What's The Strangest Thing You've Been A Part Of?

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what is the strangest event you have seen or been a part of didn't happen to me but my girlfriend's neighbor's house went up in Flames but when the fire truck came it never stopped it drove straight through the house and completely destroyed everything brakes just didn't work at the wrong time best way to fight fire divide and conquer about a month ago I was eating at a very nice sushi restaurant in my city Austin TX and I had to go to the bathroom I got up and walked in at exactly the same time as a guy at a table across the room we walked in and there was only one urinal so I becond him to go ahead as a kind gesture he thanked me and I leaned against the wall and pulled out my phone to check messages read it and the guy looks at me over his shoulder and says wanna see something weird I think about it and say maybe and he reaches his hands down his pants father and Fishes around for a second to pull out a live baby bunny he then hands it to me while still peeing and says here I grabbed this rabbit and petted him looking into his eyes thinking of so many different questions how sanitary is your hand when you handed him to me why do you have a rabbit in your pants or any other question but for some reason my brain decided to ask what's his name the guy looked at me confused and said KOA or something I don't remember we got him today I responded with that's a good name for for a bunny well I think I'm going to eat him in a few days they taste great he replied as he zipped his pants up and started washing his hands you shouldn't eat bunnies you should love them blurted out of my mouth the guy looked back at me like he was deep in thought dried his hands on a towel and said maybe I will then he smiled took back the bunny and placed it in his pants and walked out I like to think I saved that bunny but he probably ate it Slams on its brakes on a busy four-lane road a woman jumps out and reaches into her back seat grabs what looks like a giant fake sunflower plant and swings it around her head it seems like for a minute but perhaps it was only 30 seconds she throws the sunflower back in and jumps back in the car and speeds off me and four other people just stood there in disbelief at the entire site just WTF for a second she thought she had invented the flower copter I can imagine her disappointment as she got back into her car again with a slightly torn imagination I was riding the dart Dallas Public Transportation trained back home from work when I was 17. my first job working at a Boston Market my third Uncle managed anyway it's about 10 30 at night and in my car there are some odd characters business guy with the coat folded over his briefcase in his lap obvious gangbanger guy tattoos big hoodie slouched in corner moderately hygienic homeless guy two jackets really messed up shoes crazy hair good perfect white teeth can't stop laughing to himself every few minutes and white skater kids some with boards others with rollerblades one with BMX bike I sat near the white kids suddenly there's commotion at the front of the train we are in the far back everyone peers down the aisle to see what's going on some tall gangly black guy is running down the aisle throwing Haymakers seemingly at random every few seats he's rapidly approaching our section now that's weird but what happens next is the icing on this crazy cake moderately hygienic homeless guy fumbles around his jacket and retrieves not one but two switchblades snitched those suckers out like Wolverine obvious gangbanger guy rears up to his full height unfolding to something like six feet six inches reaches into the front pocket of his hoodie and suddenly the outline of a gun is clearly pressing me and the white kids we just Turtle up in the corner barricaded behind a Phalanx of the boards but business guy he just gives a tired sigh moves his coat to the seat next to him this dude's briefcase is handcuffed to his wrist he unlocks it opens it reaches and just rests his free hand inside psycho Haymaker guy makes it to our section stands bewildered for about three seconds frantically taking in this situation then turns around and runs right back where he came from punches another couple of people then get off the train I started carrying a knife after that this needs to be a scene in a movie an NOP the skaters gang danger hygienic homeless Wolverine and a briefcase man all former ragtag team to survive against some terrible foe I was in Rome walking down one of the main tourist streets lots of high-end fashion stores mid-july lots of people and right in the middle of this street there's a big scaffolding erected against the side of one of the stores as me and my family walk under the scaffold there's a big crowd of people ahead of us so the pace is pretty slow out of nothing the people ahead of the start coughing nothing noticeable at first but then it's louder and it's spreading further back my brother is a little bit ahead of me and he's coughing too I can suddenly feel dust or smoke or something obstructing my Airway and I can barely breathe the street looks fine no building dust or Smog or car exhausts but around 30 people are coughing like we're in a burning building and pushing each other to get out onto the street the Panic was huge I couldn't stop coughing and all I can think of is getting me and my family the heck out of there people are shoving and shouting and I can feel the crowd swelling against my back and then we make it onto the street and it stops all all 30 or so of us just stood on the street coughing and spluttering and trying to catch our breath in the midday sun and that was it after about a minute we all felt fine and everybody walked away in different directions no lasting effects nothing there was probably a really simple explanation but it was one of the weirdest experiences I've had dude that was one final twist away from being the start of a Fringe episode fifth grade I forgot the details because it was long ago and it was stupid kid drama but basically my entire gym class hated my gym teachers one day some kid confronts one of the teachers and actual fight breaks out between the two of them the rest of the class just goes appreciate some join in on the fighting so in the matter of seconds it's a bunch of 10 11 year olds fighting two screaming adult females and the rest of class takes it outside to the playground one's outside another group of students try to break some of the playing equipment movement but everybody else for some unknown reason decided that marching around the perimeter of the playground while chanting was the best course of action I just chilled out on top of the Jungle Gym outside while this was happening since I didn't want to get in trouble so basically inside the gym you have a group of students wailing on two teachers for some period of time and outside a bunch of kids are Marching In Circles acting like they are doing some kind of Freedom March once the dusk settled every student was required to go to a counseling session and that was the end of that I don't remember what happened to the teachers or the actual class after that this happened back in the 1999-2000 school year at Meadow Creek Elementary in GAF by some giant coincidence anybody who went there and sees this post can confirm RC the mistake they made was not seizing the armory I was driving down the highway just minding my own business all of the sudden I see a car standing on the emergency Lane the driver a woman in her 40s or 50s is standing behind the barrier passionately playing an accordion and singing there was no traffic jam or anything guess she just suddenly felt like she wanted to make some music on the highway alone sounds like you weren't minding your own business at all you goddam accordion ver my friend invited me to her party once it was a party being held by some social network site can't remember the name of it only certain members got invited mainly people who had helped contribute to the site and a big part of the community they each received odd packages filled with items such as marshmallows and other things and a personalized invitation also each member could bring one guest I was a guest wettle traveled down to some Warehouse in the middle of London and there is a massive queue and being handed drinks by people who seem to work there anyway once I get inside I can only describe this as the strangest most absurd party I have ever been to and it was awesome at the entrance a dwarf leads you through a large wardrobe of coats so you can't see crap and you eventually enter a jungle with a massive tree with a treehouse in the middle several free bars you just had to jump on for a bit and help serve people a hot tub and random Caravans walk through and we found several different rooms such as a cinema slaughterhouse granny flat the white room a room fully padded out and filled with huge white cushions and loads more I can't remember I met some interesting people got drunk had a nap in treehouse and woke up with another guy I had met early curled up next to me and the rest of the room chatting while two girls get it on in the middle we left at about 11 in the morning as did many others about that time but apparently the party went on for another couple days it was surreal but incredible at the same time you're referring to the annual fasapati party I was there too I was not the man curled up next to you I believe the host is now dead and the parties are no more they were great parties I was paying off a bushel of parking tickets when I was approached by a man dressed in a three-piece suit he asked offered me 100 to be a witness for his wedding being that his best man wasn't going to be able to make it I said frickier walk into the room and it was myself a judge and two dudes was I surprised yes I thought the best man was running late again wrong watch two dudes get married didn't bother me even made money went to bar afterwards to celebrate with them coolest dudes I have ever met got another parking ticket still friends today drove past two people frantically freaking in a white Fiesta or Panda or something on the hard shoulder of the M25 anti-clockwise between Junction 11 and 10 in the middle of Russia I made a fake press badge and went to a Nazi rally as a press photographer that was fun pretty disorganized and undisciplined for people trying to emulate the most ruthlessly organized military political entity in modern history that's because they're just a bunch of drunk buttholes okay finally a chance to share this one I was in South Africa and planned to go out with a bunch of friends for someone's birthday when we got to the restaurant they told us there was a wait of like 20 minutes but since the place was really small and we were a large group they told us to go wait in the bar next door sure no problem we'll grab a drink and then head over so we go to the next door over and immediately think there must have been a mistake the door seems to lead to nothing but a long dark narrow alley with a massive set of stairs at the end in no way the bar's up there we go back and double check with the hostess insists yep the bars up those stairs so we head over and start climbing the stairs are extremely Steep and very narrow and there's mysterious water dripping down the sides of the Alley we're all getting a pretty weird vibe but we continue on anyways eventually the stairs come up to a short hallway and at the end of it is a door which looks like it leads to someone's house it's the only way out of the hallway though so we open it and walk in it was the most surreal experience of my life it was like walking into a ritual worship of Britney Spears there was a DJ at the front projecting the music video to Hit Me Baby One More Time onto the wall for a crowd of people dancing along like it was 1999. the room was probably 85 male and many of them had Britney Spears masks on their faces so we didn't even know what people really looked like after a few solid minutes of gaping in shock my friends and I turned and hightailed it out of there the weird thing was a few people arrived late to the restaurant so obviously we shared the story and promised we'd take them up afterwards so when the meal ended we climbed the long narrow stairs again and walked into nothing it was a completely regular bar no traces of Britney anywhere it was the first year in college and I joined this club called the chocolate club and I had no idea what it was the first session there were like eight people plus the leader and the leader led us to a graveyard and told us to stand in a circle facing inwards he then proceeded to hand us each a chocolate ball and told us that we had to hold it in a specific way with only our middle finger and our our thumb he then mumbled some random words and then signaled us to eat it and so we did never went back again so basically you got free chocolate I like this club while smoking on the balcony of my apartment I was watching a cat staring into the night sky while sitting on a brick fence for a good 10 minutes then I watch as another cat appears out of nowhere walking towards the first cat and they proceed to have cat sex it was really weird as if they had planned to meet there or something this literally happened five minutes ago I think a brick fence is called a wall alright so when I was 16 my family along with my best friend's family we were best friends since preschool went on a Carnival Cruise together it was a seven day with our itinerary starting an FL and going to the Cayman Islands Honduras Belize then consumer well at our first stop in the Cayman Islands we were getting ready to depart then the captain came over the intercom looking for a family that apparently never showed up they never got back on the boat and they never met up with us at another stop then myself along with my best friend and his older brother were pulled out of our rooms the next night at around 3am to sit and ship jail while we were questioned about a girl who went missing on the ship because she had been seen entering my room I had my own balcony room so we threw a small party in the room well after hours of questioning they started searching rooms and found her in an older man's room drugged and raped went pretty event less after that until we were going back to Florida when with extremely drunken eyes we spotted a blue Speck in the a distance we tell a ship employee and they make a phone call after about 10 minutes we started floating towards the spec once we got close enough the ship operator turned off the engines and we were standing on my balcony looking down at a ship full of Cuban refugees being Hispanic I could hear what they were saying we were at 15 miles from port and they had been on the water for over a week it was four men and a pregnant women we threw water bottles because they were out of water they were shouting phone numbers to I guess call their loved ones and then the sadness hit they came over the intercom and said that we would have to wait there until Coast Guard showed up when the Coast Guard showed up the men fought and resisted for a few minutes but eventually with the urging of the ship passengers they gave in it was a surreal moment for me I go to Anime conventions but since there aren't men a long-haired bearded anime characters I cosplay as Jesus someone who's never been to a con might be kind of surprised at how many black people go too maybe I was just prejudiced but I was expecting all white people anyway one time a whole huge family of black people 10 to 15 people rang up and crowded around me and all started singing church songs while clapping dancing stomping shouting our men and generally acting like they were feeling the holy spirit inside them I've never been so confused about how to react in my life eventually I just collapsed laughing I just Googled anime Jesus and apparently there's a show about Jesus and Buddha's roommates in Tokyo I was at a party with a bunch of friends there was a girl who was feeling you so we went upstairs to help her relax long story short it turned into an exorcism and two big guys were needed to prevent her from hurting herself and even they had trouble with it my sister and I were driving to Clearwater FL from Saint Pete one day in traffic on 19 is always crap with the stoplights well the car too ahead of us kind of throw drops this bundle on the ground well the woman in the car in front of us gets out and picks it up it's a freaking baby the people in the car that dropped it jump out and take it back and this is right when the light had changed so basically jump in the car and drive off it made the local news from what I remember I remember thinking if I were that woman they would have needed an act of God to get the baby out of my arms you just threw it out of your car I was in a Subway in this tool lanky black man who was obviously on drugs dances through the doors yelling I'm the Cookie Monster repeatedly until the people behind the counter gave him a cookie as he was walking out he throws his cookie at my head and gets about two feet away from my face and says you gotta have a daily dose of cookies to be a Cookie Monster like me and then danced out of the door I think he just passed the torch cookie to you you know what must be done I wouldn't necessarily label it strange but I had never seen it happen before I was driving home from class and get to an intersection where everyone was slowing down for seemingly no reason as I got closer I noticed two cars had stopped both driver side doors were open and the men driving those cars were fist fighting in the middle of the street zero context will I guessed road rage chuckled and continued home the chili that night was awesome tell me more about this chili a friend and I were hanging out at the mall when suddenly a dude rest like gandalfa gray appeared out of nowhere and said we must take the ring to more to welp look I'm a huge Tolkien fan I love random crap so I looked at my friend she nodded we went with Gandalf we traiped through them all with him slowly Gathering six more people who were willing to play along Gandalf assigned each other's a name matching the members of the fellowship I was Pippin my friend was Mary eventually Gandalf leads us to a conference room in a building next to the mall there are pillows blankets popcorn and sodas we watch all three of the lotr movies together back to back all of us are giggling and laughing and having a great time at the end of it Gandalf reveals he's conducting a social experiment for his class we fill out a small survey and we go on our ways still friends with everyone in our fellowship colon I am more amazed by the fact that you all had 9 hours of time to drop everything and watch all three movies than anything else when I was in high school my step cows and grandmother passed in Mexico and we went to her funeral she lived on the border in Brownsville Texas across from Matamoros she lived most of her life in that City but spent her last few years in the U.S of course she wanted to be buried in Mexico with her son who passed when he was young I can't remember why he died but he was buried in a small very secluded graveyard that was rarely in use in order to gain access to his gravesite my uncle had to pay the family that now owned the land a small fee being that it wasn't an active graveyard we had to dig the plot ourselves in August in Mexico now if it was just the act of digging a hole no big deal but she wanted to be buried with her son not beside with after four hours we about 10 various family members were four featuring down when we started finding pieces of wood naturally the casket was just a few splinters and chunks after all these years I believe he passed in the 50s The Surreal part was getting to the skeleton everything was gone flesh and clothing wise except for his socks polyester I think we then placed all of the bones and socks inside an infant casket and delivered it to the funeral home 10 minutes before Services were to start when we returned to the Grave it was a normal Mexican funeral and the smaller casket was placed on top of the abulitis casket it was nice seeing everyone in attendance take a turn returning the Earth to the hole when we were done people said their prayers and then everyone got drunk also when she died in Brownsville in order to get her to Mexico she was propped in the back seat and driven to the funeral at the border they said she was sleeping these just keep getting better the farther down you go when I was maybe 13 or 14 my friend and I were walking down the street not too far from my house it was a fairly Long Street and took a good 10 minutes to walk from one end to the other when we were about halfway I started to hear a quite hum like that of a motor it gradually got louder and I turned to my friend and he looked at me like he heard it just as confused we looked around and turned around to see in the distance the outline of an obese man riding one of those small crotch rocket motorbikes the really small ones right down the sidewalk we moved over onto the grass to let him pass as he got closer and zoomed past us pretty fast he was wearing a red scarf and Aviator jacket goggles and a pilot cap one of the World War II skull caps he had the most determined look like he was on a mission and the scarf fluttered in the wind as he zoomed past a cloud of dust kicked up too I've got no idea who this man was but I like to believe he was on a serious mission to save an ancient Relic or something if you're reading this may God speed be with you through a house party in high school got out of hand as these things do couple extra hundred people showed up large fight Riot ensued and Spilled onto the front lawn and into my neighbor's yard my neighbor was a Sensei owned a dojo and generally kicked butt he emerged from his house and during the brawl wearing a g and proceeded to break his fence in half with his hands presumably as a warning shot when that didn't work he just started kicking kid butt laying out whoever came near the perimeter of his property it was straight out of a kung fu movie friends helped me throw the remaining people out of my house as I locked the place down and prepared to abandon house with police lights in the distance and ready to make a run for it the last thing I remember seeing is the Sensei taking on a fat kid in a cast on swinging his crutch around in the air at him it was a heck of a party if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 35,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strangest moments, strangest, weirdest moments, weird, awkward moments, awkward experience, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 2jQHm2i2DhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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