What was the most awkward thing you witnessed in a school classroom? (NSFW)

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what was the most awkward thing you witnessed in a school classroom NSFW girl fell while sitting at a desk in math class person beside me starts laughing the look on his face when it became obvious she was having a seizure was that of pure terror and regret god dang this same thing happened to me she was my good friend though so we had a laugh about it afterward then next week she sort of slumped over in her desk I thought she was falling asleep so I jokingly whispered to her hey don't have another seizure she had another seizure my professor for a computer science class had his phone go off during a lecture one day he's a pretty chill old man so everyone starts giggling and some people are yelling at him to answer it he looks at his phone and says oh now I'm not answering my brother died today and I have to make funeral arrangements I'll call back later and then he moved on with his lecture I've never seen a room so awkwardly quiet and sad that dedication though shortly after the Columbine shooting I was called into the office and a guidance counselor tried very awkwardly to have a conversation with me about not mimicking the incident I was a model student with no disciplinary issues or any indication of a troubled family life I just didn't have any friends and spent my free time in the library when I asked why I got singled out she looked awkwardly at her desk and said I could go we had a mentally challenged kid who stood up in the middle of lunch and threw his tray of food against the wall and ran out of the room screaming the assistant principal walked past my table saying I guess he didn't like the soup your assistant principal is hilarious when I was in the sixth grade one of my classmates took off his prosthetic leg and tried to hit the teacher with it I went to school with a kid who had a prosthetic leg who would constantly pick fights with people and then take it off and try to use it as a weapon one particular time this dude just grabbed it yanked it out of his hands and tossed it over a wall dude looks so bummed hopping around the fence to go get it I don't think he tried doing it again my high school economics class a girl was called to the office with her things rather suddenly about two minutes later she comes bursting into the room and yells my dad just died the teacher immediately went to her to try and console Hera she was justifiably distressed everyone in the room was in complete shock she then yelled at the teacher to get off of her and threw her arm back and started hysterically darting around the room eventually her family member came to the room and got her we could hear her sobbing down the hall it was the craziest most heart-wrenching thing I had seen in a class the second most awkward thing involved the same girl about a year earlier she nearly tried to fight our English Lit teacher while he was dressed in a formal kilt and jacket I don't remember why she had to be escorted out by security my 30 year old teacher admitted she was a virgin to a class of highschool sophomores that didn't end well kid in my sophomore math class would massage rub his girlfriend's bare feet for most of class everyday that girl was the happiest person in the entire school this one time in third grade for the boy next to me went under his desk and took his clothes off because he wanted to be invisible it only works if you aren't looking at him during the lunch break this guy who was eating a sandwich was on the verge of sneezing so he finally sneezes and I see the piece of sandwich flying I'm not kidding into the mouth of my classmate who was busy laughing his confused expression was priceless we had one of those strange quiet kids at school that everyone would verbally abuse one day he showed up with for long scratch marks on the side of his face these were pretty roar and were scabbing up kids were making fun of him hey have a rough date last night hey you're supposed to jack off your dog not your head this went on for a couple of days and then we find out the kid had taken a butcher knife to his piano teacher during a lesson and chopped the heck out of her they found her body on the floor of the kitchen nude mutilated and a bottle of wine and two wine glasses on the counter he came to school for two days afterwards while she lay there on the floor rotting she had been a why abusing him for weeks and he finally snapped poor kid he got off on self-defense and he and his family went underground after that name change and everything there was the kid in my school who was kind of problematic one day during a math test he grabbed the test papers went to the corner of the classroom and peed on them sorry teacher I can't finish the test there's pee on it middle school chemistry class the ceiling vent fan had not been used since at least the previous spring term pigeons had nested in it unbeknownst to the teacher fan used during a demonstration pandemonium ranked that day blood and feathers rained that day that's metal as Frick a kid in my kindergarten class whipped out his penis once for show-and-tell he said it hides when he's cold that's the only sentence he got out before one of the teacher was able to get to him and pull up his pants the girls of the class asked what it was for and the teachers didn't know what to answer except for snack break and then back to show-and-tell in high school I reached down for a binder that was in my backpack on the floor I reached down to grab it and when I positioned myself back up right in my chair I ended up scooping the teachers boobs who was walking down the aisle with my head we just kinda looked at each other in fear in no words came out of either of our mouths nobody else saw it or at least made a point to say that they saw it I like to think it was just our little uncomfortable secret some kid had pulled his hard-on out during a movie to impress us not his girlfriend I once watched a kid stand on top of his desk then run around the room crying after the teacher asked him to stop this was in high school I don't know if this is awkward or more uncomfortably sad when I was in middle school pretty tight-knit a kid had died on Saturday I had a couple classes with him but didn't know him that well well on Monday my second class of the day had a sub and the kid who died happened to have been in that class I guess no one clued the subbing because she called his name during attendance it was deafeningly silent and felt like the air was slowly being sucked out of the room after a second or two she called his name again and several people burst into sobs and ran from the room then I heard someone whisper he died another teacher I had was absent that day too I think he had some prior engagement as opposed to randomly taking a sick day and the next day when he came back the boy that died was also in this class he was apologizing profusely for not being there for us and everything at some point during his little speech he starting crying and slammed his fist down on his desk it was so sad he truly felt awful for not being there that day I was in the ninth grade and there was the girl in my classroom who broke both of her arms so she had them in the cast that held her arms above her waist now this girl wasn't the most popular and she was best friends with another girl who was equally awkward as she was I will never forget when the best friend raised her hand to get the attention of the teacher the teacher called on the best friend and she asked if she and her broken armed friend could use the restroom together and the teacher asks why would you need to go together she replies just like this I have to unzip and take off her pants looking back I understand now that she just wanted to help her friend use the restroom but imagine being in ninth grade and you hear this everyone in the classroom was silent then one kid started laughing then everyone started laughing and that is how the lesbian rumors started about the two high school can be a B what a good friend though a friend of mine was bragging about how he could sleep with any other girls in the class my other friend decided to put his boast to the test by asking all girls at once loudly the one guy that slept through every class raised his hand 11th grade shitty alternative school one of the scummy kids was a notorious cigarette bum they gave us smoke breaks at school to cut down on kids leaving campus one day he asked to bum a cigarette from someone and they said eat a dead fly off the windowsill and I'll give you a cigarette he thought about it for a minute and someone else offered to give him a cigarette for every 5/8 this turned into eating all 24 of the available dead flies for 24 cigarettes he ate them one at a time and collected a cigarette for each the next day he tried again but there weren't any flies to eat the following day he brought his own flies in that kid was flicked up this really weird nerdy boy asked the prettiest girl to homecoming with this crazy big sign right in front of the entire class but she already had a date don't let your dreams be dreams I guess I was in the first day of app a class with a classically intense coach he bounced students out of the first week with ease this one kid didn't follow his instruction so he told him to get out the kid remains silent and doesn't budge the teacher comes up and starts yelling at him to leave the kid walks up in his face and doesn't move the entire class is watching just wondering if this is how we all die eventually he walked out but it was uncomfortable as Frick plot-twists kid was deaf I was about 12 when this happened I'm from Canada so translate this to whatever grade it is for you we were in music class and some guy got a boner because he just started having them and have them all the time now the awkward thing is he just starts poking at hits then hitting it hard to make it go away most of the people around him notice and just burst out laughing in seventh grade there was this girl that was known for doing all kinds of weird crap she cut a chunk of her hair off and left it on my friend's desk as a birthday present me out at people and cried when anyone stepped on a bug the most awkward incident happened when she dropped her pencil during a test I guess she was too shy to ask the person next to her for it so she tried to stretch for it and ended up flipping her desk over she then continued to do her test in her desk sideways for another ten minutes until the teacher told another student to flip her over this sounds like it could be in sideways stories from ways I school in second grade of high school a student flipped the F out and started throwing chairs and his desk at the teacher because he was refused a test for a prize upon failing at the first time crap got super scary he was yelling like crazy and the female teacher was trying to protect herself from the things thrown at her another teacher next door barge in grabbed the enraged stood nailed him on the floor face down and tied his feet and arms together with his belt and shoelace I remember him being taken away and we never saw him again I think the teachers ate him as a senior in high school government class my teacher would hit on all the girls in the class the one day he asked one of the girls if she was spanked for bad behavior as a child and when she said that she had he quietly asked her if she liked it while the rest of the class was there half the room heard that teacher is super creepy there was two kids known for playing this joke on substitute teachers it goes like this student a tells a sub to ask student B how many pushups his grandpa can do that student B tells a story while pretending to cry about how his grandpa lost both his arms in the war multiple substitutes broke out in tears crying and had to leave that is convoluted and evil but also magnificent my period starting I was also wearing a white dress and sat in front of a guy I had a huge crush on girl me too last bully pouring some of his own pee on the ditches head teacher shrugged it off because it wasn't a lot and didn't know what it was it wasn't me but the stories were everywhere in public grade school our superintendent made a surprise visit and decided to sit in on a random teacher's class she sat in the back to watchin these two boys in front of her were whispering to each other she leaned in and whispered that they should pay attention they did but two or three minutes later started again this apparently happened several more iterations before the Sr leaned forward and slammed their heads together and shouted pay the frick attention to your teacher fired before the end of the school day this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: iTvimPYv6R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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