Theory on the Origin of Demons - Dr. Gene Kim

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today we'll be talking about the demon origin theory the demon origin theory so in other words where do demons come from all right now there are several theories concerning the origin of demons the one theory which is proposed by Clarence Larkin in his book he believes that demons are the spirits of the people who died in the pre-adamic flood what that means is this before adam's creation before Adams world there was another world before Adam and they were drowned out by a universal flood and those spirits became demons that's what Larkin teaches to me I feel like that's pretty wild because I don't know any scriptural verse that shows that so that's kind of little wild to me the second theory which I do not believe in but it's the most popular one is that a lot of Christian thinks that demons are the Fallen Angels in other words when Satan and his angels fell from heaven then the Fallen Angels became demons now that one I really don't believe dr. ruttman he gives a teaching where he does not believe that the Angels are demons because since angels are likened to men and demons are likened to unclean animals you can't fit a thousand men inside a body of a person when he's demon-possessed you see we're going to look at those verses let's look at Jess's 19 jess is 19 what you're going to notice is that fallen angels or angels they're likened to men they're likened to men all right look at Genesis chapter 19 jess is 19 so one thing we're gonna realize is that the angels are likened to man whereas demons are likened to animals notice right here that angels are likened to men Genesis chapter 19 we will look at verse 1 and there came two angels to Sodom you see there were two angels that came to Sodom but what did the Bible say about those two angels look at verse five and they called on to lot and said unto them where are the men you see so notice that these angels were likened to men in people's eyes let's look at Luke chapter one we're going to look at Luke chapter one and verse 26 Luke chapter one and we will look at verse 26 notice that angels are liken to men you see so if a person is demon-possessed it doesn't make sense that one man who is demon-possessed is possessed by a thousand men inside him you see let's look at Luke chapter one verse 26 in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee so notice right here the angel Gabriel is coming down and verse 27 - a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph verse 28 and the angel came in unto her and said hail thou that are highly favored the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women notice at verse 29 and when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be so notice right here that she saw him you see that so showing as a person a man you're also going to notice that in other verses in the Bible which we won't turn to you're gonna find many verses in the Bible where angels appeared to people and they were likened to men they were likened to men you're gonna also find one example is at the book of Judges where Gideon and Samson parents didn't know if that was an angel or not because look like a human like them but then they found out later on that it was the angel you see so you're gonna find out throughout the Bible that angels are likened to men we're also going to look at revelation 16 verse 13 revelation 16 verse 13 but demons you see they don't appear as normal men they are likened to unclean animals they are likened to unclean animals look at Revelation chapter 16 and we'll look at verse 13 through 14 verses 13 through 14 notice right here what these demons are likened to alright and I saw three unclean spirits you see that they're demons like what frogs come out verse 14 for they are the spirits of devils you see that so notice right here that these demons are likened to frogs let's also look at chapter 18 chapter 18 we're going to look at verse 2 verse 2 notice that these Devils or demons are likened to unclean animals chapter 18 verse 2 and he cried mightily with the strong voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of what devils but no sees devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful notice bird you see that so notice right here that these demons are likened to unclean animals now you might say well then where do demons come from alright that's a question right now before I continue teaching I believe that the word Devils is the more accurate and scriptural word I'm not gonna say it now I'm going to explain later why but for now I'm going to say the word demons because demons is a more popular word known among Americans all right so I'm just gonna use demons since it's a more popular word but we're gonna later find out that the right word is actually Devils I'll explain why later let's look at Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 revelation 16 verse 13 where do demons come from so here is my theory alright this is my theory of where demons may have come from look at Revelation chapter 16 and we'll look at verse 13 notice where these demons came from and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophets for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles so here's a passage that I find I looked up every verse that mentioned Devils the closest where I can find where demons can come from notice is by a satanic transaction so it came out of the mouth of Satan the dragon and then also the beast and the false prophet so I feel like that demons may have come from a satanic spiritual transaction here's another hint to know okay here's another hint to know is that these demons in the Bible are called Devils right why are they called Devils which is close to who the devil himself yeah you see that so showing it comes from this person you see there's a relationship it looks like you see that there's a relationship and this is not far-fetched to believe because notice right here that it's not far-fetched to believe this because at verse 13 we saw that these Devils come from the devil so you came out of the mouth of the devil you see here's another note to think about another note to think about is where does the Holy Spirit come from see and spirit means breath I don't know if you knew that but the word spirit it means breath the Holy Spirit comes from lugod right well where what's the opposite of Holy Spirit that's right you're right it's unholy unclean spirit right you see that coincidence you see so notice right here that the opposite of Holy Spirit is unholy unclean spirit so if the Holy Spirit comes from God would it be far-fetched to say that the unholy unclean spirit comes from Satan you see it kind of makes sense you see it also makes sense why they're called Devils and then close to devil you see right it's very interesting right here let's look at Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 our unclean spirits devils yes because look at the Bible Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 33 Luke chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 33 through 36 Luke chapter 4 verse 33 and verse 36 the Bible says and in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean devil you see that so it's talking about Devils now look at verse 36 it's called unclean spirit verse 36 and they were all amazed and spake among themselves saying what a word is this for with authority of power he commanded the unclean spirits and they come out and they come out so that's right here that unholy unclean spirit is the same thing as demons you see Devils see it's the same thing so notice that there's a relationship here here's another thing that we got to understand as well so where does a Holy Spirit come from God so where does the unclean spirit come from Satan here's something interesting how is the Holy Spirit birthed in your life by a spiritual transaction right in receiving the Lord Jesus Christ how is a devil birth into your life some sort of spiritual satanic transaction now now let me carry this a little bit more which is going to be very interesting all right how does the Holy Spirit grow in your life by a spiritual transaction in living a clean life how does an unclean spirit grow in your life by satanic spiritual transaction in living an unclean life didn't you know that when you live in sin you're opening up to demon possession right no pastor yeah look at first Kings chapter 22 first Kings chapter 22 do you know where demon possession starts see where it's birthed where it starts and begins where does demon possession start it starts with sin look at first Kings chapter 22 the first Kings chapter 22 notice this satanic spiritual transaction where an unclean spirit is formed within a man through lying look at first Kings chapter 22 we'll look at verse 6 then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together about four hundred men and said unto them shall I go against ramoth-gilead to battle or shall I forbear and they said go up for the Lord shall deliver it into the hands of the king ok so notice that these prophets they tell the king go up you're gonna succeed that's our prophecy but that's a lie that's a false prophecy look at verse 19 and he said hear thou therefore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven left standing by him on the right hand and on his left and the Lord said who shall persuade a hab that he may go up to go up and fall at ramoth-gilead and one set on this manner and another set on that manner and there came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him verse 22 and the Lord said unto Him where with and he said I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and he said thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so so notice that when these false prophets told the King you will succeed go up to ramoth-gilead that was sent from the devil you see that was from Devils and how did that devil come inside these false prophets and speak lies because he was a lying spirit you see that here's another verse look at judges nine judges nine that's why it's so important for a Bible believing Christian to not yield to the devil temptation right yeah you see that so a person should never yield to the devil's temptation why is that because see when you're yielding and listening to the devil all right and then Devils are likened to unclean animals so then these devils right here you got to realize that you cannot listen to them why is that because when you listen to them and yield to that sin what is what's going on is that you're gonna get more and more demon-possessed all right you're gonna get more and more demon-possessed look at judges chapter 9 we will look at verse 23 verse 23 then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem okay how did this demon possess them because and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech that the cruelty done to the threescore and ten sons of Jeroboam it--come and their blood be laid upon Abimelech their brother which slew them so notice right here that there was an evil spirit that possessed these people through the sin of cruelty and you see that here's another one look at Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 we're going to look at verse 1 Acts chapter 5 and we're going to look at verse 1 we're gonna notice right here that demon possession starts with the person sinning you see so you got to be careful when you sin you see look at Acts chapter 5 we will look at verse 1 notice what happened right here but a certain man named Ananias with Sapphira his wife saw the possession and kept back part of the price his life also being privy to it and brought a certain part and laid it at the Apostles feet but Peter said Ananias why has Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land you see that so notice what that when this person lied you see Satan possessed him see he filled his heart so notice right here that we see demon possession it starts when a person sins when a person sins will also look at Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 so here's a question the question is well pastor is it possible then for a safe Christian to sin because we do let's be honest we do yield to sinful temptations from devil right so I mean does that mean that I can get demon possessed yes certainly really pastor yes so a saved Christian you got to realize it's a saved Christian so whether he's lost or he saved you got to realize this whether he's lost or he's a Christian he can be demon possessed it is very possible for demons to possess him really yeah because look at Ephesians 4 verse 27 what did Paul say to you saved Christians he said to you save Christians neither give place to the devil you see that that verse shows us notice that you can give a place for Satan to reside in you see now look up every verse that mentions the word place in the Bible that something to inhabit to reside it you see so why would Paul tell Christians don't let don't give a residence for the devil to live in you if Devils can't go in the Christian you see it's very possible let's also look at Matthew 16 Matthew 16 notice right here a saved person this guy is supposed to be the leader of the Christian Church and supposedly the first catholic pope supposedly but look at this person right here chief christian demon-possessed look at matthew chapter 16 verse 23 verse 23 but he turned and said unto who Peter so he's speaking to Peter looking at Peter speaking at Peter because there's something in him get thee behind me who Satan Wow you see that Satan can go in a person you see you can be demon-possessed let's look at first Corinthians 5 first Corinthians 5 here's a powerful verse where a Christian is still saved he's still saved even when he's demon-possessed so this is a very strong verse look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5 look at verse 1 first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 this should be a powerful eternal security verse it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife so notice that there's incest going on in the church for this Christian committed incest and what did the Bible say about him look at verse look at verse 5 to deliver such an one what did he do with that Christian delivers such the one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh look at that Satan had a possession over his body but notice that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus look at that his spiritual nature is still safe now look at verse 11 but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a who brother so this guy's ass a brother in Christ be a fornicator you see who committed fornication in his family's household now here's the thing that some Christians do not understand now surprisingly some by believers who learned this lesson who are caught under dr. upman they even don't believe a Christian can be demon-possessed you got to realize this okay save Christian can there are many verses that show it number one but the reason why they cannot grasp it is because they think this okay see because the Holy Spirit is in you right so because when a saved cushion is saved the Holy Spirit comes inside the person and it doesn't make sense see that Devils and the Holy Spirit are living in the same body you see that's what doesn't make sense to them because the Holy Spirit cannot be contaminated by unclean spirits but you got to realize this that's a very simplistic thinking you can understand that's a very simplistic thinking you got to realize this look at Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 you how to remember this when you got saved what happened to your spiritual nature it was separated from your fleshy nature it's separated from your body so even though the Holy Spirit is in you it's not a part of the body so here's your spiritual nature so your spiritual nature is over here and you got to realize this these Devils cannot go in the spiritual nature you see that they only take the flesh why because the flesh is still sinful it's still unholy any man yeah it's still wicked there's nothing holy about it so since there's nothing holy and clean about your flesh and Devils take control yeah certainly but can they go in your spiritual nature that God saved that's considered holy pure no and the spiritual nature is separate see from the fleshy nature look at Colossians 2 verse 11 Colossians 2 verse 11 in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands so there's a cutting off here a cutting off of what in putting off what the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ you see that notice that you are separated from your body of sins you see that and who is you the spiritual nature verse 13 and you who is a you being dead in your sins see you're not part of the dead fleshy nature and the uncircumcision of your flesh you see that you're dead to it because why happy quickened together with him see quickened means made alive you see so notice that this is your spiritual nature so this that's you your spiritual nature you see that so here is you your spiritual nature you see and that's separated you see from the body of sins you see it's not a part of that see it's not a part of that so that's why it is very possible for demons to possess a Christian you see because they possess your fleshy nature that should that is dead and unholy and sinful and wicked but not your spiritual nature because that's wholly clean in the eyes of God you see that let's also look at Deuteronomy 32 Deuteronomy 32 Deuteronomy chapter 32 now here's something very interesting concerning the origin of demons remember what the Bible showed about these unclean demons they're liken to animals right unclean animals now this is something very interesting all right this is something very interesting all right notice that these demons that they can be connected to something going on right here look at Deuteronomy 32 verse 17 the Bible says they sacrificed unto devils right but knows who these Devils demons are connected to not to God to who gods whom they knew not to new gods that came newly up whom your fathers fear not so notice that these guys are connected to the gods or the sons of God you see that these little gods right here now what's very interesting about that so they worship these devils who are connected to these gods now here's something very interesting about that one must understand that the worship of many gods and the idols if you'll notice Deuteronomy 32 verse 17 notice that they were worshiping these idols right these gods the worship of many gods and idols were not mentioned until after Noah's Flood you know that look at Genesis 31 look at Genesis 31 verse 19 Genesis chapter 31 verse 19 it's after Noah's Flood that we see the first mention of these gods and idols not before look at Genesis chapter 31 we're going to look at verse 19 notice and laban went to share his sheep and Rachel had stolen the images that were her father's so notice right here that the worship of many different gods and idols it came up after the flood why because it was based this worship this polytheism you see worship of many gods and idols it was based on the actual gods who came down on the earth and had a satanic transaction with humans look at justice 6 now Genesis 6 Genesis 6 so what do you mean pastor what do you mean by that because one thing you don't understand is this is that so then here we are ok so we're gonna talk about Noah's Flood here alright here's the world of Noah's Flood ok what happened is that there were a bunch of sons of God that came down on the earth and these sons of God were mighty man they mingled with the little humans here alright they mingled look at Genesis chapter 6 we're going to look at verse 2 verse 2 the Bible reads that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose you see that notes that the sons of God see these gods they mingled themselves with the humans and what happened it gave birth to notice verse 4 there were giants in the earth in those days so notice that these super humans came out how and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown you see that notice that when the sons of God mingled with the daughters of men that's how they gave birth to these superhumans so this is something very interesting here these many gods and idols remember it was based on these actual gods that came down from heaven on the earth and they had a satanic transaction with the humans all right they had a satanic transaction with the humans now how the the Devils the demons can be connected to these gods is because of the satanic transaction between not just the ain't the Angels the fallen angels and the humans the sons of God in the human but with animals with animals too you see so they mingled themselves with the animals as well alright look at the book of Jude chapter 6 Jude chapter 6 Jude 6 so remember what our demons like into unclean animals that's right unclean animals so we'll see right here that the sons of God they mingled themselves with the animals look at Jude and we'll look at verse 6 Jude and verse 6 the Bible reads and the angels see that those sons of God those angels which kept not their first to stay so they left their first estate up in heaven but left their own habitation they left heaven he had reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day ok we do know this when the angels left heaven and came on the earth when did that happen Genesis 6 right so this happened during Genesis 6 when they were mingling themselves with the men but notice it was not just the men read verse 7 even as so meaning they're following the example of you see that's what even as mean following the example of in similar to dwith cruel Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh so notice what followed the similar example was sodom and gomorrah going after mingling with strange flesh now do you know what strange flesh means strange flesh when the Bible says flesh okay we know that's referring to humans right but when it says strange strange means what it means other or another flesh or different flesh so let me ask you this question what's the normal flesh then what's flesh it's humans right but what's another flesh a different type of flesh animals that's the only thing you can think of the only thing is animals you see that that's the only other different type of flesh you see you know what's also interesting for people who want to play with greek for people who says oh but the greeks is this the greek says that okay but didn't you know in your original greek at jude six and seven when it's just strange flesh that greek word means animals in your original greek hell oh yeah exactly you see so even the Greek supports this too you see it's very interesting see so notice right here then what this means is that in Jude 6 and 7 the Fallen Angels they follow the example of who Sodom and Gomorrah mingling with animals you see so there's no doubt that the sons of God mingled with animals - so if these sons of God mingled with humans giving birth to superhumans then when the sons of God mingled with animals you see that it would give birth to all kinds of strange-looking creatures you see that all kinds of strange looking animals demonic looking animals maybe you see Nimonic looking animals you see mermaids centaurs unicorn harpies etc and etc all those demonic creatures that the Chronicles of Narnia which is supposed to be a Christian book and it shows these strange strange flesh yeah you see demonic like creatures you see where they're getting all that from and remember those demons are what they're likened to unclean animals and we've seen throughout the Bible when there's a satanic transaction going on that there's a demon that is created and formed so we see the satanic transaction going on you see that and then possibly through the satanic transaction a demon is formed you see now you don't even very very interesting is this is that modern Bible versions what they call these Devils is that they call them demons all right that's what they like to call them but remember Deuteronomy 32 what do the devils want to do they want to connect themselves to the gods right they want to connect themselves to the gods you know what the word demon means the word demon it does not really mean a satanic evil like the devil what they try to make demons look like is that they try to make them look like gods didn't you know that really parent straight yeah the Luciferian Blavatsky here's our quote all right she doesn't like the word devil she likes to wear diamond better because the word demon however as in the case of Socrates so this is all doing even back to the Greek so even when the Bible was written in Greek that time see all the way back they knew what demon meant the word demon however as in the case of Socrates and the spirit of the meaning given to it by the whole of antiquity stands for the guardian spirit or angel not a devil of satanic descent s theology would have it demons is a very loose word to use as it applies to minor gods there are no Devils so where the New King James Version and the New International Version and the ESV and all the other Bibles you see that translate they don't say the word devil they say the word demon and that's what demons that's what those devils are trying to do right Deuteronomy chapter 32 liking themselves to the gods to be worshipped you see all the way back at Genesis 6 interesting is it not but that also makes sense why the King James Version why God himself would correctly call them what devil not demon you know why because he wants you to see that these aren't just some gods to be worshiped these are evil satanic origins you see that it's something that's evil and satanic that's what we believe you see so these things we got to realize is not part of mother earth or mother nature or the spirit world where all spirits are one and then you know let these spirits come in me when I do the yoga and the trance and all this kind of stuff watch out man these are the gods to worship watch out man it's evil and satanic not not this that's when you Agers the auspice and all those guys like for you to think right not this that's what Harry Potter likes for you to think to write with these spirits these animal likes creatures and substances you see what Satan's trying to do see he likes to demon possessed some people to see he likes to influence the world with wrong doctrine and give a satanic cause you see so we see right here what's very interesting concerning the origins of demons you see is that they are related to a satanic spiritual transaction so that's my theory my theory on take on it is that how a demon is formed is by satanic spiritual transaction we saw how these demon like creatures came out through the satanic transaction with sons of God mingling with animals and humans we saw how a satanic spiritual transaction was formed within a human by sinning you see by sinning and then we also saw the same thing with the relationship with Devils coming from Satan at Revelation chapter 16 you see so that's the closest I can get so I still cannot claim it as hard doctrine but what I can claim why I can give out as a theory now I can throw in another theory now to the origin of demons and it looks like from all these verses that they are formed through spiritual satanic transaction you see because if you study the Holy Spirit and the dealings of the Holy Spirit how its burn than form and all that and take that with the opposite with unholy unclean spirit it would make a lot of sense you say would make a lot of sense especially since this is God himself see Holy Spirit is God himself and this one you see maybe you see from Satan himself you see so that's what's very interesting let's look at Revelation chapter 12 Revelation chapter 12 now you might say well pastor man I don't want any of those men I don't want any of those Devils those demon like things come inside me what do I do so in order to cast these demons out this is what you have to do look at Revelation chapter 12 Revelation chapter 12 if you don't want to be possessed by these demons this is what you have to do you got to go to the cross of Calvary you see and then the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins and you need this you see you need the blood of Jesus Christ you see so plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and when you got something holy and clean like the blood of Jesus that gets rid of something unclean and unholy the sins you see these unclean and unholy spirits they can't stand that look at Revelation chapter 12 we will look at verse 9 the Bible says and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which to see the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so this is time how Satan you see the devil how did they overcome him verse 11 and they overcame him by what the blood of the Lamb you see that that's why what's very interesting if you look at a former Satan worshipers the former witches and cultists they found that the one substance that's the mode that has power against demons is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Williams Noah belen you should read his testimony it's amazing but he undersized azat two of the importance of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ this man was so demonic that he even crave of drinking the blood of women see not just brutally hurting them but just drinking the blood you see I mean that's how demonic he was you see but then he found a different blood that he craved for a different blood that would wash away everything and get rid of the Devils and that is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ let's look at 1st John 1 first John 1 so then how do I get that blood pastor it's through confession of sins you see that confession of sins that's how demons start to possess you remember it's through sin that's why it makes sense that confession of sin with the blood of Jesus washing it away will help you against the devils you see clear 1st John chapter 1 we will look at verse 7 the Bible says but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and notice the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin see the blood would cleanse you of all sin and notice how that's done verse 9 if we confess our sins see that verse 9 so you that's why it's so important to daily confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and notice see this is the blood and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness you see that John said the blood cleanses away your sins through confession of sins so our to do that the number one thing you should do is confess all right so there's one all right the second thing you should do is resist it in the full name of the Lord Jesus Christ look at Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 there is power in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you don't realize there's power in fact it's at that name that the devil will bow and Bend it's that that name you see so Devils will have to bow and bend to the full name of the Lord Jesus Christ look at Luke chapter 10 you better will right there brethren that's good stuff amen Luke chapter 10 verse 17 Luke chapter 10 verse 17 and the seventy returned again with joy saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through what through thy name you see that so it is important to use the full name of the Lord Jesus Christ that is his full name alright Lord Jesus Christ use his full name because it covers God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit so that's the second thing that you should do here's the father I mean you I think I want all three persons of the Trinity on my side you see here's a father here's a son and then here's the Holy Ghost you see or the Holy Spirit I want that I'm gonna call upon that name to fight against these demons you see you know what charismatic sand Pentecostals like to do you hear this all the time in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus my trusty out in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and you know of Galilee and blah blah blah blah you know why do they want to use this human nature name you see I want the full deity you see I want the full deity you see besides there's a lot of people named Jesus that you see on the cemetery and I'm sure the devil's possessed a lot of those geniuses so notice right here that I want to use the full name of the Lord Jesus Christ you see to resist it alright let's also look at mark chapter nine mark chapter nine verse twenty-nine mark chapter nine we're going to look at verse 29 notice that the third thing you should do is prayer and fasting alright prayer and fasting why because when you do fasting in prayer what it does it makes your fleshy nature uncomfortable you see that your flesh wants to eat your flesh cannot stand it without something in its body you see so this is a good thing to really kill your flesh what do demons possess on your fleshy nature you see that so when you focus so much on the spiritual nature see through prayer so much on the spiritual nature and then you starve so much of this fleshy nature then see what you're doing you're weakening the devil's inside your fleshy nature and strengthening your spiritual nature look at look at the book of mark chapter 9 we will look at verse 29 mark 9:29 and he said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing so this kind of devil can't come forth by anything but by what prayer and fasting you see that prayer and fasting look at Ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 infusions 6 verse 11 Ephesians chapter 6 we will look at verse 11 you know what you need to protect yourself of demons if you don't want them to go in you you got an arm it how do you arm yourself the full armor of God you see that you need the full armor of God so what you need is these armors to protect you look at Ephesians chapter 6 we will look at verse 11 put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil so notice what kind of armor you need did it say just armor of God or the whole armor of God whole you know why you need to be fully protected not just partially you need to be fully protected if you don't cover here then the devil is gonna go here if you don't cover here if you don't cover here and only cover here the devil is gonna go in here see if you only cover this and the devil can get you to you're here in here here you see so you need the full armor of God look at verse 13 wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand so notice that if you want to withstand against the evil day you see these demonic creatures and what you need is to be take on the full armor of God and what is the full armor of God the full armor of God is the gospel shoes so in other words you have to go you have to beat a soul-winner you see you have to talk to souls how to get saved you have to pass out tracts attend visitation street preaching everywhere you go be prepared to witness what do you have to have the belt of truth so you have to live a sincere and honest life not dishonesty and cheating you also need the sword of the Spirit why because that's your only offensive weapon you see I can that can cut down and drive away those Devils you also need the shield of faith why because when they throw their attacks at you you need to protect yourself with the shield of faith you see so a life full of faith see will never be over cost by any trial that the devil throws at you you see so you have to live a life full of faith so you have to live a life full of faith believing in God's care the sword of the Spirit that's the Bible so you have to read the Bible daily you have to study the Bible you have to grow in the Bible it's no wonder that people get caught away with doctrines of devils with Mormons Jehovah Witnesses Steven Anderson's teachings and all these people Catholic Church why because see they don't study the Bible they don't read the Bible you see they think that it's only written by men and that you know they use modern Bible versions or they mishandle the Bible you see you also need the breastplate of righteousness you see so you gotta live a holy life so your heart should have no sin you see live a righteous holy life and breastplate it don't put anything evil inside your heart of you and then the helmet of salvation you see the helmet of salvation protect your head so with these armaments see if you are a saved Christian who lives a righteous life who always goes out soul-winning and constantly reads the Bible and then his is a life full of faith in the power of God then don't you think that kind of Christian will fare better in a spiritual life than Christians who don't see you want to be away from demon possession it's by a honest saved Christian with the full of faith who's a zealous soul winner and constantly a Bible believer reading the Bible prayer and praying and reading the Bible you see so through this that the devil's those kind of Christians are the ones they have a hard time see attacking and possessing so you got to realize this if you don't want if you don't want the devil to be formed in you you see what you want to do is keep yourself armed away from sin and what you want to do to cast out these Devils is see plead the blood of Jesus confess your sin under the blood of Jesus resist in the full name of the Lord Jesus Christ fast and pray and then what arm yourself arm yourself and that's fourth thing arm yourself with a full full armor of God and with that seat with that when you constantly live a wholly clean spiritual life a spiritual transaction takes place where this holy spirit grows more and more in you and is formed more and more in you and that Holy Spirit the forming of the Holy Spirit will outrun the forming of the demonic spirit and the unclean spirit is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down here on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't damn you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lies with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in a by a believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a by a believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number four study only under by believing teachers my friend this is all explained further and the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a Bible eating word because you only have one life to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace and the smoke will be so thick I'll drop to my knees and I've ducked in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start crawling come and I look down then I'm free I owe bear and I'll Cena a throne and I'll see some feet you got holds it up and they got your sandals on it'll pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried only speed whitening a pizza I'm a little bit upset another song said once I was straying in sins dark Valley no hope within could I see they searched from heaven and found the same who stood out there my Sodom and he's go oh Jesus we - a football so any preaching them and the people that's ringing the bell there we go and he'd stand up and I and people welcomed they said Wow Santa Claus preaching it's a name of Jesus Christ it's not to Mohammed he did not do anything for you he's not to Buddha it's not to the commandments it's only to pay in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ how our universe mistake I preached on the TV you can turn the pitcher all like year's team tournament go long they don't know what's going on tastes about two more steps here that crowd hi how you doing hey mom hi bad way down there at the edge of that street they have the Lord of said glory and down he comes off that pole he always would come down for a sitter and he comes down there well done my good and faithful trip near the door level not old boys bark worn down there says forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever never dr. brace and he removed that whole stony heart out of him and he put a brand new heart into my friends chest everybody funny woke up they looked around they said oh my everything has been changed Avery's daughters know the senior
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 64,337
Rating: 4.7933884 out of 5
Keywords: pastor schreib, bible, church, bible baptist international, king james, kjv1611, bible believer, bible study, sermon, preaching, second coming, baptists, dispensation, pastor geneha kim, san jose bible baptist, bible commentary, old testament, new testament, salvation, doctrine, truth, born again, street preaching, evangelism, Jesus Christ, revival, religion, peter ruckman, ruckmanite, christian, cults, mormon, jehovah's witnesses, joel osteen, steven anderson, rick warren, td jakes
Id: gA-7upKp4UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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