What They Don't Tell You About Silver Dragons - D&D

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This really goes a long way to explain why the Silver dragon was so well loved. It truly was best boi.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/jeanschyso 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Have been stalled to see it, may as well watch it tonight

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ShubSpawb 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

His entire dnd lore series is great! Recently he's been doing dragons only, but he has episodes on beholders and illithids and more

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bvjhrr 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

His entire dnd lore series is great! Recently he's been doing dragons only, but he has episodes on beholders and illithids and more

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bvjhrr 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not to piggyback too heavily, but I've just started CoS and one of my players is a Sorcerer who has chosen the Silver Dragon bloodline. I am no where near Argynvost, but how can I play up this link?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kokiril33t 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
silver dragons embody all that is honorable about dragon kind they protect the weak heal the wounded destroy evil and all of it whilst in the company of their friends and allies who they trust and love above all if bronze dragons are justice then silver dragons are goodness if gold dragons her law then silver dragons are freedom and happiness [Music] silver dragons appear as if sculpt from pure metal in fact once they grow older you can barely even see their scales anymore to a person they would look as if they were a singular majestic piece of silver glimmering and radiating in pure splendor their Mohawk style of frill tells them apart from other types of dragons in fact they have the tallest head frail out of any of the true dragons their chin spikes look like goatees as well making their physical look very unique amongst these creatures when in flight if looked from below provided that you had difficulty seeing colors they would actually look exactly like red dragons I mean their wings are very similar very long and connected to the tail by the base of their legs and they have no special feature on their belly or tail and their massive horns on their heads would jut out from the side in a very similar fashion to red dragons for both red and silver dragons but you can actually use to tell them apart is typically on their head but on the top set up their head so if looked from below as if if the dragon was circling you in the night you might have a very hard time actually telling them apart the one feature though that makes the Silver Dragons unique even amongst red dragons are there al are phalanges a silver dragon has two thumbs at the end of the eller bone whereas the red dragon only has one and this is how iconic sages tell these two dragons apart when dealing especially with highly deteriorated bony skeletons but before we cover anything else however let's jump in straight into what the Monster Manual tells us about these creatures the manual tells us that they are the friendliest and the most social out of the metallic dragons cheerfully assist in good creatures in need they believe that living a moral life involves doing good deeds and ensuring that one's actions cost no undeserved harm to other sentient beings they don't actively root out evil but will gladly befriend innocents against evil the manual also tells us that they enjoy the company of other silver dragons but outside of their own they also find true friendships in humanoids who they spend a lot of time with typically they like to be in humanoid form specifically in a benign shape and then they have strong friendships with creatures whilst in this form they tell us here that sometimes silver dragons are forced to leave their friendships behind to tend to their lairs or mate only to return centuries later and realize that their friends are long dead because of this silver dragons sometimes befriend multiple generations of the same family this part is huge here the manual tells us that out of all races they specifically are more fond of humans and any other short live race because they have a particular cyst for life that other races simply do not and lastly when it comes to treasure and hoards they enjoy relics of humanoid history whether it is coinage minted by an old Empire or the ruins of a castle or all the human and objects of great artistic design when it comes to their lair we're told that silver dragons make their lairs on secluded cold mountain peaks especially if the mountain happens to be an abandoned old outpost of civilization like an old forgotten fortress I should also point this out before we move on under regional effects it is specified that the silver dragon has the ability to make clouds and fog within its layer ass solid ass stone forming structures and other objects as it wishes that part is really important so there it is the silver dragon entry in the monster manual now without further ado let's go ahead and start this video for reals let's talk about what the master manual does not tell you about silver dragons let's start with the mentality of the silver dragons specifically what exactly makes them tick this is important because many people can fall into the hole of treating silver dragons similarly to bronze or brass dragons bronze dragons because they are Peregrine's of Justice and brass dragons because they're very social and talkative qualities that silver dragons often share what makes a silver dragon a silver dragon is that they genuinely care about people's happiness and well-being unlike the bronze and gold dragons who are more concerned about their strict ideology of good versus evil in law versus chaos a bronze dragon for example polymorphs into humanoids to test people's good wills but they don't reward them or make their lives better if they do good they simply punish the bad people a gold dragon is constantly on the lookout for evil and will spend years researching and uncovering evil plot in order to thwart them before they even begin now these are very proactive dragons who constantly think about evil and how to defeat it silver dragons seldom act proactively they are more concerned about healing the wounded and saving innocence rather than destroying the evil that might produce those terrible things in the future they strongly believe that evil will always show itself eventually and they wait until it does before actually dealing with it this comes around to the main motto that all super Dragons hold dear in their hearts which the monster manual does not tell you the one rule that truly defines them to the core quote actions that cause harm is a crime actions that causes no harm is one's own business and quote almost by definition a super dragon will typically never harm an evil person if that evil person has yet to cause any harm now of course simple dragons are not stupid and will defeat a clearly evil person if that person clearly intends on doing evil but these dragons are not concerned with philosophy or the struggles between the general concepts of good and evil they don't care if you're not actually hurting anybody now when it comes to the differences between brass dragons and silver dragons it is more just about who these type of dragons enjoy spending time with a brass dragon converses that's what it does and it will do that with literally anybody whether it is a dragon or a dog or a scorpion a bird human or a sphinx these dragons are just so focused on hearing and telling stories that it doesn't really matter who they're dealing with and of course they can speak with animals so they always have an abundance of subjects to interact with a silver dragon on the other hand it's mostly just focused on humanoids but it is so attached to humanoids that it becomes empathically connected with them it wants to be with humans it wants to pretend to be a human it wants to save them protect them befriend them the silver dragon is the closest that we will ever get to a dragon that has the human way of thinking we're getting pretty deep into silver dragon psychology right now but I think it is really worth discussing this because it it truly showcases how a silver dragon things and behaves similar dragons in particular suffer from ambition in the sense that it is very common for them to spend years or even decades meditating and contemplating a problem rather than simply solving the problem once again they are the complete opposite of proactive now this is an issue that you know typically most dragons have since dragons get to live for thousands of years they truly are in no hurry to accomplish most of anything in their immediate future but what makes silver dragons different from other dragons in this regard is that they truly wish that this wasn't so and they try and do their best to be as active as they can which is why they admire humans so much and why they surround themselves with them humans typically force silver dragons to action which they love now the muster manual does tell you about their love for humanoids and you don't really need them to tell you about how much they hate other dragons like for example the red dragon you can probably guess that yourself you know we also cover this on our last video when we talked about red dragons but silver dragons and the Dragons both typically layer on the same locations which are very high mountains because of this they fight all the time though silver dragons typically actually win these encounters this is because silver dragons very commonly will gather this venturers in slaying these Red Dragons now you can also make the very smart deduction that silver dragons and white dragons tend to layer in very similar location this is because silver dragons dentin s so high up that it is typically always snowy peaks they also very much prefer colder climates like white dragons do but when a white dragon notices the presence of a silver dragon in their territory they will almost always leave white dragons know that a silver dragon would royally kick their asses so they don't even chance it what you probably didn't know though and what the Monster Manual does not tell you is that silver dragons actually don't like gold dragons that much silver dragons have a strong dislike for strict hierarchies and gold dragons well they are all about imperialism and law gold dragons believe in a world ruled by them with regulations and justice whereas silver dragons even though they are certainly lawful and they prefer a world with freedoms where people can do whatever they want as long as they're not harming anybody see the mushroom matter doesn't cover this at all but silver dragons actually have a very simple hierarchy of their own which is actually sort of similar to that of blue dragons Silver's always have a loosely knit family or clan with a matriarch or a patriarch who they will call the senior now this communities are typically spread very far apart and for the most part you would expect them to be around maybe 10 to 20 silver dragons in number but there will be so spread out then they will usually cover an entire continent they help each other in whatever ways they can and when one asks for help the others will typically accept but normally a silver dragon might not interact with this clan for years or even decades the senior of the clan will give advice settle disputes and coordinate any actions that a clan might take as a group this of course would include the very unfortunate incident when dispensing the law amongst their own plan would be it though this is very rare since silver dragons only have their one rule which we discussed before silver dragons believe from their very core that living a moral life simply involves doing good deeds and taking no actions that brings undeserved harm to other beings so very rarely with dispensing justice within their own actually happened now mating is particularly interesting see the muster manual doesn't tell you but courtship and mating within your clan is a very serious taboo you're expected to find a silver dragon from a different clan to woo a process which is very civilized and icarus when two silver dragons decide to mate they will then ask the seniors of both clans for approval though this process is largely ceremonial just like for blue dragons you will typically never see any senior actually decline a mating process unless there was a very serious reason not to like for example if the two silver dragons were from the same clan now generally silver dragons mate for life and when they do the younger of the two dragons or the one with the least status will leave their clan in order to join their mates this is not always the case but it is typically what happens now you'll find it very interesting that silver dragons alongside gold dragons are the only type of dragon that actually marries I want to take a small moment here to to really nail in the difference here because you probably have heard me say multiple times during these videos that some dragons mate for life and some don't typically what I mean by that is that a dragon that mates for life will not seek another mate and will form a bond with their partner as you would expect but typically these dragons will each have their own layers and their own hordes and for the most part that will not spend a lot of time together other than when their babies are very young and require a lot of attention when I say that gold dragons and silver dragons marry I mean it in a very literal sense meaning that both partners will take an oath and be with each other almost always this process is called the oath of Concord and it is a very sacred truck conic tradition the two dragons bound by the oath are considered quote one flesh one breath one life and quote and when they enter this oath it cannot be broken for good or for ill for gold dragons this oath is forever for silver dragons this oath persists for as long as both silver dragon parents have children so as long as their babies are not older than 101 years old which would be when a dragon would be considered an adult then both parents would be bound by the oath now I should say that it is not uncommon for this oath to persist for silver dragon for many centuries since many silver dragon parents will continue to produce offsprings throughout the centuries which would keep them under the oath for all that time now the Monster Manual barely touched on this but silver dragons do indeed have the ability to mold and harden the clouds themselves in fact many Silver's actually just straight up live on the clouds and use them as their lair in any case even though silver dragons do enjoy crafting the clouds themselves into objects and layers they actually do not lay their eggs on clouds neither do they leave their treasure in clouds this is because a silver dragon wants to protect their eggs and treasure as you would imagine and they do most of their protection using traps and enchantments but traps are easily seen through the semi-transparent lining of the clouds and enchanting cloud stuff is apparently also particularly difficult at least harder than simply enchanting stone so they will bring stone and mortar and construct sections of their lair out of it instead of their already formed cloud castle so it wouldn't be uncommon to see a silver dragon layer be almost wholly constructed of cloud stuff and have only one room in it made of stone which of course would be the most important and the most protected room of the layer a really crucial thing here though which the Monster Manual completely missed is that silver dragons have the legendary special ability to without any spell or preparation just straight up walk in clouds see when we talk about silver dragons lair but we're talking about a cloud that has been prepared to be allowed to walk on like what you would find on a flying cloud giant castle these are clouds that have been processed and made so that anyone could walk on an adventurer or anyone else a silver dragon has the ability to create these though with a fair amount of work what I'm talking about now are just straight-up normal untouched everyday clouds these unworked clouds a silver dragon has the legendary ability to walk on in fact it is very clearly stated that a silver dragon can literally walk on fog as well so if your wizard were to create a fog spell or a stinking cloud spell or anything like that a silver dragon could literally just use that as a stepping stool or go into the fog or cloud and step on it inside of it and this is an ability that all silver dragons get and they get it from the moment they are born silver dragons are fairly emotional creatures I mean the reason that they are so just as driven is really only because they hate to see people get hurt which of course is the centerpiece of their one rule of not harming people that don't deserve it but you can also see it in the fact that they are willing to marry other dragons that they mate with and how they befriend humans basically for their entire lives even the monster manual says that they go and befriend entire generations of humanoids just because they are so attached what the monster model doesn't tell you is that silver dragons are virtually the only dragon that trusts humanoids so much that they're actually willing to let them guard their treasure horse while they are away if you befriend a silver dragon now that is a true friendship and one that will last all of your life these are just different kinds of dragons than what you're used to at least from every other video that I have made on these creatures in fact let me tell you this which the Monster Manual also doesn't tell you a silver dragon actually prefers the humanoid body over histrionic body the big dragon body is cumbersome is thick and it gets in the way whereas the human body is perfectly designed to enjoy the luxuries of humanoid society that sure connect society simply lacks let me give you an example silver dragons enjoy the full spectrum of omnivore diets they hate to repeat meals and they typically always want to vary what they're eating a red dragon for example basically only eats fresh meat all day every day a brass dragon basically eats only plants and very sparingly a silver dragon wouldn't be able to do any of these a silver dragon would rather instead have meat and veggies legumes and wheat they'd want water one meal and juice the next may be milk for the one after that they'd rather eat spiced roast one meal and chicken pie the next the level of culinary expertise that humanoids have dragons simply don't and it is much easier to enjoy distally Kasese as a humanoid rather than as a dragon the Monster Manual also doesn't tell you that silver dragons don't have to eat that much in fact typically in the wilds a sliver dragon only feeds about three to four times a month this is the reason why a silver dragon would actually feel satisfied eating a small humanoid meal which normally would be very tiny when compared to the enormous meals it would typically have to get for a creature its size but yeah silver dragons actually are more than happy to just live as a humanoid sleep as a humanoid eat as a humanoid these bodies simply work better for them now they will still see humanoids as lesser creatures which in turn comes from the draconic brain of the silver dragon I mean all dragons are vain that's just a fact and one cannot escape from that fact but silver dragons love them regardless and many actually feel it is their duty to help them because they are so lesser lastly let's talk about their favorite treasure though there really isn't much to talk about here the summary of it really is that silver dragons just love humanoids and they would want to get anything that is humanoid made of course the more artisanal and well crafted it is the better but that's generally it their favorite style of treasure which the master manual and really mention is a type of treasure that can be carried silver dragons spend the vast majority of their time and I mean probably 80 to 90 percent of their time outside of their lair so they want treasure that can be carried you would probably be better off giving a silver dragon jewelry that it can use and carry with it or or fancy clothes or some nice shoes but the best gift might just straight-up be a watch a watch is the epitome of human ingenuity a well-crafted one is gorgeous too but most of all it shows the true strength of humanoids which is their importance on time now so far you might think that silver dragons are the best just straight-up perfect dragons and I honestly think that for the most part they are they are probably the one dragon that you could have polymorphed as a human or humanoid who would actually join an adventurer party and just have a good time they wouldn't be as chaotic as copper dragons would be or as overbearing and demanding as gold or bronze dragons would be they wouldn't be obnoxious as a brass dragon would be silver dragons would fit just right in they would want to quest save the world and make some good friendships along the way for it silver dragons do have one weakness rather well every dragon has this one weakness whatever you might think of a metallic dragon and how perfect it might be or how good it is all of that dissolves when it meets a chromatic dragon like a curse in their blood or a commandment from their God all my telling dragons go berserk when they find a chromatic and they battle to the death let me just end with this quote quote with few exceptions a metallic dragon's rational persona disappears when its spots achromatic dragon it engages the dragon on sight regardless of the consequences to itself or others if the chromatic dragon is too daunting for one metallic dragon to handle the metallic immediately seeks our allies and returns with greater numbers to assail the threat when battle is joined metallic dragons fight savagely eviscerating belli gouging eyes and hamstringing Lex they slaughter chromatic dragon males females and worm links with that prejudice after the slaughter ends a metallic dragon resumes its normal personality as if nothing unusual had transpired despite being covered in blood and gore once when asked about his astonishing outburst of wrath a silver dragon replied quote they cannot be allowed to reach critical numbers and quote despite their drive to kill most metallic dragons do not crusade against dramatic dragons they merely deal with such worms as they appear I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Lucado fan major fail gaming white Kerlin berry mask and toby oliver Dylan Baker sack bowel Spencer buuck Casey Butler and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patreon comm slash mr. Rex to support guys thank you so much for being here thank you so much for being awesome your comments have been so nice you guys have been giving me so much good feedback on this series I honest I love it if you guys want to follow me and just keep an eye out on me make sure to follow me on Twitter be sure to leave a comment down there and give me a like if you liked the video a dislike of course if you didn't like it and also if you guys play don't you some dragons through the internet and want access to some fun animated spell effects for you to use in your games then make sure to check this out on roll20 they're called animated spells vol 1 and once downloaded you can simply drag and drop them on your game for some animated goodness a good friend of mine made them and they are incredible so go and give him some love if you guys feel like upping your map design a bit the link will be of course in the description once again thank you guys so much for being here and make sure to click on the playlist to watch all of the DND videos that I have made I promise you if they are all good you will enjoy yourself in any case see you all on the next video bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 487,545
Rating: 4.9715958 out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, metallic dragons, silver dragons
Id: ukJxp-B-czo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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