What Was The Creepiest Thing That Has Happened To You?

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what's your creepiest real life story my grandfather owns several forests around the village he lives in and he drives through them every week to check how the trees are doing and whether something needs to be fixed he really loves his trees and has a sharp eye for any potential sickness or insect that could pose a threat a decade or two ago hitchhikers were very common even in the thinly populated areas of bavaria he encountered them regularly and was always happy to help he literally picked up every single hitchhiker he found one day however he had a bad feeling about one without any reason he dismissed this one hitchhiker standing on the side of the path later that day there was a radio broadcast about a previously convicted murderer who killed someone in the woods and got caught trying to flee by hopping onto someone's car just writing this down makes me shudder again i think your grandfather is peter parker because that is top notch spidey sense right there when i was 12 or 13 we went to a mcdonald's on the way to the beach i went to pee before i ate and to wash my hands just as i started peeing this guy comes in walks to the urinal next to me and just watches doesn't pee just watches i can see him out of the corner of my eye his eyes locked onto my junk what there was of it i had a bathing suit on so i'm doing the whole junk flop over thing guys know what that means so i can't hide it i can't stop it i can now though not sure why when you're a kid you can't stop your pee he just smiled creepily as i finished put things away and washed my hands he just stood there smiling i gave him one more look as i left the bathroom and never saw him again i was with my friend's mom and i didn't say anything because i didn't want to get in trouble and really wanted to go to the beach that logic makes no sense i realize that now but i ate my phileo fish with a wtf look on my face and had an awesome day at the beach i'm more creeped out that you ate affilio fish this happened to a friend of mine's housemate during their time at university it was at the house she lived in before moving in with my friend after this event occurred during her second year at university she lived in a house with three other people at easter everyone went back home to their parents for the easter holidays her first night back after returning from the easter break she woke up in the morning to find some things moved about in her bedroom she thought nothing of it and put it down to moving it herself the night before and not remembering she woke up the next morning to more stuff moved around like her tv and chair etc she started to get a bit scared and told her housemates to quit moving her stuff about as it wasn't funny and very creepy they all said they didn't touch anything the next morning even more stuff had been moved and she started to get very worried again she told her housemates to stop but they swore they haven't touched anything and were getting very concerned themselves the fourth night she woke up during the middle of the night she looked over and in the darkness she could see a figure sitting at her desk she freaked the frick out ran out of the room locked the door and called the police the police turn up and they unlock the door sure enough there is a guy there probably early twenties sitting at her desk karma's anything the police arrest him and take him away a couple of days later they find out that the guy was actually a mentally handicapped person who lived at a care home not far down the road his mother who was his full-time carer had looked after him until her death a year or so earlier when he was then moved into the home he's been a missing person for a few weeks now and it turned out that the house this girl and her friends lived in used to be him and his mother's house in particular her bedroom used to be his he eventually told the police that when he ran away from the home his old house was where he went to he managed to get in somehow and spent the whole time there two and a half weeks sleeping under the girl's bed coming out at night while she slept to move her stuff so it was like how he had it when it was his bedroom safe to say she moved straight out of there and that's when she moved in with my friend i was driving on some country roads at 1am with my buddy one night in the summer come up to a one lane old rickety bridge at the bottom of a valley the bridge is also next to an old bar that now sits abandoned and is frequently vandalized so it's already sketchy pull onto the bridge and there is a car waiting on the other side at first we thought nothing of it if a car is on the bridge you have to sit there and wait your turn to cross but here's where it gets s powky my friend and i get closer and closer to the car but something is wrong we see a white glove waving at us at about halfway to the other side as we are almost across the bridge we see that the person waving his white glove has an expressionless mask on needless to say we freak the full workout as we have to slowly weave around the car and stare face to face with the person still waving drive off scared shitless but have to take the same road back we get to the bottom of the hill car is still there but there is no one inside we kind of look around for a second before we could follow there and we haven't been back since frick expressionless masks man tl dr accidentally drove to a beating spot for an illicit deal about six years ago i was in my final year of high school and due to the weird timetable that 12th grade had at my school we regularly had two plus hour breaks between classes early finishes and longer lunch breaks my house was about a 20 minute walk away from school and i would usually just walk home either by myself or with a friend and chill until we had to head back my school was located on the outskirts of the city and my house a little bit further out i lived on about 40 acres on a dirt road along the dirt road i had been passing a really foul smell about five minutes away from my house i couldn't tell where the smell was coming from but it was definitely close to the road i had passed this smell about four times over roughly a week of school but figured it was a dead animal due to the area after an exam i was walking home with a friend and the smell was worse than ever so as you do we decided to walk into the grass to search for whatever the smell was we ended up finding a black garbage bag that was completely blown up like a balloon about five meters from the road as a joke i threw a rock at it and it popped and shot out this foul white goo and immediately my friend and i started dry reaching we ran away as fast as we could laughing and vomiting back home to my place i didn't think anything of it as i figured it was a cat or something that someone had dumped i remember walking back from school the next week by myself and there were mounted police on their horses walking down the road slowly and near one of the entrances to my property there was a dog squad with sniffer dogs walking around i didn't take much notice of all the police and what they were doing but literally as soon as i got closer to the area that we had found the bag i had a sinking feeling in my stomach and i thought oh crap the bag ended up being the body of a girl who had been murdered and was dumped along the fence line of my property i still feel sick when i think about it tl dr threw a rock out a garbage bag which happened to have a rotting corpse in it this isn't exactly creepy but it's one of the scariest things that's ever happened to me i was driving down the motorway with my boyfriend in the passenger seat and my dad in the seat behind my own my dad is an epileptic and his fits are extremely sporadic sometimes he goes extremely stiff and other times he will try to get out of places or grab and punch people amid conversation i felt his hands wrap around my throat as i was driving pulling my head back and making it increasingly difficult to drive my boyfriend managed to help steer the car into the hard shoulder but he was one of the scariest experiences in my life man i wouldn't know what to do i am not epileptic but something similar happened to me i lost control blacked out and turned pretty violent to the people around me epilepsy sucks though man i hope you your dad and your boyfriend are doing well when i was about 10 we my family of six lived in an extremely small apartment two bedrooms upstairs and then the living room when i was tired of my siblings i would sleep downstairs one night i am lying on the couch facing the front door and watching the sky through the window by the door when a face shows up in the window illuminated by a lighter i freeze and the face goes away i'm pretty relieved thinking it was maybe our druggie neighbors seeing if my parents were still awake when it shows up again i try to scream but when i hope my mouth nothing came out not a sound the person then kicks in the door and walks in the room he sees me smiles and goes towards the kitchen as he comes out of the kitchen with a knife my dad makes it down the stairs and the guy books it out over there i still can't sleep easily on couches to this day tl dr pretty sure i was almost murdered by random dude i don't know how so many people can sleep near windows without blinds or curtains it's one of my biggest fears unless i'm not on a ground level room not sure if this counts as creepy or not but i was walking through a ravine with my best friend when we were kids we spent the summers up near sagat michigan and would go out on our own all the time to hike through the rivers and ravines that were around that area we had hiked for about an hour through the shallow water and were looking for cool rocks and other things in the river we came across a large black cord looking thing and my friend picked it up he immediately became frozen and had a very scary look in his face i had no idea what was going on and was only in fifth grade so didn't know that he had picked up a high voltage wire and his body was locked in place he couldn't move and couldn't do anything but just stand there with all this electricity flowing through his body i almost grabbed the big wire to take it out of his hand but something made me not do that i picked up a big rock and threw it down on his hands to knock the huge wire onto the ground this worked he immediately came back to reality but was obviously out of it he sat down for a while and finally we decided to walk back to our summer house we never told anyone but i realized that if i had gone to pick up that wire we both would have been locked in place in that ravine and i have no idea what would have happened i have no idea why i stopped from grabbing the wire from him but i am glad i somehow was smart enough to think about it before i did anything has his powers come in yet when i was about six a car drove by my house while i was outside on a slip and slide with my next door neighbor the car slowed down when he got close to me rolled down his window and started talking to me but he was talking kind of quiet to where i couldn't make out what he was saying so i walk closer and he asks don't you go to the school down the street i said oh yeah why because my son said he recognized you i heard the car door unlock and there was a man in his mid 30s sitting in the back seat right as the door started to open i feel someone grabbed me by the collar of shirt and yank me into their arms it was my neighbor's mom she dragged me all the way back to her house and as soon as the driver saw her he peeled off when we got back to the house she called the cops immediately i didn't even realize how close i was to getting kidnapped until i saw my mom crying when she heard about what happened frick that noise there are a lot of close calls on this thread but dang a plus neighbor's mom glad she was there not very many creepy things happen to me so sorry if this story is a bit dull but it did freak me out a little at the time a few years ago when i was 14 or so i was out walking my dog a hyper chesapeake retriever mix in a rural suburban area it was a fairly quiet road a car would breeze by once every five minutes or so an old grey toyota corolla or some car like that passed by nothing unusual but a minute later this car passes again and the car slows down a ton when it's coming toward me giving me the impression this guy was checking me out this guy ends up passing up and down the road stalking me i end up faking having a cell phone and talking to someone on the other end in case he got any ideas the dog gave me a sense of security too after maybe the sixth or seventh time this guy does this i duck into the woods to hide he swings by twice more and i wait 10 minutes to see if he comes back he doesn't i end up running back home with a very confused and disappointed dog i think later on there was a news story that matched my stalker's description and was charged with attempted debatery could be wrong though still creepy i didn't go for a walk for about a week after that lol i'm a guy and even i do that thing where you pretend to be calling someone but man i'm glad you got out of that one safely xd when i was in middle school my friends and i were hanging out on a trampoline in the backyard late at night maybe like 11 p.m or so the backyards are all connecting meaning there is trees and small fences separating them but you can walk through them some guy comes through and asks if we have seen a little orange tabby cat and we told him no he said he lives around the corner if we see it he will give us a reward okay cool we think nothing of it and go back to talking about pokemon cards and why charizard is a god on paper no joke two minutes after this car leaves this little car wanders through and we think is that the cat he was talking about my friend grabs it and we all proudly marched to the guy's house to collect our reward the guy is sitting on his front porch and we bring the cat to him he's so excited and says oh i have the reward inside just come in and i'll give it to you we were kind of sketched out but we decided to go in and to stay he says oh if you don't come and i can only give the reward to the ones that come in he was gonna give 100 us dollars a person to go in but still we had two guys go in and take what felt like forever but they came out and had two hundred dollars with them they said there was plastic on everything in there and something felt wrong i feel as though if we all went we would have been killed but keeping two outside that knew where their friends were i guess was enough to deter him still was a weird occurrence interesting i wonder if he put the cat there to walk through after he asked you guys two inside and two outside were smart though guy was probably bummed he had to pay 200 for not thinking his abduction plan through very well i was walking home from the bar and i stopped at what i thought was a safe spot to squat down and do a pee in the bushes obviously i had scoped out the spot poorly because not halfway through my pi looked up to my left and about 10 feet away was a homeless man we locked eyes while i was peeing he told me that we were lovers i said kay he then told me he had been following me for the last six blocks at which point i cut the stream and pulled my pants up and started to walk swiftly to my house and then he said something referencing his genitals and i started to run the tldr had uncomfortable conversation with homeless man while peeing in the bushes i've come to give you my seed okay coming home late from a friend's house in a real bad area of los angeles i mean these streets were gang-infested so i used to walk around with a hammer in my waist because i couldn't get a gun an old station wagon with all the windows blocked out by aluminum foil pulls up and old man looks at me and uses his hand to beckon me to come in i showed him the hammer he just keeps beckoning i got the creeps and starting running and cut through a park and he was already waiting for me i had to jump a couple of fences to lose him he looked like freaking weirdo scariest crap ever windows blocked out by aluminum foil he was clearly just trying to save you from the government mind control this happened to my wife during college she lived on campus in a more remote mountainous area one night maybe eight or nine her and a few classmates decide to take a nice peaceful walk up the mountain road past the college they have been walking for 10 minutes when suddenly car lights flick on in the darkness at the side of the road and the vehicle comes screeching past them two seconds pass and a half naked girl comes running out of the darkness shrieking my wife terrified runs the other way back to the college luckily the others stayed with the girl and helped her seems she had just been abducted and violated and then dropped off in a remote area in the night when i was eight i had a friend spending the night one night it was super late and we were playing barbies in the living room i then suddenly got the feeling like we were being watched i looked to my right and there in the window stood a man i remember everything about him to this day this was a little over 20 years ago he was a white man i could tell because he was wearing a short sleeved dark blue t-shirt that had a little pocket on the chest his arms were very hairy he also worse black gloves and a black ski mask he had his hands cupped on either side of his face so as to block any glare from the street lights to get a better view of us i yelped and curled into a ball my friend saw him and did the same thing she asked me what were we gonna do i said at the count of three we're gonna run upstairs and get my dad i got to two and took off my friend was right behind me we barged into my dad's room and tell him what we saw he leapt out of bed and ran outside but the guy was gone found out years later that there was a rapist on the loose in that area at that time was he the rapist i don't know but i don't like me curtains open at night anymore when i was in like fourth or fifth grade i lived with my mom and her gf in a two-bedroom act well we had strange things sort of happen around the house but i was young imaginative well one day we woke up well rather my mom's gf woke up and soon i was being shaken awake what the frick did you do to the kitchen i was like um i stay in my room pretty much all the time she yanks me out of bed and drags me by my arm to the kitchen my mom is standing in the doorway of their bedroom right next to mine i look and see cocoa powder all over the counter like nesquik crap now we were pretty freaking poor back then like my meal at school was 75 of what i got to eat in a day i swore up and down i didn't do it but as i got closer there were little hand prints all in the cocoa smearing and smacking it everywhere on the cupboards the fridge it was on the floor even with little footprints my hands were clean my feet were clean but i was the only child in the house and they sure as heck didn't think someone broke in or heck not even a ghost i got a pretty good spanking for that freak you ghost coma my meal at school was 75 of what i got to eat in day broke my heart right there i had just moved to a new city and was living on my own for the first time i worked late night shifts at my job and rode a bike home a fair distance it was about 1am and i was riding my bike home when i began to approach the local elementary school the school was on the opposite side of the street lit up from the inside with those orange lights they turn on at night as i began to approach the school i noticed something strange i couldn't really make it out but something seemed off i stared hard squinting to see it better as i got closer and closer then as the school was directly across from me i saw a little girl standing inside the school staring out the door at me i flipped my crap and peddled my butt off after a few moments i kinda got a grip and looked back over my shoulder and there she was standing on the sidewalk staring at me i rode home like a bat out of heck and avoided that street like the plague for weeks then one day i worked a day shift and figured hey it can't hurt to bike down that street during the day so yeah turns out during the day they have these two wooden cutouts of kids they put up to mark the crosswalk at night they stole them just inside the door i had seen the one inside the school and not notice the one that apparently was forgotten and left outside until later making it appear as though the same child had been in both spots somewhere a janitor was laughing his butt off i'm a large man with a shaved head and a pretty long goatee i look a little like bambambitullo without the tattoos or the spandex for a long time i'll live on my own in an apartment one day a small asian girl moved in upstairs one night after working a late shift i came home and it was raining pretty heavily when i pulled into my parking space i noticed the lady left her window down on her car so even though i was pretty tired and soaked to the bone i went upstairs and knocked on her door the blinds in the window next to the door parted and i saw a little pair of eyes look at me then go wider sources next thing i know i hear the chain go on the door and the lights go out then it struck me late at night in the rain a large man she doesn't know knocks on her door i left a note on her door that said your car window is down i figure she probably spent all night hiding in a corner at about 2 am our neighbor rang our doorbell and was banging on the door my dad opened the door and she said something about her brother who was mentally handicapped murdering her parents and locking her in the closet he thought she was just having a nightmare but it turns out she was telling the truth cops were called the guy is in the insane asylum now neighbor still lives in that house if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 15,403
Rating: 4.9303136 out of 5
Keywords: creepy stories, creepiest, creepy, scary, scariest, scary real life stories, creepy real life games
Id: Seq6lc1jtEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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