A Collision of Limitless Minds: Andy Frisella and Ed Mylett

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the ed my let show i am so fired up to have this dude right here with me i've got the great andy furcella here with me today thanks for being here brother appreciate it man thank you it's already been a great day spending time with you this is uh this is one of the great young american entrepreneurs right here thank you and um and i mean that and one of the most influential people in the world on social media when it comes to business as well and uh we've just been visiting most of the day here we're in his man cave by the way i'm surrounded by four gts and freaking lamborghinis and it's just very impressive brother what you've done here thanks brother really really impressive and this is a good man too i've enjoyed the time already today so i want everybody else to know about you what i now know about you and so i want you to hear this story it's an amazing journey as an entrepreneur and for many of you it's going to inspire you because i know a lot of you are watching this right now and you're struggling where you are in your business and you i want you to know both he and i our stories are very very similar we've both been where you are and i think andy can help you with some insights too and later in the program i'm going to get you more access to this guy too so that he can actually physically help you with your businesses too so great to do this yeah i'm excited man all right let's do this all right so let's start out for a little bit i know how you grew up you were kind of an athlete guy but you were kind of did you grow up like wealthy poor middle class how did you grow up we i went i was very fortunate uh i grew up a little bit of everything so uh my parents were divorced when i was uh about five years old and they're both entrepreneurs uh my mom owned a uh vcr repair shop okay so like they took people's visa and you know obviously it's not a very lucrative business uh my dad owned a pretty large company um uh an electrical distributor he started when he was he was uh 18 years old by buying uh the spare parts out of a out of an old guy's garage he started a business out of that so um i my dad became very successful financially but you wouldn't never know it and you still wouldn't know it um he was he's a regular dude you know if you see if you saw him walking down the street he's wearing a harley davidson shirt and jean shorts okay and uh you're like you know here's this crazy old dude he's a really smart guy and he's been very successful um my mom and step-dad uh we grew up and that's where i lived we lived on a gravel road uh in south county here in missouri it's a pretty small house like a typical midwest upbringing yeah nothing nothing crazy and uh they ended up becoming very successful and then uh when i see a very successful very very successful uh nine-figure company yeah um and then they end up losing it all so they went from very poor to very very wealthy to very very poor in a very short amount of time in a span of about 10 years and it was extremely valuable upbringing because my dad i never knew my dad was successful because he's very like modest type guy um he lives in a regular house still to this day he never drove like crazy cars or had all the what you see on instagram or any of this this stuff you know yeah um maybe i'm overcompensating i don't know dude you're compensating because this is unbelievable just so you know but uh you know we we grew up in a um in a situation where i was able to experience a lot of things i was able to i was able to see what it was like to be very poor i was able to observe what it took to become wealthy and i was able to observe what happens when you don't keep your eye on the ball yeah and i saw a lot i saw um a nine-figure company go to a zero figure company within a matter of 18 months but you were always around entrepreneurs though yes right so you knew that that's all i ever knew yeah you and i were talking earlier we both had baseball card businesses and no we're both started really young probably a lot of you've had that bug too or should have that bug but so you this is it just blows my mind especially what's happened to you the last five or seven years but i think people see that four gts they see the lambos they see this first form brand you guys have built which is just unbelievable thank you i mean it really is man but i'm proud of you i love seeing young stud entrepreneurs but that means a lot man especially from you thank you brother and uh but you start out so let's go right to the business part because this is the part that i think people like they've heard some of this but not all of it and i hope today we're gonna get to some stuff they haven't heard too but so you start you and your it's your brother right you guys start your first you do a so chris who you met my business partner that's not my brother okay he's my brother yeah but not another mother about another one okay uh but and then my actual brother okay works with us too your actual brother works too yes okay so you're how old are you when you open your first order you put a supplement superstore i know a little bit of this well uh you know like most of you guys uh i wanted to be rich and i said i was looking for all these things of how to you know become wealthy and yeah so me and chris like hey let's start selling vitamins we both like to work out it seemed like it made sense you know uh so we we decided we're gonna start a business how did you get the money to open the first store we we both painted uh parking lot stripes at night and it paid like 20 bucks an hour and back then like in 1999 20 bucks an hour for painting dude that was like 100 bucks an hour you know what i mean you did it on purpose to accumulate the deposit or whatever to start your first biz or basically yeah wow and then uh and then to so we had 12 grand nobody would rent to us because we were just kids we had no credit so we had to pay our years rent up front which was a thousand bucks a month so that took up all our capital so to finance the build out and then to finance the inventory we ran it up on credit cards well because you couldn't get a loan right so so you open the store you've paid the rent by the way i did that too which is a blessing because it didn't let me back out exactly yeah well and that was the thing we had nowhere to live we didn't have anything we had to live in the store you lived in the store yeah so we had we had a couch that we got from my dad which was a love seat um and then we had a mattress that we got from a salvation army that was in the same center salvation army retail store and we slept at the back of the store and and uh we thought it was cool you know we thought it was fun like it was we were 19. we had a business you know we freaking awesome yeah we thought it was cool like everybody's like oh man that must have sucked no honestly like it was some of the best times you know what's funny because i was you and i were walking around here i was looking at your cars and we're talking about our lives now and stuff and like honestly i mean it sounds like i'm going back like you know i'm an old man time of the old days but i'm i love those times i love those hard times i love the obsession i loved the struggle with it did you so you're living in the store so that means that tells me probably you didn't have like a monster first year our first day we had uh our first day we sold seven bucks yeah uh our second day we sold zero our third day we sold 22 bucks and it went like that for for literally years where we would have days of no sales uh we didn't have money to advertise so the only way we could get people in was literally one at a time and then help create the word of mouth off of those one-off transactions did you make any money the first year oh no i didn't make any money it took me the first three years i got zero pay zero zero pay not three years three years so how did you i mean i know you're living there but how do you eat well we worked other jobs so we both bartended at night and worked security at bars at night and then uh worked at gyms so we worked other jobs so one of us would work at the store and the other one would go work at the other job and this and that and then we kind of just pulled the money and chris and i are partners on every business that that we own still because of this he's a good dude i met him yeah he's awesome you know what that's a lesson though like so many young people out there that are entrepreneurs is like what sacrifices are you willing to make it's almost like the first thing you sacrifice is your dream so when it's not working you're broke you sacrifice your dream and i i worked extra jobs too it's like didn't even occur that that was a big of a deal like i'm gonna make this thing work yeah it's i call it zero option mentality you know you should always try to cultivate like in that time i literally had zero options i didn't have a degree yeah which you know i feel is less important now for people yeah it's less important now but 15 20 years ago it was still a big deal so i didn't have a degree uh i didn't have any place to go work you know my dad didn't have his company anymore i didn't have a i didn't have a backup plan i had to make it work or otherwise i was gonna be digging ditches i didn't want to dig ditches you know and if you're out there digging ditches i feel you're paying because i've done that before you know uh and if i had to do it i would do it again but i don't want to go back and that's three years no money though yeah so the next seven years the most i made in a month was 695 so for 10 years i never made more than 695 in a month what yeah 10 years of doing the business you're you're making seven hundred dollars a month you just said yeah oh my god 11 the 11th year i made 45 grand the 12th year i made 180 and then it went up then it went up yeah it's interesting most people their businesses they make all these deposits you know they start and then they withdraw all of it too soon they never get to collect well and that's the thing you know chris and i kind of got in that routine of living below our means me too so we were able to continually put money in and put money in and put money in and put me in there was a number of years where we had employees that made much more money than us you know we were paying other people in our company way more than we were paying ourselves and uh that's what you have to do it's what do you want to invest and what are you willing to give and and i agree with you people people want to get paid too soon they want to they want to live the life too soon way too soon you know and and like this is this is why i stopped posting a lot of my personal like i used to post all my cars on instagram yeah i stopped posting it and i still post them sometimes me too but the reason i stopped was because i started realizing that i'm hurting younger entrepreneurs in a way where they think they need to be living that now when in reality they should be pulling in the expenses yeah you know batoning the hatches so to speak well here's how true that is so both of us so the first thing i asked because here's how much i believe that too it's like all i did when i was young i sacrificed by the way 10 years is awesome because most people don't have that in them they don't have that sacrifice working right yeah you know what i didn't either yeah i think about it right but the first thing i asked them as i walked in here and i was looking through all these cars was the first thing i asked you i said do you own these yeah and he said yeah i do i got title to all of them right that's a big deal to me because we both same model right same struggle same young same extra jobs but what we were both doing we weren't interested when we were young at looking like we were rich when we weren't we just stacked it away stacked it away stacked it away you see my house is my cars all of them are paid for my jet paid for all of them paid four seconds i'm trying to get on that level that jet level you're on that level so you got the business it finally turns around but during that time i just want people to hear the back story too so during that time you and i were just talking too he has a real life like we both have real lives so stuff happened right and you struggle with different things too but tell them a little bit about so you're a young dude you got this business you're working multiple jobs you're living at your place of business right and probably everyone in your family thinks you're out of your mind yeah trust me uh my dad was the uh the only person in my life that has never told me not not not the only person that believed in me he's the only person that never told me i was wrong like for doing it that's crazy yeah and and people and that's why i don't have a lot of sympathy for people when they're like oh my so-and-so is telling me this and that i said look dude nobody's going to believe in you until you've done something have you done anything to make people believe in you you know that you don't just get people to believe in you you've got to do [ __ ] you know right and you know that's the way it is and my dad my dad had done that so he knew that he knew he died he knew but 10 years a long grind you know i mean like it's totally worth it right but like what do you have like i always say this all the time is your will to win for sale right like most people can be bought like enough failure they'll buy their dream out they'll buy them out they'll quit you you you couldn't have been bought all those years you had no money being made no and i still couldn't i mean i've had i've had nine figure buyout offers for our companies three of them and i won't do it because i i know what we can do and now like i said before my purpose has changed my purpose isn't now you know let's buy all this cool [ __ ] and be a baller like it used to be when i was younger now it's i wanted my guys i want my team i want my people to succeed and i know what we can create on the on the back end and so i don't want to sell that out yeah we both want you to stack a bunch of money away yeah we both want you to have great stuff like this and live all that but we both are just literally talking off-camera saying what endures is when you shift from that stuff to wanting to serve other people because that that like never burns out and you know what's funny about that too is i felt i found that when you switch your focus to other people your income goes up anyway big time yeah right it actually takes some pressure off you oddly right it's like i don't know how to explain it takes pressure off you go back a little bit in the beginning just want to talk about this because we were talking about i didn't even notice it but you pointed your face to me said hey yeah i've had stuff happen man like not all this was just business grind because a lot of you that are watching this too your business isn't where you'd like it to be maybe or your life isn't like stuff happens outside of business that can distract us too right there's there's issues with your family there's health there's you know all kinds of stuff that happens outside your business too so tell them how did you get these scars what happened uh so when i was in college like we said we had to work other jobs while we were also going to school by the way i did all this but uh i was walking home from one of my jobs and i was walking home with a girl that that uh that i was good friends with and uh i ended up getting stabbed the long story the short story of it i got an altercation this dude she was uh she was mexican and this guy was calling her some racial slurs and i'm a young testosterone-filled dude you know i'm not going to deal with that right it's not my personality to deal with that kind of [ __ ] anyway uh you know i'm an athlete like you and you know how athletes are like dude we're gonna it's gonna get physical yeah and uh we got an argument and i turned my back and when i turned my back he stabbed me and he stabbed me here he stabbed me here here and in my back and i had 160 stitches in my face still no feeling in this side of my face at all the last thing i remember on the way to the hospital was the the emt on the radio saying i don't know how to stop the bleeding oh my god and i'm thinking in my head i'm like all right i'm gonna die for sure because like it was like what you see in the movie like blood was squirting out like and um yeah so so basically uh that's incredible yeah so so that was like that was the easy part of it the hard part of it was what happened after that uh my face was very swollen it was very deformed it looks really good now because it's been 15 years since it happened but i worked retail and i had people coming in to the retail store every day and they and they would do one of two things they would either look at the floor when they talk to me because they didn't want to stare at my face or they would say dude what happened to your [ __ ] face and i'm like i'm like uh you know i'm getting this all the time and really honestly i would have people other people say that to me than look at the floor like you know how like yes you know when you see someone who's got a handicap or they have a disability our tendency is to not want to stare so we over compensate by looking away you're right don't do that because it makes people feel really shitty yeah okay and i know that from experience and um but anyway i went through very bad depression you know my face was messed up i went i was a young man you know i thought my life was over i thought my business wasn't succeeding uh i started thinking about like you know no woman's going to ever want to date me you know my life is over type of stuff and um you know i built it into this big deal i became very depressed and uh to a level of suicidal on a regular basis uh and and and and i i actually uh was able to come out of that in in a in about 10 minutes time uh i was walking through a grocery store and i was pushing my cart down the aisle and there was i came to the end of the aisle and i hit another cart and i looked over at the person who ran in the cart and i looked at him and i couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman because they were so badly burned like their hands their face completely unrecognizable of a man or a woman and i looked up and it was a woman by the way and she looked at me and she looked right at my face she goes man what the [ __ ] happened to your face start dying laughing like because she knows what i've been through and i know what she's been through and it turns out what happened was she had been uh in a plane crash and her whole family had been killed in plane crash and she was the only person to survive and uh we stayed we sat there and we talked for like 10-15 minutes um you know about what had happened to her and what had happened to me and we had a good laugh about it we like laughed at other people like how they were so dumb for like looking at the floor like all the stuff we just talked about yeah and it and it changed my perspective immediately i went from wow feeling bad i went from being depressed i went from having all these struggles to saying you know what this is not bad like this is not even this is this is this is a good thing and so i chose wow i chose to start seeing it as something that would would eventually teach me something and it turns out um it ended up being really good for business because back then when chris and i would go to trade shows nobody knew who we were all right okay after i got stabbed and my face was swollen i had scars all over it i would talk to people and they would remember me yeah so so i would go to these trade shows and people would be like uh they'd be like oh hey you know those guys from supplement superstore they're like no we don't know those you know no you know andy they do with the scars in his face no way yeah and so what happened was people started remembering us because of it yeah now they know andy the multi-millionaire but then it was andy to do with the scars on his face but you know what when you try so hard to stand out and it's important business to stand out and be memorable yeah i was blessed with an opportunity to make me naturally memorable and so it ended up serving me and that's how i see it now i see it i actually see it as one of the best things that ever happened i believe that too like by the way that's probably my favorite story i've ever had on the show right there it's probably my favorite story and let me tell you the reason why first off it's not the events that happened to us it's the meaning we attach to the events right because events happen to everybody and so eventually what you did eventually yeah is you attached a new meaning to the event it served you it happened for you not to you yes and it took that it took that interaction and i believe god put that interaction in play i mean there was no that was not a coincidence like no way dude of all the people walking in the world your cart bumps into something that saved me man and and dude i uh you know we have you and i we have literally millions of conversations right over the course of your career you've had a million conversations with a million different people i can definitively say that that conversation was the most impactful conversation and it was a random you know chance encounter and it was the most powerful conversation that i've ever had in my life just because it made me understand that a things could be way worse right okay and b no matter how bad things are there's always good that can come of them and amen i believe yeah totally totally dude and like people like when i say that i always get a lot of pushback they'll be like well what about these kids that die from cancer well yeah that's terrible and i agree there's not much good that comes from that right but the one thing that is good that comes from those kind of situations is that we can choose to um appreciate our own mortality and and and learn how to appreciate the people in our lives while we have them because i feel like so many people they live for this thing that doesn't exist because we're ambitious right yeah we always want more we always want to do more we always want to accomplish more and so for that reason and i know you've probably had this situation before you start neglecting the now for this right all the time i struggle with that now yeah i still do it one of the things i'm so ambitious i'm so driven right it's like hey be present right now but but i promise and i think you'll agree with me that being able to be ambitious and also be present is is extremely important because if you're always ambitious and you're not a pr like you can't you guys who are like young right now and you're not where you want to be and you think you know oh i want to be a millionaire my life whenever i make this much money i'll be this you won't it that that's not that's not what's going to define you what's going to define you is the relationships that you're having now and appreciating those and those will help build you into that yeah but you know you know how people like do you used to think before you had any money or you had any success you probably thought man once once i get here it'll be different once you get here it'll be this yeah that was my constant conversation once i get there then i'll relax and enjoy once i get there then i'll have fun once again and then i'm like there was never this place it was never and that's the difference you and i were talking earlier i'm really enjoying this yeah it's the difference for me of being successful and being fulfilled right you can have all the success and not be fulfilled but if you can be present now you can be fulfilled and here's the one thing i'll tell you if you can be happy where you are now you're really going to be happy once these other things come but if you're not happy now it's only going to it's going to accelerate the problem it does yeah and we have friends and we see that it's like they're more unhappy they're more stressed they're more depressed it's funny that we're talking about this because people that knew you and i were meeting right they're like oh it's it's the clash of the alpha males you know and then and then you and i meet each other yeah and it's interesting because i think when you see someone who's built a great life or like in your case like they built a big dude strong dude lots of confidence we're giving people advice i think they go these are super confident people right and the truth is i think when you see someone like us that way i think when you look at us now you know these people had to come from a further place like we're both introverted yeah we're both shy we both probably have i bet you that both of us have a more natural dose of insecurity than a normal person there's no question like that's why we're so driven that's why we're driving i had to figure out and i want you those either here i had to figure out young's like okay i know how insecure not at all so people here insecure and they automatically attach like they they take it as a dig because they've heard it like in dating oh you're jealous because you're insecure right well yeah maybe but i'm also driven and i'm also wanting to win and i also have something to prove yeah and that's a great thing that's another example of taking something that would normally be a negative and turning it's alchemy right it's taking something and turning it into something that is valuable i agree and and you know being insecure and i say this a lot of my podcasts because people don't like talk about it because like a lot of people in our position who are out there making content for people their egos are too big to admit it right i'm not dude i'll tell you right now i got a ton of [ __ ] to prove me too and i'm gonna [ __ ] prove it me too you know and if that's how you feel you've got all your family you've got all your friends you've got and they're making they're telling you can't do it you can't do this and you want to prove them wrong good that's right that is good yeah that's good that's good don't you think my insecurities because i'm so wanting to be this other version of me the best version of me and i compare it to who i am now that makes me insecure like i don't want to be comfortable with me i don't want to think i've got it all figured out of course what's good about comfort we were just talking about this over here you know you you accomplish this this this you get the houses you get the jet you get the cars you get the life you get the company and then what and then what and so and what have you and i both determined the then what is to serve other people you got it right and that's people are always like and i'm sure they're asking you they're like ed why are you doing all this why are you making this content right you're a multi-millionaire you've got all these things you don't have to do that right because it's a call it's a calling like people say in faith right vaughn and faith all right it's a calling like i have a i have i feel an obligation to so i grew up with an extremely intelligent driven amazing father and like dude me too and if people would have seen how he raised me they would have said that he was probably abusive because dude he was hard man but here's the deal i want people to my dad prepared me for the reality and i want people to be prepared too because i feel like the younger generation a lot of the people watching right now are not taught the truth they're taught that everybody wins everybody's special everybody you know is probably going to end up being a multi-millionaire uh everybody loves you and that's not that's not the truth it's the furthest thing it is yeah so they get taught this thing they get taught this thing i mean they only keep score now in kids games they get taught this thing up until they're 20 years old and they're kicked out in the real world then what happens the real world stops them more and more i think that's why this generation is having a harder time there's more and more people that want to be entrepreneurs that want to be successful that see it more than ever yeah but their wiring needs to change yes you need to be a little harder a little tougher a little more in love with the grind a little bit harder working on yourself and also you got to work like it's going to happen now but you got to be patient as hell like it took you 10 years right i didn't really make any real money save any real money for over a decade either right like yeah by the way on that so just reminded me of something you see this big old buff stud dude here but you've written a couple i just want to throw this out there you've written a couple children's books and what we were just talking about i was reading it's uh otis and charlie played a win right part of that book is it's about competing and it's teaching kids that not everybody gets a trophy right isn't that part of that book so those of you that have young kids you should get them involved with some of the books this kid's written this dude that's why we that's why we wrote the books we wrote i wrote them with vaughn who's my co-host on the podcast and he we our purpose of what we do and and while we do monetize some things sure our purpose of doing this was not to oh let's just make more money our purpose of doing this was to help reverse the what is being taught to this generation when you and i grew up we were both athletes we were taught to [ __ ] win absolutely and i don't even know if i can curse on the show okay uh but we were taught to win we were taught to to go out do our best and win and not feel bad about it be a good sport but don't feel bad about it now these kids are taught that winning is wrong and it's not okay and if you win you should feel bad like that's not you could you could paint the ideal picture all you want but that's not reality that's right and my goal with the books and this is why i haven't written an adult book my goal is is to make an impact and i feel like if we're going to make an impact we've got to start with the youngest generation you know and how do they get the books you know amazon yeah just amazon yeah otis and charlie cause we're both talking about it just occurred to me when you said it's like you're talking about all this rewiring you know uh people in their 20s and 30s and 40s and 50s need to go through i think it's awesome that you're starting to grab when they're two three four five six seven years old a lot well and a lot of parents would would dm me and they'd say man i wish i could teach my kids all this stuff they they want their kids to know this stuff but they don't know how to teach them yeah so that was the book the book is a tool for parents that want to teach their kids the reality but don't know exactly how they realize something is off yeah with what they've been taught and it's not the actual truth i mean what are we what are we taught we're taught this go to school get a degree get a job and you know and eventually you'll have enough money to retire which you won't by the way right and you know they don't tell you that you're going to be in debt your whole life and they don't the real truth is this go to school get a degree get a job get yourself in debt so that you're required to work for somebody your whole life that's right you have to work they ought to tell you the first day it's a human resource that the system is designed to squeeze the juice out of that's exactly and by the way that's why one of my goals is that we start to get more entrepreneurship in colleges right so if they're going to have to go because the first day of college they ought to go hey look here's what your life is likely to be you're going to come out here with a couple hundred grand of debt you're enough at 50 years old you're not going to have 50 000 bucks saved you're going to be in debt and divorced at least once that's literally the program you're at right yeah it's like someone ought to tell you that up front so when you sign up for it i'd rather sign up for the program where i go through four five ten years of struggle as an entrepreneur and on the other side i'm in my man cave like this and helping other people right that's the program i want to be able to even if you even if you even if you work inside of a company the values of being an entrepreneur right still will help you become successful and valuable because there's a lot of people out there watching that might not ever own their own company but maybe they work inside of a company that has a nice upside you got it okay there's some equity in there there's something you can do so so those people still if they learn the skills of entrepreneurship they can become valuable within a system 100 you know what i mean and by the way eventually have your eye on starting your own deal exactly right if there's my advice people say do i have to start a business no but you better be somewhere where there's equity or ownership for you eventually yeah and there's no play for that i don't have any wealthy friends who get a w-2 for 50 years of their life eventually you got to get a 1099. eventually you got to be able to sell something make something or earn something that's at least how i feel no i agree i agree i think that you know it's a there's there i i do believe and some people don't believe this but i do believe that entrepreneurship as somewhat a skill i feel like so do i i feel like certain people have it yep and not everybody can have it okay now that makes people upset when i say that because i always get bad emails they say oh well i could be an entrepreneur maybe you can right but like my friend gary gary vaynerchuk yeah he he puts it this way everybody can go play basketball right but not everybody's gonna be lebron james i agree with that okay and i do too i agree with that too so because i think it's the i don't think it's in my mind what do you say to people who who may not be entrepreneurs but have they they work within a company that has opportunity i think that's what i'm saying i think as long as you work within a company where there's a chance for you to have some equity some ownership something that's your own your own space that that doesn't require that right another part of it is too is like you have to be honest with yourself i don't think it's a capacity issue i think it's a threshold of pain issue a desire issue um a work ethic issue and not everybody is wired for that because they're passionate about other things right they're more passionate about you know being charitable or they're more passionate about you know doing stuff with kids there may be just things you do that your passion isn't being an entrepreneur i think you i think of your passions to be an entrepreneur like you and i had this calling oh yeah we're kidding like i was like i was selling i sold baseball cards snow cones light bulbs door-to-door dude i mean and you're an athlete like you always wanted to be here's what i just really think i think i just always wanted to be free yeah i always wanted to you know when i was just talking we literally cut each other off we're like it's not about the money's about this i won and we said at the same time win yeah we literally said the same thing there's this edge this compete this desire level right and like if you feel that i think you could be an entrepreneur if you want to go through heat time pain i think you have everything i think you have to i don't think you even have to endure it i think you have to [ __ ] want it i think you have to want it yeah like like i want this is good look people don't get people people think this is wrong but it's not wrong it's right i want to wipe the [ __ ] earth of my competition yep i want their houses to burn down i want them to do zero sales i want to win yep and not just win but dominate and when i say that do i literally want their houses to burn down of course not right but that's a metaphor for how bad i want to win you want to dominate yes you don't want to just win you want to dominate and if you don't have that killer instinct in you to where like when somebody competes with you it makes you angry and you're like like i get offended like how dare you think you're going to compete with me yeah i could feel it you know what i'm saying like you just switched again yeah you're scaring me no i think i think i'm one of the old i think you feel that and i think other people feel that yeah but i don't think they say it and so like for that reason when i say it sounds crazy it doesn't sound crazy it doesn't sound crazy to someone like me but i want to say one thing about it i think you have this capacity and i'm not just bragging on you here i think you have this capacity which is i don't know anybody else in the space that does this you have this way of saying because i have also won right like one rare thing about both of us is we that are in this space like we both have real businesses are really wealthy and have really done the stuff we're telling you we're not and we're still doing it and we're still doing it right like we're not making this up as we go along this isn't a make money quick scheme for us no no no this is a this is a this is our lifestyle it's not theory but you do something profound man this is why you're following so huge you say really important profound deep things in simple ways so that i can understand it like the depth of the things you talk about like the reservoir of where it comes from just so you know i've really watched from a distance i was like this is so good so true so profound yet you don't say it in a way that draws attention to you like you're this guru brilliant dude you say like hey bro i got you but then when you spit it it's not it's not simple stuff it's not slogans it's really deep stuff well i think that's it thank you i appreciate that um but i also feel that you have to speak in the proper language and a lot of people are like oh dude you curse too much you do this look man i'm just like i sit around your barbecue that's how i'm gonna talk like if you don't if you're if your mom's offended by thanksgiving by curse words don't invite me to thanksgiving because it's coming out you know like that's just especially if you have any drinks right but uh but you know that's how that's how we talk man that's not my bros tall that's how we talk in my company and i i just try to take like i feel like a lot of guys in our space they they make it they do exactly what you just said i don't yeah they try to present things in this language that is complicated to make them appear smarter than everybody else exactly what it is when in reality people already know you're smarter they're [ __ ] watching anymore like let's teach people some real [ __ ] that's what i found i watched you i actually i was saying this to a buddy of ours a mutual friend of ours cardone i actually told you i said this guy actually is solely concerned with helping these other people not like i'm brilliant look at me right now i don't think i am like i really don't i know you don't i really don't i i feel like i like i told you you know what i say when you first walked in i said i'm so excited you're here because i can't wait to learn what you have right i see the same ring thank you exactly i i'm a sponge man i'm more of a student than a teacher you know and i don't think people realize that yeah i'm just relaying the [ __ ] that i've learned yeah you know i just want to learn i want to learn from you i want to learn from grant i want to learn some [ __ ] from gary yeah you know talk about tony we've always learned from johnny robinson dude i mean i've learned so much like i told you i i i know when i see someone else because we share a certain level of thinking and belief that we both have but let me say one thing about this because he won't talk about himself here so i'm going to say it this is who you should be learning from as well like my highest stamp of approval and so it's this mf ceo podcast that you have to talk a little bit about that because this guy not only produces profound stuff but he produces a lot of it that can serve you right like this is something you can you can get in his community you can have a relationship with this guy that's ongoing so so first tell them a little bit about that because i want people that follow me to be hearing what you talk about because i know what can serve them even in a way that i can't so how do they get access to you in your podcast um it's at the mfceo.com we're on itunes we're on spotify we're on stitcher we're on soundcloud uh we're getting on google play we're we've been a top 10 rated podcast for almost since it's so good yeah it's so good we've been very fortunate the message just resonates because like what you said it's it's real man it's myself uh the producer tyler um and then vaughn the impaler who is a who's involved he has great questions he's a he's an ex-pastor so it's a very unique dynamic uh it's me who's you know i'm i curse and i'm brash i say what i think and you know and vaughn ties it together and it works really well it's cool but uh basically here it is uh we want you to learn the real [ __ ] we want you to learn what it's going to take to succeed we want you to learn not just the practical steps you know the x's and o's where to advertise what you do with your product how to name a product blah blah blah all the other stuff we t we talk about all those things the the biggest thing i think that we resonate with is that we talk about the mental mindset that that is needed to create success because i feel like anybody can go out and create a product or start a business the reason most people don't succeed because they're not prepared mentally would you agree or disagree with 100 i mean how much do you think your success has to do with mental 85 90 yeah and how much time do you spend on personal development thousands and thousands of hours dude me too yeah me too and people and young people they look at you and i and they and they say oh you've got this talent for business or you've got this amazing you're amazingly skilled or talented no no you have worked right your ass off and so have i to learn things that we've learned nothing that you and i have that we teach is is is new stuff right it's just stuff that we've learned along the way or we've absorbed from others one of the huge differences when you and i were doing we need to paint fortunes to get access to it they can get access to this stuff now for nothing you couldn't even it's unbelievable when i used to do personal development it was you know i was reading tony's books me too it was reading seth godin's books uh now i mean god there's so many good people out there and that's why i'm only putting a few people on my show because i want them to go to the listen and we're going to talk about this next okay the fans you've built a real real business i want people they're going to follow people i don't want listen i don't have you don't have time for theories right i want stuff that's work that's applicable that i know happens now with dudes that are blowing up and ladies that are blowing up real businesses right now and so in your case like that's why i want you to go to him this is this stuff he does every day i'm walking around he's got this giant facility here there's another one that's almost a quarter million square feet down the street and so what they don't have they haven't heard yet and this is why i want them on this mfceo podcast is now that was the first 10 years right yeah yeah but now you're talking about especially the last five or eight years we're gonna talk about this i want them to hear this you're talking about one of the great honestly i open the show with us one of the great you are you're one of the great american entrepreneurs thank you for every reason because of the wealth you've created what you're starting to create for your guys and then the paying it forward you're you're taking this gift this success and you're spreading it man that that by definition makes you great and there's you're you're creating wealth and richness in people's lives brother so so tell them about we know the hard years okay what's it at now where's how many supplement superstores now do you guys have we've got 18. we'll have 20 here i think by next week so you got those we're starting to roll that out so that's that was our first business we started we have our franchise set up for that okay uh but we've chosen to award franchises to employees i love that start with us so we could have went out i actually asked a 100 store deal about two years ago because we made it which would have made would have made me a lot of money yeah um instantly and we asked that because we decided that we were going to we were going to create a situation where if you start with our company at minimum wage which people do okay that's entry level uh they can eventually work up to own their own franchise market that we finance them so like right now we have uh two we have four two franchise markets that we just started franchising uh one is in kansas city where they're opening 10 stores and the guys that that own that market started out at 7.50 an hour when they started and now they're owners now they're owners now they're going to own there'll be more there's going to be multi-millionaires in the next couple years so uh i i chris and i both feel very passionately about wanting to be one of the only companies that can say look if you start here there's no limit to where you can go you know what i mean you can go all the way up to being a multi-millionaire depending on what you do and the guys who own that market uh jeff and kyle have been with me for eight nine years and they're they're they're as good as i am at the business that's wonderful dude but jeff if you watch this you're not as good as i am kyle you are kyle you are yeah so what happens is you you have these supplement superstores you're in that supplement business you're like hey a lot of this stuff is not great stuff right right so then you decide all right i'm going to flip in i'm going to get into the actual business of making the product all of you guys that are in the fitness industry that follow me the more i've understood the actual technical ways this guy manufactures this product too it's just unbelievable the difference right and yeah the the the benefits to your body and the not the downside stuff too but so you decide to start first form yep so this is where it gets going good right so tell us about that so chris and i had a lot of experience with obviously other people's products and what we noticed in the supplement industry was that everybody was trying to make the cheapest product and i just told him i'm like dude we can make a better product than anybody out there we've just got to sell it for more nobody wanted to do that quite honestly because a lot of people in the supplement industry aren't great business people they don't work they don't follow the fundamental rule of helping someone okay i am going to make a product that you're going to ingest yeah okay now do you want to take the cheapest least quality product or do you want the most expensive best quality product there's a market for it it's obvious and nobody was hitting it and so we decided hey we're going to be the premium brand and we went did it and uh we went out we were the first company to come out with low temperature process protein yeah uh we we uh i mean we did we started small man we started with a 30 000 po we went and picked up the pallets in the back of our pickup trucks from our manufacturer who is now our partner in manufacturing um and we would take the product that we would drive it around to our retail stores and literally that we would do that like once a month when people first started using our product they would come in and they would say oh what are you doing making that in your basement because like they couldn't believe that we were starting yeah it was they couldn't understand oh we're starting another company now i don't understand this and we'd have to like have this whole script where it would be like no this is a different company this is you know and eventually uh the great people of st louis i'm very proud of this city got behind us and uh and gave us a lot of traction locally which allowed us to grow and uh and then we went from you know selling it to the stores like we did to uh 12 to a 12 000 square foot warehouse to a 60 000 square foot to a 75 000 square foot to now we have the 75 000 plus the the 225 my god yeah and and now we're getting ready to move out of this building and build a whole new headquarters what what kind of revenue sales all that stuff this year this year we should be about 170 i'm going to hope yeah that's 170 that's both companies together yeah that's two and first four okay 170 million yeah and then what do you think or you have goals in the next three four five years take that to a billion dollars yeah that's the goal the goal is as a b is it b i'm over the m's that is so awesome brother that is unbelievable thank you and so that everything you're an overnight success until they hear that you went you know 10 years basically with nothing seven years basically didn't make a dollar a lot of the others a lot of the other brands in our in our space they're not set up to build they're not set up to build real companies they're set up as a cash flow cash in cash out you know the owners make good money but they don't have a they don't have a team yeah we've got a real team you know we've got real people out there that are that are career we've got careers here yeah and we've got the best people man you know like i don't like my brother my brother runs day to day at first forum he does an amazing job uh you know all of our team inside the office and all of our reps i mean you really do feel this because when you toured me our culture is built on change man like we people the difference between our used to be just our products like our products we're superior yeah the difference now is that the people do we have people in our brand who are who are literally 100 dedicated to helping other people you know what i mean it's the mission and that's what drives you know it's a culture-driven company when you toured me that's what you talked about yeah i noticed that i get toured all the time in different businesses right and the whole time you're talking about your people yeah point of that guy that's what he does is his background this is how i know him this is the great job they do and like it was sincere like the guy that we went to scott that wanted to point to the warehouse we were in seventh grade together you told me that yeah and you by the way and you told me this knowing they weren't even going to hear you telling me no it wasn't a technique it was you really heartfelt felt this way about these people you built like an unbelievable brand and company brother dude we we most of us don't have friends outside the company like it's it's weird it's like like if you're not in it yep you're on the outside if you're in it you're in it i don't think that's weird almost every great company that i've been around really including i haven't been around that many much yeah i've been around by the way i've been around a lot of great companies either but the ones i have been around i can tell you my business my best friends are all in my business yeah right they're just they're i'm close to them that's like it's my family yeah we share the most in common right yeah right it's part of our culture so let's talk a little bit about a few things because like it's unreal what you've done right and it's just the beginning i can feel that you're even talking about changing your model and expanding it yeah all the different things you're going to do so you've done a couple things that's interesting to me so one your body's changed the last few years like i've seen videos you bro you lost 100 pounds so that you've turned everything around right so is it the same stuff or like what did you do to change your physique dude uh what did i what did i actually do yeah like physically like did you make a con like did you like look in the mirror one day go hold on i mean look it was way out of hand like like i told you man i struggle with depression so depression's something that i've battled my whole whole adult life um i go through phases and those phases last for years okay some i'll go for two or three years i'd be great i go for two or three years and i'm a total wreck and when i'm a total wreck i eat everything in my face i drink everything you know i'm having a good time in my mind but i'm not accounting for the problems that it's causing and i had got myself up to about 350 pounds uh and dude yeah i was just i just looked in the mirror and i'm like [ __ ] you're fat you know and uh and you can't be fat in my business and be effective good point uh yeah so how long did you take lose 100 pounds it's take i lost most of it about eight months eight months yeah i lost i lost about 80 pounds in eight months and then the last 20 has been like recomping for like the last uh about a year and a half going back and forth back and forth back and forth so now i'm pretty happy with where i'm at i've still got a little bit to go thank you i want to get down i'm 245 right now i want to be like i want to be the same weight but a little leaner okay let's get in that brain of yours for me yeah so this by the way i struggle with depression too most people be surprised to know that dudes like us that are super high energy and help people that we we have all the same struggles and maybe even deeper ones well when you're given when you give so much to yourself all the time there's not a whole lot left yeah at the end of the day you know i think people thought you and i are gonna get together we're gonna bump chests and see who was stronger and bigger and then we met each other it's like hey man like yeah i got the same stuff you got right it's the same things so get in this brain of yours for a few minutes because we don't have that much time left but like so this is just like general but who the hell are you like what has made you this freak that you are you like an obsessed whack job crazy person are you thinking business all the time like if someone said you hey man you know i got three minutes with you why are you so successful what is it about you what you do or think that's different than the average dude out there i've just learned that it's i've personally i i used to think like a lot of younger people think and maybe some people in business i used to think like this man i wonder if i'm gonna ever be one of those successful guys like did you ever think like this when you were when you were broke did you ever think like man i wonder if i'm ever gonna be like fortunate enough to be one of these guys who has this house and he's this life and this that like there was always a question of doubt in my brain i still have it yeah i still have some time so so i think i just accepted that that's there's no there's no valid there's no like validity to that at all it's just total mind [ __ ] that your brain does and i started to realize that it's just as simple as executing on a daily basis and when i started to um believe that and the doubt went away i think that made i think that made me a more confident uh b it works and i don't feel like i'm a freak of any you know i'm just highly competitive and i know that i know how to win i know that if i'm doing effective things on a daily basis those effective things compound over the course of time are you a planner do you like write stuff down do you have goals oh yeah that kind of stuff yeah i do uh what a lot of my listeners i have this little method called the power list and basically what it is it's five critical tasks so so for a while on instagram we used to always see this these memes okay and it would be like you know i i only sleep one hour a day and that's what you got to do to be successful and that's [ __ ] right okay um i am and this is going to sound really weird but i'm actually really [ __ ] lazy me too okay so am i yeah so like i just found i just find ways to be effective me too so my my goal was to do as much good stuff in a day and then have the rest of the day to myself okay so i figured out that if i could execute on five tasks not the not the basic things not like oh i got to work out or but all right the the things are extra than that okay i've got to make this call i've got to send that email i've got to follow up with this i've got to do that once those five things are done i'm done for the day gotcha so if i can get all five of my things done before 10 a.m i got the whole day do whatever i want okay all right and the rule of the power list is this it's got to be five critical tasks all right those critical tasks have to be something that are not a habit for you so let's say your goal is to work out and eat right and you're not currently doing it that can be on your power list for up to 21 days okay after it's been on your power list for 21 days and you've won the 21 days in a row you have to remove it and replace it with two other things oh i like that okay yeah so your list is always progressing it is literally a a fail-safe way to be successful i talk about it on my podcast msco project there's a whole episode dedicated to it's episode 107. okay um if you guys want to go listen to 107 go listen to that you'll learn the method but um but yeah but i just figured that out man over the course of time and uh so rare executing though like don't think like it's the rarest thing even in my business like i can't believe how hard though it isn't but people go through a whole day of busyness yeah wow i put in a 15-hour day to your point yeah at the end of it i go if we went back and did did you do five you could have done the whole you could have done the whole 15-hour day in two hours and had the rest of the day to yourself that's another thing elite performers have they shrink time frames they can get a whole lot more done in short windows of time we want to because we're lazy we want to go [ __ ] off by the way and i am lazy too people think oh you're i'm not i'm lazy like i have i have to have habits and disciplines because if you left me to my own devices yeah i'd be eating cheetos sitting on the couch and drinking tequila right like yeah that sounds like a good time it doesn't sound good i like that stuff too so so a couple other things so what's a hundred to zero like i just read this what is that like what's that all about uh 100 to zero something that i came up with that me and two of my guys at work all right two of the guys at work they're one of them is super competitive and the other one was very badly injured and is also very competitive and we were talking one time on text and we were like so they these guys co-manage one of our biggest stores in retail and we were talking on text and uh austin one of the guys he goes he goes man he goes i want to kill all these other stores he goes i don't even want them to sell anything like just like i would say goes if we were playing football i would have beat him 100 to nothing and that's how it started so it started as a hundred and so now we had we him and me and the two guys had this thing where we would just tax 100 or nothing basically it means domination dominating okay uh and then i started bringing on the podcast i started talking about um you know hey look there's so much of this this feel good idealist nonsense out there that is telling people it's not okay like we see it like kids basketball game a team will score 100 points and the other team scores seven and they fire the coach dude that's not okay right you're what are you teaching your kids it's okay you're supposed to lose or feel bad when you win and i'm just anti any of that and so basically we just started uh a hashtag a hundred to zero and and selling shirts and you know i put it on my wall and it's just a reminder like hey we're here to [ __ ] win no matter what like we're here to win and if the other team can't score that's their problem that's not our problem how do you feel about like mentors and coaches and stuff so like you talk about teachers and coaches like do you think everybody there's this whole thing but you should have a mentor you should have a coach do you think some of that's overcooked i think i think it is over so do i i think sometimes good i think i think sometimes people like they're always looking outside themselves right instead of do you agree with that i think that the mentor thing started instagram has amplified this mentor thing like you got to have a mentor dude most of the mentors that you guys have don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about okay let's be real do they have a real business show them their let's see their financials let's see the house they live in let's see their plane let's see the cars right they don't have that [ __ ] you probably shouldn't be listening to them right okay if you're trying to be successful in business i mentor people every day through the podcast through my instagram i don't have to have a one-on-one if you can't pick up what i'm putting down from that you ain't got it anyway doesn't it surprise you often you get asked stuff that you've put out that they don't even find does that drive you crazy i personally will not respond to that because i know that they're too lazy to go look at it anyway yeah you know what i mean yeah i get asked that i'll tell them like hey that i already put that out yeah go find my stuff yeah right dude and what that is is that's people's that's people wanting to they want to touch you right like oh i know ed or oh i know andy and i need validation from them i need permission that's them looking for permission you don't need his permission you don't need mine you don't need your mom's permission you don't need to ask permission you don't need anybody's permission in fact the more people tell you you can't is they're probably good for you you know so i just feel like the mentor thing you know i had mentors but i didn't call them mentors i didn't know their mentors me either i just had a dad yeah and i listened to tony robbins stuff yep and and by the way thank you tony robbins yeah like me too i was just telling telling you you know how impactful i would like to take a minute to plug him for a second sure okay i think he's not getting with the young generation the way that he should me too and i feel like you know you guys who are following people like ed or following people like myself or following gary vee you need to go to the og that's right yeah and listen to tony stuff because a big part of where i'm at had to do with getting his personal power set my mom gave it to me and you know my mom gave i'm like i'm not listening to that crap blah blah blah like three years later i listened to it yeah and i'm like holy [ __ ] dude this is awesome yeah and i've been a believer ever since and and me too you know we all come from him somehow doesn't it feel like it's the truth the younger guys the younger the young entrepreneurs you guys need to go listen to his stuff follow him man like buy his products and i would not say if you follow me you know i tell you not to buy anybody's products yeah yeah his is worth his is worth it yeah but in your case you are too and i'll tell you why because the mentoring thing is one thing but i also the gift now that you or i or a few other guys can give that are in this space is that we can get people's consciousness of thinking the right stuff right we're not going to directly see you every single day but you're directing my focus you're giving me ideas you're putting the right thoughts in my head you're giving me and you and i are both saying this about tim grover you're giving me permission to be obsessed yeah you're giving me permission to win like i don't need everybody yeah i don't need i love grover we don't need i just had him on the show he's awesome i don't need permission from my family but i need permission to be myself it's like hey man i want it's confirmation that i'm not crazy right these dreams aren't nuts i'm not a wacko because i want to win and compete so bad it's not so much permission is this confirmation there's dudes like me there's ladies like me there's people like me that want to live life maxed out right like that's that's what i think you do more than anything like go man you're good yeah right yeah that's what you try you know i i just try to help people find their way you know what i mean like being an entrepreneur definitely is not for everybody yeah some people aren't going to be happy being that because as much of the cool [ __ ] that you see there's a lot of bad stuff and you've you've got to really love that tough stuff like uh i will give gary a lot of credit gary always talks about loving like the grit and the dirt and the hard [ __ ] and you do kind of because like i don't know if you're like this but i bet you kind of are like when when crack like when crisis happens in your company i bet you're calm and i bet you figured out instantly and you're you're like you're like okay yes your wheels start turning and you're challenged and you get fired up and you get excited as soon as you know like as soon as you know the solution i bet you're excited like there could be a [ __ ] could be burning to the ground 100 right as soon as i know the problem yeah as soon as i you know i that's dude i live in that space last week that happened i was like i'm alive yeah like this is what i was born to do yeah like i was in my mind like when i'm not in that i feel useless me too yeah like like like kryptonite right i feel like superman on kryptonite when i don't have that like shit's going really good like i'm like i think sometimes i stir up messes just so that i can fix it like i walk through the office i'm like what's going on yeah nothing yeah i got you know i got this i got i'm like what do i got to do no but i've literally learned that like if i'm going to be growing my company there should be crap going on around me there should be fires all the time let's finish up with this because you're about to launch something here pretty soon because it's not mentoring but it's more direct access to you it's more specific stuff so tell them what you're planning on doing here so we're launching uh for seller entrepreneurship academy um it is a it's an academy it's exactly what it sounds like there's there's level one level two level three courses people come in uh they can learn not some instagram thing of like yeah like how to how to open up you know an instagram account management service or whatever like that's not what we do what we do is teach people the exact tools they need to run a real company and build a real brand a lot of doctors a lot of lawyers a lot of real estate agents a lot of people who are in business and have skills have no idea how to run a business it's true so we're opening an academy that shows people step by step by step by step what they're going to need to run a real business and build a real company not just a hack to try to make some income on the side you know what i mean so uh you know if you're looking for you know some sort of business to start that's not what we do we take your business and we show you how to run it i like that yeah and that's that's what we're doing and we're doing that from i'm a real guy i built a business from from uh zero to where it is now and uh a lot of people have questions about what to do at this point or how to do this and how to do that especially when it comes to marketing and advertising and how to get word of mouth out and uh make customers loyal and we and i talk about all these things on the podcast but i don't show them exactly how to do it this is where i'm going to get into the gritty details of how to execute and and so uh i'm excited man i think it's gonna be cool i'm excited about the guys not just the guys who are like watching and i want to own a company one day but i'm excited about the guy who has a company right now and he's like struggling and he doesn't know what to do yeah and i'm excited about helping those people yeah well you're gonna yeah the big thing i think everybody by the way is really good today thank you like i got a lot out of this oh thank you good for me man i mean really i know you all did too probably the way you can get to the center hub of this guy though is just follow him on social media follow this guy on instagram yeah i'm mainly on instagram i'd be on instagram with this guy and then the mfceo.com podcast as well they can subscribe on itunes all these other platforms too i know what helps if they subscribe yeah it drives the stuff i'm always pushing the subscribe if you like the content subscribe that's all i ask for me too just subscribe little likes little followers little subscribers that's all we want so so this you got a little taste of today of what you can get in all these different forums from this man and the stuff that's coming forward so really appreciate you today brother thank you man i'm so glad we back really enjoyed that all right god bless everybody max out thanks guys
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 793,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, business, fitness, lifestyle, motivation, success
Id: ypBfy0HCjHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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