How NOT to Respond to Allegations

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time and time again we have seen influencers and celebrities careers get destroyed after just one controversy we have also seen celebs totally ignore their crimes or accusations and continue to succeed while the internet argues back and forth but almost never have we seen someone accelerate their own controversy to the masses and declare their own career as over after being proven innocent of their crimes angry reactions is one of the most famous and beloved ticktockers of all time who decided to abandon his career after TMZ reported that he was arrested for domestic abuse and even though he has thousands millions of people proclaiming his innocence he still feels he has to clear his name little did he know clearing his name would actually just dig him in a deeper darker hole put my hands on me I never called a police on her she showing bruises of me defending myself from her and she making and that take that noo you know this bro you know this bro during the height of the pandemic W Johnson who goes by the name angry reactions on Tik Tok exploded in virality after posting this video reacting to a girl making a cake can I start off by saying can y'all like not be mean to me like be mean to you people always say [ __ ] like oh if you're a Creator if you make content you have to expect hate like you can't get mad about it whatever but like I'm sensitive y'all you tell me my k look like sh yeah who said your cakes look like being comments I hope you know that cake look good the video amassed more than 40 million views in 24 hours viewers love the dichotomy of him looking extremely aggressive and intimidating yet screaming words of positivity and support if I passed you on the street and I don't say a word I look like the angriest person in the world but when you actually get to know me I'm actually a really positive person at the time of filming his viral video on was actually homeless living in the car his videos were filmed in after his landlord evicted him according to Johnson and his ex Jillian neighbors complained on countless occasions and allegedly called the cops for overhearing loud shouting matches Johnson told BuzzFeed news there were never any charges pressed against him and that he and his ex are on good terms today Johnson's ex Jillian confirmed these accounts on is big and his voice is bigger than mine so neighbors could only hear him Jillian said about why their landlord evicted him I'm not sure why he decided to tell BuzzFeed that he was involved in domestic disputes while receiving his first major press interview but it's interesting that his involvement in domestic altercations was a topic of discussion from the very beginning of his career despite the setbacks in his life posting this one video gained him 700,000 followers overnight and over 1 million in less than 24 hours from there a trend emerged where artists of all different kinds began making artwork of his angry face to which he would react to and shower them with compliments what is that man oh my gosh I see it that's me how you doing this how explain yourself this is fantastic go that's me what's going on a pancake go one quickly became people's daily dose of positivity and motivation he built his entire brand about uplifting people spreading good news and providing a necessary break to the endless amount of negativity poisoning social media this is a tall task for someone living out of their car during the pandemic but people loved angry reactions he shot up to 7 million followers in 3 months and eventually would surpass an astonishing 27 million followers which is in the top 130 accounts across the entire platform his whole life changed he was making a full-time income on Tik Tok securing huge brand deals with Pizza Hut Hyundai Planet Fitness and inspiring millions of people all around the world and over the past 3 years he has become one of the most overwhelmingly beloved Tik Tok creat creators which is why his fans were shocked to read on February 18th 2024 angry reactions W Johnson arrested for alleged domestic violence according to the TMZ report W Johnson was arrested on the evening of Monday February 12th in Burbank California after a woman called from a hotel to report an altercation cops say that Johnson and the woman got into a verbal argument that turned physical at one point we're told the woman did not need medical attention but W was still booked on a felony domestic violence charge he posted $50,000 bail and was released now you'd expect this story would be huge news but really the only major news publication that reported it was the New York Post some bigger blogs like unilad and complex reported the story but let's be honest do Tik Tok users even pay attention to what major news outlets are reporting they look to their favorite Tik tokers to report drama crime and current events but even those people weren't exactly flooding the algorithm with this story I only found one Tik Tok with over 1 million views and B B on comments like why am I seeing this in April with a whole thread of people replying the same thing leads me to believe that people found out about his arrest months after the whole thing was over and resolved then again I am aware that many reporters could have deleted their Tik toks after the story played out a little more but it's safe to assume that most people found out about W's arrest when he addressed it directly on his own Tik Tok I know y'all been seeing what's going on with me all the news articles all the pages posted me all the comments all the Tik Tok videos people making about me destroying my character I want to start this video off right I don't think domestic violence is funny in the slight I see the comments right oh angry actions finally had an angry action I get it some of y'all is kids and some of y'all just trying to be funny but this is something that's happening in real life for me it's easy to understand why W felt like the whole world was attacking him but from a non-biased Outsider most of the people watching his Tik Tok had no idea about the arrest before he addressed it his video received received 786,000 likes and over 7 million views his side of the story got more views than any other version of the story but I'm going give y'all a detail I feel like y'all need to know this was a situation of me getting attacked from a woman and defending myself I was being attacked by a woman and the slightest bit of Defense landed me in jail I don't know why everything happened the way it did I don't know why it's a felon case cuz once the cops showed up she didn't even want me to go to jail she was begging them not to take me to jail I done lost friends I done lost endorsements I done lost sponsors I done lost a lot of things in these past 24 hours all off of an accusation it's also important to understand that the masses did not know who his girlfriend was Sierra Wilman was his girlfriend involved in the case and she is also the mother of his then six-month-old child all the positive content I push out into this world and I couldn't even get the benefit of the doubt people immediately crucified me before they even found out what actually happened and I just found that so crazy crucified is an extreme word here most people were confused unsure or totally unaware of his case most of the reports on his case were very unbiased and neutral this all started with a verbal argument that turned physical with a woman that angry reactions was with in a hotel it's currently not known how the woman knows angry reactions all all we know is that she did not need medical attention after this altercation but since his entire brand was about love and positivity even the slightest bit of uncertainty probably felt like a monsoon of hate and I'm sure people in his DMS were very ruthless the article said alleged domestic violence it said I got arrested for alleged domestic violence the woman needed no medical attention it said a a a verbal altercation turned physical nowhere anywhere did I say did it say I put my hand on a woman but after W addressed it an overwhelming wave of support came his way and exactly 2 weeks after he addressed the allegations he posted a Tik Tok of a black screen with text reading not guilty case dismissed along with that he deleted every single video from his Tik Tok account so the only thing left on his page was him addressing the allegations and saying his case was dismissed one comment reads y'all's apology better be louder than the hate another comment on YouTube reads he's guilty one million views he's innocent 200,000 views most of the time this is true the hate criticism or allegations will go viral and do permanent damage to someone's career but this was not really the case for angry reactions this report of him being cleared of all charges has nearly 10 million views this other Tik Tok received 5 million views saying if I ever find that girl that falsely accused angry reactions of abuse and ruined his life it's on site with all the comments on these posts being overwhelmingly positive and supportive of one Publications like TMZ and complex did not follow up and say the charges were dropped which is unfortunately all too common in the news world but when you search Angry reactions arrested on Tik Tok most of the videos you will see are either proclaiming his innocence or at least clarifying the whole situation despite this W thought the damage was done and he decided to quit Tik Tok forever my my reputation is completely tarnished because you may know I'm innocent but let's say 50 million people heard I got arrested for putting my hands on a woman right I would say like 10 to 15 million people if that heard that I was innocent do you understand that mean 35 to 40 million people still believe I put my hands on women so in all honesty bro I just think this angry re action aggressive will never be the same after this that was the that was the comedy in it the fact that I was so mad and aggressive but I'm saying nice stuff but now when you see me you're going to think about this case especially the people who still believe that I'm guilty as far as the brands these people not hitting me back these not they not apologizing they not saying yo let's let's get back to work we just did this for our safety the safety of our company none of that is happening bro everything I lost Still Remains people ain't banging on my door to like work with me everybody is keeping a distance because it's it's not about the fact that I'm innocent it's not about that even though I was the victim the fact that I got arrested and all of this is around my name they don't want to work with me this is a harsh reality that influencers and celebrities have to face your worst moments will be broadcasted and spread like wildfire and your accomplishments will be whispered then again it's also a reflection of what the audience wants to indulge in most people say they want to watch positive and uplifting content but then finds only watching negative or content about people's downfalls but the only way to combat that is to keep going it's good that W waited until the case played out to address everything and explain himself but quitting Tik Tok just allows the destructive media and the hate commenters to win with him quitting and disappearing now the story is he was accused and he disappeared some could argue that makes him look more guilty now I can understand if his motivation to be on the internet in general was destroyed based on this controversy but the best way to prove your innocence is to just keep pursuing your vision especially considering that he was one of the few popular creators whose entire brand revolves around positivity and on top of that erasing his whole Tik Tok and Instagram is him erasing his legacy now there is zero chance that his video showing his good intentions and positive influence could ever be shown in the algorithm all his hard work has been undone and erased by himself but this is not where the story ends because after the internet forgave him and seemingly moved forward he continued to live stream on Tik Tok for hours discussing the situation with his fans even addressing Siera directly we have a son and what's crazy is you're in the apartment that I'm paying for right now you're in an apartment that I'm paying for right now you have to see me you're doing all of this internet stuff you talking about getting a restraining order on me all of this started today cuz I was trying to talk some sense to you I never got loud I never got aggressive I never got none of that today you did you did all of this started because I was trying to talk to you you have to see me you're doing all of this for these in for the internet but when you see me in Real Life Sierra it's only me and you and we both know what it is so what you going to say to me then once the charges were dropped I think we can all agree that that's where it should have ended and this situation should have continued to be handled between W and Sierra but instead of moving on and quitting social media like he said he wanted to he continued to speak publicly about what was going on and it wasn't until after he brought this to the internet once again that Sierra finally decided to come out and share her side of the story hi everyone um I did not want to have to do this but since W wants to go on live and spread a bunch of Lies um I I just want to come come on here and say that he's lying um if I wanted to press charges against him I could have had him locked up for a while for him putting his hands on me I have proof of him putting his hands on me multiple times and he constantly wants to say that I put my hands on him first there are times that I have because he screams in my face like literally inches from my face and I have to push him to get away from me he has pushed me and put bruises on me while I was pregnant he has put his hands around my throat to choke me he has pulled out a gun recently on his birthday over FaceTime he pulled out a gun and said he was on his way over here with a gun and I have proof I have a screen recording of that I have proof of what happened with the police report he was actually very scared of the police report getting out because he ripped the TV off the wall he kicked me while I was holding our baby and he smashed my phone which is like the third phone that he smashed of mine all of the comments on this post which had 300,000 views are showing support for one they are taking his side Sierra then posted multiple pictures of bruises and scratches all over her body as well as the TV being ripped off the wall and the phone smashed and again many of the comments are supporting W Sierra also posted a text message chain that read I'm sorry can I please take the car you threw me across the apartment and tried to drag me out so sorry for not being extra nice and you completely broke my heart last night I'm an emotional wreck right now W said I told you to go in the hallway before I did anything I guess the reason why she posted this text is by him saying before I did anything was her way of trying to prove that he admitted to putting hands on her but we have absolutely zero way of knowing if this text chain is about the arrest nor do we know if the bruises she posted were proof of w attacking her Sierra then posted a screen recording of a FaceTime conversation where the two are screaming at each other for multiple minutes iPhone does not allow you to capture audio from a FaceTime call with a screen recording so there is no sound but even without the sound you can feel the intensity of the argument Sierra also claims that he was loading a gun and threatening her but you can only see this alleged gun in the first few seconds of the video again I must reiterate that Sierra posted in this evidence was not viral news it's not like the whole internet was suddenly back on Sierra's side and crucifying W but to him it felt that way so he decided to go on Tik Tok live again in front of 5,000 viewers and address Sierra's claims however he broke down worse than ever hands on me I never called a police on her she showing bruises of me defending myself from her and she making H and that take that bro you know this bro you know this bro you know how you raised me bro you know how you raised me bro and I bro I just got through all of this drama and she was on my side she sitting there telling everybody oh I could have sent you to get I could have sent you to jail if I press char he brother I just want you to I just you know Ed you know I'm not this Ty of you notice you know this bro everybody coming at me again bro seeing the immense pain W was going through made people believe that he was telling the truth I stand with one for real I'm not going to lie as a man you got to remove yourself from the situation and just go to court for custody bro some of y'all are slow the case got dismissed and he was found not guilty Sierra responded to one's live stream with even more videos telling her side of the story when I say I put my hands on this man I'm telling you I only ever pushed him out of my face he will get loud and aggressive and be spitting in my face he like inches from my face the only thing I've ever done to put my hands on him is to push him and for people that have keep commenting on my pictures saying like oh it's self-inflicted and all these kind of things saying that I broke the TV and all this kind of stuff where's the proof of me attacking him and then I give you guys this proof and you're still going to say I'm lying he started this by going live and talking [ __ ] about me and I felt like I needed to speak my truth it's been so long that I've been letting him why just so he can save his reputation and his career but he wants to do this for what like I'm sorry but I'm not going to I'm not going to allow it to keep going this far I didn't want to press charges against him just because I I just didn't okay like I I've been with this man for almost 2 years you know I still have so much love for him I didn't I didn't want to like ruin his career or anything like that all you people that are sitting here calling me liars and like saying that I'm making all this stuff up this is exactly why women don't come out and say these things they don't tell their truth because of people like you I don't care about ruining his reputation or anything like that that's not what I want to do I want to speak my truth because he wants to go on live and talk about me and make me sound like I'm such a monster I find it interesting that the reason they are both speaking out is because of how the public feels about their relationship they're not not talking about how they want to create a better environment for their child they definitely don't want the police involved but they both want to protect their perception to millions of strangers online so then W posts a video that he claims is proof that he is a victim sting there slam the doors and crying and singing a CI be because you can't go to a birthday dinner bro it's more than that it's not just me not going to a party it's the baby you don't even you don't even care to like try to include me and and when I show that I'm upset you don't give a like you don't make me feel better about the fact that you're going out without me you are clearly not strong enough to be in this relationship yeah if everything everything watching me cuz guess what I could be stop touching okay I could be strong enough if you played your part why did you say I told you stoping pushing me I told you keep your hands off of me me what is wrong with you since there is no Visual and this is just audio we only have limited information but it does seem like in this particular situation Sierra put hands on him first and even though most people showed support for one in the comments once again others had opposing opinions maybe he was the aggressor maybe the video was edited it's not weird to consider an opposing Viewpoint especially during this serious of a situation and the video is edited you can see the audio cuts out entire irely for a few frames and skips to the point where Sierra attacks him any video editor can confirm that this is what we call a jump cut cuz when you look at different parts of the audio when there is silence in the conversation you can still see a tiny fuzzy audio waveform because natural background noise is still being picked up however this cut goes perfectly dead silent which indicates something was removed from the conversation and also if you listen to it back and forth you can kind of hear there's a little bit of a jump I could be strong enough if you played your [ __ ] part why did you say I told you stop [ __ ] pushing me but W is very upset with anyone who doesn't believe him even though the overwhelming majority of people do everything she's showing y'all and telling y'all is not true so everybody keeps saying oh what about the what about the pew pew right since we can't say the g word on here what about the pew pew what is this you want to know what that was I can show you that was this you know what this is this is a BB gun this is not real this is not a real gun it's not real these shoot BB's I got this for Christmas in 2020 and the reason I was holding it like this while we was on FaceTime is because I was cleaning my apartment and this was sitting on the countertop now when y'all saw the bruises and stuff that she posted y'all was all y'all was all attacking me oh no way no way I can't believe you did this then when I I post a video of literal proof that she's the aggressor that I'm the one who's being abused now you want to switch it up now I'm I'm I got her to that point I'm gaslighting her I'm a manipulator I'm this I'm that my career my reputation is going down the drain because of these false allegations and y'all keep y'all keep entertaining it the reason people keep entertaining this situation is likely because he keeps making live streams and videos giving everyone the fine details how can two people post some of the deepest most complicated and graphic details about their relationship and then get mad at people on the internet for getting involved and asking questions y'all are the ones posting about it finally the back and forth ended and he seemingly disappeared for a month and while we were hoping that it's because the two were handling this off of the internet W claims something much worse happened on Mother's Day May 12th 2024 w posted on Instagram that Sierra took their child and ran off to California without his approval if you weren't sure before now we can all agree that this has gone too far W went on the no jumper podcast to explain the story from start to finish but the overarching message was that he just wants his son back he wants to see his son he doesn't even care about his reputation or his relationship he just wants to be a father I cannot believe she doing this to me because like I said you don't know me bro this girl if anybody know I don't deserve this [ __ ] it's her bro it's her she know this she know I'm not this type of man bro she know this and she doing this [ __ ] because she mad at me bro she ruined mying life bro cuz she mad I miss my son bro a bro I ain't seen my son in a month cuz I ain't seen my son in a month bro I miss that [ __ ] every night bro she could leave bro she could leave I don't need her bro how you gonna go to a across the country with my son bro and don't even want to don't even want to FaceTime me man at the end of the day domestic situations are extremely complicated it definitely seems like these two are toxic together and neither of them seem completely Innocent but even with all the stuff we have seen in this video there is barely any real evidence to determine who is right and who is wrong and we're not a jury and they're not going to get the police involved so we're never really going to know what actually happened airing out this entire situation on the internet was most definitely not smart Sierra even admitted the whole reason why she escalated the situation in the first place was because he kept going on the internet and trashing her definitely doesn't justify her running away with the child but every time either of them talked about their conflicts publicly it just got worse all we can do now is pray for the safety of the child and hope that they can come together and settle their differences privately there have been some updates since recording this video W posted an Instagram story of him in a courtroom and a photo of him and his son saying see you soon a few days later he posted a video of him and his son together seemingly reconnected
Channel: Patrick Cc:
Views: 851,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patrickcc, patrickcctv, patrick cc, patrick Cc:, angry reactions, the real angry reactions, angry reactions and salah, just pearly things angry reactions, angry reactions live, angry reactions and pearl, angry reactions break up, angry reactions allegations, angry reactions ex girlfriend, angry reactions 911 call, angry reactions response, angry reactions girlfriend, oneya, oneya johnson, angryreactions, angryreactions allegations, angryreactions controversy
Id: gmYPW6Z4sEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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