15 MORE Essential Discoveries in Elden Ring

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This is how you should be warping to the  Roundtable Hold. Done. It's that easy! Now   be honest, how many of you are still  dragging your cursor there manually? Instead,   you should press triangle or Y to open the list  of grace checkpoints, then you press square or x   to confirm a warp straight there. It took me..way  too long to discover that this was a thing.   Elden Ring is full of little quality of life  things like this that are never explained,   so I'm going to start this video by  quickfiring five more at you.   For example, if you walk through a beacon of  light that you've placed..then that beacon   will disappear. This is an excellent way to mark  that actually you've reached your destination,   without having to pull up your map. Next, if an enemy explodes in a burst of   blue light, that means they're going  to drop an item. Don't miss it.   When you pick up an item, take note of this icon.  This tells you which category of your inventory   that item just went into. This will make it way  easier to figure out what you just picked up.   Another great way to find what you just picked up  is to press L3 on the inventory menu. This will   let you sort in order of acquisition, and look  over all the items that you recently looted.   By default though, your inventory is sorted into  vertical categories, demarcated by horizontal   lines. For example, the bolstering materials  tab organises your crimson flask materials,   your smithing stones and your somber smithing  stones into their own sections.   Now with those quality of life tips out of  the way...let's get into the big stuff.   First, how would you like to have a  buff that gives you 5% extra runes?   To get this, all you have to  do is type in 7 letters.   In the last video, I announced "Secret Seekers",  our community group password. Enter "SEEKERS" in   all caps as your first group password in your  multiplayer tab, and you'll be able to identify   phantoms, bloodstains, messages and summon signs  from others in the group. Our goal is to find   secrets in the game, and share them with others.  Since then, I can't go 5 minutes without finding   evidence of you guys hurling yourself off cliffs  in search of secrets. You make me so proud.   Since then, we also discovered that every time  someone in the group defeats a shardbearer,   or becomes Elden Lord, everyone else in the group  receives a 5% buff to their rune acquisition..and   considering there are thousands of you in this  group..this buff activates like..constantly. So   join us, and enjoy your free runes. Also..I put the SECRET SEEKERS logo onto a shirt.   So, if you want to rep our unofficial covenant  - check it out with the link below.   Another way to get free runes is by duplicating  your remembrances. Goddrick's, for example,   gives 20,000 - and subsequent bosses give  even more than that. Every major boss drops   a remembrance, though the proper way to use  these is to trade them in for boss items at   Enia, the Finger Reader at Roundtable Hold. Because each remembrance can be traded for   multiple items, it's possible to duplicate them at  the walking mausoleums found throughout the game.   Here's what some of our testing revealed: First, there are six mausoleums in total. One   in Limgrave ... Three in Liurnia ... one  in Mountaintops of the Giants ... and one   in the Consecrated Snowfield. The method of  bringing down a mausoleum differs in some cases,   but it's generally related to removing  the white curse marks from its body.   It's worth finding your way up to each  of these, because you can only duplicate   one remembrance per mausoleum. After duplicating,  that mausoleum becomes pretty obsolete.   interestingly, you don't actually  need the remembrance in your inventory   to duplicate it - you just have to have  defeated the boss you got it from.   Also, note that you cannot duplicate  remembrances that you have already claimed   all the items from. And make sure you use your   duplications before heading to NG+, because your  remaining duplications won't carry over.   In addition to getting a remembrance, defeating  a shardbearer will also grant you a Great   Rune. Once acquired, you have to go to its  corresponding Divine Tower and "activate" it.   After doing this you can "equip" a great rune at a  site of lost grace, with your equipped great rune   appearing in the top left of your screen. These Great Runes bestow powerful effects upon   your character - though equipping the rune doesn't  actually apply its effects - instead, to do that,   you'll need to consume a "Rune Arc". These  powerful consumables are a reward for invading,   doing co-op, exploring the world..and killing  rats. Yeah. Rats. Just like they drop humanity   in the Souls games, they also drop Rune Arcs  sometimes. The lore here is that even the   most valuable items make their way down to  the bottom rung of the food chain..to these   creatures that consume the bodies of all. Every great rune does something different.   Godrick's, for example, increases  every one of your attributes by 5,   essentially granting you 40 extra levels.  Characters that use a wide variety of spells and   scalings will benefit most from this, and some of  the later great runes are even more powerful.   Without a Great Rune equipped, a rune arc  will increase your max HP by about 10%. All of   these effects persist through warping, which is  great - and will last until death, or re-equipping   a Great Rune. Essentially it's Elden  Ring's equivalent of being embered,   or having your hollowing reversed. So remember: make use of Rune Arcs. Don't just let   them sit wasted in your inventory. Equip them to  your pouch, and pop one whenever you're on a very   difficult boss. It might turn out that a Rune Arc  could tip you just over the edge, to victory.   Rennala's Great Rune is a bit of an outlier.  Unlike the others, it can't be equipped,   and it doesn't need to be activated by a Rune Arc.  Rather, it can be used to respec your character.   Talk to Rennala at Raya Lucaria, and  you'll be able to bring your character   back to their starting stats, with all your  previous levels ready for reinvestment.   This process requires that you defeat  Rennala of course, but also that you have a   Larval Tear. These are very rare, but to tell you  about the location of at least one - there's a   royal soldier located here in Limgrave..that  drops one. Be careful though..kill him,   and he might just be reborn anew. Elden Ring is a long game. So..consider   switching things up! I mean..they keep giving  me spells that my melee character can't use! So   you know what..maybe shooting  meteorites does sound like fun.   Another way to fix your character might be  via pardoning, which - let's be honest - is   a mechanic that exists for when you put down your  controller and accidentally press the R2 button   in front of an NPC. Alternatively, it's also  useful when giant dogs attack NPCs through walls   and they get upset at you, instead. That said..most important NPCs can't be   attacked in this game...so what is  this for, really? In testing this,   I realised..it must be for the merchants.   Because logically - you should be killing  every merchant you see. Once you kill them,   you can just buy all of their items in one place,  at the Twin Maiden husks at Roundtable hold.   That said..it's very traumatising to  kill a merchant. Just listen to him.   So, if you regret this  decision - ask for forgiveness,   and the merchant will become friendly again. If you really do have some angst to let out,   don't take it out on NPCs that don't  really exist - take it out on other   human beings, instead, like a normal person. Your item for infinite invasions is the Bloody   Finger, which can be acquired by progressing  Varre's questline to the Rose Church.   Speak to him before defeating Goddrick, then  again afterwards at Roundtable Hold, then at   the Rose Church in Liurnia, located here.  Here he'll give you five festering bloody   fingers for invading other players - use  three of them to progress his questline,   where he will next require you to soak the Lord  of Blood's favour in the blood of a maiden.   One exists in the Church of Inhbition located  here, in Liurnia. Interact with the maiden, and   return to Varre to receive the Bloody Finger. Alternatively, you can pick up the Recusant's   Finger at the Volcano Manor - and this  one has a different story affiliation   to the invaders of the Bloody Finger. But if you'd rather engage in duels with   other players, then you'll need the Duelist's  Furled Finger, which can be found on a corpse   at the doors of the Stormhill Colosseum.  The Small Red Effigy can also be found here,   which serves the same purpose, except it sends  a competitive summon sign to the Summoning Pool,   instead. Summoning pools are accessible at  these effigies, found throughout the world.   And if PvP is something you'd like to  avoid - well, pick up the white cipher   ring from the Twin Maiden Husks at the  Roundtable hold. With this buff active,   you'll automatically request help from another  player when your world is invaded. If you want   to BE the player that helps invaded players, then  you can use the Blue Cipher Ring, instead.   Also in the Roundtable Hold is Fia,  the Deathbed Companion. Embrace her,   and you'll receive a Baldachin's Blessing. Now...and it's startling that not many people   realise this - but did you know that  your health is reduced while you   have the blessing in your inventory? That's right, you lose a few points of   your vigor stat - essentially around 5% health, a  debuff that remains UNTIL you use her Baldachin's   Blessing. There's gotta be some people in the  comments that have kept this thing in their   inventory for hours without a second thought,  I guarantee it. And I don't blame you! The   buff/debuff icons are pretty intense in this  game - as a side note - icons with a square   around them are permanent effects from rings, and  ones with diamonds around them are temporary.   But the biggest question is - is the  Baldachin's Blessing worth it? And..the answer   is..kind of? Sometimes? The Baldachin's  Blessing essentially gives you a type of poise   for about 15 seconds. This is extremely useful  when you're facing a lot of minor enemies,   as you'll completely ignore their small attacks  and only get staggered by their strong attacks.   However, the blessing seems pretty pointless  when facing a single enemy, or any large enemy.   So I'd honestly only really recommend bothering  with this item if you KNOW that extra poise   will serve you well in an encounter to  come - like in a cave with lots of rats,   or demi-humans, or flying projectiles. But the main reason to go back to Fia every   now and again..is because you'll eventually get  a dialogue option for progressing her questline.   For me, this always appears once I've  moved into the Altus Plateau.   Also, enjoy the cuddles. Or don't. You can  also just warp out of them if you think the   animation is too long. Though things like  this are why you're maidenless, you know.   For number 14, have you ever found yourself  disappointed with the amount of armours that   you can alter? Well, you can actually expand  your options by acquiring the Gold Sewing   Needle in Liurnia, in a chest to the right when  you enter the Church of Vows, located here.   Furthermore, if you progressed Boc's questline  in Limgrave after talking to him here...and   here...then you'll find him again in  Liurnia, at the East Raya Lucaria Gate. Here,   Boc will perform your armour alterations for  you for free, even taking the Gold Sewing   Needle from you, if you should so desire. Finally..everyone knows about the whetstone knife   at the Gateside Ruins that lets you apply  ashes of war - but did you know that there are   or quality scaling...and is located in Stormveil  castle - or the glintstone whetblade, which adds   magic scaling, located in Raya Lucaria. Thank you for watching. Special thanks   to Absa who helped me with some  of the research for this video.   Again, check out our Secret Seekers covenant and  merch if you're interested - and i'll see you next   time.
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 3,237,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, remastered, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, ringed, city, ashes, ariandel, combat, tips, tricks, elden, ring, trailer, demon's souls, remake, remaster, ps5, playstation 5, exclusive, xbox series x, queen marika, lands between, tarnished, great runes, demigods, beacon, fia, baldachin's blessing, remembrance duplication, how to, respec, invade, pardon, amour alteration, whetstone, whetblade, where to find
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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