What Will It Take To Destroy This Pizza Reviewer?

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many people only know Dave pornoy as the social media guy with really good opinions on pizza but he is the founder and owner of barol sports a company he sold for 551 million in 2023 then 4 months later bought the entire company back for just $1 dollar he is also known for being extremely controversial as he has been accused of just about every horrible thing you can imagine Now Dave put himself in these situations with his own words or actions frat boy jokes like if you're a size six and you're wearing skinny jeans you kind of deserve to be didn't help him when one of his Rendevous with a 19-year-old turned into a very serious allegation and whenever a new controversy comes up he doesn't run to a PR team he broadcasts his responses raw and unfiltered never apologizing because he doesn't think he has done anything wrong his bold approach to social media and business has earned him millions of di hard fans around the world supporting him through every accusation making Dave grow bigger and stronger his opposers see him as some sort of pizza eating gambling super villain wondering when all of this will reach a Tipping Point after graduating from Swamp Scott High School in Massachusetts pornoy pursued a degree in education at the University of Michigan where he developed his love of partying gambling and pizza three things that meant so much to him he would dedicate his whole life to it in June of 2003 the very first issue of the bar stool Sports newspaper hit the streets of Boston the only newspaper in Boston written by the com man for the Common Man the people at bar stool sports are a bunch of Average Joe's who like most guys love sports gambling golfing and chasing short skirts Dave drove around in his Astro van dropping the paper off at news stands bars and subway stations hoping people would read his work at the time Dave didn't really know what he wanted to do or how he could make money from it but he was fixated on building a community of other guys just like him unfortunately from the very beginning Dave had a difficult time managing his money he was working some corporate sales job making around $100,000 per year but spending it all and then some in 2004 he owed $59,000 to credit card companies and $118,000 to his father on top of that he had lost $30,000 gambling which led to him filing for bankruptcy bar stool had a tough time taking off since nobody really wanted to read about a Sunday afternoon with the guys watching football Dave knew he needed something more exciting to attract readers so he started hiring professional models and paying for erotic photo shoots to blast on the front page Dave's readers increased exponentially due to the Miss bar stool competition which featured girls answering questions like do you want guys to stare at you when you wear a bikini to the beach and would you ever hook up with a married man the winner of each week's competition would get chosen at the Miss bar stool Sports party which was Dave's way of luring guys into small bar parties that he would throw to build the bar stool brand it's just what guys want to do they just want to sit around all day kind of get drink a lot you know get a little bit banged up and lose some money on basketball so that's what the common guy likes doing that's what we do poroy knew exactly who his target market was pikme girls and guys who peaked in high school once he launched the bar stool blog online he was able to expand into a nationwide audience he knew that bar stool fans didn't actually want to talk about sports ESPN was for people who wanted to talk about boring stats and game strategy bar stool delved into the personal lives of athletes and unapologetically trashed their performances they also double down on content like guess that ass local smoke show of the day and smoke smash which was basically a smash or pass style voting game but for Northeastern college girls barol Sports ironically got more popular and known for introducing you to good-looking girls in your area than for talking about sports with this digital transformation poroy became more of a celebrity dubbed El Presidente or pre for short some of bar stool's writers became celebrities in the community too KFC and K Marco are two of the most prominent known to not hold back back on their takes you're a puss Antonio Holmes a coward a pathetic excuse for a professional athlete just downright despicable but there was another bar stool Legend you might recognize Jenna Marbles Jenna wrote and made content with bar stool before she started her YouTube channel bartool fans Lov that Jenna understood what guys liked she was funny and most importantly she posted scantily clad photos of herself on the site Jenna was also a cheat code for Content sports fans were baffled that a girl wanted to talk to them would you rather have with the cop would you rather Jenna as well as other girls served as promoters for the bar stool parties which led to hundreds sometimes thousands of fans showing up for the festivities iconic catchphrases like Viva stool and stoa paloa ran rampant throughout colleges in the early 2010s frat kids all over would proudly hang their bar stool Flags eager to financially capitalize on the Loyalty of these students poroy launched the stula paloa tour with Sammy Adams six shows in northeastern College in which he was expecting to have a couple hundred attendees then the school started offering the large auditoriums and at the blank of an eye they were selling thousands of tickets they followed the series with the bar stool Blackout Tour a neon and blackl themed live concert series across the Eastern United States that featured the likes of Sammy Adams Mac Miller Mike Posner as well as EDM DJs they built a reputation for being the craziest college party promoters in the country which would only end badly in April of 2012 24 young people who attended a blackout party in Montclair New Jersey were hospitalized for severe intoxication a month before that a bar stool blackout show was abruptly cancelled with arrest made and over 300 counterfeit ID cards being seized to make things worse they were accused of actively promoting culture this is a difficult thing to prove that is until people read Dave's personal blog in 2010 where he wrote even though I never condoned if you're a size six and you're wearing skinny jeans you kind of deserve to be ried right the 33-year-old also said the following we don't condone R of any kind at our blackout parties however if a chick passes out that's a gray area now most people are quick to say that Dave is just joking and again Dave knows his target audience this type of joke crushes around his buddies in the bar on an interview with Inside Edition Dave doubled down on his comments you posted the following on your site I never condone R but if you're a size six and you're wearing skinny jeans you kind of deserve to be raped correct I stand by that I think it's a funny joke you think rap is funny no I didn't say that I think it's a funny joke do you understand how offensive that is no I obviously don't others argued that these jokes as well as the over fetishization and objectification of women throughout the bar stool culture promotes men assaulting or at least harassing women in August of 2011 poroy faced further backlash after posting explicit images featuring The 2-year-old son of legendary Quarterback Tom Brady the photo was a leaked Paparazzi image of Tom's Family at the beach and his baby boy was naked the article was posted to the bar stool Sports Page titled check out the Howitzer on Brady's kid in case you're curious a Howitzer is basically a military grade Cannon the photos also accompanied a short article glamorizing and psychoanalyzing the child's genitalia but Dave said his comments were not sexual David thanks for being with us I want to ask you first of all because I've got people saying that you're out of line not only with the picture of the 2-year-old boy but the comments about the boy's private parts you're on the air what do you say yeah I don't see it that way at all I don't think it's out of line at all or else I wouldn't have have posted it how then would you describe how you describe the little boy's private parts I said he had a big uh a big Howitzer despite all the backlash Dave did not think he did anything wrong nor did he want to delete the post I had no intentions of taking it down until the visit from the cops I met with them they asked me to take it down in the best interest of everybody involved I told them I'd call them back in an hour with my decision and then took it down I basically didn't want to get into a pissing contest with with the cops of the state there's no such thing as bad publicity they say Dave is a true Testament to that Dave's controversies only continued to benefit him in the bar stool brand attracting more guys who loved runchy humor gambling and sports he also attracted more haters who formed an alliance called knockout bar stool a group created an opposition of the blog's use of jokes and light attitude towards sexual assault knockout bar stool rallied and protested one of their blackout events at Northwestern University right now we're we're driving over to a Mass protest about me perpetuating culture victim blaming vitim sexism sexism misogyny misogyny homophobia homophobia racism you need to identify them and make them know the protest moved outside of the event where Partiers dressed in neon clothing encouraged the chaos Dave never got a chance to speak but felt that this was all an overreaction and what I was going to say is listen we're anti- just as much as you we don't believe in it you guys are taking two jokes that were clearly satirical blowing amount of proportion we're on your side and that we don't like you guys are just fighting the wrong battle you would think that bar stool was drowning in money due to the cult fan base and overwhelming brand recognition but profit margins on the live shows were slim and it cost tens of thousands of dollars to book Talent Dave ran the website out of his messy apartment with his small team of loyal bloggers ad Revenue earned from the website traffic was barely enough to keep them afloat Dave was now in his mid-30s and refused to give up on his dream as we approached the mid-2010s it became increasingly obvious that social media sites like Instagram Snapchat Twitter and YouTube were taking up more of our time especially barol sports fans time they stopped printing the newspaper and fully focused on digital the barol YouTube channel posted casual Vlogs highlights from their events and even had EDP on there hosting weekly sports Recaps it was the personalities of their creators like big cat KFC Hank and blind Mike that kept the fandom locked in the Bro show was one of their more popular series part in my take was their comedic Sports podcast which featured controversial Sports opinions the guys also hosted a daily Radio podcast show called The Rundown to stay in touch with the fan base however the most iconic show they created was Dave's Pizza review series one bite Dave would travel around Massachusetts and eventually the whole country in search of the best pizza he would take one bite of the slice and the crust and give it a rating from 1 to 10 after just a few episodes Dave wisely made one by Pizza reviews its own YouTube channel which became so popular that people started recognizing him more as the pizza review guy rather than the owner of bar stool Sports media it was now 2016 12 years after the brand was established and Dave was still pinching pennies to make his dream a reality bar stool's social media reached was not massive but the brand recognition was unlike anything else at the time plus they were known by literally everyone in Boston their words and blog writeups pulsated throughout the city barstol was the Politically Incorrect and downright filthy Sports Network men's Lifestyle brand but it had way too many moving Parts than Dave knew had a handle and he finally decided it was time to sell due to its 5 million monthly website viewers and immense advertising potential bar stool was able to sell 51% of the company to the chernin Investment Group at a 10 to5 million evaluation the evaluation shocked everyone barol was definitely big but nobody thought it was $20 million big poroi says he was able to put millions in his pocket while still pouring the majority of the lump acquisition sum into the business and that's exactly what he did but bar stool being acquired by a corporation was obviously going to change things slowly but surely Dave would become closer to the traditional corporate Sports Network he wanted to destroy a new CEO stepped in Erica nardini to handle the company's Financial Direction while Dave focused on content strategy he knew he couldn't hold people's attention alone so he scouted talent and his mindset was simple find creative people and let them do whatever the they want and some hit and some don't they started filming what it was like to work behind the scenes at a sports network stool scenes was their unorganized unscripted reality show of what it's like to work at the bar stool office they acquired Ruff and Rowdy which is a Pay-Per-View boxing SL brawling event that mostly features highly untrained individuals sloppily scrapping for a cheap payday they acquired Michael Rapaport and his Infamous rant series chicks in the office started as an Instagram series featuring bar stool girls talking about pop culture Caleb Presley was doing comedic on the street interviews they acquired the call her daddy podcast that was started by Alexander Cooper and Sophia Franklin 2018 was easily the most chaotic and experimental time for bar stool they were launching multiple series ideas every week testing personalities to see who the fans would gravitate towards Spin Zone wine walks chicks being chicks gooned up healthy scratches they would come up with an idea slap a name on it and throw it at the wall to see if it sticks but with the growth of the company meant that controversies that Dave thought were small would become huge news in June of 2018 Portnoy said on bartool radio that Ria kufo a 20-year-old on camera bartool personality would not be able to put her face in front of a camera in 5 years because people will throw up disgusted by the headline Ria confronted Dave asking him why he would make such a rude comment are we going to talk about how Dave's ass is in the jackpot or because he said that I'm going to look so gross in 5 years that people will puke on camera there's a chance I said that that is horrible double Jack horrible I'm just saying you're going to age Ria because you're in barcel world like your boyfriend Hank yeah but in 5 years people will puke when they see me that is it's aggressive that is really aggressive first of apologize I will not apologize my job is to work on camera that's you know what if I want I want to be working here in 5 years I want to be on camera I want to stay here well maybe you have to go behind the camera Dave claims he was just joking but Ria stormed out of the office in tears which just made him even more mad honestly if you're going to cry then walk your ass out the door I don't give a about that Dave went on to say if guys and girls want to be treated the same in his company then he will joke on them equally as hard barstol fans thought this was Peak entertainment but Outsiders suspected that the company culture was extremely toxic poroy also fired Michael Rapaport for insulting the bar stool stoolies fan base on his podcast with rap aore being known as a loudmouth lunatic Dave expected him to air this out on social media rap aore then challenged Dave to a boxing match as well as posting this unpleasant photo to which Dave responded by selling T-shirts with Michael's face dressed up as a clown with herpes rapor couldn't take the Heat and sued Dave for defamation which went to trial what about that shirt do you believe would haunt him for the rest of his life he's depicted as a clown a clown with herpes you said that not me r lost the lawsuit as there was no grounds for defamation the workplace environment became such a large discussion on social media that Rafi leter a staff writer at Live Science tweeted encouraging barstol Sports employees to send him a private message about the unionization process Dave replied that he would fire any bar stool employee on the spot if they dm'd him to which US congresswoman AOC chimed in and let Dave know that his threats could land him in major legal trouble all workers in the US have the protected freedom to organize for better conditions apparently Dave's tweets led to an investigation from the National Labor Relations Board Dave who is known to never apologize nor take back his word deleted his threatening tweets but did post a union Buster shirt for sale the ironic part about all of this controversy is that we don't even know if barstol employees wanted to actually form a union in the first place all of this workplace controversy just made Dave realize how different his company is now small jokes that were previously treated as just guys being guys can now become national news that that led to investigations and lawsuits he needed to drift away from his Common Man ways and be more professional but bar stool had more momentum than ever they launched the one by app where fans could rank pizzerias around the world after visiting them the app gained 175,000 downloads in its first month barol claimed that each review earns about 796 th000 views per episode across their YouTube Instagram website app and other platforms as you can imagine this is extremely great marketing for small business peteras around the country who see immediate sales increases whenever Dave would post his reviews with all this momentum Dave Struck the biggest deal of his career pen gaming announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire a 36% stake in bar stool sports for approximately $163 million in cash and convertible preferred stock making the company worth about 450 million poroy now only owned roughly 10% of the company but he was filthy rich and had a multi-million dollar machine backing him to make things even better the pandemic caused the the entire world to be trapped inside which made all of Bar's content platforms exponentially increase One Bite part of my take BFFs podcast or play golf call her daddy Sunday conversations and every single bar sto original program were skyrocketing in popularity they were dominating the media landscape on all platforms they've also introduced a charity fund to help small businesses impacted by covid related lockdowns two of the businesses chosen for the fund Borelli and mam Mia 44th Southwest both in New York C city were restaurants that he had previously visited as a part of his pizza review program in total 2020 saw poroy raised nearly $3 million for1 167 small businesses in the US by the end of covid lockdowns poroy had raised more than $40 millionar for small businesses which fundamentally changed the pizza industry a year later in a fundraiser called vivaa troops barcol Sports raised about $200,000 for two veterans Charities president Donald Trump even requested Dave to interview him since his son was a big fan of bar stool many Saw poroy as unqualified to interview the president and Dave agreed he never interviewed anyone before that he did ask Trump rather basic questions related to social issues rather than having an in-depth discussion of policy but just the interview alone made Dave's opposers angry Dave does not identify as a republican nor does he feel responsible for the political viewpoints of his supporters poroy believes that simply sitting down with Trump fundamentally changed his career and reputation for the worst he believes he was unfairly categorized with the right-wing because of his fan base and having the platform to inform and influence these voters bothered left-wing media Outlets even though the pandemic was the best thing to ever happen for barol sports he was about to be in the middle of non-stop controversy for the next few years the first controversy would fundamentally change his Common Man reputation that he cherishes so dearly at the very beginning of 2021 the infamous GameStop short squeeze was in full effect around 140% of GameStop's publicly available shares had been shorted by hedge fund billionaires basically they would make billions of dollars as long as the GameStop stock price kept dropping which led to a passionate subreddit r/ Wall Street bets encouraging everyone to purchase the shares in order to drive the stock price back up which ended up making a lot of Average Joe Schmo investors rich and as a bonus made some billionaires lose money GameStop became overvalued by 1,000% with the stock price in the $400 range this all started as a joke but then it sparked a re ution when stock trading app Robin Hood temporarily banned the purchasing of GameStop stock but they did allow people to sell it this prevented entry-level stock Traders from buying which led to panic selling so the stock price dropped exponentially retail Traders around the world lost their money and the billionaire hedge funds ended up making all of theirs back when I saw what uh Robin Hood was doing ironically Robin Hood take from you know take from the rich and give to the poor even though they do the exact opposite I was stunned uh I think it's criminal I think there has to be an investigation I think people have to go to jail whether that actually happens I don't know but I've never been more convinced about Market manipulation and the people the hedge funds controlling the game than today I I mean just to wake up and say hey you can't trade these stocks anymore you can only sell them we're going to intentionally crash the market in these stocks and everyone who has it tough you're going to lose a ton of money but we're going to save the rich people in the hedge funds shocking poroy went on various news outlets demanding an investigation into Robin Hood demanding that the Robin Hood CEO admit that he was trying to protect his billionaire friends despite the rigging of the market pornoy tweeted Diamond hands reassuring that he would hold on to his stock no matter what you only lose when you sell they say retail investors around the world respected Dave's honor he was their leader using his platform to demand change from the obviously corrupt Market but just three short days later Dave tweeted that he sold his shares in GameStop at a whopping $700,000 loss the loss was okay for poroy who was worth a cool $100 million but all the average common men that saw poroi as one of them realized he is just another multi-millionaire who is not willing to risk an insanely small percentage of his overabundance of wealth paper hands poroi became his new nickname and for the first time his own fan base started second guessing their support for the Press but this was just the beginning Dave's 2021 was about to get much worse in November of 2021 Business Insider published an article claiming that the bar stool founder had subjected numerous young women to Violent humiliating sex acts one female mentioned in the piece went by the name of Madison who was a 20-year-old college student at the time Madison commented on one of Porto's Instagram posts then he DMD her the discussion transitioned to Snapchat and text messaging where the focus promptly shifted to the subject of sex Madison claimed that pornoy shared explicit videos of women he had been intimate with and in the messages examined by Insider persistently urged to disclose her own sexual fantasies I mean actually this one's kind of common wrote Madison like a rap fantasy where I don't have any control of what's going on you and I are going to get along so well poroy responded the bar sto founder bought her a ticket to his home in Nantucket according to Madison the trip was a traumatic experience with poroy pulling out his phone and filming her without her permission as she performed oral on him the article continues to go into great detail about how rough and aggressive Dave was at one point the young woman recalled crying and shouting too much too much it hurts immediately when the article was posted Dave emailed Business Insider inviting their writers onto the Dave poroy podcast to talk about the situation they replied that they Decline and are going to let the story speak for itself so he responded to Madison's Story with this video at no point she came she flew we did have pizza hung out hooked up at no point point during it at no point was it not 100% consensual at no point did she ask me to stop at no point did either of us think something unseemly happened there was no weirdness after it was totally fine normal interaction sexual 100% consensual my lyers like don't don't you know make these blanket statements I'm telling you now her version of events is not true on our hookup just not true neither of us were like oh you shouldn't be doing it it was 100 million per consensual what's going on our brain I have no idea her actions outward all 100% normal wasn't alarm never thought about it now after we hooked up we were hanging out more and it just became one of those situations where we disagreed basically on everything from you know is it raining or sunny out is it was just oil and vinegar two people who did not get along did not see the world the same way Dave was able to provide a screen recording of the girl's Instagram who posted three photos at the time of this encounter first they can be seen playing Scrabble she says me beating Dave pory and grabble then the next image which Dave says is blurred because he doesn't want people to send hate her way with a caption that read Porto was a dick and lame and grumpy I think Grumpy is the exact line they use in the Business Insider how she described me he gets a two of 10 from me if he ever truly pisses me off I have lots of content to expose him with I'm going to stick with athletes uh she Unleashed everything she had on me okay so I guess it's sexed in but the story is made up there is 0.0.0 truth to it and even here like this is after we had sex is there any talk about assault any of the things she's saying running around then a third photo is Dave and Donald Trump with the caption not my proudest bang he believes Business Insider wrote their story as if he was guilty of a crime even though they never accused him The Insider article does not accuse him of since they could be sued instead they used a quote from the girl saying it quote felt like rape the article highlighted another story of a 19-year-old named Allison who had a rough sexual experience with Dave we went upstairs and he was really aggressive and I didn't know what to do and we had sex and that was it he kicked me out he kept spitting in my mouth which was really gross Allison said I was kind of scared I didn't want to disappoint him when her friends picked Allison up they claimed that she couldn't even talk because she was in shock however Insider also wrote Allison does not describe what happened to her as sexual assault but said she was still deeply Disturbed by the experience but then went on to say that 3 days later she was hospitalized due to ending thoughts Dave and many others pointed out that Business Insider wrote this article as if he did assault these women when both of them say that everything was consensual Dave then did a live stream on his YouTube channel where he spent 1 hour releasing evidence that he did not assault Allison and Madison including the Instagram DM conversation between him and Allison Allison was in Nantucket where Dave lived and asked him to hang out multiple times to which he denied dened then on a different day she said can we bang to which he replied yes and reassured her that if she didn't want to do anything they wouldn't after the hookup Dave shows the two texting back and forth because Allison was hospitalized due to ending thoughts her mother filed a police report the police report did not prompted investigation because again no crime was technically reported in the report the mother who wanted her name to be anonymous said that Dave poroy only hangs out with 18-year-old girls and asks them if they are willing to have intercourse with him then says that her 19-year-old daughter went to David's house and something happened now she was in the hospital the mother stated that her daughter stated that she has no memory of going to David Porto's house the mother wouldn't give the daughter's name or tell the officer what happened all she said that she wants to give us a heads up on David Porto's behaviors because she doesn't want this to happen to other young girls Business Insider admits that they read this police report before they publish their article but poroy and others see this police report as discernable proof proof that no crime was committed nor was any crime even reported or accused with the key words being something happened and the daughter has no memory additionally Business Insider contacted bar stool advertisers to see if they were aware of the story they had posted about Dave and if there has been any discussions regarding those Partnerships and AD placements Dave believes he provided enough evidence to prove that this was nothing more than a hit piece allegations with no backing that serve no purpose other than to assassinate his character he then sued them for defamation but a federal judge determined he didn't have enough evidence necessary to prove defamation claims detractors say that his text messages and even the police report don't prove his innocence and victims are often too shocked and scared to perfectly report these types of crimes following the controversy barol Sports launched a new philanthropy arm called barol difference pegged to its existing barol fund specifically the initiative has four parts the first titled work like a girl involves helping female run businesses the second for veterans the third to support youth service the fourth to help people get clean from alcohol and drugs these controversies have seemingly had no impact on the bar stool business in fact he bought the entire company back for $1 in February of 2023 pen gaming acquired 100% of Baro sports for 388 million since Penn made their first acquisition in 2020 they grew Bar's audience 194% and recorded total podcast downloads of 1.6 billion they delivered over 875,000 videos across social media totaling over 128 billion video views and increased ad sales by 160% but just a few months after Penn acquired the company they sold it all back to Dave for $1 because of Dave's extremely controversial past Penn could not operate in the heavily regulated gambling industry when they needed licenses to operate in certain States they would be denied barol was even banned from doing their college game day show because they were accused of promoting gambling to kids pen could not make necessary major business deals because of their ownership of bar stool and Powerful people's hatred towards Dave so Penn sold the company back to Dave and immediately secured a major partnership with ESPN rebranding to ESPN bet Dave poroy is officially the 100% owner of bar stool sports today I am never going to sell bar stool Sports ever I'll hold it till I die but the Wall Street bets Community doesn't believe he's going to hold now he is facing the challenges of being the sole decision-making Factor on hundreds of employees and managing millions of dollars and billions of views Dave has proclaimed himself as uncan he claims he has been a victim of baseless media attacks he doesn't believe he has done anything wrong he refuses to apologize for 99% of his words or actions which has led to him securing the Loyalty of millions of common men around the world it seems as though the hatred towards him is stronger than ever because I've seen the that you write also your anti-un is disgusting anti-un I hope your bar stool Sports dies and rots in the ground 20 years though let me be a little clearer move on don't stand in front of my business let me be clear let me be clear get the out of business a public Street it's a public Street this ain't your business yeah but this is my business at the same time the way he navigates through these quarrels is what makes his fanbase stronger and if we're being honest Bar's media Empire wouldn't be as massive as it is without the drama headlines and controversy so it's up to you to decide if he's a villain in Disguise of a common man or if he's just unapologetically honest
Channel: Patrick Cc:
Views: 1,022,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patrickcc, patrickcctv, patrick cc, patrick Cc:, dave portnoy pizza review, dave portnoy best pizza review, dave portnoy pizza, barstool sports caleb pressley, dave portnoy controversy, dave portnoy allegations, portnoy allegations, portnoy assault, dave portnoy assault, paper hands portnoy, dave portnoy documentary, barstool sports documentary, dave portnoy fraud, portnoy fight, portnoy downfall, dave portnoy dark side, dave portnoy drama, call her daddy drama
Id: T0CKpm1xMNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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