Trying An Elden Ring Randomizer For The First Time

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i hope i get a crappy seed i want the worst seed this randomizer can give me i want to be loathing myself by the end of this video there's no way this randomizes starting equipment oh [ __ ] all right let's let's thumb through these hang on okay we got a dude with a crown on his head i like that one oh i really like that one this one's not as good but the spears look kind of cool i guess what in the hell is that okay all right that that's the winner if i can't find anything else that's that's the winner we're gonna check all of these but i feel like that's the one we're gonna go with okay you're cool kinda and yeah okay okay all right we're going with this one it's the raging wolf class from the network test but instead i'm a menace to society okay well it's an enemy randomizer too so might as well explore the tutorial area i also got a guitar which is kind of cool because the vagabond starting class starts you off with two weapons because that's what it normally would anyway but there might be a way to randomize that too like i think it'd be funnier if i just started off with like a staff and just like a rock or something excuse me sir all right who the [ __ ] are you what the [ __ ] esker of godric okay so it's so it's basically soldier of godric that actually no it's not it's just asgar esger is is down in the tutorial area neat and he [ __ ] me up okay i i do not like having to deal with a bleed this early on in the game can we stop like just the fact that he's placed here makes him suck like a hundred times more than he normally does why aren't the dogs like randomized why didn't that happen okay this this sucks i'm mad this actually sucks imagine if in the actual vanilla game we had to deal with like a bleed boss as a tutorial like it wouldn't be just some random dude picked from godric's [ __ ] army or whatever it would just be it would just be esker it would be like a [ __ ] sanguine noble or something i think what's honestly kind of stupid is that if you stay back here and you just like fight him at the very beginning of the arena you don't aggro the dogs at all i'm gonna do that oh god do you okay you outgrow the dogs never mind never mind it's [ __ ] plants [ __ ] oh my god oh my god get him you son of a [ __ ] you didn't even drop anything you stupid [ __ ] i look [ __ ] ridiculous okay alright well i can't use that i didn't know the animals got replaced too there are little crabs roaming around i guess crabs are an animal but like they usually like fight back like they're an enemy okay so it seems like a lot of the enemies are like only replaced by boss enemies if they're another boss enemy i hope that's the case actually i don't because that would make for a much better video kale my man what do you got for me oh somber smithing stuff okay i like i actually need to remember to come back for those that's [ __ ] huge they got a one and a two stone sword key some garbs a nice drip okay that's huge yeah i'm coming back oh my god what are you replaced with a duo fight two watchdogs two watchdogs and i don't have any crystal darts awesome okay so apparently one enemy can be replaced by two of them and bosses well this is just wonderful i'm having such a good time right now you guys seriously can't believe it i i know it doesn't sound like i'm having such a good time but like wow i'm having such a good time fighting these watch dogs right now okay [ __ ] this i don't care can someone just kill me say god okay what's the ruins infested with not bad all right again not really eventful enemies but not ones that are annoying to fight either i guess so i don't remember okay since when can they do that that's that's [ __ ] that hacks he's doing [ __ ] he's got no clip nice wasn't even worth it [ __ ] you i don't know like part of me is fine with this this is fine i like the randomizer the way it is but like is there like a setting that you can tweak to throw boss enemies into the mix of like regular ones i kind of just want this to be as chaotic as possible if i do these again i'm gonna if that setting exists then i'm gonna do that next video because that's outrageous there's just there's just something funny about like just walking down a cave and just like seeing a tree spirit that's like five times bigger than the environment he should be in and he's like clipping through walls and [ __ ] i want to see that okay so the next important question does this replace npc invaders and it doesn't look like it does i'm yep i'm getting nobody a challenger okay our first fight her first victim and you're [ __ ] okay your ai is [ __ ] broken isn't it son of a [ __ ] you're just gonna show up and be like that's fine i already took care of him it is fine it's fine it's fine i got it i got him i got him euro you can go home go home now leave all right can't wait to [ __ ] not fight any of that holy [ __ ] that's uh that's two rune bears that got randomized in the same in the same spot and i'm pretty sure that's a smaller bear that's like shoved up the ass with a bigger one that might be like a weird texture glitch or like a texture that didn't load in i don't know but i'm like sixty percent sure that is a bear clipping through the [ __ ] of a larger bear is that a [ __ ] glintstone dragon [ __ ] [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] he sucks nuts for living nut sucker oh this looks fun okay not exactly sure who's fighting who here i guess all i know is that you're all about to die why are these guys always so annoying to fight wait a minute you [ __ ] idiot i have a great sword idiot stupid use the great sword you have a shield too [ __ ] okay who are you [ __ ] uh death death is uh who that is you gotta be [ __ ] in my face oh okay that's that's that's a huge problem okay you're you're gonna come over here i'm not actually i'm not angering more than two of you come over here yeah come over here come over here okay oh ass jesus you're you actually don't hit for that much damage i forgot the enemies like scale with the area okay this is slightly less intimidating now oh god where the [ __ ] did you come from oh no my head okay i all right okay i'm just gonna chill down here you you guys you guys stay up there what oh okay uh uh uh okay oh god sensory overload you're fine okay all right you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine suck my dick i i you know what i i like it i like this look oh [ __ ] i forgot about the somber stones okay i have a weapon i can actually use somber stones on now so i i really need to go back and get those no way and [ __ ] i'm fighting that that might be a good item okay i'm just gonna i'm just i'm just gonna grab it and go i'm just gonna grab and go oh [ __ ] it was [ __ ] it was a [ __ ] i'm damn it what do you have quickly quickly what do you have stop stop running forward quickly kill it oh [ __ ] stupid come on all right bye all right so i have no money i have no money so i'm just gonna do the simplest thing i'm just gonna go through and i'm gonna sell all of the [ __ ] that i don't need so all of this not the staff keep the staff okay picking these up now because i am going to forget them if i don't do this like right now i'll take it how much damage do you do too much too much way too much all right [ __ ] this please don't let these be randomized [ __ ] yep okay what about this one nice oh hey sup tall and scaly you come here often okay this is why this is honestly why i'm i'm so thankful that the randomizer like scales enemies depending on what like what area they're in otherwise i'd be here for like 30 minutes i'd never be able to kill this [ __ ] guy i didn't even [ __ ] see that guy okay well i guess it doesn't matter because he kicked my ass anyway so oh [ __ ] okay this is gonna be fun please tell me i'm safe here i don't know i don't know if i'm safe no no i'm not you leave me alone god damn it god damn it god damn it god damn it aha the ladder will save me okay well the belisa wasn't up here but at least i can go to lane dell really quick and see if there's anything there it's gonna be mog it's gonna be mog i can feel it it's gonna be mog it's gonna be [ __ ] mog gimme mog oh it's it's uh it's one of the explodey [ __ ] i thought you were one of the scarlet rock guys lightning great bolts and perfume map yeah all right sure it's not the worst thing i could have picked up i guess okay so i guess the only standout area would be castlemore and uh then we can go over to margaret lots of uh lots of dudes in here lots of dudes i do not like fighting [ __ ] this what am i doing i have the relic sword just do this kill everything please hey look at that easy mode what's this what's this is some fighting there's some [ __ ] going on up here some shenanigans i'm too lazy to fight all of you so just die please oh we got hands we got hands boys we got a confirmed hand siding oh god that okay that actually scared the [ __ ] at me i i thought he was i thought he was a statue i thought he was a statue i wasn't expecting a [ __ ] abductor virgin to be up there okay i'm gonna i'm gonna come back to you i got so obsessed with fighting that i forgot to pick up an item oh uh is this good i've never used this is this good i don't know if this is good briarhelm nice i always like to try it on i i've never i always like to play around with fashion you know me i'm a fashion guy what i want to at least give it a chance see how it looks um no no it's still the octopus you're not i can't beat that octopus head it it's just too good this guy's going to give me dog [ __ ] i can smell i can smell it on your breath you're going to give me a dog [ __ ] but i'm going to kill you and i'm going to leave and i'm going to be angry jesus i'm i'm obviously just going to kill you anyways because you have a second item that i also want that could also be good oh that's that's not randomized i got a plus 8 weapon who cares this doesn't even feel like a randomizer run anymore i just look like one of my own characters like this this is just how i look like in a normal game holy [ __ ] it's just riker it's just riker just chilling out in the lake look at him he's bigger than the [ __ ] arena can i even fight him i can't even i'm not even going to be able to fight him without getting burned to death what's this uh curve sword taos okay well i guess i have a shield so that's not like totally useless i guess and i got a halberd i got a halberd that's eight levels shittier than the one i'm currently using i can't [ __ ] use that i just realized what i did i put on the curved sword talisman and instead of counter-attacking i [ __ ] parried him totally intentional i i'm just yeah totally a perp shut up shut up i said it was on purpose oh wardrobe change i um no i okay you know what with the oct the octopus head makes it funnier don't [ __ ] this up just walk off the edge don't [ __ ] it up all right suck my knob how about that [ __ ] you i blacked out i don't know why i did that i saw it i saw like this shiny golden object on my screen and i was like [ __ ] i'm gonna die this is gonna be [ __ ] stupid like i can't win this right like he his his lava pit is bigger than the arena i'm just going to get a weed to death and i'm not going to be able to do anything also where's the [ __ ] serpent hunter oh hey there it is so is this gonna be like all souls randomizers where like bosses that have two phases will have two different appearances like am i only fighting first phase record here i'll i guess i'll [ __ ] let you know in a couple minutes don't don't don't back me up into the [ __ ] wall jesus christ can i move also don't get burned by the lava apparently it it's yeah it's just there for aesthetic i guess i guess it only has a hitbox when you're actually in rikers arena why why does he have to be half as big as the arena that [ __ ] would absolutely not hit me anywhere else like it feels like i'm trying to fight this thing in like a janitor's closet or something shitty items shitty item drops yeah shitty item drops all right market time who the [ __ ] you be is he carrying all of his weapons of okay this cutscene is cursed it's like margaret and morgot got like texture glitched into a single asset oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] mimic here okay uh drop everything drop everything this is the elven ring experience just two purple morons fighting on a [ __ ] cliff yes yes give me that [ __ ] relic sword upgrade relic sword plus two [ __ ] is this randomized i don't think this is red this this this might actually be [ __ ] i'll try it not randomized and i got the debuff tube all right you know what holy sh wow there's a lot of good items okay godric's great room there's a sacred tier for 300 runes are you [ __ ] me that's amazing black knife set that's not bad and a golden seed i do think she has those stone sword keys normally so that's not like unexpected or anything all right you know what i'm going to do i'm going to grind some runes i'm going to come back later and i'm going to clean your entire [ __ ] shop i'm going to put you out of business actually no i'm going to do the opposite of putting you out of bed you're going to retire early because of all this [ __ ] i'm gonna buy from you okay so to prevent anyone from feeling whiplash from like the huge location change i just remembered that i had caves to explore and i edited out like 15 minutes of [ __ ] nonsense and me doing nothing and just getting shitty items and deciding it wasn't fun or funny or worth watching got a nice hat um yeah sure [ __ ] it i hear wheels turning so that means virgin yep that means verge that means two virgins two all right is this just the seed of the duo fights is this all the seed is i've ran into like six of these stop getting grabbed stop getting grabbed just stop getting grabbed you have to prove to people you're good at this game you can't prove that and get grabbed all the [ __ ] type that that does like no damage i don't care about any of that we got pots we got pots how did i miss like the very first cave like why did i why didn't i think to just go here first that would have been like so fun at the beginning holy [ __ ] i'm bad i'm so bad how how did i [ __ ] i'm stupid stop it stop punishing me did we get some good items out of it we got an iron grate sword which i think is okay don't you tempt me i'm not doing i'm not doing it i am not being tempted uh-uh can't tempt me satan stay over here so we don't get deep fried cool i bet that's gonna be really useful when i start getting [ __ ] that can work with it what's in here a bunch a clump of [ __ ] that is definitely a clump of [ __ ] ah what happened what's happening the clump has teeth oh i know what those are now i didn't those are uh mogwin's bleeding [ __ ] shits yeah but you didn't know that's what they were called obviously read up on the lore you swine do i have any talismans that i can like actually use right now uh takers maybe ah i'm gonna edit in like a laugh track right there you know what as far as bosses go so far the seed's been uh it's been kind of a buzzkill it's been underwhelming i was really hoping to like get get inside one of these dungeons and see like a a record-sized boss just like in the cave like he's clipping through walls and everything because he can't even fit his big ass in the arena i want to see those whoa okay that's all right that that might be the best drop no it's not i know it's not the best drop in this i'm holding the best drop in the seed i have the relic sword oh [ __ ] come on you stupid bastard why are you so bad why are you so bad dude just kill him i don't [ __ ] i don't have time for this halo tree night and the rage wow okay i'm very glad i came back here holy [ __ ] jar cannon do why not just just get all the just pack all the greatest items into one room now i can finally use those uh lightning great bolts from earlier this guy's uh yeah that's okay this guy's definitely lost you know some people some of you might be at some you might be asking why i decided to switch to the halberd and not just just like stick with the relic sword and do the wave of gold and just just kill everything and and um i don't know i i thought it would i thought would be f i thought it would be funny that's why it does feel pretty good to beyblade the [ __ ] out of these guys ankles though that's a dragon that that is a dragon with his head stuck in the scaffolding and i'm pretty sure i saw a red wolf too okay [ __ ] me oh boy look at all this content can i get this item can i get this item with you getting getting all pissy at me i'm just gonna get this item okay okay okay okay okay okay we're cool we're cool i'm going this way we're cool what's in here bunch of nothing bunch of [ __ ] nothing that's what's in here oh [ __ ] i did i have one of those i didn't know i had one though i guess i picked one up before and forgot about it okay all right not zero at least and some armor yeah put this on why not oh god oh god christ's in heaven my frames just dipped so hard and now i'm terrified what just rendered in okay okay okay okay nothing too [ __ ] so far still a little scared though up okay the game crashed that's why my frames dipped that that was the enemy that was waiting for me the enemy was shitty ram the entire time wow thanks for the [ __ ] spoiler [ __ ] i [ __ ] i was gonna i was gonna do that thing where like i go to the end of the boss cut scene and like smash cut it to whatever the boss ends up being but i didn't expect the boss to just be sitting there in like a default pose waiting for me okay i hear the oh oh no oh [ __ ] it's the duo it's the it's the dynamic duo i said the valiant gargoyles fight wasn't bad in the other video and now i'm getting my karmic justice the game [ __ ] heard me trying to defend gargoyle duo and now and now here we are he's like here you go now you get to fight him at the very beginning of the game and i i hope you don't mind all the the tombstones we left laying around in the on the [ __ ] floor oh i killed one of oh is the boss fight over the boss fight's not over the voice of the the death line played for godric when i killed his boss but the second guy is still here totally gonna pretend i didn't just edit out like me dying to the boss seven times [Music] you
Channel: Rusty.
Views: 255,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ad5t9EbzHeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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