Colossal Swords are the Best Weapon in Elden Ring - Elden Ring All Colossal Swords Breakdown

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in this Ellen ring video I'm going to be showing you why colossal swords are the best weapon in Elden ring this is the 13th video in our Series where we go through each weapon in a given weapon category sort of dissect its pros and cons and show you why you may or may not want to use it in your build before we get into each weapon however first let's talk about the pros and cons of this weapon type as well as the playstyles I think most people will use when using it first let's talk a little bit about the pros of this weapon group I think the first one is quite obvious that they deal incredible damage per swing some of the highest damage in the game in a single hit and they tend to make enemies Flinch very easily when you strike them with this because of how heavy and impactful these weapons are so it's very hard for an enemy to attack you if you're just R1 spamming into them secondly these weapons tend to give you very good Poise meaning that even if you don't meet the 51 armor threshold for most attacks to be able to tank a hit you generally can tank through hits anyway when attacking with this weapon if you get a ways into the animation so it doesn't really matter as much what armor you're using although it's still good to wear protective armor and armor with good pulleys you generally don't have a problem getting swings off even if your armor employees are not you know as high as they could be in other builds additionally there are a lot of unique weapon skills in this category that are only available on these weapons 6 of the 11 colossal swords have very unique weapon skills that you will not find on other weapons and lastly this weapon type has exceptional guard boost meaning you can actually use these weapons to block very very well allowing you to do block counters with them and also just block in a pinch so you don't take full damage talking a bit about the cons of this weapon group first is the weight these weapons have an extremely high weight making them difficult to use in a lot of builds that don't focus on a lot of endurance and still medium roll most builds want to be able to at least medium roll this means that you're not going to have very good protection early on in the game if you're trying to use one until you've gotten your endurance very high and because these weapons also typically have very high strength requirements you almost have to put points exclusively into strength and endurance in order to be able to play this weapon and that doesn't afford a lot of points for Vigor either so there is a bit of a struggle early on in the game to put a build together to use one of these weapons something that's rectified later on in the game when you have more attribute points additionally they do tend to attack slower than some other weapon types so they're not as easy to get off against very fast and aggressive enemies talking about play Styles available to this weapon type I think the vast majority of people are just going to use a single colossal sword and its weapon skill and that's because of the weight of these and the fact that they deal very very high damage and very few of them scale well with like faith and intelligence making like a spellblade build with this less likely and because they have such high strength requirements you'd have to put a lot of points in strength to be able to one hand it while you're still having a staff in the other hand to cast spells or a seal and that means that you would have to split your stats between like strength and intelligence or strength and faith and while you could make a strength Faith one more easily because of the claw Mark seal strength intelligence would be a lot more difficult to do with this weapon group so I think the vast majority of people are just going to two-hand one of these and go to town with the R1 attacks jump attacks are two attacks and the weapon skill available to that weapon so jumping into the unique colossal swords first up is the troll knight sword the troll knight sword shares a unique R2 thrust with this y-hander and Deals physical and Magic damage it has an average weight for a colossal sword in Elden ring wing 18 and requires some points in strength and dexterity and intelligence in order to wield the troll knight sword deals relatively okay damage for a colossal sword and can be found relatively early on in carry a manner but is also one of the shortest colossal swords and its weapon skill trolls Roar doesn't take advantage of its magic damage with a shout portion which makes up about one-third of the damage the weapon does this means trolls Roar would be more effective on a purely physical damage weapon like the giant Crusher or Greatsword the upside though is that the shout deals strike damage while the weapon itself deals standard and Pierce giving you another damage type that's good against enemies weak to strike like the crystalline enemies having three damage Types on one weapon because of its R2 thrust allows the troll knight sword to be effective in just about any scenario additionally trolls war was also buffed in patch 1.07 to increase its damage as well as the timing of its Poise making it easier to pull off uninterrupted the weapon scale is about the same with strength and dexterity so you'll want to keep these values roughly the same up to 50 at which point intelligence will perform about the same up to 50 and then you can tank strength and dexterity to 80. this makes this weapon good for a first playthrough and also fine in New Game Plus because the weapon skills poorly with intelligence it doesn't lend itself well to a spellblade sort of build and I'd highly recommend leaning into the weapon skill for staggering enemies and following up with critical attacks you can use the roar Medallion to further boost shout damage and the follow-up attack damage and the Highland ax does the same thing so I recommend holding this in your off hand if you slot the Assassin's Cerulean and Crimson daggers with this as well you can heal and refund FP with each critical attack similar to my colossal Crusher build but less effective since colossal swords don't trigger these talismans twice the way colossal weapons do the ax Talisman is also not a bad choice since the charged r2s of this weapon have phenomenal range next up we have the Royal Greatsword the Royal Greatsword shares the default attack of most colossal swords and Deals physical and Magic damage it has a heavy weight for a colossal sword in Elden ring wing 20 and requires some points in strength dexterity and intelligence in order to wield the Royal grade sword has a very high attack rating for Unique colossal sword and is fairly long compared to other colossal swords its weapon skill Wolf's assault can be devastating and is not particularly hard to pull off often one-shotting most enemies and often nearly killing difficult enemies in one strike the downside is that you cannot get this weapon until very far into the game by doing Randy's questline Wolf's assault's initial strike can be challenging to land in a frantic fight with anything that's quick moving but its follow-up AOE almost never misses this AOE also builds up frostbite though this almost never triggers and really shouldn't be factored too much into this build additionally this weapon does both physical and Magic damage which also applies to Wolf's assault though the majority of this damage is Magic the real Greatsword scales the best with intelligence then strength and finely dexterity The Sweet Spot for this weapon is about 50 intelligence and 50 strength with minimum dexterity this means using this weapon with a staff in your off hand for some spell casting isn't a bad idea though if you two hand this weapon with an optimal stat spread you'll all have nearly 1K attack rating meaning spells won't really be necessary most of the time I recommend either two-handing this weapon leading into its weapon skill for difficult and packs of enemies as well as bosses or pairing it with a staff and cast some spells before you charge in the melee range Terra Magica is also a great spell for this weapon since it does about 60 magic damage and don't forget to use the magic shroud and cracked here as well to further increase this up next we have the Grafton blade grade sword the Grafton blade Greatsword shares the default attack of most colossal swords and Deals physical damage it has a very heavy weight for a colossal sword in L ring wing 21 and requires a lot of points in strength and some index theory in order to use the grafted blade grade sword has fairly High attack rating and can be found very early in the game in weaving Peninsula making it a decent choice for players wanting to use a colossal sword early on however it's a rather short compared to other colossal swords and its weapons skill oath of Vengeance which increases all of your attributes by 5 for 60 seconds is not particularly useful unless you're playing some sort of hybrid build but you cannot buff the grafted blade Greatsword with spells making it a bad pairing for this for all intents and purposes you'd be better off picking up the great sword since it has higher damage length and can be outfitted with numerous ashes of wars and buff however if you wish to use this weapon The Sweet Spot is about 50 strength with minimal points in dexterity though it scales very well up to 80 strength dexterity doesn't have the best scaling but you would invest here after strength to increase damage likely in New Game Plus I recommend using this weapon two-handed buffing with oath of Vengeance regularly to increase your stats by 5 and using flame grant me strength and golden valve for boss fights or you need a bit more damage since oath of Vengeance can save you some points in faith next we come to the runes Greatsword the rune's Greatsword has a Charged R2 attack that sends out a small wave of gravity energy that deals damage separately from the R2 and Deals physical and Magic damage it's tied for the heaviest colossal sword in Elden ring wing 23 and requires a lot of points and strength and summoned intelligence in order to wield the rune's Greatsword has a lot going for it it has very high attack rating for a unique colossal sword it can be found not terribly far into the game and red main castle and it has a solid weapon skill and wave of Destruction and it is very high guard boost for a weapon and decent resistances making it a defensive tool as well however it is the second shortest colossal sword and it has almost no intelligent scaling making it a poor choice for any spellblade wave of Destruction might not hit as hard as many other weapons skills but it does stagger enemies giving you the opportunity to spam this without taking damage for this reason using the ritual sword Talisman might not be a bad idea if you find you're not getting hit often in order to further boost this damage The Sweet Spot for this weapon is 50 strength and minimum intelligence but the weapon scales very well until 80 strength and you should be aiming for about that by the end of your first playthrough since you barely get any damage from intelligence or strength from this point onward this weapon will not perform as well in New Game Plus and will fare even worse on a third playthrough the best way to use this weapon is two-handed leaning into the wave of Destruction and boosting this with shroud of Alexander and reducing its cost with carrion filigree Crest and sacrificial ax in your off hand keep your mind stat somewhat high in the 25 to 30 range to get more uses of this before you need to use an FP flask and be sure to block with it often utilizing block counters when you want to conserve FP you can add the taker's Cameo Talisman or assassins Crimson dagger to offset the chip damage you'll receive when blocking the ax Talisman while boosting the damage of your Charizard 2 attacks does not increase the damage of the gravity spikes that come out with it so just keep that in mind before using this one moving along to the star Scourge grade sword the starscourage Greatsword is actually a paired weapon that cannot be two-handed the way other colossal swords can be and Deals physical and Magic damage and has an average weight for a colossal sword and ring wing 20 and requires a lot of points in strength in some in dexterity intelligence in order to use the starskirts Greatsword is a truly unique weapon because it's one of only two paired weapons in album ring that aren't claws or fists this allows you to dual wield these rather easily since colossal swords typically weigh too much to dual wield unless you are set up perfectly Additionally the weapon has decent attack rating and it deals an extra 30 damage to gravity type enemies it's weapon skill star caller cry has tremendous range often when shotting trash with its shout and the follow-up attack will finish off nearly everything else that isn't a boss star color cry is not only buffed by shot of Alexander but also wore a medallion and Highland acts as well though only the shout portion is affected and not the follow-up attack however the shout portion will trigger talismans like rotten Wing sword Insignia and Millicent's prosthesis boosting the damage of the follow-up attack significantly if you can hit multiple enemies with a shout the downside is that it is very expensive FP wise to use making it hard to use frequently The Sweet Spot for this weapon is right around 50 strength and minimum requirements and dexterity and intelligence however dexterity and strength both scale about the same from this point onward so you should prioritize those with int having really bad scaling this weapon can work well in NG plus because it scales well enough up to 80 strength and 50 dexterity but you will struggle to get damage afterwards making a third playthrough more challenging because the intelligent scaling is so poor and because this weapon is a unique paired weapon I highly recommend dual wielding the swords and taking advantage of star color cry and jump attacks it's simply way more difficult to dual wield any other colossal swords making it almost a must way to play with thieves just be sure to use the sacrificial ax in your off hand for more FP gain next is the godslayer's Greatsword the god slayer's Greatsword shares the default attack of most colossal swords and Deals physical and fire damage and has a light weight for a colossal sword and Elm ring wing 17.5 and requires some points in strength and dexterity and faith in order to wield God slayer's Greatsword is an interesting weapon because it deals physical and fire damage it's very lightweight for a fossil sword and it's one of the longer colossal swords however it's just above the troll knight sword in terms of damage meaning it has the second lowest damage of all unique colossal swords and you have to defeat a rather difficult boss in order to obtain it its weapon skill the Queen's black flame does solid damage though and inflicts the black flame status with its strike sapping HP from the target over time it has a rather long wind up making the timing bit crucial and this gives the weapon skill a bit of a learning curve it also makes Poise important so that you can swing uninterrupted since you typically get hit while trading with this weapon The Sweet Spot for this weapon is about 50 dexterity and minimum requirements in both strength and Faith however if you two-hand this weapon you get roughly the same damage out of pumping strength as you do from dexterity making it a better option if you wish to cast incantations with the claw Mark seal while using this weapon you can get quite a bit of damage from this weapon via all three stats making it a great choice for a second or third playthrough because you can two-hand this weapon with decent strength and faith and get nearly the same damage as if you pump dexterity I highly recommend you go this route and cast some incantations with the claw Mark seal however if you don't wish to do this then simply pump dexterity and make sure to get Faith 25 for Golden Val to further boost your damage when facing bosses or tough enemies while two handing the rest of the time flame grant me strength is also amazing in this build so make sure you have it slotted too next up is malachette's Black Blade which is the last unique colossal sword malacca's blackblade shares the default attack of most colossal swords and Deals physical and holy damage it has a heavy weight for a colossal sword known ring wing 22 and requires a lot of points in strength and summon faith and dexterity in order to use malacast blackblade has high attack rating for a colossal sword it's one of the longer colossal swords in the game it looks badass and it has an excellent weapon skill in Destin death but about one third of its damage is Holy which is resisted by a lot of bosses and you cannot get this weapon until nearly the end of the game this puts it in an odd place Destin death deals modest damage but removes 10 Max HP of any Target struck by it and this can stack with blade of death or the Black Blade incantation but not both for this reason it's highly recommend that you use one of these with this weapon in order to remove 20 hp from a boss rather quickly of the two Black Blade makes more sense since you don't need much dexterity for this build the sweet spot for this weapon is at 50 strength and minimum requirements in both dexterity and Faith but Faith scales fairly well up to 50 and strength scales fairly well up to 80 making this a solid weapon for a second or even third playthrough because you can pump strength and faith and get nearly the same damage you get from pumping strength I highly recommend doing so and slotting at least the Golden Valley and Black Blade incantations and using the claw Mark seal you can of course add other incantations but these two minimally should be used of all the unique colossal swords malachath Black Blade makes the best case for a hybrid sort of build and this takes us to our non-unique colossal swords first up is this y-hander the zwehander shares a unique R2 thrust with a troll knight sword and Deals physical damage it's the lightest colossal sword in Elder ring weighing 15.5 and requires some points in strength and dexterity in order to use the zwanda has the lowest attack rating of all colossal swords but it's also the lightest has the second longest reach and has the lowest requirements needing only 13 strength to two hands in addition it has a thrusting R2 attack that has great range and it can be found extremely early on in Elton ring in the weaving peninsula the fire infusion deals the most damage followed by Magic and then sacred and Flame art pulling up a close third heavy and cold are roughly the same damage so it comes down to a choice of the status effect or whether you want to use Buffs on your blade if you go those routes the zway hunter makes a great choice for early game colossal sword users since they can procure it and wield it almost immediately it's also lighter than a lot of colossal swords allowing you to medium roll with less investment and endurance stamp uppercut is also a fantastic weapon skill that works well throughout the game and you can purchase this from The warmaster Shack if you want to change infusions but still keep the weapon skill don't forget to use the ax Talisman as well to boost your charged R2 poke damage up next we have the Greatsword which is actually a colossal sword the Greatsword has a unique slashing R2 and Deals physical damage it's tied for the heaviest colossal sword in El ring wing 23 and requires a lot of points and strength and some index 30 in order to use the great sword is the pound-for-pound king of infusible colossal swords it wins an attack rating in nearly every category over other infusible colossal swords it's also the longest colossal sword and has the highest guard boost and protection and you can acquire it with a two minute horse ride over to Caleb without killing a single enemy the downside is that it's extremely heavy making it a bit harder to wield early on and still medium roll just like this y-hander the fire infusion deals the most damage followed closely by Magic and then sacred and Flame art heavy and cold are roughly the same damage so it comes down to a choice of the status effect or whether or not you want to buff your blade heavy or cold are great choices for this weapon early on where the extra strength scaling from two-handing can play a large role increasing your damage and using the curved sword talispin will increase your block counter damage which you should be doing now and then with this weapon you can also use the great Shield Talisman to increase your guard boost with this Weapon by 10 percent giving around 73 guard boost if you use the standard version of this weapon up next we have the Watchdogs Greatsword the watchdog's great sword shares the default attack of most colossal swords and Deals physical damage and has a very heavy weight for a colossal swordnell ring wing 22 and requires a lot of points in strength and some dexterity in order to use the watchtog's Greatsword deals fantastic damage only just behind the great sword however it isn't as long as the Greatsword has lower guard boost can take forever to farm and cannot be found until near the end of the game making it likely that by the time you get one by some miracle you likely won't need it the fire infusion deals the most damage fought closely by Magic and then sacred and Flame art heavy and cold again are roughly the same so it comes down to which you want to choose either having the frostbite status effect or being able to buff your blade I recommend using the great sword instead of this weapon and saving yourself the frustration of farming it especially since it's not better than the grave sword anyway and you'll likely have your Greatsword upgraded to Max upgrade or near Max by the time you get it however if you do want to use this I suggest using it in a similar manner to the Greatsword and lastly we come to the trolls golden sword the trolls golden sword shares the default attack of most colossal swords and Deals physical damage and has an average weight for a colossal sword in Elden ring wing 19 and requires a lot of points and strength and some index theory in order to use the trolls golden sword has lower damage than the majority of colossal swords it's one of the shorter ones and it's not found until Altus Plateau making it likely that you already have a colossal sword and upgraded it by the time you even get one however it does seem to do more damage with trolls Roar than other colossal swords even though it has lower attack rating making it a good choice if you really like this weapon skill much like the other infusible colossal swords fire does the most damage followed by Magic and sacred and Flame art pulling up third and heavy and cold are about the same I highly recommend leaning into trolls War if you use this weapon and use it to stagger enemies often use Shard of Alexander and War Medallion to further boost damage with Highland ax in your offhand as well the Assassin's talismans are also good addition since you tend to get a lot of critical attacks when playing with this weapon skill so that wraps up our video on colossal swords I hope it was helpful hope you guys learned something let me know what weapon you guys want to see next I have no idea which one I'm going to do so give me your suggestions on that we have low long Fallen Dynasty just around the corner so you guys can expect to see some guides and builds on that not too far down the road but we will still be mixing in element content as well so stay tuned for more build guides and weapon videos [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 536,424
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Keywords: elden ring, elden ring best weapon, elden ring best weapons, elden ring colossal swords, elden ring best build, elden ring best colossal swords, elden ring colossal swords review, elden ring colossal swords tier list, most op colossal swords in elden ring, elden ring op colossal swords, elden ring colossal swords build, elden ring colossal swords and shield build, elden ring colossal sword, best colossal sword build, elden ring best colossal sword, elden ring weapon breakdown
Id: ZbKPrL5R0lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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