Whatever, Let's Rank the Spirit Ashes...

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just hang out and do nothing and get stomped on this means that some can perform better or worse depending on how you've set up your character making no single youtube tier list a one size fits all guide on how to poke him on your way through the game and if there is one it's probably like three hours long and god knows i don't have the attention span for that [ __ ] so you guys remember that one throwaway line i had in a video about the demi human ashes being a subpar summon good neither do i let's keep it that way we won't have any goddamn problem the demi-human ashes are small in stature but they have a violent british disposition oh wait nope that says brutish that says never mind sorry these guys probably aren't a go-to summon for a lot of builds but they're practically the definition of underrated they don't really stand out for any reason and because of that they end up being overlooked by other more powerful summons with particular talents the only talent the demi humans have is that they're just really really good at being annoying as [ __ ] at anything you point out they're surprisingly competent when it comes to getting aggro off of you and even if their little toothpick looking weapons don't exactly excel at dealing damage they can stun lock enemies and even smaller bosses pretty consistently and the fact that there's multiple of them means they can take care of mobs and make fights like the tibia mariners and ronaldo's first phase even more of a pushover summoning them during night time also makes them slightly stronger but they become a lot more aggressive and difficult to control which can sometimes risk them throwing themselves into a situation they can't get out of and end up dying and that can happen quite a bit because in later game fights holy [ __ ] it feels like these guys have like two hp you could probably flick these little chimps on the nose and they would just keel over but nonetheless it's great for attack spammers as most of what they attack during night time just won't even bother trying to get in a hit the ancestral follower is one of the only spirit summons with both ranged and melee options for fighting meaning this dude can actually take care of himself really well i've spawned this guy so many times at the edges of a large arena and he just stands there just taking pot shots at whatever's attacking me his arrows almost never miss just because they fly so goddamn fast and even if they don't get aggro off of you it's still quite a bit of free damage at plus 10. watch something get close to him and he pulls out a jawbone axe and just goes feral he turns into an animal all you really need in most fights is for someone to just be a distraction so you heal buff enjoy the two seconds of peace you have not getting your face pulled inside out by a giant bird he's great against single bosses but against mobs he's even better because he has the ancestral warrior patented heal on kill mechanic that gives him a little extra survivability which that's fair because he probably needs that mechanic to survive due to him having the health pool of a malnourished child i mean that's a bit of an exaggeration he can take a few hits just just not much is all he turns into an absolute tank in melee mode and against high damage bosses like malakath or the fire giant or astell he's actually smart enough to just keep his ass backed up into a corner somewhere launching his railgun arrows it does feel a bit like ranged cheese but if you decided to watch a spirit ash's tier list something tells me you probably don't give a [ __ ] if you're looking for a summon that's the exact opposite then i highly recommend you take a look at the crystalline because he's not ranged and can't hit [ __ ] you know that ultra dumb ass armor they have at the beginning of their fights but usually they can only take like three hits from a decently large strike weapon and it's just gone yeah imagine that just like not going away like ever because that's what the summon feels like gonna be honest this one's a niche pick they spin around a lot and they take lots of hits but whenever they try to attack something they look like an eight-year-old blindfolded kid trying to smack down a pinata against anything with a hammer it's probably not the best pick because strike weapons sort of just melt these guys but against slash weapon types like morgot loretta i mean [ __ ] other crystallines there's just no stopping them the crystalline will survive pretty much every encounter you throw at it as long as none of those encounters involve hammers or flails i am not joking this blueberry popsicle looking ass has one of the weakest attacks i've ever seen in the game and he can still take out whole ass bosses by himself he's a pure caster's wet dream it doesn't matter if he actually lands any hits with his little tron disc looking weapon he gets 100 of the aggro almost all the time you don't even have to fully upgrade him you can just get away with leveling up like a couple times and he seriously will not die and this little champ doesn't just allure aggro he keeps it too it feels like someone just spun a beyblade into the boss room if you have 10 minutes to spare it's fun to watch him fight solo because eventually he will kill whatever he's swinging at nice try godric hey maybe this game can graft me a better boss i'd say the same goes for the warhawk albeit for a completely different reason significantly less hp but that little verticality boost goes an incredibly long way when whatever you're fighting doesn't grasp the concept of jumping this flying machine pesters your enemies as much as they do you in stormvale castle and regarding summons that's one of the best qualities you can ask for its talent really begins to shine against human-sized enemies and bosses like zamor heroes the knox priests and melania believe it or not the simple act of swinging a sword over your head is an art lost on most enemies in elden ring making the warhawk very viable in a surprising amount of situations the extra fire based attack it has is a bit of a niche addition that doesn't really add much to the summon outside of just being another attack option but hands [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] obviously doesn't work as well on larger enemies like worms or dragons because their attacks cover a large area in a way that makes hovering three feet off the ground not quite enough but it does complement caster builds beautifully because much like the actual warhawks we find in stormville the annoying little bastard is constantly in your enemies face making a scene it's honestly a very capable summon against a lot of different encounters it keeps aggro pretty much all the time allowing for completely unrestrained ranged combat on your side okay i'm gonna level with y'all this [ __ ] sucks late game like there's basically no point in using it in lieu of other legendary summons that are just straight up more capable of dealing with more problems but the rotten stray being in the location that it is in caled makes it accessible straight from the beginning of the game it's sitting right by the celia under stair meaning you can just take the chest trap and the burning ruins and limb grave and just pick it up in like five minutes this is extremely important because scarlet rot is not even supposed to be a thing until much later in the game i know the dog gets one-shotted by everything i know it sucks at drawing aggro and i know it sucks at doing damage i don't care you shouldn't care about any of that either because as long as the dog procs rot so much as once you have just won you've won it's incredible how powerful scarlet rot is in the early game it is seriously no joke it lasts for twice the duration of regular scarlet rot dealt by the player which totals out to a full 180 seconds three [ __ ] minutes if you can get this dog to proc the fight is just done it it's over you may need a small scarlet buildup weapon of your own to help him out a little but as long as you make sure the dog is where the proc comes from you've pretty much just assured your victory the rotten stray practically offers you a train ride straight through the first half of the game at no cost because everyone's resistance to scarlet rot is basically nothing expectedly this becomes less and less of a selling point the more you approach late game but if anyone out there is looking for any tips on low level runs then i i'd recommend looking into this guy like seriously i won't lie this would have been a personal favorite of mine if not for one massive reason and that's a reason everyone who's ever summoned lutel the headless resonates with she sucks when it comes to keeping aggro she's great at getting it don't get me wrong but since she's a mausoleum knight she has this unique teleport ability that's really handy when it comes to getting around high damage from bosses but it really really sucks for you because that teleport almost always makes the boss lose aggro on her inevitably targeting the only other moving thing in their vicinity which instead is going to be you arguably this is the worst characteristic that any summon could possibly have in my book because it just kind of ends up with her dishing out this weirdly inconsistent performance but i think the pros of using her are more than enough to outweigh this one little hiccup for starters she can throw her spear at enemies making her quite adept when it comes to ranged combat and it isn't like she doesn't know how to use the teleport in combat situations or anything like the fact that she has that evasive option is exactly what gives her so much survivability this creates what i think is a really dynamic and enjoyable way to fight bosses at low level because it feels like you and lutel are just two buddies that got drunk at a bar together and now you're competing over which one of you can attract more attention when the boss is charging towards you lutell's role is to yank that aggro off of you and that's when it becomes your role to yank it right back a lot of people have talked about feeling a really similar playstyle with latina but i feel like the combat chemistry you and lieutenant share is a bit more graceful in case you haven't actually care to try latina out for yourself she's basically one of those annoying albanoric railgunners you find in the ever jail where you have to light the four braziers yeah you've just yugioh summoned her to your side dear [ __ ] the range on this summon someone here at an extremely high point on the map against the dragon boss like x zikes x zeitgeist yeah that guy and just lay back and watch her carry your ass she's only 74 fp making her surprisingly accessible to lower level players the only real downside is that her lack of mobility options makes her extremely fragile just as you would expect from a sniper class summon momentum can very suddenly get flipped the other direction if latina actually takes a hit or two this leads to a bit more graceful version of the playstyle i described earlier with lutel where instead of a competition between who can attract the most aggro it becomes a dynamic where you feel like you're protecting each other anyone who's ever given latina a chance knows exactly what i'm talking about and they know exactly how fragile lieutenant really can be too which is why a decently smart player would be able to just summon her into a position that minimizes the chances of that ever happening i know why they didn't give her a dire wolf to ride and i'm still gonna complain about it because i just think that would be cooler yeah i know she can ride and tame enemy direwolves yes i know that's very cool where the [ __ ] are there dire wolves in this game outside of the snow field batshit nowhere oh and i i guess carry up manor okay so like i said bat [ __ ] nowhere stormhot dean is the summon for people who don't like summons it releases an aura every minute or so that gives you a melee buff all weapon damage being boosted by 20 and that includes both regular damage and stamina damage meaning the enemy's poise will be broken 20 quicker with this buff enabled it has all the benefits of the warhawk summon because it's a giant goddamn bird and as we've already established even the smallest bit of verticality trumps just about anything that doesn't involve dragons it also costs 47 fp making it one of the least demanding summons that can fit into just about any build at once it pulls just enough weight and draws just enough aggro to still make you feel like you're playing the game and not just sitting on your ass waiting for one of your plus 10 marine snipers to take care of everything themselves this summit is for players who don't want to constantly feel like they're being carried plus it has an attack move set that actually looks really cool which i guess is a bit anticlimactic because you just end up questioning why it isn't doing more damage it can honestly take a surprising amount of hits too and a lot of its attacks really do a good job at interrupting enemy behavior just in case it wasn't completely obvious that the summon is best used on melee builds also yes the buff does stack with jellyfish shield i tested it so have fun i feel like the dung eater is that one summon that a massive portion of this video's audience was waiting for just to see where i ranked it and judged my taste accordingly well i hope this spot is good enough because despite not personally being a fan of the dung eater puppet i have no problem seeing why he's such a big deal he's one of the tankier options you can choose from and the fact that he actually has the shriek of milo's weapon skill attached to his summon is it's kind of huge other than that he's honestly everything you would expect i guess he's an npc summon that can dodge role he can do critical attacks and he just behaves the same way you would expect the mimic or an npc helper to behave not to say there's nothing special about this summon i just don't really have an opinion on him but to say he isn't a great and versatile summon would only do him disrespect he at least deserves to be on here somewhere and performance wise he's definitely one of the better ones even if i personally don't find this summon as cool or exciting as the others honorable mentions oleg because he's great but definitely not underrated marionette soldiers because they're underrated but you definitely have better options redmayne knight ogre because that reign of arrows attack absolutely shreds dragons it's too bad he only uses it once jesus christ in god damn boxing gloves i don't think there's any real competition here other than maybe the dung eater for this spot but even then there was no other summon that stuck out to me as the ultimate powerhouse that nobody pays attention to omen killer rollo has demonstrated that he can hang out with the greats mimik tish amon but for whatever reason he gets significantly less respect i'm serious give this guy a chance this dude is a certified clapping machine when people constantly bring up how summons can really make this game too easy they're almost always talking about summons like these in case anyone's confused on what this summon is no this isn't an omen based summon not one of those horn [ __ ] you see in the lane del sewers this is the omen killer you know that bodyguard capper demon looking ass with twin cleavers that breathes fire yeah him just like the boss edition omen killer rolo has an extremely diverse move set and i don't think people fully realize just how incredibly powerful it is for a summon to have something like that his fire breath attack comes with a backstep maneuver that gives him a little extra agility to dodge potential damage he takes damage like a chad doesn't stagger for nobody and his twin cleavers are some of the quickest bleed procking tools you can hope to find on a summon this guy is just a bigger deal than everyone thinks a supremely deadly combination of agile and tanky with multiple types of damage and he's constantly slept on because his boss variant doesn't exude the same one-man mosh pit energy it's quite the spectacle watching this guy fight like he barely lets most bosses even get up it's incredible [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rusty.
Views: 680,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nONfG92Byzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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