What They Don't Tell You About Succubus - D&D

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another 40 minute long video on a topic of your choosing so what I have done is I have added a straw in the comments below that you guys can all choose what topic you will all want me to cover for this massive video anything goes whatever you guys choose I will go far and beyond to cover every single little thing about it and make it as long as humanly possible thank you all for your support you guys are incredible and I am so happy to have such a strong supportive community now onto the video the souls she calls all come to her at last they seek her out in sleep drawn like slavering dogs on a scent at the center of the dream she shimmers to life a dark angel clad in a gown of gossamer night not even the blackest shadows can conceal the pale curves of her moon white flesh that promises pleasure beyond compare in dreams there are no witnesses to the indulgence of secret desires or broken taboos no consequences but ecstasy no repercussions but the steady blissful erosion of a mortal soul everyone knows what a succubus is so we don't have to dilly-dally too much in this intro let's just go ahead and check the Monster Manual to see what they tell us about this monster the succubus page shares itself with the Sturge so don't mind that side in here we're told that these creatures inhabit all of the lower plains and they can be found in service to Devils demons night hacks rakshasas and gigolos it's interesting that you do see this being a big question our succubus Devils or are they demons but we will answer that later it does say here that succubus can turn into Incubus and vice versa so that also answers that question in here we're told what they actually do they lurk next to a mortals bedside and whisper forbidden pleasures sleeping victims are tempted to give in to their darkest desires indulge in taboos and feed forbidden appetites this makes the victim Moore's acceptable to temptation in everyday life immoral bequeaths it's sold to the fiend not by formal pledge or contract instead when a succubus orange IBAs has corrupted a creature completely some say by causing the victim to commit the three betrayals of thought word and deed the victims soul belongs to the fiend the more virtuous the fiends prey the longer the corruption takes but the more rewarding the downfall after corrupting the victim the succubus kills it and the tainted soul descends into the lower plains it also says here that they only charmed their victims using magic when it is their last resort usually in self-defense down here we get the case of a succubus does not feel satisfactory but actually is the opposite the person only feels pain and the profound emptiness that the fiend imparts lastly here we get a very interesting diversion from past lore succubi and incubi can reproduce with one another to spawn more of their kind that actually used to not be the case and less commonly as succubus or Incubus reproduces with a humanoid from this on holy union a cambian child is conceived now that much was definitely part of the lore now on the next page we get the actual stat sheets and the pg-13 pictures for the succubus and the Incubus you can see here that the creatures are very dexterous and very intelligent them I'm glad that they kept that the succubus are supposed to be extremely smart which of course they're supposed to be we have in here careers now obviously make sense and then proficiencies to everything that relates to manipulating people and getting away with it we got some standard fiendish resistances here too with something actually very suspicious there is a suspicious lack of silver weakness in here a Devils tend to have weaknesses too silver weapons whereas demons do not and it seems like the succubus does not have that weakness just like the demons interesting as far as abilities they can tell epatha communicate with any creature that they have charmed they can change shape to any small or medium humanoid the charm is obviously very powerful lasting a full day and then here we get a draining kiss that is mostly used for the succubus to finish off whoever it is that they are corrupting and by finishing off I mean to kill to kill a person and then lastly we get the ability to become ethereal overall the entry in the fifth edition' Monster Manual was designed for the monster to be not too powerful and you can tell that there is no way in hell that the dc4 its abilities would be 15 when succubi are obviously Sorcerer's and their charisma has a +5 so it should be way way higher you should also keep in mind that succubi are immortal creatures and most of them have lived for hundreds or thousands of years so generally speaking the average succubi should be able to cast spells as high-level Sorcerer's back in the old traditions that used to be way more powerful but we will talk about that later just just keep that in mind but with that said let's go ahead and talk about what the Monster Manual does not tell you about the succubus to quickly describe you so cuba's they usually appear as stunningly beautiful humanoids with perfect build and flawless skin their natural appearance however is decidedly Finnish with large bad wings sinister blowing eyes and horns in their foreheads there's really no further description you guys know what a succubus looks like so we can move on the first question that we should probably answer though is whether they are Devils or demons which I know is something that most people would be interested to know thing is the word devil and the word demon is more of a categorization of where the entity lives rather than an actual raise when you think of devil you might actually be thinking of a Basu monster these are the monsters that live and exist through bat war the actual name of the nine hells but testers for example are peach fangs lemierre's Eyes Devils etc essentially an evil soul that dies and finds his way in to bat or theoretically becomes a bat a Sioux now when you think of a diamond you really are thinking mostly of tonari creatures these are the bail or the burl Gura and the glabra sue and others a good way to see this is to picture Tia net DM it can be considered a fiend and a devil because she lives in hail and it's now intertwined with his magics but she is not a bat a Soviet dragon succubus in in this regard are a kind of similar so what are they according to a dragon magazine number 417 succubi used to be angels of love back during the dawn times quote in the beginning creatures known as angels of love served the gods as heralds and messengers comforting the despairing the loveless or forsaken mortals for whom the gods had great plans they they erected the passions of mortals at the gods behest pairing wandering hearts lost among the confucian of courting with a single chaste kiss an angel of love fulfilled all mortal desires purifying the heart and cleansing the spirit of the woeful travails of the world and quote throughout millennia these angels existed and worked at the behest of the gods but many of them actually felt like slaves what they wanted was to make happy as many heroes and as many sorry souls as they could yet they could only do so whenever the guts desired it this is when Asmodeus came into the picture way way before he would become an arch devil quote though they revered the gods that they were made to serve the angels of love also held great admiration for other beings particularly the Archangel ASIMO Dias an angelic Paragon of chastity and virtue Asmodeus had been chosen above all other servants of the gods to guard the prison of the chained God and there was no being in all creation that could question his dedication his loyalty or his honor so when s Modi's before the angels of love the Angels heeded him as they would hearken to the gods themselves a smo deus showed them a vision of a cosmos where he had vanquished the evil of the abyss where the angels of love dwelled in shining astral paradises granting their boundless love and compassion to all they wished not merely to those the gods esteemed the worthy of favor the Archangels showed them his vision of an ordered universe united honor his own benevolent rule where there were no divisions or conflicts only endless virtue eternal love and ultimate freedoms such as only the gods could know the angels of love knew that to covet what belonged to the gods was forbidden but Asmodeus was the wisest and the best of all the angelic hosts and his heed and virtues and service of the gods whereas all this time innumerable as the stars though many of the angels of love turned away from Asmodeus more remained at his side tempted by his idyllic vision in time these angels joined us motifs as rebellion against the gods but when Asmodeus slew the deity he served the gods condemned his legions of rebels and imprisoned them in the astral paradise that they had seized here the succubi were born and quote now this of course follows one of the more popular creation myths that deal with the creation of the nine hells this is d fallen angel creation myth the story continues that the paradise that now as mo Diaz ruled was cursed and now burned transforming the ones utopia into the nine cavernous hells that we know today the angels were stripped of their angelic virtues and branded with infernal shapes quote gone were the halos of light that once had radiated warmth and comfort to the misbegotten in their place grew a curved pair of horns were once each trailed a comet-like stream of cold angelic radians now a serpentine spearheaded tale twisted behind their white wings darkened and their soft feathers fell away leaving a tough leathery membrane like the wings of a bat such was the brand of the traitor a warning to all angels signifying the price of betraying the gods they were made to serve end quote their powers as well twisted as their shapes so instead of being able to banish negative emotions and evil desires with a single kiss and how their kisses instead instill the unquenchable desire that infuses every part of their being a satisfaction that can never be reached every kiss an echo of the bottomless abyss that is this occupant is longing for that which is forbidden to them quote physical acts of love are the nearest these Devils can come to the state of bliss they wants to enjoy as angels of love they suffer under an acute physical addiction a sustained insatiable desire for the touch of flesh that only a kiss will ameliorate and quote cease occupy instill a desire upon people but when the succubi kisses them or makes love to them that the sire never burns away their kisses are empty of satisfaction on the other side thus occupy are addicted to the touch addicted to seduction because they can never find that happiness ever again either so as you can see occupy hold a special place in the realm of Asmodeus in the nine hells however it is actually more complicated than that sake buyer are not considered by Tessa but they are also not considered Devils for seemingly a big part of joining us muda cease rebellion relied on a factor of freedom or rather a factor of free will they are not beholden to Asmodeus Asmodeus cannot control them as he can other Devils the reason that the Angels wanted to leave the gods was because they felt like they were slaves to them and they want it to be truly free and well at least that much they actually did get and now the succubi are not bound necessarily to the nine hells or specifically they're not bowed to Asmodeus some of them are imprisoned in the nine hells kind of like how TM it is but this is why they're not technically considered Devils again though get more complicated than that see there are two succubi of great importance succubi that one could consider to be sort of like the leaders of the succubi race one is Lilith the queen of the night and Malkin FET the queen of the succubi both strive to become the consort of Asmodeus in order to share in his power and in doing so they have attempted to prove to him that they have what it takes in doing this Malkin third actually invaded the abyss for a smo dias and in doing so she conquered the five hundred and seventeenth layer and named it Shinda Lavery she transformed the chaotic shifting layer into a version of the paradise that was promised to her bias mo Deus originally from there she rules over the layer and helps us motives whenever possible sending him tributes and giving him info on demonic Lords the abyss however has transformed her into a form of demon and now she's a CR 28 powerful theme together with that the abyss has also granted her the ability to reproduce and with disability she has created more and more demonic succubus many of which now infest all the known worlds succubi which presumably also have the ability to reproduce just like their mother unlike some of the other succubi which cannot reproduce and this sort of explains why some succubi can reproduce and why others cannot so to finally answer the question this is why we have succubi that are considered devils and succubi that are considered demons the devils follow Lilith while the demons follow malcontents now fun fact loath the queen of spiders actually snatches and abducts fiendish succubi in order to transform them into your clothes through a very secret ritual you can only do that using succubi which is very interesting but anyways being a form of fallen angel succubi can actually find forgiveness and redemption quote even though all succubi long for the paradise that it's mo Deus has promised them and they would sooner remain masters of their own way then returned to bondage under the gods a rare few succubi however truly regret their betrayal and supplicate themselves before the gah in hopes of redemption the path to redemption is difficult for succubi to thread and it leads to a destination that precious few can reach first a succubus must discover a way to leave the nine hells then she must walk the path of atonement an atoning sacrifice must live a chaste and virtuous life countering every deed she has committed against the gods with seven good deeds since Devils were created near the beginning of time a succubus atonement might require centuries to complete once a succubus answers seven times for each betrayal she's redeemed before the gods in all but the rarest of circumstances in which a succubus is restored as an angel her form does not change she is released from her sentence in the nine hells and sometimes she's allowed to return to the astral dominions that the succubi long ago departed the succubus philosopher fall from grace is an example of a redeemed succubus she serves as the proprietor of the brothel of slaking intellectual lusts in the city of sin jewel and the quote now as the master manual stated most occupy start the process of corruption actually through dreams and not through direct physical interaction they will first try and have the victim perform his acts of lust in the dreams where it might believe that it is safe it is only then when the person is utterly corrupted in the mind then and only then will this Occupy's be fully summoned in the real world and start to entice the person physically in essence a person who doesn't hold back in dreams inadvertently summons succubi into the real world now the most common way of dealing with these types of attacks is toward the dreams away and to do this and mainly typically use the spell magic circle the spell only lasts a single hour obviously and because of it an addition to the spell is used where a circle of gold and salt is sprinkled around the slumbering victim during the performance of the magic circle ritual this prevents the succubus from entering the dreams of the victim for the entirety of the extended rest if such a spell is not within reach then a more mundane approach would have be needed since succubi are usually summoned into the world with thoughts of lost and greed the creature hunted must drive the succubus back by performing turnable and wholesome deeds and clearing his mind of Filth quote each significant act of mercy charity or love before an extended rest weakens the succubus hold upon the creatures soul and quote now fun fact succubi used to be extremely dangerous during first second and third edition because they had the ability to summon demons much in the same way as normal demons still do thing is occupy had the ability to not just summon any demon but they could summon bay lures which is unreal the chance of success for the summon was 25% in first edition 40% in second edition and then it was lowered to 10% in third edition imagine fighting a single succubus and having her summon a bale or right in front of you she had a 40% chance of success in second division I mean that's just wild the craziest part though is not even that but in the first edition the sake bus had a 5% chance of straight-up summoning a demon lord or a 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Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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