The Late Nightmare of Jimmy Fallon

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there's an undeniable sincerity that emanates from Jimmy Fallon he's not just a talk show host he's a friend you've known for years inviting you into his world with open arms since his late night debut in 2009 Jimmy has almost unanimously Been Loved by fans and celebrities but not anymore the people closest to Jimmy the ones he relies on the most have come forward to reveal that his actual character behind the scenes is the total opposite of lovable and genuine erratic Behavior outbursts intimidation avoid eye contact nobody told Jimmy no these quotes don't sound like the unapologetically joyful Tonight Show host we know but these Revelations might not be shocking to some as many people have speculated Jimmy's nice guy persona is entirely fake more specifically his fake laugh you can't Jimmy oh my [Applause] God Jimmy will laugh at just about everything to the point where he sounds like a programmed laugh track being controlled by a producer backstage if you think about embarrassment scale of 1 to 10 one is just like being a person walking down the street and 10 is for me uh co-hosting the Oscars with James Franco without letting Anne mention why this was embarrassing Jimmy just bursts out into laughter when there was nothing funny about what she said uhhuh and then he tries to connect my uh my my right foot to my left arm and he's he's trying to connect them like this and I'm in such pain I go like that yeah and and his and his belly goes in my mouth even Ryan Gosling looked at Jimmy confused as to why he was laughing so hard they both play it off awkwardly because they quickly realize this is harmless and it only makes them look better or funnier there's no point in calling him out but Taylor Swift wasn't having it uh the VMAs are coming up August 24th and they're saying I heard that Taylor Swift will be performing can you confirm or deny um I mean we've had a really good time today Taylor so tayor see where I'm going with this at least nobody ever listens to me oh my thought oh my God so what I was saying is you're not even looking at me because I'm cuz I'm trying to think of what to say next if he isn't interrupting them with laughter he is interrupting them with other pointless talking Taylor Swift's frustration was a little more obvious than David Spades Carson wasn't even the first one but I squeaked on you did stand it when I did uh I'll tell the story [Music] [Applause] when David just gave him a little jab and Jimmy knew he was wrong for interrupting the comedian so he tried to make Dave look like the bad guy and walk off this wasn't the first time Jimmy walked off set to avoid an awkward situation that he caused no it's about uh how uh you can beat human being tell it's okay let him just just see the movie or not or not you know what the movie is about kind of right yeah so you don't need me you don't need me no needs it's fine let's go no come back come back come on man this is a safe way to play off his awkward interruptions because no host would ever walk off their own show for a tiny error often it seems like Jimmy has nothing substantial to add to the conversation but feels the need to interrupt or explode with laughter the internet has memd Jimmy's ticks into Oblivion while some say he has a huge ego and wants more Spotlight for himself it seems like he does this to maintain control he fears dead air a boring story or an unfunny joke so he Jabs his way into the conversations with quick jokes or laughs in an attempt to make sure the audience is engaged but then it ends up doing the opposite I mean every time a guest is talking he leans in stares at them intensely maybe reaches his arm out and is waiting for a split second to interrupt to make sure you are entertained the other thing that agitates people is how he showers every single guest with compliments you're my favorite we love you it's my favorite movie my favorite album as if celebrities need any more ego stroking Jimmy's Defenders think all this controversy is ridiculous should he not laugh just sit there and be awkward his show is supposed to be fun he just wants his guests to be relaxed and confident in front of a live audience this can definitely explain his overreactions to guests winning his mini games sounds like a poodle a la turle yeah now it seems ridiculous to nitpick this from Jimmy because fake reactions have been a crucial part of TV and YouTube Forever David do KSI and Joe Rogan have been large contributors to the fake laughter fake reaction epidemic okay and if you think there is it's very like I know everything I kind of do agree with a lot of what he says Jimmy is a people pleaser and just wants to make everyone comfortable bless his heart that laugh does the opposite to me it feels like he's hiding something and Jimmy may be hiding something a lifetime of alcoholism and the reason he began drinking may shock you but first a word from our sponsor Underdog fantasy Underdog fantasy is the easiest place to play 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this is the easiest way to make money on Underdog so sign up with code Patrick CC today to take advantage and win some money as a teenager Jimmy was obsessed with Saturday Night Live the program had been running for nearly two decades and Jimmy was fully immersed insisting on watching the program alone in pure silence because he hated unnecessary commentary from others although he could only see the clean Parts his parents taped for him Jimmy didn't miss a single sketch or punchline and remain devoted to learning as much as possible ironically his parents didn't want him watching adult humor sketches but they would let him drink alcohol while watching as long as I wasn't doing anything at night I'd just sit by myself and I would have a six-pack of paps I don't know if I made it all the way through the six but I just sit there and watch the show and tape it he and his sister Gloria reenacted sketches with friends before Jimmy discovered a talent for Impressions often impersonating actor James KAG and comedian Dana Carvey I was one of those kids who if I hung around another kid for an hour I was that kid valon said it was weird I'd come home and I'd do his type of humor his type of mannerisms and my mom would say Okay Joey you want dinner now cuz I'd be acting like Joey Gonzalez from a young age Jimmy was an imitator instinctively copying and mimicking things that he thought were funny instead of having the drive to produce his own material which was an early sign of being the perfect late night television host through hours of meticulously studying various comedy and musical routines Fallon continued working on his craft and established himself as a performer at soer te's high school appearing in most stage Productions it was a rush I think it was the rush of getting a reaction maybe it's acceptance maybe it's a thing where you're pleasing somebody I want to be friends with everybody and if you make a joke and everyone laughs you're like that's it I scored that's what I thought making a friend was you just feel like people liked you so maybe it was that acceptance it seems like Jimmy's peop pleaser mentality has been in full effect since his youth his obsession with Saturday Night Live carried on throughout his time at St Rose College in New York skipping parties and events so that he could watch SNL as it aired Fallon lived for the weekends when he would regularly board buses from his aunt's house in Fort Hamilton to perform standup comedy sets at Carolines on Broadway in Time Square on stage is where Jimmy felt most at home and his urge to make audiences laugh couldn't be ignored as he dropped out of college in 1995 to move to Los Angeles California to pursue comedy fulltime he secured a manager who got him very minor roles in comedy films like Father's Day and television sitcoms like Spin City but it didn't matter because his dream wasn't to become an actor Jimmy remained fixated on joining Saturday Night Live after two years of working on his sketch comedy and improv skills with the Groundlings he took a leap of faith and audition for SNL but bombed this career setback could have killed his dreams as a comedian altogether but his obsession with SNL wouldn't let him give up when he landed a small role on a Warner Brother sitcom Fallon negotiated a clause in his contract that would release him if he got on SNL The Producers agreed only because they thought it would never happen this was my ultimate goal if I ever cut into a birthday cake and made a wish I would wish to be on SNL if I threw a coin into a fountain I would wish to be on SNL if I saw a shooting star I would wish to be on SNL it's crazy I had no other plan I didn't have friends I didn't have a girlfriend I didn't have anything going on I had my career that was it SNL is notorious for its difficult audition stage the series Creator Lauren Michaels almost never laughed during auditions and it would take a special talent to grab his attention Fallon recalls three different people warning him about Lauren's lack of laughter but he learned a lot from his first catastrophic performance and his second audition he would come prepared with nothing but himself and his Impressions something that he perfected over time Jimmy marched on that stage performing a celebrity wathon with impressions of Jerry Seinfeld Chris Rock Bill Cosby and Adam Sandler to his surprise Michaels and other Executives could not stop laughing I was in the room that day says former SNL writer Tina feay he's one of two people I've ever seen who was completely ready to be on the show Kristen wig is the other one and Jimmy was ready like if there had been a show to do that night Lauren Michaels informed Jimmy that his dreams were now a reality he was going to be a cast member of Saturday Night Live all Jimmy could do was look at Michaels and tell him I'm going to make you proud he debuted beside the cast of SNL as a featured player during its 24th season in September 1998 valon established himself as a household name overnight becoming known for his spot-on impressions of various celebrities and public figures while he was living out his dream Jimmy was also developing a scary addiction that would come back to haunt him decades later during their time at SNL Fallon and cast member Horatio Sans often drank together Sans has described himself and Fallon as super functioning alcoholics and stated that kind of goes hand inand with SNL some kind of substance abuse issues because it's so stressful you could easily find yourself blowing off steam a lot Sans recounted how he and Fallon got in a couple of brawls I've seen Jimmy clock a few people people he said Jimmy could fight I don't know where he learned but he definitely scrapped with the best of them Jimmy working in a high stress environment and abusing his health to cope is potential foreshadowing for the work environment he would create on his own show he always planned to leave Saturday Night Live after three seasons however Lauren Michaels offered him a role on Weekend Update with Tina Fay which is essentially the comedic news section that SNL covers every week unfortunately Jimmy also developed a negative reputation on SNL as somebody who can't hold in his laughter first it was an innocent mistake that began in the famous more cowbell sketch when will Ferell wore a tight shirt that caused Fallon to break character every cast member was laughing during this skit because well it was hilarious but that moment opened a revolving door of cast members intentionally trying to get Jimmy to break character and he did break character a lot interrupting the punch lines and comedic timing by laughing and giggling while some thought it was hilarious others found it insensitive and believed he was attempting to steal their Spotlight and make the sketches about about himself Lauren didn't like it the writers didn't like it I'm not trying to do it on purpose I'm trying not to do it but sometimes it just got insane I couldn't hold it in it was just so much fun SNL has always tried to maintain the best of the best when it comes to comedic Talent comedians laughing at their own jokes can sometimes be seen as unprofessional in 2004 Jimmy decided to leave SNL and move into traditional acting he signed a twov deal with 20th Century Fox with the hopes of becoming a prominent star in the industry the first was a lead role in the 20 2004 action comedy taxi alongside then rapper turn actor Queen Latifa the other was the 2005 romantic comedy fever pitch alongside Drew Barrymore both films received mixed reviews and had decent box office performance but were not the first impression Jimmy Fallon wanted with back-to-back disappointments film offers rapidly decreased as Studio Executives grew hesitant to feature Fallon in future projects he experienced what he has deemed a lost period characterized by a larger than usual alcohol consumption and uncertainty about his future career choices I was probably drinking more than I should have been drinking he confessed it wasn't like sitting and watching old tapes of me on SNL with the screen flickering in front of me but I was like I can't figure out what I want to do fortunately for Fallon the man who gave him his dream job at SNL was about to save him once again as the host of late night had an opening in 2009 after con and O'Brien was transitioning to The Tonight Show but Jimmy didn't make the best first impression many quickly realized that Jimmy wasn't edgy or dark enough for late night comedy GQ claimed Jimmy was too cute for late night audiences used to hanging out with the snarky cool crowd suggesting he was too corny yeah the cool crowd was always beyond my grasp he admitted Late Night with Jimmy Fallon premiered on NBC in early March 2009 the series immediately outperformed cbs's The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson by half a million viewers Fallon also garnered more viewers than his predecessor Conan O'Brien Late Night with Jimmy Fallon was was one of the first late night talk shows to embrace social media and use it as an integral part of the show's engagement with its audience Jimmy was able to connect with the youth who weren't watching TV at midnight in 2012 by regular uploads to YouTube particularly comedic sketches and challenges with their favorite celebrities I got these tickets uh to the One Direction concert ew I love One Direction do you have an extra ticket yeah many of these videos amassed millions of views but it was nothing compared to the dominance he would have on The Tonight Show and early 2014 Jimmy Fallon transitioned to NBC's The Tonight Show where he had big shoes to fill from Steve Allen to Jack Parr to the iconic Johnny Carson who stamped the show's Legacy for 30 years then Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien it was now Jimmy's job to lead the most popular late night show of all time he debuted to a staggering 11.3 million viewers and despite all the alleged fake laughing overreactions interruptions and being too corny he dominated late night television the show averaged 3 to four 4 million live concurrent viewers throughout the years but also Embrace social media with their YouTube channel that has aass 30 million subscribers with multiple videos and the hundreds of millions of views a lot of Jimmy segments mimic the format of YouTube challenges many of you have never even watched late night but have seen tons of the tonight Show's YouTube segments such as lipsync battle musical impressions and egg Russian Roulette where he and his guests would engage in playful competitions resulting in funny and often viral moments his comedic sketches and style often mimicked SNL because of his obsession and Lord Michaels production Jimmy is like the personification of a golden retriever and America loved him and although the late night host is a high-profile and often rewarding role the pressure can be severe late night hosts are expected to be funny and entertaining every night the constant pressure to deliver humor can be mentally and emotionally taxing late night hosts must stay upto-date with current events and pop culture Trends to keep their material relevant which requires continuous research and adaptability the aspect of balancing multiple roles can also be demanding as late night hosts are not just comedians they are also producers writers and often performers in various sketches and segments coming up with fresh and original content night after night can be creatively exhausting as hosts must continually innovate to keep their shows interesting meanwhile late night shows are often live or recorded in front of a live audience this leaves a little room for mistakes and hosts must be prepared to handle unexpected situations therefore late night hosts are very much riing on their staff to help with research writing jokes and sketches making sure there are as little errors as possible these writers and employees are Jimmy's Lifeline there is no show without them and he made a crucial error on May 1 2023 I wouldn't have a show if it wasn't for my writers and I support them all the way they got to have a fair contract and they got a lot of stuff to iron out and uh hopefully they get it done if there is a strike do you go dark if there's a strike uh yeah I think we we will yeah I think we'll go we'll go dark whatever I can do to support uh The Guild uh I am actually in the writer Guild as well so uh yeah I couldn't do the show without them and I support my whole staff although Jimmy says he will support his writers no matter what his staff says otherwise as one of his employees took to Twitter to write he wasn't even at the meeting this morning to tell us we won't get paid after this week Jimmy Fallon please support your staff had fun bowling with you last week but a party won't pay my rent I'm sure many of you have heard about the five-month long writers strike in Hollywood that just ended and the reason for the strike is quite simple The Writers Guild of America is the joint efforts of two different American labor unions representing thousands of writers in film television radio and online media writers are the backbone of Jimmy Fallon and all of Hollywood's content without them there are no jokes no scripts no stories nothing yet somehow they are the least compensated with most of them earning below the poverty line in salary writers make a bulk of their earnings through residuals which is a percentage that gets paid out to them every time a movie or show is streamed or syndicated in the future but Hollywood Executives restructured the industry during the streaming era so these writers get basically nothing after the content is uploaded and the studios are profiting tens of billions while the people who are actually creating the ideas from scratch are on food stamps so Jimmy saying he supports his staff no matter what but not increasing their salaries to a livable wage had them pretty pissed off which led to a rolling stone article that contacted over 50 Tonight Show employees revealing what Jimmy is really like behind the scenes although many praised Fallon for his immense talent and comedic gifts nobody spoke on record or had positive things to say about working on The Tonight Show interestingly enough three employees who originally worked on Late Night claim a dramatic and ugly shift in working environment occurred once they transitioned to The Tonight Show people that worked under them felt this pressure that if you made one mistake you were gone and would be easily replaced from 2014 to 2022 there were nine different showrunners this constant change in leadership gradually created a chaotic atmosphere among staffers who expressed their loss and faith in senior leadership nobody told Jimmy no everybody walked on eggshells especially showrunners another former employee says you never know what Jimmy you were going to get and when he was going to throw a hissy fit they described Jimmy's temperament mood and treatment of staffers as erratic they suggested Jimmy Fallon was unpredictable having witness him snap at crew members over the smallest things they also claimed Fallon occasionally berated and belittled staffers out of frustration three former employees said that he berated them in front of other colleagues and crew members it was like if Jimmy's in a bad mood everyone's day is [ __ ] when something was wrong we all knew how to behave afterwards which was just sort of avoid eye contact and don't make another mistake the article then dives into Jimmy's SNL skit in 2000 where he did an impression of Chris Rock while doing blackface Jimmy apologized for this skit that resurfaced in 2020 and the article followed up this information with an employee alleging that the staff tried to sweep this controversy under the rug a black employee claims that showrunner Granite Benderman kept asking them what is going on with your hair trying to paint the picture of a racist environment behind the scenes at The Tonight Show employees claim that they experienced deteriorating health effects due to the environment hair thinning Extreme Weight Loss mentally I was in the lowest place of my life I didn't want to live anymore one longtime employees says they never reported their issues to HR because early on in their tenure at the show they saw colleagues of theirs attempt to speak to Human Resources representatives and subsequently got fired from the show they don't protect us the former staffer says they don't do anything for us many of you watching have probably worked in a toxic environment and have experienced similar ramifications as these employees alleged so you can easily see this being a reality for Jimmy's show others speculated that this is nothing more than a hit piece many think that Jimmy short temper erratic behavior and need for nothing less than Perfection is standard for someone putting on a show for millions and millions of people they think most of the worst allegations are against the showrunners and Jimmy has to take the blame since he is the boss most people wonder why someone wouldn't just get a new job if it was so bad then again Jimmy did come from SNL which was one of the most high stress work environments that led to multiple employees suffering from substance abuse issues so it's not that hard to believe that he could have created a similar environment thinking it's just show business however After Rolling Stone published the article Fallon apologized to staff members in a zoom call it's embarrassing and I feel so bad Fallon said according to two people who were on the call sorry if I embarrassed you and your family and friends I feel so bad I can't even tell you we don't have the full apology so we don't know if Jimmy is accepting blame for all of these allegations for just a few or if he is just following the command of his PR team to avoid the same outcome as Ellen
Channel: Patrick Cc:
Views: 2,533,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patrickcc, patrickcctv, patrick cc, patrick Cc:, jimmy fallon fake, jimmy fallon fake laugh, jimmy fallon exposed, jimmy fallon toxic, jimmy fallon toxic workplace, jimmy fallon employees, jimmy fallon rolling stone, jimmy fallon ellen, jimmy fallon is a liar, fake laughing, worst late night host, death of late night tv, the lies of jimmy fallon, jimmy fallon angry, jimmy fallon fall from grace, jimmy fallon, jimmy fallon dark truth, dark side of jimmy fallon
Id: Obam8KDdrCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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