hunting prey with the NEW 19,400 IQ CAMOUFLAGER role... (custom mod)

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all right jody you sussed me out last round so now you die [Music] dude that was so good it what no she's the jester okay she definitely killed because she just said she's the jester i was doing you know what i'm trusting listen no no guys ray look at look at ray's character right now okay ray's using her full power right now she knows exactly i'm voting latino you got it ray wait what you look like i look handsome what happened john i was doing node okay i finished i yelled jody and then tina uh stopped her neck a lot of people touching me and drop like i'm calling the cops disgusting wait uh yeah i don't it's a close contact zone [Music] i've heard in the past seven decades don't do it guys you really think she's just going to win no wait no you guys did not you guys did not you guys did not this guy's toast oh i got camouflage camouflage is basically a button that makes everyone great which we've seen before [Music] in like other mod packs but they tied it to the com sabotage why is that green unfortunate body body body there could be a double kill no i don't think it's a double kill uh because i was in um like the lab area and ryan was there and the lights turned off and i ran and ryan is now dead so i think ryan is probably in the top right of the map yvonne where's the body it's uh right by lights going to light [Music] like the entrance-ish all right no pass the entrance a little bit i think who was there i edison was there honestly i was there not me i can vouch for yvonne not being it yeah well for this for these guys wasn't broken labs i was yeah yeah yeah i was i did my telescope and then lights release well i think yeah i went in last and the lights came off and i left [Music] yeah two imposters two i think yeah there's a camouflager right yeah they didn't use their thing how would you be able to tell i'm sorry i forget oh everyone would go girl turn it into a oh okay yeah welcome down to skip oh yeah i don't know i have no clue i don't really have much info yeah okay i feel like i need to write down the rules i know i i don't even know all the rules [Music] leslie sent out a link for the rules in the general chat yes okay i kind of like the chaos yeah it'll be nice if there's like a list of roles don't fix it bro whatever you do don't fix it don't fix it don't fix it don't fix it don't fix it oh wait yeah this is there all right fix it all right if you're gonna stand right here [Music] how long does the camouflage last i guess i'll find out [Music] hmm oh what why is it two bodies oh my gosh okay why am i doing this game staying alive by doing what to the records room i mean to the gun room so i can get a gun to defend myself against the bad guys i wonder what the theory to hide in this room is [Music] do people wait wait i just realized my mustache is it's the same mustache as that guy from space jam the big mustache the prospector guy actually don't know what his name is he has two guns apparently the remaking space fan with lebron james ray wendy so quickly the her body is right below the bathroom stalls like on the other side of where the wires is oh i was doing wires and then i saw the report button come up and i was like searching around in the dark for it oh i was at the uh spinny thing i literally have zero information other than that i also have none i have so many smash i can get the first spin and then the second spin doesn't work for something hit us with it poopy some okay uh someone went i think cockpit or a vault near me at the beginning of the round i thought it was five up but now that i think about it it might be eight because he's pink and then the doors shut and they never came out the whole round i waited and they never came out yeah i'm sorry where was this tv i was not in your cockpit i was near the other dead body is that the left side of the cockpit sometimes i um i'm at the brig okay it's okay it's vault it's vault i see the gem it's like i responded i'm there i'm still there i respond to second on the far right yeah but i uh went further into like the shower area to pick up towels wait why not they call it what exactly why do they call it a cockpit cockpit like what's the actual like naming what's the origin of cockpit like why that yeah five up in toast are both stalling interesting defined kind of highly suspicious um wait a pokey oh it refers to the lower deck everything makes sense now the word cockpit seems to have been used as a nautical term in the 17th century which referred to an area in the rear of the ship where the swain station was located oh you'd be scared of getting vented in on who i was uh i was like i was like hiding so that like the vent was at the corner of my vision okay nearly noted quite suspicious hmm on to you five up yeah i want to go crabbing tomorrow um so tomorrow i'm going to take some raw chicken and a net and i'm going uh down to uh this pier that's famous for crabbing it starts with a b [Music] uh in my area and i'm gonna i'm gonna catch some crabs there i'm gonna catch some crabs there pokey was doing download oh so she was saying that abe went in here but never came out interesting okay once that door opens i'm gonna open it and he's an impostor as soon as this door opens as soon as the store opens who is it i would know if i didn't take an hour on it god that was the killer he's the killer [Music] oh god uh i found edison on vitals vitals um well all right pit area no you weren't you were not in the pit area the cocktail you know i don't like saying the first part but oh yeah i'm saying i'm right there and toast just went in there too so you're definitely not there wait what do you mean it was an april fool's joke he's not there okay i was in there and i had just left like a few seconds ago oh you left a few seconds ago yeah definitely didn't leave a few seconds ago because i did two tasks no no wait pokey did you open the door it was actually there yeah oh i left as you came in toast wait no i actually yeah that's true i did open the door from armory and i opened the door into the sea pit area it's like no where else did you come from well i spawn in kitchen went up there and then left from there uh when i saw well it could be me right guys yeah no i it could be you thanks guys i think it might be between you and abe i haven't seen leslie or edison this round to be honest but i saw toast a lot on the left side on the left side okay oh someone's yeah oh i feel like it's between [Applause] i mean i really just left from there i actually i'm not i feel like he's not lying believe why would i randomly what we should vote why would i randomly make that up can we vote i don't know no no no it's not me guess so but it's it's not me then i'm voting what all right i voted for abe then it's like i believe okay it's really hard to double kill on this map is what i will say of the split so what i should do is take the thing why is cars following me sorry pokey i'll remember you [Music] hey dude it's so much easier to do that on this map i was confused on what we were doing wow it's really hard to double kill on this map actually oh it's pretty hard toast why'd you go down the ladder there so i'll be going abras like you know cause like i'll rather do saikuna because he okay either he lied or he tried to make it sound like he was just there which he definitely was not for the last like 30 seconds of the round wait i really was there i don't know how i didn't see anyone if everyone was actually there but wait seikuna why does it have to be you or me oh that's true well i guess it could be me why is it a corpse yeah if it's actually corpse or if he's just covering for psychology one of us is wrong potentially two well yeah i honestly don't know how i didn't see you guys there but i really was just at the the eric pitt area see you toast did you see saikuno anywhere nearby i did not see psycho when i was you came from the right side of the sea pit i came from the bottom armory and i opened both doors and i did a task and i checked admin and i left and you entered that's at least 20 seconds of the round yeah and the body gets called and saikuno says i'm in the sea pit um you would have had time to make it elsewhere for sure does he place himself in a place where he doesn't even want to be you know how hesitant he is to say the sea pit do you think he really thinks being there like if you were there i can only apologize but i i couldn't i really wasn't there all right guys we have 20 seconds i think me and pokey feel the same it's like you guys either but i don't literally i have it could be five o'clock but i'm pretty sure but i you said where we exactly were i actually was there though i had just left it it's true i need to see the vod let's see i left through a vent it's like i was pretty adamant about like making sure no one can leave without me knowing hey let's go fix the other setting i hope there's a body there that's why i'm getting murdered the killer should be corpse at this point corpse is a slow killer there's not gonna be a body when i press this button [Music] okay well i don't like voting on five because there's no risk but maybe we can just share information okay okay um my information is i don't think it's toast that's it i got a new personal record on the flipping lever task also i just did card swipe 30 times and i got a bad read it sounds disgusting i hate it so uh sorry what'd you do this round i did the emergency what did you do uh flip some levers i counted to seven oh so you didn't do the emergency exactly who did the left i did i did the left reactor one after nobody did it for a while oh i passed toast on the way well let's not forget five i've tried to vote for abe there the other one to be honest i sussed both of them so oh true yeah wait since we didn't lose yet that means seikuna was right and he also admitted so yeah yeah who voted for me the venting thing up dude it was after everyone said we were going with five up in court so that's five upper corpse but then abe you got sucked up by pogba's so all three of y'all are suss see i think psychonauts got the first kill that was reported wait actually no i'm clear because i sussed out psyche you know yeah yeah abe corpse and five up barney yeah yeah i was also immediately on psychonaut as well but then everyone said abe and i voted with everyone and now i'm being sucks for it see you'll know i'm innocent when we win the game wow you try to vote for eve yeah i'm a good person [Laughter] well we're not gonna vote until one of you guys die either me or pokey are gonna die the person that votes on me is a bad guy well you're wrong because i'm a good guy oh that's not bad at all you have [Music] i'm muted so they can't hear me it's kind of a corpse right like if i had to shoot i would shoot corpse if i'm wrong i admit that i was wrong you know i'll just commit to it now if it's not curves then i'm wrong but unless i see someone else literally killed uh you know how i'm gonna know it's really corpse if five minutes pass by and no one dies [Music] so of course needs to kill three people to win off kills right that's 70 seconds that's a long time i can wait 35 seconds check 35 seconds check 35 seconds check my corpse is slow and methodical killer i could be abe honestly if i had to bet it's still bad corpse but uh it's like if i had to bet you know and do oh my god this place is so confusing wait who's on this one with me oh brown's dead that's good i mean it's good in the sense that oh no no it's spicy okay now it's getting scary because it's been a while corpse didn't kill me and that was a pretty juicy kill unless this kills on cool now but in which case wouldn't he just follow me yeah if i don't want to out i'm at that point it's probably easier for them to find a body and solve them you know because it's a meta read-on course well oh no oh my god oh wait no here i'm actually completely stunned i don't know okay corpse my thing is i saw toast was alive because let me tell you this uh when i was trying to enter med bay uh i was on that card opening door thing for a solid 30 seconds since my mouse died and then it was on the afterwards of that for it saw more 30 seconds and toast watched me the entire time after that i met with abe and toastman left and then abe walked with me and then i found toast body so i don't understand how abe would do it i don't know the events on this map i don't either [Laughter] with like from my perspective i'm coming so from my perspective towards the end i walked with five up to the left right but then when i pressed tab i realized i i'm going kind of like in the wrong direction you don't think it's me that's why it's no um right now i'm saying i'm assuming that it's you corpse oh okay that makes more sense see this is not good for me though because i have no idea i have 20 seconds to if it's between me and i i sus psych who know um that's pretty much all i have that makes me creepy side saying i was making this sandwich i guess and don't play this map okay for me i'm voting for you i don't know you got it did i are you i'm fine what do you mean am i being baited he killed you because you're pinky [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,894,119
Rating: 4.9690056 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us mods, camouflager toast, camo mod, lovers mod among us
Id: 1LatpALec-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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