to such a bizarre request it almost seems like she has some sort of stake in this sub requirements the next upload fantasy story opens up with the family all gathered and ready to go to the park weirdly dad seems to be cognitively absent up until the red orb pops in to wake him up immediately after being activated by the orb dad inquires on the book that mom's holding and she responds by saying it's just a fantasy story just a little fantasy story what do you mean [Music] that's just tired you worked very hard yesterday for a very long time and the server was acting up let's just go to the bar dad seems off his axis in this one fifth year wide open where did this even come from so you guys remember that video earlier with neighbor cutting along in half this next upload directly ties to that one in mom home alone were able to see her returning from somewhere she probably shouldn't have been with a little souvenir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh seems odd doesn't it mom was so passionate and angry at dad because of that magazine she found but at the same time he can be seen walking around thinking she's home alone with neighbors laug something's up here this doesn't seem right [Music] - feels confused Mama's been acting really strange lately what was she seeing in the living room yesterday and what was she holding hey Dad how are you oh hey neighbor dad doesn't feel great why is that mom's upset with dead what did you do dad didn't do anything she found a magazine and it made her upset but it's not mine you sure it's not yours yes dad's never even seen I don't know maybe it is dad's magazine huh I guess it is dad's magazine you [Music] hmm that dirty slide neighbor seems to have framed poor dad over here and mom seems to just be going with it at the expense of her relationship with dad interesting so seeing mom with that log earlier appears to have gotten a debt pretty badly and dad's chores were able to hear thoughts running through his head here he begins reassuring himself that he's better the neighbor and that neighbor doesn't even shop a true value all while taking his anger out on this log something interesting in this video falls in the in though when dad's chopping away the sound blurs out before whisper is heard [Music] what happened to did [Music] and on we miss you and Dawn can you hear us dad wake up who the heck is and on going with a dialogue here this voice was referring to this and on character and dad as anonymously is this perhaps the real name of our dad or some sort of victim that's been trapped in an everlasting sleep let's keep our eyes peeled for references to this guy from here on out maybe I shouldn't sneak out tonight that will be so mad but all my friends sneak out and never get caught dad will be asleep by 10:00 anyway mom's favorite images are on tonight but if she has one she'll be out before the TV even boots up [Music] so when this one titled sneaking outs we could hear daughter scheming to get out of the house against her parents will in the follow up to this dad can be seen sitting down looking at the sales sheet for True Value Hardware his favorite store ever constantly referencing neighbor and his pathetic shed dad sits there reassures himself that everything he has is all around better the one thing I want to point out here though is this message see it i rewired the server they can't see this rewired the server huh who did neighbor mom Griffin or could this be someone that we haven't met yet the video following this is largely symbolic in nature and not much happens we can see dad enter the shop with a sledge presumably from True Value before smashing it and taking a good hard look at this tiny little model shed that clearly alludes to neighbors dad really doesn't like neighbor this reinforces the notion that the video where mom was home alone was neighbors would dad really didn't like it and is letting this anger build up inside of him [Music] all right so act one draws to a close with this next one titled dad loves mom it's highly significant and have thrown every single assumption that I had about this entire series into a tailspin take a look you i al [Music] [Music] okay so what the how dad talks about loving Cheryl in the beginning before both the red and blue or pop in seemingly breaking dad completely he goes from loving Cheryl to Diane then tuonela before a total system rewind commences dumping dead into this futuristic cyberpunk Ian world wait hold on run that back one more time slow it down a bit and play stop now what do we have here aha a link so heading over to this URL takes you to a video about planetary sounds let's have a listen [Music] wait a minute so dad's using the kepler 22b planetary sound during the rewind portion but why alright guys so like we said this was the end of the first act of the series just so we're all on the same page let's do a quick recap so we have a dad character that seems like he's trying a bit too hard to be your ordinary average dad he has a family that seems to do things without him assuming some sort of level of control over his actions a server is constantly referenced the routes as if they're either working for or are stuck in some sort of simulation orbs constantly pop in appearing to activate and deactivate dad on a whim this food he eats appears to keep him locked in this robotic trance some will have to hit a message saying that they rewired the server mom seems to be doing something behind the scenes with neighbor leading dad to resent him daughter strongly hinted at the fact that she's sneaking out to see a guy named Griffin and dad was going about his day in this video for being rewound all the way back to the events preceding everything that we've seen thus far furthermore the sound that's played during this rewind is the exact same one that's emitted by this rope planets kepler-22b damn what the hell is going on coincidentally the first video in act 2 titled be tied it gives us some insight into that question in this one we're able to immediately see a nearby planets before the camera cuts to a desert the person filming then approaches what appears to be a crash-landed astronaut on the ground before a man dressed in all black approaches em revealing that this guy is Nathan dad or could it be someone else in the shots following this a clear love interest that looks considerably different from cheryl appears multiple times we can note that the two both wear spacesuits at numerous times during the video which leads me to assume that they were both astronauts this leads me to wonder though is this the and Don that was referenced earlier in the series also who's this other woman right before that rewind happened dad did mention an Ella so this very well could be her anyway at the end of this video we see this man in black pick up the astronaut version of Nathan or and on her placing him on the ground with what appears to be Nathan himself before driving off into the distance food is then shown and then the video ends now this one was pretty wild and had a ton to unpack rather than scratching our heads forever here let's press through the remainder of act two to see if there's anything else we can dig up about this influx of people [Music] that's a bit of police no cameras that's good surprising but good let's say Oh tripwires all right see if anybody's home oh just a reflection though all that coffee and cinnamon balls got me jumpy let's get to the bottom of this dad guy nobody follows around my pls I'm old Karl sees the light of day for a while yippee-ki-yay mother [Music] aha a new guy this videos named private this guy's name is Karl he speaks telepathically and he's shown breaking into some facility clearly he isn't supposed to be there since he acts all nervous when peeking in so I'm left to wonder what this facility might be could he perhaps be the one that was leaving those secret messages in the videos earlier specifically the one that claimed that they rewired the server it would make total sense if he did as this video can very well be taking place concurrently to what we saw in act 1 except this time we're seeing a view outside of this server the next video on the list is what I'd consider the most significant and at the same time most wholesome video so far as it answers a ton of lingering questions that we've had for a while now take a look [Music] where am i hey hey who are you stop wait stop [Music] okay so the wholesome part of that was that dad called pancakes little towels hide from now on will forever call them little towels and there's nothing anyone can do about it all right back to script here dad actually does know that they're called pancakes but the tone of his voice when he says it conveys the idea that he doesn't really know how he knows that he just does afterwards he sits down in a spurt of curiosity and tries to take a bite right after this mom stops in throws food on the table puts it in his mouth and walks off while dad sits there completely forgetting about the pancakes while scarfing down his delicious can of food guys we had the assumption that mom was up to something behind the scenes earlier regarding this so-called server in this episode Alba confirms it also the food that dad eats every day does keep him locked in this scripted trance doing only what he's supposed to do and not what he wants to this leads me to the idea that what if they're using this food as some way to control the dad character all of the underlying signs so far from the help hand son and the early uploads to the and on wake up message to this man in black picking a long hair dad looking character rough in the desert to Karl breaking into a building to investigate two little towels or dad becomes curious somehow knows what pancakes are if it has food shoved down his throats before becoming robotic again everything is beginning to point to the idea that dad is undoubtedly being controlled by this server for some reason or another so who's in charge could it be Cheryl neighbor this man in black or someone else [Music] lászló this is a character that I'd say I know the absolute least about in this one the camera zooms into her face slowly before opening our eyes our feeling that their red and blue just like something we've seen before I do want to note something here dad has a trailer as one of the first videos on this channel we didn't touch on it because it's just that a trailer but there's one parallel that I want to draw here in this opening shot with dad opening his eyes look at how he does it and what they initially look like [Music] hmm they aren't red and blue like Laszlo's but the both of them open their eyes without pupils all while carrying this rudimentary form of speech cliff Lazlo perhaps be another person stuck in the server I know you might be confused as to what I'm referring to when I say the word server in the context of this series but bear with me we're almost to the finish line and we're going to drop some answers here you daughter snuck out the next video on this list seemingly takes place immediately following the video sneaking outs daughter can be seen out in the street at night trying to get a hold of like we guessed Griffon strangely he never shows up and she's then approached by the man in black that we saw prior up next is true value here were greeted by a new character that according to the credits his named crow there's this guy strangely is actually a man by the name of Tom priority one of Nathan Barnett's real-life friends over on Tom's channel he and Nathan make videos live streams and ASMR conspiracy videos for fun and lately Tom's been claiming that Nathan's been acting strange in real life since a lot of you know my friend Nathan Barnett and I thought that we could talk about that in him on this channel and just kind of like what's been going on with him lately as we know by this point is slightly is something to do with Dan somehow though Toms likeness was stolen for this server as well according to him and his live streams he's also unaware of how his face is being used within the confines of this YouTube channel and frequently consults with the community for help anyway let's take a look [Music] hi dad welcome to true value are you looking to get the tools you need for the right price I am I thought so here you go dad how about a brand new mini sledge for free free yep and a screwdriver gun some nice paint regular hammer tape measure a way out what honey go back to sleep what a nice dream [Music] a way out a way out of what all dad wanted to do was go shopping at his favorite hardware store ever true value in a turn of events that would only happen in a dream dad was given free tools that would undoubtedly help in building or obliterating someone shed but a way out where'd that come from the next video on the list is probably my favorite in the entire series Cheryl takes dad to restaurant to celebrate his 40,000 subscribers and orders him none other than his favorite little towels congratulations dad thanks we love you too wait you can't eat them plain you have to add some delicious food sauce first thanks Cheryl of course the only safe way to keep that on script and contained here would be to smaller those little towels at food sauce huh sneaky sneaky mom anyway dad eats his food while throwing out the occasional dad joke strangely though we see mom and daughter observe him eating his food almost as if he's some sort of pets mom is really making sure he eats it all so take a look at this who's that guy in the background what was he talking to is that neighbor talking to the main and black what shortly after this neighbor comes over to talk with the family and greets Cheryl first hey sure you look nice hi dad daughter how are you doing hey neighbor hey when did you learn to speak with your mind been practicing my telepathy so I could talk to my favorite family that's great neighbor but the way you speak sounds more like telepathetic to me good dad joke dad no I know neighbor we're out celebrating dad's 40,000 subscribers wow that's great good for you dad people actually watch your videos who knew haha yes neighbor they do dad is the best youtuber in the universes actually she's the best of YouTube videos seems like they have a little something going on huh anyway dad and neighbor have a back-and-forth where dad throws insults a neighbor about his crappy shed and neighbor slang snarky remarks back at dad regarding his YouTube channel and a bit of manipulation neighbors and claims that he was merely joking and that he's happy for dad before getting up and heading out clearly this was an attempt at making dad feel bad but we all know that neighbors up to something he's gotta be up to something damn it [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that dirty sly neighbor that magazine that mom found earlier was planted by him along with that fantasy story book that she was reading is he pulling the strings here or Cheryl and dad both being manipulated or is there more about mom that we don't know yet let's put a pin in this we'll come back to it in a second up next is a video title of Diane calls and this one mom can be seen walking into the shop with a phone but a second or two later she gets a phone call from this Diane person that dad's been mentioning throughout the show on the phone Diane explains that she's back from her trip and needs to come visit immediately [Music] traveler sounds rough oh you know the same old thing teaching the team at work's some new forms of vortex creation nine-to-five nothing new you want to come over aren't you tired from being on the plane all day okay sure if you really want to [Music] five minutes don't you want to go home from the airport first okay whatever you want it'll be nice to catch up we can have some wine and talk dad and daughter a true value all night for the sale of a century sale so what oh you're not coming okay well maybe this weekend Diane hello so there's definitely something going on here between Diane and Dad she explained that she needed to rush over there ASAP but the second that Sheryl says that dad's over at true value she calls it off and hangs up definitely fishy if you ask me anyway last up on our trek through this series is a video titled mom's work let's hope that finally we can get some insight into what exactly she does we all know our main objective if you can't accomplish that then there is no reason for you to be here I've been over the phases of entanglement 100 times and we're not getting anywhere I really need you to pay attention and prove to me that you're not just mere astrophysicists what was that anyone else have a comment good now let's go over the non loaning theorem again okay all right a lot just went on there first we see mom giving a presentation at work before someone makes a comment and has promptly escorted out by the man in black Cheryl then very sternly continues on with her speech over the non cloning theorem before we see the shadow of the main and black write something on his notepad clearly after writing Cheryl seemed thrown off a bits but attempted to continue on before the video ended now what exactly was it that mom was giving a presentation on the non cloning theorem huh why was she talking about this we're already dealing with this strange clone of Nathan Barnett's could Cheryl maybe have had something to do with this let's pivot to dad's music to see if we can find any more clues [Music] so like I've mentioned throughout the video so far dad actually makes music as well and not gonna lie the songs are pretty damn catchy at the time of writing there are 11 lyric videos up on the channel and they carry with them quite a surprising amount of hints about the overall story here for brevity I'm going to touch on a few that stood out to me in the music video titled dad is on we can see binary flash at one point a translates to an John come in as his base and dad feels good we get yet another binary flash right here at the very beginning which translates to the phrase lieutenant Emily Ridley does his phase come in now who is this it seems like she could be related to that space mission at the end on character went on [Music] that is done work and its mission and that is feeling cuz the kids are up at school get daddy's feeling oh so good because he's got that dance because a good Walker Texas on the tube pressing on in the video dad bod we get yet another bit of hidden binary this one translates to the phrase p19 for seven privates with the link to this page if we go to paragraph 19 well notice that the first seven words are I think I found a way in clearly all being a reference to the coral character that we saw in a video private this in its entirety allows us to confidently confirm the fact that these messages are coming from him and that he's most likely the cause of the server rewind from earlier one last music video that I want to touch on his dad fuels golden in the midst of this one very low contrast text appears in the top corner that's extremely easy to miss those that were able to catch it notice that it displayed the name and on furthermore later in this video dad can be seen riding a motorcycle sideways and if you really look at the front fork of the bike you'll notice the name captain and Don will this cements two things firstly this and Don is definitely connected to this Emily Ridley character and second since he was a captain then he was likely involved in some sort of mission this heavily implies that the Anton character himself is this guy from be tided so from now on let's run with that alright guys another quick note at the time of writing this July 11th 2019 this is where the series ends I'm moving in a couple weeks and so I'm not super super behind with the uploads I'm getting a bit ahead to keep the steady stream of content going for you guys since dad uploads so frequently by the time you see this he'll most likely have quite a few more videos out on the channel with that being said let's recap once more before connecting this all together we have dead a child like an almost robotic character that lives with his wife and daughter both of which frequently do things without him the orbs that we see pop in seem to facilitate down state asleep and mom appears to constantly keep him under this suppression spell that's brought upon him when eating food neighbor and mom clearly have something going on behind the scenes and seemed to a framed dad dad seems to carry heavy parallels to this Lazlo character evident through their childlike speech and strange eyes concurrently we have multiple references to a captain and on trill and as someone that's gotten into the server to rewire it having made the definite connections that we did tying the music video hands to the private upload we can safely assume that this person rewiring this server is in fact Karl Karl somehow caused this server to rewind almost as if this entire thing is some sort of virtual reality simulation and as a result we were thrown into this futuristic cyberpunk ian's world also during that rewinds we get an audible reference to the planets Kepler 22b and lastly in one of those music videos we can see a message from a lieutenant Emily Ridley carrying a definitive connection do we end on rill from the video he tied it you [Music] you you [Music] and there we have it sort of you see like I said earlier dad is everywhere and I mean everywhere constantly updating us with clues and hints on discord Twitter and wherever else he might run into him there is a ton to compile and work with for brevity I'm going to go forth to present to you the dads chord a discord server based around this series that was absolutely pivotal and helping me figure out what's been going on here I was able to converse with and befriend the incredible people that are in there and along the way and coincidentally there have been various other canon characters that pop in filling in parts of the story and giving us an extra layer to interact with for instance this strange man in black that we kept noticing throughout the series has a self titled accounts Carl as you might expect goes by privates and Tom Flaherty aka Crothers makes numerous appearances as well so with this in mind and so I don't run your head in circles I wanted to clear the air on a few things and on and on and on this was actually confirmed on discord by Carl to be the guy from be tided so we were correct on that theory this is not Nathan but merely a separate character entirely that conveniently just looks like him confusing I know according to Carl this and Don was on a space mission with his wife Ella and their lieutenants Emily Ridley so backing up you might recall that low contrast text overlay from dad feels golden that says and on furthermore in the video dad's chores we heard that female voice pleading friend on to wake up and in debt feels good the binary flash translated to lieutenant Emily Ridley this is base come in these all heavily hint at the fact at or someone is being covered up and they're hell-bent on getting out now this makes you think if Nathan is the one freaking out about this double ganger look it currently has an entirely separate space explorer look-alike by the name of and on is dad really using Nathan's likeness for his own game back to the music videos there's one one lyric in the song dad feels good that has seriously stuck with me ever since I heard it I could be way off the mark here what I'm gonna run with it take a look some things that make dad feel good our can of food and Kepler VR can of food and Kepler VR so here's what I think is going on this dad character was created by Nathan Barnett if we head back on his channel a couple years we can see various dad videos from a long long ago Nathan is an actor so he plays the part of various characters all the time in this webseries universe and Don is a space explorer with his wife Ella as shown and be tided and Emily Ridley their lieutenant I believe that they went on a space mission to this Kepler 22b that's constantly referenced somewhere along the way this main and black hill we keep seeing and followed and on back to earth and when we see him crash-landed in the desert the person that goes to capture him is this man in black himself I believe that somehow and Don's mind was wiped entirely and he's undergoing some sort of cognitive experiment in this Kepler VR system the medium for executing their experiments is YouTube the YouTube server to be exact in the persona that's being forced into and on swiped mind is this dad character that the main and black must have gathered a liking to from Nathan's channel with that in mind Karl is potentially an old friend of and on and seems to be our inside investigator into this whole thing in that private video we can see him breaking into a building that carries a direct metaphorical tie to what we can assume to be the YouTube server dad constantly makes references to obeying the server so what's the deal are there rules to follow and if so what are those rules exactly well for dad it's getting as many subscribers as possible by being as likeable as he can be for us the general audience its subscribing to end this subscriber counts is pivotal in the series and dad seems to be almost hypnotized into getting this number up as high as robotically possible at times we almost feel bad for dad mom daughter and neighbor are clearly up to something and the man in black can be seen any time dad's out and about hears him in dad's music video he'll hears him talking to neighbor and his 40 K subscriber special clearly everyone around dad is complicit in some sort of experimental scheme and the gamemaster behind this has got to be this strange man in black so why doesn't dad notice why doesn't hear a bell or try to get out did a hand on just vanish not quiet you see like we theorized his mind was wiped which explains his brutal mentary vocabulary and strange behavior that almost seems like he's trying to be the stereotypical dad that's all too stereotypical he has to work a company love family eat food and always always obey the server [Music] speaking of food did you notice how in little towels dad wanted to eat the pancakes and even went as far as to give them a try right after this mom popped in and replaced it with food and when she forced him to eat it his demeanor snapped back to script almost as if it's some sort of personality suppressant for him what if these pancakes were one of Anton's favorite foods which led to his knowledge of and curiosity to try it it almost seems like they're keeping dad totally brainwashed for their gain this is further supported way back in that video daddy's home or he makes the help me hand sign is this possibly the suppressed personality of and on poking out for some sort of plea for help that's honestly what I'm led to believe here dad is stuck in this Keppler VR system run at the mercy of the YouTube server dad says Keppler VR and food make him feel good but ironically these two things keep dad locked in this artificial trance where he goes through his daily life stuck on this TV set this VR has what seems like endless capabilities since then dad loves mom it rewinds everything that played out on the channel up to that point and jump to some unknown cyberpunk looking world it all seems like manipulation manipulation by the man in black who is clearly working to build influence in this strange server through YouTube subscribers in this series influence is power power that everyone around dad is working a reap dan is being used here used against his will as a character that's extremely likable and that's the thing dad is likable and surprisingly so I guess the only way that we can really know what will happen when dad becomes number one youtuber is simply to subscribe to him dad is on a mission who this mission is for exactly is currently unclear he's growing at a rapid pace though and I'm logged and ready to see what the real goal of this channel really is someone recently asked me will my favorite webseries or Arg is so far and to be honest it might have to be dad this expanded universe that's being built right before us as one of the most fun enjoyable and unorthodox that I've seen in quite a while and I'd like to commend nathan barn adds a million times over for having his likeness stolen by the main and black Thank You Nathan for having your face stolen this is incredible dad is one of the most interactive series that I've ever seen as well this adds such a level of heart and soul to an already sprouting gem of a series and just makes it that much more fun speaking of interaction I have even had a run-in with dad and it was something else [Music] I was given a gift and beneath my photo was a code scarlet sees all do with that what you will alright guys so you know what to do this series is weird is puzzling its ominous but most importantly it's so much fun now enough of my rambling it's time go sub to dad and go join the incredible dad's card because now we're all on a mission to make them number one youtuber together I'll see you in the next one I love you all and good night [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,916,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dad, dadfeels, nathan barnatt, nathanbarnatt, dad arg, youtube arg, youtube webseries
Id: tywFg2FAr9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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