D&D Players, What CRAZY event became a MEME at your table?

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OMG my post!!!! :D

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RedAnt117 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

the necromancer and samuraii in our party wanted to check out the cave that may have had the missing children in it. the necromancer's player declared they were going to do spelunking. in reality, they just wanted to check out the entrance. however, spelunking is a word for deep cave exploration. in short: they found the missing kids, cocooned in spider web, as well as a mass of man eating spiders. from then on, when one of us does something reckless, on our own, or possibly dangerous we ask "are you going to go spelunking?" and honestly?

the answer was always yes.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/APrettyBadDM 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I didn't experience this but it happened to my sister and it was hilarious, we was playing a home brew campaign. I can't remember what exactly we had to do but we ended up at a river and had no way to cross it. My sister (a monk) had used stone skin to sink to the bottom of the river, I (fighter/mage) was looking through my spells thinking I had the teleport spell but couldn't find it so I assumed I just didn't have it. What we didn't know was there were parana's in the river, and my sister was being attacked by them and removed her stone skin to get to the surface but ended almost drowning if it wasn't for our fathers character (it was just the three of us playing) using stone skin himself got her out of the water but she had water in her lungs. In panic dad's character punched her stomach to get the water out of her lungs. He rolled a nat 20. For strength. My sister's character literally crapped her guts, but we got the water from her lungs. Though what I did added to moment saying "I have the teleportation spell" and the look of "fuck you" from my sister just added to the hilarity to it all. So I used the spell to get to a temple to bring her back and back to the river and then to cross the river. She and the character was mad at me for days.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Reaping_Angel135 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello friends and welcome to another thread from our official subreddit r slash mr ripper i'm dave makes noises you're looking for memes so with that we ask the subreddit what was an event in game that you did that became a meme in your group in game and out of game part one now's probably a good time to announce that we are doing a fatty boom baddie dice giveaway with our friends over at easy roller dice company rip asked me to hand pick 180 worth of mad luxurious dice and accessories that i would want for myself and so that's what i did one winner takes the whole pot so click the link in the description below or in the pinned comments follow us on twitch and twitter and go visit easyrollerdice.com for your chance to get your hands on rip daddy's brimming stimulus package courtesy of ripper himself and our sweet friends over at easy roller dice company i'll go first one time my character adopted a human child and this is the first time he had to feed him because he just captured a city with his party and an army of orcs who want to make all non-humans have rights so after the day began my child woke up and said dad i'm hungry so i said i'll go get some food later i brought back some food i did not specify to the dm and cow carcass for a punching bag my character was a rune knight fighter and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps my son then proceeds to ask me what i got for breakfast i told him oh some leftover chicken from the party last night as well as some soggy broccoli the soggy broccoli got my dm and the others laughing for a fat five minutes so now whenever we have food we say at least it's not soggy broccoli or whenever my character gets food they say did you forget the soggy broccoli even the whole summary of the session that my dm had to explain to some guys who couldn't make it was just soggy broccoli but it's not all we did lmao during the final boss fight the bard was late to the session and to make things easier to run as everyone else started the dm ruled that the bard had polymorphed into a giant crab hugh rave and knife crab memes for the rest of the time especially once the bard finally arrived and fully embraced it my current group has a lot of characters that can use ranged attacks a ranger and fighter who both use bows one barbarian who frequently opts for throwing javelins another barbarian who sometimes throws his hand axes and a sorcerer who has killed his fair share of monsters with magic missile so we often have these moments where a character is making a ranged attack of some kind and it always deals a lot of damage for some reason then one person starts seeing in a thick southern accent atman's in pin cushion range which is followed by everyone repeating them i love my friends so they were exploring this mine with a basilisk in it so they tried to find a mirror they found one and instead of taking the mirror our sorcerer who was sent to get it takes the nail it was hanging on we then sent the bard to get the mirror out of character the sorcerer says that we should be serious about this then she says something about using the nail to fight the basilisk we all start laughing and i die of laughter eventually they defeated the basilisk and then the sorcerer attuned to the nail they gained the ability to nail anything in place anywhere even in the air example nail a board to the air that board is not going anywhere not even if one tries to push it so the nail also spawned a hammer to go with it the hammer can remove the nail from what it's nailed into back when a few newbies joined up with our game they got a bit confused since they misheard what save they had to make against a spell they wanted to ask wisdom or charisma save but what came out was charism save charism has been a joke stat ever since i have one of the weirdest dnd group so whenever a person couldn't play we made up an npc also known as an excuse and the dm not wanting more work they called it the giant purple baby i wasn't there when they made it up because i left the room to get snacks and i came back and my dm said leviana was taken by the giant purple baby it was very much a wtf moment for me i thought my character was gonna die but nope a giant [ __ ] purple baby was what gave my group the excuse to not let me be there the level 2 party idm4 killed some giant rats hanging out in the basement of a warehouse they proceeded to spit them through a broomstick on the way back to their inn along the way they hired some street hooligans to carry the broomstick and one to go ahead of them proclaiming make way for the mighty dragon slayers the bart really did a great job acting it out and working up the crowd all the way to the inn now the rat on a stick is a running joke in our campaign when the cleric was attacked by a rabid rhinoceros before being slung through the air by said rhinoceros and landing dangling by his genitals from a tree to this day any time the cleric sees a rhino he immediately runs and hides and the player of the cleric got a rhino tattoo irl so he could always recall his favorite moment from his first ever session not me but my player they play a tiefling wizard warlock named rowan but they have coined the term sword eat let me explain their favorite spell is catapult and whenever they defeat an enemy that wields a sword they take the sword and carry it around till the time is right to throw said sword with a catapult spell the cleric in the party has the observant feat giving her a 19 passive perception but her roles hate her so whenever she rolls investigation or perception she can't see crap it's so much of a meme that when i ask her to do either of those roles she doesn't roll and says she doesn't see anything the rest of the party know her as the observant one mostly because she floats above everyone else and watches everyone like a cat and yes she can float remember we are the good guys this is the recurring meme in our campaign when things go bad it happened when the party first found a big-ass clam and broke it revealing a huge pearl inside they sold the pearl to what is essentially a pawn shop for a lot of money then they came across some tritons in heavy armor obviously royal guards who were looking for their ceremonial clam which has disappeared fast forward they were supposed to protect a village from the auntie and since they somehow decided yantee have vulnerability to fire damage put a trap which burned the village to the ground further down the road they ended up in a shadowy town with a bounty on their head by a criminal for saving a woman from his henchmen so they decided to rob him in a game of cards so while the rogue was cheating his ass off on a game of poker with him the rest of the party sneaked around the mansion pocketing whatever valuable items they can find and since they couldn't find the code for the safe they decided to burn the office which happened to be near a stockpile of gunpowder in the meantime the rogue snuck some poison into the gangster's drink which made him get diarrhea one nuke which lit up the entire town later the party was seen running for cover in the outskirts the lawful good paladin out of character remember we are the good guys just one word just one pit in a certain campaign one of the characters decided to make use of the pit spell with really good results because of that the character kept using that spell and spells of the same family but of higher levels to the point that the gm had to specifically plan for the enemies not to end up in the pit it got so egregious that just exclaiming pit told us what was this character and later one of our cohorts casting always with great or at least hilarious results now our whatsapp chat is called saturday pits the discord channel that i created for us to play during the pandemic is called role-playing pits and i shall not speak about the link shell that my friend created for all of us that plays final fantasy xiv yes it does indeed have pits on it our poor gm is still waiting for the joke to die in the first session the druid ordered a charcuterie board whenever we are at a tavern we ordered a charcuterie board also we were talking about how my character etta is really reckless and impulsive she's a plus one to wisdom but the character with a minus one to wisdom is always telling her to slow down and think about things so the dm joked that she should be called etta the air quotes wise so i started introducing myself to npcs as etta the air quotes wise i had a bbeg that would constantly appear in the form of an illusion on the bbeg's first appearance the azamar barbarian said i'd like to throw a javelin at him he rolled to hit and got an adjusted 23-ish i described the javelin traveling straight at the bbeg but phasing through him barb i throw another javelin at him rogue i threw a knife at him sorcerer i chuck a rock at him to this day whenever the bbeg appears they will throw something at him knowing it won't do anything so there's two memes with the same player character we were playing a game of fifth edition and it was our first campaign most of our characters were pretty good despite us being new to the game i was a lizard folk light cleric the dm sun was an arcane trickster rogue goblin one of my friends was a dragonborn paladin the last member of our group however was an orc ranger on its own that's not a bad combo but the player put his highest stat in intelligence had virtually no strength or dexterity and was wheelchair-bound making him essentially useless in almost every situation except investigation despite doing nearly nothing in the fight he would go up and loot the bodies afterwards and because this was all he could do he would shout loot as soon as the fight ended someone else looted the bodies he would point at them and yell loot menacingly now whenever combat ends or when a bard plays their loot players from that group always excitedly shout loot same campaign we eventually escape a crypt where we were being chased by a mummy lord and a cult at the same time we temporarily defeated the mummy lord and permanently defeated the cult and when the wheelchair-bound orc looted the body of the cultists he found a bag of magic beans when finally left the crypt we found the town we were in had been partially destroyed and its denizens had to become zombie-like creatures in an attempt to escape the chaos we found ourselves in a field where the orc planted two of the magic beans the d americas d-100 to see what they are and laughs then rolls it again and says you've got to be kidding me as both roles spawn a pyramid with a mummy lord inside so now we have three mummy lords we have to kill we go to slay them one by one and with the last mummy lord and the last one makes one final move before i kill it killing our orc ranger the player wasn't too upset by this and decided to use a character he'd used for a halloween one-off a kalistar wizard who he met up with after coming back from the mummy lord's temple unlike his orc character the wizard was actually well built and fairly powerful and in our first encounter with him a few of the zombified townspeople were lined up in a straight line and when it was his turn the players shouted line surprising us all and causing us to laugh for a few minutes straight he was so excited that he could now be a viable character in combat and that the enemies had lined up allowing him to use lightning bolts to great effect now we shout this whenever creatures are perfectly lined up in a later campaign i dm'd where this player was a sorcerer who focused on lightning magic i gave this player a custom magic item to empower line spells if a certain number of creatures are targeted by it hello my squishy little pods of interconnected cosmic consciousness thank you for attuning your meat pod to the very end if you've got an event in your game that turned into a spicy meme feel free to share it in the comments below if you have another story you'd like to share with the community feel free to do so in our official subreddit our slash mr ripper if you're a dm or a player looking to get a group together you may want to pop on over to mr ripper's group finder discord server where over 3 000 nerdos are waiting to roll dice with you there i hope that this week you make time to learn something new and intimidating that excites you take the leap if you love me and want me to be happy come say hello on tick tock at dave makes noises please sub for net 20s ding that dong if you want to flex your punctuality on him we love you here at rip daddy's house thanks again for watching and we'll see you next time you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 57,466
Rating: 4.9590092 out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, BBEG, dnd encounters, askreddit, r/askreddit, tabletop games, tabletop simulator d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd campaigns, dungeon master screen, tabletop rpg games, reddit tales, dungeons and dragons how to play, family friendly gaming, ask reddit videos, homebrew, reddit funny compilation, dnd 5e character creation, dm tips dnd 5e, dungeon master 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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