What Rules Were Created Just Because of You?

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what rules were created just because of you not me but the intro to engineering class at ucf has a competition where groups must create a self-powered boat to raise an orange around the circumference of the reflection pond the pond is maybe 100 feet and diameter one year one group used a lawnmower engine to power their boat and the same year a group used bottle rockets upon starting the race the lawnmower group's boat tipped over in the middle and poured gasoline into the pond at the same time the other group lit their bottle rockets which promptly ignited the spilled gasoline and set the pond on fire they created a new rule after that year no gasoline-powered boats had some summers in texas a m did to try and attract students i didn't end up going there there was little mini engineering contest where you had to construct a four-wheeled vehicle that would go the farthest using an assortment of mcguiver ish materials including a balloon some tape a mousetrap paper clips tacks things like that and like four lego wheels and two axles my group argued for a while and honestly we wouldn't have had anywhere near the best contraption if not for my last minute inspiration of raw loophole exploitation which apparently i'm better at than actual engineering no one said all four wheels couldn't be on the same axle and there was no strict definition of vehicle four lego wheels on one axle flung by the mouse trap 25 feet beat second place by almost double i think our team won ti-89s each that's not ruler breaking that's just dang good engineering my sister got a pair of toy earrings at the doctor's office and promptly stuck them up a nose so deep that they were lost forever after that the doctor's office only gave out stickers when i was in middle school the dress code stated that every boy must wear a shirt with a collar i decided to buy a really cheap collar shirt and cut the collar off and then wear t-shirts to school with it clipped on soon the school made one-piece collar shirts mandatory in high school the student council was sponsoring a food drive to boost donations some teachers offered extra credit for every item a student brought in being the smart but i am i decided to buy forty dollars worth of ramen noodles at zero dollars and 12 cents apiece that's about 300 packages i did minimal work for the rest of the semester and ended up with a 125 in the class the principal was not pleased and banned extra credit forever that's why at my high school any teacher who offered extra credit like that had a cap you could bring in as many tissue boxes canned items etc as you wanted but you'd only get up to 10 extra credit points my friends and i played a round of poker and lunch in high school naturally we didn't have much cash so we started betting things like the future virginity of the hot chicks and one stroke two of our soul fast forward to the guy who won one stroke two of the soul he decided to put it on ebay two days later cnn did a piece on ebay selling intangible goods and they featured our 0.5 soul in the promo the next day ebay announced that souls were no longer acceptable items i was 14 at the time 25 now back then i pirated movies via hotline i decided to set up my own server access was not entirely free however you had to go to my mock website click on a banner for an adult revenue service sign up and on the final signup page look for these two words which are the login and password each time someone did this i got 20 i got a check from the company for about 400 before they caught on and band removed my account after that they changed their to so that a person had to be an active member for a month before they gave the referral the 20 my mom was very confused when i got a 400 check with dozens of p websites all over the envelope after i explained she thought it was amazing and hilarious and we cashed the check cool mom a retail store i worked for changed the call in sick policy because i cut my foot and they made me come to work the stitches split and i left the blood trail wherever i went for a solid five minutes now stitches are an acceptable reason not to come to work when i was seven nine years old my friend and i did nothing but play outside all day and build all sorts of wooden forts and tree houses we got pretty handy with our tools and our projects got bigger and bigger one day we found four good side trees about six feet apart from each other in a rough square just a stone's throw from the neighborhood park we decided to build the mother of all forts by making a platform in the middle of those trees about six feet off the ground it had two feet walls around the sides and a sturdy ladder and eventually a second level above the first this was a fairly small neighborhood and everyone knew everyone else so all the grown ups with kids came to check it out and after a few modifications it was deemed safe enough and for a few weeks all the neighborhood kids would play in and around it we felt like kings then one day we came home from school and it was absolutely destroyed apparently the county somehow got wind of it and its proximity to the playground and sent some guys out with chainsaws to demolish it we were heartbroken they told our parents that from then on we weren't allowed to build anything anymore because the county could maybe be held liable in case someone got hurt we gathered up our scraps said frick the police and moved further into the woods and out of sight and built an even better one and several backups just in case in hindsight i'm 30 now i can understand why it needed to be done but all those years ago it seemed like the greatest tragedy ever tl dr built a tree fought so awesome that all the kids used it county workers chainsawed it to the ground i've always wanted to build a tree house but living in india makes it rather hard to do since none knows what a treehouse is in my high school we had a german language competition that was hosted at different hotels over the years one of them had balconies for every room and my friends and i discovered the wonder of hopping between them in order to get to someone's room because you know opening the door and walking was very difficult for us rowdy teenagers well some of my friends decided to remove all the smaller furniture in one room thinking it was one of ours it wasn't those people were not happy needless to say the hotel ended up posting a bunch of signs in the security waivers you have to sign for the competition added no jumping between balconies every year after we were stupid kids i used to ride a unicycle around my school's gym all the time because while they specifically banned skateboards bikes roller skates and even those he lose things they never mentioned unicycles they had to go through the whole official rule changing process to add unicycles to the rule book i don't consider it to be my fault but i actually got the nd band at my school after some less than intelligent person saw one of our lunchtime games in the library and complained about satanism i had to go through three weeks of counselor sessions just because i made my voice deep and booming when i dm'd my freshman year in college i lived in a dorm with a large courtyard in the center we collectively had a large water balloon fight one of the girl slipped and cut her arm open pretty deep and we had to call nine one one the new rule my dorm made was no water balloon fights indoors not me but my high school required that all valedictorians give a copy of their speech to the school board for approval my class wrote a satirical one about how american prisons were a better option than going in debt for college and getting a job school board hated it and told him to write a traditional one he writes that she ceased most stereotypical speech he could think of he was also an esl student and his parents spoke in arabic language don't remember specifically which one at home he gets up at graduation and reads the entire speech three times in arabic now my brother tells me they say all speeches must be approved in the language they will be spoken in i go to a private school with a dress code and because of me chainmaille is no longer an acceptable form of undershirt i love you at my old high school now in uni math class tests now start with the disclaimer all answers must be written in arabic numerals but they didn't say you have to give them in base 10 time to answer in pencil my story is not one of badassery but rather an example of thinking outside the box in my high school physics class we had fun doing the physics olympics after ap tests were done and our lesson plan was complete one of the events was seeing how many paper clips you could remove from a bin using two a batteries copper wire two nails and tape the logic was to make an electromagnet but after reading the rules and talking with the teacher nowhere did it explicitly say that you had to make an electromagnet i proceeded to make a shovel using the batteries as the handle the nails are supports for the wire and tape bucket and reinforced it all with tape my group got the all-time record for that event with around 1150 paper clips picked up in 30 seconds we picked up over 900 more than the closest competitor needless to say the rules explicitly state to make an electromagnet now but no one will touch my group's record i play the tuba i'm mexican and back in high school my mostly caucasian school was playing the mostly ethnic school on the other side of town from where i resided i was bussed to the rich school on the better side of town i and my other mexican friend who played the trumpet decided it would be a good idea to play the mexican hat dance needless to say we had many letters and parents to respond to rules have been changed on our district games on what's acceptable sportsmanship and pep band songs to be played not so much a rule but my senior year of high school i had completed the minimum requirements to graduate but we were only allowed to have one free period instead of taking a class i didn't want to i created my own bulls child development class where i volunteered at the preschool next door three days a week and had the other two off seven years later the class still exists but has a legit curriculum associated with it now i'm sure i am not the only reason but when i was about seven or so i was in the miami and airport and back then the emergency stop button for escalators was at the bottom right by the entrance i was young saw the button and couldn't resist the urge to kick it while it was very packed well it was full of senior citizens that kept telling each other to stand still because it could come back on at any second that was that for about 15 minutes blocking the only entrance to the airport next year all the buttons had a plastic cover when i was in elementary school i got a bunch of kids to wear shorts in the winter with me i live in canada most of us got mild frostbite on our legs now no one can wear shorts in the winter first year of uni my friend bought a sofa and armchair from ebay 4.99 p in kill delivery best purchase ever he managed to fit both of them in his tiny room once the university found out they didn't like it so they told him to get rid of them he said no he managed to keep them till the end of the year he put them in storage in the following september he brought them to his new even smaller room only the sofa fit so i got the on chair again the university didn't like it they sent us both very official letters giving us 30 days to remove the furniture we printed off the entire residency agreement and read it page by page every word to see if there was anything forbidding us from having them there wasn't they had their fire tags they didn't block any exits the only possible problem was if it interfered with the cleaners job we asked her she was fine with it our rooms were the last on the rotor so she'd sometimes sit and talk with us after she was finished anyway so after 30 days we got another letter saying that they knew we still had the furniture and we would be fined we printed off all the documentation we needed suited up and went to the office to argue our case after several months they managed to converse the cleaner to say the furniture interoffered so we actually had to get rid of them our friend took them to his house the following year we weren't in university halls anymore but we checked the residency documentation on their website where we noticed the guidelines for furniture were now much more specific about what you could and couldn't have in your room four years later he still has those sofas i don't know for certain but i feel pretty confident that i had the flow of traffic at a certain intersection in town changed there was a very wide shoulder on the road that i used as a right turning lane only to be immediately pulled over by a policeman for passing about five cars on the shoulder while they waited for the traffic signal i counted the idea to him that the shoulder there actually was a lane there was a dividing line and it was nicely paved no reason for us not to use this space for making right turns although no one used it i really was passing traffic on the shoulder but being very cautious about three months later the intersection is repainted with the shoulder as a right turn only lane it felt great seeing as it does help the traffic flow better at that crowded intersection tl dr i challenged a policeman after getting pulled over the town changed the intersection to agree with my driving habits if you must bite the plaster in the art room please at least have a justified reason for doing so in case you're wondering it tasted delicious sounds like a justified reason if i ever heard one when was in high school my school adopted a uniform policy my senior year that required us all to wear one of three colored polos and a pair of khaki pants shorts in the winter time it would get quite cold in the school and the only long slave fleece we could wear was eighty dollars and it was a piece of crap that didn't even come close to keeping you warm i refused to buy one and had the brilliant idea i was going to bring a blanket to school i looked through the entire school policy handbook and couldn't find anything telling me i couldn't do it so for the entire winter i would just wrap myself in a blanket while in class i then graduated that year and went back to visit for christmas break where i was told that because of me they had added blankets to the unacceptable attire portion of the school handbook tl dr i made blankets unacceptable attire at my high school my german teacher banned us from say the mayonnaise in german because every question she would ask us that's what we would reply with in german class every answer regardless of question freshman year it's spiel gitta my friends and i used to move all the trash cans at school into a line and jump them at break eventually a kid tried to jump six and fell and tore the skin off of most of his face we didn't have breaks after that school's ways of fixing things always confuses me oh this kid hurt himself doing this at break let's not try to prevent it by say locking the garbage cans to poles fences or adding supervision let's just get rid of break and make them sit in a class so they can possibly hurt themselves dang schools introduction to mechanical engineering my freshman year of college had a single term project construct a mousetrap car that can navigate a rather impressively complex obstacle course hitting multiple non-linear gates in order points awarded relative to whoever hit the most gates which was usually less than half apparently so i decided to be a cheeky sucker and wired an arduino small computer up to our car that would allow me to program a set of steering directions in our group hit every single gate no more electronics allowed on the mousetrap car project bonus points for out nerding a nerd competition sophomore year in high school i pocketed one of the keys to our high school that i found on a counter in the main office the school only had like three different kinds of locks and the one key i still happen to unlock the exterior doors and most of the classroom doors as well i didn't use it for much just unlocked a few shortcuts here and there nothing crazy it was fun to have though but then senior year came and we started talking about what to do for a senior prank i got involved and told people what i had and how much power it gave us i soon co-led a group of about 50 students in planning this large-scale epic prank that we did the night after graduation we went in the school at 2am and just caused mass chaos we didn't break or steal anything it just caused madis everywhere like moving every trashcan into one room putting alarm clocks in the ceiling panels of all the classrooms and had them all set for the same time the next day moving a tich's desks to another room down the hall and putting someone else's desk in its place etc etc anyway the prank was quite successful in school the next day was total chaos for the first four hours of the day the administration was not happy and realized the students had a key bricks were shat they ended up replacing every single lock in the school changed external doors to use electronic locks with key cards installed alarm systems and put cameras in all the main hallways the cost was astronomical something like 100 000 and security renovations since this was outside the regular budget they had to put in a referendum for public vote to authorize spending 100 000 in emergency funding for the added security the measure passed that summer tl dr i stole a single key when i was 14 and it caused 100 000 in renovations and caused the town to have a referendum on the ballot so you guys ever heard of mcdonald's make it bacon promotion where you could add bacon to anything for one dollar yeah it didn't last long my friend walked up and ordered the big mac meal with bacon he clarified to the confused employee he wanted his burger with bacon he wanted his fries to come with bacon and yes he wanted his coke to come with bacon perplexed the poor burger flipper complied and soon his bacon adorned meal arrived the employees watched as he ate quickly but this was not enough he went back up and ordered an ice cream with bacon they booked and the front frontline workers retreated to confer with the manager she arrived not long after to inform my friend that they would not in fact give him bacon on his ice cream but would be able to give him ice cream and bacon he agreed soon enough a tree slide across the counter a piece of bacon an ice cream he took them both up placed the bacon on the ice cream look the manager in the iron took a big bite the next day all of the banners were gone and the promotion ended tl dr bacon and ice cream disgust employees at hmmt it says no calculators slide rules abbasai or other computational aids i'd love to meet the guy who brought in an abacus technically a piece of paper to write your work in as a computational aid otherwise you'd have to do all the computation in your head the teachers and administrators at my first high school were semi-illiterate they would post signs for various things clubs events reminders etc in the hallways but these signs were usually filled with numerous glaring grammatical errors so my friends and i took sharpies to all of them and corrected the errors basically we acted like creditors do after doing this for about a week the administration made a big fuss and announced to everyone to stop the facing the signs when i was in third grade my class had a rule that everyone had to put their chairs on top of their desks at the end of the day to make the janitor's life a little easier if you didn't put your chair on top of your desk and another student who stayed after class to do this did it for you then you owed them like five kid bucks a currency that was exclusive to the class you earned them by reading books doing your homework answering questions during discussion act unfortunately for everyone else a group of friends and i lived within walking distance of the school meaning we had time to hang out while all the bus kids had to rush so they didn't miss their ride home we had a lucrative business of just hanging out after class putting people's chairs on their desks and collecting the next day we had a five-ish minutes window where we had to sit and wait to make sure no one would come back to put their chair up being the third grader i was i'm 20 now i thought the words boob boobies jugs melons act were hilarious my friends and i had this genius idea to go to a computer and type in boobs.com and see what would pop up we were pleasantly surprised as large breasted women appeared we tried giantmolans.com hugerboobs.com act this went on for a couple weeks everyone would leave we would go type in boobs.com giggle for a few minutes then put other chairs and leave one day the teacher called us out to the hallway to talk she begins with do you all know what pornography is as a third grader who was decently sheltered at home i had no idea one of my friends on the other hand starts to giggle and say yes the teacher explains that it is bad and someone has been searching for pornography on the school computers we didn't know how to clear the history yet and incognito windows didn't exist for our use especially with netscape later in the day she announces to the class that the chair rule is now gone and she'd do it herself i thought that was the end of it but sadly when we tired to go to boobs.com on a school computer later that week we were met with a page saying this is against school policy no more boobs com we figured ways around it but soon all p was blocked tl dr my third grade self destroyed an elementary school mini economy while also getting b blocked from all school computers district-wide upvote for crashing the economy back in high school history class we had a major assignment that required 10 plus sources with only one website allowed no wikipedia to combat this i created my own website with all relevant information on it and cited it as a source but they couldn't really say anything about it and i aced it a few years later my younger sister was in the same class the assignment now had on the bottom you may not create your own website for this project my group of friends used to take out the inside of bic pens and then shoot airsoft pallets at each other the trick caught on and pretty soon an email went around to all the parents and faculty banning them one of my proudest moments this was an epidemic at my middle school people in the locker room would just go crazy on other people's backs the second they took off their shirt but since nobody was gonna be that guy and tell a teacher it went on for months until they started finding the leftover pellets all over the place i used to work for a property management company i just answered the phones did secretarial [ __ ] work that sort of thing the first couple weeks i worked there i was told off for popping my head into offices when i got a call for someone and they were still on the line now keep in mind i know how to interrupt people on phone calls and the job i worked at buffer required i do this because sometimes important people would call and the person they were calling for would finish their current call quickly and then switch over i had a good system dang it hold up a piece of paper with the person's name on it and wait for a mouthed i'll get it or a head shake in which case i'd pick the call back up and take a message my boss wrote a memo that said people weren't to be interrupted when on phone calls we all five person office had to sign it of course everyone knew it was me i was also the youngest person there we though everyone knew it was just for me were instructed to take messages and stick them on the person's desk door whatever the next week i was doing this and nothing bad was happening until an owner of one of our properties called and asked for the big bossman who happened to be on a call in my defense i didn't know it was an owner because it was a lady complaining about the temperature of the pool at one of the properties sounded like a bulls complaint from a resident and this was actually the owner's wife i didn't recognize her first name if she'd told me her last name i would have been fine i took a message stuck it on the big boss's desk and went about my business he blew the freak up at me because he didn't see the message for like half an hour and the next day there was another memo we all had to sign about how every call from an owner would be answered by someone who knows what they're doing basically one of the people who handles the important stuff i.e not me within 30 seconds or you'd be immediately terminated no crap things were fine after that and i worked there another four months without real incident until i was legitimately laid off because there was literally no work for me i think your original method was great and what happened after is a great example of why it shouldn't have changed if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 22,015
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: rules, worst rules, rules that backfired, rules that backfired reddit, created rules, rules were created, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: WpYWhmi6Ojs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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