Breaking Down My Most Viral Pizza Review Ever With Tucker Carlson

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speaking of food you are still in the pizza review business yes so I don't think anyone's ever cornered the market in Pizza reviews but I mean you are the most powerful figure in American pizza sales I I would agree with that um I Googled you I was telling you this minute before we went on I never Googled it when I Googled you and at least half the stories are you know pizza shop in name the town Osterville yeah thrilled that Dave Portnoy came and ate their Pizza we can change the fortune of a pizza place with this spectacular review couple questions are you sick of it never really love pizza the biggest pain in the ass with pizza is just driving around to find the new ones but no I love pizza how do you stay Slim it's a great question uh first of all I'm starting to put on weight so that's changing a little bit but I don't know I I think it was Adderall a little bit Adderall diet Adderall helps does it yeah kills the appetite how many when you're on Adderall how many pieces of pizza can you eat just couple bites yeah it does kill the other but when you're not on Adderall I can house the whole thing no problem yeah what's your favorite kind of pizza so I like New Haven I Coal Fired like New Haven Connecticut is to me the pizza Capital not only of the United States of the world yes but coal-fired uh charcoal crispy you want to hear the crunch that's my favorite thicker thin crust then toppings cheese no cheese well I know for the gold medal slice if I'm going off yeah if it's off peppers onions mushrooms really yep what about bacon and pineapple oh [Laughter] yeah no bacon and pineapple no I think that's crazy no that's a big debate everyone asked that pineapple on a pizza I mean I won't judge but I won't do it well you're judging a little bit no I am judging Pizza I'm saying pineapple on a pizza bacon fine pineapple now okay what about pepperoni yeah that's that's the number one Topic in the world better than sausage I'd prefer pepperoni yeah where are you on calzones love calzones really not too much dough for you nope love it I used to work at a pizza place and by the end I was there for two years I I was only on calzones calzones are great because you can't drop anything like flies don't land on the you know the inside of the calzone that's true so um 99 and I've watched all your pizza I've done a pizza review with you uh people are thrilled that you come to there yes okay but occasionally you get someone who's got something going on in his personal life or has a problem with you um and it doesn't go well so we're going to put this up this is outside Boston what town is this Summerville Somerville Mass yep Davis Square Dragon Pizza okay let's see what happens I don't know how long it was sitting there it looked I'm gonna be honest it looked better in the case it looked more well done in the case than this one um so we'll see we got one bite ever in those rules it is very thin I do smell the parmesan see what we got oh it's a floppy mess strong parmesan this is an acquired taste like if you get this no you're gonna get hit with a left right in the face with Parmesan I'm not the biggest palm guy how do you score that because if you like parm fine if you don't I don't six four yeah okay yes enjoy your pizza as any customer but I don't appreciate what you do coming in and judging a business with one bite well we do more is this your spot this is my spot I hope you enjoy your pizza but I don't appreciate what you do to small businesses well I help the good news is you see it that way terrible School be a little clearer move on don't stand in front of my business let me be clear let me be clear [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of the front of my business this ain't your business yeah but this is my business but he's right across the street go get him what are you gonna tattle me off or standing on a public Street your shirt's six sizes too small fast so just go [ __ ] yourself in the whole [ __ ] platform oh you don't like the platform you're a joke to me dude you know what you're making a joke show in your [ __ ] game and go somewhere else by the way I've raised 50 million for small businesses you're all tough dude was that all talk yeah kind of like that New York Times article here we go here we go your shirt six size is too small I don't care I want somewhere here [ __ ] joke oh you work hard yeah maybe when you I run a business I work hard I sold my business twice hundred million 400 million bought back for a buck that's a clown everything since I got in this business that you represent is an embarrassment like what like raising 50 million for small businesses everything name it everything you have a name one thing I make pizza it's great it sucks [ __ ] joke name one thing name one thing [ __ ] you've given up two I've given up too much all you've said is everything every name one thing you're a [ __ ] name one thing clown that'll be the most viral Pizza review we've ever had it just happened two weeks ago we haven't published it how's this [ __ ] you yeah Divine timing and this is where sometimes I get myself maybe in trouble by being like when you when you throw the first punch I want to bury you so I knew I was coming off at this show and I knew your crowd like my crowd would be like [ __ ] that guy so I was so excited for the timing because that guy went out of his way to pick a fight with me and he knows nothing about me clearly his one complaint I'm bad for small business even my most Ardent haters have never said I'm bad for small business it's the only thing they'll begrudgingly be like well he just did it because he wants like everyone to say good job or he has a big ego but nobody's ever been like you're bad for small business that guy is what is wrong and this may be over the top but he's what's wrong with this country like fine I don't care what your politics are left right clearly that guy is like hates Trump hates everything but why do you hate me you don't know anything about me you come out his wife hates him yeah yelling clearly yelling yelling I would sit down and have a conversation but this is what we've become honestly in this country it's just you scream at each other for no reason like that guy just came out had no business in anything except yelling screaming he's all over his Instagram page and he's been doing it since this happened be like I told him I kicked him off the sidewalk I kept off the street he's calling for the cops I guarantee you because you're eating pizza yes and I guarantee you that guy was want to abolish the police about six months ago I guarantee you he's like we don't need police and all this and then he's running like I'm gonna call the cops by the way the cop across the street I said hello to he's like Perez big fan I was dying for him to go ask but that guy is truly what's wrong with everything in this country do you think he took mask mandate seriously oh oh 100 and by the way I love Star Wars so that shirt was just 10 sizes too small but he is everything that is so wrong on and people just like there's no matter what he's gonna hate everybody he presents that happens almost never that has never happened like that but I mean just in the course of your life you're taking your girl to dinner where I've I had one girl doing a pizza review who screamed at me she's like she read all the articles by the way and I don't want to give my enemies A playbook we've talked about there's been a lot of mean things said about me yeah so when I asked what do you hate about me you should have one thing that's actually legitimate as opposed to the New York Times a small business it doesn't happen often most people in public are normal and nice like hey like you and even if you don't like me I'm fine with it but to attack it's just I hate that guy and how was the pizza thankfully I gave it one of my lowest scores I've given in a while but if you saw how I did it even when I give a low score I try to be nice about it's like maybe you don't like parm maybe this isn't your thing because I don't want to ruin any small business now I hope his business is ruined and that may be a mean thing to say because you should never root against somebody I truly hope he goes out of business like I'd be happy about that again maybe that's too far but when you come at me like that and you are right he's drawing pictures of me being like this guy's an [ __ ] and I showed him and I gave him the business I hope not enough bad things can happen to them it's interesting though guys like that and this kind of thing has happened to me I'll be honest in public over the years I've seen one yeah exactly but it's always when you leave that they're like I showed him yeah that's what he fussy little [ __ ] you know once you're gone they're like bragging about it on social media and his recollection of the event once people see the video I'm curious even whether the people who are like defending because he does have his crowd being like you showed him he's the worst I'm curious if they watch that video really and are like well you were kind of an [ __ ] to him he wasn't doing anything because I I wasn't did you pay for the pizza of course so you were a customer I walked in I was doing the review out of the street he kicked me off the sidewalk what are you talking about Buddy like and what do you talk Pete that we're doing a pizza festival in Coney Island in September 23rd it's the greatest assembly of pizza ever and the pizza's been under attack you know for a long because it does for most non-addle users does make you a little fat I've lived it you want to live once well that's that's my rationale but you are one of this country's most energetic and best recognized Pizza Defenders Advocates you think the whole pizza industry be carrying you Aloft and that ticket that is how we're able to do the pizza Fest because all these great pizzerias who would never do this they're like you know what for what Dave's done for the pizza industry we're gonna come support him except this one clown who doesn't deserve the same air to breathe that I do what a jerk why not try to get along even if you have that big of an issue with me come up and talk about it like maybe you won't have the issues when we're done instead of just coming out screaming and being a can I say one thing I noticed this makes me sad I probably shouldn't even say it but that's one of the only Pizza owners I've met including the one I worked for who was American born every pizza guy I've ever met is like some immigrant who loves America yep you know what I mean it's just like working like an animal and has the same values that I admire that guy was like from Newton or something I I still don't know what he was that mad about because I asked him 10 times what your problem is with me he just kept saying everything everything how can you hate somebody that much that you don't have an example of why you hate him like he's pretty riled up it was like he was waiting for this moment yeah and I asked again well what do you hate give me an example you're a joke you're a clown you hate small business well I raised 50 million for small business you're still a clown like all right well you're the club
Channel: Dave Portnoy
Views: 1,233,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool, barstool sports, dave portnoy, el pres, one bite pizza reviews, dave portnoy show, original, comedy, sports, drama, barstool pizza reviews, bffs podcast, ddtg, davey day trader
Id: qqw6v85cEnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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