What was the creepiest thing you witnessed, that made you believe in supernatural (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] what was the creepiest thing you witnessed that made you believe in supernatural stuff I have a version of sleep paralysis so as terrifying as it can be I'm generally pretty used to waking up to seeing things I was on a road trip with my friend and we were staying in a hotel off of Route 66 I went to sleep before her and she stayed up to watch television on her phone we turned the lights off and I started to doze off every so often I'd wake up to her panting her phone light to the area in between our beds after a little while she got up to go to the bathroom I woke up once or twice to see a dark figure of a woman standing in between our two beds looking at me being exhausted from driving and prone to hallucinating when I sleep I thought nothing of it a bit later I woke up to the sound of a door slamming and my friend crossing the room and climbing into bed she she was laying directly on her side stiff as a board staring at me I yelled what the [ __ ] Mary and turned on the light but there was no one there my scream brought Mary out of the bathroom though and I just told her I had a nightmare later that night I woke up again to see the woman standing in between our beds but this time she moved over to the desk in the room seemingly writing something I quietly said Mary's name but before I could say anything else Mary cut me off asking Landon Fontaine is that you we turned on the lights and stared at each other for a minute she started to ask me what I'd seen but I cut her off and told her that we were both too tired to get on the road at 3:00 in the morning and we'd already paid for the room we slept with the lights on in the same bed for the rest of the night the next morning as we were driving away we compared notes she said she kept flashing her phone light because she kept seeing the shadow of a woman standing between our beds it freaked her out so much that she went into the bathroom to watch TV with the lights on she saw the woman walk over to the desk as well we now both have tattoos commemorating the terrifying road trip from hell moving shadows that weren't being cast by anything creepy and the way my cat would look at them in utter horror and anytime the shadow was around the fire alarm kept going off also speakers that weren't plugged in would start playing static noise edit another interesting thing was that when I finally couldn't take it anymore my roommate and some of my friends tried to get rid of it right around Halloween what great timing by burning sage that clearly pissed it off because then afterwards weird [ __ ] would be happening even more frequently and shortly after that I kept seeing a smaller shadow figure and kept having the same dream every night about a little girl drowning I can still picture the way she looked because of how vivid it was and how many times I had the dream it was freaking me out so I asked a psychic-type person about it and basically described it in the amount of detail listed above and then she proceeded to describe the girl I had seen in freaky good detail I just got to chill down my spine thinking about it Lowell when I was young probably ten to eleven years old I fell sick and my mom let me stay home I never really slept in my room at that age always choosing to sleep in my brother's room or my parents room instead so as I am homesick my mom was tucking me into her bed so I can watch TV and she was getting ready to go to work she kisses me on the forehead and turns around and makes her way out of the room when she turns around instantly the TV sound faded and became a loud humming sound my jaw dropped and the most overwhelming sense of dread and fear came over me I have been chased by big dogs had my legs stuck while underwater and been alone in the woods while seeing what I thought was a bear but nothing has ever come close to the fear I felt in this moment with my mom I don't even understand what caused it I know when she turned around to leave the fear started and I can't remember even seeing her leave my entire senses were wiped to leave me with just fear and dread jaw wide opened the whole time when suddenly the fear comes to an abrupt head when the closet door to my left opens and I suddenly could understand what was going on and that I was scared never have I ran faster in my life to my mom who was just about out the house that wonderful woman stayed home from work because of how shaken I was she does remember I always told her to close the doors in any room I was in always scared me and that the door was open when she remembers closing it not sure if this really fit the question well but I need to know if this has fur happened to anyone nothing triggered my fear and it was the most overwhelming feeling I have ever felt in my life then something scary happened which scared me but the fear was less overwhelming and I could control what I thought and did I will never forget this I originally posted this on FB a while back but figured this would be good to share here I'm visiting family in st. Catharines Ontario Canada and it's at my uncle's house the setup is interesting so bear with me my uncle is about to remarry and it's the day before the wedding at his house his previous wife have had passed away in their house a few years beforehand she had died in the main floor bedroom across from the dining room I'm downstairs and I'm playing Nintendo and I decide that I'm hungry I get up and start walking up the stairs and I get this feeling that I am NOT alone like how you feel another presence in the room I stop and turn around halfway up the stairs and look down and some so strange I see this black mist pooling in the middle of the floor and it starts rapidly forming into a human shape and I recognise it as my uncle's dead wife but all dressed in black but her features are obscured I run up the stairs and into the living room with my family the living room is filled with my cousins and my grandmother I hide beside the couch I hear something coming from the dining room my aunt used to wear these heavy nursing type shoes a very distinctive sound on hardwood floor to say the least so all of us hear this sound of someone walking in the dining room my grandmother and all of us peek into the dining room and see the solid black form walk across the dining room we all briefly exchanged looks as if to say are we seeing this the form walks across the dining room and down the hallway towards the bedroom where she died my grandmother speaks up before any of us can see anything and she whispers out Mary the form doesn't stop doesn't look back but just goes down the hallway and into the bedroom doorway and disappears all of us finally exhale and resume our routines but we don't speak about it for years later I later find out that my uncle's wife tried to have the house blessed but I don't know if it ever worked I stayed there once in college and I stayed in the basement again and I wouldn't sleep with the lights out I just knew deep down in my heart that if I slept in the dark that I would wake up to something very unpleasant too much if I'm just going by things seen not heard or felt I was at a small get-together with friends at a hotel mid-conversation the coffeepot on the dresser just went flying across the room Dawsonville gee a mysterious black figure that materialized and then approached me making me pass out Spanish military hospital st. Augustine FL when exploring in a cemetery with a friend we took tons of pictures hoping to capture orbs or maybe something creepy it was back when digital cameras kinda sucked and had super tiny preview screen not really worth checking when we got back to the house and uploaded the photos all the trees looked like they were on fire rose cemetary Tarpon Springs Florida one of my dad's friends did a nighttime tour of a supposedly haunted lighthouse and recorded the entire tour he showed us the video and said the creepiest part was on the lighthouse stairs he thought he saw something crawling near the steps we went through frame by frame and there is a very clear image of a little boy's face it is a documented fact that children died there Saint Augustine lighthouse Street Augustine Florida I'm Native American enrolled to the crow tribe so the supernatural stuff isn't really creepy to us cause we know there are spirits upon this earth with us as a kid I heard many stories of these types of stuff so I never fear anything unnatural but instead respect them and know they are true anyways when I was a kid my uncle's brothers and I all went fishing one time at Fort Smith Mount it's a beautiful place to fish and stuff and a well-known fishing spot we spent the whole day fishing there from about noon till it was time to leave the Sun was setting and the skies started turning it's gray color just as this was happening my uncle said do you hear that and I stopped what I was doing and started listening for something in a distance I could hear a drum beating in a double beat the type of sound you'll hear at a powwow but instead with no song we sat there for just a minute or two listening as it flowed with a river the drum gotten louder and sounded closer my uncle said it was time to go so we got all of our food that we brought with us and threw it all in the river as a gift to them for letting us fish I asked them who or what they were and they told me it was the water people usually this type of stuff is creepy and scares one but it fascinates me and I love to know these spirits and unnatural things are real and alive I opened the door to my back porch once at like 4:00 in the morning to what appeared to be an Amazon jungle we had one of those bug zapper lights the blue ones it had been going crazy with buzzes like it was buzzing constantly no big deal not usually bugs love that stuff they're stupid I had stayed up late because I was doing something super nerdy that won't get into and had looked out my screen window to see this enormous spider like the size of my hand the regular size of a tarantula maybe I had never seen one before and got to be uneasy so I went to the porch to see what all the fuss was about and I opened the door to hundreds of bugs massive bugs covering the porch the light the walls too of the house all shapes and sizes I've never seen so many and bugs kept zapping themselves on the light giant moths whose flapping wings made them look like flames the size of my fist the noise was this unforgettable skittering sound like thousands of those spiders in Minecraft but nothing was moving except those bugs zapping themselves to death there was nothing I could do they didn't seem to know I was there and I didn't want to know what would happen if they did I closed the door and went to bed going to sleep was easy I think my brain was overloaded with what it saw I knew I could deal with it in the morning tell my mom whatever but the next morning there was no evidence that anything was there and every night after never got that festive no one said anything about it and I never brought it up to them and I never saw a giant spider ever again or anything like it ever again I've heard sometimes that you can transport to a different place and time on earth to a world that's both alien and surreal I wonder if that happened to me at all or if I just hallucinating the whole thing I like the supernatural explanation better one time I decided to go check out an old antique store and I swear I walked into a haunted part of the store basically there were several large rooms full of stuff an upstairs part in a downstairs part I was pretty interested and I wanted to see the whole store I decided to check out a small room full of like late 1800s Early 1900s dresses a few moments after stepping and I got one of those bad feeling / uneasy chills like someone else was in the room with me it was like the size of small shed and the life just clicks on just a few seconds later they were off when I stepped in I was completely alone upstairs dee it was lowkey more freakier with the pure silence XD either I came to the store at a non busy hour or the store doesn't get many customers no music or white noise just the sound of your footsteps on the creaky wood floors all the rooms in the store had the lights on except that one small room oh underscore Oh wouldn't be surprised if the story was haunted the building itself seemed pretty old creaky stairs that sounded like they were gonna snap some rooms had peeling old walls the antique stuff itself etc in January of 2010 I was driving to Los Angeles after spending the holidays with family i xl the whole way after a long day of driving I stopped at Holbrook Arizona to get a hotel for the night I get the room pull around to the back parking lot and parked my car I open the back door and start to grab my bags and get my stuff together I was going to take inside for the night all of a sudden I hear a crazy sounding roar the closest I can come to describing it is that it sounded like a mixture of a bear roaring a pig squealing and a baby crying I freeze look up and standing on the edge of the raised parking lot next door was some kind of man dog thing it was probably around 7 to 8 foot tall and look at it it roars again and I take off running towards my hotel room I get to the door scared shitless fumbling with my key card and it roars again like it's just to the left of me I get the key in the door locked the door and run in the bathroom and locked that door too i sat there for maybe thirty minutes then I grabbed the pillows and blankets off the bed and slept in the bathtub all night with the door locked I started searching on my phone for what the hell that was and that was the night I learned about skinwalkers if that exists then what the hell else does that isn't supposed to what was almost just as crazy is that when I bolted towards my room I left my car unlocked and the doors wide open they stayed open all night and nothing was taken or stolen and I had a bunch of music equipment in there but yeah be careful on the edges of a Navajo Reservation I was at a friend's house out in the middle of nowhere old big farm in a huge house we had a really nice evening there but every time I walked up the stairs to the second floor where we were gonna sleep that night I felt a weird and creepy feeling I dismissed it until we decided to go to sleep in her bedroom my two friends fell asleep in two seconds I didn't sleep a wink that night because for some reason it felt like someone was watching me it kept feeling like someone was standing at the edge of stairs just staring at me basically and I didn't dare to either open my eyes or move the whole bloody night the next morning as we walked down to breakfast I casually asked my friend if someone has ever died or anything in the house she thought about it for a while and then said that well the only one she knows about is the previous owner who fell down from the stairs and died hah creeped me out to the [ __ ] core the second thing that has happened to me was when I still lived at home as a kid my mom works nights and my brother was away in my dad sleeps in the other side of the house far away from my bedroom outside of my room there is a hall which no one goes into unless they need to get into either mine or my brother's room now as I think most people can do I can hear whose family members footsteps it is walking outside of my door just by listening now one night when I was a teenager and as I said it was only me and my dad in the house on two opposite ends of the house that night anyways I'm laying in bed closing my eyes and getting ready to fall asleep when I all the sudden hear these loud footsteps going from the other end of the hall to standing just outside my room my door is closed and I just have a feeling that there was the only thing making whatever it was not being able to get in I sit up in bed scared absolutely shitless because I know for a fact it's not my father by the sound of the footsteps but also because it sounds like the person is wearing huge boots or something the steps keep repeating for a couple of minutes back and forth until it just suddenly disappears and after that I've never ever heard it again I asked my father if he was for some random reason running around in the house the morning after and he just looked at me with a confused face and said no of course not so yeh who knows him don't know if this belongs here but I had a friend visit a psychic during her session she was told dragonflies would become a symbol of change for her as well as a list of things that would change in the coming months / years things like specific dates that she would move away on that she would find new love mine jus she was already engaged at this point skip - a few months later we were sitting in our tea room when a dragonfly came in through the door and landed on her head dragonflies weren't super common where we live and I had only seen one one other time we both freaked out skip to now and she is no longer engaged to her fiance and has moved away with her new partner not only that but after all this started happening we realized that the day she met her new partner was the date that the psychic had mentioned in her session I'm not a believer as such but that whole experience made me a little less skeptical [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
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Id: qF3tKJslczw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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