How to TRAIN Like a Real-Life SUPERHERO | Mike O'Hearn

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but listen I don't got time we got eight other kids to take care of so you get in fights you get arrested you're sitting in jail this guy's done 539 fitness covering what is it that's like this world class mindset you hold I want to be the number-one guy I guess I want people to live what I've lived be a freakin superhero for your whole life I started lifting eight years old by the time I was 17 I was already in the magazines so I was already competing against men by 17 because my dad says enough of the kid stuff I want you to think about this he's starting lifting when he's eight or nine but he's onstage with men when he's 17 and this man has been able to continue to compete but not just compete he's at his peak and dominating into his late 40s so my mindset is it's not that I'm doing well for a 49 almost 50 year-old guy I'm still crushed in 20 year old athlete welcome back to max out with that my lad I'm so fired up today I have one of the great fitness icons of all time right here yeah you big boy yeah you looking at us which one of us it's the fitness icon I'm photoshopped yeah I've been telling everybody today police Photoshop me into this picture so I look at least half his size but you can tell you're sitting next to me he doesn't really need an introduction for time mr. universe Titan from American Gladiator one of the dominant people in the history of bodybuilding right there that is Mike O'Hearn so Mike face brother thanks for being here man thank you man so good to have you thank you this is beautiful let me just say this for for everybody my fans and everybody this house is amazing and so I hope we do show this through the day we will and I just don't bore you no you're gonna for anybody you're more important than the house but thank you for that for being here so everybody knows well most people know all of the achievements you've had when I was reading through Mike's bio to introduce him I was thinking for a minute like how would I even read all these things we probably can't cover all of them but I want to go back before everybody knew you just for a look at okay okay because you come from a place where it's probably not the most predictable place for someone to become an actor or one of the top bodybuilders of all time it's not you know I doubt it was predicted when you were a kid right so tell them where you grew up and how you grew up something this would be interesting for all of you to know this it's interesting you say that because at the time when I was growing up I had mentors that were the best in the world yeah I did okay I will be talking nine ten or eleven years old okay yeah yeah so it's I guess you would say I was bred to do this lifestyle but I grew up in Kirkland Washington I loved it it's a beautiful place Costco probably because of our family I come from a family of nine so yeah we're doing the nut I'm the little one you're the baby of me yeah really usually okay yeah yeah I'm the baby and that's another thing that helped create something bigger because of the fact that you know if you got older brothers you're getting your ass kicked that's for sure I had older sisters kicking my ass wait a minute I I need to start becoming something and so our family is very athletic mom dad mom was a martial artist dad was a football player bodybuilder dad bodybuilders yeah yeah so he's into the weightlifting the whole family in front of me was weightlifting and I'm talking about my sister's I'm doing martial arts doing all that where does mentors come in who are they like when that happened it was shortly I started lifting eight years old and I started competing in martial art tournaments by 11 and my first powerlifting meet or Olympic lifting meet was actually at 13 and then power lifted at 14 and I was already on stage competing in bodybuilding at 14 years old and before that I was already when I was really little by 9 10 and 11 I was already running half marathons and so I was thrown into this pretty darn pretty early so you were bred do you yeah do you believe in I'm curious about so as he was this guy's like genetically gifted is there such a thing or that just like something people who don't train hard say it's there are guys that are genetically gift are you one of them I would say my family has good genetics I wouldn't say were the most freaky genetics but I would say this it's the consistency and the work ethic of knowing the little chip on the shoulder or whatever that was and and growing up with the idea that I wasn't genetic okay cuz I see made me who I am Nasus any pictures when you're 18 you were big guy already at 18 years old right and they surprised me at 14 seriously yeah we're already that because you've been lifting since you were that young you're already that big at 14 yeah and one of those things is don't lift when you're young what's actually builds bone density and connective tissue so that's a complete one we've learned so much in 40 years it's a boy because so many of my followers have kids that are athletes that are you know make don't lift weights for that reason I hear this all the time that's not yeah it's it's not true I recommend and and obviously look at you what about are you I'm six-three here so didn't hurt your growth no and my whole family lifted and they're all tall people so one thing that I I think I learned when I was really young is is the continuous building day in and day out because my brothers and sisters were all ahead of me okay and so when I started training my goal was to beat them obviously yep first time it didn't matter if it was martial arts I didn't want to lose it power lifting or body money didn't matter what it was he is I want to compete you know be better than the next person so that was bred into you competing remedies are do you did you want to be a professional bodybuilder it was there an a jury when I want to be a bodybuilder or I want to be a martial artist was there an age that you pick what cuz you're an athlete you're not you don't you're unique because you're not just this kind of bot we're talking before you're not just a bodybuilder like Mack we're gonna talk about this a little bit later but like you're an athlete who is a bodybuilder right and I know bodybuilders are athletes but you're an overall out like even the American Gladiators right when you're tight that read that no normal bodybuilder could do that show you had to be a great athlete to be on that show right so did you pick bodybuilding or is it just you just wanted to compete and you were good at that it was always athletics first okay uh-huh and then everything stepped off of that so can I power lift and then do it well enough to where it didn't interfere with my athletics could i body boat and could I do it well enough to where it didn't interfere with my athletics because the ultimate goal I mean obviously I grew up with Arnold and Bruce Lee and I wanted to be a combination of both wow I didn't want to be just Arnold and I didn't want to be just Bruce Lee I wanted to be both I mean I basically wanted to be a superhero a comic-book superhero and that's part of what you're known as now that's literally how people prefer to that's sort of ironic that you became these things so there was an age you're like yeah I'm gonna be somebody that was nine years old yeah your parents that way with you did they raise you no no and and I came from a great family in a sense of they both worked and then they both said listen we got nine kids you're gonna help out you know you're gonna get paper routes when you're ten eleven you know start working and you're gonna be held responsible for your actions mmm and and I look back in mostly in today's day and age how people are raised and how you have to be certain way politically correct and stuff it's amazing that we're gonna lose all that grit right oh yeah oh it's it's and I know and we're going on for a second but just the way people respond to a post tells me how their mind is and and and when somebody sees something and go ooh aren't you gonna hurt yourself and I'm like yeah you're right yeah you don't even realize I've been doing front squats for 40 years heavy every single day and it's like you guys their minds are so yeah I hate to say just weak weak no you're right and they get weaker and weaker and the same with me when I make posts I know it's the same thing they're just you're the way you respond to things is so reflective of your your mindset man I totally buy that I totally do that so was there a point like this guy's done 539 Fitness coverage yeah I mean just imagine that for a second he's the most covered person the history of fitness of bodybuilding by far right by like am i right behind Arnold this is me okay and it's here right so let me ask you this so was there a turning point was there like a point so you're you're in Washington yep okay what was the point where did this thing flip for you when did you start to become you was there a first cover was there a bodybuilding competition was there something that happened well I was discovered by Joe Weider didn't know that I was already competing by 14 I was winning shows okay so it wasn't just I was competing but I was winning and so I had that mindset of okay I'm different than everybody else I'm doing something here that nobody else can do and I'm doing it year light-years bigger of people and so it's funny is people understand this it's weird people go how the heck do you get that big when you were that young yeah well at 14 before puberty 176 pounds on stage good the year later I was 272 pounds Oh people are like wait a minute that's not reasonable it's called puberty guys oh my god everybody had it oh my but I took advantage of it oh my god so you took advantage of all that growth for all of it people understand that when they see a picture they go oh you been training for a year mm-hmm I've been training since I was eight that's amazing so during my puberty years during that year and year and a half I did gain a hundred pounds and my strength obviously it was already strong but it went through the roof I was competing by the time I was 17 I was already in the magazines yeah so I was already competing against men by 17 but because my dad says enough of the kids stuff Wow he says competing and cement and so by 17 years old I started doing the open shows an open powerlifting me you're under the 30 year old guy yeah yeah 18 years yeah at 17 years old and I was competing in martial arts against the men instead of kids and it was just one of those things that it's he suggested but I'm the one that made the choices and I'm in and by watching my older brothers and sisters do right things and then wrong things hmm I kept going baby step I can take everybody when they make a mistake that's another day that I get ahead every day that we would go and skip school and go play football yeah but then they would be drinking beer during the playing football and I'd be like I played football well yeah I want to do this and then I'm gonna go home and train yeah and they just kept that kind of you've always done this sort of beast monster training freak yeah here's what I want you to get about the reason I started in the beginning is because this is the most impressive thing about Mike to me is that he's even more dominant now 3 48 or 49 49 49 years old so I want you to think about this he's on state he's starting lifting when he's eight or nine but he's onstage with men when he's 17 and this man has been able to continue to compete but not just compete he's at his peak and dominating into his late 40s I want you to think about that for just for a second in any endeavor I don't care if you're in business if you're an athlete if you're an entertainment to be dominant that late for that long to get better so I want you to talk to people about what are some of the keys for you in doing that because it's incredible right like you're bigger faster damn I'm stronger now it seems right so how is that the case oh is it just choices over time how does someone dominate long term because everyone watching this you've probably had a win or two you wanted something in business you want a contest you're at the top of a board somewhere you did pretty well in your sport you're talking about multiple decades of domination right so how do you do that I want to know how you it was the idea that I was different and I wanted to prove something and I wanted to be alone alone I want to be low because by the way most people are afraid to be alone there is Ray just absolutely I just want to tell you this because I work with a lot of athletes as you know to write the thing they're the most afraid of is being a little it's standing out of being alone of being that's a that's nothing that you take for granted in yourself and I don't I just that phrase brother if by the way just think about all the guys you can even train with how many of them cuz you're the Alpha of the alphas right even the dudes you train with and no they won't like this when I say okay you're the Alpha of the office my guys aren't like that because you're one of the guys but you're not you're not one of the guys you don't want to be one of the guys Tiger Woods doesn't want to be one of the guys it's why you don't everyone on tour like Tiger but likes Phil everybody likes Tiger let's talk I don't want to be one of the guys I don't want to be one of the guys in that sense so you're willing to be alone and you wanted to be alone yeah it's it's growing up with dyslexia and put into special classes where you set me in a different way because in my family a lot of us in the family grew up with dyslexia but they handled it well I didn't that was my chip thought it was a bad thing didn't realize later in life there's the greatest thing that ever happened to me and I wouldn't even be what I was a good oh my gosh it goes because you grow up with something like that it already starts building you you're already in a competition with with the world or yourself and growing up in special ed and instantly going I want the one percent these people here that are special mm-hmm and I'm gonna protect them against all these bullies because it was young I was young and fighting every day because you know kids yeah and it's like yesterday it feels like yesterday but you got kids teasing the special kids special ed kids all the time I'm not special in the sense of like Oh God's chosen no another another and now they can use social media to do it to each others even worse yeah um but I felt yeah I felt honored to be able to fight for them and stick up for them and if you teasing the kid in the wheelchair up I'm hitting you and but as this chip stuck with you for 20 years some titles are 14 year old that walks in the gym you know when people go how do you get the motivation to go to train every day yeah I don't have motivation I got passion your passion I got passion I believe this I need to wake up in the morning and people go why do you train so early tell him a target rate I train at 4:00 a.m. I get up at 3:00 a.m. and I'm in gym and this is not something I've done the year this is what I've done my whole life your whole life my whole life we started early because of paper routes you get up early do the paper outside train then I'd go to the gym school but it was one of those one of those things where it set me up and it's still that passion today that I love the fight I love to fight every day and I love the gym and I love going in there with the banter and all that stuff and training with the guys and I lifting them or do whatever I do but it's you've been in a fight and anybody that's been in a fight a street fight you hear nothing else all you're hearing is the hits and the head or you hitting the guy and there's no matter how much they're yelling at you you hear nothing yeah and I can get to that place every time I work out and there's something there and I'm like in a fight with myself in that moment and I love that and I live off that that's crazy because I'm gonna tell you whether I've interviewed is such a running theme or like athletes I've interviewed business women I've interviewed the one of the running themes they all have is they have a way to get themselves I think I do it myself but they have a way to get themselves in a state of competing still long term like they still find a way to compete there's something to compete for I don't care who they are what their industry is that's sort of like there's like like 4 times already you've referenced either fighting or competing like that's a that's in your just genetic makeup right like that's cool to hear that others do that row it's the it's the common line it's wild when you meet somebody else that's successful in what they do yeah and there's that the bonds of what yeah that's cool it's cool yeah the other thing you have though and I want to talk about this next is the other thing they have that you have in like abundance like I train on I'm fit and we're basically the same age right so more than most people I have a deep appreciation for what it would require to be you right because I don't have that in that room I fit but there's a level of dominance that you you sought and found right and so it's little decisions that you make in disciplines right so talk them a little bit like you mentioned your brothers and sisters drink you've ever had a drink never had a drink never poured alcohol in his body in his life I mean just think about this how about your eating habits right like just talk to them a little bit about I don't this is annoying though this is annoying to people cuz it's one of those things you can't beat the guy that never gives up yeah I'm that guy yeah I'm the guy that's never missed a meal in 40 years what do you mean by that this honestly honestly this it's annoying to them but I don't believe I got the greatest genetics I don't believe I was gifted anything physically I got a they're nice guys I don't even what I believe is that I just don't miss meals it's not something that I guess the only way that you can relate to it is it blows my mind that people go to work for somebody else from 8:00 in the morning till 6:00 at night night and that's how they live their lives and the only reason I say that is because people say to me how do you train at 4:00 in the morning how do you go to work for somebody else and write them ritual you're just staying average I don't get it and for me I wake up at 3:00 in the morning still today and I'm excited and I'm like let's do this bro you are like what is the first time we talk to put like okay I go early I got five as well man we're in it for and he's like just pumped about it you know like and I'm like I know that I know what it's like to go to the gym every day he still this every day for freaking decades and he loves it right that's the passion plus my passion and I stay true what do you do miss meals like these guys don't miss meals okay do you do do cheat meals do you like do you eat like I saw something on your birthday look like you were like almost pain to eat some bad food like it's like a bite or something you had like you do tell me at least you have some meals that are you like this one's not good for me I get to eat this do you at least have some I do only a man of science he wants fruit fruit fruit fruits my chief fruit I do cheat I wouldn't say cheap because now today everybody's like well I got my high guy on Sundays yeah because it's Sunday you because all my boys are that way yeah there's a little give on things I don't give it unless it's going with what my plan is at the time yeah I'm always getting ready mmm always and have never not been getting ready and will they go well you don't compete anymore and I haven't competed right but I get paid to travel to shows and this is one thing I grew up with when I saw guest poses as a kid they would show up and they'd be these big fat guys on stage and and I'd be like wait a minute he doesn't look like the magazine what's going on and then you do this sport knee and you understand there's not season there's non season and I got to a point where I started doing guest appearances and I like I'm gonna give him me yeah I want to be me 24/7 and I was one of these guys I'm old enough to be around before Photoshop was created so he's really the cover is the cutlets the cover the weights are the weights and no fake weights you know it's one of those things that I'm too old school to cheat yeah the process by the way even though you don't compete anymore you're still getting covers still still getting cover stories you guys a couple of quick things but what I mean I don't compete you I don't compete against other people you know in a sense yeah I compete every day I know you do I do I've seen your sessions I've talked to you about training with you I damn well compete new recipe do you get all the fun I know it's more fun by the way I totally agree you know I think there's like I the reason I love fitness or I love bodybuilding I think or UFC fighters have had on here it transcends whatever the business is like if you're gonna win to any business you're in you're gonna win in your faith your anything you're gonna compete that way you have to compete to get there right so you gotta have that hunger and that desire to go I can do this you know I can do this you can do it stuff do you get off on doing stuff other guys will do you think that's why you eat cleaner while you're tracer party was like I'm doing what they're not doing so it's got worse what do you mean it's got worse man this I want to give a shout-out to my boy yeah and and it's one of these things where when you're thinking you're giving it all yeah and then somebody goes at and I can do one more percent and some triggers you and something fires you up even more for my entire career I won the universe and and and I hate the guys that go because when I was too young it was like we can't compete against the men yeah I can't yeah and then I was at the Middle Ages and I was beating everybody and I was still doing the covers and I'm still doing powerlifting and going no body but and doing the martial arts and doing the gladiators and I was like you guys keep saying you can't do things who is this that says you can't you can't model for 40 years I'm still on the covers so I don't I don't I don't get it so now at this stage it's like I get too many people and I say don't change your mindset because when you come up to me and you go pretty good for 35 right and I'm like for 35 yeah well I got a Keeney's why do you have a keaney's at 35 what's going on so my mindset is it's not that I'm doing well for a 49 almost 50 year-old guy I'm still crushed in 20 year old athletes to the elite athletes in the point I'm trying to not yell yeah and I think both of us will go into the world is becoming an echo yeah you're right and and I started rather be the guy I love this that shuts his mouth and does it does it yeah and and I live my life with my dogs and my girl and I train it 4:00 in the morning and I don't talk about it so much in the sense of look at me right I know I'm doing it yeah you are doing it and then if that motivates you awesome but favorite part about you is your example like screams you have to say anything it's just like so loud what like looking at you watching you train your example like it just frickin screens man so look you use words like cliche P like thanks for that because it's it's it's true we're around a lot of the guys that are screaming oh yeah both of us are oh and that's what makes you stand out there because you're not you're not one of these echoes I'll just tell you help someone out here for me like cuz like you have dominated but there's people here like the start backwards for a second they want to get fit like they're like hey I'm not training that hard I am 34 years old I'm a woman I'm a man I I need to get back I need to get fit there's no human on if I if I put you in my interview I didn't ask you this for them don't be like malpractice on my part right so you have the ultimate fitness health expert probably on the planet sitting next to me what's like some stuff you just say like hey man this is what you got to decide you're gonna do if you're gonna go get fit like some basic thing you would say basic things here's here's I think they want the pill or the one trick right it's a trick right unfortunately there's not a trick there is a difference between getting ahead of time and going along with time and now I'm sorry for this because they're not gonna be happy about some of this things but I'm gonna get to the point where we can all do this if you go to the gym and you do the cardio and you eat right the day and there's no extra plan or push you're basically just going along with time okay and now what we're doing in the studies we're gonna be showing the world is what I have done is focused on something different the bone density which women need to weight lift more men do women need to weight lift more them anymore because the bone density and that is health okay connective tissue because connective tissue is as people say the farm boy you know you can just grab that bale of hay and throw it up there yeah or people are gonna say well you got to do extra stuff keep the testosterone hiking me I've never been high testosterone mean reason why I look healthy or youthful in a sense because the the testosterone was never overblown well okay if you walk into a gym and think the most muscular guy is the guy on this biggest steroids and the most muscular it's not he's got the strongest guy I'll take a hundred and eighty pound wrestler and he will toss this sheesh out of a that's right 280 pound buff body but right yep that's connective tissue okay that's man strength okay now that's what keeps you healthy okay now if you can focus on this and train properly to that that is gonna allow you to get ahead okay and that is gonna get you the side effects is strength and getting in shape that's pretty good side effects side effects right but you're not focused on this I guess visual or instant gratification hood where you're just gonna lose it and you can't maintain it yes that's what everybody does that's that's all they do yeah so what I recommend is this first stop is all food is good if it's controlled okay okay you're not gonna eat pizza every day and be healthy right the carbs aren't bad in today's society carbs are so bad for you yeah right and it's like oh I wish you guys understood what Cubs would actually do for you so it's good in a science okay hmm I want you to eat your fat so I want you to eat your carbs I want you to have your high days or enjoy days because that's mentally good something that you got to do or it's a reward okay because I believe in rewards I believe in having your your fun days okay if that helps you get to the next level okay but this is really good for you all to hear right here they're still going wait a minute what's the trick the trick is that you need to pick a goal good and you need to step it up a little harder good and you need to stay consistent that's sorry no no it's not nothing be sorry about because but it's the one step forward two steps back I did great you don't get high days until you get to your goal this is huge and then there's and I got boys in my crew that every weekend is is their high day you get you've taken all the steps back your progress is completely erased right yeah unless you're getting to the goal okay this is huge unless your metabolism slows down so in the day when I was doing this back in black and white days before TV worth it so it was one of these things is if your metabolism slows down that's when you bump up your calories to feed it again as you're dieting down and then somewhere in society that translated to every Sunday one meal a day technically no you're totally right about that so that's not that's the only thing that I think people don't they don't want to hear that it's consistency and it's really on yourself and it's really just doing it you don't need to be what I'm doing I'm trying to now prove something to myself that you can do this and you cannot just do it at it hey I'm pretty good right I hate that I'm pretty good for this right I hate that me too go crush Russian I don't get I don't purposely put myself in battles with especially right now with the football season off I got all the guys you're coming in for combines or going back to play and the whole purpose isn't really to work out it's the out rep out beat out speed all of those guys now that are 22 years ago let's talk about that for a second let's say so that was for the basic athlete but there's a lot of people who follow me who are elite athletes who are in the training business and I was telling you before he went on just for me even watching Mike train a little bit and I've been training for 25 years there's little things that you teach that I've noticed that I do wrong that I didn't know I did wrong little tiny things right that where my elbows are placed and I'm doing an incline just small things like that the speed in which I do my repetitions right or don't do them and so you teach this sort of concept called bike power bodybuilding is that sort of right in there yeah because there's bunch of the guys that don't look great that are super strong right there's a bunch of guys people and ladies who look great who aren't strong strong right and so for the elite athlete for the person who is a bodybuilder or is a golfer is it is a fitness type person what would you say to them like if you're gonna compete and crush people at your level and beyond here's one thing here's a mindset here's a tool there if you're going into a gym and you're moving the benchpress and you're just going back and forth or the curls you can actually do this and do this year after year and still not develop it I see these guys all the time you go to a gym anybody goes to a gym and you go back a year later everybody pretty much looks the same it's exactly right so what's going on they're not changing yes yes it's the way you do something okay and understand the purpose if you are a pro athlete and you're getting ready for the combines there's a portion of time where you need to slow things down move through it slowly when you're starting to test you speed up the motions but that's for a certain sport okay for me if I bring in a power lifter to train with me and I slow him down to where it's pauses and holds it completely destroyed something gets weaker or you take a bodybuilder and you pull them now it's just too heavy oh wait you can't do that good something I do is I go as heavy as I possibly can for the rep range I'm doing so people go well you always lift heavy yes so is that five reps no dude we get in a battle we'll go one rep or we'll go a hundred reps I trained with some Irish guys that just don't know the word quit so it's it's one of these things that's it's mmm it's as heavy as you're doing for the Ranger reps you're doing - but this speed it's all that and it's range of motions people are so proper squat there's a proper squat and there is and I agree with that but if you're doing that for 10 years and you never do anything where you're leaning forward you're pulling your feet in you're pushing your feet out a little further you're changing the form what do you actually don't I wonder that myself yeah say you'll see us and we will change forms will change here's the tricep extension we'll go here really we'll pull it out here we'll bring it back here and change it all the way around squats are proper here but we'll pull it inside my look we'll put the pressure over the need now understand the weight is different for everything you're doing I'm not gonna do a 700 pound squat right knees Bend right but I will do a 3 400 for me right yeah don't everybody do through so it's it's the point of putting yourself in the weak position so they're developing it because everybody's like my shoulders are strong and they're great I'm gonna train those twice a week go go I don't like training legs but you're skipping something so much more important you're now you're trying to develop a body but you're forgetting the whole skeleton mm-hmm okay this oh these are the concepts that our body's huge that's I love this just gave me permission to chase knees because what I do is I I do it the same way all the time for that reason I don't vary my spacing or anything like that that's really which is tougher to do now because if you post something that's incorrect that's what I get on social media hurt yourself man we're good over here so good couple more things this is so valuable for people because they're in the mindset of a champion because well I think one thing words I'd use for you is obsessed and I think your obsessions become your possessions I think you were obsessed with becoming this version of you I just believe that I think at some age there where there was eight nine seventeen or ever you became obsessed with being this person that you become right and so now you possess him and now you're in this hunt to improve him even more I like that just cut that clip for me yes the effect magnets like it's very very true so you've also transcended multiple industries though so it's like you just did one thing right no you did American Gladiator right he's only got to do both programs of American clattering fitness business he's also done well in business he's owns feelings different real estate he's done well in the business world too but you also are an actor right he's pursuing some things right now maybe you share with us a little bit like they're gonna redo Conan aren't they re doing Conan Amazon is doing it so how are you involved with that hopefully I mean it's like this is this is an outcome of years right this is a goal of yours Thursday this is Oh acting has always been and like my first movie was death becomes her with Bruce Wells and Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep and I actually got felt up by Meryl Streep on so it was like but I've been acting since 1990 and it's something eleven yes and Gladiators the original but I was still athletic enough when I got the second gliders now here's the funny this is interesting or some a small percentage Allah knows they called me up for the new gladiators and said hey you're on the show and I go no I'm not let me try out like everybody else tries out if I deserve it I deserve it then I went out and you can see it online and and I destroyed all the tests and there was over 20,000 people try back out for it and I'll agree with it the second time I think it was 2008 came out so I was 10 years ago 14 so I came out and I did 35 pull-ups and I ran a for 740 and so there's one of the things I know when you ran a 475 so as well see I didn't want to just get something handy I want to fight for this no there isn't I love there like it apply anymore yeah so there's a running theme here though this is good okay so those are great but I've been doing some fun shows like workaholics and Sunny in Philadelphia and guest spots and takes a daytime TV soap operas and so now we're up for he-man and the remaking Conan so the crazy hairs that's fitting right now it's so huge I'm excited for you I'm hoping but it's fun it's a fun battle and and regardless what when I tell people they go what keeps you motivated and I tried to say well I know it keeps me motivated it won't make them motivate it but if you're passionate about something and I don't care how small it is to you it might be something big and I'll give you something so my new to most people but it was so big to me that you will continue to workout you will continue to eat right you will continue to go and make right choices about things and and push you beyond any limit that you possibly think is possible you'll get up every morning going I don't want to workout today you'll be up going no I got that good that thing is right in your frontal a little bit and you're passionate about it and that's what's gonna keep you training and dieting right so I got a puppy 18 years old and and there's there's it's a huge part of me because of the fact that not only is issued my dog my first adult dog and she's 18 your whole face just changed yeah it's my heart yeah and I train harder and I've trained harder in the last six months to a point where I was better than I ever was when I won the universe now this is 20 years later I decided to get in the best shape of my life so what triggered it what was different right maybe mature muscle can in my consistency but there had to be something that drove me to a different level yeah I'm pretty obsessed as is I was beyond assess was it Christmas that I fasted so as everybody else is going through Christmas and New Year's my goal was New Year's I want to look better than I've ever looked in my life and the only passion I had is that I'm losing my puppy and that I wanted to spend time with her and I want to be able to hold her and kind of show her to me that made sense and it's something my new to somebody else mostly if you have a kid it should be tenfold yep yep so I got in the best shape of my life to the point of where I don't care if it was Jay Cutler or Kai Greene going what the heck right yeah this shouldn't be done yeah what are you doing what do you look like yeah and so again it's a puppy it's me it's it's motivation its passion and I got to a place that I've never got in my life but it's I can attach things to me on goals yeah there are so much more meaningful and deep and it's not a trophy no it's what you just did here's what it is man it's the goal huge the past and she urgent you know you're a freak like you're there's there's freaks running around the world I'd like to think that I'm one of them right like your discipline levels freakish your competition level but when you give someone who's already a freak a massive reason attached to their goal it goes ballistic it's just to attach a massive compelling emotional reason right is this the puppy or telling me about from the first shoot is that the puppy just up just so I don't because all these people say all these alpha males meeting or telling us beforehand right you either get us talking about either our kids for our dogs and we just melt any man right so just tell them why because that reasons huge but also how big this dude's heart is like how did you end up with her in the first place photo shoot millennium cover so I go to the photo shoot and it's Muscle & Fitness nothing out of the old you know different except I was honored to be on the the Millennium cover mm that was great Joe Joe Weider calls me goes out of everybody in the world you're the guy how cool and I'm like dude this is awesome show up I'm excited they pull out little two puppies and I shoot with the two puppies all day long and then at the end of the photo shoot they're like all right we're gonna take these pups back to the pound and I'm like and yeah any gonna happen I thought they were actually somebody's puppies that they brought to the photo shoot in the pound everybody tell him look yeah you guys even know what a County it's an old term that they would keep the dogs from maybe 21 days and then put the dogs down and so when they said that I was like now here's some money and I took the puppies home yeah and that's the puppy that he's referring still the two relate to this day so for everybody that's 18 years old that dogs been alive as long as that and so with man because I think it's an elite thing like first off shows your heart like one things that like struck me about she's like there's a big study dude like you're really just this humble super sweet good dude like you kind of talk a lot of smack but he's like this really gentle really kind dude who could just break you in half right but but what's what you if you're an elite person out there and you're already doing very well like he was already one of the most fit men on the planet how do you go to that next level like that crazy freak level it's a bigger reason it's gonna be because your disciplines are there your habits oh there your rituals are there your obsessions already there if you're at that level the only separator is to have a bigger reason whether that's another competition something you're trying to surpass usually big reasons are your dreams or other people or pet those are your bigger reasons that's what you did you put that formul together so yeah like we flew by hero's way too bad we didn't cover anything so two things to finish someone said you cuz I think like it's rare that you put someone who's the best on the planet at something in front of you like on the earth spinning right now and we said who in the last 25 years let's say take that window of time just that basic window of time which is a fair window who's probably the healthiest fittest person the icon that sustained it grown it and got more fit and also help more people get there to that he trains with it would be this human right sitting next to me so what does that I know we've talked a lot about it like if it's hard to describe yourself I have a hard time doing it's like I'm not sure how I am you know I'm just that way right but let me ask you something seriously what's that mindset life like don't sugarcoat it no BS don't be humble is it just like you want to crush everybody is that you're trying to chase the best you is it just like this stacking of disciplines that's built you into this thing like what is it that's like this world class mindset you hold you know I would say it's it's I want to be the very the number one guy I want people to be able to say hey I want to do a Mike O'Hearn I want to be like Michael her what I'm that in whatever it is it's just that long period of time yeah and it's not just I don't want you guys to sit there and I I guess I want people to live what I've lived and stop giving the excuses and stop saying I'm 30 now it's downhill from here that's pretty good college I peaked and then that's that it's like there's a there's a thing called science and there's a science will show you what's possible what's not possible there is something that's called heart that can break that and something that can set it apart and I'm just saying that the one thing that we're doing now and I'm lucky enough to be around is that be around doctors and science and actually doing tests now going why is why is it that I got to be able to do this for such a long period of time and not just as a average Joe because everybody's like as long as I can be healthy healthy I'm sorry it's all right leave that out make it be a freakin superhero for your whole life yes in it so that I guess for me it's consistency is me describing myself but the hunger to be the very number one yes yes what's the next five or ten years look like for you do you think we know the past look like you know what the present looks like what but more about where to do more of these but I'm have you back here yeah what do you think I love the purchasing properties and commercial real estate I love this and it's something that again I think you agree with this you can be around your friends but you need some elite people that are raising you up and and I just got that and I've had that in the last 10 years my life has completely changed to the point of where I'm doing all charity and I'm around guys that are better than me yeah in other facets and they make you stand up and go listen this is great yeah what you do it but I need you here yes this is what you need to do now you need am and all these all people are here like yeah and so I you know I've got to operate think we see in movies more properties leads and movies and continued to travel the world and talk yeah do you think you'd be even more fit I do okay listen I'm as much as I got crazy this year I already told my girl and I said I want to even be better than I was for New Year's I love this brother I love you inspire me thanks man no you inspire me you do you're inspiring to me this is that's a fun that's a fun look oh is this your ride yeah this is not good helicopters come say guys right over the ocean yeah we're getting more this or too fast but it's just something today when you can push somebody that's already at a pinnacle level that's badass it is badass and it's why I try to surround myself with guys like you and like you just said that's such a part of the formula everybody is that you surround yourself with people who do make you better whatever the industry is doesn't matter they just make you want to be better by their example not they're yelling and screaming right there existing saying that the fact the other thing I want to tell everybody that when you're listening to Mike there's a uniqueness to him that I want to point out it's that not only can he do these things but he can articulate them that's rare for an athlete it's rare for a businessperson to be able to articulate it the reason I point that out to you is you can get Mike to come speak to your organization you can have him come talk to your group he can come to you can do in inspirational talks fitness talks this is someone that you want to bring into your company to have to speak to you and he's also somebody just by following him on social media will alter your life you you will have no excuses you will be inspired right you will see one of the great lives being lived but there's also all this fitness stuff all this information out there how would they find you online in order to stay in contact with you what's the best place really easy you search Mike O'Hearn and you find everything okay fine I got a governor he's got a governor but I like Major League YouTube's nice crazy instagrams ballistic and your website going crazy yeah but you can get holding me of any of those ways something I love and I love today we got to do it again good you got to promise me in them you're gonna come and train with me all I'm training with you okay absolutely all right no we're down baby all right and we're gonna go skinny dip right now he has been begging for this for like two hours so I'm father so much like and I know it's so much great content for all of you so listen everybody I hope you enjoyed the program today I want to ask you to me one favor I bring you the best people in the world you don't know she's been watching the whole interview so tell them who this is this is striker just look at striker this is the most beautiful well if you do follow me you'll see that I travel the world with her and this this little superstar does more for the world than I do look in her eyes my goodness those are ocean eyes by the yeah it's like the ocean anyway I'm glad she was here today Mona has also been here watching us and so everybody do me one favor rank and review this podcast when you see it if you see it make a comment and if you're listening to it give it a review it'll move up more people around the world to get access to this information I hope you enjoy today max out your life everybody [Music] you
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 179,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitness, bodybuilding, natural, universe, actor, icon, schwarzenegger, muscle, powerbodybuilding
Id: 8lxLjbbiTrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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