What is Interface?

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On YouTube, there exists a channel by the name of "umami". The channel was launched on September 14th, 2017 and has a primary focus on obscure, surrealist animation. On December 7th, 2017, umami would release their pilot episode for a webseries by the name of "Interface". The series consists of just 9 episodes at the time of writing and each ranges, roughly, from two to six minutes. Interface is a surreal tale that takes place in Montreal, Canada, following the direct experiences of blue guy, also known as Henryk, and a nightmarish shapeshifter, by the name of Mischief, as they explore a world devoid of any sense of personality. Along the way, we'll encounter various other characters in a few world-building episodes by the name of Kami, Mr. Greetings, and the Ghost among a few others. The episodes are largely laid out in order, with the exception of three of them, and we'll soon come to find that these three outliers serve the purpose of building the plot behind this world. When we walk through this, you'll come to notice that the series seems to be largely inspired by the works of David Firth, and, according to umamihimself, this is absolutely the case. If you enjoyed Salad Fingers, then you're really, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 about to love the world of Interface. In Episode 01, we're greeted by, none other than, Henryk as he examines a few mannequins in a store window. Interestingly here, we can notice that these figures have static running through their eyes, and we'll soon come to find out why in a later episode. Anyway, right after this, the other main character, the shapeshifter, Mischief, greets Henryk on the street giving him a 𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘳 introduction. [Mischief] The year was 1943. Our ship was stationed in Philadelphia and was equipped to generate an electromagnetic field that would make us invisible to the enemy. What happened instead, we were teleported to New York. And in that process, my shipmates fused to the hull of the ship; embedded in the metal, screaming for help. I was destroyed, forced to regain my physicality. [Expo] So, after seeing this, we now know that Mischief isn't a human and he's being powered by the same ominous static that filled the mannequins' eyes. He gives background on himself as someone who was once on a ship in 1943 that, presumably by the power of this electromagnetic field he references, teleports from Philadelphia to New York, encapsulating the entire crew within its hulls. If you're unaware, this event has direct parallels to a widely circulated hoax that originated back in 1943 called the Philadelphia Experiment. The knowledge from the supposed experiment originated from two letters that were sent by Carl Allen and Morris Jessup, who claimed that a secret experiment was taking place in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. While this was happening, the ship, much like in Interface, teleported to New York then to another dimension, where it encountered aliens, and then through time, resulting in the death of every sailor on board as they became fused into the ship's hull. Episode 02 serves as a direct sequel to the first and in this one Mischief transforms into a bus. Afterwards, he then proceeds to ask Henryk for a desired location and after silence from our main character, Mischief claims that if Henrik doesn't choose a destination, he will. [Mischief] Get on. I can take you anywhere. I'm not going to hurt you. Where would you like to go? If you don't decide, 𝘐 will. [Expo] Along the way, we're able to notice that the bus passes by many notable Montreal landmarks, such as Turcot Interchange, Olympic Stadium, and Mount Royal Cross. While on their ride, we can also notice that we do pass by many people. However, they all seem to appear to be shrouded in darkness and exhibiting behavior that appears lifeless. At the end, we see the pair arrive at the Montreal Art Museum and Mischief changes forms once more, this time turning himself into Henryk's suit, thus making it pink. Episode 03 is where things become tangential. I believe that this episode is absolutely the entire key to the foundation of Interface's story. In this, we're able to see an initial shot of an ominous blimp with the words "Greetings Robotics" printed on the side. This is our first direct introduction of the major corporation that looms over society in the world of Interface. After the camera pans away, we're greeted with a tech conference by a very soulless CEO as he presents the latest and greatest technology; harnessing a certain strangely familiar form of energy. [CEO] ...immaterial "cerebral electricity". Ghost stories and myths became no longer superstitious, but a horrifying reality that we've been forced to recognize. We have since learned that this 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 was not a foreign substance. It had simply revealed itself for us to observe, to understand. Through the combined efforts of brilliant scientists, engineers; backed by many nations and corporate sponsors; we have finally been able to shine light into this darkness. As CEO of Greetings Robotics Corporation, it is my pleasure, my honor, to present to you: KAMI: Generation One. [Expo] "Cerebral electricity", huh? Interesting. So, this cerebral electricity was, quote, "Not a foreign substance. It revealed itself for us to observe [and] to understand." Think about this: This, apparently, was a substance that was always there; it wasn't created and it wasn't introduced. It wasn't even found. It revealed 𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧, leaving humanity fascinated by its presence, and proceeding to observe and harness it. Also, KAMI seems to have a strange Japanese symbol on the back of her neck. Keep this in mind. We'll come back to these topics later. Episode 04 is another world-building side entry and I believe that the major takeaways from this one are the opening shot of the TV, exhibiting a face strikingly similar to what we saw in the cerebral electricity that KAMI harnesses, and the segment at the end, where we see another character, called The Ghost, becoming enveloped in the cerebral static that's excreted by KAMI. Sidetracking here, I want to note something: We see a car accident at the very beginning and the aftermath of this results in the car sinking into the water, presumably killing the driver. When this happens, a hand appears to lift the little girl out of the water, who was also in the car, in the hopes of giving her a new life. After this, we see KAMI on the horizon as she proceeds to wreak havoc on a building, completely destroying it, before completely enveloping this hand into the cerebral electricity. I absolutely believe that this is an episode that's aimed at presenting the true power of KAMI. The Ghost, I believe in this case, is a clear reference to God, and it seems that KAMI is draining power out of him in order to inherit the status of her predecessor, God himself. KAMI is now God and this entire situation arose from the works of mankind themselves. This entire scene also appears to be a direct reference to the painting the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, which features the hand of God giving Adam life. In the case of Interface, the two becoming increasingly out of reach, furthering the possibility that God is no longer able to save this dystopia that humanity now resides in. Episode 05 picks up directly where Episode 02 left off: at the Art Museum. Here, we're able to see Henryk and Mischief as they make their way through the empty building to a painting that strikingly resembles a work called The Son of Man. Here, Mischief begins explaining something that seems to conflict with the events that took place prior. [Mischief] I'm so used to spaghettification as my method of transportation that I forgot what it was like to be human. What a familiar feeling, the restrictiveness of the human body. To see through your eyes, the world around you still looks no different to me. But it's what you desire that brought you here, and these are the things I'm blind to. I know when something is obstructing your way. [Expo] "But it's what you desire that brought you here, and these are the things I'm blind to." Now wait a minute. If Mischief claims that Henryk's desires brought him to this art museum, how did he choose this destination for him if these are the things he's blind to? Also, we can notice that in The Son of Man painting in the world of Interface, Henryk appears to be this man obstructed by the apple. This, alongside the flower that Mischief transforms into, are two objects that are strikingly out of place in the dystopia. In Episode 06, we open with Henryk in the museum's elevator. When he reaches the top, he's greeted by Mischief in front of a painting by the name of Birth of the New Man. After this, we can briefly hear him try to explain that if you exercise, your DNA completely changes before being cut off by the museum intercom. He then proceeds to compare himself to Henryk and with this comes a very interesting tidbit of backstory. [Intercom] ...to the exits. (French) [Mischief] Did you know regular exercise can change your DNA? One of the most impor- [Intercom] Attention, Visitors. The museum will be closing in 15 minutes. Please make your way to the exits. [Mischief] Let me just show you this before we leave. Painted in 1943, the year of my transformation. I was like a little baby chicken, breaking through to explore the unknown; Leaving earth behind, a shell of its former self. Something's telling me this is what we have in common. The only question is: when you broke free, what did 𝘺𝘰𝘶 leave behind? [Expo] So, here. We have Mischief as Henryk, "When you broke free, what did you leave behind" before explaining how he left the earth, which became a shell of its former self? Keep this in mind. I want to touch on the end portion now: afterwards, we're greeted with a bit of dialogue from Henryk's daughter as an audible voice originating from the mind of Henryk. She pleads that her mother passed and that her father seems to be the same age that he was when she was just a child. During this segment, we're also able to observe Henryk photographing a huge explosion, while concurrently appearing completely immune from it. [Henryk's Daugher] That never happened, but I have memories. After mom got sick, during the funeral, the pastor just stared at you. I was too young to understand and, maybe I still don't. I'm old now, like you 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 be. But I need to ask, when I join mom, should we wait for you? Will you ever come? [Expo] The questions that I'll leave you to take away from this episode are this: What was this blast? What did Henrik leave behind? And how did the earth become nothing but a shell of its former self? Let's press on. In Episode 07, we have another side world-building sequence of events that open with a narritive from a voice that, going by the description, is that of a man named Mr. Greetings. This sounds strikingly similar to the voice from the CEO of Greetings Robotics, and I believe that it's safe to assume that these two are one in the same. Anyway, he professes something that I believe is extremely notable to the story behind this series: [CEO] 4.6 billion years ago, gravity pulled the gases of a giant molecular cloud to form the Sun. The remaining materials formed what is called a protoplanetary disk. Our earth was formed. Later came the first proteins, RNA, DNA, life. It wasn't an accident. It is thought that there are 1 billion trillion stars in the observable universe. It was statistically likely to have occurred. Over time, the atoms and molecules that make up each and every one of us rearranged themselves. Over time, they have strived to become more complex. But why? [Expo] "Over time the atoms and molecules that make up each and every one of us rearranged themselves. Over time, they've strived to become more complex. But why?" This 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 seems to be what Mischief was referring to whenever he claimed that our DNA is able to completely change with exercise. Now, what is that exercise exactly? Later on in the episode, we're able to see the Greetings Robotics blimp in the night sky. While it floats along, we can see that inside is KAMI and a machine proceeds to attempt to harness the power exhibited by her. When doing so, the blimp is given life itself then immediately drained of it while the soulless Mr. Greetings observes the phenomenon. In episode 08, we pick up right after the events that took place in Episode 06 when Henryk fainted. The episode opens with him in a hospital bed watching TV that's playing a very outlandish set of commercials. [TV] Beasts! Ghosts! Scary demons! /I'm coming for your blood.\ And more! But be careful! Their claws are sharp. Their teeth are sharper! And they don't take no for an answer. /Complete the ritual.\ Hazmatz Monster Collection! For the kid with no fear. [Expo] Why is this disturbing content on TV and aimed at kids? It seems almost as if the youth in this dystopian future are being spoon-fed this filth day in and day out, resemblant of being brainwashed. The episode then proceeds to a point where Mischief arrives in bird form and has a word with Henryk. [Mischief] Tweet tweet tweet! I'm trying to be a bird. I haven't quite figured it out yet. How are you feeling? Did you miss me? Not feeling talkative, eh? Let's see what the doctors had to say. Ah! So that's your name. Henryk Niebieski. Born: 1910. There's something you aren't telling me, isn't there? I bet the nurses in the next room are wondering how a man over a hundred years old has skin smoother than theirs. [Expo] Strangely here, He claims that a man as old as Henryk has near-perfect skin before a cut is made with Henryk's face on the cover of a fashion magazine. Afterwards, Mischief explains to him if he stays here any longer, they'll keep him for their own. And here, my friends, is where we're directly shown something we've already established prior. Henryk is different. He isn't like the rest of society. He has color, and life, and a strange, enigmatic personality. But why? The most recent entry is episode 09. presumably where the pair landed after floating away in the parachute, this episode takes place in a diner with a strange octopus. When we approach him, he explains to us that the store is closed until 5 before Mischief starts to question him with an interesting result. [Mischief] Isn't that a bit cannibalistic of you to be chopping up sea creatures? The strong eat the weak, but what about parasites? [Chef] Isn't that what you're doing, Mischief? [Mischief] Guilty. [Expo] After this, the octopus explains some visions that he's been having lately about an entity so powerful that can only see the world in black and white. When shown these visions, we can see that it is, without a doubt, KAMI. Concurrently during this, a very ominous man enters the diner and proceeds to slowly approach the trio and after staring at them for a bit, Mischief cuts octopus off, inferring that his story is, quote, "about that [creepy guy] that's staring at us [over there]" before turning into a fly, landing on him, and explaining that, [Mischief] Hey, buddy. You're a bit early. The restaurant doesn't open until 5. [Expo] Before the episode ends. This series, undoubtedly, has many, many meanings and interpretations all woven together into a beautiful and immersive showcase. Art like this has the possibility for endless interpretations, and I completely encourage you to project your own thoughts onto what this all means. With this being said, here's what I believe Interface is about in 𝘮𝘺 eyes: For my first theory, I'd like to start by saying that I believe that the key to this lies during Episode 03. As we know, the series opens with Henryk checking out some mannequins with static in their eyes. Interestingly, this static has the title of cerebral electricity as shown during the conference. While this is going on, we're able to see Mr. Greetings as he speaks on the podium and, strangely, his eyes are completely black, almost as if he's completely soulless. If we take a look at the audience, they all appear to be either drained, out of it, or in a state of hypnosis as they blindly admire the artificial intelligence that Greetings Robotics had created KAMI, also known as a Kinetic Autonomous Mechanical Interface. Sidetracking here, if we do some digging on the Japanese symbol shown on her back, we can come to learn that the symbol is a direct translation of the word kami, which is a spiritual presence that's widely worshiped in Japanese culture. This world is creatively dead. Everything is becoming automated and powered by this cerebral energy that I absolutely believe is sentient and had revealed itself to be experimented on. While this is happening, the world is wholly being placed into the hands of a physical man-made deity being KAMI. Buildings, landmarks, vehicles, everything are subjected to this and it's all being done by a major, soulless corporation that's after nothing more than satisfying their bottom-line. In a way, it's almost as if society has a form of cerebral static in their own minds being that they can no longer think creatively or critically and nobody converses, interacts, or quite frankly even cares to anymore. They live day in and day out in an automated and soulless world of endless marketing, social media, and entertainment being shoved down their throats and they 𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘶𝘱. Henryk appears to be mentally immune to this and sees this figurative world as it is, completely apocalyptic, completely bland, drab, uninspiring, dull, and void of any sort of creativity that was ever present in the world that he once lived in. This could directly explain his desires being the art museum He has a craving for the creative energy that once existed in this world; this same world that Mischief referred to as now a shell of its former self. Speaking of which, where 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 Mischief come into play? The two met during the very first episode, however, interstingly, Mischief is powered by the cerebral electricity himself. So what gives? I believe that either A) this is a manifestation of his 𝘰𝘸𝘯 creative mind or B) Mischief and Henryk are the exact same people, being two sides of the same coin. What if in the story that mischief explains in the very first episode is actually what happened to Henryk? What if this is why he's so immortal? What if this entire time he's dead? For my second theory, I'd like to take you way back to Episode 01. The very first shot that we see in the entire web series is Henryk staring at some mannequins in a store window. Right afterwards, Mischief appears, seemingly, for the first time to Henryk and proceeds to give a backstory of his entire life. With this in mind, jumping forward to Episode 02, we see Mischief transform into a bus and while Henryk is inside of it, he asked for a destination before explaining that if Henryk doesn't choose, he will. Interestingly, in Episode 05, which takes place right after this, we arrive in an art museum, where Henrik proceeds to admire a painting that has a character bearing striking similarities to himself. At this point, Mischief appears and explains that Henryk's desires are what brought him here before claiming that he is unable to feel them. Backtracking to Episode 02 once again, we can remember that he said that he'd pick a destination for Henryk if he doesn't do so himself. If he isn't able to sense desire, how did he know that Henryk's desires led him to this place? Are the two somehow connected? Hmm 🤔. Pressing forward, Henryk is shown to have a strange invincibility in Episode 06 and this became apparent after a certain blast changed the world. Now, why in the world would Henryk be able to survive such an event? And how come, in Episode 06, when his daughter is giving her speech, she claims that the pastor stared at them at her mother's funeral that she was too young to understand. Why is it that she says that Henryk should be old now, as she is, but is stuck in the same age that he was when she was a child. Also, in Episode 08, as stated by Mischief, how in the hell is it that Henryk is over 100 years old? What if way back, Henryk allowed himself to be experimented on; in turn, becoming a perfect personality-driven robot that's highly superior to KAMI. Now before you shrug this off, allow me to explain: Mischief is the key here. If we look at Henryk, he comes off as a dull, quiet person that doesn't seem to speak, eat, or really do anything. He seems to lack a purpose in this world, merely wandering around aimlessly until a task or event comes his way. This is when Mischief arrives. Henryk appears to go along with everything Mischief tells him to do and going by the dialogue in Episode 09, he speaks for him, too. What if Mischief and Henryk are one in the same? Mischief even claims in an episode that "something led me to you." Is this what that something could be? Henryk's entire personality could very well have been mischievous and fun, a total far cry from how he actually comes off in this series. Looking at him in Episode 05 and Episode 09, when Mischief is hitching a ride in his suit, he comes off as a completely different person, full of life. This is when I'd like to touch on another pivotal point in this theory lying in Episode 09. [Chef] I've been having visions again. One of a machine that processes the world in ones and zeros. I fear camouflage has no effect on those who see the world in black and white. [Mischief] Hold up. Is this about that weirdo staring at us from the middle of the room? One interesting tidbit about that speech was that he claimed that this vision encompassed an entity that could merely see the world in black and white, zeros and ones, and it would be pointless to attempt to camouflage oneself from something that could not see color. So, KAMI arrives in the diner, taking a different form than her ordinary robot self, after the octopus is giving his speech about the visions that he's been seeing, which are of KAMI. Mischief stops him and claims that it's about the creepy guy who's been ominously staring at them in the room. I really, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 think that Henryk is much more like KAMI than we think and she's been tasked with hunting him down. This hunt is heavily referenced in Episode 08, when Mischief claims that the nurses would keep him for their own if he stayed there much longer. KAMI is on the hunt for him because, as we've established, He is different. He's actually able to see the world in color. He's able to admire art. He is able to make genuine friends and he himself is an all-around superior version to her. His humility is, much like the apple in the museum, what gets in the way of Henryk understanding his true capabilities. And so, Mischief comes into play to balance his personality, guiding Henryk on a journey of awakening and self-discovery, granting him a purpose. The question is, in future entries, will Mischief continue to exhibit the same kindness that he has been, or is there something ulterior in mind?
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,254,360
Rating: 4.9349055 out of 5
Keywords: interface, umami, interface umami, henryk mischief, interface webseries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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