What Will the Antichrist Do with the USA? | Dr. Gene Kim

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I'm sorry. It's not true craziness unless the guy has a string board. Or at least a chalkboard.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/landothedead 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

holy shit the comments.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
Daniel chapter 7 please Daniel chapter 7 let's talk about the United States of America their role in the end times so a lot of people they are interested and they want to know what's the role of the United States of America in the end times now the number one mistake they do is that they look at revelation 17 and 18 with Babylon that's a big no-no and I already gave a video about that i titled it Babylon USA etc but I'll do another video on that that way I can do an apologetic approach that would be more convincing but I'm not going to cover that one just basically this is that the United States of America you can't put it as Babylon because you avoid the richness of its role in other verses one not only that number two you avoid the richness of the role of Babylon at revelation seven eight seventeen and eighteen which is the Roman Catholic Church the Roman Empire that's what you should put it as when you put these two empires separately in those verses you see it more richly and connected in its role at end times the United States of America is not Babylon that's the Roman Catholic Church United States of America is the leopard go to Daniel chapter 7 Daniel 7 and then we're going to look at revelation 13 as well Revelation chapter 13 these two chapters go hand-in-hand concerning these certain beasts which will be important to understand their role now look at Daniel chapter 7 and verse 6 after this I beheld and lo another like a leopard which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl the Beast had also four heads and noticed Dominion was given to it this is proof that the leopard has to be a certain King and Kingdom okay it has to be a certain King and Kingdom the leopard now the point is we have to figure out who the leopard is right how do we know United States of America would be the best candidate to fit in with the leopard look at revelation 13 now keep your hand at Daniel 7 we're gonna look at occasionally at these two places let's look at Revelation chapter 13 we're going to read verse 2 and the Beast which I saw was like unto a what leopard see the Antichrist when he comes out he comes through the form of a leopard now remember what is the leopard at Daniel 7 that's a kingdom and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great Authority now compare that keep your hand at Revelation 13 keep your hand at Revelation 13 compare that with Daniel 7 again now look at verse 7 we saw Daniel 7:6 that that's the leopard and then at Daniel 7 7 it's more advanced than that it's a culmination it's a culmination that is the Antichrist it's the Antichrist beasts look at Daniel 7 7 how its worded after this I saw him the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and had great iron teeth he devoured him break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it notice and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns it said it's diverse from all the beasts before it so that included the leopard as well as the bear and the lion because notice at Daniel seven five and four lion bear right so thus for verse four lion verse five bear verse six leopard then verse seven the Antichrist is a diversity of all these things it's diverse from all the beasts before it with ten horns because look at revelation 13 again look at revelation 13 again verse 1 and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven head and what ten horns remember this antichrist comes with ten horns at daniel 7:7 but look it has a diversity in verse to see that diversity of leopard feet of a bear mouth of a lion so there's no doubt this Daniel 7 and revelation 13 is definitely connected there is a connection with these two passages the Beast the Antichrist beast there is no doubt is referring to Daniel 7 7 is a diversity of that but here's the important note where we can discover United States the Antichrist he may be a diversity of these beasts which is these kingdoms but what is his main body in verse 2 the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard not a bear not a lion the bear and lion were parts of the body the main overall body was what the leopard that's the Beast so here's the thing is that think about it if you're gonna have if you're gonna think about a king and Kingdom that is the best candidate for the Antichrist to use to set up his one-world Kingdom and 1 world empire who is the best candidate in the entire world United States of America that is the best candidate thus we see right here that the United States of America is the leopard why because it is the best candidate out of all countries to be this not only that the leopard is what a diversity of these other kingdoms the United States of America is known to be a diversity of many different kingdoms it is literally rich as a melting pot but if you don't think so here's another thing to think about it is what the bear and lion right whatever this Antichrist is as a leopard he has a combination parts of a bear part of Allah he has the mouth of a lion you know what that is England why because London's coat of arm is England he has the mouth of a lion England that's English see that that's one of the main languages in America and we originally a lot of them came from England right and then a diversity with Native Americans and a lot of other people in the grading bare right feet of a bear what is the bear that's Russia the main symbol in Russia is bear ever since the Soviet Union and even in today now think about if you look at upper Russian history a lot of Russian history that time with the Soviet Union - today a lot of it is like communist ideology all right I know we're not in communism today in Russia but it is very similar in ideology so from Soviet Union to today there's that ideology that's still carrying on and guess what isn't America leaning more and more and more toward that leftist kind of ideology that left his kind of ideology of socialism communism etc the feet moving as a bear right so where it's moving so how is our system moving today see it's more toward the leftist side see that socialism communism type so there's no doubt if you're gonna think about all this together United States of America is perfect now how do we know now if you watch my video which I posted online how do you know bear is Russia lion is England I do it more convincingly at my other video seven heads the seven headed dragon and the ten horn Antichrist the seven headed dragon and the ten horns Antichrist I explained it convincingly that Russia has to be the bear England has to be the lion to convince you okay so the point is a leopard though that's the point of this video United States of America there's no doubt it will have to be it but think about it is that the leopard also if you think about a certain leopard a leopard can also has the similar colors of the three ethnicity colors of sociology in sociology they they put all races within these three main ethnicities shem ham and japheth from the book of noah but in sociology negroid and caucasian how it fits perfectly is that you got with the yellow body of a leopard japheth caucasian caucasian with the white belly of the leopard and you got ham negroid with the black spots of a leopard so it fits see as a melting pot so there's no doubt with all these pictures at the Lord the Bible is showing and the best country to fit in with that is United States of America not only that let's look at Daniel 7 again this is really interesting go to Daniel 7 I'm gonna give you some prophecy right here so this is really interesting at Daniel 7 notice that this leopard it has four foreign parts to it look at Daniel chapter 7 and verse 6 after this I beheld and lo another like a leopard which had upon the back of it what four wings of a fowl the excuse me the Beast had also four heads and Dominion was given to it now this is interesting this leopard has four wings of a fowl that's a foreign part of its normal body the leopard the leopard the leopards body is a leopard but it has four foreign parts of a bird so you have to think of a different kind of animal a different kind of Kingdom thus see that a different kind of country thus so the United States of America will have four foreign parts now think about it in the United States of America we know the main part is right here United States of America with its 48 states right from Maine to California that's the main body United States of America but aren't there two foreign parts to the United States of America that's not part of that main body you got Alaska that's all the way up there that's not part of the United States all the way up there you got Alaska and you got Hawaii an island all the way over there so you got to wait a minute pastor I thought you said four that's right we got two which is Alaska and Hawaii the other two are yet to come that means so United States of America it's going to have two more but we it is yet to come it is yet to come so the thing is this key if you want to keep an eye out for how close we are to tribulation and rapture is to see this one if you keep an eye on this one you can see we're closer to the rapture and tribulation it's also possible we can be raptured and then after the rapture when the Antichrist set things up the United States of America will have the other two foreign parts that's also possible to though here's another interesting thing the last thing about the United States that's interesting it said the four wings of a what fowl right is that what it said four wings of a fowl this is interesting some people might assume this might refer to the Eagle the symbol of the Eagle in the United States of America flag that's not true because look at this if it said eagle the Bible would have said that look at verse 4 verse 4 the first was like a lying lion and had what eagle's wings but in verse 6 with this leopard it doesn't say eagle's wings here hmm see that it's something else that's different wings of a fowl what's a fowl if you even at dictionary.com you can see the at dictionary.com it would even say in the first the very first definition which is interesting is a chicken it's a chicken a domesticated type of bird a chicken a hen that is interesting isn't it so if you look up the word fowl and then look it up at the dictionary it can refer to chicken you got understand and actually at dictionary.com it's a very first definition so the Bible can be more modern than you think with this definition actually another thing is this is that concerning I forgot to mention this to people online but another thing is this is that how we can see that this file is a chicken is because this is a leopard he's on the ground chickens they can't fly see that they can sure run though right and that leopard sure can run that is really interesting that makes sense that it would be like a chicken it can't be the eagle bird because the Bible already mentioned that why do you say a chicken pastor because look at the United States of America hasn't it always played chicken in policy and politics why because we want to get along with everybody see that let's tolerate things see that that's why we get a lot of that's why we get a lot of problems in America that's why certain countries are taking advantage of America too that's why a lot of people don't like what Donald Trump is doing you see that why because the United States of America always plays chicken always plays chicken see this is so into the by the hook is more modern and very very way ahead and you think and words things for a reason that's the brilliance you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 280,748
Rating: 4.7112021 out of 5
Keywords: antichrist plan on USA, revelation 13, the leopard in revelation, revelation commentary, end times, biblical prophecy
Id: fxz1xI5xxCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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