What Never Fails to Make You Cry?

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what never fails to make you tear up or cry my late partner passed away from leukemia at 38 years old he hid a letter for me in our room in case he didn't make it it's the most beautiful and eloquent thing i've ever read he talks about regretting not being able to see my hair turn gray or seeing me accomplish my dreams he gives me permission to fall in love again be messy and move forward the level of support is so encouraging it's also a heartbreaking read and i've only read it three times i will read it again on the two-year date of his passing at the end of this month i'm so sorry i can't imagine the pain one particular patient i had working in a trauma center 19 year old girl i'd never seen before and didn't know at all she was ejected from a vehicle and then crushed because her boyfriend was trying to show off i was training new staff and they were at the end of their training so i was only in the room to provide supervision and step in if necessary and i spent the entire trauma holding her hand on her request and trying to comfort her and keep her mind off of the injuries to both of her legs her last words were spoken directly to me this really hurts can i go to sleep i cried for days after i've never had a patient's death hit me as hard before or after being alone i live with my autistic son and when he is with me and not with his mother i have literally no time or energy to think when i am alone my mind plays every future for him and i can't think a happy end someday he will lose me and his mother and will be alone in a daycare for people with special needs and i read tons of articles and others how this all is for autistic people like him it breaks my heart every time to think about him as an elderly person who has a broken heart but can't communicate it straight i hope i will be live long enough to outlive him i am just 20 years older the ending monologue of movie the shawshank redemption i find i'm so excited i can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head i think it's the excitement only a free man can feel a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain i hope i can make it across the border i hope to see my friend and shake his hand i hope the pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams i hope brooke's death always gets me thinking about my dogs last day she was 17 years old and her organs were shutting down before we took her to get put down she was in the backyard eating her food she walked slowly to us while wagging her tail and we took her when we got home to bury her i looked over at her dog bowl and there was still a bit of food in it kills me every time i think of it my dad passed very traumatically from a house fire he kept running back in the house to make sure everyone else was getting out okay and he was struck and burned by debris he spent five days unconscious in the aiku before his heart failed he had a small youtube channel where he would mostly record engines he was working on and when i miss him a lot i go to those videos and cry every time can't help falling in love elvis was supposed to be the song my sister and her fiance danced to at her wedding instead it was played walking into the church at his funeral after he took his own life my poor sis was so strong that day but that song still gets us both dang man i'm sorry for your family's loss that song is one that my wife and i had on our wedding playlist and was one of the first lovely songs i listened to with her my dad is a huge elvis fan and elvis might be one of the only artists that he and i both enjoy but much love to you your sister and the rest of your family thinking about how poorly i treated my dad when he was still alive he was always trying to find things in common with me to connect with me when i found out he liked something i also liked i just changed my mind and found it uncool i looked down on the tv shows he liked and didn't realize until later that he had an awesome taste for quality campy television like the adventures of briscoe county junior and other classics from that era of 90s syndicated television if i knew him now he'd be my best friend i did try to connect with him in the last few years of his life but he had dementia by then and couldn't follow things i knew he would have found interesting before his last words to me where it hurts while i held his hand during catheterization on his last trip to the hospital i was too embarrassed from seeing his penis to offer any true comfort dang i'm sorry i know how you feel i was a bee to my mom when i was a teenager into my early twenties i'll be 40 next friday and i'm glad to say that she's one of my best friends now but my biggest regret will always be what an absolute snatch i was to her for such a long time the end of homeward bound especially when shadow says peter you're okay like they went through all of that and almost died multiple times and shadow was just glad to know peter was okay gets me every time i am legitimately angry at you for bringing up homeward bound the freaking audacity now i'm tearing up and my husband wants to know why thinking of that abandoned little kitten i found i called him mortimer tried to keep him alive bottle feeding him keeping him warm skin to skin staying awake through most of the night calling in sick day after day to stay with kitty emergency vet scheduling with them saying he probably won't make it kitty didn't make it it's when my oldest cat slowly stalked up to the cat nudging her nose against mortimer's head mortimer didn't move didn't react i put him in a shoebox with his blanket so he would not be cold buried him and left a little pebble for a tombstone that was 20 years ago i'm sorry mortimer i couldn't save you mortimer new love thanks to you when the musicians in titanic start playing nearer to my god the after saying goodbyes and then joining together till the end what a group of legends my wedding song my husband died in an accident a little over three years ago only five months after we got married all i need to hear is the first nova the song and the grief hits hard i'm so sorry for your loss i can't imagine your pain strategically placed albums from my youth if i am half drunk and someone begins to play the album for corner night by jets to brazil i will become uncharacteristically nostalgic and then openly sob at the idea of how good i was at being 18 years old versus how crappy i am at being 38 years old getting old is weird isn't it so funny that i feel the opposite i was utterly crap at being 18 to 28 once i hit my 30s i feel like i know who i am and what i want i would have killed to have a tenth of the confidence self awareness sense of purpose that i have now when i was younger then again if the past were different who knows how i'd be now watching fox and the hound i was watching the part where she releases todd with my five-year-old daughter her with a catch on her voice asking why me explaining her and tears saying she'll take him she'll take care of him now i cry every dang time i used to watch this every day when i was like three but i would ball four hours after and then i'd put it on again the next day and repeat my mom had to ban me from watching it because she didn't think that was healthy the ending of the pursuit of happiness when he finally gets a job the struggles leading up to that point makes me tear up all the time when they finally give him the position my god that bathroom scene where he's holding the door shut while his kid sleeps breaks me the scene in the lemis movie where gabrosh the little boy walks towards the army singing and is shot in the leg but keeps going all while another character in the background i think his brother is screaming for him to come back then gavroche is shot again killing him before he can finish his song and the brother breaks free from the people holding him back and runs to gavroche then he just holds him and just sobs also in that same movie where after the rebellion is over and the majority of the men are dead the women in the street cleaning the blood singing the line children of the barricade who didn't last the night did you see them lying where they died someone used to cradle them and kiss them when they cried it just makes my cry every time the scene in saving private ryan when the medic gets shot and dies on the field with the rest of his group desperately trying to save him a man that one really hurt so much of that movie makes you feel the camaraderie only for them to get killed fantastic movie mufasa's death in the lion king also that scene in interstellar where he sees those videos of his kids that gets me sobbing like nothing else sometimes you just need a good cry nothing makes a grown man cry like that scene in interstellar seeing other people crying in emotional pain makes me sob very every time i'm a member of a 12-step program and in meetings we give out chips or keychains for different amounts of clean sober time after giving out multiple years one year six months etc etc the meeting chair will ask if there's anyone new or coming back relapsed and is returning to the program who wants to take a 24-hour chip when anyone gets up and takes their 24 h chip the room invariably gives them the loudest applause and cheers and welcomes them back the whole room knows how much courage it takes to come back and how scary it can be to get up and walk to the front of the room for that chip it's such a beautiful thing to see and it makes me cry every time that scene in the david attenborough documentary on netflix a life on our planet or something where the orangutan is sat on the single tree on their own everyone stop using palm oil plz this going to get buried but i need to get it off my chest it's my kids when they were little my mom had a brain aneurysm my dad spiraled into a deep depression and they lost their home and business at the same time my mother-in-law has a stroke and my in-laws finances collapsed and they were on the verge of losing their home too so i worked crazy hard to be everyone's rock i worked multiple jobs to help out my family when i wasn't working i was taking care of them emotionally and physically i so drained that i didn't have much left to give to my kids i missed soccer games and school plays and trick-or-treating and first words and countless other things thankfully my wife was there for them so they got to experience all the good things in childhood i just wasn't there for it even when i was physically present i was exhausted and cranky now they are teenagers and don't want to be around me i just want to hold their hands tell them that i'll love them and do something fun with them anything at all i just want to be with them but my chance to hold them teach them new things and experience the amazing joys of childhood with them are long gone it tears me up inside i'm balling on the couch right now typing this yes all the work paid off amazingly both my mom and mother-in-law are alive with physical impairments my parents lost their house and business but they're in place that works for them and my in-laws went through bankruptcy but were able to keep their house i'm glad it worked out but god it hurts thinking about what i missed tell those kids take your time doing it my daughter's best friend died in a car crash a couple of years back she was 18. she'd been coming to our house since she was four or five she'd become a part of our family even when her and my daughter would have the silly arguments kids have when they become teens and a bit more independent she'd still make herself at home the next time she was round she had a smile that lit up the room when i think about the night she died i cry when i think back to the heartbroken faces of eight teenagers that appeared at our house an hour after it happened i cry when i think about how her family must feel i cry when i think about how her death has impacted my daughter's life i cry when i think about how her life could have turned out i cry even writing this tears run down my face whenever my addict daughter gets arrested four times in the last two weeks whenever a look at a picture of her whenever i remember a memory of her when she was little and she was still my angel whenever i try to think of something i could do to help her and realize that i've already done everything a parent can do and it hasn't helped i cry when it gets cold out and wonder if she is stuck out the night somewhere cold and lonely i cry when i look at her eight-year-old daughter that my wife and i are raising i cry a lot lately the end of coco i d see how many times i watch it it hits me every time ro my most upvoted comments are about me crying like a little baby lol at least i know i'm not alone i made the mistake of watching coco the week my grandma died i was a mess at the end hearing the living years by mike and the mechanics my dad is still alive and i hug him whenever i can but man this song hits me in the fields i gave it to the sun definitely makes me wanna go see my dad the scene in scrubs when it suddenly clicks that ben died it's like a sudden slam to the gut it gets me every time also when laverne died in the ending of my finale really gets the waterworks going when my uncle died i was in middle school he never married and had no children he and i cherished every moment we had together he was so kind patient loving thoughtful and selfless truly a great man loved by all in the community when i was young i swear he intentionally exchanged bills to make sure his coin jar was filled every time i visited so we could count it out and go buy something at the local junk store something he always said was worth it because it put a smile on my face he taught me gardening would take me fishing and let me eat all the junk food i wanted he was raised a farm boy through and through and i don't think he ever got his high school diploma his only job i knew of was a walmart greeter he never drank volunteered for his church ran four to six miles a day was very involved in the community and was always very fit and ate well stomach cancer is what took him too soon he was in his mid 60s and left everything to my brother and me with the caveat that it was used for education the will said so you can make something better of yourself than i did thinking of that phrase always gets me i don't think he realized how big those shoes were and it had nothing to do with education something i read on tumblr a few years ago it goes something like this on the day of the 9 11 attack the schools were called off and teachers were waiting with the middle schoolers to be picked up by their parents to take them home one student is left out and the teacher asks why her parents weren't there yet and she says they won't come because they were in the tower too makes me tear up every time i think of it remembering my son before he was diagnosed as autistic not being able to talk but being so happy there's a memory and a video of him dancing along to the ballroom scene in beauty in the beast and every time i think of it i cry he just held his hands and span in a circle my lovely little boy thinking about my grandma it's been six years since she died and i can't remember her voice anymore she was my everything hope she is in a better place now that scene in fresh prince where uncle phil consoles will after his dad abandoned him again the acting is phenomenal and all too relatable will smith drew from people he knew whose fathers left smith himself had his dad growing up though i understand there was a divorce it said all the time smith's father left him but that wasn't the case james avery also whispered in smith's ear at the close of the scene now that's freaking acting leaves from the vine falling so slow like fragile tiny shells drifting in the foam little soldier boy comes marching home brave soldier boy comes marching home song by maiko iwamatsu it's even more heartbreaking once you realize when he iron was crying in the show maker was crying because he knew he was dying dumbo's mother's baby mind song especially with the animation i had a personality disordered egg donor instead of a mum so i tend to get a false nostalgia for really good parent figures but that clip tears me apart every time omg i can't even watch that when he buries his little face in her trunk and starts crying total devastation the thought that my cat's previous owner almost overdosed him on h to stop his girlfriend leaving him background my wife was a caseworker for homeless and drug addicts in the uk she had a couple who were both h addicts and they had yancy the cat the girlfriend threatened to leave him he was big fearsome lithuanian called elvis and he picked up yancy and held a syringe to him wife punched him in the face grabbed yangtze and brought him home and we've looked after him since and given him the best life we can somebody getting something they deserve in a good way i always cry at the end of undercover boss when i used to watch it it's so nice seeing hard workers rewarded i know i'm a total chump and it's probably fake but i don't care it's nice to see people getting rewarded for hard work or getting relieved of tough burdens bojack horseman season 6 episode 15 the viewform halfway down times arrow and free terrorists for me talking about the kids wanting to see their dad in the movie onward lol i tried to tell my fiance about it the other day and my voice cracked talking about it and she couldn't believe it it just gets me the scene in monsters inc when kitty takes boo back to her room and she's excitedly showing off her toys no idea she can't see him anymore then he leaves she goes to open the closet door and he's gone and they're shredding her door i sob uncontrollably every single time i'm 31 the theme to interstellar as well as don't let me leave murph it's very useful when needing to cry on command if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 1,296
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: saddest, saddest stories, saddest moments, sad story that will make you cry, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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