Police, What's The Most Obscure Law You Had To Enforce?

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law enforcement officials of Reddit what is the most obscure law you've ever had to enforce and how did it happen military cop here when I was stationed in Ozone s career I worked Town Patrol for about a year and a half the Air Force has jurisdiction over all military members within a 15-mile radius outside the base right outside the base is the songten district which holds 120 plus bars and clubs within a 10 Block Street every night hundreds sometimes over one thousand of drunk military members actor fall down there every weekend it's even worse army marines Navy and Air Force members all go there from different bases to get drunk and it gets freaking crazy one night I was making my rounds through some clubs and a guy was sleeping all by himself in a booth inside a club our mission is force protection essentially we are protecting military assets people to continue the mission so we attempt to wake him up seeing as being passed out his sign of alcohol poisoning we just want to make sure he's okay it took me about five minutes to bring this guy to Consciousness it took me sternum rubbing him with my kevlar-knuckled gloves to instill enough pain for him to wake up he asked him to get up and to walk with us to the base so we could make sure he was getting home safely seeing as his friends had deserted him mind you we technically could have arrested him for public drunkenness right then and there but I wasn't feeling like a dong that night I'm more worried about him getting home without getting robbed or hurt as me and my partner walk him back he starts off being compliant and Thanking us for looking out for him then he starts arguing that he's fine and wants to go drink more no no Airman that's out of the question you're going home then he starts arguing that we must let him go to McDonald's and get some food no no Airman I'm not your freaking delivery man you're going on base they have 24-hour food spots on base go get some food before you go to sleep in your dorm room then he starts getting really pee and froggy pulling away from us and trying to walk faster than us up the street stop you are going home and that's that Frick you price is right you're a [ __ ] holder you hold my dong proceeds to whip his dong out and start pee in the middle of the street okay that's it put your dog away and give me your ID card now you're getting arrested surprise surprise guess who is publicly intoxicated provoking speech and gestures indecent exposure and now underage drinking and to think if he had kept his mouth shut he could have got away with all of it all because he wanted to take a nap in the club fun times career fun times I missed the last bus from the main gate at Camp Humphries to the barracks area at that time a two-mile walk so I had to do the walk of shame it was hot in the middle of the night and about halfway back I sat down in the turtle trap ditch to rest just for a second a around 6am one of the MPS was nice enough to lightly kick me in the stomach so that I could continue my walk not a cop but saw this dude get arrested for the most bizarre thing I'll ever witness my buddies have a small cottage on a lake in western Michigan and everyone knows you don't mess with the police on the lake because those guys can be in the water on sea Deuce within like five minutes after you call we're sitting out on the dock and we saw Mama duck and a line of duckling swim past us they get about 20 or so feet out into the lake past the dock and this dude rolls up on a jet ski pulls out a freaking revolver and caps mama duck this is a violation of like every hunting and public safety law there is so we run up to the house and tell our parents and the police are called we get back down to the dock with armed dads in tow and daddy duck is swimming out to the distraught ducklings just as jackass is rolling back up my friend's dad yells something at him and the dude turns out he was very drunk yells something offensive back and Bam pops daddy duck right in front of two County Sheriffs they managed to arrest him without much brouhaha bit odds are that dude got hit with an amazing fine lost his driver's license and probably did some jail time tonight on 24 hours News 8 a man was arrested today after shooting two ducks with a revolver on a jet ski while drunk I once met a man in prison charged with and I crap you not cattle rustling he stole 21 head of cattle and tried to sell them illegally I learned a lot about cattle farming and crime dealing with livestock also I was in prison working there for those that asked what I did to land myself there honking your horn in the absence of danger a motorcycle cop cut me off as I was entering the freeway once with no siren I didn't recognize he was a cop as it was dark so I slammed on my horn and he immediately pulled me over he said that the horn was too late after the instance of danger got a ticket and attack onto that because he smelled weed I was handcuffed on the side of the freeway while he waited for backup to help search my vehicle had to stand there for nearly an hour in heels my feet really really really hurt there was no weed not a cop but a former roommate was when I went to grad school near Amish Country B bugging Under the Influence is apparently a thing it turns out that a non-insignificant number of Amish get drunk and then let the horse go home because it knows the way the thing is the horse doesn't know about stop signs traffic signals the speed to go Etc so the Amish invented the smart ish car crap I don't even remember the exact wording on the law something like assault by bodily excretions or something I had to look it up basically the guy peed on me on purpose while we were trying to arrest him he also got charged with assault on an officer when he decided P wasn't working and resisting as well as the original trespassing charge that brought us to him in the first replace there's also a legend in my department where an officer needed a reason to chase a guy that he knew to be a felon who carried a gun so when he caught him he'd charge him with firearm by Fallon and running without a reflective vest at night which is an actual city which is an actual snow it didn't stick the firearm by felon and running without of s charges didn't stick my charges did live in a small rural Town you'd be surprised how many DWIs while driving a tractor lawnmower we give out and no we didn't write these tickets if we see them mowing their yard with a beer these people drive this stuff into town to the gas station Walmart and other places with beer in hands because they think we can't write them a DWI my neighbor is an amateur radio one day he calls me sounding P asking if I had installed any new electronic devices recently I didn't so I said no without knowing what was the problem one week later some technicians from the national communication Department were knocking at my door handling lots of weird detectors and asking if they could visit my house because a complaint about illegal use of asserting frequencies had been filed against me they tried every room in the house before finally finding The Source One LED light bulb was apparently sounding weird they told me to change it but didn't find me I've heard about this over in England a guy caused interference on several bands when he opened and closed the fridge door in his garage not really an unusual ticket however I saw a guy get a DUI and a host of random driving offenses for riding driving his motorized Esky for all the non-australians an Esky is a portable cooler like the ones you take camping I once knew a guy who got in a fight in a park the people fighting all agreed to fight so there wasn't really much of a case for assault and the like a crowd had gathered to watch so he was cited for organizing a public sporting event without a permit was working in our local entertainment district one night doing foot patrols walking the beat couple of idiots were on their skateboards doing laps up and down the Main Street where all the clubs were I don't mind skateboarders but when you're deliberately harassing people and being [ __ ] well there's a problem stop them next time they swung past and got a Smuggler not doing anything wrong you can't stop us copper was quietly pleased to tell them they were a person shall not travel on a wheeled recreational device on a carriageway during the hours of Darkness I.E you can't ride a skateboard at night go figure my father was a police officer for 28 years in Colorado he was parked at an intersection when he noticed some guy sticking his hand out the window to continuously flip him off for the 30 seconds or so they were parked the flip-off guy then drove forward and immediately got a ticket from my father apparently in Fort Collins our town if you stick your left hand out the window in a specific manner then you have to turn left it's considered a failure to Signal then the guy battled it in court and lost so he had to pay extra I'm not an officer but my old neighbor was and he actually had to arrest someone for walking around with an ice cream cone in their back pocket it sounds dumb but this is a rural area with lots of farms and people who are intending to steal livestock will walk by with ice cream sticking out of their pockets so that animals will follow them they never have to touch the animals at all they just walk them out of their pen and into a trailer for some reason they got away with it for a long time because some other obscure said you had to have a rope around the animal for it to be considered stealing so they started using ice cream to just make them follow so if any of you ever visit Southwestern Kentucky don't put any ice cream in your pocket you'll get arrested I had heard of that law from one of those crazy laws lists and always wondered why it was written thanks not law enforcement but I was charged with an obscure citation when I was 15 I started canvassing for a local window and siding company we went to a smaller town about an hour away to test our luck without a permit one of our canvases had The Misfortune of knocking on the door of a security guard that likes to wear his badge around the house he'd attained the young lady for not having a DL on her and called the cops when they arrived they found out we didn't have a permit normally they just let us leave with a warning but this has sha security guard had already contacted kbi we then find out that in this town the laws regarding solicitation without a permit fall under the same laws as prostitution at 15 I had to go before a judge and explain how I wasn't selling my body door-to-door the judge apologized for not knowing how to handle the situation and drop the charges God I can't imagine being a 15 year old girl and getting detained at some guy's house that sounds like unlawful in person to me hunting of a small animal out of season I'm not the NR or a game warden at all but I caught this 20-year-old do chasing a injured squirrel down the street he had shot at four or five times with a BB gun metal pellets the poor thing was going to die and I wrote that sucker for every possible hunting violation I could and I confiscated his BB pistol R.I.P little squirrel squirrels are a huge pests in my area so sometimes I wish I could hunt them but that messed up no reason to cause suffering when it's easily avoided thanks for doing something about it I had a teacher who was a cop one time he saw a guy hitting his girlfriend and when he approached them the guy ran the girl said she didn't want to press charges so they found the guy up in a tree close by they arrested him for knocking leaves off a tree in a county park everyone telling my it's balls and I made it up it's been a while since I've heard the story so I'm probably not remembering it right it was definitely something about the girl not cooperating with the police and he definitely arrested the guy for what I said maybe he wasn't actually hitting her and it was something different if a police officer Witnesses domestic violence there is no option to press charges by the victim the officer would be obligated by law to arrest the offender depending on where you are not any type of law enforcement just heard this story from a friend he was out on the Lake Boating with his family on this Lake there must be one life jacket on board for every person on the boat there was a random search by the boat police where they made sure this rule was enforced everyone on board had a life jacket so they weren't worried then the inspector steps on board and starts writing a ticket everyone is confused the inspector says there's another person on this boat now where's his life jacket just a dong move by the inspector since they had the exact number of life jackets needed for the family should have pushed him overboard and watched him drown my sister rode her bike with another person a police officer then stopped them she had to pay five euros because it's not allowed by law to drive a bike with more than one person on it my brother once was stopped by a cop after crossing a street in the middle you know it's illegal to jaywalk said the cop as he pulled out his Pad to write a ticket my brother pointed down the street to two uniformed cops jay walking to their car what about them he said the cop put away his book and told my brother to not do it again my friend's kid got a kite stuck in a tree at a park so I climbed up to get it down for her a cop charged with me for the illegal act of climbing a tree and injuring or destroying a tree on Municipal property total charges five hundred dollars was drinking in the Richmond one night with a friend a lot we found a stray shopping cart and decided to give each other rides to get home faster or whatever I got to go first it was quite Royal then I switched places with Buddy and he gets in as we get moving up 17th he gets on his knees in the frontal cart spreading his arms wide and starts yelling I'm the king of the world we make it to our destination but from behind us we hear hey hey is hat your shopping cart get out of there it was an sfpd and he was giving us the riot act from his car window but then he stops and says hey how old are you too 35 us need I say more says the cop as he drives off any Swedish police officer that can tell us about dancing permits because that's a special kind of stupid law please you need a permit if you want your guest to be able to dance at a pub nightclub Eck that has a designated area for dancing PPS it's really about fire safety but that law should be applied according to the number of people in a confined space not if they are dancing or not mine's pretty tame really and not super obscure I guess I remember getting bitched out for not writing enough tickets because I wrote exactly zero speeding tickets my entire time as a military policeman LOL if I saw someone speeding as long as it wasn't Reckless I'd flip my lights bump my siren and when they slowed down I was happy our Command even printed out a sheet showing who wrote how many tickets with emphasis on speeding traffic violations anyways I'm getting bitched out about not writing tickets so I'm like fricket and go around writing up tons of tickets for people parking against the flow of traffic like tons of them LOL if your car was parked on a street on say the right lane it facing the opposite way ticket these were non-monetary tickets mind you literally not even worth the effort of writing and putting them into our casework system because they mean nothing but basically a warning lol I wrote massive amounts of them did and hear crap about not writing tickets anymore after I love Creative Solutions like this that still avoid unnecessary fines if I was going 26 in a 25 on base and heard a cyanide crap myself then slow down so your theory does work I've had to arrest and sees a man's dog for the offense of sheep worrying protection of livestock act 1953 more common in rural areas I'm also aware of but have not enforced offenses under the salmon act 1986 where you can be prosecuted for salmon touching there's also one for stealing fertilized salmon eggs in the offense sounds physical something like physical exploitation of salmon but I'm not too sure there's also the badger Act a buddy of mine got a ticket for doing a wheelie on his bike in eighth grade apparently our town has a law about having all wheels of your bike on the ground at all times he had to pay a 100 fine for it we laughed at the cop when he approached our group and told us he was quite serious my dad got a ticket for failure to dim his headlights one time it was an extremely bumpy road and he was trying to find a hidden driveway the cop flashed his brights but the road was so bumpy it looked like everyone was eternally flashing their lights people in NYC get arrested every day for putting a foot up on a subway seat and or taking up two Subway seats always in the middle of the night when no one needs the extra seat Source work in public defense in NYC my cousin is a cop in Kentucky his department has a pool for the most ridiculous arrest so far nothing exciting but there is a law that makes it illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket in public going back to horse thieves apparently doing this to get the horses to voluntarily follow them so we have a deal at the next time I'm in Kentucky I'd walk down the street with an ice cream cone in my pocket and let him arrest me I'm leaving in half an hour to go visit him and other family at his new house wish me luck I took a guy for trafficking some serious drugs at time of arrest he had heroin pills Coke crack M and bath salts I called a detective for advice and he gave me a few questions to ask the guy post Miranda he sang like a bird because he wanted to roll on his buddies to make a deal because of his admissions I got to charge him for a legal use of a two-way communication device which is a felony for using his phone to sell drugs also drunk guy steals cab crashes cab I find drunk guy outside of cab asleep can't charge eui because no one saw him drive DUI case lawyers are pain but damaging property more than one thousand dollars in the process of stealing it is a first degree felony that one was rare for me theft of Farmville crops the victim we'll call him Joe went to the public library where when you sign on to the computers you are allowed to do whatever for the allotted amount of time usually 30 minute slots Joe was farming his crops up until his time was up when his time was up the computer locks and waits for the next user it doesn't close browsers or clear history or allow you to log off next guy comes in and logs on wipes Joe's crops out completely I was still finishing training and thought I was being punked pretty hard to take someone seriously when they're wanting felony charges of theft for their virtual crops he was serious very serious and very Furious I didn't know how to handle a virtual theft now I do my boyfriend is a bylaw officer in a small town my favorite story of his is about the lady with barbed wire all over her yard he received a complaint from her neighbors and went to check the place out she had completely covered her bushes and trees in the top of her fencing barbed wire because she was convinced that her neighbors had trained their cats to dig up a garden they were throwing them over the fence she said so there was obviously no other alternative he spent 20 minutes fighting with her about why she needed to take it down before he came up with an idea she was satisfied might work use motion detector sprinklers to keep the cats away so she takes down the wire he gives her a warning and everyone seems happy a week later he gets another call saying the barbed wire is back up he goes to check it out and sure enough she has doubled the amount of wire and is furious when she sees him pull up the cats love the sprinklers they would run in and out of them all day playing and now the yard is wet and muddy the neighbors hated her and were using their cats to drive her insane after an hour of trying to sort out her psychobabble and reason with her he gave up and just handed her a huge fine in Bavaria there is the so-called transverbert it's a law that forbids dancing after 12 p.m before certain Christian public holidays this law is getting enforced until today and I kid you not three times a year the cops pull up to our local Club check if people are dancing and leave club Owners get to find a decent sum if they don't abide that law there are several movements trying to remove this Relic the Bavaria is basically the German Alabama so yeah it's gonna take some time not a cop but a prosecutor had a charge forwarded to my by the state Fish and Wildlife Commission of two guys who were fishing in a local Lake they had caught 18 black base and there is a statute making it illegal to take more than five black base per person per day from a lake they had nine each I'm guessing they were a giant dong to the wildlife law enforcement officer because my paralegal said that was the first time she saw that charge in 12 years at the office it was about zero three zero zero when I came across a drunk standing on the sidewalk urinating on a church I arrested him under one of the subsections of disorderly conduct for creating comma hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose gave him an appearance ticket and went on my way a couple of weeks later I found out that the judge had dismissed the charge because he considered the need to urinate as a legitimate purpose a kid I knew in high school was caught throwing rocks at a duck in British Columbia he was given a ticket for a few hundred bucks that was labeled as molesting Wildlife snicker I am not law enforcement but I watched someone get arrested for public spitting later I read about it in the Boston Globe the person was apparently some sort of organized crime and the cops wanted an excuse to hold him for the night and sweat him a bit some odd things I've written usually in lieu of a moving violation Temple width on sunglasses too thick obstructed view something hanging from the rear view mirror music too loud driving with headphones in tread depth on tires too thin failure to change address on registration or driver's license within 10 days of moving license plate light burned out no front plate rear plate partially obstructed by towage the cigarette out the window all applies to any portion of a cigarette lit or unlit so ashing out the window is good enough cyclist riding wrong way not having your headlights on when your windshield wipers are on not mine but I know of people who have arrested people for DUI in a golf cart a pocket bike and a Power Wheels Barbie car I'm sure there are more those are just the ones I can't think of off the top of my head yes I get it I'm a big sloppy bag of dongs some of you hopefully are missing the point though the question was what is the most obscure law you've ever enforced I don't go around looking for all these violations I've only ever written most of them in lieu of a moving violation ticket like speeding effectively cutting the driver a break if that makes me a bag of dongs I gladly accept the title usually in lieu of a moving violation good officer right there I'd gladly accept a light bulb out ticket over a speeding ticket any day thanks for being reasonable if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video thank you by foreign
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Id: VE4I87zUApc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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