What Screams "Trashy Parent" ? (r/AskReddit)

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what screams trashy parent not teaching your children basic hygiene never actually having your kid but making out to the world like you are parent of the year taking care of yourself before your child I'm too broke for that but I just spent hundreds of dollars on myself making empty promises to your children blaming your children for your own unhappiness letting their kid run amok in a store while paying them no mind a woman ahead of me in line for a public sub was too busy on her phone to notice her kid was running around licking everything he could reach picking up pickles and chips and soda cups licking them she occasionally yell at his name without looking up from her phone so of course he ignored her super annoying super trashy exploiting your kid for YouTube views exploiting your kid in general using the money that their parents gave them to take care of the baby to buy a ps4 should have bought a PC smoking almost a full pack of cigarettes while being 32 weeks pregnant and a two-year-old on your hip living in your boyfriend's parents house putting off this awesome parent persona on social media but then completely being absent from the kids lives where are your kids Tara I shouldn't be seeing you at the bar every frickin weekend night exchange I once witnessed on the bus between a 4-5 year old in her mom mom I'm thirsty there have some coke no I want water what why coke is much better why would you want water my dad did this to me he tried to force me to drink Sunny D too he tried to ban me from drinking water I knew of a kid that would crap her pants and then stuff both hands down her pants then pulled them out and show off her poop on her hands her mother would laugh it off and said they nicknamed her chocolate hands I think she was just humiliated by her nasty little kid NAT she made or if she really thinks it's funny then she in fact is a trashy parent crappy parent in my opinion verbally and/or physically abusing your children in public after witnessing some horrific parents brazenly screaming it and smacking their kids I can't imagine what they subject those poor kiddos to improve it this one kills me was in Walmart the other day and the kid wasn't particularly paying attention to where he was walking and stepped in front of his mom she raised her hand as if she was going to slap him and started screaming at him to stop being such a crap child he wasn't even being a bad kid he just wasn't being overly observant of where he was walking allowing your twelve-year-old daughter to date a 22 year old man and then allowing that grown-ass man to stay the night her mom apparently didn't care at all and it disgusted me to no end when I was 14 my best friend at a time also 14 had a 21 year old boyfriend he lived in her house and slept in her bed her mum was absolutely fine with it and I was the only one who thought it was inappropriate using their phones while ignoring their kid being a brat screaming parents thanking your friends family for funding extracurricular activities for your children that you otherwise wouldn't be able to afford and then promptly posting a picture of your new [ __ ] stamp on Facebook saying that getting tattoos might just be your new hobby I know someone who hasn't already seriously overweight like four-year-old not sure of his actual age but he's under five she's overweight - she never punishes him for anything he does including beating the crap out of his sister gives in to his every demand so she doesn't have to hear him cry thinks it's hilarious that he cusses like a sailor there are even videos on Facebook he's a little pride and joy her other kids just get yelled at all the time for existing it makes me so angry but there's nothing I can do about it at least my children are being raised better than this that kid sounds like Dudley from Harry Potter chubby violent entitled and the dual of his deranged mother's eye kids with those rattail haircuts or kids that throw trash on the street not putting a jacket on your child when one it's cold outside - you're wearing a jacket and three your kid is saying I'm cold if I've asked my kids 10x to put on their coat and they refuse each time at some point we just have to leave the house my own boys would do this all the time when they were little including saying they're cold I'd point out to them that if they are feeling cold they should put on their coat again they'd refuse letting your kids smoke your cigarettes edit I kind of said this as a joke because I don't know anyone that would do this after reading the replies I'm quite disheartened epitome of trash cheetah's for breakfast for to a five-year-old I know a parent like this also Wario bites and Taco Bell for dinner pageant moms was gonna say pregnant moms are kind of the whole idea no child seat in car smoking in car while kids are in it my time to shine I have way too much experience on this topic smoking inside around your kids smoking weed around your kids accidentally dropping pills in the house with small children being addicted to pills moving in junkie friends who have been arrested for prostitution yelling that person can go suck a dong in front of your kids feeding kids fast food all the time not brushing hair getting food stamps and child support only to blow it on drugs and also memor absentee parents taking credit and congratulating themselves publicly of course for their child's accomplishments butthole that kid turned out all right in spite of you not because of you screaming of kids continuously instead of working with them to solve the problem there's nothing wrong with discipline but if you just yell at your kids and then drink away your problems afterward instead of apologizing and resolving the issue at hand you're not helping anything alternative spelling of what should be a straight forwards name Casey go to bed a few years ago a friend of mine saw another friend that we both knew but weren't super close with at the grocery store she apparently had a son with her who was maybe eight months old at a time and was dressed only in a diaper at the time I was like that's pretty strange but didn't think much of it now that I have a baby myself the thought of taking her out of the house without wearing any clothes s been a grocery store which can be very chilly screams bad parent to me my neighbors are the trashiest parents ever the mother is constantly screaming at her kids literally constant she tells them they're scumbags worthless etc the father was standing on his porch yelling my baby Moana is a thief their teenage son has been flicked up to the point where he acts the same way the mother and son are always throwing crap and slamming doors I've never witnessed a trashy er family yes I've called the cops and I'm calling CPS tomorrow I work in a liquor store so I've seen some crap if you're seven months pregnant and come in for fireball shots every night you're a crappy parent I see that way too much my child never does such things yelling at their kids as loud as their voices can go on in public defending their child's butthole behavior every time they get in troubled by their teachers leaving kids with grandma so they can go to the club a party all night with their friends bringing their kids to a store or a public event when it's late at night and obviously past their bedtime agreed with one two and four three can sometimes be a good release when you just need a unite so long as you're not out doing stupid crap like hard drugs or breaking the law that says I know my parents have offered to watch our son every once in a while so we could have a date night and not worry about being home by 9:00 something about the name Destin it just seems trashy if you name your child destiny - then you probably don't have incentive to raise them selling their kids Christmas presents things they bought themselves in order to fund their opioid addiction not being able or willing to discipline your own children because you are lazy entitled help me I'm an irresponsible single mum and don't cur so they are out of control and inconveniencing others and having loud intercourse at 1:00 in the morning with the children present in the tiny apartment sleeping but still see Monday source my upstairs neighbor smoking in the middle of a kid filled playground that video of some kid reaching over to eat popcorn out of Prince Harry's tub the mom just ignores it it really irked me as a parent I would have moved the child and had the we don't touch other people's stuff talk and apologize to him dipping into your rent child support bills to get her nails done or newest gaming console letting your kid run around screaming make messes and annoying people while acting like nothing is wrong allowing your 14 - 16 year old to get a tattoo had a kindergarten kid at our school poop in the yard on the first day of school I told him hey buddy when you need to poop tell the duty person and she'll let you come inside of the bathroom he looked puzzled and said you want me to poop inside those parents could probably have used some parenting lessons yelling and swearing at your kids nothing trash ev and when you see some parent going all [ __ ] the F on I'm tired of this crap as their ten-year-old you just know that kid got the short end relishing on the fact that their parents beat the crap out of them when kids and look I turned out so well when they allow their child under the age of five to drink soda I said that rule for my kids oldest is three so many people have tried to give him soda I have no idea what goes on in their minds just a couple hours ago if my job some lady comes in with her kid and is commanding him like a goddang dog walk forward bag pick up and so on ffs have some respect for your child and talk to them like they are a human being while I saw lady standing in front of the drive-through Bank lanes at my bank one hand she was holding a cardboard sign that I assume said something about hard times and being hungry and in the other hand she was holding the arm of her son I drove past her and into the bank line and watched her storm back to her car while jerking on her son's arm to hurry yes she walked back to her car and got in the passenger side and her son got in the backseat and there was a male in the driver's seat I'm assuming it's the father husband what is more trashy than using your children to beg for money instead of just working this sounds like an abuse situation to me dad sends out mom and the kid to Panhandle because he doesn't want her to have a job this way he can control her I don't know I could be completely off but that's the kind of scenario that went through my mind when you're poor but you have the newest video game console every year to be fair there is such a thing as layaway buying secondhand or asking better off relatives for help now if they are specifically dipping into rent money or skipping on bills that's another story not holding your kid's hand while crossing the road not having a car seat for your kid you've been visited by the good sleep oinker you will be blessed with cozy restful sleeps but only a few comments sleep tight polka thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit parents, reddit parent stories, reddit bad parents, reddit trashiest parents
Id: Qy7dfV3leME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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