Bronze Dragon's Greatest Secret - D&D

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bronze dragons are warriors of Justice seekers of goodness and judges of law at least that's what the fifth edition Monster Manual tells us they do indeed have quite a darker side to them that they don't tell you about but that's what we're here for let's tale of deep into the lore and find all of the secrets about these dragons that the monster manual does not tell you today we will see just what's hiding beneath the waves bronze dragons are coastal dragons in fact they are the aquatic variant of dragons they have webbed feet and claws their wings are designed from the skeleton to work similarly to fins that allows them to swim fast they can breathe underwater indefinitely and their breath weapon is electrical which works perfectly well under the water now much like in our last video where we covered the brass dragon we should probably hit on some of the physical differences that the two types of dragons have because boy do they look similar the biggest difference between the brass dragons and the bronze dragons are the wings in fact out of all of the metallic dragons that share a similar color that being brass bronze copper and gold only the bronze dragon has traditional-looking wings the rest have these manta ray shaped wings that typically link all the way back to the tail now that is your main way to tell a bronze dragon apart other than that though a brush dragon will always have multiple horn looking black spikes coming out of its crest like a form of crown their mouth is shaped like a beak and their tongue has a single pointy end but the important question here and the answer to this question is always different depending on the dragon but the real question is why is it important to differentiate them I mean the Monster Manual makes both the brass dragon and the bronze dragon seemed fairly social and generally good right they're both metallic dragons so they both must be good well the answer is that they are very very different and the wrong interaction with a bronze dragon might actually cost you your life but let's talk about what the muster manual actually tells us they tell us their biome the the coast of course that they eat aquatic plants and fish that they are friendly and enjoy observing other creatures of interest they tell us that bronze dragons enjoy poly morphing into animals in order to investigate and approach other creatures they tell us that they have a strong sense of justice and that they love fighting in wars lastly they speak of their wealth preferences that they like looting sunken ships and collect colorful corals and pearls but boy is this a big misdirection mostly because this isn't actually tells us the full story at all bronze dragons are social just not in the way that you would think see breast dragons the the dragon we've covered in the last episode those are actually very social they love talking to all kinds of monsters animals and humans but they dislike talking to other dragons especially those of their own kind now bronze dragons are social but in the exact opposite way they love interacting and socializing with those of their kind including other types of dragons in fact it is not uncommon to find bronze dragons polymorphed into dolphins swimming together or to bronze dragons polymorphed into dogs running together and playing sometimes you might even see them just bathing together under the waves and enjoying each other's company bronze dragons in fact mate for life if their partner dies then they literally never get another mate even if they end up leaving another six hundred years they are very gregarious and social with each other but this is only with other dragons bronze dragons virtually ever actually talked with non dragons at least not in their draconic form see bronze dragons spend 90% of their time polymorphed they hate to be in their draconic form when they're out and about this is because he actually hates the attention that they would get as a dragon the best way to describe a bronze dragon would be to say that they love to interact with people but they hate to be interacted upon if that makes any sense see they enjoy spying on people in the form of or walk around a city in the shape of a humanoid but they literally never revealed that they are in fact a dragon the monster manual mentions that bronze dragons enjoy inspecting ships that pass across its lair what the monster manual doesn't tell you is that the actual reason it does it is to make sure that they aren't pirates pirates are the second worst creature in a bronze dragon's eyes and it constantly inspects all the ships that pass around to make sure that they aren't criminals we will talk about that in just a moment but the important thing here that I want to mention is that if the ship happens to be a legitimate merchant then the dragon will do it's interaction that it wants to do with the captain but it'll do so Polly morphed into a creature and it will typically never reveal to the captain or anyone else that it is indeed a dragon see a bronze dragons hobby is to pull him off itself into a beggar or some form of Beachcomber and then Beckford money and food it does this to test people's good wills and basically to see who would help him and who would not now every once in a while be polymorph dragon might get attacked and robbed by bandits at which point the dragon will enact its justice upon the unsuspecting evildoers but the the funny thing though is that the dragon actually never rewards back those who actually do help him which is interesting if the dragon is pretending to be a poor widower beggar on the streets and someone actually offers the dragon food and shelter the dragon will say well thank you and then just move on with his life without actually rewarding the person back the thing is that the brunch dragon enjoys testing people's goodwill but but not for any real purpose other than whatever weird enjoyment the dragon would get from doing it it's just to pass the time in fact the people that help the dragon will actually never know that they indeed helped the dragon for the creature will never show its true self ever in fact what happens a lot is that merchants might get attacked in the middle of the road by bandits and the dragon will come in polymorph to some adventurer and save the day but even then the dragon will never show its true form many people are saved by bronze dragons all across the world without ever truly knowing I just wanted to take the time here to to let that really sink in because much like the black dragon of the blue dragon the brass dragon every dragon has a thing something that that makes them special bronze dragons are like paladin's of Justice but they live basically always polymorphed and almost never in their true forms that that's what truly defines them in personality they enjoy interacting with people but didn't like to be interacted upon they are social but once again probably not in the way that you would have expected it now that was all part of their social aspect what we have now is their lawful aspect but we'll cover that in just a bit first I want to go over some of the regional and wealth preferences see the master manual doesn't tell you that bronze dragons only truly relax when they're dry because of all of their aquatic features you might be led to believe that their layer is wet when in reality it is not bronze dragons do not sleep underwater they do not lay eggs in their water and most certainly do not I repeat they do not keep their treasure underwater brass dragons bury their treasure in the sands everywhere bronze dragons do not bury their treasures under the sand the ocean floor the idea of a barnacle-encrusted sea chest hidden by the dragon under the ocean floor is just not true at all and even though you can indeed grow a bronze dragon egg by living it under the sea water a real bronze dragon mom would never do that instead opting to leave the egg in a dry area where the sea waves would flow and cover the egg only a couple of times a day sea bronze dragons do love coral and pearls like the monster manual says and those types of treasures do very well under the sea but many treasures that the bronze dragon collects simply do not and the dragon would rather have the whole pile of treasure in one place rather than spreaded apart also fun fact the reason that they like pearls in the first place is because they actually eat them they consider them a delicious tasty snack this would not play out very well at all if they were to bury their pearls somewhere deep in the ocean floor now they also really like amber in fact if you were to deal with a bronze dragon and you would like to offer the bronze dragon rewards in exchange for its help on a quest then the dragon would certainly ask for either coral or amber as its reward there is however a secret desire that the bronze dragon always has that they will literally never tell you about bronze dragons love gold the most out of any metal or treasure but they will never tell you in fact they might even persuade you to not give them gold it's likely that they hate the idea of them loving gold as much as they do since gold is the typical cause for all the evil in the world and that's why they will never ask for it but boy do they want it and they do want it really really bad but now let's close with what I think is the most interesting part of bronze dragons their affinity for justice what the master manual doesn't tell you is that bronze dragons actually hate killing the way the master manual describes them at least you to believe that they go around like sellards killing villains and purging evil hell they even describe them as war machines but virtually every major lore book outside of the fifth edition monster manual and maybe certain paragraphs of the dreck anomic in number two a fourth edition describes them as really hating the idea of killing they will kill if they have to and if the war is just enough that will indeed go all out and don't get me wrong but the process for a dragon to the side should I kill in this battle is very serious when a bronze dragon decides it is go time everyone better run but it does take the dragon a lot of consideration to reach that conclusion and once that conclusion has been reached there is no turning back we will talk about the dark side to this in just a second the reason that the dragon even has a repulsion breath in the first place is that because of how much the dragon just doesn't want to kill the idea is that the dragon actually goes around in his normal day-to-day polymorph does a weak critter that probably gets attacked all the time by by bears and water monsters and poachers it what it does is it uses his abilities and tactics to avoid harming anything that it doesn't want to kill in fact the dragon makes it its protocol to only kill things that it wants to eat and whenever it fights villains like bandits or pirates it actually does its best to be victorious without inflicting a single bit of damage what it will do to pirates is it will break the sails of their ship and leave them stranded or it will pick a villain and live in Malone on a deserted island if there's a way to win the encounter without doing damage that's what the bronze dragons gonna do what's interesting though is that unlike the brass dragon who doesn't eat anything bronze dragons have voracious appetites they will eat everything their favorite food are sharks which typically the dragon will haunt until they are completely depleted in the area now like most metallic dragons though bronze dragons refuse to eat anything that is intelligent a bronze dragon for example will never eat a human even though it most certainly could there is an exception though there is one intelligent race out there that bronze dragons have decided it is perfectly OK to eat which ironically Qin sides as their number one most hated creature in the world bronze dragons who are the most just out of all dragons who ever truly never kill unless they have to who barely even hurt their enemies have one race in the world that is intelligent that they're willing to kill and eat they are the swaggin the Sahagun are always extraordinarily evil which the dragon already hates but the biggest thing is they taste like shark they taste like shark which is the Dragons favorite food and since typically sharks are the first fish to go extinct in and around the bronze dragon's lair the brothers dragon never gets to eat them any more after that so wagon tastes extraordinarily like shark and they are constantly worrying with brunch dragons so the dragon makes a moral exception and allows itself to devour them whenever they get the chance and now is when we start getting into the real dark part of this type of dragon the part that the Monster Manual emits but is very much present in the other D&D literature that is when the lawful part of the bronze dragon turns tyrannical see a bronze dragon will enact is justice upon the surrounding region of its lair like we described before now this typically turns into the dragon destroying pirate ships that pass a closest layer or defending merchants along the road to even attacking bandit outposts the problem happens when the dragon grows older and the region that it calls its own increases or when its lair is close to a town or city it becomes a problem because at this point is when the bronze dragon will start enacting its own justice upon the people that live in that town or city and the problem with the Dragons justice is that typically it will differ with everyone else let me explain we have the typical moral dilemma of is it wrong if a poor person steals bread from a wealthy merchant in order to feed his poor family a chaotic good person will say no it is not wrong a lawful good person might say yes it is wrong but we shouldn't punish him a lawful person though would Pro say yes yes it is wrong these responses might be typical for humans but a brunch dragon will have its own set of responses and those responses will be much harsher than their human equivalent a brunch dragon will be much more inclined to punish the poor person harshly for its planned crime for the brush dragon is far more lawful than it is good and the problem with the bronze dragon is that it sees things in black and white there is no gray area when it comes to the understanding of justice and good things are either right or they are wrong and there is absolutely no in-between with this comes the draconic arrogance that literally all dragons have that comes with the dragon brain in this sense it is manifested as and I quote if you do not understand my justice you're willfully ignorant and I have no time for fools end quote now what does this means this means that the bronze dragon will never argue and will never debate leave the debating for the brass dragon the bronze dragon already knows what the truth is and it is unmoving this comes back again to my point of bronze dragons are really not a social with normal people as you might be led to believe if you were to disagree with a dragon the dragon is bound to become aggressive towards you even if your intentions are good here let me give you this dark quote from the dragonomicon quote this appointment and frustration with human subterfuge might lead a bronze dragon to act rashly destroying an entire population out of misapprehension even if it's later shown to have been wrong the dragon would not feel regret and would see the tragedy as being brought on by the dishonesty of his victims and quote many of the things that I'm saying here are not even that paraphrased I'm being very literal here the dragon will not debate and will not argue there is no gray area period this is just how the bronze dragon works the bronze dragon feels no pity no remorse it's justice is true and unflinching so I hope that by now you can see where the problem might lie when a town or city lies within the Dragons territory it won't take long for the bronze dragon to become its ruler and it will force its justice upon the people inside even if they don't want it and even if the people's justice differs from that of the Dragons so even if this is not an evil type of tyranny it is still tyranny in the sense that the dragon will force itself upon the people even if they don't want it to and those that resist will be dealt with and punished for the dragon wants good and justice and if you're against them then you must be evil or you must be against good I would like to give a personal thanks to my favorite patron suborders ricotta fan major failed gaming white Curlin topi oliver Dylan Baker sack bowel Kacey Butler and mediocre at best for supporting me at patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please please head on over to patreon dot-com slash mr. Rex to support but other than that is you want to say thank you so much for watching this video ended up being a little bit longer than I hoped but I mean that's just better for everybody I suppose except for me and editing but in any case if you guys are interested in more DMD videos more D&D Dragon videos basically make sure to click any of the links right now on the screen I have made a lot of dragon videos and they're all as good as this one them so yeah I'll just leave you guys I've been talking too much rambling for too long see you guys on the next video thank you so much for watching I love every single one of you bye bye [Music]
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 458,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, dungeons and dragons, d&d, dnd, bronze dragons, true dragons, metallic dragons, lore, history
Id: bNbnnTqDfPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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