8 Tips For Spotify From An Actual Low-Tier Artist

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what's up today I wanted to discuss some general tips on how to produce music and how to release it to my understanding a lot of people do not know how to release or produce too well so I'm here to teach you I also had these problems too so don't feel too stressed like everyone has these problems I figured I shared what I knew to help your beautiful faces this is going to be a really quick video so let's go if you do like this formal content please consider subscribing because it helps me out a lot and it keeps me pushing added time stamps in the description if you guys wanted to navigate through the video to see what tips they are other than that let's get number one tip number one upload on Fridays with this tip I'm really referring to Spotify so we can pitch our songs to um the playlist now release radar updates every Friday so you would want to generally upload your music and then you would want to um go ahead and Pitch it to that uh playlist now let's say I had a release coming 3 weeks from now and it was dropping on a Friday I would pitch it to the artist at least it says at least 7 days but I would like to give it 14 days to Spotify farest so they can you know have enough time to check it it just has you write a paragraph and then pitch a song reason why playlist what playlist you want to be on like just stuff like that um usually I get accepted I usually pitch mine to um release radar but from what I heard you can pitch it to rap caviar which are harder playlist to get on but like I just pitches to release radar and if you're a little bit bigger you can go ahead and shoot for rap caviar if you want correct me if I'm wrong I've heard that from another big Creator but correct me if I'm wrong please and make sure to butter them up with that paragraph cuz they actually read that stuff on a tip two scheduling is a really big part of releasing music now scheduling ahead of time can uh really motivate one to put content out there for that song um if you really want the song to bang good content can turn a bad song into a good song I've heard that from Nick D and he's absolutely right make sure you schedule correctly um usually for me I'm a small artist I usually schedule for either Wednesday which is a hump day or Friday or even Sunday Sunday works too and what I would do is schedule like a week or two weeks ahead of myself get content out there um just prepare for the release you know upload on your story get a pre-save link going like just generally stuff like that scheduling really helps you in those departments so I would recommend that heavily and if you're unable to schedule um I would time it I would make a day let's say like it's like a week from now I would hype that song up hype that release up and then let's say um I wanted to drop it Friday I would give it to drro kid like Wednesday and then usually they release it around like Friday morning like in the a.m. but that's if you can't like upgrade cuz I know it's like $70 to upgrade and it's ridiculous but you know I have scheduling which is great if you can afford it please do on a tip three is organizing your songs whether this be in your dah your music folders just anything on your desktop organize organize organize I've recently started organizing more it's helped a lot with my mixing organizing makes all the difference it helps me find things especially when I name certain projects like dick or ass I know we've all been there tip number four is rewarding now I know for small creators it's really hard to keep on going and pushing when you're working so hard and you don't really see any results and I use rewards for like giving myself like something for hard work whether this be chilling with the homies or just hanging out with your girlfriend more which I do or just taking like a day off from like grinding cuz I'll be grinding for day straight and then one day I'll I'll hit the wall bro but yeah reward yourself for the hard work you do because it gets hard out there being a small Creator going into tip five is lock in now this is when you're rewarding yourself too much and you're procrastinating and you're just sitting there in FL Studio like not knowing what to do usually this is because people go into FL Studio and make like certain beats or make certain songs but what I heard from Nick Mir what he does is have no expectations when you go into it make something but don't have high expectations you're trying to tell the dog what to do not the dog telling you what to do you know what I mean sit there and lock in this this is when you reward yourself too much and you don't know what to do I've been there everyone's been there before moving on to tip six I've commented on this earlier and it's about content content is something most people do not focus on but I do focus on it a lot and hey I got your attention you're watching that must tell you something right you don't have to make videos like me but I would recommend making videos about songs that I releasing prior to them dropping now this can be like a really simple like story on Instagram or like um story on Twitter do they even have stories on Twitter I don't know I haven't been on Twitter in a while but anyways now if there's a song coming out I'd recommend posting like a Tik Tok on like a new account for your um your music I would recommend like five posts if it's like Tik Tok hopefully those get traction post a pre-save link so that people will find you you know if you can't really find what to do Google like your Niche which would be music obviously um see what other people are doing I'm not saying copy I'm saying get inspiration from what those people do you want your videos to be like eye candy so people stop watch and like listen to your song and remember some good piece of content can turn a bad song into a good song when it comes to streaming tip number seven some people do not know this but singles are way better to drop than EPs and albums yes you can get away with it I've seen it a small amount of times but singles are just the way to go now the reason for this is our attention banss are horrible nowadays and people don't want to sit around for your music there's a reason you're not famous and it's because we're both not good we're both not good enough to be famous people aren't going to sit around for your music for an EP or an album they're going to come probably for like a single maybe see if they like that probably they'll keep it you know but like what if one of your greatest songs are in EP and they're surrounded by all this Gunk and then people listen to the gunk click off and they never get to hear that gem we don't have a fan base yet so we're not dropping EPS so get out of here with your EP and promote the single promote the single post the single promote it with content like I said earlier tip eight is release consistently whether it be every week every two weeks every month release consistently there was a point in time where I was releasing consistently and then all of a sudden I stopped and obviously my monthly went down but that's because they want new content they want something new to listen to and if it's hard for you to make like music all the time release your like old stuff go back and finish your music that's what I started to do and it helped me out a lot because some music that I didn't think banged banged and I'm going to be honest I only have like 16 monthly and I'll still get streams on certain songs I didn't think they were going to do good but I still upload songs that aren't perfect did but need to be released so people can hear them and this is coming from a really small Creator like just Please Release your music right now I'm making two to three songs a month and I'm releasing those obviously there's a lot of scrap in there like I scrap a lot of my content that's why it's hard for me to put a like a short form video like this out anyways guys that's all I got for you today if you did like this content please make sure to hit the red subscribe button and hit the Bell to see when I'm uploading next and if there's anything I missed please make sure to comment down below I read those I hope you guys have a great day stop on the devil One Peace
Channel: Torusi
Views: 15,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tips, tips for people, tips for music, music tips, spotify tips, how do i make better music, i wish i wasnt here, 8 tips for people, 8 tips for music, mucial tips, spotify for artist, Playboi cart, playboicarti, playboicarti cringe, mysterious is cringe, the rap game, destroy lonely, dc the don, carti fans, cart is cring, make carti great again, music, spotify, fell off, playboi fell of stage, rod wave, rod wave falls, falling, falling of stage, rod wave falling off stage
Id: 59aP58MASm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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