What They Don't Tell You About Elves - D&D

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the elves are shrouded in mystery I mean one has to wonder how can they do the things that they do when you play water deep dragon heist a story says that prior to the human city being constructed this actually was the place for a massive elvish City thousands of years ago but the elves perform some kind of spell that literally deleted the city from existence before they abandoned it and moved west when you play strong King stunter and you go to silvery moon you learned that there is this incredible permanent spell cast on the city that prevents any adventurer while within from casting any fire spells or teleport or summon anything an evil goblin can literally not go inside of the city because the magic within it prevents him from doing that this type of magic we call a methyl and it was invented by the elves when you go into any of the massive forest cities of the elves you tend to see these enormous thick trees where the elves make their homes and you might wonder how are these trees created you might hear rumors that elves can transform into dryers and you wonder how can this happen it might surprise you to know that the reason the continent looks the way it does is because the elves fractured it using magic that shifted time and space let's dispel the dark curtain and finally talk about elves and their magics the story about the beginnings of the elves vary tremendously depending on the origin myth being used of course when it comes to it we can't really prove any of them with any form of certainty all of them however Center on the main god of the elvish pantheon : lara thean : was a perfect shape-shifter with no true form to call its own in the legends he was described as being a stream clouds earth the wind and thunder he could change his shape to literally anything and he was said to be the true embodiment of free will and came his flamboyant mercurial personality was said to show through no matter which form it took and the other gods accept that his mutability and passionate behavior all of the gods except for grunge the god of the orcs the story says that the orc God slashed coral in' and from his blood came the first elves the primal elves they were similar to coral and in personality and immutability but not nearly of course as powerful many of these primal else would go on to live in many places of the multiverse and they would spread around though mostly they went to the FEI wild a realm of unbridled passion which actually worked well with their personalities now this is worthy myths start to depart from one another and many of the different stories diverge the key here is that some of these primal elves were favorites to core alone and he imparted great power upon some of them essentially turning them into gods Curlin actually married one of these one called ro Schnee now this elvish goddess wanted more she wasn't satisfied with simply being a God in her van door she wanted to conquer the material plane and the other heavens - and the such she convinced the primal elves to get rid of their mutability so that they could take permanent shapes that way they could use those permanent shapes to enact a physical difference in the world essentially one had to get rid of some of their freedom for a glory the primal elves all accepted and took on the shapes of the elves that you know and see today now this change started the rift between Coraline and Irish knee coral and ended up banning all of the primal elves the ones who were not gods out of her van door as punishment for doing this for he was deeply offended that they had forsaken their freedom and chaotic forms eventually Irish knee betrayed coral on and tried to kill him by setting with evil gods such as grunge and mallar but ultimately failed in slaying him and as such she was transformed into a demon and banished to the abyss at which point she took on a new name loth the queen of spiders now why was this whole backstory important well it is actually hugely important because religion is basically 90% of elvish culture and most of everything that they do revolves around Coraline and the sell Doreen Pantheon the elvish pantheon for example you probably didn't know that elves don't truly die forever and instead they actually follow a cycle of reincarnation every single time they pass away elves are essentially banished from their heaven until the time when Coraline can actually truly forgive them for their transgression in changing their mutability and I also forgot to mention that when the elves got rid of this mutability it also heavily affected Colin's ability to mutate which really pissed him off that was everything about it basically so when an elf dies because they're banned from their heaven they are only allowed in there for a very short period of time before their soul gets just sent back into the prime material realm to be born as another elf this is also one of the reasons why elves don't reproduce as fast as humans do if there is a limited number of elvish souls in existence that gets recycled over and over again in fact it is well known in elvish culture that if a lot of elvish babies are born in a century something terrible is typically going to happen because Coraline wouldn't send so many souls into the world unless something bad what's going to happen that would need a lot of elves to fix getting a lot of elvish babies back to back to back is a very bad omen another example of how important this is comes in the way of the trans that elves are known for see Elvis don't need to sleep in the same way as humanoids do instead they essentially meditate with their eyes open and what we call a trance something that they have to do for at least four hours a day now trance is a crude name used by humanoids to describe how it looks because it indeed looks like the elvish in some kind of trance but the real name is the reverie the meaning of reverie is quote a state of being pleasantly lost in once the and the quote and it actually describes their state perfectly when an elf enters reverie they can recall any memory of their lives and essentially relive it they do this to recall beautiful moments of their life and replay it back in their head to find inner peace or they recall training sessions with their masters in order to further practice even while resting this is the reason why else appreciate the smaller details why they get lost in staring at a flower and why they're not interested in high-octane adventure they do their best to find it truly unique experiences so they can replay those experiences whenever they desire the question that no one was asking however but that should have been asked is how does the reverie work when the elf is basically a baby how far back can an elf go when they search for their memories it gets really crazy guys have you ever wondered how does an elf define when he is an adult I mean think about it for a human 18 years old just sounds about right because 15 and 16 years old sounds far too young and 25 sounds far too old but could you imagine trying to do that math in your head with an elf an elf is supposed to become an adult at around age 100 but why 100 is 95 years old too young is 110 years old too old see the reverie is more than simply a way for elves to rest and recall memories like The Player's Handbook would have you believe in reality it is through the reverie that elves figure out in which stage of their life they are in for the first 30 years of a Nell's life the elf can't actually recall any experience using their trends instead they can actually recall memories from when they used to be primal spirits back in our band or back in the days when they used to frolic and dance with their gods or when they used to exist all-powerful in the Fae wild in the very days of their creation it is actually in very bad taste for an elf this young to speak of these memories to their elders for every elf longs to return back to those days and hearing about those memories make them solemn than melancholy they are however pushed to explore those memories to truly experience them for as long as they can because the memories will not last forever in fact as the elf grows older they will slowly lose the ability to recall these primal days until the day when they can no longer recall a single of these memories these memories instead from the time they hit 30 will start to be replaced with their own memories of their current life until they completely take over at around age 100 the first time a young elf is able to recollect a personal memory with their trance at around age 30 it's called the first reflection and this generally marks the child's passing into adolescence when memories of their life completely take over the memories of their primal past that is called the drawing of the veil and it marks the adela sent elf entering adulthood now when this happens it is actually a very sad moment for the elf I mean you have to understand that being able to perfectly recollect memories of perfect happiness with your God in heaven and all the other spirits of your people and then losing the ability to relive it and recollect it hikes it is a very traumatic experience that all elves go through and as such elves actually make a celebration of it to try and offset the melancholy as much as they can like a rite of passage into adulthood in any case this is why every single elf knows very well of their place in the universe and they know very well of their gods disappointment and why they are banished from their wonderland and that's why every single elf strives to be the perfect elf so they may be welcome back in their one day generally speaking if you play an elf in any campaign in the news and Dragons this is the stage of life that you will typically adventure in after being 100 years old what they call the adult stage the reason for it is because now that the reverie is completely taken with your own memories the elf now tries to fill his revery with great adventures and memories getting crazy experiences out there so that then they can recollect those experiences with the reverie now this stage of adventure typically lasts around 300 years but then when the elf actually reaches their 400 year mark their trance once again starts changing at this point the elf will start to randomly be given images and memories of other lives that the elf has lived essentially a glimpse into some of the ring carnations that the elf has done in the past but some even claim that the elf will get memories of other elves in other lives this we call the remembrance or the revelation this images and memories will start slow but eventually become so real that they literally start shifting the focus of the elf making the elf become more focused on the bigger elvish picture focus on community focus on their place in the multiverse and focused on primarily going back home and this is when the elf goes from being an adult to being in the elder stage keep in mind by the way that the elven will still look like he is around 30 years old or something else literally do not age at least not until they are a couple of decades close to dying and well that won't happen for a very very long time still it's interesting too that the more active and elf is in their life the more adventures they go through and the more they accomplish in an active way the faster this stage will come upon the elf but there's more to it too the more times an elf gets killed and revived the faster the remembrance will come but the thing that speeds it up the most by far which is weird it's the fame while constant contact with the fairy world actually speeds up this stage of life the most in fact the lore actually states that if an elf stays a couple of decades in the Fae wild they might get their remembrance early after second-century so now you understand it the elves don't use the number of winters that they have lived through to determine whether they are an adult or an elf they actually used the types of memories the type of feelings that they get from the winter trance to define the sort of things which again goes back to their God to their religion see how everything is just intertwined with religion in their culture now the thing about elves and how long they can live after they reach elder status is that it appears to be for the most part predetermined by the gods before they are even born at any point in time after an elf reaches elder status likely a hundred or two hundred years from that a sure sign from the gods will show in their bodies that will tell them that their time is soon to come when an elf that is close to dying from old age enters reverie enters a trance cataracts in the shape of crescents pointing down will appear over the pupils of both eyes quote this change commonly known as transcendence is evidence that Suhani moonbow has opened the door to enable the elves soul to return to our van door a direct sign from the gods that it is time to get one's affairs in order how much time an elves body has left is never certain whether hours or years the period is marked by both an intense joy and great sadness most mortal elves accept their upcoming fate with optimism or resignation but some react by throwing themselves back into the labors of life with a frenzy other elves consider on becoming elves who died of old age without experiencing transcendence are believed to have been denied admission to our van door and thus their souls pass on to other planes and are never rain Karn aided the living are left to guess why this might be true but an elves conduct during life will often offer a clue drow never experienced transcendence and the same is true for elves who turn to the worship of God other than the doreen and quote now this actually gives us a really cool segue into the Dark Elves which is everything about them is very very interesting but first let's go over to the beginnings of the elvish Empire which we kinda need to cover and the lower states of the elves lived on the FEI wild for tens of thousands of years that being the place they essentially got banished to after the schism between Coraline and Lowell the Fae Lords eventually decided to open portals and gateways into Ferren in order to contest the Dragons dominion over the land this is when the elves moved in into the planet first the first wave of elves to move on to the world worthy of Ariel who are known as the winged elves then the green elves who nowadays we know as the wild elves and the lothario which were kind of the first werewolves the varial were absolutely obliterated by the Dragons I mean they literally almost went extinct the only reason they survived at all was because they decided to live on the land instead of flying living as Hermits and vagabonds they traveled as far east as they could in order to escape the Empire of dragons avoiding them at all costs and basically just hiding for thousands of years the green elves and the lothario kept to themselves without trying to anger the Dragons hiding in the forests generally speaking this first wave of elves did pretty bad it wasn't until the second wave of elves coming from the fight wild when things really started to pick up for them because this is when the gold elves the moon elves the aquatic elves and the Dark Elves came into the world these elves were already great at spell casting we're very numerous and intelligent and they managed to essentially end the reign of dragons with their combined might and just like that they started forming empires all across Farren this is what we call be first flowering when the elvish people spread all across to form their empires now these empires were incredible and much of what is awesome about elvish culture essentially formed here and it was here that high magic started to be born we're gonna talk about hi magic on the next episode but know that hi magic is essentially the way that elves manage to do literally everything cool that they have ever done a magic that essentially rivals 11th level spells it's a completely different type of magic and unlike normal true spells there's actually no limit to how powerful they can be in fact the scope of many of these high magic spells actually rival that of cars is this avatar the only 12 level spell and some of these high magic spells are literally on the same level of power in fact screw it let's talk about one of them this is gonna show you guys during this time period during the first flowering the elves followed a prophecy where they actually attempted to bring a piece of heaven into the real world they wanted to bring a piece of our Vandor from the upper plane down here to the Material Plane essentially shifting and breaking apart the rules of the cosmos see when elves get old when they start reaching their elder stage they start to feel the call to Irv and or and indescribable and unrelenting yearning to return to their heaven this was to catalyst for them to try this sacrilege for them to have a piece of heaven down on earth where they could live and not feel this yearning any longer the elves performed an incredible high magic ritual with hundreds and hundreds of participants in the casting of this Grand spell the Lord describes that hundreds of years of preparation of the spell was in order and the best mages of all affarin all came together to be part of this grand ritual the spell was called whoo owls salut careth which roughly translates to at war with the weave terrible earthquakes as a result of the spell tore the fabric of reality and time and space its sundered the land and a broken killing untold number of elves and destroying thousands of settlements the spell was actually going to destroy Ferren if it wasn't for the intervention of the gods who helped finish the casting and at and a massive Island rose from the bottom of the sea in the middle of the tracklist see the island that the elf would know as ever meet the island that would forever become their home quote millennia later ever meet still exists although now it is unmoored from the world somewhere in the space between the Fae wild our van door and the Material Plane but using secret passwords entering a fairy ring on special nights or traversing a moonlit sea by following certain stars elves of many worlds can get to ever meet if they are lucky even from fair rune for instance one can sail to ever meet only on a ship captained by an elf who has been there before and if the captain slips up the ship might become adrift on the astral plane despite all these obstacles when elves feel the pole to her van door some find a way to assuage that feeling by travelling to ever meet instead unlike when our van door else who visit every mid can do so for as long as they like and leave when they want or can choose to stay as many elves do in the latter decades of their lives and quote the island itself is a miracle a literal piece of heaven on earth where the rules of magic in life are different a place where certain elves can become demigods a place where elves can migrate to in order to quench their desire for heaven and live the rest of their lives in peace the land exists in both inner Vandor and the material plane and the Fae world all simultaneously and for millennia it was ruled by the only true queen of all elves this is just but a taste of what high magic can do and we will cover all of the high magic spells that exist within the next few episodes I have casting times I have components needed how many elves are needed per spell the exact effect of the spells I have it all it's really cool guys so make sure that you watch the next couple of videos that I'll be releasing I'm gonna cover all of it but anyways during this time period elves created many spells though unfortunately there really aren't many that we still use nowadays unlike the nether EES who created virtually every single spell that we still use like magic missiles and shield and fireball the nether is actually wanted their spells spread all across the world because it brought glory to their kingdom and and famed to the wizard who invented it but the elders were never really like that at all in fact quite the opposite they were always worried that their spells would be used for evil so they kept them secret and where did they keep them well they never meet of course ever made is a trove of ancient elvish treasures and spells that is in fact there in ever meet worthy else keep some of their most famous spells spells like the sixth level spell anti magic aura a spell that works like the anti magic field but concentrated on a single person so that that person can not cast any spells a broken and awesome spell or the sims level spell gunship which allows ships to fly in the air or the incredibly powerful ninth level spell gift of life which allows a cleric to turn any undead back to life thank you guys so much for watching make sure that you stick through on the channel subscribe click the bell button to be notified whenever I upload because we will be releasing the second part of this video we still have a ton more stuff to cover about the elves where we're gonna be talking about the dark elves how they became essentially cursed and of course the actual anatomy of the elves if you want to know how their brain works what's special glands they have that humans don't have how'd they even get our vision I know how they can see in the dark even without light is a very special process that else can do all of it really interesting so make sure that you stick through and subscribe to see the next video then after that we'll cover high magic in all of the different spells very interesting stuff anyways I want to thank my patrons reporters Lucado fan daniel luna dr. cowbell skits you boy alisa Russell major fail gaming great codeine ii say liang berry mask and 5e magic shop doc feeder Daniel Umar Morgan Johnson sack bowel Brad Salazar gasser nem rosti rein biotechnology cosh vein and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head over to patreon.com slash mr. Rex to support guys in the meantime before I upload the other videos which I will be uploading every two days make sure to go and watch the playlist for all of my Dungeons & Dragons videos they are fantastic I promise you they're all as good as this one we have covered so many monsters and so many topics of D&D so please just lose yourself in the playlist it'll be great anyways guys see you all in the next video two days from now bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
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Id: aFZ_eaCcU-k
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Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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