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[Music] my let show started to have yeah uncle G Grant Cardone with me here today and I've been looking forward to doing this for a very very you know you know how I got tagged with this uncle thing I do know story yeah well you ought to tell everybody go start you know my dad died when I was team first of all always great to be with you at YouTube there I really have AK in like real real very strong connection with you we do as a person not just as a man or a business or sales or any of this other stuff but and I really say that by the way so anyway my dad died when I was 10 and I kept waiting for somebody to come in you know in my life and my there was an uncle J uncle Paul and uncle Vincent you know showed up yeah and and I'm not being I'm not resentful because they didn't show up because they had their own life said their own stuff going on they just never showed up and then I found myself looking for the football coach the black football coach I thought okay maybe he's gonna be my uncle right you know yeah I was looking for a mentor yeah and even even went to college out the CIA teacher died I had a guy was XE I taught a psychology class I thought oh maybe he's gonna do it and did you ever let any of them know you were looking for that no not really not really you know I was just I was looking for you know I was looking I said and I remember telling my mom I said one day I'm gonna beat somebody out of frustration one day I'm gonna be somebody I'm gonna help other people you know anyway I told that story then somebody said hey G will you be my uncle I love that yeah so you've got me in that uncle you better I'll go the hundreds of thousands of people now yeah trying to be what's that feel like like you know like yeah a bunch a long time ago did you did you see yourself like hey I'm gonna be having this stewardship or this relationship with hundreds of thousands of people where many of them really do look at me like I'm their uncle G yeah well feel up by the time I mean it feels good today you know it's it's a little weird but but what went out from 16 when I made that decision to 25 I would I couldn't even be my own uncle my own like I hated myself you told me that yeah I mean literally it's like a word you hated yourself you're walking on it's without a doubt total self hate like I don't like what I look like people think I'm a loser I mean like that or worse I couldn't even look at myself like I was 130 pounds I weigh 170 pounds today well you're a big guy I was wearing like 140 138 Wow gray okay like like like gray I had no color in my face bones like negative like you know I was terrible dude I was funny in the pictures bankrupt in every way and I came from a good family it's not like my dad abandoned me mama didn't mistreat me I didn't grow up in a 200 square foot apartment you know I grew up in a nice brick house three bedrooms five kids and and and and just went south Wow you know and what changed well quit doing drugs when that when you 25 he's going to undress yeah I smoked my first joint when I was 16 with my brother my twin brother and Russell and and what was the other dude's name anyway he was a rich lawyer son mm we smoked weed I knew it was wrong the first time I did it you know to ative leave you I'm doing something I know I knew like I wouldn't show anybody this I wouldn't want my dad to see you this I wouldn't want my mom to see me doing this I was embarrassed by it you know and the next thing you know I'm smoking weed everyday the next thing you know after that it's not amusing other drugs and the next thing you know I know everybody thinks that that would never happen to you but it happened to me yeah and the next thing you know I'm doing cocaine everyday any kind of drug actually it was it people people online always say Oh cardones a cocaine addict or something dude I was using pills well I was using phenobarbital know why everything you're doing to alter how you felt you felt so crappy about yourself you're like I'm gonna alter how I feel or numb it or is it just you just started to get addicted and did it well well I think I think one day I looked up and I was addicted and they were available and the people I was around that's what they were doing so it was this vicious cycle that I had become addicted my body basically addiction is not a disease and it's not like you know it's not like you have kind of bone disease addiction is a choice like you you choose to use the drug so that they I went to treatment center I've been through all the Sun that some of the some people gonna tell you how Carla's crazy there is an addiction and data die and I know well I'm just telling you okay right like I can have a glass of wine and don't have the propensity to drink two bottles I've seen you do it yeah so you know but how's that guy you get this guy yeah he quits drugs I get all that yeah but now I mean let's be honest I mean there's your you're one of the more influential businessmen in the country huh in terms of your influence your reach to people you could argue in some cases you're the most right I mean you reach lots of people but it's true yeah so you this uncle-ji figure yeah yeah what did what's that feel like yes it like no it feels good I mean it feels good I'm not perfect so like like I you know I think about it there's a responsibility with it right so like I cuss yes and then my wife side you know you really should be a bigger bigger role model you know I smoke a cigar I'm drinking a glass of wine or you know I used my sense of humor incorrectly right so it there you do that that's true once in a while you know too soon like I get over tragedies really fast and I can make jokes about them the next day right and people are like it's too soon man you can do that but on the other hand that's that's part of the allure of you that you're not so buttoned up you're transparent what you see is what you get I think also you know you're willing to reveal some of these flaws you have and I think I think some of the guys that are out there and I need to watch this too sometimes they're trying to put something on all the time you know release an image or stay with some sort of a persona that they have you're just really you like in that fact like you're off all the office here at glass like yeah is in your meeting this morning they people know you they know the real you they know the funny you they know the serious you they know the flawed you they know the stud you right and they know I go from funny to serious like from 0 to 60 and a half a second yeah and then I can go back to funny like I don't get stuck in serious so I go back and forth really really fast and that confused a lot of people they're like what just happened there yeah I do see that you know and and do you enjoy this I mean are you enjoying the stage year life with the the influence you have the attention there's this growing business that you I mean I love helping people you know I like influencing people I like I like countering a lot of the negative data out there and negative information and the wrong information yeah and you know you and I were talking about you know some of the things that people promote out there today there's shortcuts to success right both you both you and I are both I mean we're both guys we will have a glass of wine or but we're both into keeping our bodies pure and clean and healthy neither one of us believe in any kind of drug use at all I mean yeah you and I both have in common I've I've never smoked weed I've never done anything like that I wouldn't want to put that stuff in my body you know one well I tell you if you're smoking weed I definitely want to compete with you Yeah right I'm gonna kick your ass okay so I know I'm gonna kick your ass if you if you have to go wash your hands after you do something you get the smell up I'm gonna kick on the kill you you're gonna lose deals it's costing you money it's costing you time it's costing energy right I it slows you down yep and you're like oh nobody's ever died because they smoke weed that's right but you slow down when you smoke with no question about it like one minute you're driving 70 miles an hour in the next minute you're driving 30 why because you lost certainty right now what I don't want to lose to certainty and awareness right so it's interesting because after this this weekend yeah the Mandalay Bay this weekend when you're watching this maybe recently may not be but what happened this weekend is the Mandalay Bay shooting took place in Grant was actually at the Mandalay Bay in the hotel during the event and and you know it was just a really eye-opening event about being aware and being prepared yeah and what nobody knows because we didn't release it was that afternoon I spoke to an audience what well you know show me that thing with a gun you know other thing with a gun oh you said oh yeah the one I sent you yeah I sent it to you yes Wow okay I might include the little clip here you know maybe maybe we just pretty shiny Tuesday but I know I mean it's gonna misused if I if I put it out online it's gonna get misused but at 2:45 in the afternoon we were preparing to go leave the Mandalay Bay we were on the 20th floor we didn't know the shooter was on the 35th floor and that night we had a dinner planned a party for investors planned on the 35th floor on the 43rd floor so 20 35 43 we've been living with the shooter for four days right okay he's been living in the same hotel as you a couple floors above yeah everywhere I went to whole four days you can't tell anybody this but I was packing a gun by the way it's illegal to have a gun in the Mandalay Bay and in any casino and in Las Vegas so and I know that by the way so I already know that you don't need to tell me that so anyway right before we were leaving for me to go speak at 2:45 in the afternoon I did a thing on I know packing a gun I know the importance of being prepared to defend yourself yeah and and and and Johnny the camera guy that's always with me recorded it I sent it to you yes did this happen this afternoon yeah that's okay that was at 2:45 like eight hours later not lit not anyway seven hours later yeah the the validity of that video became true so that's the stuff I hate about being you know a role model and the uncle because then people are like you shouldn't do that you shouldn't act like that I'm like you know what I live in America I got to be free to express Who I am right what why not why be who you are if you can't be who you are well I think all people that have become successful especially during this time you're kind of a product in a sense you know I mean you're yeah and the more tangible you are I can describe what you are I think the more valuable somebody is I don't think this is these are the days where everybody's just vanilla you kind of blend in yeah I think you need to stand out yeah I don't think you stand out on purpose it cost me though it costs me deals had cost me gigs it cost me you know somebody's gonna say he's a loose cannon and can't use him yeah but I bet you it gets you more than it cost you or you wouldn't do it right I think it gets you more than a caution yeah I don't know I don't know I I just know if I compromise myself like I did with weed yes okay if I compromise myself with customers if I compromise myself every day with you know what I study what I'm willing to reach believe it you know then the next thing you know I'm some other guy again yeah I think it's a massive massive lesson for everybody to learn I also think it's where somebody want to talk about this in a little bit but I think it's where some of your confidence comes from I think you know who you are yeah I think you know what you are who use what you stand for what you believe in and I think that's one of things that makes you unique is like I think your confidence is ISM ISM you know I think it's a magnet I think it's I think it's something that makes you attractive that's why these people listen to you and so I've watched you you're one of the rare the elite like the world-class performers I don't care if you're looking to football as Tom Brady your business is Cardone somehow and it's reverse it's odd the more they get fed it's natural to be not quite as hungry after you eat a big meal yes somehow you've been eating at the big plate at every dinner of your life the dinner of life you're being fed you're getting and you're hungrier yeah you're hungrier yeah you're relentless like what is that like where does this come from a vision you're trying to chase there's a computer self-confidence level how do you stay hungry yeah as you're winning cuz this all people watching up there they're achievers yeah and they're you know what they do slow down when they get to a level they do slow down when they get some accolades they do they don't stay as hungry yeah we stayed like that why is your will to win not for sale yeah because because the the thirst is for potential you know the my play is not money it's not a bigger plane it's not more real estate even though I want all those things yeah it is potential is the discovery of my potential mmm you know so so I'm interested in what could I do what can I do how far can I go could I translate my material you know could I become could my material live like could I become immortal yeah grant cardone could grant cardone the name not the body it can't it's impossible but could I could I do something a biblical proportions you believe you're capable of doing something huge yeah yeah I told my sister my sister called me one day she my oldest sister called and said she's 74 and she's like you know she was this rag anomie Fox said your business experts say that's an ongoing joke you know and then I get interviewed by CNBC on some real estate they're calling you the real estate expert and then they're calling you this thing and she's she's making fun of me right I said and she's like what are you up to I said I'm gonna do something in my lifetime that like it lives on for biblical proportions and you know thousands of years hmm so well you're right so just write the books they'll be there so totally they'll be there you know but I got a translator now because the Chinese can't read that book right the the Spanish can't read that book and Canadians and Australians and Americans can read it but can I even get it out to them so I'm interested I know my technology what what I teach and what I write is unique I sit down and look at things in life even your verbage is different everybody else's you don't copy people you don't your verb adjust oh no I don't copy people I call out people when I think it's [ __ ] yeah you know the 4-hour workweek I'm just telling you ain't nobody in the freakin lifetime ever done a four-hour work we can actually create something actually solopreneur it's garbage oh [ __ ] it's just popular it's just an idea that you're gonna work for yourself yeah you know when people tell me that you're better off making 42 grand at home then you are working for somebody else my responses nobody's better off making 42 you know when somebody says network marketing is a bad thing I'm like they're stupid stupid right okay there's only thousands of thousands of people are winning doing it yeah exactly so don't be stupid don't regurgitate stupidity yeah you don't accept stupid ideas just because they're accepted by the masses yeah and I don't take advice from quitters and the only people that say network marketing is a student is a bad thing look what are people that quit it and by the way those that never started it we're also quitting it yeah the only reason they would know about it is they considered it for a second and then didn't do it another justify why they did so speaking of that on the network marketing recruiting sort of flavored thing that we're talking about in my business I tell people to get wide and what am I in my business we're getting wise a little bit different but getting wide means you're gonna have lots of agents that report lead directly to you it spreads out your influence it spreads out your risk yes the other side you also talk about your and your business you getting wide yeah you saw that what's you getting what me yeah well what's it mean like I made a mistake with money not using money that's you using you know becoming this guy that became wealthy and still acting like a pauper yeah okay so so what happened was that basically shrunk me back into being a popper small yes so so you look you never commit a crime one crime nobody ever commits one crime so where you find one crime in life by the way you know you're committing a crime on yourself when you make these mistakes there's other crimes of the similar nature well I'd also not take him out my brand wide okay IIIi was good in this one vertical I mean I was great at it I was like the best okay and I didn't start crossing over yeah the other verdict that was in the car business yeah exactly because I was selling out for this money right here yes because it was easy money yes and just like you described the guy that dissatisfied right yes settle in I'd settled in the vertical okay and so and and look when you when you're around a bunch of people that are in a vertical yep that have also settled that are trapped in some narrow band yes they're not going to tell you to go this way right and go out here they're gonna take oh it's hard it's almost impossible nobody's ever done it not you're gonna lose your audience yeah what you're gonna probably lose some audience it is very difficult probably one of the most difficult things I've done is go this way mmm like it was really really difficult because I didn't want to lose this audience a little bit sure I did yeah these people were pissed off man when they saw me actually making moves yeah and succeeding people were like oh my competitors took advantage of it see he's interested in other stuff not just this yeah so they try to they try to take advantage of it I because I'm spending energy over here I lose a little bit of something here yep so how do you do that man like you and I got a couple specific things after that but like like you talked about you you were able to be bold about what you believe in in your faith yeah you take some shots for that right you could take some shots for having the gun thing at me right I took some shots and you knew that by going to spread in your your your width yeah that's right yeah and I think this is interesting I mean in today's world it seems to me the thing that holds most people back is their worry and fear about criticism and what other people are gonna think about it I mean it's just they're obsessed with it I think social medias been good but the bad part is how many likes did I get what are they gonna think about this people thinking I'm happy you know am I gonna get criticism how do you do you just not care or do you care and you do it anyway I Karen I don't look you don't look you know I'm saying like we were talking earlier and and I was showing you this little thing I do this none of these little rituals I do you talk about rituals and this little thing because I was passing across this this article yep that I'd show shown ad that I posted yeah and I said anytime I look at anything while I'm with you having a conversation and tell my people to do this grab something posted another place push it some other place so we multi-purpose everything you do man you're after that stuff all the time yes so you'll see me doing a lot of different things in a lot of different spaces pieces and parts of it little clips of videos audio you know so we multi-purpose because I'm trying to go all these different directions maybe I don't know how people want to consume data okay so the point is back to this I don't really look at whether you liked it or not it's not part it's not on your radar screen yeah no I do have staff that tells me to take stuff down in fact they don't tell me anymore they just take it down video so sherry kind of runs control kind of hurricane herma pickup yes so does my wife so yeah they're like they know I'm a hurricane yep they know I'm gonna destroy stuff yep I'm gonna tear up trees out it I'm gonna damage stuff I'm hurricane yep I'm a hurricane they never stop I think every great entrepreneur is a bit of a hurricane yes I think the ones that struggle are trying to keep everything clean neat tidy and organized being an entrepreneur is messy yeah yeah and this is the guy I don't want to be I don't want to be the the successful uncle that went into hiding now yeah me either or the the billionaire that there's no access right you know you want to forget it yeah I don't know Mark Cuban's wife I've never seen her yeah that's a good point you know I've never seen any lot musti's wife I seen one interview with her okay won't Warren's wife die I want my wife to be out there yeah I want you guys to know my kids I want I want you to see the mistakes that make in my life I want to see behind the curtain yeah I think they're not following an image I think they're actually following you I think they're actually following you through your life and I think you're helping lead them to I think it inspires them I think that's a huge there's a couple big differences both you and I have actually done something in our lives so when we're preaching to people out there and the in the world we're actually coming from a place of experience and some real value we're not making our bio up as we go along which is most people I think out there in this space I think most people in the space are just literally blogging and talking about crap they've actually never done in their lives and somehow becomes scripture to people that follow and where you and I have to have real businesses real companies real net worse but this goes through some rapid-fire stuff yeah but let me just go back to it there was a time in my life like you know the person who smoked been most dissatisfied with me is me so I wanted to build teach other people sales yes and then I learned how to do that yep and I was making millions of dollars a year doing that yep but I was not a businessman yet yeah and it was it killed me mm-hmm and it killed me then I wasn't a businessman I was a speaker mm-hmm I was a speaker okay writing a book would not have solved that for me okay so I started a second business with a partner he started he exceeded what I was doing in that speaking business he was the businessman I was the partner I still work I still wasn't a businessman I started the real estate business and we had I don't know four or five hundred units I was an investor I still wouldn't run in a business so literally he had has been in like four or five of these before I was like okay now I'm a businessman Wow so it's literally literally like in the last seven or eight maybe ten years and I really felt okay now I'm a legitimate for the first time in my career well there's something to change the catalyst was there just it was just steps just process well it's part of what we talked about earlier lifting off the disabilities like they were covering me up to play a small game yeah to be a sales guy to be an author to be a speaker these were really small tiny games yes you know to be just the father yeah you know to be what you love those guys hey I'm a good dad oh yeah yeah like that's a ticket indle I mean you're supposed to Happy's a label by the way yeah you Happy's the label just like a DD yeah okay they're both made up they're both made of so so these are limitations cuz I could be happy yeah you know I could be attention deficit disorder I could have it I could have it for a second because but but but I can have total attention in the Senate right so maybe I maybe I have an attention deficit because nobody got my attention right both of us don't believe in most of the labels or any of them out there all rapidfire see if I've observed about you so okay people are watching this so that's a good interview right here man eeehm squared hey if you think we should call this a M Squared like the Einstein thing yeah that should be the name of the show I know he feels strongly about that so y'all can get back to me great mark here let me know if you liked it I'm square keys be the new Einstein how important is it to be too close not that matters if you don't close like if you don't close everything prior to this just like like why'd you waste everybody's time including your own mmm do you teach that to your people I mean is that you have an environment of closing or we don't we close in the greeting what's that mean it means hey you guys do you need me to show you this or you do you have an effort from information to make a decision see I think so so somebody's with me if somebody's agreed you know one thing I want to do is like you're gonna you know like like let's say you're you come to my mind one of my real-estate investment yep dinners yep I'm gonna ask everybody room hey do you guys does anybody in the room know enough already to invest in the fund right from the get-go well yeah why would I do the whole presentation so you've started to close from the very beginning why would I why would I yeah not flow you power because you're certain no you walked in the room with a check for 500 in your heart yeah on your mind you're like I'm gonna do 500 I'm gonna do a million yeah okay so why would I put you through the whole presentation when you've already decided the reason I asked you this is because I want people that are watching us because we can't get into this in the totality here but we create programs for this well that's what I'm gonna say so first off my organization is working on a custom program with you that we're gonna do that involve some of these things but if you're out there and you're involved in anything which is everything by the way that requires sales or influence or persuasion you are crazy not to get involved with this guy's technology and the training systems you have I've I become more and more familiar feeling today pouring into some of this stuff this is the premier I'm to saying this in your presence not only is he the premier birdstrike capture in in probably the world I think you're probably number one at that but it's just unbelievable but I'm the mayweather bird strike a bird strike but then the Shamu bird strike I am the armageddon Birds there you go with Armageddon the bird strikes but I got to tell you he's the Armageddon of sales and I'm telling you this is the best stuff I've seen on persuasion on influence on managing yourself on closing on overcoming objections and if you're in anything that involves that which is about everything for those of you that are listening this get involved with this stuff where would they go first website wise was the best place to go you would go to probably card on University or card on EUCOM to see what we did there this is new calm this is not normal endorsement by me I'm telling you this stuff would immediately make a difference for you from the second year you know I'm yeah just in my defense okay not not of me personally but of what we've created is is I struggled with sales yeah so much because I was trying to do a lot of stuff that I was being taught they're very very ancient yeah and I'm not talking about Brian Tracy old yeah you know or Tom Hopkins but those guys my friends bother I know and I'm just talking about age-wise they they were delivering content from the fifty sixty seven right right their content was actually from hundreds of years before that that's right ask questions get control spend more time with people these are these are ancient bypassed done philosophies mmm-hmm you know if you're sitting down with somebody that's looking at wfg as a husband and wife they've already been on the internet to check W yeah right or whatever that is whatever it is you're doing any real client prospect people aren't stupid they know what you're there to do so do it we I mean the internet the internet yep like has made it available so I would walk in that meeting I'm not looking to spend longer with them I'm looking to spend less time with qualified people you go in show them what the need close the deal yeah we did a call me and you did a call that yeah we weren't on that call very long no probably kept saying let me ask a question let me ask a question let me ask a question yet so he finally got him on the phone you know Tom Hopkins taught me hey whoever whoever asked question controls yeah the sale yep it's not even true yeah okay close it whoever gets answers nobody gets answers that's good most people ask questions never get them answer yeah well that gosh that's so true but never get them answers yes ask question what's your budget how much yep you walk away never get an answer yeah you got to get an answer if you're gonna ask question you get answer but always see what happens is is that the principles of closing he's willing to blow a sale even be willing to blow the sale if it requires you to ask again I love that because if you don't get the answer you will not make the same here's what I watch today I watch modern strategies as the principle stay the same then what the strategies change they'll be different by the way in ten more years yeah and it's also that his content is digestible in bite-sized increments that you can get in this day and age and understand it so I want to strongly encourage you if you're in anything that involves sales or persuasion which is all of you and this isn't he doesn't even need the endorsements got plenty of other business I'm telling you that it would make an immediate impact for you and that doesn't just include that stuff but any of the books that he's written especially the ones that are recent at least for me these are books that is 10x stuff is obsession stuff is so flippin good it's like it's rare that I read stuff yeah cuz I've had some experience at winning and some success that I and I Amelie either a learn something or be I agree a hundred percent based on my experience it confirms to me right it's like when we met we started talking like we a minute immediately connected because we believe the same stuff on so many different levels right and so that's why I want to encourage you get his books and get involved with Cardone University go see it you're gonna make a huge shift I mean there's there's nothing else I could recommend you do then go do that that would make the most immediate pact you will not ever again suffer for not knowing what to do it'll just be your willingness to go do it so getting a relationship with this guy it's gonna be huge for you so a couple things here a few things so I've watched you I'm getting to know you better I consider you a friend now I enjoy our time it is flies by you know I mean I mean that like I've told you before you're making me want to do better and be better just your example just your being does that for me but there's some things inside you I've seen it I think I do well but being around you you know many people are gonna say there's no way I can study this dude based on some of the stuff they've heard already about you I don't really care I think they're crazy not to study you yeah what's nuts about that I mean it's so sad you know like oh cuz I'll study anybody I don't care if you're a Muslim I don't care if you're white black male female show me the results man that's all I care about just show me what works they're probably people who are ultimately are gonna become successful they're looking for reasons not to win instead of reasons to win uh-huh usually the people that are magnetized at you and I are people who are looking for reasons to win that's who most of you are there to listen to this you're trying to find a freaking way to win that's one of my favorite closes by the way what's that are you looking for reasons to do this and right that's the whole bottom line the bottom line is if you're looking for a reason to win you're following the right two people right we come at it from a different perspectives but one thing those are you listen to this and grants a Catholic as well but as a Christian I'm not naive enough to think that the Lord only puts Christians in my life to teach me things that be obscene that be ridiculous the Lord's gonna bring all kinds of different people into my life to teach me to alter me to influence me he's using me as his tool and of course some of these people are gonna be catalyst for that so that's insane damn it my whole life you know I have prayed like show me the way man I know you do show me the way show me how to get my money right show me how to get my business right show me how to treat people right show me one of the big thing was missing in my life was a wife show me how to pick the right wife yeah you did you know how show me how to become a good husband and to be a good husband now that I got it the right way show me how to be a good dad I was terrified and becoming a dad we're you Oh terrified yeah what you think you're this I have it too but you have this relentless desire to be the better version of you to be the next expression of you to find out where you could be that's what's that's the real answer you're excited about finding out who you could be yeah yeah that and I am too I'm like passionate about that I'm like I'm I'm optimistic about it I'm anxious to see the next version of me I think you're unbelievable with that but I want to ask you got some things I've observed so just want to go through these with you a little bit okay you keep promises you make to yourself for the most part in other words if you tell yourself you're gonna do something do you keep those promises not always okay you know so so would like workouts I've been really slack as you can tell I'm workouts lately I think you look great I've told you that's 59 years old thank you I mean I got here this morning yeah and there's a security guard in the park and I said I gotta find cardones offices the first thing the guy said to me he goes oh I know where he is and we start to walk he goes when you see him you're not gonna believe this I thought he was 43 years old he's 59 years old I said I already knew that's that your kid me that's the first thing the guy told me that is how young you look so you're doing something right with think-tank huh from a business perspective do you keep the promises that you make you say always yeah I might be a little long on yeah you know it might take me a little longer to get to ya and that by that's an observation I've made about you yeah he has this thing no I'm telling you the truth especially when you're around me a little bit you have total optimum self confidence in your business capacity i watch it with you you know what you're doing you know you're skilled you're confident you're beyond confident you're certain the more certain person wins right I think that's because you've kept promises you make to yourself I think the number one requirement and being a confident person is that you start by keeping when I meet someone who it lacks self-confidence in an area in an area I'll tell myself this is someone who just simply doesn't keep the promises they make to themselves in that area and that's the reverse is true in your body yeah you know I've talked a lot about that before like you look great but your confidence level and your fitness and all that stuff isn't the same as it is in business it's probably because you missed some workouts what's wrong I'm serious yeah no I do I do and no it's an area that but it's also like yeah okay so that's true yeah it's true no go ahead we gonna say well yeah yeah yeah I've never I'm just not a priority Zack you told me that we never invested much time in my body you told me that like like I know some people like like like literally when I get ready mm-hmm I know I don't even look I'll go three or four days without looking at myself you told me that so so and and part of that you know it's freedom mm-hmm like I'm not locked up in this identity of being five eight and 170 pounds I don't think on my body right I know that I am NOT a physical unit that's right the difference with me and you is that so first off I know that you think that and I know that's not a per this is really good so I'm gonna tell you something that I think I have okay part of my confidence in business is that I think my body I think nowadays more and more business people train like athletes and more and more athletes train like businesspeople LeBron James is not the same guy yeah that yeah Julius Erving was right LeBron James a businessman like jay-z he's a businessman right and so more of these guys Tom Brady has a bush selling book out right yeah right he's a businessman yeah and so more athletes think like businessman I agree and I think and by the way you are super fit but I think one of the advantages for people if they can keep their body fit not big or muscular but high energy and healthy yeah I watch that you eat you do eat healthy you get clean we just did right now yeah a little terrible thing you make me eat yeah please good fuel in my car but I'll tell you today I still don't put premium I know you don't I don't put the best gas in my car because I think it's a scam but I just put whatever huh me either yeah I put the best gas in there to get me from back and forth cuz it's the least car anyway I'm a flippin turnitin me too but I think your business self confidence comes from doing that there's nothing I observed about you I want to ask you about it you're aggressive you are aggressive what that means is even if you have a plan I'm probably the most aggressive ugly business person on earth me too I think you're the most aggressive business person that I've met and I know the other thing you'll do is it in the moment you'll jump on something like if it's not playing and it could get something done it could close it can grow something you'll do it talk about that Fuhrman how important is aggression being offensive yeah she'll put on the moment I walk into every environment looking for a deal bank mm-hmm you know I I'm just telling you if you need to be if you need to know or when you're with me I'm looking for a deal yeah I don't care if it was my mama mm-hmm if my mom and my mom died about six seven years eight years ago I guessing but if she came back I mean literally if I had 30 minutes with her mmm I spent 28 minutes you know just reminiscing and two minutes trying to close your verse something [ __ ] I mean like there got to be something you got yeah and you lose out yours quick if that's not there you're out well I don't lose interest quick but I definitely try to set up something for later you know so so you know I I think I believe in my products so like I'm always looking to how do I insert the product yeah I'm Way beyond now anybody calling me sales guy he's always selling and he's he's always marking and he's always promoting yeah you can say all those things about me I already know that right of course you're okay let me say it for you yeah I'm always selling I'm always promoting I'm always marketing okay so you're not tell me something about myself I don't know because I already know yeah and those are positives yeah those you're saying it about me because you don't do it yourself that's correct yeah that's like we said earlier today she had the cure for cancer you wouldn't feel like a sinner you tell literally everybody so if you feel like you're what you're doing benefit somebody it improves the quality their life yeah you're you're at fault for not spreading that and shame on you if you're selling a product you don't feel good okay you're the wrong place exactly shame on you shame on you if you're spending your time hating on something you've already given up on that number one thing is cut as you and I are you interviewed me early and I was saying I've never really competed with other people I'm not concerned with other people do that as wasted energy that steals from my focus yeah I'm worried about what I'm doing my team is doing my company is doing anything outside of that is they someone is trying to rob me of my elite hyper focused state I'm not doing that crap I don't care what you're doing I don't care if you're doing it wrong I don't care what I do when I'm going too slow of course some things you said something to me this morning about your frequency yes you know I like the vibration right yep but man as long as I hit my right frequency up there like when I'm moving be me me too like I don't get I don't I don't get its caught up in all this stuff I coach I told you one of things I've observed about you they're gonna think I'm weird for and I think you vibrated a super high frequency meaning your energy level your capacity to move things and influence things yeah is it a high high level yeah and by the way I will now that we're hanging out a little bit I'm gonna get you to even go one millimeter further by being a little bit more fit by being a better state i'ma help you do that I just need more Pilates dude you don't the Pilates expert but I would I need a real expert Pilates person knows when you do it but if you light a core up so hot well I thought you didn't need it no no when I get a really good because I I don't really know how to do it myself right you don't even really do Pilates either you just bought the leotards right you got the leotards but you don't really know how to Pilates probably now nobody knows what does that even mean he's a girl there's a grown man talking Pilates right in front of me by the way just so you know your fitness and all that stuff would give you even another gear no you're right you're totally what I don't even wonder whether I'm right about that I know that I know you know I know you're right okay so are you one other thing but in that you have this capacity and we run and we don't have too much more time yeah we got as much time as you want it's your podcast you're capacity level is freakish okay so so know what your capacity level so how much you can get done and even day yeah right so talk about that for a second do you think about that like consciously or you just do you just I walk in here today yes after being gone for five days you know I didn't plan on the Mandalay Bay shooting right like you guys that are doing to-do list and time management you're trying the time management thing talk about that how you don't manage time you expand it yeah I don't I don't I don't manage time I mean I create what's that mean it means it means I'm not managing a mo I'm not managing money time is not time is not some it's all made up yeah mm-hmm time is made up 20 to 24 hours is made up right the 60-minute clock is made up okay the sundial is made up like like you know I don't have to go to sleep when the Sun Goes Down and I don't have to wake up when it comes up right so it's all made up like like like I want the ability to operate when I want how I want you know so so I create time I decide when Mandalay Bay shut down and a shooter and 59 people get killed and 527 people get hurt and a hotel room with 5700 rooms has to be searched clear check double time FBI ATF metro police fifty seven hundred rooms biggest hotel in America and all the public spaces yeah and the casinos and the jackpots an executive and employee lounges people like how long you think we're gonna be down here we're gonna get out of here at 8:30 I just did the math I did fifty seven hundred rooms three minutes each twenty seven hundred policemen we're gonna be here twelve hours you knew it okay so so what am I gonna do now okay what am I gonna do with the time I have Yeah right you know what I did I took a nap took a dance 200 people in the cafeteria the thing had calmed down the shooter was down he was dead and and and the first thing my wife observed is you and Kevin Harrington Kevin was down in the room with me he's like you and Kevin Harrington at first two people sleeping you told me that I need sleep because the two executives go to sleep get some rest because we know what there's gonna be another day so I I want to wake up the next day rested ready to roll again yep so it's not how do you manage time but how do you maximize whatever time you have and and people often ask me well how much do you sleep I said don't worry about it yeah I worry about what I need the 60 the other 16 hours I sleep eight hours today I know you do you tell me that before you get a full hit fully but I assume you mean I'm maxed out every single second of the day yeah and it's not some tag line either you do really embody maxing out the call yes so so when I came in here today where I start I did not know I did not have a calendar Katie keeps the calendar you didn't even a couple of meetings you had yeah look I did I you know I wasn't even sure what day he was coming I know so so nice yesterday today whenever he's up so when I came in today literally I didn't know about that meeting we had today I know you didn't so she's a woman made some other one that we had we had a guest in here today this NFL guy and anyway so yeah I just I do whatever I have to do yeah you do you react well in a moment you're you got a plan you do you write it goes down in the morning at night yeah you do yeah but then you improvise like that I write them down in the morning I write them down at night not write them when I lose weight more you reading when you lose anytime I lose or I'm disappointed I just go back to writing my goals looking at my goals where am I going it's supposed to what just happened you really yeah so anytime I fail yep I lost this deal in Jacksonville was a thousand units and I missed the deal and I was like god damn what did I do wrong you know I'm beating myself up about it I wanted this deal and I started you know hammering on my staff run seconds in that you don't should have told me and then I might forget wait a minute where are you going to you went back to where you're going oh I'm going to 40,000 yen because that's rearview stuff yeah exactly sorry over got you so I'm going to 40,000 units so what does that matter right right you know but if you're not focused on the big thing and then I picked up the phone and called the guy and said hey if that deal falls out I want it you did something you took action yeah yeah so talk about this for a second real quick so the Utah I heard you say one time you said the the big donate the small the fast eat too slow yeah what's that mean yeah yeah I think we're in a time where where it's not about big it's about fast how fast can you but what's an application of that like like you know getting over stuff fast you know make it calls fast getting to people fast yeah you know doing stuff fast not having ideas and putting them there and getting getting executing them so so I get more done in shorter periods of time because I just do more yeah and the more I do the more the more I have time to do so speed I don't think a lot you know I do a lot I probably outdo Gary Vaynerchuk said man who who you think over somebody asks it hey who out works - because we're supposedly both I said I don't know no I don't know how much he works yeah hey man I tell you what I work fast yeah you do work fast you know you do a lot of things at one time and one day yeah I've watched you do that you also get to the point of what I would call like winning you get to the close you get to the phone where that's actually productive yeah in other words you're not stupid busy people gets stupid busy or that he's doing a bunch of crap that's not productive I haven't watched your face once you've sort of identified what I'm doing right now is not real productive anymore you kind of end it your faithless whether you're very observant I am but I but I even if that's my disinterested once this thing's not productive if you're not interested in any you're on it let's be productive yes your self - yeah Oh totally yeah I think most the time I feel bad about it by the way you know because every root yeah I hate small talk hey you know like I'm working on this big deal in Houston Texas and I think I might have to go on a hunting trip to get it and you don't want to do that dude I don't even know if I can you just can't stomach the small talk stuff I hate it and I hate I hate thinking we're gonna have to go to the duck blinds drink the beer and hang out listen to the stories I mean it drives me nuts but will you do it if it's required to get the deal done oh no probably you probably will I could tell you that you will from being a manager yeah yeah yes you'll do whatever is required of you to get a deal done I think yeah all right it's just some things I'm just not good at a couple more things yeah a couple more things so you want what in other words why are you why is all this exist you got this TV studio all this content you got 50 oh yeah this studio is they exist because of a resentment so this was created because I walked out of Fox News one day okay and I was doing the Neil Cavuto show and it lasted three or four minutes so I drove over there drove back took 30 minutes to get there mmm I go sit down they give me their 25 minutes early I'm waiting we go in there I do three or four minutes oh it's a great interview yeah and I come home and I'm just like that sucked that's ridiculous I drove all the way down there I'm more important than this you know this big arrogant thing and and and they only had me four minutes and and I can't come back for I can't come back for at least a month cuz they won't yeah they won't have the same guy nothing I can have you are okay and and we have no control and this is [ __ ] and I'm pissed off about it yeah basically what what those things when I'm complaining about something yeah I'm like okay what are you gonna do about that so this what's happening to you mm-hmm okay cuz I don't want to keep being angry like you said something about using all the energy or was it dominant it was it was Darius that was here today and he said you got to use all the energy on the field yes anger yeah so so I'm like I'm so angry about this and I walked into Sheree's office and said let's get a studio I want to be on TV every mmm and that's how a grant card on TV started and you started just but you didn't care about what the cost was the capital the expenses we started small we did one we've had multiple versions so this is our third studio okay and we'd made a lot of mistakes and everything but but you know every day Monday I do a show to use do I do a show every day or the week I do a show what upstream probably 10 times a week laughs no it's just a hole I was in the salesman that's more just the whole operation here all the different things your hands are in yeah all the stuff that you're interested in between the social media stuff and the closing and the your sales stuff all that sort of stuff what else do you want like you know you're looking at I'm like a ton one I want 40,000 apartments I'm gonna take I'm gonna take my real estate portfolio what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the 4,000 units I have I'm gonna roll the 40,000 okay okay 40,000 times what time frame I think I can do this in the next I think I can do this in a 10 10 years or less in 10 years yes okay I think I can get to 10,000 by by maybe next year okay two and a half times yeah and I think I can get I think I can probably do it before 10 years are you look best with it like your book so I'm totally accessible why why do you want that I may never write a book to do this I may never write another book to do this because I think that this will this is a game-changer for me me and others because but because look look I don't believe in the there's a lot of financial instruments out there that I think are bad for people mm-hmm and they start with that where you live you know buying a house is a mistake you know should not be putting their money in a house people should not be putting their money in a bank right we're just talking about this today and and and you guys are you guys are starting to move to the Bitcoin conversation in the crypto and the a SEOs and you're gonna get killed so Elena said you cannot keep complaining about these things if you're not gonna provide people with an alternative me I didn't want to do the investors thing and she said that to me like three times you have to provide an alternative if you're gonna you know if you're gonna hammer on this stuff yeah so that's what I'm creating the fund and what's the have them know a little bit about it so that they're Cardone capital is a fund created for people that love real estate like passive income accredited investors only yeah positive cash flow yeah and you're willing and able in a financial situation you can wait for six seven eight ten years to double and triple your money mm-hmm so they're not getting by the way principal - you're gonna get your principal back yo you get a dividend every month yeah not every quarter every month and you wait for us to do a double or a triple got you so this is a this isn't get-rich-quick yeah but it is getting rich for sure and that's your primary focus right now because what I want to do I want to scale the best way the best way to get Allegiance and friends on this planet yep is to pay him every month friends quit you want to make friends let me a billionaire taught me this he's like grant if you want people pulling for you pay them it's and he's and I said what do you mean he's like I'm not talking about employees you hae them with investments yeah get their money to be paid money make it you want friends he's like man because he built a company from scratch it went public and everybody investing got rich hmm and he's like I got people all over the planet he was telling me before it went public he's like I got people all over the planet pulling for me every day Wow and so that really sank that really set that idea I said okay I've helped them with books I've helped them with seminars I helped them with speaking at your game yeah then we opened up in October November last year we opened up to funds they say they over sold yeah and every month people get a check well people are so like thank you send me gifts thank you sending me a watch thank you like man people are pulling for me they're praying for me people tell me man I'm praying for you now that I'm investing with you yeah so we're gonna scale that out it helps me scale you know and it helps them make money so that's your primary focus right now above all these focus about your driving this thing is driving you the most yeah I mean it's not keeping me from doing this thing of no not right now you know I couldn't get anywhere more important than that that's right you know that's right so I really want to do that I it's a it's a personal thing for me because now if I could take the package the 40,000 units yeah and go to Wall Street and sell it there you go that would be meat ring in the bill just goes one on my bucket list got some chills on my hairless arm right there wait my hair that was there would be standing up so it's really the pub I'm gonna help the public yeah be able to invest in these are massive projects that produce cash better someone who can get into on their own without the type of access capital etcetera I mean who's a rich guy you know right rich dolly the guy the guy you he can't buy these deals right even though he's got the money the guy you worked out with this morning yeah he could buy the Marlins Jeter Derek Jeter he cannot buy these department deal right right they'll take his call yeah he's not gonna buy the deal because they're not gonna sell him the deal because they don't know he they don't know him for this right to be in this space so there's also an access point that she provided they couldn't get access yeah yeah exactly okay a couple last things I think Adam so that's you there's two types of entrepreneurs out don't you talk to both of them really let me just say this back on this apartment thing the apartment thing is utilizing all the the skills that I've honed for years sales negotiating closing yeah look I know how to get a good deal so if the deal is 80 million bucks I squeeze every eight thousand dollars I can out of that deal going all the way down yeah like so I know how to get a good deal on the way in and I know how to get us a great deal on the way up it again so it cuz the both of those are negotiating a sales points okay anything else on that no that's all okay there's more to it than that but those big well and there is one other thing like discipline and discipline like how many authors and speakers are consultants do you know they don't know I'm boy that's a good question almost nobody exactly so they you can't you know that bird that I bought this is too small now by the way yeah you can't like you can't fake a plane no I know you own a plane exactly you own a plane yeah owning a plane is not a demonstration of being rich it is a demonstration of discipline so true it is not a demonstration of rich it is a demonstration or wealth it is a demonstration that somebody was disciplined yeah I'm not talking about coca-cola on a plane I'm talking about an individual little bit bean right yeah it is a because that thing that that's like you know if you think your dog takes a lot of energy or your kids oh my gosh that that thing right there takes the energy of a school it does it's funny you say that because very rarely do I pull my plane up next to other individuals planes they're usually owned by company coca-cola it very rarely to go hey there's another guy or another one yeah your vigilance is the other reason to I mean I just be honest with you I am invested money I wanted to be with somebody that I know is just on it yeah just freaking on it constantly and you're on it so speaking about on it last couple things I was gonna ask you so there's two types of entrepreneurs out there there's ones that are just getting started and there's ones that are stuck it's some level right let's talk to the ones are getting started and what advice would you give just yeah we're working your commits follow the money follow the money don't follow your heart what do you have a follow the money follow the money find money find money who's got my money closed deals closed deals who's got my money you know I just closed deals you want to find money I got a because you closed the deal if there's no money then there's no money so don't follow friendship don't follow the follow money you single guys out there you you want the girl follow the money you follow the money they'll follow it they might not be gold diggers they'll still like money so so you you I can line them up around the street if I get rich enough okay and then follow the money for your department follow the money when you get stuck follow the money okay okay I'm telling you just make it simple follow the money is there money in this room is there money in this activity do these people have money is there any money at this dinner table am i eating where there's money is there money in this hotel there's no money there don't go there and money can be indirect to like in my business of money could be I'm gonna get money if I recruit people yeah yeah yeah people he's oh so who's got money right bars don't have money bars don't you drunk people right so who's got money and by the way if they're drunk people they can't buy from you cuz they're gonna dick tomorrow they're gonna wake up and say I didn't really want to do that yeah you're right so okay so the same advice for someone that's stuck is if all the money I didn't want to do the investor thing and she said that to me like three times you have to provide an alternative if you're gonna you know if you're gonna hammer on this stuff yeah so that's why I'm creating fun and what's the have them know a little bit about it so that they're Cardone capital is a fund created for people that love real estate like passive income creditor investors only yeah positive cash flow yeah and you're willing and able in a financial situation you can wait four six seven eight ten years to double and triple your money mm-hmm so they're not getting it by the way principal - you're gonna get your principal back oh you get a dividend every month you know not every quarter every month and you wait for us to do a double or triple got you so this is a this isn't get-rich-quick yeah but it is get rich for sure and that's your primary focus right now because what I want to do I want to scale the the best way the best way to get Allegiance and friends on this planet yep just a few friends quit you want to make friends let me a billionaire taught me this who's that grant if you want people pulling for you pay them it's and he's and I said what do you mean he's like I'm not about employees you hae them with investments yeah get their money to be paid money make it you want friends he's like man because he built a company from scratch it went public and everybody investing got rich hmm and he's like I got people all over the planet he was telling me before it went public he's like I got people all over the planet pulling for me every day Wow and so that really sank that really set that idea I said okay I've helped them with books I've helped them with seminars I helped them with speaking at your game yeah then we opened up in October November last year we opened up to funds they say they oversold yeah and every month people get a check well people are certain like thank you send me gifts thank you sending me a watch thank you like man people are pulling for me they're praying for me people tell me man I'm praying for you now that I'm investing with you yeah so we're gonna scale that out it helps me scale you know and it helps them make money so that's your primary focus right now but with all these folks about your driving there's a thing is driving you the most yeah I mean it's not keeping me from doing this thing no not right now you know that couldn't be anywhere more important than that that's right that's right so I really want to do that I it's a it's a personal thing for me because now if I could take the package the 40,000 units yeah and go to Wall Street and sell it there you go that would be neat ringing the bell just goes one on my bucket list got some chills on my hairless arm right there my hair that was there would be standing up so it's really the pub I'm gonna help the public yeah be able to invest in these are massive projects that produce cash that are very difficult can get into on their own without access capital etc I mean who's a rich guy you know right rich dolly the guy the guy you he can't buy these deals right even though he's got the money the guy you worked out with this morning yeah he can buy the Marlins Jeter Derek Jeter he cannot buy these department deal right okay they'll take his call yeah he's not gonna buy the deal because they're not gonna sell him the deal cuz they don't know he they don't know him for this right to be in this space so there's also an access point that she provided they couldn't get access yeah yeah exactly okay a couple last things come so that's you there's two types of entrepreneurs out there once you talk to both of them wrote yeah let me just say this back on this apartment thing the apartment thing is utilizing all the skills that I've honed for years sales negotiating closing yeah look I know how to get a good deal so the deals eighty million bucks I squeeze every eight thousand dollars I can out of that deal going all the way down yeah like so I know how to get a good deal on the way in and I know how to get us a great deal on the way out it again sell it because if both of those are negotiating at sales points okay anything else on that no that's all okay there's more to it than that but those big well and there is one other thing like discipline and discipline like how many authors and speakers are consultants do you know they don't employ uh that's a good question almost nobody exactly those things you can't you know that bird that I bought this is too small now by the way yeah you can't like you can't fake a plane no I know you own a plane exactly yeah you own a plane yeah owning a plane is not a demonstration of being rich it is a demonstration of discipline so true yeah it is not a demonstration of rich it is a demonstration or wealth it is a demonstration that somebody was disciplined yeah I'm not talking I coca-cola on a plane I'm talking about an individual at home in beam right yeah it is say because that thing that that's like you know if you think your dog takes a lot of energy or your kids oh my gosh that that thing right there takes the energy of a school it does it's funny you say that because very rarely do I pull my plane up next to other individuals planes they're usually owned by company coca-cola it very rare that you go hey there's another guy or another woman yeah yeah your vigilance is the other Reese - I mean I just be honest with you I'm invested money I wanted to be with somebody that I know is just on it yeah just freaking on it constantly and you're on it so speaking about on it last couple things I was gonna ask you so there's two types of entrepreneurs out there there's ones that are just getting started then there's ones that are stuck there's some level right let's talk to the ones they're getting started what advice would you give just yeah you're working your commits follow the money follow the money don't follow your heart what do you have a follow the money follow the money find money find money who's got my money closed deals closed deals who's got my money you know not just closed deals you want to find money I got it because you closed the deal if there's no money then there's no money so don't follow friendship don't follow the follow money you single guys out there you you want the girl follow the money you follow the money they'll follow it they might not be gold diggers they'll still like money so so you you I can line them up around the street if I get rich enough okay and then follow the money for your department follow the money when you get stuck follow the money okay okay I'm telling you just make it simple follow the money is there money in this room is there money in this activity do these people have money is there any money at this dinner table am i eating where there's money is there money in this hotel there's no money there don't go there and money can be indirect - like in my business of money could be I'm gonna get money if I recruit people yeah yeah yeah people people so who's got money right bars don't have money bars doors drunk people right so who's got money and by the way if they're drunk people they can't buy from you cuz they're gonna dick tomorrow they're gonna wake up and say I didn't really want to do that yeah you're right so okay so the same advice for someone that's stuck is to follow money look if you're stuck you know if you're stuck I would probably look at the people around you first mm-hmm you know you didn't get in this to get stuck so somebody you know you know my friend that I mentioned earlier that I gotten so much help from it's it's like conditions don't just happen they're made to happen hmm so terrorist attack they're made to happen okay works are made to happen illiteracy is made to happen it's not an accident these things happen roaches show up in your apartment that was made to have it somebody did that right so if your roof caves in Puerto Rico the storm these aren't event it's a it's an island this big in the in the in the ocean and and they get hurricanes you like like that's gonna happen so I don't know why everybody surprised right so if you're stuck somebody made that happen yes who was it hmm was it you or was it your wife or your husband saying you were could do up yeah you're working too or you you need to relax you know or maybe with your friends or maybe you went to dinner and your face your family's like you're working too much but I have my family members tell me that I'm like look if you don't knock it off I'm not coming back here I got that same stuff in the beginning you go back 1920 days you'll find the story nice you stop doing something you used to do they kept you success yeah you know you stopped prospecting you stopped clothes and you stopped recruiting yeah you stopped talking to people you stopped making phone calls and stopped personal development you stopped reading books you stopped something somebody said wins enough enough it that's it that's a natural question I get it all the time yeah I see you're stuck you're stuck if you're asking that question you're are you stuck yeah and then and that's why they're not hungry anymore - yeah right all right listen this has been uh was Mike my favorite hour I've probably ever had on this column yeah you told Tony the same thing I didn't tell Tony that what I told him was that he was my dream guest okay that's what I told him okay it's not that I didn't dream to have you yeah yeah yeah probably get more people watching it because you're on here but here's know once you know about this guy yeah right here this dude he seems pretty hardcore and intense this is what I got he won't tell you this he really cares about you he really cares that you have a happier and better life he cares about people he he's you know one of these guys are this huge heart that's wrapped in this relatively interesting exterior and you know this Johnny the camera guy's nodding right now he's funny he's he can be goofy he could be super intense he can be pretty harsh he can be abrasive he can be warm it could be all those things but what that's all wrapped in and inside this Duty has a massive heart he wants to help people he wants the world to change he's got hundreds of thousands of stuffed pieces of information out there that he put out for free to help people to serve him and I know today did that too man I know it's a different slant I didn't want to be the same interview yeah yeah yeah your dad died all that powerful but that's out there some of the stuff we talked about today hasn't necessarily been out there so I appreciate you opening up about some of this other stuff today - yeah yeah I love you brother appreciate you man preciate you enjoy though you've got a great audience and you're doing a you're doing a monster service for a lot of people thank you brother all right take care backs it out everybody [Music]
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 298,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mylett, #grant cardone, grant cardone motivation, 10x, grant cardone 10x, grant cardone sales, grant cardone real estate, ed mylett motivation, ed mylett tom bilyeu, ed mylett, ed mylett interview, gary vaynerchuk, motivational speaker, mylett impact theory, mylett cardone, grant cardone motivational speech, grant cardone motivation sales, grant cardone motivation 10x, grant cardone motivation 2018, 10x rule, 10x rule audiobook full, grant cardone 10x rule audiobook
Id: XrbrNNExXB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 0sec (3720 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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